Part 1 - Departure

Story by Onyx Tanuki on SoFurry

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#1 of Coming Home

_First, a disclaimer: This story contains themes of a sexual and homoerotic nature, and is not intended of audiences of under eighteen.

Also, while they will be included in later installments in this series, this one does not have any furries. Please be patient, as they will appear in due time.

This story is a collaboration between myself (Onyx Tanuki) and Royal Sovereign._

"I'm starting to think this whole thing was a bad idea..." the older of two boys said as he flew through tall grasses, reluctant to follow his friend through the dark, cold night.

The other youth slapped his hand on the older boy's back. "Shut up and keep running!" As commanded, Chris begrudgingly followed the other, grumbling and cursing under his breath.

The young man just couldn't get over what they were doing. He and Max had always been good friends since they'd arrived at the orphanage nearly nine years ago. That damned orphanage. Prison was more like it. Even so, it was home to Chris, and he liked it there. Okay, "liked" was stretching it... but he was at least comfortable there.

Ah, who was he kidding. He hated the fucking place. All the caretakers did was beat up on the children, and the only time they were nice was when a set of parents came to pick up a prospective foster child. The only reason that the youth was scared to leave was because he didn't know any other way of life besides the abusive, neglectful environment he'd been raised in.

Max, on the other hand, couldn't wait to leave. Every other day he was busy cooking up some new scheme to escape the tyrannical rule of the orphanages' owners and the iron grip they held on its young inhabitants. Never in his wildest dreams did the older boy think any of them would ever be carried out, much less work. And yet, here they were, running away from the hellish place and into the unknown, their dreams becoming reality.

Finally, Chris had to stop. They'd been running for hours now, and the boy was so exhausted that his legs felt like they were on fire, and each breath came in like he was inhaling razor blades. "W-wait... slow down..." he huffed, bending over and resting his hands on his knees, his face red with heat and tiredness. "Can't... breath..." He collapsed to the ground, his body giving in to the nerves screaming in pain from so much running.

Thankfully, his companion was more than eager to oblige, being quite spent himself, though not so much as Chris. Max had always been the more athletic of the two, and had the muscular build to prove it. Despite being only fifteen, he had quite a strong body, with an especially well-defined set of abs and pecs. His broad shoulders and sinewy thighs gave the illusion of him being older than he was, but his face betrayed his true age. Large, innocent looking eyes sparkled bright green behind geeky-looking black-framed glasses, with short, curly brown hair resting atop his scalp. He wrapped his arms around his bare chest as a cold wind blew in, instantly regretting his decision to leave his clothes behind and escape in nothing but a pair of white boxers, but then again, it isn't like his ingenius plan had left him and his friend any time to pack up. "Hff... h-hey, Chris... hff... you okay?" he panted looking over his buddy with concern.

"Just let me... hff... rest a... hff... little... hff..." Chris said in return, the air still burning in his chest with each breath. Despite being a year Max's senior, he wasn't anywhere near the other's athleticism. In fact, he himself was more than willing to admit he was a bit of a wimp. He was considerably paler, the only tan parts of his body being from the neck up and from the elbows down. There was only the feint outline of ribs and abs over his belly, but otherwise he was lanky. Max always tried to convince him that he was still a good-looking guy, but he never did believe him. To his benefit, though, his face held a maturity that contrasted his friend's. A slightly longer jawline gave him an air of distinction, as did his narrow lavender eyes. Ash blonde hair fell in rough strands down from his head, a few of them hovering over his eyes. Finally, he got up, dusting a bit of loose dirt from his sleeveless undershirt and the back of his briefs. "Okay..." he sighed, still a bit out of breath, but not willing to wait any longer, "let's get going..." He looked in the direction they'd been running from, not seeing the orphanage anymore. Only the black sky and the dark meadow. It wasn't a well-planned escape, but all in all, Chris knew it'd be better to die here in the middle of nowhere than to live in that hell any longer.

The hours passed as they continued trekking aimlessly through the endless meadow, and it was becoming clear that Max's brilliant plot lacked one vital element: what they'd do after their escape. The first light of morning was showing on the western horizon, peeking through countless spires of grass, and the weary fugitives were cold, hungry, and thirsty. "Max... we're gonna die out here... I know it..." Chris moaned, thinking grimly on their future prospects.

"SHUT UP, CHRIS!!!" the other shouted, making the older boy cringe. Max, realizing he'd startled his companion, slowly spun around, his brow furrowed behind his thick-rimmed glasses in worry. "I'm sorry, I'm just... frustrated is all. But don't talk like that, damn it..." The fretful look shifted into one of determination. "We will make it. We're gonna live, and..."

"Be quiet..." Chris said, interrupting his companion's pep talk.

"I'm serious! We'll find a road and hitch a ride to the nearest town..."


"... or maybe run into a diner or something..."

Chris suddenly wrapped his hand around the younger boy's mouth to silence him. "Hush! ... I hear something..." It took a while, but the boys began to pick up the sound of water trickling somewhere very close by. "See what I mean?"

"Yeah... sounds like a river, or a stream..." Suddenly the green irises focused on an area where the grass seemed to thin out. Reaching an arm forward and pushing the plants out of the way, Max chuckled, a broad smile growing across his face. "Or a fountain!"

It was exactly as he said. A small grove seemed to have been cleared out to house a copper pool in the ground, ringed by large cobblestones. The metal was green with oxidation, and small cracks and chips showed its age. A statue sat on either side, each one depicting a satyr masturbating, the water arching from their giant stone penises making it appear as if they were frozen in eternal climax. An overgrowth of moss and vines that didn't seem to belong in the grassy plain covered the edges of the pool and crawled up the satyrs' bodies. There was plenty enough space for someone to set up camp, and despite the obvious age of the fountain, the water running through it was clear as crystal. "Finally, some luck," Max started as he ducked by the clear water.

Chris, on the other hand, still seemed incredibly skeptical. "Hey Max... doesn't this seem kind of fishy? I mean, who would put a fountain in the middle of nowhere like this? And those statues... they weird me out." Exploring the clearing a little bit more, the elder teenager noticed a wooden sign, halfway hidden in the brush. His eyes slowly opened in fear as he read its words. "Uh... um, Max, I don't think we should drink this water..."

"Why not?"

"This sign... it reads: 'Only the chosen shall drink of the waters of the Pan's Fountain...' Don't drink it, Max, it's probably poisoned or something." Chris turned only to see his friend eagerly cupping water into his hands and drinking it down. "M-MAX!"

"Oh, calm down," he urged, adjusting his glasses where they fell on his nose. "If it was poison, I'd be dead already." Before the older boy could add anything else, he continued, "And! There's no such thing as curses either, so I don't want to hear that shit." Slowly, he lowered himself to the dry earth, leaning back on his elbows, grinning at his superstitious friend. "Anyway, we should rest for a while here-" He was cut off by a low grumble, feeling his belly growl with hunger. "That is, after we get some foo-" Once again, Max stopped his sentence short as he gazed toward his rumbling gut and couldn't help staring at himself.

Chris noticed him staring blankly at his stomach, and looked quizzically at him. "Hey Max... something wrong?"

"No..." the younger boy murmured. "It's just... damn, you never told me how sexy I am."

"Eh... yeah, I guess..." Chris sat down, legs crossed, in front of his friend. "Are you sure you feel okay?"

Max's eyes stayed glued to his own body, studying the muscular form he'd never felt so attracted to until now. Slowly, the front of his boxer short began to rise into a tent. "I had no idea I was this fuckin' hot..." He brought a hand up to gently massage his lean chest, and as he did, his cock sprang from the opening in the front of his underwear.

"Aw, jeez... would you put that away?" Chris turned his eyes away, trying to avoid looking at the member hardening before him, but just couldn't help but look back at it. Max groaned as he too stared at his hardening member, his fingers now running over and teasing his nipples. "A-any time now..." The horny teen didn't listen to his friend's voice. He was mesmerized. Mesmerized at the sight of his own dick getting hard, seeming to grow by the moment, for no apparent reason at all. Once again his stomach growled, and the emptiness of it seemed to just make him all the more aroused.

"Wow... my dick looks pretty nice too. You know... if I was gay, I'd be all over myself..." A hint of a smile cracked across his lips. "Yeah... man, I'm so fuckin' horny..." The hand on his chest trailed down to the fabric of his boxers, kneading at his balls through them. As he massaged, his penis seemed to grow even more, beyond the six inches it already was, the head gradually rising above his waistband.

Chris pushed his seated form away, cringing slightly. "Y-you're really starting to creep me out, Max..." The older boy was actually a little late in saying that. "Creeped out" had been and gone when he saw Max staring down his own dick. Now the older male was downright scared. "Come on, stop it... it isn't funny anymore." Not that it ever was funny. Chris wanted to tear his eyes away, to hide himself from his aroused friend, but he couldn't. It was like watching a deadly car accident in slow motion, and knowing there's nothing that can be done to save the countless lives that would be lost in it. Only in this case, it wasn't a multitude of strangers that were in danger. It was his best friend. "Max, stop!" He noticed that the more his friend fondled himself, that larger his dick grew. Now it was passing his navel... "Shit... Max... y-your dick... wh-what's... it's..."

"Yeah, I know," Max answered, still hypnotized by the growing phallus. "It's so big... mmm, man, if only I could fuck myself... I'd blow my load like a fuckin' firehose..." Chris whined at his friend's sudden shift. Max was probably the straightest guy in the orphanage, almost to the point of homophobia. That's why Chris never... nevermind that for now. There were bigger problems at hand.

"Stop Max, you're not yourself! Whatever's controlling you, I'll find a way to stop-"

"Nothing's controlling me, Chris. I dunno what's going on, but..." He let his hand gently grasp the organ that had lengthened to nearly sixteen inches, slowly sliding up it until it was lifted up off his chest. "Whatever it is, I like it." Another rolling grumble erupted from his stomach. "Shit, I'm getting hungrier by the moment. I could eat just about anything now..." He stared at the tip of his overgrown cock as a large bead of precum pushed its way up from his pisshole. Max licked his lips, his eyes wild with lust and hunger.

"No way..." Chris whimpered. "Y-you're not going to-"

Max bent over slightly and let his tongue slide out and over his glans, drawing the large, sticky glob of precum into his mouth. "Heh... tasty... but not enough to fill me up..." He waited as another sphere of clear fluid collected at the tip of his member and licked that off too. "God... this tastes amazing! Chris, you wanna try some?" Chris now seemed as mesmerized with Max's cock as the boy himself was, but he only stared in fear as he was offered a sample of the salty essence. Despite himself, he too was starting to get aroused, and quickly hid his rapidly-tightening briefs under both hands. "No? Oh well, leaves more for me," Max said before returning his attention to his glans, lapping more and more furiously at it, until he couldn't keep up with the river of pre cascading down his member. He bent over a little further, now seizing the backs of his knees for support, and took the hot head between his lips, lapping and sucking at it while swallowing the ambrosia he was feeding himself.

"Oh God..." Chris mumbled in a mixture of terror and lust, though the former of the two overcame the latter. He backed further away from Max, folding his legs up against his chest, unable to keep from watching his friend go down on himself. Even if he could, he already knew what was happening, and the dirty, wet, hot noises coming from that direction would be enough for Chris to form images in his head. "Max... p-please stop..." he pleaded, both so he could stop watching the spectacle and so he could stop being aroused by it.

By now, though, Max was so lost in his own actions that he didn't even hear his friend begging to him. He suddenly brought his legs up and rolled backward, ending up on his back with his hips above. His feet found themselves planted against the arched back of one of the satyr statues, supporting the youth's weight. In this new position, he decided, it'd be much easier to get what his stomach continued to scream at him for. Reaching his hands onto his back for support, his pelvis began to rise and fall, pushing his lengthened member further down into his maw, even dipping down his throat with no problem whatsoever. The boy's heavy breaths became sensual grunts and moans as he fucked himself in the mouth, grinding faster and faster with his hips. Electric sensations surged through his thighs, his spine, his belly, all leading into his balls and slowly down to the tip of his shaft. He lifted a hand from his back to once again tug at his cloth-covered scrotum in a last-ditch effort to encourage it to be as productive as possible, until the full, round testicles drew close to Max's body.

His hips rose up one last time, pulling his massive dick free of his lips, only for it to erupt in orgasm into his open and hungry mouth. His semen fired down into his gluttonous maw like white ropes. Long, thick white ropes that seemed to spray out for two or three seconds at a time. Some of the hot seed went to waste, sputtering onto the boy's chest, or face, or glasses, but most of it fell into its target, being eagerly swallowed down into the belly that wanted it so. Finally, as the massive orgasm tapered off, Max rolled back to the ground on his back, panting heavily, and swiftly slipped into a deep slumber, his stomach sated by his cum... for now, anyway.

Chris, who had been paralyzed in his own fear, carefully crawled forward, tears rolling down his face. "Max...?" he asked weakly, getting no response from the sleeping kid. He lifted a hand from his crotch to try to rouse him to wake, only to stare in disgust at his own cum dripping off his palm from his own orgasm, which he hadn't even felt in his anguish. "Oh God, what kind of sick fuck am I!?" he cursed himself, wiping the sticky fluid across the ground as if it was acid burning a hole through his flesh. How could he get off to his closest companion being controlled in such a way? Finally he shook Max, but it was no use. He couldn't wake his friend, and he knew he couldn't live without him. He loved him, after all. Wiping away the tears stinging his cheeks, he crawled toward the accursed pool that had done this to his cherished friend. If the two couldn't be together, there wasn't any point living. He reached his shaky hands into the crystal water, cupped them together, and took a mouthful of the enchanted liquid into his mouth, and barely had time to notice its sweet, milky flavor before submitted to its effects...

"... up..." Chris twitched slightly in his slumber, feeling a hand against his shoulder, but was too groggy to awaken, and fell right back to sleep. "Wake up..." Another push to his shoulder, and he furrowed his brow in annoyance. "C'mon, Chris, wake up!" That voice... was it really...

"Max!" Chris shouted as he shot up, looking over to the young man he earlier had feared he'd never see in this life again. "Oh my God, it was terrible!" He threw his arms around the strong male, holding him, never wanting to let go. "I dreamed we were running away, and we found this pool, and when you drank from it, something started making you do... stuff to yourself, and I couldn't stop you, and-" He froze when he saw the surroundings. The tall grass. The dirt ground. That fountain... that cursed fountain that he so vividly recollected. "No... i-it can't be... it isn't true..."

Max sighed, looking over Chris's face with a faint smile. "Hey, it's okay. Look on the bright side... with a dick like this, I'm gonna be able to make a lot of girls very happy, eh?" He laughed, and his friend did his best to do the same, but Max's nose wrinkled up as the older boy's breath hit his nose. "Wait a second... that smells like..." He scented the air again, and a lopsided grin spread over his face. "You drank the water too. Heh... so, how did you like sucking yourself off?"

"I... I don't wanna talk about it." Chris had loved it. It had to have been the best orgasm he'd ever had. He could still taste the bitter flavor of semen on his tongue, and as disgusted as he was by it, he wanted more. At the same time, he was repulsed as he thought back on how willingly he'd let himself fall into temptation, how eager he had been to drink of his own essence. He couldn't let himself succumb like that again... it was wrong. So very wrong...

"By the way, when did your hair go white, old man?"

"What!?" Chris felt his hair, as if his fingers could distinguish color through his sense of touch. He rushed to the pool to see what had happened, and sure enough, his reflection showed that the dishwater blonde had escaped his locks, leaving his hair white as the driven snow. "Shit... this is -"

Max cut him off by adding, "It's better than my reward for taking a sip outta that pool. Or did you not notice these damned things on my forehead?"

Sure enough, when Chris took a closer look, he saw two pointy lumps swelling from Max's temples, just below his brown waves. The tip of each lump had already broken through the tanned skin, showing growths of ebony keratin underneath. "M-M-Max... horns... horns!" the surprised boy sputtered, having been too flustered before to notice.

"Well, we're both in the same boat now, aren't we?" Max slapped his buddy on the back. Chris didn't understand... how could Max be taking this whole thing so well? Their stomachs grumbled in unison, begging for nutrition. "C'mon, let's keep going. I'm sure we'll find something to eat somewhere..." As the two young travelers left the grove where the pool that had caused this unusual trouble rested, they failed to notice it vanish into nothingness...