Der Meister

Story by Lemnbunny on SoFurry

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_Yup, it's a story involving sex between two males.

I'd like to thank my drill sergeant in boot camp for being the inspiration for Greg's character, even though his punishments were never quite what I'd hoped for...

Also thanks to Rammstein, whose song by the same title inspired me to write the story.

Hope you likey likey :)


Within a beige, dusty warehouse in the industrial heart of the city, shiny tailings and sparks flew in a tight arc off of a long steel rod spinning in a lathe. The interior was lit by the setting sun, it's rays barely making it through windows stained by years of dust and smoke. The dim sunbeam's relentless passage up the far wall constantly reminded the small fox running the lathe of his approaching deadline.

That morning had been a mess, starting with him being very late to work. He'd gotten absorbed in a story and lost track of time, and ended up leaving his house with barely enough time to get there if things went perfect. He'd pedaled hard and fast up until the last mile, when the tap-tap-tap of something stuck in his tire, along with a loud hissing sound, brought him to a stop alongside the road.

When he finally got to work after hastily patching the tube, the morning meeting was almost over.

"Well look who finally decided to show up!" his boss Greg roared from his office, scowling over at the fox, who had his head down.

"Tim, you just earned yourself the shit job of the day. Get'cher ass in here before you make me go out there and beat it in front of everyone."

His boss was not joking either. He was the largest timberwolf Tim had ever seen. Greg had been in the Talon Guard, his nation's most elite military branch, and earned several medals for bravery and valor in a war zone before leaving and starting the machine shop.

Tre and Vic, two hyenas who'd just begun working on a drill press nearby, giggled quietly at Tim's plight.

"Shut the fuck up out there!", his boss yelled in annoyance. There was instant silence as Tim dropped his bike against the wall and walked rapidly into his boss Greg's office, his face seemingly red hot and his heart pounding.

Tim stood in front of Greg's desk while the wolf explained the machining required, pointing to various things on the schematic as he discussed them. Tim occasionally stole quick glances upwards at Greg's amazing body, the morning sun shining through the barred windows behind him illuminating the light silver fur on his sides.

Despite being mostly just the boss now, Greg could still do anyone's job in the shop better than they could, and frequently would pitch in when deadlines were looming. You could see the admiration in his co-workers eyes when he would walk past; a looming, intense mass of fur covered muscle, sharp eyes constantly sweeping the area as he went past for any sign of things being out of place, hazardous, or excessively messy.

There was an admiration of a different sort in Tim's eyes when he gazed up at the wolf. He sought approval from Greg as much as all the others, but he wanted more.

He wanted to be his bitch. He didn't care much about the circumstances; he just knew he needed that wolf inside him. It was hopeless, as his boss could and frequently did have any female he wanted, but despite all reasoning his lust still went wild every time his boss was near.

The job he'd been given that morning was a real nightmare too; he had to turn some machine parts out of hardened stainless steel, and it was more than his machine was really capable of dealing with efficiently. His cutting bits were wearing out at such a rate that he wasn't sure he'd have enough to finish the job.

Everyone else had gone home, but he still had two more parts to finish, and his boss would be back at any moment expecting them to be done.


Across town, things were not going well for Greg.

He'd pulled up to his favorite bar to knock back a cold one and watch the game with his buds, but there had been a small electrical fire that morning and the bar was closed. Pissed off, he'd started walking down to another bar, when he'd been accosted by a human beggar. He ignored him at first, until the beggar muttered a particularly foul insult in a different language at him.

Unfortunately for the vagrant, Greg had learned enough of that language in the military to recognize it, and stopped dead in his tracks, turning slowly to face the man. The beggar realized he was in trouble and started to back away, but not fast enough. Without saying a word, Greg grabbed the man by the front of his ragged shirt with one enormous paw, lifting him off the ground, and backhanded him with his other paw before flinging him like a rag doll against a concrete wall nearby.

There was blood on the ground where the man lay crumpled in a heap next to the wall, and he wasn't sure if the guy was just unconscious or dead. He'd probably gotten a little carried away there, and a ton of people saw the whole thing, including a police dog.

The police dog, a dobie wearing mirrored sunglasses and a curious amount of black leather, immediately recognized the wolf from stories in the local newspaper about his heroism in combat. He looked around the scene, scritched his chin a few times, and finally approached Greg calmly and carefully.

"You know Sir, " he spoke quietly, "everyone saw that, and if I don't do something about it there's a good chance one of these people are gonna go crying to the media or something..."

Greg looked down guiltily and nodded, a sense of dread beginning to fill him. He really didn't feel like going back to court again; his war record had let him get away with quite a bit lately, but this time he knew he'd gone too far.

The police dog began scribbling onto his citation pad, and after just a few moments handed him the pad along with a pen.

In a loud firm voice that everyone around could hear, he asked Greg to please sign the notice.

Greg read it and found it was a 15 copper fine... for littering. Payable by mail. He shot a quick grin at the officer, then put on his best serious face for the people nearby as he signed the paperwork and carried on. When out of earshot from passers by he sighed deeply in relief. He decided he really needed to get serious about working on his anger management techniques. Maybe tonight. Well, maybe next week. He'd get to it eventually...

The beggar still wasn't moving, but no one really seemed to care, either.

Levelling that filth had taken a bit of the edge off, but Greg was still really pissed because he'd missed most of the game by now, and gave up on getting that beer. He decided to just go back and check up on Tim; that fruity little fox had damn well better have his shit done by now, he thought to himself. And maybe a trip downtown afterwards to get some tail was in order; he was horny as hell as well as high-strung at the moment, and a good rut always helped him calm down...


Back at the shop, the lathe was no longer spinning.

Tim had put the last piece in the rig and centered it, and had made the mistake of relaxing a bit since the work was almost done. He'd been staring at the dials and lapsed into a familiar daydream about Greg coming up behind him while he worked, feeling him up, and kissing his neck. He was so tired he'd closed his eyes to get more into his fantasy, and murred softly as he imagined those rough paws running up and down his sides, Greg's warm breath against his neck...

Suddenly reality came crashing in on Tim as he heard the front door being unlocked, then swung open hard by his boss. As his boss entered and the door slammed locked behind him, he suppressed the sudden urge to wet himself and frantically tried to remember what point he was at on the machining process, turning dials and trying to get the machine going so he'd at least look like he was doing something instead of just leaning against the machine pawing off.

"Yo Tim, " his boss yelled from the hallway, "You in there? You better be, those parts gotta go out tonight and I don't see them on my desk..."

"Um, yes Sir it's done! Kinda!", Tim yelled back. He managed to get the machine going, but he'd set the speed too high and hadn't tightened the other end down properly, so the piece wobbled for a moment, making a horrible noise as it briefly slapped against the machine before flying out of the machine towards the doorway. The same doorway that his boss had just begun to stroll through...

With incredible reflexes, Greg leapt sideways down the hall, out of the path of the steel rod as it flew out the doorway and went through the interior wall just beyond, finally landing with a crash after bouncing off a wall in the break room.

Tim froze, eyes wide with fear and muzzle gaping open, completely in shock at what just happened.

His boss reappeared in the doorway, turning his head first slowly to the left, at the jagged, gaping hole in the wall, then slowly to the right, to Tim, who was almost motionless except for a slight trembling all over his body.

Tim looked fearfully into his bosses eyes, which were glaring back at him mercilessly.

"Um, Tim, " he spoke in a low voice that somehow managed to frighten Tim even more than he already was, "you mind explaining to me... slowly... just what in the FUCK you were thinking there? And I use the word 'thinking' loosely..."

At this point Tim just couldn't take it any more. Tears began to well up and streak down his face. He turned away, trying to conceal his sobbing and not doing a very good job.

"Now I hired you because you're damn good, but you just about took my head off there, boy. You broke nearly every goddamn safety rule we have for that machine, and I can't have that in my shop..."

Greg continued walking slowly towards Tim, and began to hear the sobbing coming from the little fox.

"Well?! I think I remember asking you a question, boy!"

Tim didn't know what to do. He was trying to assemble sentences in his head. Apologies, excuses for the accident, excuses for sobbing, excuses for anything. Eventually he just curled up on the ground on his side, crying, little words coming out between sobs.

Greg could barely make them out, a "sorry" here and a "machine" there. The pathetic little display Tim was putting on made Greg feel a bit strange. He was beginning to feel sorry for Tim, but his gesture of complete submission also aroused him, as did Tim's slender, feminine body.

Also, while he was not the most perceptive woof in the world, he knew Tim lusted for him. He could see it in his eyes, in the way he walked, and the way his tail moved around him. He'd found it just kind of amusing; up until now anyways.

After the long frustrating day he'd had, and the adrenaline charge from dodging the steel rod, the whole scene was beginning to turn him on. Greg breathed in deeply, then sighed, towering over the sobbing fox, watching him shake slightly whenever a sob would hit him. It was just too much for Greg, and he decided right then and there what needed to happen.

He quietly laid down on the floor on his side behind Tim, and slowly wrapped his arm around Tim's chest.

"I guess you can answer my question later..." Greg whispered into Tim's ear before giving his neck a gentle nuzzle and kiss.

Tim lay still and quiet in Greg's warm embrace for a moment, tears still blurring his vision, trying to determine if what he thought was happening was really happening. Was his boss, the perfectly built war hero who'd been in every one of his fantasies since he started working at his shop, really spooning him?!

As if in response to his thoughts, Greg pulled Tim tighter against him, and reflexively thrust his hips forward against Tim's backside. Tim shivered and murred in response, arching his back slightly, pushing his ass backwards against Greg's waist.

Tim slowly, hesitantly turned his head around to try to look at Greg, whose enormous arms he could see draped over his side. Tim watched in awe as Greg's biceps flexed, gripping him even tighter. Then Greg began to gently lick at the end of his short muzzle, and Tim responded by lapping at the wolf's long tongue. The sudden snuggling had turned his emotions inside out, and his tears ran now not out of fear or frustration, but from a pleasure and comfort so intense it almost hurt.

The tears trailed easily down his left eye and onto the concrete floor below, but were making a mess of the fur around his right eye. Noticing this, Greg gently cleaned Tim's face with soft laps of his tongue, pausing every third of fourth lick to give him a quick kiss.

A part of Greg's mind was recoiling at all this. He'd never been with a male before, and here he was on the floor licking Tim's face as he held him close from behind. But lust has a way of overriding pretty much any other thought, and right now his lust for Tim was as genuine as it was intense. But he was much too disciplined to let his impulses rush him; he had all night to do this, and was going to take his time with the little fox. Like any other task he took on, he was going to do it right.

Greg slid his arm down along Tim's chest and abs, and brushed his paw softly between his legs before coming to rest against his hips, which he began to caress up and down gently. Greg could feel Tim breathing more rapidly, and looked down to see his eyes almost closed, his muzzle slightly open and his tongue lapping lazily and absentmindedly at nothing in particular.

At once, the large wonderful paw left his hip, and Tim felt the warmth and pressure fade from his backside. Was Greg going to leave him here? Or ask him to leave? It was a pretty rough part of town and Tim was very afraid of riding home as late as it was. He began to whimper sadly again, until he felt a paw slide under his chest, and another under his thighs. He felt the paws grip him gently, and with a rapid tug he was moving upwards, his body cradled in Greg's strong arms.

He now found his face pressed up against Greg's chest, and could easily take in his wonderful scent. Tim was dazed, overpowered by the pleasure of being in his dream wolf's arms, rubbing his face slowly against Greg's huge, broad chest while also feeling it with his left paw. A smile crept across Tim's face as he glanced up shyly at the big wolf who held him so gently.

Greg spoke now, with a lustful tension in his voice.

"I can drive you home right now, Tim, or you can... um. You can stay here with me tonight. It's up to you."

The very thought of this experience ending horrified Tim, and he clutched at Greg as best as he could in his position, burying his face in the wolf's warm, tan colored chest fur. The fox pleaded, "please Sir I want to stay... with you... here...Sir... "

Greg grinned very slightly, and swung the fox gently in his arms for a moment. He couldn't believe how enjoyable and arousing it was to be intimate with Tim; he certainly seemed to be more excited and more genuine in his excitement than any of the females he could remember. Greg smiled and carried him into his office, shutting the door behind them, and sat on a long couch with the fox still in his arms. With the fox now on his lap, Greg slid his arm out from under Tim's legs, and used the free paw to explore the foxes body, caressing his chest and giving a nipple a gentle tug. Tim was completely enraptured by the big wolf and yiffled softly, writhing blissfully beneath the wolf's wandering paw. A small puddle was forming on Tim's lower abs as pre dripped almost continuously from his straining erection.

As Greg's paw wandered down along Tim's smooth furry abs, Tim arched and begin to rub himself against the growing hardess of Greg's sheathed wolfhood. It was too much for the already tense wolf; he felt his resolve to just take things slowly weaken and break as he felt the exposed portion of his cock slide against the fox's tight tail hole.

Greg growled loudly, and deftly slid out from under the fox, jumping on top of him, and clutching him tightly as he began rutting against him slowly and roughly. Their sheaths rubbed together, and their combined pre was beginning to make quite a mess of their underfur. Without looking or saying anything, Greg reached his paw down into the mess and gathered as much of the slick pre as he could before reaching further down and working it all around and inside Tim's tail hole. He could feel the fox relax his opening for him, and at that point could take no more. He slid downward and slowly but smoothly bucked the first 4 inches of his huge wolf cock into the trembling fox, who almost howled with pleasure at the sudden penetration.

It was an unusual sensation, but Greg was at least in a somewhat familiar situation now; on top, rutting into an ecstatic canine below him. It just happened to be a cute little male fox this time. Greg smiled a bit now as Tim pushed downwards, whimpering softly, trying to get more of Greg's long, thick shaft inside him.

Greg's muscles began to tense and he growled deeply as he began to pound deeper into his bitch. He gripped the foxes thighs now, trapping them between his strong arms and either side of his solid abs to get a better angle, and tugged on them in rhythm with his thrusts to push himself deeper into the fox, who was now completely silent, his eyes closed and his muzzle hanging open.

Usually Greg just blasted through his orgasm at full ramming speed, but this time he slowed as the moment approached. He inched up on it this time, until the feel of Tim's tight passage pushed him slowly but firmly over the edge. In doing it this way he could concentrate on the sensation of ejaculation itself; of feeling his body suddenly pumping a huge torrent of cum into the object of his lust. Tim could feel it too; in the hot flood filling him was the attainment of his deepest desire; Greg, the alpha of alphas, had mated with him.

The wolf collapsed heavily on the fox, who sunk further into the cushions from the weight. Tim couldn't think and could barely move; all he could manage was to try to hug the big wolf, who was still pumping his hot seed into him. His slender arms could not quite reach entirely around the wolf's big chest, but got close enough to snuggle him tightly. He felt so secure and comfortable knowing the big woof was with him he could only murr softly in bliss.

Tim didn't remember if he'd come himself, and didn't care in the slightest. He knew that Greg did, and it was because of him. And that was all that mattered in the entire world at that moment.

Greg panted softly and hugged the fox back. He wasn't really sure what would happen now between himself and Tim. He was sure that Tim was the best partner he'd ever had, and that he now felt an even greater attraction for him than before. Greg leaned downwards to look into Tim's eyes, which sparkled back at him. Greg then gave him a long, slow kiss before laying back down and drifting off to sleep for a bit. It was a little cold in the office, but Greg was keeping Tim quite warm. Through heavy eyelids, Tim saw moonlight glinting off the big wolf's silvery arms as he nuzzled Greg gently, just before fading into sleep himself.

Awakening in a New World

_This is part two of a series. In this part, Jeff, Eva, and a mysterious box emerge in a strange land. I like silly and yiffy in equal parts :P -Lemnwezel_ Curiosity began to bore through the peaceful haze of sleep that had...

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A requiem for Normality

This is the intro and sets the stage for tons of furry action in the next chapter and beyond, but I regretfully must admit there are no furries in this chapter. Rather, it's filled pretty much to the tab-stops with zoophilia, which I've had a keen...

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