My Brother's Best Friend Fan Fiction

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Jeff's dreams get fullfilled...or do they?

Hello y'all,

while there's no new Gruffy story up today, here's a Gruffy first - a fan fiction!

This story is NOT written by me, this is a fanfiction written by Coutzy, who wanted to try his paw at seeing what happened after the end of My Brother's Best Friend. This is his interpretation of what might happen. I give him kudos for being outrageous and brave enough to suggest writing a fan fiction, and it was fun :)

Here's Coutzy's profile:

And of course, don't forget to comment! Was it what you wanted to see happening? What could have been different? Any personal options to what might have happened? In th spirit of fan fiction, let the alternative interpretation come!

Cheers to you, everyone, cheers!


Drug of Choice

"Let's go to your room and see what you're made of, Jeff."

Brand's voice was just about the only thing that could possibly cut through the haze clouding Jeff's mind. As far as the stocky pony was concerned, he was in heaven, and who would blame him, with a pawful of the studly Brand's musk pressed to his nose. He felt himself getting pulled along, his hooves barely keeping up with the eager, muscled Adonis leading him up the stairs.

But he had to keep moving, because what was being promised was too good to pass up. More of that scent, from the very source itself. Jeff was almost drooling as they reached the door to his bedroom, and he pinched his arm, hard. Satisfied at the reality of the situation, as evidenced by the pain not waking him up, he stepped into his room, following the rear he had dreamed of for so long, before he had even found out he was gay.

Jeff nickered as he remembered the photo that had started everything, he had hoped to catch his brother smoking something illegal with Brand. His inner psyche chuckled at the remembrance of what he had actually found, the image in question turning out to be much better than a pot smoking pony. What he had discovered was Brand himself, kneeling on Adam's bed, his long, throbbing shaft in his paw. That wouldn't raise any questions on its own- Teenagers are known for their sex drives. No, what made it an image worth remembering was the pony's fingers wedged deep into his tail hole, coupled with the item his nose was buried in- Brand's best friend's jock strap.

Jeff's mental replay was halted as Brand tugged on his arm again, pulling him fully into the sixteen year old's bedroom. The two turned to face each other, a mutual feeling of lust smouldering between them. Jeff sat down, his plump body sinking into his bed, one of the springs creaking slightly. Brand huffed a little at that. Old habits die hard. The larger of the two looked down, staring into Jeff's eyes, a slight smirk curling over his lips as the moments passed in silence, the lusty spell cast over them threatening to break at any moment.

Jeff spoke first, clearing his throat softly, shivering a little in nervous anticipation, too far in now to pretend this wasn't what he had wanted all along.

"Can you take your pants off?"

In all his fantasies, he had sounded so different, so much more controlling, but now he wasn't demanding, he wasn't even requesting. He was pleading with Brand to disrobe, pathetically asking for this one favour from the pony he desired. Brand chuckled lowly, more at the tone of Jeff's voice than the words he had said. Nonetheless, he reached down, his paws fumbling with his belt buckle, betraying his nervousness as well as he worked with the stubborn metal, finally pulling it free and sliding the leather out of the belt loops. Brand nickered again, dropping the belt to the floor and fumbling with his zipper, hesitating, and abandoning it after a few seconds, tugging his damp shirt over his head instead and dropping it to the floor.

A strange shyness overcame Brand at that. Although he was used to being shirtless in front of just about anybody that came his way, this was different. The thrill of what was to come next added so much more to his state of undress. He turned away from Jeff slightly, almost hiding himself, the cool, cocky swagger of the eighteen year old hunk dissipating into thin air as he put on an impromptu strip show for the one other being alive that knew his dark secret. Brand shook his head, taking in a deep, calming breath, his paws finding the front of his pants again, pulling the zipper down and dropping his pants and boxer in one simple, fluid movement, stepping out of them.

Jeff gulped. Here he was, his brother's best friend, fully nude in front of him. This is what he had been hoping for ever since snapping the photo, and now that he had it, he had no idea what to do next. A tingling in his groin told him what to do, and the shorter equine stood up again, pulling impatiently at his shirt, the collar getting stuck on his head, requiring the assistance of Brand, who stepped in the help tug it over the eager young one's body. Jeff's eyes returned to the floor after the embarrassing display, fumbling with his pants, refusing to meet the hunk's eyes. He couldn't even pull his shirt off without humiliating himself.

The offending shirt was discarded by Brand as Jeff worked his pants, sliding them over his legs slowly, bending forward to pull them over his clumsy hooves. He overbalanced, tipping forward and suddenly pressing his nose against the hulk's hip, right where it met his toned thigh. Jeff had already opened his muzzle to apologise, when Brand nickered, putting his paw on the back of the shorter boy's head, holding him in place, his grip tight and commanding.

"While you're down there, kiddo."

That was all Brand had to say to the nervous pony, and suddenly he was at work fulfilling his wildest fantasies. Jeff's paw flew to Brand's shaft, lifting it as he huffed, shifting his head to plant his nostrils on the source of the musk smeared over his face mere minutes earlier. He froze for a second as he found his mark, almost unable to believe what was about to happen. Would he like it as much as he had thought, or would all the expectations he'd built up mean that the real thing wasn't as good as he had hoped? Time to find out.

Jeff sniffed tentatively at Brand's heavy balls, and the answer damn near punched him in the face. He was in heaven again and he took a second, much deeper sniff, the musk rolling through his nostrils and into his brain, embedding itself there. Jeff's cock jumped a little as the musk sent tingles down his spine, and the younger pony would swear he could get off to just smelling this wondrous scent.

To hell with tobacco, pot and alcohol. This was his drug of choice.

Jeff huffed loudly and kept sniffing, burying his nose into Brand's leathery sac, like a man dying of thirst, dunking his head into a lake before taking a life saving mouthful of water. Brand nickered a little at the sensation, recoiling a little, but Jeff kept pushing forward, demanding access to the mind altering musk now. It was too much for the teen, he had to get more. He stuck his tongue out, swiping across the sweat soaked balls before him.

Jeff moaned audibly as the taste hit his tongue, a powerful, salty taste that faded away all too soon. He licked again and again, bathing the jock in his spit as he slurped. If the musk was heaven, then Jeff had no way to describe the taste of Brand, but he knew that he didn't just want more. He needed more. He craved more of this. And he would do anything to get it. Brand was starting to shiver by him, his knees buckling as the tongue swirled around his balls.

"Sit down on the bed."

This was not the regular voice of Jeff. His drug had turned him into someone else, someone in control. The essence of Brand had turned him into the pony from his fantasies, the dominant, powerful beast that had bent the older equine over and showed him who the real boss was.

Brand nickered and turned, sitting on the bed; legs spread wide now, the saliva coating him glistening in the late afternoon light, just barely peeking in through the window. Jeff openly stared, his eyes wide, taking in the god like form of his brothers best friend. Finally, he couldn't bear to be away from him anymore, and he crawled forward, pressing his lips to Brand's taint, huffing as he ran his tongue over the furred flesh, drinking in more and more of the taste that he would remember forever. For now, this fleeting tour would have to do. There was more that Jeff wanted to do, and now was the time to claim it, for both ponies knew who was really in charge here, Brand had yielded that power when he started taking orders.

Jeff slid his way up the larger's body, licking his way towards a prone position on top of him. He started at the shaft, dragging his tongue up the entire length in one long swipe. A small bead of pre had formed at the tip, the salty fluid heaven on his lips. He couldn't resist lapping at the tip of Brand's cock again, eager for another taste before moving on to the glorious six pack, Jeff's tongue running along the outline of each muscle, making the bigger boy squirm, neighing softly at the feeling. Jeff smiled to himself and continued, trailing his paws up Brand's sides until his muzzle reached the studly pecs. He paused there again, dragging his tongue along Brand's fur, sweeping in wide circles, slowly closing in on each nipple, which he clamped his teeth down on gently. His paws kept moving up, digging into the cleft where shoulder met torso, feeling along the coarse, sweaty fur. He pulled his paws back, sniffing at his fingers and licking at them, the meaty appendages occasionally trapping his tongue between them. He sighed happily and shifted himself up, reaching his goal, their erections pressing together firmly as his lips met Brand's.

He took control of the kiss, driving his tongue forward, forcing the larger pony to take it as Jeff explored his muzzle. The pair smacked their lips noisily, saliva dripping between the two as their tongues wrapped around each other in a kiss of pure lust and passion, the throbbing pair of maleness between them grinding and rubbing against eachother, and soon Jeff's length was leaking too, adding his pre seed to Brand's. The larger equine gasped and pulled his muzzle away, bucking his hips up to grind into the pony above him, causing a second gasp, this time from Jeff.

The younger forced their muzzles together again, slurping wildly as his tongue darted inside Brand's muzzle. He ran his paws over the glorious shoulders and pecs again, tweaking the god like pony's nipples and pinching them roughly, pulling them away from his chest before releasing them, pulling his muzzle back once more. Jeff leant back.

"Turn over."

Two words, a simple command that Brand obeyed without question, wriggling out from under Jeff and rolling over, bringing his knees under him to lift his rear, shoulders still on the bed. Jeff moved slowly, shuffling forward on his knees, paw rubbing frantically over his balls. "This is what you want, isn't it? You dirty pony slut." It was remarkable what Brand's musk could do, turning Jeff from a young, shy boy to a full blown stud, spouting off degrading lines, his voice sure and confident. Jeff nickered when the larger pony nodded and kept moving forward, leaning over to shove his paw in Brand's face, smearing his scent over the hunky man. Brand moaned unashamedly, sniffing deeply and nuzzling the paw, his tongue sneaking out to lick the residual sweat.

"Oh god, it's better than your brother's."

Jeff snorted and pulled the paw away, denying Brand what he wanted for now. In less than a second the pony's tail had been lifted and Jeff's nose was at his tailhole, sniffing deeply, unable to resist the scent any longer. He shivered in excitement, and probed his tongue forward, needing to have a taste of the hunk.

The young pony was rewarded well for his efforts, the salty, musky taste hitting his tongue like a truck. He licked again, saliva dripping down Brand's taint as he took in the flavour, a flavour that he would always be hungry for, like a vampire's unrelenting thirst for blood. He huffed and panted as he licked, making a sloppy mess of the hole he desired.

He took a deep breath and pulled his muzzle away under protest, shivering with the thought of what was going to happen next. He lifted himself up straight, his cock standing to attention, ready to impale the willing pony before him. He lifted his shaft a little, lining it up to the sweat and spit soaked hole. With a huff, he pushed forward, head touching to the pink pucker and putting pressure on it.

Brand neighed and tossed his head as the first inch slipped in, breaking past the ring of the jock and sliding forward, jolting forward inconsistently with the young pony's eager thrusts. Brand's eyes squeezed shut with the pain as Jeff kept pushing forward, oblivious as his hips met Brand's perfect ass cheeks. He leaned over the larger horse, grinding his hips forward, rubbing his cock into the tight, warm orifice and making Brand groan hotly.

The slow, sensual dance begun, Jeff rocking his hips back and forth, rubbing over Brand's prostate every time he brought his hips back, making his cock jump and twitch, pre oozing onto the bedsheets below and pooling in a sticky, salty mess. Jeff leant back a little and moaned out loud, still scarcely believing that his wildest dreams were coming true as he thrust in again, smoother this time, a wet squelch escaping as small flecks of sweat, saliva and pre seed flying out.

Jeff tensed and twitched, gaining speed as he rammed into Brand over and over again, his rough inexperienced thrusts striking different spots every time in the older pony, reaching pleasure spots that his fingers had never found before, and it was driving him wild, cock bouncing and pulsing, seemingly taking on a life of its own as his rear was taken time and time again. Brand huffed and nickered again, closing his eyes and moaning as he gave it up for the younger boy pounding in and out of him faster and faster.

The young pony tossed his head back, groaning hotly before coming down, leaning over Brand's rippled back and bucking, his hips pistoning in and out with complete disregard for the enjoyment of the older male. Brand's scent had turned him into a primal being, a feral horse made for breeding bitches, and he was doing a good job of turning Brand into just that, his head starting to flare as it pulled in and out of the warm hole. Jeff groaned and bucked sharply, pleasure building quickly inside him and taking over, body shuddering and twitching. He reared up and cried out, hot spooge exploding from his meat, flooding through the insides of Brand. The bigger horse huffed and tensed as well, his cock bobbing as the warmth spread over his prostate, triggering his climax. He shot thick, musky ropes of cum, the pressure blowing his length upwards, the cum splashing in a line onto the bed, a few drops rebounding and hitting Brand in the chest.

Jeff groaned hotly and slumped back, cock sliding out of Brand's hole, still dripping cum as he leaned back on the bed, panting hard, chest heaving up and down as the bigger pony rolled onto his back, legs flattening.

"Not bad, kiddo. Not bad at all" Brand gasped out.

Jeff nickered and took in a deep breath "Thanks."

Brand rolled off the bed and reached for his pants, stepping into them and pulling them up.

"Come on, your brother will be home soon."