Band Days

Story by shadowstar on SoFurry

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I do not own pokemon, or digimon. And this story has adult content, so unless you're over 18. Do NOT read this for your sake, and mine.

Another night on the town with my best friend. Jerry is an anthro umbreon with short dark black hair that matches his fur, and unusual ice blue eyes. His dad runs the strip club we're heading to, since he hired us to play there and help the girls entertain the guests. The five of us have known each other since third grade, and best friends since then. We like all the same things, but we share one difference. I'm still a virgin, and so was haru. My name is Nick, a rukario who plays the guitar and sings for our band Trembling Chaos. The others are Larix a black and red hedgehog, Haru a human with white hair, and flare a flamedramon. Jerry plays base with larix, haru's on the drums, and flare plays the guitar with me. We play at a few places, for certain occasions, but this will be the first time at a strip club. I never liked that sort of thing, but when things happen. Until theres no choice but to do something horribly degrading to stay out of debt. We haven't had a gig in awhile so this was a good break, but still...something was making me uneasy, almost...nervous.

He was starting to feel awkward from the silence, the kind that almost ranks up to your mom find your secret stash of porn, and getting the worst scolding in your life. He knew this a little to well, due to it actually happening to him, and always getting a good laugh out of other people when they hear about it. Looking to see Larix and the others asleep balls deep in their twelve pack in the backseat, knowing this was the best time to tell nick his biggest secret, and hoping it wouldn't affect their friendship. ", I..I tell you." Snapping out of my own world, and back to reality staring at jerry. "Yeah, what is it?" My friend was worried, and I can tell. Being best friends for ten years makes it easy to tell. "I....I'm gay."Griping tighter on the steering wheel as he told his friend, and closing his eyes at the end. "Yeah, I know." wanting a beer badly but not enough to reach back there to get one. Like a lion cage, you put your hand in, and won't get it back. "WHAT?!" Hitting the brakes hard, stopping the hummer in an instant before staring at him with a surprised look. A little disoriented from the sudden stop, and gave his friend the same look he's getting. "Dude what fuck was that about?!" "Thats what I should be asking! How did you know I was gay?!" "Remember the last time I stayed over? I asked for a cigarette, and you told me that your pack was in the drawer." "Yeah I remember." Picking up one of the beers that flew up front from the stop, opening it and taking a drink before continuing. "Well I opened one, and I found a purple vibrating dildo with a bottle lube next to it. Looking recently used." Blushing from the last comment because he did use it before his friends arrived for their last sleepover before they entered high school. A night of video games, music and soda. "Oh...but that could have been my brothers." "Ok one don't play that card when I know you're an only child, two I don't care if you're gay or not, and lastly my beer is flat from the stop. Thanks." taking another swig from his drink. Admitting defeat before starting the car again, wanting to get to the hotel before eleven, and it was already ten twenty five. "I'm sorry for the lack of taste in your beer ya jackass, but finding out that my friend already knew I'm gay was actually a bit shocking." "Well that little bit can suck my balls cause you owe me a beer." throwing the empty can out the window of the hummer.

After we stayed the night, and when the sleeping beauty's woke up with the worst case of hangover.

Larix is laying face down on the floor board with flare on top of him. " head, and...dudes I'm not sure what happened, but I feel violated." "Nothing happened you moron, I hit the brakes, and I guess you two ended up like that." "Then why does my ass feel funny?" "Listen what you do with your hand is your business, and we really don't need an ass report every time it feels funny." "Your one to talk Mr. Purple Vibrator." nick said while opening the beer jerry bought him. "Shut up!" Flare finally off larix. "Hey if you're gay then, wanna to go out some time?" "Wait! you're gay?" jerry surprised, but glad he wasn't the only one. "Uh yeah..sure I guess." "Well since you two know each other so well, you can skip the formalities, and get strait to the sex." "WHAT!!!" hitting the brakes hard again, stopping the hummer. "Okay you sonuvabitch, you lose your driving privileges so get in the back, and switch places with haru." pissed that his beer flew out the window before he could finish it. "Friggen jackass."

Few hours of driving, bathroom breaks, and stopping for some fast food. Not mentioning the predicted sex between two of my best friends in front of larix. We finally arrived at the strip club. The music was alright, but I wasn't a fan of eminems shake that ass. While jerry talked to his father and everyone else partied. I took the time to sit down and relax, so I could get some more sleep, but someone sat on my lap. Opening my eyes to see the most beautiful gardevoir I ever seen, and I've seen a lot in my poke penthouse magazines. The normal green parts are instead a light silver, and something about that seemed familiar. But couldn't figure out why.

"Can I help you miss?" trying to keep the pay for sex topic out of conversation. Grabbing my paws and placing them on her hips. "Yes, you can start by telling me your name sweetie." talking in a seductive tone, and giving a wink at the end. "The names nick forest, and its nice to meet you." the strain of keeping myself from getting aroused by this was harder than normal. I saved my virginity for my first love and only she could have it, but thats now possible now that she's gone. How do I know that name? Setting the thought away for later since she's still on the job, and she'd figure it out later. "Thats a nice name, but why are you so embarrassed?" leaning forward so that her d-cup breasts were only inches away form his face, and making him blush redder than a cherry.

Jerry had got done talking to his father, and made his way over to the table nick is sitting at, and couldn't believe who was with him. The others noticed too and they of were laughing about how funny it was, and that their plan was working perfectly.

She noticed the guys laughing, and wondered what was so funny. "Why are you laughing?" Jerry was the only one who stopped laughing so he could tell her. "Well Silvia its only been ten years, I can't believe you don't recognize us. Its us Jerry, larix, haru, and flare." It took her a few minutes to remember, and was really surprised to see them again. "Wow you guys look great. So what happened after I left, and wheres nick. Whats he been doing?" "Nothing really, we started a band a few years ago, and if you're wondering where nick is.'re on him." the others couldn't breath from laughing to hard. Looking from them to each other not believing a word they just heard. She couldn't believe that the scrawny riolu with the over sized clothes, and skateboard she used to hang out with is now the rukario she's sitting on. All he's wearing is an white open button shirt, exposing his bare black and blue chest, a red tie that hung loosely around his neck, and black pants that are cut at the knees. She only had a pink frilly bra, and thong on which barely hid anything. The girl I had a crush on in third grade, in her underwear, and on my lap. "Hey silvia, did ya know that he had a huge crush on you in third grade. He was going to tell you, but you had already left." larix still hanging on flare laughing his ass off with everyone else. They both were blushing cause she had crush on him too, but she never had the courage to tell him. She loved his carefree attitude, toothy grin, and him being so nice to her all the time. Now he's the complete punk rocker package with three metal studs in right his ear, and a gold earring in the other. Doing exactly what he dreamed of doing; when he got older.

We changed a lot since then, I was a riolu, Jerry was an eevee, and flare was still a veemon. She changed too, from a cute kirlia, and now a full grown beautiful gardevoir. The summer after second grade was when we met. I was riding my board over to flares house to play some video games, and thats when I noticed her. She was sitting on the bench by the ocean crying, I didn't have to be there for awhile, and I stopped to comfort her. ***Flashback*** "Whats wrong?" sitting next to the kirlia, and setting his skateboard on the bench with him. Looking over to the boy with tear filled eyes. "Wh...who are you?" "The names nick, whats yours?" "Si..silvia." "Thats a nice name,...but whats wrong." "The..the other girls made fun of me, cause I..have no friends." Putting an arm around her, and pulling her close. "You got me, from this day forward I'll be your friend, and my friends are your friends. So why are you still crying." She looked back at him smiling. "Thank you. Uh...could.. could you come to my dance recital tomorrow? It would mean a lot to me." "Sure, I'll bring the guys too, and we'll cheer you on." looking at his watch. "Oh, hey I'm expected to be at flares house to play some games wanna come?" jumping off the bench and on to his board. "Yeah, I love video games." ***End of flash back*** She met the guys, we all played video games, she beat us all, and I kept my promise. The other girls were jealous, that she got a perfect score, and she did it all with a smile. Afterwards, we celebrated, and for a whole year. The six of us were inseparable, but after third grade. Her father told her that they were moving again. We all shed out fair share of tears that day. Anyway some how I knew this was too good to be true, and it was. Jerry explained that his father called us over play, but he hired Avril lavigne and her band to play their hit skater boi instead, and the club was open for us only, thanks to Jerry's dad. Later that night, I asked her out, and now I am waiting at this French restaurant wearing a tuxedo for my date to arrive. And did she ever, wearing a tight, thin, black polyester dress. Which showed off her every curve, and made every guy in there look at her drooling. Even me. The date went well, and we both had a good time. So here we are now at her doorstep.

"Thank you, I had a really good time tonight." "Don't mention it, and its been really a good seeing you again. But we're leaving early tomorrow, so I should get going." "Okay see ya." closing the door behind her. Walking back to the hummer, feeling around for his keys, but not finding them. Going back to her door, and knocks on it. "Hey I think I left my.." being interrupted by her pulling him into her apartment, and kissing him passionately.

Meanwhile "Hey haru was it such a good idea to put the heat drug in their drinks?" sitting on his couch smoking his joint. "Listen, Dante, when have I ever been wrong, and trust me they need this."smoking along with him. "But I have a few questions. Whats with the monkey, the Chinese guy, and who's he?" pointing at the old black guy wearing a loin cloth and a bone necklace. "Well me and the monkey here are learning tai kwon do from Mr. Lee ho I got my red belt, and the monkey already got his black belt. He's a quick learner And thats the doctor he's getting me all kinds of new weed." "Yeah whatever, alright I want you to take every kind of weed you got, and roll it all into one joint." "Dude, only me and Alex went that far, but oh well." throwing away his current joint before starting on the big one.

Back to nick and silvia. They're in the sixty-nine position, while she sucked his eight inch cock, he had his face buried in her wet pussy, and loving the taste of her juices. Sweet, and spicy just the way he liked it. The more he licked, the she moaned around the cock in her mouth, causing her throat muscles to vibrate around it, causing him to make muffled moans . Until she orgasmed, her walls clamping down on his tung, and shooting her juices into his mouth. Getting out from that position and hiking her butt in the air, while her head and chest rested on the bed ready for him to take her. The sight alone making him harder than before, aligning his cock to her opening, and humping forward. Pushing his entire length in her snatch. Wincing from the pain of having the thin barrier of flesh, that was once her virginity broken through, but the pain was gone and replaced with pure pleasure. The feeling of her walls contracting around his member is unbelievable. "You're so.. tight." After letting her get used to having its girth, he slowly started to hump in and out of her. Causing her to moan with each reentry. After a while of this, she started to hump against him, trying to get him deeper, as he increased his pace, and started humping at a speed only a canine could accomplish. Panting softly. Feeling their climax nearing, he pulled out to where only the head remained in her pussy, moving his paws from her shoulders to her hips, and humping in one last time. Going deeper, having the head of his jet black cock enter her womb. Making them both orgasm, his golf ball knot tyeing them together, shooting globs of seed into her womb, and both of them moaning loud enough to wake the neighborhood. Collapsing onto the bed with him on top of her, kissing her neck, and massaging her inner thighs. She cooed in delight before giving him another passionate kiss. "I love you silvia, and I never want leave your side. Ever." " you too, and I already quit m job at the strip club so I can be with you. Now lets get some sleep, you really wore me out." "Well I'm glad that you liked it and I agree lets get some sleep." chuckling a bit before nodding off.

One year later, I proposed to silvia, and we got married. Weird thing is, it was a triple marriage, flare and jerry got married, along with haru and a female espeon named Catherin. We all still hang out together, and is still going. Not to mention of our songs went platinum, and we're now on tour. I'm a father now, from the night at her place, and we couldn't be happier that she gave birth to twins. A ralts and a riolu. So thats it the end of the story we're glad to share it with you. Maybe you'll see one of our concerts, and until then goodbye, but not farewell. The End

Save the world, or lose my Job

Please note that this story is completly Fan-made. :Disclaimer: I dont own Resident evil or Legendz. It also has spoilers to weskers past so if you don't like spoilers DONT READ!!! Also DONT READ IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT LEGENDZ ARE! This story is Rated...

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