Tribal Lore - Act:1 ~Tides that Bind~

Story by Zana An on SoFurry

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#2 of Tribal Lore

This is a romance based on a human x pokemon relationship, however I wanted to develop the lead's background so I took the time to flesh her out a little, invariably opting to add depth to her before I move onto the other main lead, which is of course none human sexiness, well at least for me ^_^ I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Tribal Lore

Act: I

~Tides that Bind~


The radiant layer of heat danced in the air, warping the yonder before me. Birthed by the fieriness of his own projected rays when he raised his inferno higher into the sky, he was none other than the spirit we thanked for bestowing his gift of light unto us.

_ -Sun.- _

His invisible hands branched out, radiating between the recesses of my bare shoulder blades, and streamed down the subtle arch of my back, leaving the small material articles that offered my breasts support, damp with sweat. Stickily, they clung to me as much as the fear of heights itself, which rippled shivers over my limbs, but ever so slowly those nerves of mine began to settle. My stretching shadow fell long ahead, whilst I was warmed pleasantly to a bright new dawn.

Skipping, I descended down, passing the final curvature of the declining mountain pass, only to have Sun relinquish his cherish from my rear. The cooling shade washed over me, as Aiyanna shadowed over at the final descent.

Indeed, this majestic mountainside proud and glorious, provided quite the sight. Mostly barren, yet even in its harshness and desolation, even it cared to offer up a serenity of its own kind, amongst the indulgent views of cool, shaded yellows and orange hues that resided under Aiyanna's canopy. Where the landscape cracked or stood fertile enough, small shrubs of earthy greens seethed through, and even the odd wild flower that miraculously sprouted, lay here and there. Scattered, these pleasantries occurred rarely, yet without a doubt, cheerfully. Even in such hostile climes, life always found a way to flourish. To behold this as an image rendered in time forevermore, was sadly no more than a wish, for I could not denounce how heavenly this vision truly was.

But... with the view aside, something else more prominent had been amiss, something I scrutinised under thought most earnestly, each and every time I'd heartily attempted this. For what seemed an eternity unto my own, had I suffered from my thirteenth cycle of age, and even now in my nineteenth, cursed I was to never succeed. Having lived long in the shadow of my bane, I knew from whence this pain came; the dishonor brought about by my lack of courage.

The air stood inanimate, leaving me unable to savour even the faintest of breezes to add to the void of sound, and with no more than the silence of the mesa to listen to the patters of my bare feet, I was no better off. I thought those lonely rocks would be my only solace, however, I couldn't be further from the truth. He was my saving grace, like every other day, but, my twisted emotions would not allow me to accept his salvation. At the feet of our great mount Aiyanna, he awaited as he always would.

He stood very patiently upon the dusty orange path of grounded stone. Noticing first I quickly sighted his newer strands of silvers that had been weaved through his Mohawk. Bristly, and upright, his hairs stood tall having been freshly groomed. Those newer silks, steadily meshed into his thick braid which could just about be glimpsed from the side of his neck, falling down his back, and to where my eyes could not lay. Twice my senior, he was not the spring cub, but yet he was not the cobweb neither, and only a man of thirty-nine.

Solid, he was of features so handsome and striking, almost chiseled from the rock itself, for he was as sturdy, not only by stature and size, but predominantly of his spirit, defined, mostly bare save for that brown breechcloth, that hung from his waist. As I lessened the gap and drew closer, my eyes for a short given time followed the tattooed blacks that decorated his pectoral. The swirls of those intricate designs, interlaced so flawlessly along his dense, muscular bulk. Tracing their outlines, I chased them down his hefty arm, but my gaze stopped just shy from his forearm. Knowing of which fell down from there to the tips of his fingers were those sacred markings he claimed from whence the rites of passage had been adhered to, and thus he became an adult. I had yet to earn these. -How I yearned now for those would be spoils of ascending Aiyanna- Something to fill despair, for none could do this in my stead, and it was solely within my own capacity to make such a thing happen.

I shook my head at him, letting my hair flap loosely from the bun it had been tied to, -for the sake of not hindering my climbing-, it fell around my shoulders and quickly cascaded down, tickling all the way just past my hips. Feeling a little at loss and even ashamed, I eventually slowed my pace to scamper on, finally reaching him, but still he smiled knowing I'd failed. My head hung low for a bitter moment before I gained some back bone and greeted his gaze once more. His expression held firm to portray naught of contempt. Still I asked myself, why couldn't I do this, why? If not for anyone else, and more so than myself, then it was for him I desperately wished to be successful; A daughter he could be proud of, so I may too listen to those songs of glory and praise the others before me had.

"I failed you yet again today, ashamed I am to stand here before you." I stated, tapping my foot anxiously into the stony dirt. The powerfully built man imbued a moment of gentleness to own me, as he looked at me with eyes so adorned, he was forthcoming and bold of action, and never would he falter when he offered his comfort to me. A hand he did extend to run the wilds of my hair like freely running water, and it was a small luxury for me knowing he was the father that adored me. His kneading fingers helped to alleviate some of my mounting tension, as I took easier breaths. My face he then finally graced, cupping with both hands. My cheek he caressed next with his coolness softly, whilst a few tears he swept from me.

My father was by far a gentle giant, amusingly in comparison to me, more than thrice my size, but I felt very protected to be held in this notion. My eyes welled further not knowing how he could put up with one such as I for as long as he has. Sobbing, I was beside myself, overwhelmed by my disappointment to him. Still he just stared within my eyes, and it seemed eons before he finally spoke,

"Fret you do, and smile not. My little peach is better suited with the crescent moon placed to her expression, so why not give me that laughter I know?"

"Again to fail you!" I sniffed, even being given all this attention, but it stopped not the thoughts raking away at me with a pain that lingered deep inside. It felt so heavy around the chest and hung like weights from my heart, but he was there to share it, and the burdened load seemed slowly halved.

Avidly expressing his uplifting mood, he sought to impress upon me with his coming words,

"Such a glum peach." he tutted loudly and mused, "Where is the village tormentor I know so well in you? Liven your mood and forget today. Young babes know not how to walk, and would fall many times, some walk sooner, some much later, but that's the nature of their spirit, and they think not of failing tomorrow. So later for you it shall be, and my sweet child will finally become a woman, of that I hold no doubt." insightful he may have been to the words bespoken, but what is this wisdom if it fails to affect.

"I'll amount to nothing, can you not see?" Distraught I challenged him as I seemed to do well at that. I was after all, rather frustrated, and why shouldn't I be, having failed to climb Aiyanna more times than I would care to remember. Despite the sweetness I often addressed for my prestigious leader with love, I knew of no daughterly favors I gave to him when I inflicted greater wounds to his beloved heart by not accomplishing the meagre tasks of my tribe, ones that even youngsters had. I reserved my remorse for the latter matter, just till I was alone, as no constitution of tears would suffice to rectify this folly.

"Instead of that, how about that smile to splash some cheer to you, for tomorrow is another day?" It was as if he avoided the question... as if it mattered not.

"Adamant you are about that smile." Futilely trying to barricade the smile he wanted, I pouted, crossing my arms to show I wasn't caving, but I was already won over, and a word further would have it season to bloom in my face.

"Because naught better suits you, peaches are sweet and so are you with smiles."

But with a final act of love he did break through, hitting me with loving delights of the mouth to place the softest kiss to my cheek. He could be so persistent about such trivial things, but tilling the seeds he finally did plant that smile, and within his very smile, I found mine budding.

"I concede" Hooking both arms which was quite the reach on the tips of my toes, I hung from his neck like a wild simisage letting my head bury in his broad chest. His arms closed, folding around my frame like a warm blanket, ever so lovingly. "Why did you have to be so tall and big, should I dare to look up now, I would surely sprain my neck."

"That would be because I received the good traits and features from my father."

"Oh? So what of my own? does my father mock in implying I'm the inheritor of the bad hmmmm?" Zestfully I teased to provoke a response now, he had such a way with me that he already now imprinted his mood upon me, for easily impressionable I was. I felt set free, and craved to be teased back.

"Never,.... as you have the best of all." his last comment sealed my lips of any further teases, bubbling heat rose to bloom in my face and spread tingles, leaving me to feel special, like none other.

Being denied company for most days, I wasn't accustomed to such comments often enough, as they came in such small quantities. Invariably, when they did from such a source of adoration, I lacked the back hand to return them, although what I didn't express in words, I did with my actions when I held to him. I felt in this simple embrace, I did better in showing my love than anything I could have said.

I wasn't likely to digress into a foul mood again, not after the heightened mood elevation he'd granted me. A clamor of excitement left me, as my feet were swept form the ground so suddenly, catching me off guard. Hoisted high, he perched me across one shoulder, and like a young child I truly felt.

"Father! Am I not too old to be carried upon your shoulder?" He took a steady pace, leaving me to bob in each stride.

"Maybe so, but you're small enough." He made me pout, knowing my height was just a slither below five stacked totem spirits, in comparison to his monstrous seven and a half spirits or so, people would be inclined to assume we were not of the same spawn.

"Hmpf! Must you always jest in such a way with me?"

"Only when it serves to amuse, as its almost joyous to see you a little riled"

"Well if it must be, however breakfast awaits!"

"Haste makes waste, and elsewhere we must attend first." He stopped to ponder a moment, lost to thought. Seeing him caught in some wave I wished to know of what bothered him.

"What is it father?"

"Nothing much so, I just wish to show you the shrine." It did beg a question, and of course there was probably more to it then could be guessed on a whim. My mind needed to be loosened of what few words resided.

"Wait, must I not be an adult first?"

"In form you are, but not by stature, my will as chieftain is absolute, and our secret it shall remain. Speak not of it to others." I wondered, to ask why? Had he given up hope that I'd become an adult.

"Have you also come to terms that I may never become an adult?"

"Silly little peach, and far from it. It may serve to cheer you, possibly even aspire you to higher goals beyond Aiyanna for the coming days."

He continued to walk, feeling myself rise and fall with each step til we reached a dig-out at the side of the mountain. Roggenrola scattered along the ground, scurrying playfully as they passed on by. Two towering totems of aged cedar stood guard to rise high to either side, doused in preservatives to darkly stain these carved sigliph's, having been cut with painstaking detail to depict themselves to stand on top of one another. As far as my knowledge extended I knew only of their being here for as long as our scriptures delved. Despite my lack of awareness to their origin, I still knew well of them. Never would I have dared to even consider in entering the inner sanctum that lay beyond, for I held far greater respect to our ways to violate such a sacred place.

Reaching up he took me, his hands wrapped almost completely around my waist, for a skinny runt I surely was, only to be given a toss to free me of him to the air as if I were a feather to the wind, and to catch me safely once more by the waist. He was deemed the strongest man to have been bred of our bloodline, and one I was proud to know as my father -I love you....- I gave into plights of the heart which came out as laughter with him, it was something he never broke the habit of, one that transcended through my life from whence I was naught but a crawling babe. Another throw he gave but with more vigor to swish the silks of my hair, and as high as his arms could toss me.

"FATHER!!!" I cried, shrieking in joy for the laughter I gained and the small wonders that these little shows of affection brought me, finding the childhood youth would never leave me in these moments. His arms took me into his tenderness once more, and finally setting me to to my feet where I found solid ground again. Reluctant of his release I was fast to act, quickly to jump to his side, locking both my arms around his left, and amazed as always feeling the rock solid nature I found in this tree trunk, but one of warmth and the softest golden skin. Looking up I dared to make the those puppy eyes, whilst setting astray my goofy sounds for the sake of entertainment, and attention. He began moving forthwith with me, as I continued my lighthearted plights of childishness.

"Rawr rawr rawr!" I did find I was like this only with him, for it gave him much joy, and as of I.

"Ah, and still my little peach is the child at heart, Mika Mika Mika what is a father to do?" He commented with shake of his head and a smile to follow.

Giggling I replied, "But I'm your child, rawr, which of course inclines you to further bare with me."

"Becoming playful again are we?" His other hand came swiftly to ruffle upon the strands of my scalp, and very vigorously I may add, before reclining from whence it came. Leaving me to frown with squinting eyes which I subjected annoyance through.

"Was that so called for....father! Now I look like a wild jungle Simipour that's been dragged on its head by the tail!" Soon my silence came, the darkness shed around us, slowly continuing I held to him tightly, lest some spirit tore me away, or maybe a demon, maybe even a monster?

"Father, there be no demons here right?"

"That would be up to you, and none other than those you carry everywhere."

"I don't understand?"

"Of an answer of a personal nature, but you shall be fine, for none shall hurt you here." Always to speak riddles, he never failed yet in delivering dilemmas unto me. The soft flapping came, carrying moments which caused timidity to etch away, and even holding him tighter, I knew not of what the noise was. The palpitations hit with my rising heart beat, and even a sweat had broken within the blackened shroud, leaving clamminess to clench to my skin.

"Eeeeeek!" Terror, it came so suddenly, my heart may have even skipped a beat, rushing to scream through me, as I felt something brushing past me in the darkness, carrying a breeze, and not one but to the many! Shrieking, I clutched to him for dear life, terrified,

"Hahaaha, so easily spooked, aren't we?" Amused by my reactions, he laughed heartily, "Calm yourself, naught of monsters reside here, and of course only woobats, but be assured, harmless they are."

Within the gloom, I knew not of the light, and in the darkness I felt at unease. This was not to be, for a newer view beheld me, the glimmers of light, from there, illumination came, fireflies, dozens of them, no, thousands even, cavorted in growing numbers to light the way. The sweetness of their glow splashed colour to the bronzes, and browns of the tunnel, which finally folded out into a vast inner sanctum of spirits.

An odd few Pokemon, alien to me by species, flew about carelessly and at ease. Examining I assumed them to be woobats. In scurries they scattered across the open space, making it lively with the pinks of their noses, and of the fluffy nature of their bodies, to think such cute creatures scared me earlier was laughable. Shock took me, an apprehension soon came, clearly it wasn't only the woobats which would continue to harbour my attention. Gaped wide mouthed, I gasped to the breathtaking sight that took me.

Gargantuan were the celestial deities of stone that rose and to heights which soared to dwarf me in their magnitude, and to the cave walls, tribal paintings of bold and vibrant colours took their hold to lavish every corner the eye could see, even the ceiling was horded with millions of fireflies to shed their light, and to think such a place could exist within Aiyanna would have been unthinkable, but there blatantly staring me back, it surely was here. From ground beneath my feet, to the air I breathed, every aspects carried its devout undertone to accentuate this shrines beauty, which enveloped me anew.

Feeling a nudge from behind, I broke away from my father, taking steps to distance myself from him, but if I were not paying attention then upon that nudge, the dirt would have been found to my nose, for that's how lost I was. He urged me forward with a further nudge,

"Go on, shy not away, and you would do well to be awash in their beauty." Looking upon the statues I knew each and every noble spirit that had been cast in stone, from Sun the spirit of light, to Nesero the sky spirits, even Aiyanna to stand in her true form, and many others before me. From those treasured visages that filtered through my sight I took to amble my waddling path passing each, naming them as I went on by, albeit one did come to place a halt within my tracks. I froze, and shot a look back at my father, nothing to the quandary that played now, for what was this spirit I knew not of?

Knowing my dilemma he advanced towards me. Turning my head to face it once more, I examined the quadrupedal spirit, its tail swished long as if it were that of the sea, its fins to span like a web on its head, and most striking of all were none other than its eyes, that held a loss to which expressed heavily to my soul. If this was a Pokemon form, of what origin had it descended, for none had I seen to the likes of it.

His voice came abruptly to draw me back, "Even before you did, I knew of where you would stop."

"Father what of this one? is it noble of cause? From whence does it hail?" taking my hand he held it ever so gently, as we both looked on, side by side.

"Proteus....the benevolent.... the eternal.... I see of whom you've found, even in name he stands not of the spirits you know of, for he is only a spirit in soul, and not of vessel. Its understanding which may forgo you, lest you spend time to better your knowledge."

"You confuse me father."

"Confusing you may find it at first without proper tutelage as he is a little more complex than others, and already lost I see, but disclosing a little may help enlighten you, but your time will come to study many other scriptures when you pass Aiyanna's trial, of him being one, would you like to know a little more of him?"

Nodding energetically I cared locking to his arm for more indulgence as he looked down. Clingy in nature I was, offering my undivided attention unto him, for he always held it, and in devotion. Bouncily pressing into him for comfort, even he found entertainment within my shenanigans to shelter me with a newly inspired chuckle, before continuing,

"In death you will find him to only return, reborn a mortal body to once again own anew. Long travelled, he bares burdens of each life lost, and to those retained memories he shoulders therein, forevermore. From scriptures unbeknown by trial of ascension to you, he is a Vaporeon, but to a decree unlike any other, and of origins afar, much like your own soul."

"Still I know very little, if anything at all of him, invariably its a creature of whom must be of a stranger nature, for I can not tell in its oddity of what its purpose is, nor do your words to surmise him bare clarity, I'm none the wiser."

"Proteus strange? Some respect you lack, which should be better addressed in his presence, he is that which is measureless to age, the eternal soul that's graced upon enduring the infinity of time itself. Alone he has stood amongst the ages, and will forever be, never to wither, nor to fade into the abyss of existence. The lesson he teaches is of how we as mortals may gain immortality."

Sheepishly I scratched my head in wander, of course a little dumbfound, not that I hadn't been already, although somewhat more. Far higher was the interest that peaked , cultivating my intrigue over the lack of intelligence at this point.

"Immortality? How do I gain such status?"

"Our souls never die, forever reborn in the next life, however he retains the memories of every life time, walked, forever wiser to the life he would draw to next."

"But what of immortality in this life?"

"An eager little peach you are. To his wisdom, and of teachings passed unto us, oneself need only to live a life worth living, as we live on through the memories of our loved ones, and if chanced, then also of greater deeds shall we be recorded in the generations to come, forgotten never, thus making us immortal in our own right."

Impressed, but more so, I felt this wisdom impact me, and how immortality bared a solution so simple, yet with an inspiration profound. I did so delightfully comment on it,

"He truly seems the wiser of many."

"Indeed he is. Whist reading the scriptures no matter how many countless times, depth can never be found in any part, should we not wish to see it. An ocean is held within those scriptures that awaits true exploration, and not apparent at first and from what it seems. I found him richer with each read, delving deeper, acquiring newer discoveries that I knew not existed, which scared me at times, and almost never failed to surprise."

I could say the same of my own father, through each exchange I know more of him, no matter the time we've spent there's always something new to see in him. Without knowing it at first, I had finally realised that even if I didn't open to share the pain, or even talk of what crushes me, it mattered little because the smallest amounts of his company was enough to strengthen me. He's this unbreakable pillar of support, that's strong, and will be ever stronger.

Suddenly rumbling became the forecaster of my hunger, immediately catching his attention, and to be addressed by only his laughter,

"I believed breakfast is what you called for earlier?"

"Most certainly, and being a creature of hunger so aching, I would even turn to cannibalism, rawr rawr rawr." Breaking the touch of his hand, my feet rubbed along the dust, shifting slowly in predatory movements to slowly circle, as if I were stalking him.

"Truth be said, you are unruly, just as your mother was. A slap to your hind would have you tamed."

"To dare you wouldn't!" Shouting, I rolled out my tongue to him. Never had he hurt me, for he truly was the kinder man, but a playful act of scolding he would hesitate not in, and should it be needed, would freely administer it in such times as these, for rowdy I could be.

At the point where I was to pounce, his large arm whisked me to the air, and to my misfortune, it was his shoulder I found myself hung over, as if I were a sac, and to be carried off without further moon shines. To home was where he marched us, whilst a song or two he sang out aloud. Off key, his bellowing was carried by the chirps of the pidoves, to accompany us along the way. I knew he would always be there, as he would strive to protect me, hold my hand, and love me to a rapture, divine.


Chapter End Notes:

Sorry for the lack of Pokemon interaction but promise there will with the next chapter! Theres a cool one incoming. Thanks for reading my humble offering, and thanks to betas too, your input was appreciated.

Mysterydude42 - Beta 1

ShinjiHiroku - Beta 2

ServusSmith - Beta 3

Guri Linus - Final checker, Beta 4

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise for this story and its entirety. No copyright infringement is intended

Tribal Lore - Prologue

~~~~~\*~~~~~ Before the piteous iron age of mankind, another time thrived to predate the pilgrims that ventured to these lands by a millennia. There hidden in the lost fragments of ages was the golden age of stone. Order from chaos had...

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The Sacrifice

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