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Practice Vert Fonsay

Jimmy Langston lay on his bed, staring at the game system in his hands but not really seeing it. His mind had wandered far away, to the events of the previous weekend. It almost seemed like a dream, especially since no one had spoken of them afterwards, even when his little sister, nine-year-old Nicole had had her squirrel friend Krista over. They'd both ignored Jimmy, as if they hadn't ganged up on him with their other friends, Andi and Alicia, and tied him to his bed in order to play with the eleven-year-old rabbit's body. Jimmy shivered as he remembered how Alicia had played with his cock and brought him to orgasm, despite his best efforts at resisting; how he had shot his load in full view of his sister and her friends - and how Alicia had taken the rest of his climax into her mouth like an old pro. But that wasn't even the part he couldn't take his mind off. No, that had come later, when an unexpected turn of events had lead to his own sister climbing atop him and taking both their virginities, riding her brother until they'd shuddered through climax together. He'd expected things to be different, but you'd never guess that anything had happened from the way Nikki was acting. He was almost starting to wonder if it really was a dream and he was just a weirdo.

Just then, there was a sharp, rapid knock at his door, and he jumped, embarrassed, feeling like he'd been caught with his cock in his hands. In truth, he'd masturbated once since then to the memory of how Nikki felt, but had felt guilty about it afterwards. Trying to compose himself, he turned off the game since he hadn't made any progress anyway, and hopped off the bed, walking over to the door to see who it was. "Nikki?" "Hiya, Jimmy." There was an awkward moment of silence as they stared at each other, Nikki nervously toying with one of her long, drooping ears. "...What do you want?" "Oh! Ummm... can I come in?" "Sure! I mean, uh, okay." It would not have been entirely inaccurate for an outside observer to describe their nervousness as "adorable". Nikki tugged the door closed behind her as soon as she'd stepped inside, leaning in close to her brother conspiratorially. "S-so I was thinking about the, um, the sleepover..." He swallowed, wondering why his mouth got dry whenever he thought about Naughty Things. "M-me too. Um, I'm not mad about what you guys did... actually it was a lot of fun in the end..." "You mean when we -" "Yeah! Uh..." Blushing at how eager he'd sounded, he chuckled self-consciously and looked down at his big feet. "I liked it too, Jimmy. It - it felt real good." Looking up, he saw she was blushing too, and they both giggled at their shared secret. His heart pounding in his chest, Jimmy finally asked the question that he'd been dying to since the morning after their fun. "Nikki... do you - do you think we could do it again, maybe? I mean, it's not like I'd be your boyfriend or anything, i-it's like Alicia said, it's okay because we love each other, right? It would be, you know, practice. For, for the future, when we're older and I get a girlfriend and you get a boyfriend. Would that be okay?" Her cheeks lit up like a neon sign and she giggled again, nervously. "I would like that a lot, Jimmy." A moment passed, then she continued, looking shyly at him from the corners of her eyes. "Do you... want to do it now?" The enormous smile on his face was all the answer she needed.

She turned around to lock her brother's door, but he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Wait. We - we did it in here the first time, can we do it in your room this time?" "Okay!" The bunny siblings peeked out of Jimmy's room, looking furtively up and down the hall as if their parents would become suspicious the very instant they lay eyes upon them. But no one was around, and the children gleefully dashed down the hall to the sticker-covered door to Nicole's room. This time, Nicole locked the door as soon as they were inside, and went to go close the neon pink curtains as Jimmy stood there, full of excitement and nervous energy, looking at the posters of girl's movies and boy bands to take his mind off what was about to happen. It didn't work. When his sister turned to face him again, they stood silently for a second, before Nikki cleared her throat and said, "Well, I guess we'd better take off our clothes..." She reached down for the waistband of her shorts, but Jimmy stopped her again. "Hang on, Nikki... can I take your clothes off?" "Oooh, sure." Jimmy hadn't gotten much opportunity for foreplay last time, as his arms had been tied to the bed almost the entire time. Now he leaned forward, hands trembling, and took hold of the hem of his sister's shirt, hesitating only for a moment before he tugged it up, exposing the soft, plush fur of her stomach and her flat, boyish chest. Nikki helpfully lifted her arms to help him get it up and off, and Jimmy immediately dropped it to the floor, forgetting about it as he reached forward and placed his hands on his sister's body almost reverently. He dragged his fingers up and down, feeling how soft her fur was, how warm she felt, and he felt the first stirrings of arousal down in his underwear as he ran his fingers over her nipples, which were already hardening into stubby little points. "Ohhhh, Jimmy..." He continued to feel her nipples for a few moments before sliding his hands to her back and leaning in to nuzzle her fuzzy chest without asking, taking a deep sniff to inhale her scent, and shivering at the feel of her warm body against him. Impulsively, he opened his mouth and licked one of her nipples, smiling as she gasped above him. Feeling really excited now, he leaned back and grabbed hold of the waistband of Nikki's shorts, glancing up at her to make sure it was okay before tugging them down her legs. He placed his hands on the 'landing lights', the lighter coloured fur on the inside of her thighs, and silently marvelled at how soft her fur was, but his eyes were instantly locked on her panties. They were bright yellow with blue trim, and after gathering his courage, Jimmy reached up and placed his hand between his sister's legs, pressing his palm directly against her lips through her underwear. Last time, everything had happened a bit too quickly for him to really savour the experiences, but now, he took the time to enjoy it, feeling how warm his sister was there, hearing her start to breathe a little faster, and then removing his palm to trace her young slit through her panties with the tip of a finger. She let out a sigh that sent a tingle down his spine, and before too long at all, the fabric under his finger was growing damp. The rabbit moved his hands and took hold of the waistband of his sister's panties, but she pulled away. "Wait!" Jimmy looked up, deeply disappointed, but he let go of her panties all the same. "What's wrong, Nikki?" "I - I feel weird, being all naked like this when you've still got your clothes on." And just like that, Jimmy's disappointment left as quickly as it had arrived. She wasn't getting cold feet, she just wanted them to be on even ground! "...Well then, would you like to take off my clothes?"

That brought a smile back to the little girl's face. "Y-yeah!" Jimmy sat back down on the bed to give her better access to his clothing. Unlike her brother, Nikki reached straight for his pants - and paused, giggling. Jimmy had gotten immensely turned on by undressing his sister, and he now had a rather obvious boner tenting out the front of his pants. "Did you get all big from touching me, Jimmy?" As he nodded shyly, he was blushing, but he was also grinning. "I can't help it, Nikki, you're so pretty..." She giggled again, feeling quite pleased with herself, and reached down again, very carefully pressing her hand against the lump in his pants, feeling his erection through his jeans. She dragged her fingers up and down his concealed length, and then moved up to open his fly. Popping open the button, she tugged his jeans down to his knees, then got impatient and returned to his pelvis, taking a moment to squeeze his cock through the much thinner material of his briefs before grabbing the waistband and pulling those down too. Jimmy's hard-on caught on the edge of his underwear and flipped back up, slapping against his tummy, as she freed it. Finally, his stiff length was in plain view, and Nikki cooed as she reached out for it. Both of the lop-ears inhaled sharply as the little girl wrapped her fingers around her brother's rigid prick, taking the time to really enjoy the sensation, not feeling hurried by her friends urging her on to more intimate activities. She roughly pulled Jimmy's pants and underwear the rest of the way off, but kept her eyes locked on his penis the entire time, and once his legs were free, once he was clad only in socks and a T-shirt, she began to move her hand on his boyhood. The bunny stared, fascinated, focused on every sensation under her fingers as she very, very slowly stroked from the base of her brother's shaft to the tip of his head. She marvelled at the fact that the skin was a lot looser than she was expecting; Jimmy was circumcised (not that she knew that, or what it meant), so he didn't have the extremely loose foreskin around his tip, but she was still fascinated by the way his skin slid around on his penis, as if it was just wrapped around something thick and solid inside. Enjoying the curious sensation, she gently stroked her hand up and down along her brother's cock. "N-Nikki... that feels so good..." "Do you want me to keep going, big brother?" Jimmy shuddered, and not because of her touch, though that was very nice indeed; he felt a shiver of forbidden pleasure as she called him 'big brother'. Unable to speak for his arousal, he just nodded dumbly. She was clearly enjoying herself as she continued to stroke him, blushing even as she smiled like a child with a new toy. "Jimmy, I - will you let me, you know... make you c-come?" Her stutter was from nervousness, not arousal. She continued, even though Jimmy's only response was to moan quietly. "Last time, when Alicia made you - made you squirt in front of everybody, it was like she was teaching us how it worked, and even when we were, you know, doing it, everyone else was doing stuff too... this time I want to make you shoot your cream just for me, Jimmy, it'll be our secret, okay?" She blushed as she said the word 'cream', a slang word she'd learned from Alicia, who was unusually knowledgeable about sex for a girl her age. Before that, Nicole had just referred to the substance as sperm, the clinical term she'd been taught by her parents during the 'birds and the bees' speech, or just as a boy's 'stuff'. Hearing supposedly sweet, innocent Nikki saying these things was clearly having an effect on Jimmy. This time there was nothing quiet about his moan. "Oh God, little sister... when you t-talk like that it... it..." She grinned and looked up at him from the corner of her eye. "It turns you on?" He nodded again, and she giggled, then spoke in a voice barely loud enough for him to hear. "Me too."

Still stroking him, the young bunny reached forward with her free hand and gently pushed against her brother's chest, and Jimmy compliantly leaned backwards until he fell back against the bed, lying on his back, eyes closed, lost in the feelings. To adapt to this new angle, Nikki threw a leg over him and knelt above his legs, stroking his hard prick a little bit faster. Wanting something to do with her free hand, she moved it down to his balls. The last time she'd seen him naked, her friend Krista, unaware of the sensitivity of a boy's testicles, had squeezed Jimmy's boys too hard and hurt him. Now, Nikki was careful to be very gentle, rolling them around in her hand, finding her brother's nuts even more curious than his penis, feeling the extremely loose, fuzzy skin of his scrotum moving and flopping around easily, while his more solid testicles slid around freely inside. Unsure of herself and not wanting to hurt Jimmy, she didn't do much with his balls, just (very) gently squeezed them and released them, over and over. Whether it was because of the extra stimulation or just because he was getting closer, the rabbit boy whined softly and shuddered on the bed, reaching up and squeezing one of his long, floppy ears in each hand, holding on tight like they were treasured plushies. His boyhood throbbed once in his sister's hand, and a drop of pre-come emerged from the tip, shining in the room's bright light. Thinking it was his actual seed, Nikki's face fell and she stopped stroking, causing Jimmy to whimper and open his eyes. But even as he opened his mouth to say 'no, don't stop', Nikki sighed and interrupted him. "Awww, is that it? Alicia made you shoot way more!" "Is what it? ...Oh, that's weird, it's never done that before..." As he curiously reached for his penis with the tip of a finger, his sister leaned in for a closer look. "Done what? What did you do?" "I don't know what I did, that's what I'm trying to say! I - I haven't come yet." He was quick to add "And I can't pee when I'm hard," when it occurred to him that she might come to that conclusion. She just giggled again. "If it was pee, Jimmy, there would be a lot more than that." Nikki watched intently as her brother reached down and scooped the pre onto his finger. First he held it closer to his face to take a better look, then he took a hesitant sniff when visual inspection failed to unlock the mysterious substance's secrets. "Do you wanna, um, see?" She nodded, and he held his hand over, but to the boy's surprise, she held his hand to steady it, then leaned forward and licked the shining pearl off of his finger with a quick flick of the tongue. "Nikki!" His voice sounded accusing, but he was more surprised than anything. The nearly-naked girl considered the brief sample of flavour she'd received, and smiled at her brother. "Tastes sort of like your stuff did, big brother." Being reminded of the fact that his sister had tasted his seed made him throb again in her little hand, though he didn't produce another drop this time. Jimmy may have already lost his cherry, but he was still only eleven years old, and he felt like he couldn't take much more of this, starting to worry that if he got any more turned on he would just explode. "Please, Nikki, I need to come so bad..." The girl grinned at him playfully. "Gee, I dunno, Jimmy, last time you seemed pretty set against shooting your cream in front of me, remember?" "I changed my mind! Please, keep going! I - I want you to see me come, Nikki!" Beaming, she gave his cock a gentle squeeze. "Well, alright then. Um, could you take off your shirt first, though?" He was slightly confused by that request. He'd been counting on that last article of clothing to contain the mess, as it happened. "But if I do that -" "Please?" He couldn't resist those soft blue eyes, and as she started to stroke him again, he obediently shucked off his shirt, lying down before his sister totally nude. Her hand ran up and down his shaft faster now, squeezing tighter, and it didn't take long at all before he was twitching and whimpering, eyes screwed shut, teeth gritted, the blanket scrunching up into his hands, which were clenching into fists even as his toes were curling up. "Oh God, Nikki, I'm so close... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." The she-rabbit's eyes widened and her face lit up as her brother arched his back off the bed and cried out, his entire body going rigid as he was overtaken by orgasm. Nikki stroked him as fast and as hard as she could, and her brother's penis throbbed in her grip, jet after jet of his hot bunny-come spurting out of his tip and shooting onto his stomach and chest, with a couple of shots being hard enough to land up near his throat and shoulders. He shuddered again and again as he came and came, moaning out loud as pleasure exploded throughout his entire body. When he finally finished ejaculating, he slumped to the bed, breathing hard and feeling dizzy. Not wanting the spectacle to end, Nikki kept pumping his cock until Jimmy gently pushed her hand away, completely spent for the time being. When the room stopped spinning, he opened his eyes and came face to face with Nicole, who was now on all fours above him, her hair and her lop-ears hanging down towards him, grinning from ear to ear at what she had done.

"Wow, Jimmy, you sure came a lot! I was worried I wouldn't be as good as Alicia, since she used her mouth and everything, but I totally made it happen! Hey, your eyes are all bloodshot, that's weird." Easily distracted or not, the girl was clearly incredibly pleased with herself. If she had been canine, her tail would have been wagging. "A-actually Nikki, um..." He cleared his throat. "Sometimes my eyes do that when I come really, really hard." "Really? I don't think they were like that last time..." "Well, they, um, don't do it every time... and I actually came harder now than I did when Alicia, you know..." She blushed and lowered her voice. "You did? Why's that?" Looking into her eyes shyly, he whispered the answer she suspected - hoped - was coming. "B-because it's you, Nikki... because it was my little sister." For a moment, neither sibling said anything, merely staring into each other's eyes and grinning. Then, Nikki held up her hand, which was partially coated in Jimmy's warm come, and smiled slyly, making sure she had her brother's attention before slowly, carefully, licking his sperm off. "Mmmm, yummy." Without warning, she bent down over him, leaning in close to his tummy and looking up to make sure she had his full attention before opening her mouth and lowering her tongue to his body, slowly dragging it along his soft young fur to gather up the small bit of semen that had fallen there when he came. Jimmy shuddered once more, feeling his tired cock twitch a bit in its sleep, at the feeling of his sister's tongue against his fur, watching her licking up his come. "Mmm-hmm, definitely yummy. Good thing there's more of it where this came from." With that, she bent back down and began the task of cleaning up her older brother with her tongue, as if she was a wild rabbit mother giving her kit a bath. Thoroughly and diligently, Nikki attended to each and every dollop of her brother's seed, pausing only to giggle at the completely shocked look on his face, or to let out an occasional 'mmmm' sound. "Ohhhh, Nikki..."

Being quite young, Jimmy found it very difficult to put into words exactly how stimulating the visual of his sweet little sister licking up his spunk was to him, but it turned out he didn't have to say anything at all, as his prick slowly began hardening again as his arousal began to climb back up. She noticed this, and smiled at the site, but did not comment on it. When she had finally cleaned up his come, instead of getting back up, she lay down on top of him, which she'd practically been doing anyway at the end, the cubs feeling the warmth of their chests pressing together, Nikki giggling at the sensation of her brother's hard-on pressing against her pelvis through the thin material of her panties. Leaning down, she briefly licked her brother's cheek fur before closing her eyes and pressing her lips against his again. The two Langston children held onto each other, he totally naked, she just about, ignoring everything in the world outside of the small, warm, furry body in their embrace and the way it felt pressed against them. Their tongue wrestling technique was rather sloppy, but given that they weren't even fifteen yet they could be forgiven. Jimmy, who could taste his own essence on his sister's tongue, was running his hands along the girl's back, while Nikki, unable to reach there while he was lying face-up, played with his long ears instead, frequently bringing her hands back to the back of his head and just leaving them there, cradling her brother's head while she kissed him. Eventually, Jimmy's hand dipped low enough that it encountered the waistband of her panties, and he broke off the kiss to whisper in her ear. "Can I take these off now, Nikki? I really wanna see you..." Smiling, she nodded, and got up off of him, looking down and watching as he took hold of her panties, which were now quite damp around the bottom, and tugged them down her thighs. Once they were free, he boldly held them up to his face and inhaled deeply of her scent, making her giggle. But the fabric failed to hold his attention for very long, with a nude little girl in the bed with him.

"Here, lie down like this." Soon she was lying on her side, facing him, with her pelvis up near his head. Wasting no time, he quickly extended a shaking hand towards her body, and both children whimpered quietly as he pressed his fingers against the hot, wet slit between her legs. He'd been tied down when they began last time, and now he took the opportunity to explore his sister's undeveloped pussy, trailing his fingertips up and down her slick lips, feeling the intense heat from within her, swallowing as Nikki twitched and shivered, reacting to his every touch. Bringing his other hand up to join the first, he placed his fingers on either side of her slit, which was by now rather constantly leaking her love fluids, and pulled her lips apart, exposing the wet pinkness inside. Jimmy stared in awe into his little sister's most secret place, taking in every detail of the fleshy inner walls, shining with her lubrication, and of her inner lips, which were dark pink and swollen with her desire by now. He manoeuvred his hands to allow him more access to her while still holding her lips open, and curiously pushed a finger inside, rubbing his fingertip along her inner walls, feeling a shiver himself as she shuddered at his touch. It was the way the slick walls of her love tunnel moved ever-so-slightly in and out as he explored her, like her pussy was breathing, that enthralled him the most, it served as a constant reminder that the little girl's sex was part of a living thing. She groaned quietly as he began to thrust his finger in and out, and he noticed that her clitoris was swelling, peeking out of the special hood. He grinned so widely his teeth were showing as he moved a finger there to tease and stroke at her love button, which made his sister twitch and shake from head to toe. "Ohhh - oh! Jimmy, that feels - that feels so good..." Grinning, he continued to finger her and tease her clit for a few minutes, but she reached down and placed a hand on his, stopping him. "What's wrong, Nikki?" "W-well, um, my - my clitty is really, uh, sensitive, s-so could you go slower on it?" He frowned, confused. "Don't you want to feel as good as possible?" Blushing, she toyed with her dangling ears and avoided his gaze. "No, I mean it's so s-sensitive that it starts feeling bad if you rub it too much." He didn't fully understand that, but he figured it was a girl thing, and nodded. "Okay, sis, I'll tone it down." Before he could even begin, she stopped him again. "Wait!" He frowned harder than before, impatient. "Whaaaaat?" "Could you - I mean, if it's all right, uh... c-could you do the thing you did for Andi?"

During the fun at the sleepover, Nikki's friend Andrea, a cute young border collie, had, at Alicia's encouragement, discarded her pyjama pants and climbed onto the bed where Jimmy was tied down, pressing her virgin pussy against his face, whereupon the curious rabbit boy used his lips and tongue to explore her sex (which was how he knew things like, for example, that the fleshy nub inside the hood above his sister's slit was incredibly sensitive and that he should focus on it) and eventually brought her to orgasm, spilling her girl juices all over his face. Now, just the idea that Nikki wanted him to do the same thing made Jimmy's penis throb, having long since regained his erection. Instead of answering her out loud, he let go of her lips, leaned forward, and dragged his tongue up across her slit with a long, slow lick. Nikki responded by letting out a high-pitched eeep that she only partially managed to muffle, slapping her hands over her mouth. As Jimmy continued to tease her labia with his tongue, the girl-bunny shuddered and moaned, holding her hands to her blushing cheeks. "You like that, little sister?" "O-oh, Jimmy, don't stop... but warn me next time, I d-don't want anyone to hear!" Deeply enjoying the taste of his sister's nectar, Jimmy kept licking at her slit, focusing on her lips and clit, until she started pushing her hips towards him, pushing her pussy against his face, and he knew she wanted more. Pushing his tongue between his sister's labia, he pressed against her warm inner walls the same way he just had with his fingers, getting turned on almost as much by the involuntary moans and whimpers she was making as by being drenched in the scent of her arousal. As he continued to tongue her depths, reaching up occasionally to tweak or tickle her love button, Jimmy started increasing the pace. As they both got more and more worked up, he considered that her juice was slightly sweeter than Andi's, though he wasn't sure which he liked more, as Andi had been quite delicious indeed. Before long, Jimmy had increased his speed to a fevered pace, and Nikki was whimpering and holding on to her long ears like they were treasured toys, just as her brother had minutes earlier. Slowly dragging his finger across her throbbing clitoris, he wondered if she was getting close, but no sooner had the thought entered his mind when Nikki arched her back and cried out, every muscle in her body seizing up and then shuddering. The girl suddenly extended her legs around her brother's shoulders and crossed them, pressing his face in tight against her underage pussy and not allowing him to pull away. Not that Jimmy had any intention to, feeling his little sister's hot juices flowing out of her to soak into his facial fur, feeling her quivering inner walls squeezing down rhythmically against his probing tongue, and most of all, hearing her voice whimpering his name over and over again as the nine-year-old's entire body was overtaken by a powerful orgasm.

Afterwards, Nikki lay on her back, panting hard, staring up at the ceiling and waiting for the spots in front of her eyes to dissipate, while Jimmy happily lapped at her fur, trying to clean up her juices the way she'd cleaned up his spilled seed. He'd started by continuing to lick at her pussy, but whenever he tried, she'd whimper and chase him away with a foot, saying she was too sensitive right now. A few moments passed this way, and then she leaned up onto her elbows, looking down at him with a big, dumb grin. "Thanks, Jimmy, that was amazing. No wonder Andi's been crushing on you since the sleepover." Jimmy started at that, somehow blushing despite this new level of intimacy he'd reached with his sister. Andi had whispered in his ear that she thought he was cute, but she'd made it sound like it was a secret. His surprise must have shown on his face as he looked up at his sister from between her thighs, because she laughed softly. "She keeps asking how you're doing, and wondering if you'll be home when she comes by, and smiling like a doof whenever she sees you... I mean, Alicia knows all that grown-up stuff, but even Kristie figured it out." The squirrel in question was only eight years old, and tended to be somewhat oblivious to the things her older friends talked about. Nikki giggled. "Maybe I should try and get you two alone for a bit, see what happens..." Jimmy pushed himself up onto his hands and knees and moved up the bed. "Well, I'm much more interested in what's about to happen right now!" His hard-on hung beneath him, pointing directly at her face, but he didn't move that far up, instead stopping when his eyes were level with hers, smiling when she blushed. He moved down, pressing his body against hers, but he instinctively supported his own weight on his forearms, on either side of her, so as not to press on her uncomfortably. He leaned in to kiss her, whispering huskily as he did so. "Forget Andi, sis... you're all I need right now... all I want." "Oh yes, Jimmy..." Those three words were all that escaped her mouth before he pressed his own against it.

As the two children kissed, Nikki's hands moved up and down her brother's back, and Jimmy, who was already quite worked up, began to unconsciously push his hips forward, rubbing his erection against his sister's pelvis. As he kissed young Nicole, the heat inside him was rising, he was becoming more and more needy. As he swallowed a moan that wouldn't have had anywhere to go anyway, his penis throbbed beneath him, leaking a slow trickle of pre onto Nikki's velvety-soft fur. Finally he could take it no longer and broke off the kiss, looking down into her eyes. "Nikki... little sister... please, I - I need to... to..." Leaning up to kiss his nose, Nikki smiled and spoke softly. "...I know, big brother. I know. Of course you can." He shivered from head to toe, whimpering 'oh God' to himself, but could not find the words to respond to her, instead just nodding as if she'd asked a question. Grinning excitedly, she took his hand in hers and reached down between them. Taking the hint, he took hold of his rigid boyhood and let her guide his hand until the head of his cock was poking between her slick, swollen lips. "A-are you ready, Nikki?" "Uh-huh..." Not waiting one nanosecond longer, Jimmy gently pushed his hips forward, the head of his penis delving between his sister's folds for the second time, encountering no resistance this time until he was completely hilted in Nikki's wet warmth once more.

"Ohhh, big brother, it feels so big..." This was a rather large ego boost to the growing boy, and he groaned at the feeling of his sister's inner walls clenching down on his shaft. "A-and you're so hot and tight inside..." With that, he pulled back until he was almost all the way out and then slammed home, causing Nikki to yelp and shudder against him. "N-not so rough, Jimmy!" "Sorry, little sister, I just got excited." "Just be careful, okay?" From then on he was indeed gentler with his thrusts. The first time they had done this, Nikki had done most of the work, riding him cowgirl-style since Jimmy couldn't move much with the way he was bound. Since he had no experience on top, it took Jimmy a few minutes to get a proper thrusting rhythm going, and a couple of times, he pulled out too far and accidentally slipped out of Nikki's love tunnel entirely, whimpering with need as he hurriedly got himself lined up and pushed inside again, where he belonged. But before too long, he was rutting with her like he'd been doing it for years, his breath ragged but even as he pushed into her again and again, the feeling of her vagina rubbing and squeezing against the entire length of his erection over and over again was really starting to get to him. "God, Nikki... you feel so good..." "...Call me little sister." "What?" She was blushing deeply. "It - it feels so naughty when you call me that, d-doesn't it feel good when I call you big brother?" He leaned down and licked her cheek. "...Y-yeah, it does, I just didn't want to say anything. I've never felt anything as good as you... little sister." She let out a moan and lifted her legs, wrapping them around him and hooking her ankles together just above his fluffy tuft of a tail, squeezing for a moment to bring him as close as possible. Jimmy really liked this feeling, of being locked together with her, and he leaned down to kiss her roughly, forcing his tongue back into her mouth, as he increased the pace of his thrusting.

The siblings continued their incestuous lovemaking for quite some time like this, kissing with a passion normally reserved for fully grown lovers, wantonly rutting against each other with an urgent need generally not found in children their age. Jimmy loved the feeling of Nikki's arms around his neck, clutching at him as he pushed into her velvety embrace, and her legs wrapped around his waist, all four limbs holding him tightly as if she was worried he might suddenly try to flee. In truth, it was more like the young lop-ear was holding on for dear life, the sensations she was feeling as her brother drove his hard-on into her again and again were overwhelming for the inexperienced girl. As far as she was concerned, the entire universe had ceased to exist outside of the sensations of his prick sliding between her lips and into her body, his sac gently slapping against her with each forward thrust, and his hot breath against her chest and face, forced out of him in grunts and sighs as he made love to her. It was all Nikki could do not to cry out, only managing to hold on tight and whisper to herself. "Ohhhh - oh, big brother... big brother... don't stop..." All too soon, Jimmy felt the familiar pressure rising up inside him, and bit his lip to keep from crying out. "Oh God, little sister... I'm gonna... I'm gonna come!" Making one last thrust, he hilted himself into Nikki, as deep as he could go, then hastily moved a hand down to the spot where they were connected and began to vigorously rub her clitoris, just as he lost it. Jimmy arched his back and gritted his teeth as the orgasm overcame him, to keep from unleashing a moan that would have been heard throughout the entire house. His penis swelled and throbbed, spurting his hot, sticky come into Nikki's love canal, emptying his twitching balls into his sister's tight young pussy. Nikki, who was suddenly dealing with the sensation of her love button being rubbed mercilessly as well as the warmth spreading inside her as her brother filled her with his bunny-seed, was surprised into a climax of her own, gasping 'big brother!' as the walls of her pussy clenched down on Jimmy's cock, even as it continued to release jets of his semen into her womb. The Langston siblings held each other as tightly as they could, gasping, grunting, and moaning their way through a mutual orgasm that had both of them seeing stars.

When it was over, the two of them went limp, Jimmy letting his tired legs relax and resting his weight entirely on his forearms, which were on either side of his sister's body. Nikki sighed contentedly and released her four-limbed grip on her brother, her arms and legs slipping down to the bed. For a few moments they just stayed like that, sweaty, tired, and panting like wild dogs, but smiling from earbase to earbase, and looking deep into each other's eyes with perfect contentment. They didn't say anything. Occasionally they would kiss, or just nuzzle against each other like their non-anthro cousins. Words were unnecessary to express what they were feeling. Eventually, Jimmy pushed against the bed, intending to lie down next to her, but she stopped him. "Wait, big brother! I, uh... just stay there like that, in - inside me. Just for a little while longer." He leaned down and nuzzled against her. "Okay, sis. I like cuddling with you like this anyway." She reached up and hugged him again, thinking she could get used to so much contact with her older brother. "I'd say this was pretty good practice, right Jimmy?" He chuckled softly. "Yeah, when we get dates when we're older, they're gonna wonder how we're so good at it." Secretly, both of them were thinking that this felt like a whole lot more than practice, but neither of them said anything, worried that they were the only one thinking it. Pushing one of Jimmy's hanging lop-ears off of her face, Nikki kissed him again and closed her eyes, just for a second. "I love you, big brother." Feeling her already starting to drift away into a post-coital nap, Jimmy kissed her on the forehead and whispered back. "I love you too, little sister."

Soon the both of them were fast asleep, still in each other's arms. Jimmy had shifted to the side so as not to crush her as he laid himself down, but they were still pressed tightly together, and the very tip of his penis remained just within her lips, even as he became flaccid. The sheets were damp with Nikki's feminine juices, and Jimmy's sperm was starting to ooze out of his sister's pussy and down onto the bed. They would need a good washing, but no real harm was done; in a few hours, the dried mess on the sheets wouldn't be recognizable as sexual fluids, and Nikki was too young for their tryst to get her pregnant. Eventually, they would wake up, get dressed, and finish off the day. But for now, they just lay there together in their fur and nothing else, sleeping in a warm embrace, and enjoying happy dreams about each other that left the young bunnies with smiles on their faces.