Ancient Rites 1

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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#3 of RoP

Kilara returned with a small rabbit, just in time for dinner judging by the smell coming from the cave. "Mmmm...I'm not very hungry but that smells really good..." she grumbled. After all that flying, she felt very sore, and she was still in a somewhat bad mood due to the conflicting messages coming from her conscience. Trudging into the cave she found mom working on cutting up the meat with her claws. A twinge of jealousy hit her at the sight of mommy's belly still round with daddy's cum.

"Hey sweetie- oh! you caught something!" Jade exclaimed, smiling. "What're you gonna do with that?"

"I wanna prepare it for daddy..."

Jade tilted her head, then leaned down and nuzzled the little girl. " feeling okay?"

"No..." She took the rabbit to the counter, pausing at how much lower to the ground it was now.

"What happened baby?" Jae asked, rubbing her back softly.

"I lost all of daddy's cum and I'm sore all over and I don't like it..."

Her mother nodded. "I see...I forgot about that. A virgin dragoness will experience that after their first time." She licked her daughter's cheek softly. "Don't worry Keelee, your body just needs to get used to your father's semen. It could take a few days, or a few weeks, but eventually your womb will accept it."

"'s not gonna happen every time?"

"Oh no. I forgot about it because it's been over 60 years since my first time, but trust me Keelee, soon you'll be able to walk around for days with a full belly," she said with a hinting smirk. Despite her soreness Kilara smiled at the encouraging thought.

"60 years since your first time? Did you do the same thing I did?" Kilara asked as she carefully skinned her quarry.

"Mmhmm..." Jade sighed softly, thinking back. "My father gave us our first sisters and me. Mom would let us take turns waking him up by riding him, we made a game of trying to see who could make him cum before he woke up." Kilara saw her smile fade.

"Something wrong?"

Jade looked down at her. Kilara paused; it was the same contemplating gaze she'd seen on her father's face so many times recently. Finally her mother sighed. "'s only fair to warn you...your father and I are worried, Kilara. Worried you inherited my infertility....or inability to carry an egg safely." Kilara tilted her head curiously; Jade couldn't help but smile a bit at how adorable she looked. "If it wasn't for my would have older siblings. I was still with my family during my first heat, and my father...he impregnated me, a dream I'd always had. But...the eggs didn't survive. I only had two. My next heat, dad felt so bad about it, he wanted to try again...I was with your father, but we all agreed. My dad and your dad both bred me. I only had one egg and it didn't survive either. Every heat after that...for 50 years...nothing. Neither your father nor mine could get me pregnant. Until you came along." She smiled and touched her nose to her daughter's. "You are our dream come true, Keelee...but we pray that you haven't inherited my disability, so you can have your own dreams."

Kilara sighed, saddened by this possibility. " I not gonna have kids? Daddy can't get me pregnant?"

"Have faith, baby. Faith that in the end, things will work out. The medic dragons and furs all told me it was impossible for me to ever have children, that I was barren...which means my body can't make eggs for daddy's semen to fertilize. But we prayed for a miracle...and received you." She smiled softly. "Love conquers impossibilities. You're living proof of that."

A loud yawn and stretching grunt caught their attention, Diamant trudging out of the nearby storage room where he'd fallen asleep. "Speaking of love, how're my two girls?" he asked, a bit of sleep slurring his speech.

"Getting dinner ready," Kilara replied, standing in front of the rabbit so he wouldn't see it. "Go sit at the table daddy and wake up a little more."

He chuckled and nodded, heading to the dining room. Jade giggled, turning back to the doe she was finishing up. "Nice one. Better hurry with that though or he'll get suspicious, if he isn't already."

Dinner went quietly. Kilara noticed that her dad really did seem exhausted from cumming so much. She also felt like her body was slowing down, her soreness was getting worse and her legs felt heavier. Her parents had to carry her to and from the creek to drink their fills for the night, her wings were so sore and heavy she couldn't stretch them fully. Kilara was nervous her parents would notice the garden and her... "accident" there, but surprisingly they gave no response to it. Kilara secretly smelled the air while they bathed in the strong smell of cum. She knew the scent very well, having lived with it her whole life...and they were downwind of the patch, where was the smell? Confused, she let her mother carry her back to the cave, then followed them to their room. Again, her parents curled up in the nest, Diamant lying on his back this time. Kilara sat next to him, then thought otherwise and stiffly clambered onto his belly.

"Got something on your mind, sweetie?" he asked with a smirk as she gazed at his fleshy scaled pouch.

"I've got lots on my mind...and I'd like to get something in me," she replied. "Can you put your penis inside me again daddy?"

He smiled and nodded. "Of course. I can't prmoise to fill you though."

"I know, mommy told me...I just wanna feel you in me again." She started nuzzling his sheath, now aware of a strange scent around it she'd never smelled before. It smelled...male. She couldn't place it but she liked it. Jade giggled and leaned over to whisper in her ear.

"Get on top of it and rub your vagina along his sheath, that'll get him going."

"What're you two scheming?" he asked, but his question was answered as Kilara immediately turned around, straddled his sheath and looked up at him with a cute smile as she started hesitantly bucking her hips back and forth, pressing down on his sheath.

"Straighten your back a bit and sit up, it gives you more leverage," Jade whispered again. Kilara sat up, an adorable moan of pleasure escaping her as she felt her labial scales part, his scales rubbing against her flesh. The sight, sound and scent of his daughter being pleasured on his sheath was too much for Diamant. He too moaned softly, his pulse racing. Kilara felt his sheath stiffen and swell under her; looking down she spotted his massive pole quickly extending, his silvery flesh giving off more of that thick scent she was starting to enjoy. She wlked herself forwards a bit and started grinding on the underside of his shaft, watching him squirm and moan, feeling his penis hardening even more quickly under her until it was compltelely stiff and throbbing with his pulse. She crawled up his front until she could feel his tip pressing against her needy vent, her nose against his. He purred encouragingly and nuzzled her nose, and she nuzzled back, the two sharing a loving, almost passionate kiss before Kilara pressed back, moaning loudly as he penetrated her again. It hurt a bit, but not nearly as much as it had the first time. She slowly eased back, her father gently rubbing her back. She felt his tip press against something, but it wasn't her womb. A bit frustrated at the barrier she pressed back. "Relax, Keelee, don't tense yourself...jsut relax and push back," her mother coached softly. Kilara tried to relax, then meeped and moaned lewdly as her father's penis speared through her cervix and pressed againt the back of her womb. Diamant smiled as he watched her sitting on his chest panting in the pleasurable aftershock, he loved the fact that he was able to please both his mate and his baby girl so much. Finally Kilara sighed in contentment and looked down under herself, feeling a sort of accomplished pride at the sight of that lateral bulge going from her pussy into her belly. She smiled up at her father, an expression full of love and satsfaction.

"Mmmm...your penis feels sooooo good inside me daddy...I love it..." she said, then carefully settled down on his belly, stifling shrieks of bliss as his penis shifted inside her with every movement of her legs. He smiled and kissed her again, the two purring to each other, Jade smiling at how cute they were together. One might think she'd be jealous, but on the contrary, she was proud that her daughter was able to be intimate with her father and she enjoyed the sight of her child so satisfied and happy. She knew full well what her daughter was feeling and thinking. Kilara finally broke the passionate kiss and licked his nose affectionately. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too much..." He rubbed her shoulders, smiling even more as she closed her eyes and purred at the caring gesture. "So...we got distracted this morning with your...'education'. You asked why you have feathers?"

The memory struck her and her eyes snapped open. "Oh yeah! Why do I have feathers? And why are my scales all shiny and glittery? Why am I sore all over? Why do my legs and wings feel heavy? Can I have daddy's penis inside me every day like mommy? How does pregnancy work? When am I gonna have my first heat? Can daddy impregnate me? Why have you two been looking at me funny for the past few weeks? Why haven't I been allowed outside the cave much? Where do you and mommy take the clay and other crafts?"

"Whoa whoa," her father laughed, making her meep and moan softly as she was bounced on his chest, making her rock a bit on his shaft. "Slow down, have mercy on your old parents!" He chuckled and licked her cheek. "You just had to sneak in having a family with me didn't you? But I already explained before, with food shortages the way they are now, it's hard enough looking after one family, let alone two. If I were to get you pregnant, I'd have to be out much longer hunting twice as much food...and you know how hard it is to find prey and fruit as it is." He leaned in and whispered, "If the food wasn't a problem, I would love to give you your first clutch. But I can't. I'm sorry." She nodded in disappointment. "As for the feathers..." He paused and glanced at his mate, the two of them trading worried looks.

"Hm?" Kilara tilted her head curiously, rocking her hips side to side slightly and enjoying the fullness in her passage as his penis shifted inside her.

"Kilara...have you ever heard of the Sun Dragons?"

The little girl paused her motions, her eyes glazing over as she tried to think back. Her exhaustion from the day was catching up to her fast though, her mind was getting hazy. "I...don't think so."

"Hang on, you look a little tired." He wrapped his arms around her and eased his hips up off the nest, making her squeal softly in ecstasy as he thrust slowly in and out of her tight depths a few times.

"Oooohh...oh daddy...ooohh yes that feels so good!!"

" tight..." he grunted, leaning in to kiss her again.He pulled free if her cervix, making her throw back her head and moan loud and long as he gave her a series of deep, slow strokes, pulling out almost completely only to ease back in through her cervix into her inner sanctuary. Finally he sank in deep one last time and remained there, softly swirling his hips and then lying still, kissing her to calm her. The rush of arousal and pleasure did its job; panting but more awake now, she murred into the kiss, wrapping her tongue around his tightly. Jade had her tail inside herself again, thoroughly enjoying the sight of her mate's long penis buried so deep inside their daughter yet still having half his length to go. "Mmmm...I think I can give you a full belly for the're too cute to resist," he whispered making the little girl giggle softly. "But, you have to stay awake, okay? You have to hear what we say." She nodded and settled down on his belly again, purring as she wiggled her hips side to side again and curling her tail around his silver length.

Jade leaned in. "Sun Dragons were an ancient race of dragons, often considered a guardian race. They possessed powers over nature, and their benevolence and wit earned them positions as mediators in conflicts. They always fought for peace and worked to keep everything going."

Diamant nodded. "But long ago, there was a huge war that broke out, headed by a mastermind criminal. Over the years he managed to frame the Sun race as the cause of the war and increasing famine and drought...he convinced millions that the Sun Dragons had been undermining civilization for generations. A lot of what he said were nothing but obvious lies, but his goal was to use everyone's anger. Anger causes loss of rational thought, and it's a sad but true nature that when trouble hits, beings will look for a source to blame, even if it's not true. He manipulated everyone and the Sun racr was severely persecuted. The few that survived went into hiding."

Kilara frowned. "But...the war and anger had to end sometime, didn't they?"

"The war ended, but...the famine and drought continued, and those of weak minds continued the lies, passing them down to their children and grandchildren. By that point there was no evidence to prove the Suns were innocent, so the younger generations believed every word of it. There were some, though, who knew the truth and passed it down to their kids. A sort of secret society. The Sun Dragons sometimes would come out of hiding, trying to do even a little bit to redeem themselves and reverse the damage, but the war criminal's descendants were in on the plot and they worked hard too, weaving more lies and fabricating evidence to shut down the Suns."

"Where do I come from then?"

Jade sighed. "A Sun dragoness managed to find shelter with the secret society believers, who protected her and kept her secret from the world. In time she ended up mating with several males, bearing their children and raising them. Somehow, her Sun traits didn't surface in her children. They looked normal. No one really knows what happened after that, but her kids were able to mingle with society. Once in a while a Sun child would appear..." She shivered. "Some of them were killed, others outcast. In recent times though, some have been allowed a normal life in society...though they still receive harshness. The last one though...he tried his hardest to try to find a solution to the famine and the dying crops, but his efforts were tainted by the liars. Someone used his work to spread poison, which killed off even more crops and desecrated fertile land."

"Those jerks!"

"Indeed..." Diamant sighed. "Because of the lies, everyone hated him." He ran a claw softly through her feathers. "Feathers and gemstone scales...Kilara, you're a Sun Dragon. That's why we were looking at you oddly...we were hoping you'd be a normal dragoness, because a Sun Dragon gets picked on and targeted and we didn't want you to have to go through that. But you're also blessed to be a Sun...maybe you'll be the one to reverse all this bad stuff. Who knows. Normal or Sun, you're still our baby girl." He teasingly gave her a few more quick thrusts, making her squeal in delight.

"Your other questions... your body will be sore and feel very heavy because your new muscles aren't used to moving around. You're going to have to exercise in the mornings and go to bed early after dinner," Jade instructed.

"If you're a good girl I'll mate with you, fair deal?"


They chuckled at her excitement. "We've had to keep you close to the cave because there are a lot of furs who secretly hunt for Sun children. All the other families are under similar watch too. But now that you've grown up you can start going to town with us to sell the crafts you and mommy make. We may live off the land but we do still need money for some things."

"What about pregnancy?" she asked. "I really really wanna be pregnant..."

Jade smiled and shook her head in amusement. "I know you do sweetie...I was the same way at your age, especially after my father took my virginity."

"Oh, that reminds me...why did daddy rub hs sheath all over me?"

He smiled at her. "I don't know why it works, but it helps keep others from bullying you. There's something about the scent of a male on a female that keeps others from being mean to her...or taking advantage of her. If you were to go out into town as a virgin, others would see you as a target. They would try to rape you or kidnap you. With my scent on you, they know you belong to a male and they most likely won't want to tangle with an enraged mate."

"What's rape?"

"Rape is when someone forces you to mate with them when you don't want it. Many do it for control, they love the feeling of being in control. Others do it for their own selfish pleasure. If a guy starts trying to get under your tail, get away from him and get into public where there are others around. If possible don't go anywhere alone. Especially when you're in heat."

Jade nodded. "I'll be going into heat again soon, but Kilara, you have at least three years before you have your first estrus. Your body is still too young to make eggs." Kilara frowned again. Jade leaned in and whispered, "Think of it baby...three whole years of a cum-filled belly. Three years to mate with daddy whenever you want." To emphasize her point she stroked Diamant's sheath, making his penis twitch and subsequently causing the little girl to meep in pleasure.

"Mmmm...that doesn't sound so bad," she replied with an eager grin. "But what happens when you go into heat?"

"You can't see when inside my womb, but the womb has two things called ovaries. They make eggs. When a dragoness goes into heat, the ovaries release these eggs into the womb. They're tiny things, you can't see them with your eyes alone."

Diamant nodded and thrust into Kilara slowly again, making her moan once more. "When mom goes into heat, I put my penis inside her and mate with her. If my semen is fertile at that time, instead of nutrients, my cum will carry little tiny things called sperm, which will try to fertilize her eggs. If they succeed, the fertilized egg grows into a baby dragon. The eggshell develops later to protect the baby."

Jade murred as she watched her mate give their daughter a few more long, deep thrusts, Kilara gasping in bliss with each deep penetration. "When I'm in heat, or when I've been impregnated, you can't nap in my womb. When I'm in heat, I'm too sensitive to touch and might hurt you, and when I'm pregnant the cervix is plugged up to keep the babies safe."

Kilara panted as her father slowed to a stop. "I...I see..." She slumped onto his chest, panting. "So tired..."

"I think that's enough for today. You can ask more tomorrow," he said softly, hugging her again. She moaned in bliss as he started mating her again, but this time with intent. She was already so aroused from the prolonged penetration that her climax rose up swiftly with just a few strokes of that wonderful maleness inside her, her whole body shivering repeatedly as she came hard. A few more thrusts into her womb and he too reached his peak, moaning loudly and hugging her to his chest as he unloaded inside her again. Kilara purred in her afterglow, loving the sensation of his powerful, thick ropes of rich cum pumping into her womb and bloating her belly again. By the time he was finished she was fast asleep on his chest, a smile of satisfaction on her lips. Her parents both kissed her goodnight and curled up around her, Diamant easing himself out of her and into his mate's depths. As they soothed and rocked her into dreamland with their gentle purring and lovemaking, her mind continued to process everything.

She was a Sun Dragon?

How was her body too young to make eggs, when she'd laid something earlier?

Before she slipped beyond consciousness, she made up her mind to check on that patch in the garden where the strange egg had popped. Somehow, she felt it was very important.

Ignore any spelling mistakes in these chapters, I'm writing these late at night as idea-dumps and I'm not paying attention to spelling.