Dear Michaela...

Story by Harry on SoFurry

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#1 of Harry

I wrote this story a couple of years ago, for a print publication called "Michaela's Midnight Letters". You can still buy copies online!

Anyway, the story had to be short (I actually went over the word count limit, but they let me slide), and in "Penthouse Forum" style narration, as that is the theme of the anthology.

As usual, this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Please do not read this story if you are under the age of majority in your state or country, or if material containing explicit depictions of sex is illegal.

Dear Michaela, I admit that while I'm an avid reader of your magazine, I had always sort of assumed that most of the stories were a bunch of pleasant nonsense. I changed my mind last month, when something happened to me- something that had I read it here, I would have dismissed as mere fantasy.

It happened a month ago, on a Sunday afternoon. Tammy (my mate) had let me sleep in and woke me up near lunchtime with the announcement that she had made plans to take the kits to the neighborhood pool along with our friends Tracy and Derek and their kits and did I want to come? I went over the options in my mind... peace and quiet in an empty house versus a bunch of kits running around and making noise at the pool. The quiet almost won. But I considered the possibility of "nice scenery", so I dragged myself out of bed and cleaned myself up. Put on my swim trunks and grabbed a towel and went to join the rest of the troop.

Tammy smiled and kissed me.

"Thanks for coming along, hun. I know you like your quiet house time," she said.

"Ahh, but there are no hot does in swimsuits here in the house," I countered, nibbling her neckline a little.

She giggled and squirmed, and then was rescued from further teasing by our eldest, who tapped his foot and whined about being beaten to the pool.

We marched out into the sweltering heat, five rabbits with towels and pool toys, and walked the block and a half to our destination. It turned out the boy was right- Tracy and Derek had beaten us there, but not by much. The raccoon couple and their two kits were staking out some deck chairs in the shade. Our kits took off running to greet their friends and show off each others' toys. We strolled behind, waving to the raccoons and exchanging the usual greetings as we claimed our own chairs.

I was prepared to lounge for a while, so I laid out and watched as Tammy headed for the edge of the pool to keep an eye on the kits and cool her feet in the water. I watched the kits as well, for a while. Derek had the same idea I did, and was digging out a novel. I folded my paws behind my head and stretched out, letting the sun warm my off-white chest fur. Looking back, I can clearly remember Tracy looking back at me from where she was chatting with Tammy. At the time, however, I didn't think anything about it- I figured Tammy was just telling her some embarrassing story about me. I had known Tracy since college, so she had her own stories to tell, if she wanted to. She was wearing a one-piece black swimsuit, and I caught myself staring at her ringed tail as it twitched on the ground behind where she was sitting. Ah, the scenery I was hoping for. I looked from Tracy's bottom to Tammy's, admiring both, and then closed my eyes, hoping for a pleasant daydream.

I awoke to being prodded by my youngest. She said, "Mom said it's her turn to be a lazy," and then ran off giggling.

I sat up, looking around. The kids were still screaming and laughing and splashing at full energy. Tammy waved her fingers at me and got up from her spot. Her feet left big wet footprints behind her as she headed for her chair. Derek was asleep with his novel on his chest. Tracy was now sitting on the stairs in the pool, just head and shoulders above water. Tammy said, "Keep an eye on the kids with Tracy, k?"

I yawned and nodded, "Sure thing." I walked to the stairs and smiled down to the raccoon. "Hey. How's it going?" I asked.

"Just fine, Harry. Come on in the water. It's as warm as a bath!" she claimed.

I stuck a toe in and she was right. So I slipped in, going down the steps until I was at her level and sat down next to her. "Kids behaving?" I asked.

She nodded, "They're fine. Just have to keep them from running every so often." She looked at me and smiled in that sly raccoonish way. "Tammy was telling stories about you."

I rolled my eyes. "I was afraid of that. Which story was it? The bagel incident?"

She laughed, a pleasant trilling sort of sound, and shook her head. "No, but now I want to hear that one. No, she was... praising some of your more positive traits."

I perked my long lapine ears. "Oh? Well, I'll have to thank her later, then! What did she say?"

Tracy just grinned and replied, "Girl talk. Secret language."

I splayed my ears a bit, a little disappointed, but Tracy relented and said, "Well, ok, one thing she claimed was that you are good at relaxing her when she feels tense. I said my neck and back were killing me and she said she should get your lazy butt up to give me a neckrub."

I looked back at Tammy, but she was lying on the deck chair, sunglasses on. Probably already napping. I said, "Well, now I have to live up to whatever she claimed, so you'd better come over here where I can give it a go." I shifted on my step and opened my legs so that Tracy could sit on the next step in front of me. She floated to the side and settled in, but surprised me by settling in very close, on my step instead of the next one. I pushed all the way back to give her more space and lifted my paws to her neck. I only know what Tammy likes, mostly, but I hoped Tracy would find it just as relaxing. From the soft trilling and occasional churr I think I was doing all right. That is, up until her tail began to twitch, under the water, swishing over my lap. A combination of that feather-touch and her bottom tucked basically up against my package was getting me hard. And the more you try to stop that from happening, any guy will tell you, the more inevitable it becomes. I decided not to say anything and maybe she would just let it go without an issue. I was mistaken.

She trill-giggled and said quietly, "Mmm... I can feel you there. Tammy told me you were easy to get going."

I stopped the massage, shocked. I stammered, "I- I'm sorry, Tracy. I didn't mean to... you know." I looked over at Derek nervously- but he was still asleep. My dick began to throb in time with my heartbeat, betraying how sorry I was not, really. The awkward moment was broken by one of Tracy's kits coming over to complain about something my oldest had done. I called him over, and played judge and jury for a minute. When the juvenile drama was over and dealt with, I was relieved to feel that my erection had subsided. That is, until I felt a nimble paw slip into the leg-opening of my swim trunks and cup my balls where they were held in the mesh inner lining.

I gasped. Tracy looked back at me, her masked eyes glinting with trouble. I murmured, "Tracy, I... what are you doing?" Of course, I quickly began to get hard again.

She said, "You were getting soft, and I need you to be hard."

I whispered incredulously, "What? Why? Our mates are right over there! The kits are playing less than 20 feet away!"

She just nodded, grinning. "So you'd best be quiet, and quick. Tammy said you knew how to be quick, when you had to be."

I just gaped. I probably looked like an idiot. But nothing had prepared me for this. Sure, I had jerked off thinking about Tracy more times than I could count, but this was unbelievable. Her paw was fiddling deftly with the webbed lining of my trunks, and I felt her pull it away, freeing my balls and once again stiff cock. I looked down, and could see her black-furred paw caressing my now-exposed flesh in the waviness of the poolwater. I looked at her, then around the pool. We were the only two families there. The kids were playing some kind of keep-away game with a squishy ball. Derek and Tammy were napping. The deeply instinctual part of my brain made my decision.

I reached under Tracy's tail and rubbed along the smooth lycra that covered her vulva. She gasped and leaned forward slightly, allowing me to rub further along the hidden slit, nearly to her soft and slightly pudgy mons.

Was my mate in on this? I looked over at her, but still she was inscrutable behind those sunglasses. Asleep? Watching?

I had already made my decision, though. I carefully hooked a finger under the edge of Tracy's suit and pulled it away from her sex. If only I could have seen what I was doing! I could feel the heat of her pussy, leaking into the water. I ran a finger along her slit, finding it slick and aroused. Tracy wasn't kidding about quick and quiet, either. Without a word she lifted herself up slightly in the water, holding my cock with one paw and then wiggled her bottom down onto it, trusting me to hold her suit out of the way. She let out a tiny little moan as my eager cock spread her lips and slipped into her forbidden coonpussy, and I had to clamp my jaws shut. I tried to look casual, just sitting by the pool, watching the kids. Not fucking the mate of that raccoon napping over there. Nope. My dick is totally not all the way up inside her. Nothing to see here.

She shivered and rocked a little. My shaft twitched, stirring around in her depths. I wanted to hold her. To squeeze her tits. More than that! I wanted to bend her forward and fuck her like I was supposed to... hard and fast. But I couldn't. I had to sit still like a teenager getting some in a movie theatre. I kept stealing glances at my mate, her mate. I ground my hips up against her bottom. She cooed and nodded. So I did it again. And again. I managed to do it without making it look too obvious. I threw in a call of "Careful by the ladder, kits!" to complete the effect. I began to pant. So did Tracy. She stole a glance back at me, nodding. I grinned crookedly in a mixture of excited lust and panic and uncertainly.

"Mmmm... that's it... no one can see... no one knows your rabbit cock is stuffed in my naughty raccoon cunny," she whispered, egging me on.

My heart was beating fast enough that I was feeling lightheaded, with tingling extremities. I swallowed hard and wiggled my hips, but the water and the position kept me from humping as hard as I wanted. At any moment one or both of our mates could wake up and wonder why we were sitting quite like that. It could not last very long. So I didn't try to make it last- I did the opposite. I grunted softly as I moved my hips in a circular motion and then gasped as I felt the wave rising in my balls. Tracy knew it was coming and reached down with a paw to hold me in.

She hissed through her clenched muzzle and then cooed, "Do it, bunny... I want to feel your spunk gushing inside me..."

Just as the first spurt of rabbit semen hit Tracy's cunny, I was beaned in the head with the squishy ball. Tracy's youngest came splashing after it. It was floating next to me, and I picked it up in a half-daze, and handed it to her with a lopsided smile. I was still filling her mother with sperm in hot twitches. I could not tell if Tracy was climaxing or not, but she had a glazed look on her face and did not or could not say anything to her daughter.

After a minute or two of shared silent bliss, she slowly pulled away from me and adjusted her swimsuit back into place. She giggled. "Tammy was right- you cum like a firehose"

I had no reply to that. Hell, to the entire situation. I stammered, "I..." but she held a finger to my muzzle, hushing me. She just shook her head, smiled, and climbed out of the pool, heading for the chair next to her mate, and wrapped herself in a towel. I fixed my own suit, and turned to watch the kits, not knowing what else to do.

Needless to say, it has not been discussed, or hinted at, or happened again since that day. Call it my daydream if you want, but I swear it happened. And I still don't know why!

Over under sideways down

As with everything I post here, this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Please do not read this story if you are under the age of majority in your state or country, or if material...

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Red bares it all

As with everything I post here, this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Please do not read this story if you are under the age of majority in your state or country, or if...

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Red shoots the moon

As with everything I post here, this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Please do not read this story if you are under the age of majority in your state or country, or if material...

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