Dawn of a New Age

Story by MisterEnigmatic on SoFurry

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Dawn of a New Age

From the ground, a small shoot emerged from the soil. It was small and innocuous. The pale green structure basked in the sun for the first time. It absorbed the nutrients from the mares' waste as the dung decomposed. The unsuspecting horses ignored the plant, as it was apparently inedible. This was merely a defense mechanism, however, and a temporary one at that. Slowly, like a watermelon plant, it extended its vines and leaves out into the sunlight. It didn't need much water, in fact it conspicuously moved tendrils into the mares' urine pools when it needed fluids. That it did not take directly from the horses' urine reservoirs the plant's roots absorbed from the horse piss that soaked the ground. It also absorbed the oxygen the horses produced. And so the plant grew gradually.

But the plant could not produce fertile seeds on its own, as it was a hermaphroditic but infertile life-form. Being incapable of reproducing, it needed mares and stallions to carry out its lifecycle. Naturally such a thing could not happen without suitable alterations to its hosts. The plant now was prepared to carry out the beginning of its lifecycle. First, it had to locate a suitable host. The plant did not think that would be a problem though, there were plenty of warm-bodied quadrupeds for the plant to use. It would wait until the sunlight receded, when all of the animals would be sleeping. Then it would move in.

Minnie slept soundly, dreaming of green pastures and limitless grass. A thick green tendril wrapped around and around the mare's powerful neck, constricting ever so gently around it. Minnie grunted softly in her sleep as her skin was massaged by the plant's tentacle. Two additional tendrils bound the mare by her limbs like handcuffs in a way. So far the host had not woken up yet, the plant noted. Yet an even larger tendril was wrapped around the mare's midsection. The plant knew, though inherited memory, that hosts typically woke up soon after contact was made. Therefore care would be taken until that moment came. Gently the mare was pulled along, towards the main position of the plant. The ground there was already hollowed out. This would be where the transformation would take place.

When the horse was close to the spot, additional tendrils snaked out. The plant knew it would need new energy soon, as this was all very taxing on the plant. No matter. Energy would be forthcoming. With thin but still sharp points, hair-width vines slowly wormed their way into the mare's veins. Four compounds were injected into the host's blood-stream: a anti-coagulant, an aphrodisiac, a sedative, and a pain suppressant. The highly specialized plant was replenished by the energy of the bound mare, and it prepared to "plant" the captured animal. The hollowed out ground easily accommodated the horse, which the plant promptly began to bury in the dirt.

The drugged Minnie continued to sleep, oblivious to what was going on around her. Head-up, the mare was buried up to her neck in somewhat loose soil. The plant knew its host would have trouble breathing if the ground was too solid. Now the plant began to alter its host's DNA. It was just then that Minnie woke up. Instinct kicked in on both life-forms' sides. Minnie attempted to get loose, but the plant acted faster. A large vine was shoved into the captured mare's mouth silencing her whinny neighs while additional vines wrapped around the horse making it progressively harder for the horse to move. Additional sedatives were pumped into the struggling mare's body, and it wasn't long before her struggling slowed down to a manageable level. The plant then injected more arousal-causing chemicals into the sweat-covered horse, causing her pussy folds to part and moisten.

Minnie snorted as pheromones were now being sprayed into her sensitive nostrils via plug-shaped vines, a powerful vine was wrapped around her snout preventing her from opening her jaws. As much as she tried, she could not dislodge the strange plant's grip nor get its vine out of her mouth. Minne became aware of a flavor on her mouth, unusually sweet. She couldn't get enough of it, it was some kind of sap. It felt like honey in her mouth, at least texture-wise but it was far more delicious. Instinctively she gulped it down, her throat bulging hugely from every swallow. The plant's grip on her neck loosened somewhat to make it easier for her to feed off the vine's secretions. For some inexplicable reason Minnie was aroused, her eyes having rolled back into her head and her mouth's grip on the vine had tightened.

Her mind concluded it was due to the plant somehow, though it was most definitely not her species. Her eyes fluttered on her, her body falling into a half-awake state. She snorted softly through the plant's gag, feeling grogy and aroused. The plant sensed her pussy juices and began to absorb them into its vines. Minnie was half-asleep now, her mind dazed and confused. Her eyelids were half-closed, her jaws lazily clenched around the vine going down her throat. She felt like she had a cock in her mouth in a way, and yet it was clearly not one. The vine tightened around her neck, squeezing her flesh and muscles hard. The plant's grip was tight. Her legs sporadically jerked about trying to get loose but her struggling was weak and the soil got in the way.

Minnie was deeply in heat, hot and sweating and smelling strongly of arousal. The plant absorbed every sweat drop that fell on it and kept bringing her in. The mare found herself snorting the chemicals going into her nose unconsciously. Then suddenly there was a numbness in the back of her skull, as unknowst to the mare a hair-thin but very strong vine pierced her skin and skull to implant the plant equivalent of a mind control device into her brain. The center of her nervous system was swiftly compromised by hair-thin tendrils that wrapped around and attached to every part of Minnie's brain. Minnie found herself grabbing the vine in her mouth with increased firmness. Her asshole now opened up on her, in spite of her efforts to keep it closed. The mare's vaginal lips moistened greatly.

She felt surprisingly comfortable within the ground now. The mare felt her body changing on her, her skin acquiring a slightly greenish cast. Now the soil did more than just imprison her, it replenished the mare. Her altered body gathered strength from the ground. She could feel herself bloating now, her equine form swelling from her growing gluttony. Her somewhat altered mind now demanded from her piggery. The sap was causing her to gain weight, but Minnie only wanted more. As she grew fatter she displaced more and more soil, becoming that much more helpless. And easier for the plant to control. Her increasingly lard-filled form began to look like as if a huge sphere was buried in the ground. She groaned as her stomach processed more and more sustenance.

The plant knew the end result would be equally useful...for with food came fertilizer. A simple command was all it took. Minnie lifted her tail, her now titanic rump-cheeks shaking within the dirt as she did so. The soil was just loose enough to allow her to do so, and a series of enormous farts erupted from her ass. Fortunately the dirt muffled their thunderous quality, and now Minnie was ready. One huge log after another exited her asshole, going into the soil. Ideal fertilizer indeed. Supported by her half-plant nature, the mare could withstand her enormous obesity. Her entire form sagged with lard, especially in the belly. The plant was pleased with the first stage of the cycle, and from the horse it gathered knowledge.

It read everything the mare had in her mind. Males. There were males in this area, two species. One dominant, one submissive. At least until now. Now both would submit to the plant's will. From its knowledge it also became aware of the presence of several stallions in the vicinity, just purchased. Good, it would need their sperm for the next phase. Although it had no eyes, it could sense the pheromones of the stallions in the air...no doubt responding to the mare's own arousal. One was quite close. Strongarm was the most domineering of the stallions, and the most powerful. Deep black and strong, he was an ideal race-horse. The plant could sense the horse's vitality and just how fertilizing his semen really was. Excellent.

He could smell a mare's arousal, and he wandered into the stalls near Minnie's position (the plant had used Minnie's own pheromones to lure him into a trap). That was where the plant ambushed him. From below the vines swarmed over the stallion. The horse's first instinct, to cry out, had already been anticipated. A large vine was driven right into Strongarm's mouth, effectively silencing him. The stallion, long the ruler of its respective domain, was completely unprepared for this and it threw him into a panic. A thicker vine wrapped tightly around his neck, another around his body, then all four of his limbs, till eventually he was effectively paralyzed.

Strongarm's skin was pierced by hair-thin vines in several places, injecting sedatives into the stallion's bloodstream. The horse's strength literally drained away on him, and his struggles ceased. Suddenly exhausted, Strongarm was now vulnerable to the plant's next move. The plant searched for the male horse's cock, trying to find an intense source of heat. Aphrodisiacs were now pumped into the stallion's system, and all too soon to the invasive lifeform the horse's cock lit up like a Christmas tree in a dark room. With astonishing speed the plant assailed Strongarm's penis without hesitation. Its "race memory" told the plant it was pointless to try to alter a male lifeform's DNA in terms of sperm, as it had always been unsuccessful in the past.

The plant's species throughout the centuries had found their ability to alter other lifeforms was limited, especially in the case of males. And somehow the males' bodies acted as a shield against the plants' efforts to internally alter their sperm. Not that it really mattered, the plants had long found a way around this problem. All it had to do was "extract" the sperm and then alter it while it was outside the male lifeform's body, away from protection, and then subsequently injecting the altered semen into the changed females. An highly inefficient lifecycle, it necessitated extremely aggressive behavior on the part of the plants. But it worked.

Unfortunately the genderless plants could not make intra-species matings produce offspring (that wasn't plant that is), that was also beyond their abilities. Like a leech a specialized vine latched right onto the stallion's cock-head, while other vines massaged and caressed Strongarm's shaft and especially his balls. The plant knew the routine all too well. Strongarm, in spite of himself, was extremely vulnerable to this type of cock stimulation...especially with all the sap being secreted all over it. Inside the confines of the plant-gag the stallion whinny neighed noisily. The plant lashed out, tentatively at first, striking the male horse's rump with a thick vine. The collective memory of its species told the invasive lifeform that some lifeforms seemed to like this type of treatment.

In the case of Strongarm, it worked. He was too accustomed to being in charge, and being this helpless turned the stallion on greatly. The plant could sense the large amount of pheromones being released into the air by the male horse. Now it was going to really go to work, spewing a type of oil-like substance onto the stallion's body while whacking his ass. The horse was going mad with pleasure, quivering violently. The vines began to attach to the stall's walls, preparing the stallion for the next step. All too quickly the ensnared stallion was literally lifted off the ground and attached to the wall closest to the outside, since it tended to be the strongest. The stallion was too horny and doped up to resist the wrapping process, as the plant covered all but his cock, neck and head in vines.

His anus was throughly penetrated by a special suction vine designed to prevent the horse from becoming "backed up". Then the plant focused on the real target: the horse's penis. First off Strongarm's shaft was injecting with an enlarging chemical, then his balls with a substance designed to boost his sperm count by an obscenely high number. The stallion cried out as the horse's testicles bloated rather painfully on him. Slowly but inexorably the horse's penis began to enlarge. That got him whinny neighing for sure, his teeth clenched tightly as best he could. The plant, having absorbed more than just knowledge from the mare, was very happy with this development. The stallion's penis doubled, then tripled in size over a slow but steady pace of time.

The plant latched onto his cock, and began to "milk" the horse's penis suckling his shaft and massaging his balls. For quite a long while the plant mercilessly sucked the horse's penis, while the horse could only helplessly writhe. His struggling lessened more and more, until finally he was a prisoner of his own lust. Strongarm snorted and whinny neighed, muffled by the plant gag. But there was no escape from that delightful tendril which stimulated him so. Finally the stallion orgasmed explosively, the plant greedily sucking it all up into its specialized chamber. There the horse's sperm was swiftly altered into specialized seeds and the plant prepared to impregnate the mare.

Unfortunately it would take many times before a successful impregnation was achieved. The plant had sacrificed efficiency for speed regarding the altered semen. For proper advanced sperm, it would take more time...time the plant did not have. Detaching the newly-domesticated stallion, the plant issued commands to the horse directly. "Breed." It told the stallion in his own language, which it knew from tapping Minnie's mind. Adjusting the position of Minnie so that her pussy was exposed, the stallion was presented with a lovely visage indeed. It even knew from the mare's memory how to get them to come to the plant. The bipeds would go to aid the quadrupeds if this "Minnie" made sufficient noise. Straight into a trap.

The plant sent a command to the mare's brain, and Minne whinny neighed like crazy. She made a ton of sound..but only enough to travel a certain distance. The plant had no interest in waking up more humans than it could handle. Sure enough a female human soon arrived. "Minnie? Are you okay?" she asked. The plant's species, though the centuries of passing genetic material from one progenitor to the next, had acquired much DNA in its time from many different worlds. The dominant females of the dominant species were always the ones who received the most dramatic transformation. The plant had consistently sought out lifeforms with those traits to change the most extensively, and these female humans were the prime candidates. For her part, Carol was completely unaware of anything wrong as it was kinda dark in the stable.

The human woman advanced, tip-toeing forward in the black. Then the plant struck. The vines shot out swiftly and wrapped Carol up before she could react. She would have screamed but a plant vine shot into her mouth. Carol struggled in vain, trying to get loose. Instead she was dragged forward towards the plant. Another vine injected a sleeping chemical into her system. She was frightened and redoubled her efforts, but it was no use. Her eyes were already fluttering, half-open. Abruptly she passed out, her body going limp. Now the plant could go to work on her. The plant would need specialized female workers to carry out its instructions, ones that could understand the needs of the de facto hive the plant was creating.

Silk started to come out of the plant's vines, coating Carol gradually in a kind of cocoon. It oozed all over her, covering one body part after another. In a matter of minutes, Carol's form had now taken on the shape of a human-sized sphere. Now vines went into the cocoon and started their new task. As the human slept, the strange life-form began to restructure Carol's DNA with its injection vines...albeit crudely and time-consumingly. It did not help the plant at all that it had never really mastered the art of DNA manipulation. The plant was not so much incompetent as just limited in capability. The human would come out of the cocoon thus with the majority of her structure intact, just enough changes made.

Meanwhile Minnie was swelling up with the precious few seeds the plant had been able to develop, her butt thoroughly compromised. It would be the altered human's job to guard the equine host, protecting the breeder from harm. Till then, the plant would do that work itself. It was critical that the horse hosts survived, because the plant's ability to transform semen was limited. The majority of the sperm cells would always remain unchanged, and therefore only a few seeds could be produced at a time. Those seeds would need to develop inside the mare's host body, incubating. The plant could feel the human's transformation occurring within the cocoon it had created for her. In the meantime, the plant focused its efforts on Minnie and Strongarm.

The stallion was milked mercilessly for his sperm, the plant feeling the need to mass-produce as many seeds as it could. Unsurprisingly the plant's species had acquired the traits of many species over the centuries, traveling from one world to another over time. In this case, the dominant species of this particular world had brought the long-dormant seeds back with them unknowingly. Some foolish human had smuggled them off a colonized planet in the hopes of making a buck, but one particular seed fell out of the box while the man was talking to a farmer. Hence the plant in the stable's birth, and it knew it had to move quickly. The plant's equivalent of a nervous system pondered, and came to the conclusion that it would need more workers.

Minnie groaned as the seeds slowly developed within her. Now the plant went after the other horses in the stable, binding them down. The stallions were turned into de facto sperm factories, the mares were "planted" into the ground as if the stable was a garden. Gradually sperm was extracted from the stallions, altered by the plant, and then the newly formed seeds were inserted into the mares' anuses for final completion. The plant was taxed, working swiftly to change the human into a glorified drone of sorts. The life-form's efforts paid off, and soon the cocoon burst. The bizarre life-form that emerged resembled a kind of slightly green human with a few dragon elements, complete with wings and a long tail.

All courtesy of DNA the plant's race had acquired over the centuries. The plant was pleased, well as best a plant could be. Now it had the means to extend its territory and increase its chance of survival, and the survival of the hosts for that matter. Under its supervision, the plant could greatly increase the lifespan of those under its control. It had a vested interest in keeping the subordinate species alive and healthy. Drone-Carol spoke up, "Am I....different?" With their minds linked, the plant could now communicate with its servant. "Yes, but little has changed. There is work to be done, and your sisters and brother must assist." The plant's thoughts echoed quietly in Drone-Carol's head, perplexing her. She knew who she was, and yet...she didn't. She had a purpose, but it baffled her.

"Relax human, I will take care of your needs. And your family's. A new...age is dawning," the plant knew it had to reassure the more sophisticated hosts. Unfortunately it also knew that the dominant species tended to be the most independent and paranoid when it came to be controlled. Some illogical fear of being ordered, a preference for chaos, a distrust of authority. The plant could not comprehend this mass aversion to top-down control, it was simply not in the life-form's mental language. It did not see anything incorrect in what it was doing, or as the humans put it, anything "immoral". The species on this world had an obsession with destroying each other and the world around them, or that was how the plant perceived them from the knowledge it took from Drone-Carol's mind.

It gave Drone-Carol the equivalent of a "hug", figuring she needed what the species called "comforting". Perplexing lifeforms, but useful. "My family? Will they be alright?", Drone-Carol asked. The plant gave its best impression of a nod, and the Drone smiled slightly. "Fear not," the plant's words entered the altered human's mind. Drone-Carol spread her wings, and took flight...finally latching onto the ceiling with her clawed limbs. "Your two sisters, bring them here," it said to her thoughts. The ex-human re-landed on the ground, and left the stable. Equipped with living tranquilizer tubules (obtained by the plant genetically from another species its race had encountered), the stealthy Drone-Carol injected both her sisters and took them out of their beds one at a time. They didn't even know what hit them. Both times Drone-Carol cradled her sisters in her arms as she took them back to the stable.

The plant continued to feed off the fertilizer obtained by the horses' dung, but it knew the horses would need more food and water. That problem would soon be amended. Drone-Carol brought her sisters in, and soon two more cocoons were pulsating on the ground. Drone-Carol signed, suddenly tired a bit. The plant knew from Drone-Carol that the farm's location was remote and isolated, and that only a few humans were present. Just enough to run the area. Drone-Carol guarded the two spheres the entire time, while the plant continued to milk the horse cocks and impregnate the mares. Eventually the two spheres burst, and two new drones were born. As soon as the cocoons hatched, Drone-Carol took off on her wings and prepared her muscled form for the next task.

Drone-Tiffany and Drone-Krista were assigned guard duty and sperm extraction roles accordingly. The plant needed to divert more energy elsewhere, so one of the drones would have to pleasure the stallions. Besides, the male horse hosts all attached to the walls needed to re-charge their energy. Abruptly the life-form sensed that Drone-Carol and Drone-Tiffany's bowels were full of waste, and the plant signaled to both of the dragon-like anthros. The two Drones spread their legs and defecated all over the dirt floor. A mix of solid logs and diarrhea splattered on the ground, which the plant swiftly buried into the ground absorbing it into its body. Drone-Carol then turned around and lapped Drone-Tiffany's anus clean, and vice versa. "That feels good," Drone-Carol moaned as the overzealous Tiffany feasted on the fertilizer lining her anus.

Suddenly horny, Drone-Krista went up to Strongarm and grinned at the exhausted stallion. "I sense you need some loving, baby," Drone-Krista cooed. The altered human felt a kinship with the horse that she had never felt before, a bond. She gently stroked at his cock, getting it hard and listening to his whinny neighs. "Aww, such a good horse," she cooed softly. The Drone grinned and opened her mouth, taking the horse's member into it. "Mmmmm," she exhaled, feasting on the stallion's meat. The plant could sense the altered human's pleasure, and it helped that the plant and Drone-Krista were linked. Drone-Krista's sisters noticed, and soon the other two Drones were eagerly sucking on horse cock, coaxing the equine semen right out of the bound animals. In no time all three Drones' mouths were full of as much horse semen as their now much more flexible jaws could hold, their cheeks inflated with stallion sperm.

Minnie's asshole looked inflated, filled with large round spheres. So far so good. Three tentacles from the plant gradually slid into the ex-humans' mouths and extracted the sperm out, so as to transform it into seeds. The plant's sensory abilities were more advanced than any plant on Earth, so it could smell the cunt juice flowing down the Drones' legs. And it wanted as much of that fluid as possible, for it could not survive without nourishment. The Drones for their part had the additional abilities of their plant leader, and their natural traits enhanced. Drone-Tiffany was suddenly rampantly horny, and hungry. So she drove her foot into the ground, moaning as the nourishment of the waste-filled soil washed over her. The other two Drones followed her lead, signing with happiness.

They would not need much food but the drones were still part-animal, and gluttony would produce more waste for the plant to absorb. The plant sent messages to all three human minds: "Feed." The Drones obeyed and latched onto one tendril each, feeding off the sap. The plant listened to their moans of contentment as their bodies were saturated with fat. Slowly but surely they gained a substantial amount of weight. All of the Drones had the brain-stem lodged in their heads, giving the plant a great deal of power over them if need be. One male stallion was released, but he was still under the plant's control. Strongarm was that horse. His penis was considerably larger now, and his urge to breed was great. Exactly what the plant wanted. His primitive mind was easily manipulated by "suggestion". It was not as sophisticated as its control over females, but it would do.

Male stallions were ideal for its purposes: producing much semen and ideal delivery systems for the seeds the plant created. Soon the horse's cock would be capable of injecting plant seed as well as sperm into an eager pulsating horse cunt. In fact, the stallion's transformation was already occurring, though again the plant's abilities were limited. It could not turn them into full plants. Suddenly the rain began to trickle down, splattering onto the ground from a somewhat leaky roof. This sent the Drones and altered horses into quiet ecstasy, as their changed bodies greedily absorbed the water. "Not too much, my children. Ration it well," the plant told them.

Stongarm paused, and turned to the three considerably fatter Drones pointing his cock at them. He urinated all over their bodies, urine splattering everywhere, really getting them turned on. Their altered bodies glistened and smelled strongly of horse piss. The stable was flooded with the stink, not that the girls minded at all. The plant knew what was to follow, and the Drones advanced on the stallion eager to mate. A rather pointless endeavor from the plant's perspective, but it would allow them their fun. The three ex-humans went to work on the stallion. The resulting sperm however would go to the plant, the Drone's cunts now capable of storing semen for the plant to remove. The rain would make up with the loss of energy, and in the meantime it would turn its attention to Minnie and the other mares.

Within the horny mare's anus, life developed, the seeds eagerly absorbing all of the horse dung within Minnie's bowels. The other mares were experiencing the same feeling. So fat they could no longer move, the breeder mares were ideal for seed production. Finally the exhausted stallion slumped over, and the plant returned him back to the walls to recharge. "Rise, and learn," the plant instructed the horse. Strongarm raised his head, comprehending the plant for it spoke to his mind in a way he understood. The horse gradually mastered the strange ability to extend his own legs downwards and into the ground as if they were roots, plunging them into the soil like shovels.

From there he drew precious energy, and soon his upper limbs extended upwards like a pair of greenish branches absorbing the water. Though the ability was limited, it certainly was useful and pleasurable to the stallion. The horse was soon too tired to continue, so he relaxed against the walls sleeping soundly. The plant continued to milk his cock gently in his sleep, occasionally causing the horse to cum softly. While this was going on, the three Drones took off on their wings and positioned themselves on the roof to get the best absorption position of the rain. The plant didn't let them stay up there long though, the sisters still had a brother to ensnare...as well as two parents. "Go to work," the plant instructed. The sisters looked at each other, and grinned.

RP for Fun IV: Bodies in Motion

Part IV: Bodies in Motion (anal sex, friends, drugs, farting, chubby, M/M) Sek went, "hmhm.." the stallion's ass glistened with oil, female pheromones rising from Valiant's body striking the fox. "nng.." the fox pushed, not caring if it...

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RP for Fun III: Experimentation

Part III: "Experimentation" anal sex, friends, chemicals, farting, massage, chubby, handjob, burping, M/M) All Sek had to do was act. "AAAhhhhNnnn..." gradually, Sek's cock stiffened. Valiant was beginning to sweat intensely, now...

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RP for Fun II: Things Change

Part II: Things change (self-oral, assisted masturbation, burping, farting, tail sex, cock expansion, massaging, M/M) The stallion continued to feast away before making a suggestion, "Soon you should try out that trick I told you about." ...

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