Take Me Home

Story by Lingerie on SoFurry

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"Take Me Home" was written by K. Austin in October, 2011 and based off of a collaboration done between K. Austin and Rashick's owner. Permission was granted. This work of literature is under a Creative Common's License and is subjected to some laws. Please do not edit, reuse or redistribute without written, expressed permission from the author. For more information about the Creative Commons License used by this artist please feel free to send them a message and ask. Characters are copyrighted.

A little heads up! Aren't you guys tired of these? Haha. Well, this is something me and a friend have collaborated together on and I wanted a safe place to store it while I reformatted my PC. Once we've got it the way we want it I'll be turning it into more of a story then a 'He said, she said' roleplay format. But you're still welcome to enjoy it if you'll acept that format!


* Lingerie was too happy to follow Rashick from the crowds and the bustle of the rowdy bar. It was just not the place for the cat! With her ears pinned and her steps as close to his heels as she could get without stepping on them. Until it came to the stairs, anyway. She'd allow him a step or two away from the pitter-pattering of those little shoes Lin had chasing after him. Oh, but the hallway was cleaner. The drunks had not quite reached it yet, had they? Instead of taking the time to inspect the floors or any rooms they passed to their own she would happily just appreciate how much noise the second floor already blocked out. That was when those icey eyes of her's were cast up to the back of Ras' head in order to try and seek out his own gaze. But even if she only caught the back of his head or tips of his ears she was comforted by it. "I'm... I'm sorry," his cat softly whispered to him. If only she'd of been calmer for him he could have enjoyed dinner. "You are sure you're not hungry?" And that was about all he got out of her. It was the cracking of their fireplace that caught her attention. Feline ears were perked up all tall and Lin let her feet practically skip into the room with as excited as she was to the sound of warmth. "Ooh, I love fire places, Rashick!" The glow of her voice was a perfect match to the twinkle in her eyes. Lin stopped in the middle of the room, turned to face him and bounced on her heels while clapping her hands together and closing her eyes so her face could split into the happiest grin for him. "Almost as much as I love you!"

* Rashick couldn't help but smile and shake his head softly. In all his hardened trials in life and the constant mental discipline he forced himself to endure, the single sight of the skipping feline taking such enjoyment out of what was just essentially a fire in a box warmed him more than he let on. He hadded softly "I'm sure. Just let me know if you are hungry. I can bring something up" He shut the door behind them with his heel, dropping all the bags straight away to start rolling his weary joints. Her sudden additional declaration of her love for him had him suprised for a moment, but then he decided her reward was due without delay. He slowly strolled over to her, standing just in front of the firelight where the warm rays could highlight and accentuate his shape. Gradually he started peeling off plates of leather, each piece showing his body just a little closer, allbeit still covered by a warm shirt. Once the leather was done-away with, he grabbed the bottom rim of the shirt and gradually lifted it up over his head, throwing it over her. He stood with his hands on his hips, his toned physique looking even more defined and muscular thanks to the fire-light cheat. He walked up to her, leaning down just enough to scritch under her chin teasingly "And i love my cute little kitty cat too"

* Lingerie wanted to help. She wanted to make the most of the suddenly romantic setting. "Isn't that why I am here?" She had gone and lowered her voice to stay just an octave above a whisper. Lin lifted her hands to let her fingertips graze over whatever he had opened up for her. If that meant a shoulder, his chest, his stomach or even something as simple as his collarbones she wanted to make sure she found the simplest and yet most erotic places to touch him. And the more that peeled off the deeper her touches got until her hands were having to mold to the muscular build he had. And she'd compliment them. Lin knew the more a man felt his woman adore him the stronger the evening's emotions became. It was mutual. And with the final pieces she just slid her hands up his chest and to his neck where she rocked up onto her toes and tried to coax him down to meet her halfway in a soft kiss. And she'd pull her head back only enough to speak after that. "Because you love me?" And oh-so slowly her hands would slide back off of his neck and she'd go back down to her feet. "Why did you take it all off immediatly? Are you hot? Sore?" Arroused? No, she'd not say the last question. "I'll rub you. I'll snuggle up with you if you're tired." I'll pant for you in the fire's light if you make me, Lin thought.

* Rashick had slowed his removing of armor to savour her delicate touch, given control of how long her fingertips lingered on each revealed part of himself. When he was finally free of anything on the top half, his chest vibrated a deep murr at her full sliding of her palms up his chest. He gladly came down to her level to return her soft kiss, his plans to sweep her off her footpaws delayed by her question. He hovered his nosetip in against her neck, nuzzling softly as he moved yet closer to her, murmering softly into her feline ear "A little sore. Keep touching me like you were. It helps..." helps me to feel so good, leaving a part of his sentence unspoken just as she was. With a sudden tug of her waist, he lifted her body with a good firm grip on her backside, slipping her legs around his waist to sit her on his hips. With her securely against him, he kneeled down beside the fire with the feline girl safely held in his lap, adding to her question "... because i love you"

* Lingerie made the sofest of noises with the unexpected picking up. But just as fast as it had thrown her off and caused her to reach for his shoulders in order to regain some balance she was recovering from it because he had sat them down. "I've always loved that about you," Lin said again while making sure they were only a breath's distance apart. one of her arms had snuck around his neck in order to do that. "The way you handle me. Never afraid to." But then another question came suddenly. "Who am I going to meet here?" Her one free arm trailed it's finger's tips along his shoulder and down his arm. "Do you have friends here? Family here? Or am I here to see where you came from?" The persian's tail lashed from behind her and to their side but fell still after that. It was always close. Once he got a chance to answer she was trying to kiss him again. This time Lin arched her back to press her chest to his and put her corset's treasure on display for him. "You're warm," she tried to use as an excuse.

* Rashick certainly had no inhibitions with moving her body round to just where he wanted it, and she was suitably light to match just his level of strength. The perfect body matchup for the couple. Instead of answering right away, the passion of the moment got the better of him and he found himself desperately working his lips on hers, kissing her over and over softly and affectionately. As his eyes wandered down curiously the sight of her corset and the chest trapped within gave his eager paws cause to start unlacing her corset from the back. Gasping for air, he finally managed to answer as he released the tension of her corset loop by loop "My past is here. I think you should know all of what i am before comitting to me fully" suddenly halfway down her corsets loops he changed his mind, thumbs tucking into the rim of his jeans to start pushing them down. With a gentle lift of his hips, carrying her with them, he guided his jeans all the way down his legs and kicked them off at the ankles. Totally derobed, the warm rays of the fire were left to heat up his entirely exposed body as his hands returned to unlacing her corset so hungrily. He whispered straight onto her lips "I'm going to get close to you, so you can have all my warmth"

* Lingerie did not need to speak to reply to that. Oh no. Instead, she let their lips press together once more and threw her passion right at him with it. He had come onto her too fast for her not to understand what he wanted and needed; how could she deny him that? Not only was he more then welcome to undress her but she would even tug the undone corset to her right and remove it from his path completely. "Stop there," Lin whispered hastily after before giving him one, two and even a third kiss. Her arms uncoiled and again ran her palms down his shoulders, arms and sides. Why? Because Lin was headed down as well. If he allowed it she would have slid herself out of his lap and onto her knees to lower her face to his lap. And with the cat the cat arched her back and put that ass on display for him? He knew what was cominf if he let her down.

* Rashick flashed his eyes over her body as she tugged away at the corset, wetting his lips with his slick tongue for a moment. His staring was distracted by her imperative, gladly obeying it for want of knowing what she had in mind. As he realised what she was doing, sinking down on him, he let out a soft but deep murr of anticipation, his upper body leaning back gently. He was already pretty much fully aroused, there was zero doubt of that; his thick malehood hardened and more than ready for any attention she might have been generous enough to give. To encourage whatever she had in mind, he brought a palm forth to encircle and rub up and down the length of her ear, knowing it was a sensetive spot for the feline. Icey blue irises roamed over her physique, lingering around that raised backside and gladly taking the sight of her smaller body in "Mmh, my kitty cat always has good ideas"

* Lingerie simply replied with a small, "Let me take you this time," before putting herself on her hands and knees. "Let me show you how each part of me wettens, aches, stretches and nurses you." One of her paws took his sack in her palm and dared to gently manipulate it between her fingers and palm in a massaging feeling. "I want a long, tiring night that leaves your cock empty, your mind easy and your body at peace." And the feline's smaller, rougher tongue came out to lap the head of his cock. Her eyes did not close but the tossed them up at his face. She wanted to watch his reactions. She wanted to watch the look on his face when he knew she her her entire attention on pleasing him and paying so close attention to his replys to it all. And when her lips puckered and she pushed her head forward to take an inch of two of him? A gentle sucking and more licking immediatly took place. So much care was being put into every curve of her body down to the arch her back and ass were in.

* Rashick was in pure bliss before she'd even started with such a perfectly sculpted feline body posing in a way that was designed completely to please him visually. His senses overloaded him with pleasure at both the moment she started to massage him and the feeling of her rough wet tongue running over his cock tip. He spread his thighs wider as she started to suck his throbbing length in an inch or two, breathing heavier as he tilted his head. Mouth hung open in a subtle 'oh' shape, one eye shut whilst the other stayed open to avoid neglecting the display she provided. Chewing at his lip, he made an approving murr, running fingertips through her hair smoothly "Mmmh, pleasing my body, my eyes and my ears all at once... only you" his fond little phrase that referred to talents only she seemed to have when it came to pleasing him.

* Lingerie closed her eyes for a moment so she could concentrate on the meat she was being fed. Her head dipped even further. And then further before pulling back with little warning. "Mm, you promise? Only I do? Surely you've had other women that could." There was something about this particular attention she was giving him. There was a lot of saliva left over. Not only did it make the light glisten over the prize with the fire's flickering flames but just made it all the easier for her to return to work. All that and then more this time. And when Ln lifted her head? She snugged in closer to surprise him. Each one of her hands lifted from the floor in order to take a breast and roll it in a few gentle circles while she worked them up to either side of his cock. Her lips only completely left once she was sure she had him in their grip and only needed to begin bouncing up and down to begin stroking him. Lin giggled innocently. "I've never done that before! Look how well you fit, Rashick!" He disappeared only to reappear and get a good lick before disappearing again. The cat purred up at him with a devious smile.

* Rashick felt completely at ease with her, gladly sitting there with this throbbing cock recieving the full attention of her warm wet maw. He was in for an even bigger suprise, and due to his tastes even better. His eyes opened up as soon as she started cupping her own breasts and positioning them around his shaft, opening his thighs further to let her in. As she pressed them around his cock his eyes flickered shut for a moment, a soft sigh of satisfaction escaping him. The sudden bouncing drew a distinct moan from him, his entire body giving a momentary shiver "Mmmmhh.... see? full of good ideas" hips gently started to rock, helping her with the bouncing rythm as he tried answering her question without getting too distracted by the pleasure "You, mmh... always pay attentionaahhhhh... to your pose... Mmmmh... good kiity" he let his head roll back, closing his eyes fully for awhile longer to really get the best out of his sense of touch.

* Lingerie loved his reactions. The more she got from him the more she was always willing to give and the more attention to little details she gave. Another innocent coo came his way. "This is making me wet. And my nipples! Look how hard they're getting!" She'd make sure they rubbed his groin and belly's fur with their pace and sure enough they'd knot and harden as if on command. But then her face disappeared. She hunched her shoulders to dip in close to the action going on between her tits. With her maw in that lips-puckered and against her breasts his cock would glide through them only to push through the plush lips and the hot cavern that was her wet mouth. This made sure he stayed slick enough to comfortably fuck her this way. Lin's hips shifted uncomfortably and her tail now swayed behind her. It complimented all the pleasureable noises, grunts and groans she rewarded each of his thrusts with.

* Rashick's eyes snapped open again at her cute little voice making such open statements. Mental imagery flooded his imagination, eyes roaming over her body again but the angle preventing him from seeing the wetness she mentioned. The moment her hot mouth came down on his cock he suddenly released a single brief jet of cum right into the back of her throat. He moaned deeply, shuddering at the premature rush of pleasure that brought him already so close to orgasm "Uhhhhhh... s-save some for yourself, Lin... Mmmmmh..." without a doubt he had a thing for having those soft feline breasts rubbing up and down his throbbing shaft, bringing both paws forth to get a good grip of her hair from the back of her neck. Footclaws dug into the rug from spread legs, tail coiling and whipping the floor behind him in sheer pleasure. He was happy to let her lead, knowing she'd realise he couldn't take much more if that treatment without releasing the full force of his orgasm on her.

* Lingerie squeaked when she was rewarded and quickly swallowed it down. The swallowing drags dared his cock's tip further into her mouth and she dropped those breasts to give him just that. Just as fast as his entire length was expertly swallowed into the depths of her purring throat her head pulled back and she was giving him room to breath again. Just incase you didn't know where her expertise was? Her mouth. There was no gagging. "You've got to let me have you," Lin whimpered. "Now. My body's on fire, Rashick." She was up on her knees and working those panties off in what seemed to be a hurry. It was back to her hands and knees when she pushed them off the rest of the way and haphazardly kicked them behind them. "Will you let me? Let me take you? Just lay back for me and watch. And feel and listen." Poor thing's voice was practically husky.

* Rashick offered a smooth stroke under jer jawline as she raised her head, his mind still in the afterglow of remembering feeling his cock so well encompassed by soft breasts and hot mouth. He bit his own lip heatedly, quickly laying back as he let her took the controlling position. He was more than ready, cock soaked and pulsing ready for her as he nodded afew times "Mmmh, hurry up Linny. You've teased me long enough. I want to see that body of yours riding me" watching her slip out of her panties was more than enough to keep him full of lust, coaxing her to speed up by reaching for her hips. The moment she came in proximity of his palms he'd tug her into a straddling position, then relaxed his arms above his head soon after. He took that relaxed pose, waiting for her to please him just as she said she wanted to.

* Lingerie could not help a smile and a laugh when he eagerly tugged to her just like a hungry babe to his mother. It definitely made her feel all the more loved and wanted in the heat of the moment. "On your elbows. Get up on your elbows, love," she coaxed. And while he listened - because she di not doubt he would at this point - she'd slide one hand down her trim belly to those hot lips he wanted so badly. Lin shifted and adjusted herself just to leave the head against the wet slit. "Watch, Rashick." Surely, at this angle, he could watch her spread the pink folds apart with her middle and index finger. Surely he could watch her hips sink and her body begin to meld with his more and more. Until Lin was sitting and giving him a good moan. Just for this moment she would roll her hips in slow circles to make sure she'd gone ahead and swallowed him all. When both hands went to her hips there was nothing stopping those favored breasts rolling with the new motions. "Ooh, what's it like to watch, feel and hear it all at once? Does it excite you that much faster?" She went back to her knees, grabbed one breast with her hand and this time squeezed as she sat back down and repeated the grinding of their hips. This moan was better.

* Rashick slid his shoulder forwards and up, propping himself up with his elbows to give the full and perfect view she was offering as her body straddled his. He shuddered at seeing those pink lips, murring even more as the wet folds met with his tip. A long deep groan escaped his chest as she started to swallow his cock up inside her, feeling her smooth hot wet puss from the inside "Uhhhhhnnnhh..." too distracted to answer for a moment, all chance of him speaking for at least 20 seconds dissapeared the moment her own palm touched her breast, with her hips rolling those perfect circles. She drew gasps from him, finally murmering out words between moans "Mmmmmh, you're so... so perfect..." he obidiently followed her instructions of watching and feeling and listening to her moans, refraiming from touching just yet "... such a perfect lover, Lin. You better be ready to be filled more than once, Nnnnnnghhh..."

* Lingerie cried, "Yes!" Oh, yes cries. She enjoyed this just as much as he did. Her head had been tossed back and she wasted no time in building this little rythym with him that was just slow enough he could match the sounds of their hips slapping to the swelling and filling of her puss. "I-I want to be filled... Again and again with... With your seed." Once she was sure the image was burned into his mind she leaned forward. This gave him a deeper and more accurate shot at hitting her spot but at the same time flicked that free tit's hardened nipple across his cold nose and dared him to take to it. She'd still handle the other herself for him. "Oh! Ooh..." The cat just concentrated on rolling her hips in a circle. Forcing them down, rolling them forward and lifting them up only to scoop back down with another go at the loop. This made sure she never skipped a beat during the transition.

* Rashick matched her rythm with a complimentary one of her own, each round of her circular hip grinding finalised with a gentle counter-thrust of his own, every few cycles drawing a deep groan out of him in tune with hers "Nnnhh... mmmh...." his cock seemed to thicken even more inside her, the gentle silky coaxing of her puss hardening it more and more. He instantly took up the offer of her nipple, mouth opening wide to let the flat of his tongue rub roughly over it. Shortly after the same lips clamped around the firm pink nub of her breast, suckling it inside hit hot maw to be personally tended to by the circular swirling of his tongue. He finally brought a palm forward, cupping under the same breast and squeezing it to protrude her nipple right into his mouth deeper, giving his tongue more and more acces to flatten out across her breast..

* Lingerie's hands on either side of him curled into fists. Even if there was nothing to grab at this point they sure tried. A moment after a good groan she whimpered once more and swiveled her ears back. "N-No more," she begged in responce to the swelling. After so long of not having a man before him? She had practically grown tailored to his size. The swelling stretched her tighter and when she clamped down with those muscles it only made it true all the more. Again came a cry. Lin dared to open her eyes and tuck her chin inward so she could watch him attentively work on that nipple. "Don't... Stop," Lin purred right into his ear. "I've barely - Oh! - got room for... For your load!" And that shed light on a sudden, second thought. "Watch how close you get... If pups scare you, Rashick!" He finally marked that soft spot and she sat up quickly. Oh, that cry was definitely heard by their neighbors. There! There - please - there's my soft spoo~t, love!"

* Rashick had long since past the barrier of caring what happened regarding pregnancy. He was furious for her now, hips starting to pump harder to thrust his thick shaft right into her poor little wet puss. In the midst of the hard thuds of hips against her backside, he suddenly started shooting powerful jets of his warm cum right up into her, splashing her most sensetive spots inside her as he continued to pound away between her legs. His mouth clamped a little tighter onto her nipple as he gave a deep pleasured moan, almost squeezing her nipple between his tongue and lips, running around it in circles even faster with the wet muscle. He was far from done, the filling of her sex not even slightly slowing him down as she pleasured him to absolute perfection. His tattoos glowed brightly all of a sudden, flaring up in sheer satisfaction and energy.

* Lingerie was obviously a vocal lover. The sounds of your beloved's deepest and purest thoughts that occured in the heat of their love making was one of the feline's ultimate turn-ons. But even when you mixed their situation together it was too much for her own mind to stay straight. He had hit the woman's spot, proceeded to stretch and fill her, embarassed the fying fire's last flames with his own lights and just abused her nipples. When she came her body shuddered, her hips ground down and her puss clamped tightly around the unloading cock. "No, watch," Lin half begged and half demanded of him. She pulled her chest back again in order to try and sit up enough all her puss had was the dick pouring rope after rope into her waiting womb. And with just the head his very eyes could watch it pulse, throb and paint the thick sprays of semen. Her entire body shuddered and both her hands played with those breasts of her's. It was extremely hard to sit so still through the demonstration and it was obvious.

* Rashick watched her, desperately resisting the pull of his lusting body as he observed the thick flow of his cum filling her from the inside, the groping of her own breasts making it all the better. Unable to wait any more, he suddenly jolted his body forward and decided he wanted control of the situation. Grabbing her legs to tug them around his waist, he pushed her onto her back and mounted her quickly with his pulsing cock still deep inside her. Hips instantly started to pound again, slamming that cock into her abused wet puss even harder than before thanks to the new angle. Body reared up out the way, giving her plenty of room to view between her legs where he was plunding the lengthy shaft into her rapidly. He growled affectionately at her "Mmmmm, grrrr, to hell am i watching... you're too sexy to not fuck silly" narrowing his eyes at her as sweat droplets formed on his forehead, he gave her a look that indicated he wanted those breasts to continue being touched, and not by him.

* Lingerie was butter. She had came hard and was already panting in order to catch up with herself. Lin coo'ed, "You're a monster," with much more affection you'd of imagined the statement usually being said in. He was given control when he wanted it; it was only fair. And even when she showed signs of tiring she looked so content to be moaning and whimpering for him again. "I get so sensitive after I cum," she said quickly. "You'll make me sore fast, sweet-sweetheart." Those ears couldn't be pinned any further back. Her face couldn't be distorted in any more pleasure. Those fleshy orbs in her hands simply could not be handled any more thuroughly then she was. Fingers even played with her nips while her palms rolled and worked. When you added it all together her body ached and her back arched.


Thanks to everyone for reading!

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Remember it is your praise - our readers - that give us artists the muse to continue writing for you.

We Could All Benefit From A Little Cold

"We Could All Benefit From A Little Cold" was written by K. Austin in September, 2010. This work of literature is under a Creative Common's License and is subjected to some laws. Please do not edit, reuse or redistribute without written, expressed...

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"The Perfect Kitten" and "Part One: The Leviathan" was written by K. Austin in June, 2010. This work of literature is under a Creative Common's License and is subjected to some laws. Please do not edit, reuse or redistribute without written, expressed...

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