A Friday Night to Remember

Story by Alpha2007 on SoFurry

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This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy.

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Okay, this story is just a test to see how good I am at anal incounters. Criticism is strongly considered here and will affect what happens in my later stories. This story is ment to be one and only, so don't ask me to write something that continues this.

Now with that out of the way, please enjoy:

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A Friday Night to Remember

It was a Friday night and it was just like every other night as a car drove into its driveway. The driver cut off the engine as the door opened and a male lion stepped out into the night air. He smiled to himself as he got his black suitcase from the passenger side seat. He got completely out of the car and breathed in the nice cut grass smell still around. He closed the door and started to walk toward the front door of the house.

He searched his pocket for his key as he reached the door and finally found it. He took it out and unlocked the door stepping inside. It was completely dark inside except for a glow from the TV in the livingroom. The lion tilted his head slightly as he narrowed his eyes. He closed the door and locked it up as he walked slowly toward the livingroom placing his hat on a rack, "Honey, are you in there?" He stopped at the livingroom entrance and peered in and looked around.

The lion smiled as he saw the figure of a wolf laying out on the couch. He saw that he was sound asleep and left the TV on as he normally does. He chuckled a bit to himself as he entered the room and walked slowly over to the sleeping wolf. He saw that the wolf was almost naked except for his boxers. He looked down and smirked to himself as he saw his lovers bulge through the fabric. He stepped closer as he leaned down by the couch rubbing the wolf's sheath through the boxers as he looked up to him smirking slightly.

The wolf gave a bit of a grown, but seemed to want to sleep on.

The lion stopped what he was doing and started to think to himself a bit more. He then looked to the bulge again through his boxers and then a thought hit him. He slowly took both of his paws and started to carefully take off the wolf's boxers exposing his black sheath and balls. He purred lightly as he took off the boxers entirely eyeing the sac with want.

He looked up at the still sleeping wolf's face and smiled a bit more and thought, "Wakey wakey." He started to rub the wolf's sheath a bit more with his paw trying to coax out the member before the wolf woke up.

The wolf gave out another grown as he moved his head to the side but still doesn't wake up.

"Damn he is hard to wake up, even when I'm giving him pleasure." The lion sighed a bit to himself as he stopped rubbing the wolf's sac with his paw. "It looks like d'esprit times comes for d'esprit measures." He replaces his paw with his muzzle as nuzzles at the wolf's sheath lightly. He closed his eyes as he started to smell the wolf's arousal go through his nostrils making him purr more with want.

The wolf's member started to slide out of its prison a couple inches as he started to moan out with lust. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned looking down on who was disturbing him. He smiled and chuckled a bit as he saw his lion getting a bit to into him. He sat up a bit on his elbows as moaned out again closing his eyes and lolling out his tongue slightly, "I didn't think you where going to be home this early."

The lion jumped as he heard a voice though his purring and put up his head looking over to the wolf. He blushed slightly, "Oh, um, I was let off early today and thought I should come home to you."

He opened his eyes and looked at the lion, "Oh, I see . . . " He looked down at his growing member and then back to the lion. "...and I suppose you want something?" He smirked slightly to himself and thought for a minute. He then sat up and put both feet onto the floor as he leaned his back to the back of the couch spreading his legs and his arms getting more comfortable. He switched on one of the lamps by him and looked at the lion again, "Why don't you make yourself more comfortable."

The feline purred as he looked over the wolf from head to toe stopping for a minute on his couple inches of cock already out, his sheath and balls. This image alone gave him chills up his spine as his own cock head started to peek out of it's sheath making his pants feel rather tight. He took the wolf's advice and started to get himself undressed.

The wolf murred and thought to himself as he watched the lion start to take off his shirt. "Hold on a minute Justin, " He thought a bit more and then smirked.

Justin tilted his head slightly and looked at the wolf stopping what he is doing. "What is it Mark?"

Mark looked at the lion as he grabbed a remote from the coffee table and turned on the stereo, "I want you to strip for me."

The lion stared at the wolf disbelieving on what he just heard, "What do you want me to do?"

The wolf looked to the stereo and placed it on a classic rock station. Normally classic rock was slow so it would be the perfect strip music. He looked back over to the lion as he sat back again with his arms spread with the remote in one paw and said slowly, "I want you to strip for me as a favor and then that will put me in the mood for other stuff later."

Justin blushed and looked down towards the ground. He then chuckled a bit as he nodded and looked up at Mark again, "Okay, as you wish." He put his jacket back on as he waited for the next song to play. He didn't have to wait for long as there came a medium fast beat. It took him a while to find himself, but he managed to get to the beat of the song as he started to swing his hips around as he looked towards the wolf. He started to slowly take off his jacket and threw it to the ground revealing a white undershirt that showed off his figure well.

The wolf murred as he absent-mindedly stroked at his sheath as he watched the other. His member grew about an inch more just thinking on what the lion was doing.

The lions tail also swung to the beat of the song as he started to feel himself all over his body purring slightly. He was rather enjoying himself as he crossed his arms at the bottom of his white shirt and started to lift it up slowly revealing his abs to the wolf.

Mark started to pant as he saw what was underneath the shirt. His member started to grow to its maximum length of nine inches as he started to paw himself off a bit.

As Justin took the shirt completely off and through it to the floor the song that was playing changed to a faster tempo. It took him a second to adjust as he put his paws down his legs a couple times before he started to unbuckle his belt. He went a bit closer to the wolf and turned around started to swing his hips again now unbuckling and unzipping his fly. He then took both his boxers and his pants and purposely pulled them down together bending over to reveal his tail hole and hanging balls to the wolf. He smiled as he looked back to the wolf to see his expression.

The wolf was now moaning as he pawed himself off a bit more as he watched his lion strip for him. He then stopped as his eyes grew wide as the lion bent over revealing himself. The wolf had to keep himself back from jumping on the lion's back and fuck the life out of him.

Justin smirked and straightened himself up as he got his legs out of the pants and boxers on the ground. He then turned around and went to the open seat where he sat down and cuddled up against the wolf. "How was that?"

Mark continued to stroke his throbbing member, "Hot, that's all I have to say."

The lion chuckled a bit as he kissed the wolf on the cheek, "I'm glad you liked it." He looked down at his member, "Do you need any help with that?"

"Um, no, at least not right now I don't. Thanks for your concern though. That shows how sweet you are and why I picked you to be my mate in the first place." He smiled as he looked at the lion and started to kiss him on the lips.

Justin smiled and closed his eyes as the wolf kissed him. He purred with content as he lifted himself up and sat across Mark's lap. He wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck as he licked at his muzzle for entrance.

Mark opened his muzzle slightly to let the other tongue into his mouth as he started to explore the lion's mouth as well. Their tongues played with each other as Mark let out a lustful moan and wrapped his paws around the lion's waist bringing him closer to him. His cock needed attention, but he ignored his urge as he held the lion.

"Mmm..." Justin moaned into the wolf's mouth as their tongues continued to dance for a minute more. He then slowly broke the kiss and opened his eyes and looked at the wolf. He smiled slightly as he turned his body putting his legs so that the wolf was in between his thighs. He was now facing Mark as their members where now touching which caused him to moan slightly. He gave a loud purr as he started to bite Mark on the neck softly.

The wolf moaned as their members touched. He then closed his eyes and tilted his neck more as the lion started to bite him lightly. He panted, "Justin, I want you to ride me..." His tail was wagging slapping against the cushion with the attention he's getting.

Justin tilted his head slightly as he stopped biting the wolf and looked at him. "You sure?"

The wolf nodded as he opened his eyes and put his paws on his sides, " Yeah, I'm sure, just go slow."

The lion nodded and smiled slightly as he raised himself up over the wolf's hard member. He took a paw from around the wolf's neck and carefully grabbed the wolf cock and position it at his tail hole. He gasped slightly as he started to push down slowly.

Mark made sure not to buck his hips into the lion's nice and tight tail hole, though he really wanted too. He just moaned and closed his eyes wincing a bit to his tightness, "Mmm, tight kitty, me like." He smiled slightly.

Justin chuckled a bit as he winced and moaned as another few inches of wolf cock entered into him. He never really liked this part as there was more pain then anything, but as he went another couple inches and hilt the wolf the pain slowly turned to pleasure. He stayed hilt on the wolf, so that he could get used to the length inside him.

The wolf giggled slightly as he looked at the lion and wrapped his arms around the smaller of his back to bring him closer. He reached up with his muzzle and nibbled on the lion's ear affectionately and then whispered, "You can start whenever you want too."

The lion smiled and was eager to continue as he started to rise himself off the wolf's member with only the tip in. He slowly descended upon the member as he hilt it again and let out a lustful moan. He closed his eyes as he rose himself over the member again, but this time to the middle and slowly went down again making slow a rhythm as he continued.

"Oh... Justin..." He moaned out. It took all the will power in his body to stay still as the lion road him. He kept his arms around the lion as he started to nuzzle his mane.

Justin twitched his ears as he heard his name being called and this told him to go a bit faster. He moaned out a bit louder and started to pant wildly. He lift up his head and looked at the ceiling as he purred deep within his throat enjoying the sensation of someone else inside him. He wanted to desperately paw off, but his cock was out of reach in between him and the wolf.

Mark felt the lion speed up as he moan out louder. He was close to his orgasm, but still far off. How the lion could do that to him he had no idea, but it felt good all the same. He gritted his teeth slightly and then lolled out his tongue leaning back and just relaxed letting the lion do the work for him. He new the lion was enjoying it as much as he was, probably even more so.

The lion closed his eyes and started to pant as he moaned placing his paws on the wolf's shoulders for leverage. He continued to thrust the wolf's member in and out of his tail hole as he gritted his teeth slightly. He felt himself about to cum, wanting to cum, but couldn't. He needed something a bit more. He looked down at the wolf with pleading eyes. "I want you to fuck me now..." He down to hilt the wolf again stopping all together.

The wolf came out of his dream-like state and looked at the lion. He chuckled a bit as he nodded kissing the lion on the cheek. "Okay, then lets continue this in the bedroom where it's a lot more cozier."

Justin nodded and giggled slightly as he took himself off the wolf's member. He stood up and stretched a bit before he put out a paw for the wolf to take. "That sounds fine to me."

Mark smiled as he took the offered paw and stood up. He kept the paw within his grasp and lead the lion to their room. He opened the door as they stepped inside, "Well, go to the bed and get on all fours. I'll be there in a sec." He closed and locked the door going to the dresser.

The lion purred as he nodded and did what he was told. He got up onto the bed going to his paws and knees. He looked over his shoulder to see what Mark was doing.

The wolf rummaged through the top drawer and got a tube of lube out. He looked over to the lion and smiled as he closed the drawer and made his way to the bed. He squirt some lube into his pawed fingers and spread it onto his tail hole. He knew that the lion was fine and he could slip into him easily. He just liked to play with him a bit before he topped him.

Justin closed his eyes and purred a bit more as he felt the coldness on his tail hole. He lift up his tail a bit more so that he had better access.

Mark murred with content as he easily fit three of his fingers into him. He slowly started to take them in and out fucking him a bit with his digits.

The lion put his head down and moaned out in pleasure clawing at the bead a bit. His cock gave a violent twitch as pre gripped onto the bed from the attention. He wanted to cum so badly now as he mewled as female would in heat. He looked back at the lion with pleading eyes again.

The wolf looked at him and nodded getting the message as he stopped digit fucking him. He put a bit more lube on his paw as he applied it to his own throbbing member. He gasped and closed his eyes as he felt how cold it was. He shook the feeling off as he looked back at his lion and positioned his wolf cock to the lions tail hole. "Are you ready?"

Justin nodded and closed his eyes placing his head down trying to relax his body. He just had one more thing to say before he felt Marks member in him, "Go wild, be as feral as you want, I want it."

Mark nodded though he didn't want to hurt his lover, but at the same time he did want to get off as soon as possible. What better way to do it then just going fast and hard into a "victims" tail hole. He started to push into the lion as inch after inch of his cock entered the nice warm tunnel. He hilt him with one go as he leaned over Justin's back wrapping his arms around his muscular body feeling around. He murred in content as he started to take himself in and out of Justin's hole nice and slow for now.

The lion moaned as he closed his eyes clawing at the bed some more. He gritted his teeth a little and then started to pant as he felt the wolf start to fuck him.

The wolf nuzzled into the lion's mane as he started to thrust his cock in and out of Justin. He moaned out in pleasure as he closed his eyes and lolled out his tongue. He used his right paw and found the lion's member as he started to paw him off in time with his own thrusts wanting Justin to cum with him.

"Oh gods, Mark..." He moaned as he felt his member being helped. He started to buck his hips lightly to the pistoning paw on his member. He felt himself coming close.

Hearing how much the lion is enjoying everything he started to thrust himself in and out of him even faster and harder. He felt his knot leave his sheath and was the size of a baseball. He continued to thrust into the lion as it started to probe at his entrance. He breathed hard while asking, "You don't mind If I tie you, right?"

Justin smiled and shook his head as he moaned out of pleasure, "I don't...mind... at... all..."

Mark smiled as his knot was still probing the lions entrance. He continued to thrust himself in and out of the lion ass fast and hard. He took one more thrust and shoved his knot into Justin's tail hole which unwantedly expanded to it's sheer size.

Justin couldn't take it any more. He felt his cock throb and his balls went up into his body. He put up his head and let out a big roar as he felt rope after rope of white seed pulse from his member. He felt it hit his stomach, chest and chin as his front end collapsed onto the bed.

The knot was in place as the wolf felt the lion's anal walls orgasm around it. This sent huge pleasure up the wolf's spine as he howled to the ceiling. His orgasm struck hard sending threads of white seed deep within the confines of the lion. He rocked his hips slightly to coax his orgasm out as he collapsed on top of the lion. He sent Justin to the bed as well completely out of breath.

The lion chuckled and looked back at the wolf. He then licked his muzzle out of breath as well, "Damn, that was intense."

The wolf chuckled back as he murred and nuzzled into the mane of the lion, "Well. You're the one who said fast and hard like a wild animal."

Justin nodded and laughed a bit as he nuzzled back, "Yeah, So it looks like we're going to be like this for a while."

"Yeah," The wolf looked down to himself and nodded. "But, I don't care as long as it's with you. Do you mind if we sleep like this tonight."

The lion shook his head, "No, I don't mind, actually I kind of like it."

The wolf licked and nibbled at his ear, "I'm glad." He then rolled over helping the lion onto his side as they both moaned from being tied. The wolf continued to nuzzle into his lovers neck, "I love you..." He was now dozing off not being able to hear his answer as he hugged his lion tighter.

Justin smiled and chuckled, "I love you too, and always will." He cuddled more up to mark and he was soon asleep as well.

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The Unlucky Meeting

Disclaimer: This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy. \* \* \* This story is the second chapter to the...

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In the Beginning

Disclaimer: This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy. \* \* \* This story is the starting of a series based...

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A Change for the Better

A fox that finds himself with the help of his mate. Disclaimer: This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy. \*...

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