Fallen for the Flesh - Part 1

Story by DevilDoe on SoFurry

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This all happened so very long ago, no mortal, certainly, could ever remember it.

And those formerly celestial beings that do remember it, particularly these two who went through it, a lascivious, insatiable demon stallion and his carnal, cockloving succubus doe, would love to forget most of it, or at least, those parts that involved pain and a crushing, crashing into Hell.

But even though it's best left unspoken of between them, they do remember; to remember just how they came together and how their damnation into eternal fornication, fucking and lust together, came to be.


She thoughfully leafed through a drifting snowfall of sheaves, and notes, considering this one, and that with patience and study. It would not be completely true to say she was female; like all of the heavenly host, there were perceved characteristics that gave an angel a masculine or feminine nature, and hers were indeed feminine.

The pitch of her voice; the slender, seemingly deer-inspired form of her celestial figure; the tumble of shoulder length red hair and her curvaceous shape, all gave her appearance mortal would easily name as 'girl'. But regardless this was inner nature and perceptions, and if one cared to look, she lacked certain delightful details of the feminine sex, in places about her body.

Her comrade and fellow angel would have been called masculine, for the traits observed but intangible he possessed. Sturdy and tall; strong, with a deeper voice. A certain sense of equine, stalawart faithfulness, that made him feel most reliable and determined. But as with her, if you checked down lower than his waist, he wasn't packing what a mortal male would in fact have been hung with.

But that was right for what they were, then in that part of Eternity. In part, abstractions, in part, celestial ideals.

"So, how's the creation of leaves coming on?" the nominal male of the couple asked. The putative female giggled, and plucked from the air an example of her work. "Here. I'm rather happy with it. I think the tree it'll go on is called, 'oak'.

The luminent, golden winged angel at her side considered the offered prototype, and studied it. His attitude was, distracted... her attention turning to him when he laid hand on her lower back. That touch had something in it that made her warm, and yet, that she could't give name to.

"You know..." he smiled, brushing the blueprint of matter away, and turning her towards him with his touch. "I saw something, today. In Creation, I was.. I was watching some mortals, ah... interact. It.. well, it was, so intriguing. Something I knew nothing of. Did you want to see?"

That thing she couldn't tell of, that she couldn't explain; it was in his voice as well, it was in her hips, where his hands had both come to rest. A... a secretive thing. A thrill. A want, that one could have answered and satisfied only when special, untamed conditions were met.

She nodded with a smile, and with a gesture of his tall, luminous wing he made their heavenly abode congruent, with a place in Creation, in the material universe; through spaceous curve of a portal in the air, they saw a scene there, on Earth. Before them, two striped, black maned, short tailed hooved beasts - 'zebra', was one name they were given (translating here into English, of course...). Male and female, the hooved beasts themselves could not observe the celestials who watched them; the female-like one of the heavenly pair peered at them curious, delicate hand to her lips as her companion smiled and too looked on.

"But... he's too heavy.. for, him to do that..." she murmured to her partner, as the striped male mortal mounted the black and white female, her body in a bowed over and to the girl angel, somewhat uncomfortable looking pose with rump up high and shoulders down against the grass. The girl zebra gave her rump a little wriggle, much to the laughing delight of the male striped and earthly equine, who then proffered for her a poke with... oh!

"Wait, what... I've.. I've seen those, when I spoke with the choir that was making animal forms but - it's huge! It's so ... oh. Oh. So.. so huge..." the girl angel trailed off, as she gave all her attention to what was happening there before them, on Earth. That so strangely stiff part of the boy zebra's anatomy found a glistening, moist haven within the girl hoofer's body; the act of sliding his very happy hard member into this secret spot, between the girl zebra's thighs making the male equine strain throat and shoulders in a bray that seemed in itself, to speak of every joy ever contained in Heaven.

"Did... you want to try doing that?" the male celestial asked, as his hands began to caress up over his female comrade's hips. His question, his voice, his touch; they all held that same, eluisive thing in them, a sense of leading question and latent need, of a hopefullness for something that one is faintly fearful of obtaining, anyways. She trembled in a sudden, and yet unbearbly sweet fashion, feeling a sensation new and novel and wonderful in herself as his luminent and light touching hands moved over her lithe hips.

"I.. oh! Oh? I... I don't know..." the female seeming celestial replied; he'd startled her out of her entranced study of the mortals in their mating rut,though she was still feeling a most wonderful glow for having observed them in their joys. "We can't, good sir. I don't.. have.. what, she has, and you... well, you..." she stammered, unable avoid looking back, to the lusty mortals; the striped earthly male reached to roll his girl over on her back, clutching at her breasts as he moved back in position on top, to push that big, thick staff back into its snug harbor within her.

"That we can change, angel," the male of the celestial couple grinned, a little bit of guilty pleasure and a touch of shame, in that face. He drew but a step back from her, folding his beautiful wings so that with easy brush of his hands, his silver attire fell from him. He reached down and, placed fingertip, to where he should, where he soon would, be hung like that moral beast... his hands beginning to move in invocation, making arise a male pole as that zebra was so lucky to have, and his lady even luckier, to have lover so bestowed with one.

The girl of the celestial pair blushed hotly, looking away from him. What he did seemed a private thing, definitely not an angelic thing; a thing she shouldn't be allowed to see, not yet, she had not priviledge. She turned her face back away from him.. to find herself again staring at the mortal pair, paired together in sexual coupling upon a mat of ever flatter grass.

The girl of the equine twosome was now on her back, her knees in a broad V about the male that nestled in between them; her hooves in askew slide in the dirt as she flung arms aside herself artless and thrashing slow, her cries throaty and saying of perhaps agony, or ecstacy, or both. The male's striped behind moved in perpetual, potent, pushing slow pace, as he slid his joy hard and thick into her; she was so fortunate that he can give love to her with form thick and pulsing, and he was so blessed that her love would be shown with blissful, total, deep acceptance, of that flesh he could amply fill her with.

The scene was inflaming; the sight was maddening. Their entwined, striped, wet perspiring flesh moved in a way urgent, explicit, and provoking; their prurient, passionate movements were so earthy and primally earthy.

It made the female angel burn with a need she had never known,before; it made her want so much, this sight she stole, of most natural and enjoyable animal, mortal act. She glanced back to her comrade, her peer in the choir, his hand now holding with proud reverence his own manhood, his shaft; 'neath it, he shaped and stroked to bigger, and bigger, and more full curve two orbs warm and so wanting of her hand instead, to hold. She wanted to cup them, she wanted to feel them; their heaviness and heft surely indicative, of some incredible ecstacy they held within for her.

Blushing furiously, hanging her head, she glanced towards the squealing zebra girl... her angelic, supremely perfect faculties knowing all of the material mortals form at that gaze. She sheepishly, shyly, dropped her own robes to the floor, that shining surface reflecting the now nude, soon truly male and female forms standing atop it... girl celestial's hands come to her slender chest, where counter turning swirls about two, or three times, arose natural, delicate, dove skinned hefts of breasts, there on her body.

"Are.. do, these need to be bigger?" she blushed, to her now truly male counterpart. He moved in close to her, a fingertip tracing his newly formed manhood, making it hard, making it twitch up, with a slight curve in its provoking upward tilt. "No... these are nice. Mmm yes, these are so fine..." he praised, taking hold of the discussed curves of her breasts... her eyes twitching shut as she found oh, oh LORD, that, that alone made her tingle all over.

"Down, now, darling..." he directed her, as his fingertips spread in broad hold upon those freshly filled out tits, the male spirit's lips parted into a wonderous pant, to be able to actually hold such flesh for real. She sobbed a so sudden moan as her both hands found the spot 'tween thighs where that intriguing female entrance should be shaped. Her touch starting in as but a tentative trail of fingertip along the soft spot where belly curved down 'round under to her ass; that moan came more wanton and unbridled, as she made flowering, wet pink netherlips for herself.

And ah, ah yes! It felt incredible; as her netherlips and the needful depths within her formed, each forming stroke that shaped them further felt even more and more of ecstacy that was unbearable. The touch that her male angel gave her, that close of his palms that brought fresh breasts together to warm together, in their cleft, made that unbearable bliss between her thighs even more so; when he, curious, caught a nipple between fingers and tugged it, to see its nature, and how it could stretch, her knees almost gave out with how that stabbed hot fire up into her fresh pussy flesh.

"Oh! Oh, I, I see why they seem to usually lay down, for this..." her male accomplice gently laughed. As he gathered her in his arms she felt so wonderfully awed, to look at him now; she saw him in such a different glow, such a different light, halo not the mere celestial's but one of a color and luminance all for her. He took her aside, carrying her easily as she moaned lustily, as she finished making her sex, her fingertips still rubbing those moist, virgin petals even as she completed her work. As she enjoyed herself, and her perfectly performed work upon her nude body, he made for them both with but a touch of his powers a bed, simple, soft, and just big enough that it could accommodate their next most important works.

The girl angel's wings drooped in limp drape over the bed's sides as she too, draped arms over with them; she found it impossible to take gaze away from him, as without thought, her slender, sexy, long legs lifted apart, exposing the effort of her so recent act of creation to him. In turn, in typical male fashion, typical even for one who's manhood was as new to him as would be to his lover, that male angel couldn't take his eyes of the wet, glistening prize she had for him, that she showed off for him, between those tender, soft, radiant thighs.

And then, he knelt, between her spreading limbs, his hands giving brief pushes to make her spread just, a bit, more. The dark haired and now, ever more horsey shaped male celestial bowed between her legs, acting as if he'd transferred his worship from the Throne to instead that wet slit she'd made for herself, and the delicate fluff of red hair that tangled over the mound that her fresh, new nether bifurcation graced.

She had but a moment of rational thought, before his mouth delved in against that pink, honeyed flesh she'd made; she had but a moment for clarity, before she felt his tongue slither forth to slickly lick against that little lovebead girls have, and that she'd later find some called a clit. Those thoughts in that split second before the act began in ernest, were lost forever to her... swept away by a supreme and sultry hot fork of lightning that shot through her when a ravising swish of his tongue on that nub showed her, how amazingly good this pleasure was going to be.

Her thoughts shattered into a storm of golden, glowing joy, as his tongue curled and unfurled against that taunt heat of her freshly made clit... his manhood going intensely stiff into full, erect rage as her newly fashioned, carnal scent, and fresh girl cream surged against his senses. Her toes locked hard in a tight curl of pleasure, as pleasured pulsations twitched from those curved digits and up her lithe legs and thighs, and made her gasp shrilly, for the male who licked her pussy so lovingly.

"Oh, Lord," she moaned, eyes closed as she swayed and writhed under him. "I don't... what, what is this I'm feeling?? What is sensation, what are you doing to me?" she sobbed and babbled with closed tight eyes, and big, sweet smile, her voice all of ecstatcy filled glory said through gritted teeth, to the angel who was intently licking her pussy clean.

He answered only with more wet, lewd sounds of his tongue smacking and slurping against her ever more soaked nether slit; he answered only by more eagerly lapping at her, to make her hips begin to buck and bounce and squirm. Her thashings hardly dissuaded him, for all that she squealed and tossed about, with hair covering her eyes, she couldn't entice him to back away, or remove his lusty licks from that ecstacy between her thighs.

"Ohhhh..." he groaned, his own heart pounding, his thoughts but of one need that now, only she could satisfy for him. "This is but the start.." he breathed on her wet, hot pussy, his chin dripping now with her want and her love. He raised himself from that holy alter of her nether lips, that over spread apart and softheaving breasts she could see his cheeks and chin, silvery with that wetness of her sex. He moved over her, covering her, with his body, with his wings; she reached for his hips, helping him pose for her, atop her, feeling the tip of that new tool brush the tangle of curls upon her mons.

She smiled in want, and sly delight, noticing how he was more equine now, lust and lovemaking giving him more definition as one of the earthly, panting beasts they had seen but a moment before. She oooo'd in a shiver, as he swayed hips just so to one side, his tip sliding on her petals to part that flower of flesh for his want. "Gentle..." she asked soft, as his fingers dug in sheets; her voice rising to a sibilant quail as she tossed head back.

For now he entered her; for now, he moved inside her, a subtle wave of his body culminating and cresting in the hardness and length he'd made for himself to wear, and for her to be pleasured. She clutched at his ass as she felt that curve of his figure sink closer to her, in his effort to sink his tip deep within the spreading, glistening gates of her so newly fashioned cunny.

Her lips curled in pouting, seemingly frowning, seemingly pained expression on her face. Her ears, not yet truly a deers, still felt as though they twitched to the audible actions of wet flesh accepting thick, hard manhood as it glided well lubed into her depths. He began to rock slowly, on top of her, perched on his forearms, and knees; his motions made to first steal away inches from her, making her sob, before the return stroke would again sink his glorious gift balls deep, within her pussy.

The girl celestial draped legs 'round his, nestling those limbs in the hollow of his knees, which just made it feel even better... that she could better feel his sensual works and actions, and feel that he now could never even try to steal that luscious length out of her slit, that he couldn't without her leave, leave her empty of his cock flesh. She squeezed his ass cheeks hard as she felt his lips lay moist over a nipple, the steady tugs he gave there with sucking mouth felt intensely in the twitching flick such caused her inner treasures to try over his shaft.

They writhed in joy, and joyful unision; they made love, making love a real, tangible thing, as did mortals on earth through carnal offering of flesh by the one, and willful, lusty taking it by the other. As they entwined, as she accepted his pulsing power and so very hard male glory, they cast celestial perception to gather sight and sound and glimpse of mortals eagerly in the act of screwing each other silly on Earth; with their supreme powers of spirit they fueled their passions and sensuous pleasures further by spying upon sweetly shaped and furred beasts caught in hot moment.

They cast these visions each, to the other, the strong and ever more equine male angel finding a smouldering scene to tease his new, once virgin lover with; the just that more cervine girl angel responding with caught earthly scene showing pose they should try, or ecstacy bringing trick she could play upon his dick.

Her head lolled, slow, side, to side, to side... the girl angel in a heaven never before known. Her eyes rolled back, their petalsoft lids fluttering in madness, as he rocked forth again to fill her... her heart pounded, as a pleasure rose so strong deep inside her, causing as it did a faint feeling of fearful anticipation. Something was happening, something in him, something inside her; some sort of a crescendo, a ultimate occurance, something tremendous was going to come.

"You're coming to be more like them..." he whispered to her, breathless, a hint of a whicker in how he said his words. She glanced at him, his gorgeous face, his intensely beautiful motions as he kept that pace and rhtymically filled her again and again with every, single, inch. "And you... oohhhh, oohhhh, ~my angel~, I like it.. oh, oh, oh! I feel... I feel like.. I think, I should ~die~..." she started to pant, that indefineable thing surging up in her like a soon to explode nova star.

"It's... it's called... orgasm, I think..." the male angel stammered to her; it was happening to him too, oh! Oh, she felt such a flash, such a tingle, such a stab of sweet joy that put her right up against her own moment... it would happen for him too, oh, what would it feel like, when he came to that thing, that orgasm,inside her?

He suddenly stiffened, his hips jerking forth to shove that stiff part of him deep inside her, his orbs a hot, welcome weight on her ass. She felt with intense detail a throbbing start, in that miraculous tool he'd made on himself, a rapid twitching that moved through it... oh, what would happen? SHe glanced up through slitted eyes at him; was in pain? He seemed in a moment of transfixed transfiguration, clenching his teeth, poor dear, did this moment of pulsing male pole hurt him??

The throaty whinny he let loose let her know it wasn't agony, but ecstacy, that caused him to go taunt; her eyes went wide as not that sight but the sudden crashing forth of a hot spurt in her depths made her join him in that cry. She squealed as she felt another hot shot of that cream came jetting from his hard, full tip... oh, yes! Oh, it had been hot before there, deep inside her, down there, when he was stroking away with his new manhood but it got so much hotter now!

She felt her own hips start to hump up and down tightly, faster and faster as he erupted forth his beautiful, bountiful male issue into her... and the faster she moved with him the better it felt and the better it felt the faster she thrust and she needed all of him and every inch, every drop and, oh, there, there, ~oh!!~ ~there!!!~

And she came with him, joining him in that beautful, all consuming release; the astonishingly endless cascade of his celestial essense inside her sent her over the ledge upon which she felt she'd stood upon, for breathless moment before. Her climax was all of falling into a swirling cyclone of heat, and deep ecstacy filled darkness; her angelic perceptions dimmed inside her, as for moments all she could feel inside her was her orgasm, her ecstacy, shuddering all around the invasion of his hard length and gushing male expression.

Their torpid post coital embrace did not, nor could not, last long; the eager need to try this wonderful act out again combined with celestial energies and ever readiness to bring them together again for another try, another joined effort to perfect this earthly action they sought to master together. As often with the former virgin, the deerlike angel girl found the male organ a thing of ever increasing fascination; for their next moment together she asked, coyly, if he would permit her to touch it, to toy with it, to play with it, to better see how it performed in miraculous stiffness.

Her celestial male paramour leaned back, to rest upon propping up hands; his legs in broad open pose for her, to show off that new and eager to be used cock he'd fashioned for himself. She was most solicitous of this, this length throbbing and eager, a celestial girls new best friend; she salaciously stroked it, breathing warm kisses upon it, asking here, and there of its owner, does this feel good, when I do ~this~?

It was still too early in her training in matters earthy, to dare to suck on it, to dare to take it into her mouth, but she made up for that shortcoming by being most affectionate with strokes upon his length, with petting pass upon his orbs, with both hands on his manhood's prominent might, as she sought with utter love and desire to pleasure him. She watched in awed wonder as his face became aglow, with an expressive bite of lip, and eyes rolling back; she cooed with satisfaction as he came forth with a handful of hot essense into the awaiting palm of her hand, the other stroking him steadily, tip to root, to insure he not hold back any of that silky, thick cum.

Even with their perfected minds, and senses, they lost track utterly of time and duty and place; they spent endless moments together trying every act they'd seen, every pose they'd found being employed by rutting, lascivious mortals on Earth. Their comrades and fellow angels in their choirs almost began to wonder and worry when they found that their work had fallen behind; but when to later find them in strangely radiant and giddy state together, they simply assumed that the couple had taken a well deserved break.

After their initial, obsessed euphoria with this matter of sex, and how two angels could do it, they eventually evened out their routines and times, finding time to again work on their assigned tasks in Creation. But to those celestials who began to ask, and investigate, a lowering in their effort and output could be discerned. There were definite signs that when they should be working, as directed by their leading archangel, the cervine angel and her horsey male partner were instead doing something else. And increasingly, doing that something else quite a bit.


They became, addicted, perhaps?... to what they'd discovered, this heady act, this narcotic that was wanton pleasure, shared between two who simply were not prepared to be exposed to it. Lusty, moan-filled moments became the norm, to the exclusion of their behavior they had before; this furitive, fevered act became frequent function for the two celestials who knew better than this. Whenever backs were turned and attentions of their fellows in their choirs were indeed turned elsewhere, the deerlike angel girl and her horsey male companion would steal away to somewhere secretive for a blowjob, or bending her over for a quick and fun screwing.

More that they did it, the more they dropped their guard, and their sense of proper behaviour and celestial propriety; the more accustomed they came to the act of cumming with their lover, the more they were apt to make lewd or leering comments, double entendre or naughty aside to the angels that they served in Heaven with.

And, eventually, through that very fault of their own, the angel one day to take name as Comet, and her lover, who in a place far less comfortable and far hotter indeed would be her master Brokenhoof, came to the attention of the archangel they served. That attention and notice led to reprimand, command and demand made by that lieutenant to whom they reported.

And the demands of that upper echelon, etherial leader, simply and plain made, was, as far as this 'angels having totally hot sex' matter went? ... well, STOP IT. NOW. Immediately.

Or else.

Fallen for the Flesh - Part 2

When the now very cervine celestial girl and her lover angel were told to knock off the hot screwing, simply said, they didn't take it well. It felt wonderful. It was wonderful, they felt closer every time they did it. They felt a connection that...

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