The Digimon Wars Chapter 4 War

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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The one who tackled him was his sister, Phione='Katie'.

Katie was a blonde girl but she had dyed her hair, she was wearing identical clothes with Michael.

Red jeans white T-shirt and a black and white hoody.

She was crying heavily as she hugged her brother.

''Where did you go? You just disappeared!'' Then she just continued her crying.

Michael didnt plan on meeting her sister, he stood up with her still hugging her.

Lilly was a little confused, a girl who was as tall as Michaels belt was hugging him.

''Come on lets talk at the park.''

They had walked to the park where Michael had checked the date, Katie aka Phione was still hugging him.

Event thou she was very mature for her age she still couldnt bare that her brother her 'god' had just disappeared.

''Why did you disappear that day, mom and me were very worried.''

Michael finally got her off of him and looked her deep into her green eyes.

''I didnt just disappear, I was taken away.''

''By who?''

''By creatures called Digimon, they needed me to help them.''

Now Katie was very confused.

''What? But you have always said that monsters don't excist.''

''That's because they arent monsters, they are just like us except their digital.''


Michael sighed.

After an hour or two explaining her what had happened to him and what digimon were she was starting to understand.

''I think I understand, you are crazy.''

''Just ask me anything.''

''Okay... What is the reason you call me Katie instead Phione?''

''It's because you and me don't like it and you named your Fallout character Katie and it caught on.''

Katie became very happy and hugged him.

''It really is you!''

''Alright listen, our friend has accidentaly been taken from the digital world to the human world and I need my computer to locate her.''

''Lets not do that, if mom sees you and finds out that you're leaving she is going to break.''

''That's true, alright you do it.''


''Yeah just find a trail of somekind, anything will be useful.''

''Okay, I'll do it!''

The next day Plotmon still didnt trus the woman who was asking all kinds of stuff she didnt know about.

Plotmon was waiting for the woman to come back to ask more questions when a man came throught the door.

''What happenef to tha-'' The man kicked her.

''Why did you do th-''

The man kicked her once more, now she was running for her life.

She was running around the big room where she was stuck, occasianolly the man reached her and kicked her.

Plotmon was crying for help as she tried to run away.

She got caught into a corner and the man was about to smash her under his boot when another man from the intercom said.

''That's enought, we got enought info.''

Then the man left the room and left Plotmon bruised and bloodied.

In the monitor room the general was talking with another scientist.

''It doestn even try to defend itself, it's probably too young.''

Michael was waiting at the park for Katie to show up, Lilly was sitting next to him.

''Do you think she found anything?''

Michael just looked down the path.

''She knows almost everyting I have told her about computers, if someone can find Plotmon it's her.''

Speaking of wich there she comes. she was running at them.

Michael stood up with Lilly to listen what she had found.

''I found her, for some reason she leaves a blackout like trail where ever she goes.''

Michael asked Lilly if she knew anything about this.

''I'm not sure but I think it's because of her digivolutionary line, she will become an Angewomon at some point who is a very powerful digimon.''

This made Michael think.

''Where did the trail end?''

''That's the weirdest thing! It ended at an airport at Washington D.C and started again here!''

''Wait what?''

''She is here! She is located at the powerplant!''

Now it was all clear to him.

The field of the powerplant would probably disturb her 'aura' and there has been a lot of debate if that plant is actully a secret military place or not.

Michael smiled and started walking to the forest.

''Katie go home, Lilly lets go save her.''


He stopped, Katie had objecet to him?


Katie looked like she was holding her tears.

''I will not go home! I want to come with you!''

Michael wanted to get her to safety by his big brother incstinct but he knew that she wouldnt give up.

''Are you absolutely sure?''

She nodded.

''Alright, but we have to hurry!''

After he had reached the abanded mine he told Lilymon to gather the troops, she flew in the cave.

''Katie, I'm going to do something very cool and scary okay? So stand back.''

Katie ran a few meters away from him and wacthed him doing something strange.

Michael looked like he was taking a really big s***.

After a while he began to shine, he also becan to become huge dragon like beast.

He was starting top take color, Katie could see this huge blue skinned monster with an metal helmet and somesort of an bayonette on its tail with her own eyes.


''Cool huh?''

Then the 'soldiers' came from the cave.

The 12 Greymon and the 5 Garurumon came out from the cave, Katie was ofcourse startled by these huge monsters.

''I know where Plotmon is and I know how we are going to get there! Follow me!''

Then the entire unit started running into the direction Michael was headed, Katie was suprised by Lilymons arms grabbing her and flying after them.

In the monitoring room the general and the president of the USA were talking.

''What have you found out general?''

''For some reason it doesnt defend itself, no matter what it always runs around yelling for 'Napoleon'.''

''Well that name proves that it has been interacting with humans, the French?''

''No, they object to all weaponized genetic engineering.''

''The Russians?''

''Most likely, they have a lot of secrets that they are trying to hide behind their backs.''

Then the red alarm light got on, the loud alarm sound startled them all.

''What is happening?'' The general yelled.

One of the officers muted the alarm sound and told them.

''Something is heading our way sir!''

''Put it on the big screen.''

Following orders the officer did it.

All of them were horrified, an groub of monsters was heading for them.

There were 12 orange T-Rex like monsters being lead by a blue skinned one with an metallic helmet and a bayonette like tail.

''All troops to battle stations! This is not a drill!''

The president was getting very worried.

''Get the specimen quickly and to my chopper, we are leaving.''

Outside the roaring beasts were charging their way towards the fake power plant throught the forest.

The humans started their defence, they fired all machine guns and rockets at them.

The 12 Greymon dodged these but Michael trusted his helmet.

They had reached the stone wall, Michael was the first to break throught it.

They were all roaring and stated to smash up the place, Lilymon was waiting with the Garurumon in hiding for his signal.

Michael saw the tanks coming out of the cellar door, he immideatly crushed these and blocked the path with the destroyd tanks.

The president was running along with his bodyguards at a brifge that connected the two buildings.

One of the soldiers was holding Plotmon in his arms, they were all shocked when Plotmon yelled from the bottom of her hearth.


The soldier quickly shut her mouth but it was too late, Michael had heard her.

The president was holding his breath, he couldnt believe that a monster like that was looking at him.

The general quickly realised that they were attacking this place to get this creature, he grabbed Plotmon and took his gun and pointed it at her head.

Thats when Michael gave the signal, he did a loud high pitch roar.

After the roar all the soldiers hear somethin, like a huge mount of horses running.

But soon enought a pack of Garurumon jumped over the wall and started smashing up the place.

The general was about to continue running when he was stoppen, a humanoid pixie was standing infront of him pointing at him with a huge cannon.

''Let. Her. Go.''

The president whispered.

''Do it.''

The general obeyed,m he let Plotmon to jump to Lilymons lap.

As soon as Lilymon caught her the general took his pistol and shot her.

That moment was like a slow motion for Michael.

He watched as his friend got shot and was falling on the bridge with the brutalized Plotmon.

The first thing he did after Lilymon had fallen was to roar so loud that everyone stopped to look at him.

He roared so hard it was like their ears would explode, Michael didnt only do that put he started to shine once more.

He got even bigger and he got an metallic chest, some wings, hair, and his left arm chanced into huge metallic arm.

He had become a blue MetalGreymon, after his transformation he flew to the bridge. He smashe it with his metallic arm and caught Lilymon and Plotmon with his normal one.

He flew to the wall he had broken down and let them down, then he turned around.

The president and the general had somehow survived the fall.

But the only reason they lived was to see this huge monster opening its chest and firing two missiles at them.

Almost the entire powerplant fell to tne ground, then they started to hear something.

It was Harriers coming right for Michael, the harriers launched their missiles at him but nothing happened.

A huge force of choppers and tanks had come to help the now dead general and the president.

The choppers started firing at Michael, they didnt do a thing at him.

Michael launched his missiles once more, even thou the choppers managed to dodge them the two missiles hit each other making an huge explosion that destroyes most of the choppers.

Then the harriers came once more, they shot different missiles this time.

When the missiles hit him he roared.

Far away from the battlefield Katie was on top of an tree.

''I can't take this! Lilymon Plotmon and Michey getting hurt!''

Tears started dropping.

''I don't want to be helpless! Not anymore!''

That's when she began to shine.

Back on the battlefield Michael got rid of the smoke and fired his left arm at one of the choppers, the huge destroyed the chopper and then he retracked it.

They all heard a very high pitch scream, they began to see the reinforcement tanks flying around.

Then from the forest rose an Birdramon, screaming the huge bird rose to the sky and put the forest of fire with it's attack.

The battle was goin on for a while, the digimon were winning.

Then somekind of a beam came down to the ground near the battlefield.

The beam clashed with the ground releasing an digital gate.

''Everyone! Into the gate!''

Michael yelled and all the digimon ran into the gate, Michael grabbed Lilymon and Plotmon.

As he was entering the gate the Birdramon flew into the gate as well.

Michael didnt trust this new encounter but let it eter h gate, as soon as the digimon had disappeared into the portal it closed.

The Digimon Wars Chapter 5 Aftermath

''This is live from the six a clock news, we are at a spot that was only a few hours ago an battlefield. Here something tragic has ahppened, the president of the united States Josh Bush has died.'' ''Survivors say that somekind of dinosaur monsters...

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 3 The Nightmare

Michael was having a dream In the dream it was foggy, very foggy. He couldnt even see anything a meter away. He then could start seeing forms, people. Human soldiers and tanks, he couldnt recognize what country thou. It looked like they were laying an...

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 2 Getting Filled In

Authors note: God damnit! I just remembered that I forgot to describe his clothes! Fuuuu- Anyway he's wearing red jeans black sneakers white T-shirt and a black and white hoody. Oh and he also has short dark hair. Sorry for this but, well.... Off to...

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