I Want To Be a Werewolf

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#3 of theDobieDude79 Stories

A werewolf transformation story.

The following story is homoerotic in content and deals with adult themes. You stand warned.


Gruffy's note: theDobieDude79 forwarded me this story since he still can't get into his account. I am simply posting this for him.

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I want to be a WErewolf

hi guys!

Im really glad u guys have been reading my stories and Gruffy tells me they're been doing really well too so thought I'd write something else for u guys. my boyfriend (love you man!) read this for me before I was gonna post and he's waiting in bed lol u know so maybe it's a bit hot too dunno.




So Bobby was this 17-year-old geek not too good-looking dude who liked anime and had glasses but he also had a girlfriend Sandra who was a Goth and had like piercings on her eyebrows and black hair and listened to Marilyn Manson. Bobby was in love with Sandra but one day when he was walking down this dark road he had heard where you could sometimes see creatures of the night there was like this really big-looking husky dog or something that walked over to.

"Hi doggie" Bobbie smiled but didn't go to pet the dog because he had heard that sometimes dogs could be aggressive even if they looked friendly.

"Hi" a voice spoke inside Bobby's head.

Bobby couldn't believe what was happening was he hearing a voice inside his head it couldn't have bee the dog could it be?

"Im not a dog" the dog said and Bobby's eyes widened.

"Wow are you talking to me telepathically through some mind transfer?"

"No its ancient Native American magic Bobby" the dog barked.

"That's so call are you an enhanced animal controlled by shaman"

"No I am a werewolf Bobby look at me do I look like a dog?"

Bobby frowned and realized that the dog wasn't a dog at all but a big wolf with thick fur and big ears.

"Wow sorry wolf."

"Now Bobby you know my secret would you like to be a werewolf"

"What me?"

"We are always in need of new wolves in our pack and you would make a fine addition I think"

Bobby felt all shy.

"Oh but I'm just a geek and I don't know if you want me to be a wolf with you"

"Ohh we want and you will want it too"

The werewolf jumped forward and his paws slammed on Bobbys chest and he fell down to the ground and hit his head and the world became dark when he woke up it was already morning the sky was cloudy and he was lying there.

Wow was that just a dream Bobby thought when he put his glasses back on and brushed dust off his clothes don't think it really happened that a werewolf attacked me. Bobby checked himself for wolf bites but didn't find any except small scratch on his arm wow must have been that stone down on the ground never mind I will disinfect it at home and put a bandage on it.

Bobby went home and there was dad shouting at him.

"Bobby you didn't come home in time we almost phoned the police you are grounded for rest of the weekend."

"But mum it's Saturday I want to go to meet Sandra shes my girlfriend."

"We know that but you are not allowed to go to see her because you are grounded. go to your room."

"Okay dad but I have to heal this wound on my arm."

"Omg that is big should we take you to the hospital" dad was scared that it could get infected or something.

"No it's okay dad I will disinfect it and put a bandage on it."

"Okay good but remember you are still grounded."

"Sigh okay dad but can I at least play World of Warcraft?"

"What's that?"

"It's a massive multiplayer roleplaying online game."

"No Bobby you're banned from using youre XBOX when you are grounded."

"Right dad sorry okay."

Bobby went to the kitchen and took out the first aid kit and put disinfectant on his arm wow it was cold and then put a bandage on it and it looked cool and then he went to the hamper and put his dirty clothes in it and walked upstairs to his room and started to play Wow on the computer because dad had not told him not to play on his computer lol.

Some hours later bobby realizes that wow he had been wowing and raiding for almost seven hours and twenty minutes and he was only wearing his boxers yay he forgot the put his new clothes on when he started to play but he had gained a new level woot! Bobby was all happy when he went downstairs to get a snack and had some waffles with syrup and then went to his bathroom to shower and wash his teeth and comb his hair. Then he took his iPhone 3 and called Sandra.

"Hi Sandra sorry I couldn't come I was grounded."

"Sorry Bobby I really wanted to meet you so that we could have sex again"

"I'm sorry" Bobby said to his cheerleader girlfriend. "I really wanted to lick your pussy too."

Bobby felt he was getting a hard on from the hot sex talk with Sandra and he pushed a hand into his pants and began to rub his cock up and down and he was soon panting.

"I try to come next week okay Sandra"

"Yeah okay see you at school don't miss my cheerleading performance ok?"

"Don't want to miss a thing" Bobby said thinking about that Steven Tyler song that made chicks cry Sandra too when he wanted to watch Armageddon with him.

"Good night Bobby"

"Good night Sandra byebye"

Bobby closed the phone and jerked off until he cummed and took some Kleenex to wipe it up and flushed that down the toilet then he went back to his bed and turned off the lights and started to sleep.

Bobby was dreaming though he was seeing a road he was walking a dark road that was oddly familiar to him when he was walking down it. Then a big dog appeared.

"Hi big dog"

"I'm not a dog I' ma werewolf"

"Wow a werewolf"

Why was this so familiar Bobby thought in his dream.

"Now you become a werewolf too"

Then all felt black and Bobby felt an odd pain and he opened his eyes and he realized he was in his bed all panting and sweaty.

Wow what happened Bobby thought when he lay in bed suddenly he looked at his arm WHAT THE FUCK! there was hair in Bobby's arm!

Bobby never had any hair except pubic hair what was going on and his muscles seemed to be firmer and growing too what was happening? Bobby felt itching all over and he could not breath for the feelings he was getting what the fuck was this was he sick or something?

"Whats going on" Bobby started to say but he felt odd pain in his jaws they were like pushing out what oh on could he be...no!

Bobby realized that he was turning into a werewolf and curled down in bed he was getting stronger he could feel that and suddenly a tail pushed out of his butt wow could this be real he clutched his chest and felt it become muscular no this can't happen!!

Then Bobby felt his cock grow hard and he watched how that pink cock appeared out of his sheath wow now he had a sheathe too this was too awesome! His cock throbbed and suddenly he shot a load of cum all over his hairy belly how was this possible that he felt horny white cum went everywhere and Bobby almost howled it felt so good he was left to lay in a pool of cum panting and now a full warewolf.

"Wow I'm a wolf now" Bobby thought and stood up from the bed on his paws. "Yay I have paws now" bobby look at his paws and saw that they were huge and that his muscles were huge too.

"This is so cool!"

"We know its cool" a voice spoke in his head and made Bobby jump.

"What the fuck who is this again?"

"It's the wolf who turned you into a werewolf Bobby we are waiting for you."

"Are you speaking to me in my head?"

"Yes that's how we communicate with each other you can do it now too"

"Hi there" it was another voice in his mind and several other voices wow now he had his own pack!

"Come on Bobby you're a wolf now come on you have to be initiated into your new pack"

"Wow a ritual" Bobby thought proudly that he had been chosen as a wolf "How do I get there?"

"come out of the window and climb down and follow your heart" the voice in his head said.

"Okay cool" bobby opened his window and used his claws to climb down the wall and he ran to the forest beyond because he lived near the forest and he had always been fascinated by it.

Bobby ran for a long time though the moonlit old Native American forest listening to whispers of the voice inside his head telling him to go on until he reached some open space in middle of the forest and there stood about twelve werewolves all with gleaming eyes.

"Hello Bobby welcome to the pack of all the town's werewolves"

Bobby looked at all the werewolves and smiled.

"Hi guys I'm so happy to be one of you"

One of the wolves stepped forward it was an anthro wolf now but Bobby knew that it must have been the one who had infected him with werewolf virus.

"Hello Bobby I'm the leader of this pack I made you into one of us"

"I'm glad you did it's so cool"

The wolf took his head in his paws and gave him a deep kiss all sudden Bobby jerked his head back.

"Hey dude what are you doing?" he jumped back and showed his teeth.

The boss wolf growled.

"We are all gay wolves too Bobby you have to be one too.

"I've got a girlfriend I'm not gay!"

All the wolves laughed and then Bobby realized that he had a boner!

"What the fuck!!!"

"See you turn gay when you became a werewolf it lets you share life energy with your pack" the wolf grabbed Bobby's cock and stroked it up and down.

Bobby's eyes turned with pleasure it felt so good even if it was a dude doing it to him.

"Wow am I gay?"

"Yes you are now don't you feel how you crave for cum already?"

Bobby wagged his tail and realized that he wanted to taste the boss's cum.

"Yes please."

The boss released his cock.

"Then get on all fours you will get cum from both ends and you can join our pack properly."


Bobby felt a bit scared when he went down to all fours but then the boss wolf walked behind him and grabbed his tail.

"Don't worry bobby we will take really good care of you when we fuck you"

Then he rubbed his cock on Bobby's tailhole and he felt a bit scared again but then it started to go in and it didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would.

Then another wolf came over to his head and he had a boner and said suck this now and Bobby opened his mouth and let the cock in it.

"Yeah you're a good cocksucker ymmm" the wolf said and facefucked Bobby.

"Yeah fuck me"Bobby told everyone telepathically when he was filled from both ends with hot cum then other wolves took their places and stuffed him with cock.

"Yeah you're a hot slut you will fit right in in our pack" a big wolf growled when he pumped Bobby's ass full of cum.

"And hot muzzle too" someone else said with their cock in Bobby's muzzle he sucked hungrily and got his belly full of hot cum that tasted great.

"Yeah please I need more cum" bobby knew he was meant to suck as much cum into his body as possible.

A big wolf was still fucking his ass when another wolf the boss again came over and said

"now you will get two at once" and Bobby felt something hot press against his hole.

"You serious is that even possible?"

"Yeah it's possible you're a wolf now" the boss said and pushed his cock into Bobby's ass too so now he had too cocks in there.

Bobby howled and felt it in his ass and then the two cocks were moving and it felt great to be filled with so much wolf he wasn't sure if he was going to sit down any time soon but it felt great to be double penetrated by two hot wolves.

"Yeah this is what being a wolf is about you'll take all our cum"

"give it to me" Bobby barked when he was roughly fucked in the ass by two wolves at the same time.

"Now you get knotted" the boss wolf said and both of them pushed their knots into Bobby too.

"Ahh I'm cumming" Bobby yelled he couldn't take more and shot his own cream all over the floor.

The two wolves in his ass shot him full of cum so much it almost filled him completely then the cocks left his gaping hole and someone else took their place and that went on for all night Bobby sucking and getting fucked with one or two cocks at the same time.

Next morning Bobby woke up in his bed all normal and chuckled wow what a dream that's so dirty he lay on his bed and laughed at his dream that was so weird of him being a gay werewolf in a dream wow that was really so weird he would have to talk about it on his Wow Forums.

"Oh my belly fells odd" Bobby rubbed his belly and went to his bathroom to have a crap and suddenly there was a rush and his toilet was filled with cum

NOOOO it wasn't a dream my ass really is full of cum from wolves!

Bobby felt panic for a while but then he wiped his ass and realized that it wasn't so bad he could leave a cool double life the geek at day the horny wolf at night going to the forest to have sex with all the hot wolves how cool was that.

Maybe he'd turn again this night hehe bobby thought and went downstairs to have breakfast as the perfect young geek boy not a werewolf.



Thank you for reading my story. What did it make you think? Funny? Unfunny? Good because it's bad? (Goodbad) Or just crap even if it's meant to be a joke? Comments are more than welcome.
