To gain a lose your heart part 11

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#11 of to gain a lose your heart

Woopsie >.> kinda forgot to put the +2 panel would be bad to step on any of the others. It's a number code, +2, and then -1, then back to +2 and then -1, rinse and repeat. Oh and this chapter is shrot...I'm not sure why, I think it has to do with sleep deprivation. I'll make the next one better and longer.

And ya'all like my new style? I never got anything from last chapters comments...and if someone could oekaki a dark ninetails I'd be much obliged, I'd do it myself but I suck....

To gain a lose your heart part 11

Cindyr whined and was about to take a step towards one of the panels when Greg grabbed one of her tails, stopping her. "'s a code..." He murmured, pulling her close and hugging her slightly as he looked around the room and at the panels he had already crossed.

He made up his mind and took a step towards the panel that had two flowers added, gasping with relief as the flowers beneath him didn't break and send him down to his doom.

Cindyr followed cautiously, whining and watching where she put every step, careful to distribute her weight evenly across several flowers at once in fear that they would fall.

When he reached the wall that was his destination he saw a door inset into it, and frowned at it, it was very well designed, with numbers and symbols carved along it's length, each one borne on a leaf, amazingly intricate.

He stared at it a few minutes, trying to figure out the code, and then realised that he needed to move the leaves around to form some sort of pattern or word, and he just shook his head slowly. There was no way he could figure this out, it was amazingly complex.

"Shove over." Cindyr demanded, brushing past him and, before he could do a thing, setting alight to the door with a blast of flame and then batting at it, sending a spray of burning coals into the room within.

Greg raised an eyebrow as the rest of the mangled door slowly dropped down, leaving a skeletal frame standing in its place. It took him roughly thirty seconds to figure out how to slide certain arms back to release the bolts that held the metal frame in place, about five on each side. It then took him five minutes to unlock the door and kick it open to reveal another corridor filled with spikes and traps and, amazing, a solid floor.

"Er..." He was about to ask what they were supposed to do when Cindyr took a step forwards, stepping on a stone that slid downwards with a soft grating sound.

Traps all across the room suddenly sprang to life.

Large circular saws started buzzing as they whirled to life, moving back and forth. Long spinning rotor-like blade extended from the walls to a certain rhythm and stone dropped from the roof with a pounding roar.

Greg just shook his head and sighed "So we're supposed to walk through this?" He asked, looking towards the end of the corridor at the other door, which was whole, and looked like it had more puzzle traps.

The door at the other end clicked.

Both human and ninetails looked up and frowned slightly at the door, wondering what was happening. Both knew that there was someone else down there...but were they on the other side of the door?

The door swung slowly open, and a black paw stepped through, followed by a black nose, black muzzle, and black body, nine black tails swinging through and slowly shutting the door.

Greg and Cindyr just stared.

The black ninetails sat down and stared at them, head cocked inquisitively, red eyes gleaming as it sized them up, seeming to grin as it started to trot forwards, somehow dodging in and out from between the traps without even deviating from its path or moving to avoid them.

Something about the dark ninetails was extremely feminine, at the same time, alluring and seductive, and yet powerful, like the sun incarnated to walk the earth.

Cindyr growled low in her throat at the newcomer, taking a step forwards herself, front paws planting into the floor, holding her ground as she lowered her head and snarled. "Ashynta..." She said, snapping her jaws once at the dark ninetails.

"Cindyr..." The other replied, almost pleasantly, still walking through the traps as if they were rays of sunshine, unperturbed.

Greg looked from one to the other, blinking a few times. "You two know each other?" He asked, head cocked in confusion.

Cindyr just growled louder by way of answer, hackles raised, nine tails swirling through the air as plumes of fire began to spill from her mouth with every exhalation. "Not another step!" She said, snarling, flame scorching the ground in front of her.

"Or what?..." Ashynta said with a soft giggle, stepping closer. "Would you hurt your own sister?"

* * *

Back on the surface, Hitan, Nevyda and Bugsy were all standing outside the tower, watching the smoke slowly trickle to a stop, turning to look at each other. Nevyda was the first to say it.

"What's the bet that Greg's down there doing something stupid?"

The three just looked at each other a moment, and then, as one, started for the entrance.

* * *

"Sister?" Greg asked with wide eyes, looking at the black ninetails. "I never knew you had a sister..."

"Only by blood..." She replied with a snarl, loosing a blast of fire towards the dark ninetails.

Ashynta giggled as she sidestepped the dangerous blob and kept walking forwards. "Don't tell me you're still bitter? You know...there's still time to change you mind..." She said, purring the words in a seductive tone, then turning towards Greg, "And you could join us if you wanted, we could show you power like you have never believed." She said with relish.

Cindyr snarled louder and leapt forwards, dodging between the traps and attacking her sister, claws flashing, "You don't talk to my mate!" She snarled, leaving three parallel lines down the dark ninetails side.

The dark ninetails snarled and returned the favour, wickedly sharp claws raking down Cindyr's front and leaving long lines of red, causing her to yelp and bat at her muzzle a meaty smack, he paw connecting firmly.

"Now, now Cindyr, you're supposed to play nice with siblings..." Ashynta murmured as she whirled around, her nine tails solidified into a single one and catching Cindyr across the face, sending her stumbling, her nose almost amputated by a buzzing saw blade.

Cindyr snarled and attacked with a shoulder tackle, sending them both sprawling, a saw blade between them.

The buzzing saw fazed them not a bit, and then both loosed powerful blasts of fire straight at each other, catching on the blade and starting to melt it as it moved, molten metal flinging in a long arc across the floor, walls and roof, sizzling as it found wood.

When the saw was now more than a revolving disc of metal stick up a few inches from the floor, the two ninetails began to fight fire with fire, each blasting long jets of flame from her mouth at the other, meeting in the centre pressing against the other fireball, each of them trying to force the ball further and further towards their adversary.

"Does your human know your secret yet?" Ashynta asked with a soft giggle, making Cindyr snarl and redouble her efforts, her flame blasting the other apart and scoring a direct hit on the dark ninetails, scorching her with powerful flames.

She yelped loudly and leapt out of the flames path, limping slightly on a burnt leg, though her fur had somehow remained intact. "You've gotten stronger..." She commented, "But are you strong enough?"

Cindyr looking her sister up and down and snarled again, stepping forwards, but was blasted backwards half a second later as an electrified plume of fire caught her in the chest, sending her against a saw, which, luckily, bounced her off to the side instead of cutting her, as she hit it from the side instead of the front or back.

Ashynta giggled softly and looked the softly moaning ninetails as it tried to stand. "Just like last time're still weak and powerless. And you don't even have the guts to take're utterly useless."

Cindyr whined softly and looked up at her sister, and her eyes narrowed. "I have one thing you never had..." She murmured.

"And what's that?" She asked sweetly, tilting her head to one side.

"She's got me." Greg said from right behind the dark ninetails, spinning the long metal arm he had taken from the door through the air and then down on Ashynta's back and neck, making her yelp and roll forwards and to the side to try and get away.

Greg reversed the primitive staff and struck again, right on the side, but a strong pair of jaws wrapped around the end suddenly, the dark ninetails gripping it firmly and not letting it go.

He stepped forwards to deliver a heavy kick to his mate's sister, but she beat him to it, sliding in and using her tail to sweep out the legs of the dark ninetails, spinning until she was facing her again and then forward flipping, her iron tail coming down hard on the ninetails chest with rib-crushing force, making her yelp and go still.

Greg picked up the staff but Cindyr grabbed it and threw it aside. "No. if anyone kills her it shall be me, on my own terms." She said, a soft snarl still evident in her words.

He decided it best not to argue, and followed as she lead the way to the door, in a foul mood, blasting traps from the walls and floor and even the ceiling as she went, leaving a blazing trail of fiery destruction in her wake.

Cindyr blasted open the door and stepped into what could only be the inner sanctum. It was a magnificent room, painted in lurid greens with vines and leaves carved into every inch of space available. All of the vines and tree's led to the very centre, where a large pedestal sat.

Atop the pedestal was a depression, surrounded by vines that lifted from the ground to wrap around an orb like shape that was conspicuous only by its absence.

But that wasn't what caught their attention.

The legendary Pokémon standing in front of the pedestal kind of stopped them thinking too deeply on what it all meant.

Raikou took a step forwards, growling deep in its throat, and Greg and Cindyr gave each other a single look, Greg tightening his grip on the makeshift staff, while flames began to lick at the corners of Cindyr's mouth, and then they both charged.

* * *

Somewhere a bird chirped.

It was the first sound Greg heard as he awoke, sitting up suddenly and looking around, blinking a few times, wondering where he was, feeling the heavy weight in the bed besides him that could only be Cindyr.

He lay back down slowly, looking out the window and realising that he was in the pokecentre, and trying to remember what had happened, pulling his vixen close and snuggling into her neck gently.

They had attacked Raikou, and lost, badly. His thunder attacks had been too strong for Cindyr to handle and once he had finally caught her a good shot with a thunder strike, had turned his attention to him.

He remembered a flash of pain, and then darkness. He could only speculate as to what happened after that, but he wasn't dead, which was, in any case, a big bonus, considering that he had just walked across a trick floor over spikes, traversed a trap-filled room while fighting his Pokémon's sister, and then faced a legendary Pokémon.

Greg shook his head slightly and laid it on Cindyr's neck, finding the heart to smile. It was hard to feel too bad when he could snuggle up to her like this.

Cindyr's eyes fluttered and she blinked a few times, looking around wildly, claws digging into his shoulders as her body tensed. "Where's the Raikou!?" She asked frantically, staring around, before starting to calm herself down, helped along by Greg stroking her neck and speaking to her soothingly.

"What happened?" She asked quietly, looking down at herself, and the barely visible marks on her side where the thunderbolt had struck her.

"I dunno..." He said, shrugging. "But we're not dead." He said wisely, nodding, and then kissing her.

Cindyr murred softly into the kiss and pressed her tongue to his.

Greg broke the kiss and then just stroked her neck gently, smiling. "What was that orb thing that was supposed to be on the pedestal?" He asked her, eyes locked on hers.

Cindyr looked at him a second, and then changed the subject swiftly. "We're still alive; it's all that matter's. Let's celebrate." She said firmly, rolling over to press him into the bed, murring loudly and licking at his face and neck, front paws raking at his shirt to try and get him to take it off.

Greg quickly tugged off his shirt and threw it to the side, resuming kissing he eagerly as her back paws hooked on his pants and pulled them down slightly, revealing the head of his growing member.

She murred even louder and leaned down to give it a long, slow lick, staring up at him and grinning as his cock pulsed and started to harden.

Cindyr gave him another lick, and another, slowly turning around and raising her nine tails into the air, revealing her dripping sex to him as she grinned over her shoulder, leaning down to lick at him once more as she felt his fingers touch her most intimate place.

Greg pressed a finger into her gently, smiling as she murred louder and arched her back, her liquids starting to spill from her body as she panted lustfully.

She murred and smiled even more as she felt her depths start to convulse around the finger within her, lapping more firmly at his length. Sex was the best subject changer.

He pulled her back until she was forced to basically sit on his face, his tongue spearing up and deep into her body, making her arch and give a soft, muffled howl, her depths convulsing and spilling her lubricating liquids right across him.

Greg smiled and stroked her sides as he lapped at the juices spilling from her body, and then quickly rolled her off him, making her give a yelp of surprise, and then a murr of contention as she felt his hard cock press against her delightfully wet lips. She struggled to roll to her feet but he wouldn't let her, and she gave a soft growl of displeasure.

"This time, it's my turn to choose how it goes." He said firmly, grinning at her and pressing himself deep into her body, making her arch her back and tense up as he began to thrust slowly into her.

She leaned up and licked at his neck gently as he pumped, his thick hard cock working deep into her body, before he suddenly drew it free. She showed her displeasure with a growl, which quickly tuned into a yip of surprise as he pressed the head of his cock against her tailhole and began to firmly press forwards, forcing himself inside of her with slow, gentle progress.

Cindyr let out a long, drawn out moan as he hilted himself within her, making her murr louder and pant softly, feeling his entire length embedded within her tailhole, and writhing slightly at the sensation.

Greg pressed both hands firmly on her chest as he began to draw free, only to press back deeply into her body with a soft groan, much to her return groan of pleasure.

He began to increase his pace, lowering his hand to press a finger deep into her body again and start to work it in and out, making her murr even louder and arch her back, tails slowly slithering back and forth on the bed as she writhed with pleasure, Greg starting to thrust harder and deeper into her tailhole, loving the way her tight entrance gripped him.

Cindyr gave a soft yip with every hilt as he thrust as hard and fast as he could, rocking her back and forth as her insides suddenly convulsed and a flow of her liquids spilled from within her, her soft howl echoing throughout the room.

He panted heavily and gave a soft moan, suddenly pulling from within her body and holding his wet cock between her legs, resting along her belly, the tip pulsing.

Cindyr gave a yip of happiness and arched her back, leaning in and giving the heads of his cock a few swift licks, tasting herself on his length as a sudden jet of cum spilling onto her tongue. She murred loudly and gulped eagerly, but it was already too late, the jets of white cum spilling out to cover her muzzle and chest, landing in her soft golden fur as she lapped eagerly at the flow of tasty seed.

Greg gave a long, soft groan of contention and fell to the bed besides her, kissing her neck lovingly as she set about cleaning herself off, murring at the taste of his liquids.

He pulled her close and snuggled up to her once she deemed herself clean, nuzzling into her neck fur gently as she murred with satisfaction, all thoughts of the orb forgotten.