A Stranger on board

Story by DarknessWolf on SoFurry

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A crew of six pilot the small mercenary vessel 'Chameleon,' they pick up jobs doing whatever they can, gun running, drug smuggling and so on. Their mission at the moment is to collect some 'cargo' from Kuba 9 and take it to its new owner. But things are about to go wrong.

"We've been hit!" The Gray Wolf commander named, Tarma, shouted over the intercom to the rest of his crew. He had a scar on his right cheek that was barely visible through his thick fur. A very large torpedo collided with the rear of his vessel taking small chunks out of it and ripping some of the outer hull off.

"Tell us something we don't know," a human woman named Fizzy replied over the intercom. She had long blonde hair down to her hips and was the second in command.

"Fizzy get to the Nav room and find out what's shooting us I've lost contact with Tracker," Tarma ordered in his commanding way, being the commander and all. He was on the flight deck with the pilot, a male fox named, 'Wings.' He always wore goggles on the top of his head even though they really weren't needed. He also liked to dye his head fur green, which contrasted his orange fur.

"Sparks get down to the engine room and repair any damage we're losing power up here," he commanded their resident mechanic to do her job. Sparks was a naturally blue furred vixen with each tip of her fur a striking white colour.

"Already on it," she called back over her personal hands free COM system.

"Gekko activate the chameleon field!" Tarma shouted somewhat angrily at his lizard intellectual who hadn't already been doing his job. Gekko was called Gekko because he is a Gecko, see how that works. He had green and brown scales and a long slender neck; he was the proper scientist of the ship.

"It's been damaged it will take me a few minutes to reactivate it," he replied with an annoyed voice as he did not appreciate being shouted at. He clacked loudly away on his computer console trying desperately to activate their one and only defence mechanism. Another two missiles tore off more pieces of outer hull.

"Well don't stand around talking to me then," Tarma said irritably realising that it was going to take some skill to get out of this mess. Meanwhile, Fizzy had reached the Navigation room were Tracker was supposed to be warning them about incoming vessels and fire.

"Tracker, what the hell is shooting at us," Fizzy barged into the room where she found the rebellious bunny whacking off to some porn. He was wearing earphones at the time so didn't immediately notice Fizzy standing in the doorway. She stood there for a while staring in disgust when another missile hit the ship buffeting all inside and disturbing the bunny. He looked around to see Fizzy resting against the door with crossed arms and he quickly pulled up his trousers. The pointy-eared rabbit removed a large pair of headphones that were playing very loud music into his ears. He was a downy grey-brown colour with tattoos of Jessica rabbit on the backs of his paws.

"Having fun because we've got bigger problems at the moment than you libido, now what the fuck is shooting at us?!" She growled at him still with a look of disgust.

"I don't know why you asking me," he shrugged his shoulders dismissively.

"You're in charge of the radar screen! What are you watching?" she looked at the radar screen that was meant to be used only for radar, for obvious reasons, one of which was blasting its way through their ship.

"Backdoor Yiff Babes," he replied swivelling the screen around so Fizzy could take a look.

"You are watching Backdoor Yiff Babes on the radar screen!" She bellowed furiously at him threatening a fist in his direction. Another blast rippled across the ship making everyone inside jump violently.

"Yeah," was his only answer, which really was all he could say after being caught dick handed.

"Turn that shit off you moron and find out where and what is shooting at us!" He switched off the porn with an irritated sigh and plugged back in the radar. It took seconds for him to identify the huge blip on the radar screen.

"It's a Skav battle cruiser," he gulped with a lump in his throat, now he had a lump in two places.

"So what's shooting us Tracker?" Tarma questioned over his COM that had been working the whole time, Tracker just couldn't hear him over his earphones.

"It's a Skav battle cruiser, it must have sneaked up on us," he gulped again knowing that the commander will be very anger to hear the bad news.

"How the hell did a battle cruiser the size of a planet sneak up on us!" Tarma was really pissed now and another hit sent him flying forward into the control console.

"Ummm... Technical difficulties with the radar screen commander," he pathetically tried to make an excuse, but nobody was buying it.

"You were watching Backdoor Yiff Babes again, weren't you," Tarma rested his head in one of his paws supporting it with an elbow.

"Yeah," he had to admit because Tarma would find out sooner or later.

"God damn it Tracker, if we get out of this mess we are going to have a serious talk over a cup of coffee and a hack saw!" He shouted hysterically down the intercom tearing out chunks of his hair. He now turned to the pilot.

"Wings what is the chances of you piloting us out of this one?" he asked in the hopes of some good news in such a bad situation.

"Do you want the long version or the short version," he replied slightly sarcastically with a note of realism. He had to make a quick jerk of the control stick to avoid an incoming missile.

"Uhhh long," Tarma answered wanting as much information as he could, at this time it could be crucial.

"We're fucked," he spoke quickly and with a look of discontent.

"What's the short version?" Tarma questioned obviously intrigued about what the short version could possibly be. He looked down at the pilot who again had to make a quick manoeuvre to avoid more fire.

"Bye," he answered just as quickly and not loosing concentration on his piloting.

"Just do your best, okay," Tarma sighed a bit considering that Wings is never all that serious but there was an element of truth to it.

"Commander we've got a problem in the engine room," Fizzy clacked over the COM worriedly.

"What is it Fizzy?" Tarma rapidly answered not liking the sound of this.

"To put it technically we're fucked if we don't make planet fall soon and fucked over twice if we get hit again," she summed up their position in one sentence, screwed.

"I told you so," Wings smirked mockingly taking his eyes momentarily off the windscreen.

"Shut up you and keep your damn eyes on the road, that's what you get paid to do!" he shouted with a small growl behind his words.

"Not nearly enough," he mumbled back quietly secretly hoping that Tarma would hear.

"Commander, I managed to reactivate the Chameleon field," Gekko called excitedly over the speaker.

"Right brilliant, wings give me full burn from the afterburners on my mark, Gekko activate the chameleon field... now!" he yelled down his mouthpiece. The whole of the ship transformed from its silver colour to match the rest of space. Basically, it became completely invisible from the naked eye and also couldn't be seen on radar.

"Fire em' up Wings!" he ordered authoritatively tapping hard on the back of the pilots chair. The engines of the craft hit maximum spewing fire out of them and sending them soaring through space.

"Tracker, anything on radar?" Tarma asked with a harsh tone not forgetting his earlier mistake.

"No, nothing in the immediate area and the battle cruiser is way away, we're all clear," he answered immediately and precisely not wishing to anger his commander anymore than he already has.

"Wings bring speed down to minimum and locate the nearest spaceport," he took a deep inhale and then a deep exhale to relieve some of the tension.

"Sparks how's the repairs going?" he asked with a renewed amount of calm in his voice.

"Well she'll hold but not indefinitely," a muffled voice burbled over the rusty engine room COM.

"Okay keep it up down there we're working on planet fall," he reassured the hard working Sparks.

"Good news or bad news Commander?" Wings suddenly called from his console. Tarma walked over to him and lent over his shoulder to take a look at his screen.

"Just give us both I'm not in the mood," he pulled two paws forcefully down the front of his face making his muzzle twang back into position.

"The good news is I've found the nearest planet with a spaceport, the bad news is that the planet is controlled by the Skav's," he came straight out with it, he had a worried look on his face.

"So we avoid the Skav's out here only to land on a planet controlled by them, fantastic!" he laughed hysterically slapping himself around the muzzle to make sure he wasn't having a bad nightmare and any minute he would wake up.

"That's about the size of it yeah," Wings added his thoughts even though they were not needed. Tarma thought to himself for a while pacing around the cockpit in a repetitive circle.

"Plot a course and put us on autopilot, at least they're not looking to kill us, " he said with a great long sinking sigh.

"Eye-eye commander," he chirped with a salute and a cheeky smile. The commander just looked at him unappreciatively and headed over towards the main intercom that linked to all crewmembers.

"Stand down all crew we'll reach our destination in about 2 hours," he announced relieving all of their duties. The commander stayed in the cockpit while Wings took his leave and padded his way to the recreation lounge. Sparks had the same idea and left the engine room to have some rest in the recreation lounge. Fizzy left the porn crazy Tracker in the Navigation room to pick up where he left off, her plan was to return to her quarters to have a shower. Gekko did as he usually did and read up on astro-physics.

Wings and Sparks found themselves alone in the relatively large room designated for fun and food. That's the way they liked it. Unknown to the rest of the crew they were sexually involved, which is hard to imagine because there is little privacy on the small craft. Without a word they sieved their chance and to avoid any unwelcome attention they decided to retire to Wings' quarters.

"I thought we'd never be alone," he howled nipping lightly at Sparks' long ears.

"It's only been 8 hours since our last meeting," she cooed back at him giggling slightly at the feel of his teeth on her ears.

"8 hours too long," he groaned.

They closed the gap between each other's arms to join in a sensual hug and long kiss. They cuddled their way to the bed and collapsed onto it still locked in a kiss. They made out for a little while longer to get themselves thoroughly aroused. They removed each other's clothes slowly to increase the pleasurable feel of the fabric on their fur. Once clothes and under garments were removed the fun could really begin. Sadly, at any moment they could be caught together so they had to be quick. The only time they had to be completely alone was when they were on shore leave or everyone else was out delivering or picking up cargo. Not to waste more time than necessary Sparks quickly presumed the missionary position, which allowed her to put her legs up on Wings' shoulders.

Wings quickly with one powerful thrust buried his cock fully into her awaiting pussy. It was an easy task as lubrication had been going for quite some time so much so that her juices were forced out by the power of his initial hump. He started as he means to continue and rammed in hard not slowing down or speeding up. Sparks howled quietly gritting her teeth trying to contain her pleasure to a simply whimper. Wings had to do the same and bit his bottom lip letting out a few grunts occasionally. He had to change rhythm or otherwise it would all be over to soon, even though that was kind of the objective. He slowed down to one pump a second to regain some breath and allow her to rest as well. He took his paws off the sides of her stomach and took her paws in his linking their fingers. The time was now, Wings rapidly picked up his speed as he fucked her harder and faster ramming lustfully into her. Without much warning he felt Sparks squeeze down on his fingers as she reached climax clenching her cunt muscles around him sucking away greedily. She had to keep her pleasure screams to a low rasping whimper arching her back thrusting herself harder upon his groin. Wings could not contain himself any longer and unloaded his seed filling her and letting it ooze out the sides of his well pleasured cock.

"All hands to the briefing room, Wings you're needed on the flight deck," the commander clattered over the COM. Without realising it, an hour and a half had passed and they would be making planet fall soon. Wings hurriedly cleaned himself up leaving Sparks to do the same. He was more promptly needed so he had to be a bit quicker. He fled the room and proceeded directly to the cockpit where he immediately took control of the stick. Back in the briefing room Tarma was well... briefing the rest of his crew.

"Here's the plan, we are landing on a planet controlled by the Skavs. I know what you're all thinking because I'm thinking the same it will be dangerous and yes we may all die a horrible death, you especially Tracker, but it is necessary if we want to survive. All external and internal repairs can be completed in space so we won't have to stay long. If we lay low and don't let slip of the cargo we have then we'll all come out of this alive. I want Fizzy, Sparks and Tracker to come with me, we'll be finding the parts we need to repair this bird so we can get back to the big black. Wings and Gekko you'll stay on board and keep things ticking over. Are we all agreed?" he explained calmly to his somewhat nervous looking crew.

"What does it matter what we say you've already made our minds up for us," Tracker made a snide comment, not thinking for a second can cost you dearly in some situations.

"Tracker, do you have a death wish because I could very easily find a better Navigator on this rock and leave you behind where you may very well get your horny dick cut off and used as somebody's decoration, GOT THAT!" He barked harshly at his insubordinate crewmember. Tracker looked down at his paws dismissively and eyed up his tattoos.

"ETA 2 minutes commander, access has been granted to the spaceport," Wings called over the intercom.

"Set us down easy Wings, you're going to be staying on board with Gekko," he told him and Gekko on the same link.

"Alright, Fizzy, Sparks, Tracker lets get to the Armoury," he ordered his reluctant crew off their backsides. The armoury was full to the brim with illegal weaponry acquired all over the Galaxy. Fizzy's favourite weapon was dual wield pistols loaded with tracer rounds. Sparks' preferred arsenal was a tactical shotgun with explosive slugs thrown in for a bit of a bang. Tracker opted out of having a weapon, not because he was hard and like to fight bare pawed, but because he was an abject coward. Tarma, being commander, had the best weapon of all, a fully automatic modified M14. The special modification he made was to allow it to fire plasma bullets that have the armour piercing capability of a 50-calibre sniper rifle. If you haven't guessed by now they are a bunch of gun nuts, but they only use them when absolutely necessary. With arming complete, they all gathered on the loading ramp.

"Okay, we only show force if we have to... Sparks, lower the ramp," he motioned a paw towards the ramp control terminal which was soon activated. The motorised loading ramp whirred and clunked as it slowly lowered to the ground allowing it's passengers to disembark. They excited with their weapons holstered not wanting to start a firefight as soon as they land. This city was basically one giant market place where anybody could buy anything. They would easily find the parts they needed to fix their ship, but it was going to be difficult to stay low and stay alive. They walked through the highly populated streets trying their best not to get in the way of any stray punches or laser blasts. It was a lawless state where the violent and twisted rule the streets.

"Alright everyone just keep your eyes peeled for anything that looks like a trade shop," Tarma advised.

"They all look like trade shops," Tracker interrupted with rolling eyes.

"Very good Tracker now don't make me hurt you," Tarma enforced his command on the over opinionated Rabbit.

"Okay new plan, Fizzy and Sparks you continue trying to find what we need whilst me and Tracker will ask around that local Bar." The team split up into two, Tamra and Tracker strolled into the nearest bar. As soon as they opened the door a body went flying past them smacking into a wall and falling unconscious.

"Looks like we're in the right place," Tarma said as he watched another fight just across from them break out. He walked into the bar cautiously keeping his Paw close to his weapon. They reached the bar where a grotesque looking troll thing grunted in their direction. He waddled over to them giggling slightly as he did.

"Yeah want you want," he grumbled at them with his one functional eye fixated squarely on Tarma.

"I'll have a Quazartanium boogle sploosh with just a touch of plazola," he asked in a strong voice staring back at the barman. The barman grunted again and shifted his terrifying gaze towards Tracker.

"Half a larger," he answered his stare quickly and slightly nervously. The bulbous barman giggled his way to mix Tarma's complicated drink and Tracker's larger. Tarma turned around to rest on the bar and observe the rest of the patrons. He saw 2 brawls, 4 drug users and more than one prostitute. However, the oddest thing he saw was a group of three Skav pirates fighting over an almost human looking blue woman. Skav's are a race of cybernetic creatures meaning that they are usually half organic and half machine. That gives them quite an advantage over every other race; if a limb is blown off they will simply attach a new metal one. They are prone to have short tempers and a very powerful punch. The thing that makes them really dangerous is their ability to get psychopathic over anyone who displays even the slightest bit of intelligence. Their business is to raid passing ships, raid planets, corrupt planets and the list goes on. They take what ever they want, which are usually raw materials so they can build space vessels and new cybernetic implants. They are a plague on the galaxy, as they do not care for culture or anything for that matter.

"She's my bird I founded her," one of them grunted pushing the other away.

"You has her last day, it my turn," the other one bellowed loudly kicking over the table. The bewildered looking woman was knocked back against the wall as the third skav swung a left hook that missed. The most machine looking one had only half a face and the rest was filled in with what looked like a radiator. He picked up a chair and threw it at one of his comrades.

Meanwhile, Sparks and Fizzy had found the right dealer they needed with all the parts they needed as well. The owner was a rat like creature that looked very shifty all the time and would never stop moving around.

"So that's the p-power coupling, the t-twenty four cubic m-m-metres of hull plating and the energy c-converter... that will be ummm... 15 h-hundred Fractars I think," he stuttered but not nervously, he had a very crafty and serious look the whole time.

"15 hundred! Do you think we're stupid, no way a thousand and that's it," Fizzy laughed at the ridiculous price put before her. The rat creature seemed to be in an extraordinary amount of pain as he screeched loudly.

"You give me 15 hundred!" he was adamant and shouted still like he was in pain. Fizzy didn't have time for any screwing around and Sparks knew those parts weren't worth more than a thousand. Fizzy quickly drew one of her holstered pistols and stuck it into the neck of the horrid creature.

"Okay is fair deal," he squealed and wheezed under the pressure on his throat. She released him and re-holstered her weapon. Fizzy paid him the money and they both picked up the stuff.

"We best find the Commander, I'm sure it was down that road," Sparks said looking down the road she had just pointed at.

"Don't worry about it, just look for the bar with most amount of gunfire coming out of it," Fizzy sort of laughed.

Back at the bar, things were in deed not going at all to plan. The small fight earlier had turned into a full-scale barroom brawl. There was everything from, chairs, tables, bottles, bullets and even people flying about the room. Tarma, being who his is, had got into the thick of it and was fending off large burly fat blokes paw and claw. Tracker, being who his is, was cowering in a corner using his jacket as a temporary toilet. For a mouthy little rabbit he sure didn't like a fight, he's speciality was technical support. Tarma quickly kicked back two approaching attackers, which made a sufficiently sized hole in the fighting crowd. He barraged his way through the newly created opening to his target. It was the blue women he saw earlier who in one way started this fight.

"Come with me I can get you out of here," he extended his paw for her to take. She reluctantly took hold of it and he pulled her upwards into his arms. Their lips were only an inch away and all noise was blocked from their ears as they closed in towards each other

"Commander let's get the hell out of here!" Tracker shouted into his ear grabbing at his shoulder. The blue women broke away from Tarma moving her head to the side. She removed herself from his arms and continued to look away shyly.

"Thank you Tracker, that's some good advice," Tarma barked with a great amount of annoyance in his voice. Still holding the strange woman's hand he dragged her behind him and through the still warring crowd. A few punches and kicks later they were through and out the door. The ship was not far from their location and it would only be a short run away.

"Commander, I see you've already made friends with the locals," Fizzy had just arrived at the outside of the bar and noticed he was holding the hand of a strange woman. He just looked at her and urged everyone to leg it.

"He's got my bird!" one of the Skav pirates from earlier grumbled from the opening of the bar. A few more of them rushed out of the same door and started firing upon the small group. Laser blasts and bullets ripped through the air and smacked against the building and ground. That was begging for trouble, Fizzy threw everything she was carrying to Tracker who was instructed to lead the stranger to the ship. Sparks had too much to carry so wouldn't be much help and had to sit this one out. Tarma drew his M14 and used its automatic fire to tear into a couple of their attackers. Fizzy had already unholstered both her pistols and was firing while running backwards. More fire came from the Skavs barely missing Tarma and merely singeing his check fur. Tarma swivelled around and looked momentarily down the sight of his gun and fired a short burst that hit its target with a maximum of accuracy. Fizzy's guns clicked signalling a reload, she took her eyes off their pursuers to find her next ammo clip. A blast from one of the Skav guns flashed from its muzzle firing a bright blue laser shot. Time seemed to slow down as Fizzy looked up from reloading and watched the laser blast hit her directly in the side of the stomach. A hole was not punched directly through her but it took a large chunk of flesh out of her. The heat from the laser cauterised most of the wound sealing it but blood still poured out. The hit sent her flying backwards to the ground with a thud.

"Oh my god, Fizzy!" She heard Tarma shout then the familiar sound of his weapon fired out a full magazine. Tarma threw down his gun, as he would be unable to carry it and Fizzy. He scooped up the helpless and almost unconscious human in his arms. He ran as fast as he could towards the ship that was mere yards away. A bullet cracked from its barrel and dove straight through Tarma's leg making him lose balance, but only slightly. He was in so much pain running on his busted leg, but he had to keep going. He ran up onto the metallic ramp and threw Fizzy into the awaiting arms of Sparks. He fell clumsily into the cargo bay and landed face first on the hard floor. Tracker quickly closed the loading ramp and went to the nearest intercom.

"Wings get us out of here!" he yelled down the speaker to the pilot who immediately started up the engines. They took off with rapid efficiency as most of their job is getting out of trouble fast. Tarma picked himself up off his feet and limped over to Fizzy who was writhing in agony on the cargo room floor. He looked at the large wound on her torso and winced at the charred sight.

"Sparks get to work on repairing the engine... if that isn't fixed soon this is going to be a short trip," he tried to keep his commanding voice but lost it about half way through to fear. He placed a hand on Fizzy's check to steady her twitching head. She was breathing very irregularly and was turning pale. Tarma tried to calm her by stroking her face with the back of his paw.

"I've got the emergency Med kit Commander," Tracker passed a small box to Tarma who placed it on the ground. None of them had much experience with first aid. Fizzy coughed harshly and opened her eyes slightly to see the figure of her Commander over her.

"Where is your gun?" she managed to struggle out of her breathless lungs. She noticed he did not have it with him and she knew how much he liked to keep it with him after a battle.

"I had to drop it to pick your fat ass off the ground," he smiled weakly making an attempt to lighten the situation.

"That was your favourite... you sacrificed your favourite gun for me," she coughed hoarsely again.

"Yeah, you better feel mighty special," he sounded very choked up and almost as if he was going to cry.

"I just wanted you to know...before I go...Tarma, I..." she coughed again much more weakly this time. She could not continue talking with breathless lungs.

"You're not going anywhere Fizz," Tarma really was crying now looking down on her limp bloody body with a quivering lip.

To be continued...

Angel and the Dark Demons

A large flash of lighting illuminated the pitch black of the small bedroom, which was soon followed by a loud rumbling sound. Even though the curtains of this room were closed the bright blue light easily pierced through. A small child of only eleven...

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Too Human Two

And now to continue my story into the unknown of a universe populated entirely by animals and all hope of me ever returning home is lost, still you've got out laugh don't you. So to summarise my position, I've been living in this new world...

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Too Human

It only seemed like yesterday when... no wait a minute... it was yesterday. Anyway, my life took a turn that day. It was an evening I'll never forget, before the 15 cans of beer that is. It was my stag night, which was celebrated in the traditional way...

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