The Brotherhood of Teeth Part 3

Story by Isollin on SoFurry

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#3 of The Brotherhood of Teeth

The Brotherhood of Teeth A parted story by Drake Valdor Involves: age differences, forced, transformations, some under-age drinking, some blood, Vampires, Werewolves, and fur-non-fur. You have been warned.

Part 3 The night had finally ended for poor Mark, who had gone through so much. He had witnessed the unthinkable as his friend was chased off by some huge wolf. He had been bitten by what was presumedly a vampire, and he had been dragged off and Where is here? His heart began to race as he became fully conscious, his dirty, messy brown hair sloshing about on his head as he shook it out, patting it down with his hands. He looked around. Some kind of warehouse? It was an open room with long shelving units as far as the eye could see, extremely tall buildings, and florescent lights that were not currently on. His dark eyes darted around, taking in the scene, noting how cold his skin was in this place. Looking down, he realized he had been sleeping on a cement floor for god knows how long now. The air was dusty and bleak, with the only light coming from beams of sun allowed in by the windows high up on the walls. He gawked for a minute, watching the dust particles shift and float through the beams of light. "Hello?" His voice rang like a bell through the place, echoing several times before coming to a halt. It was truly empty. It didn't look like the place had been used in years. As he geared up to holler again, he heard a sound. Any sound at this moment was a blessing to him, but then his heart sunk as he realized it was footsteps. The distinct sound of a woman's high heal shoe, getting closer and closer. "Well now..." A soft but intimidating female voice came from behind a shelf. "Look what the boys found..." "Who...who are you?" Mark stammered, pulling his arms to himself to warm up. As he did so, he suddenly realized he wasn't wearing a shirt...or anything else, for that matter. This revelation caused him to pull his knees up, covering up his private areas, as any 12 year old boy would do. "My name is Shara" She said swiftly, walking around the corner of the shelf and revealing herself to him. She was tall, with long brown hair, brown eyes, and looks that could kill. She wore tight black leather, all around, long sleeves. "You slept for a long time, it's almost 9 o'clock, you know! You kept me waiting way too long." Mark scowled, looking at her funny. "Where am I?" "You're in a warehouse." She said plainly, imitating his look. "Look kid, I'm only here to make sure you eat something before night falls and your friends come back." "What friends?" "The ones you met last night. I don't figure you'll remember them, but when you see them you will. They're due pretty soon...sun will be down shortly, after all." "Why does that matter?" "Use your imagination." She smirked, turning and walking away from him. "Come with me, you need to eat." The boy groaned, stretching out, rubbing his slender hands along his smooth skin. He got to his neck and froze...there it was, the scab from the night before. The memory of the bite came flooding back, making him flinch and pull his hand away. "I'm not hungry." "It wasn't a question." She snapped. It didn't appear this woman had much tolerance for backtalk. Mark grunted and stood up, following her. She led him down the long corridor between shelves, and to a folding table that was set up against what appeared to be a giant garage door. On it sat a plate with a sandwich, some chips, and a glass of what must be juice. He looked at her, his hands over his bits, even though his mind wasn't currently on covering himself. She gave him a dagger look, and he moved to eat. The sandwich, made of turkey and white bread, felt nice going town his throat...he must not have eaten since before the arcade...almost 27 hours ago. He swallowed the whole thing down, following it quickly with the chips and juice. He turned to look at the lady then, but she was gone. He didn't hear her heels leaving, no good bye, just...gone. This was his chance. He had regained some strength, eaten, and was ready to get out. He scrambled, running full force along the wall looking for a small door he could use to get out. His bare feet padded along the hard cement floor, numb from a full cold night. He ran a hand along the brick wall, looking for what would serve as his exit, but found none. He started to grunt angrily, his face turning read as his search became more frantic. The shelves were bolted to the ground, so he couldn't use those to move to a window, and there didn't appear to be any openings in the roof, else climbing would make sense. He was stuck. Frustrated, he dropped his bare rump onto the metal rails of a shelf, sitting with his face in his hands. He didn't have much time to think before his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door of the giant garage doors. He ran in that direction, desperate to get out. Once he came into view, though, he quickly changed directions. Under the now-closing garage door stood 6 individuals...two from the night before, and four he didn't recognize. He scrambled to the other end of the warehouse, desperate to get away. "Come on now, don't make us chase you." Said one of the men, his voice low and raw. At that moment, though, the boy was already scaling a shelf at the distant wall of the warehouse. Once he reached the top, though, he was greeted by a large shoe in his eye, a hand at the back of his head, pulling up on his hair until he was on his feet on the top shelf. This caused a scream to emit from his lips, which in turn made the man laugh. "I asked you not to run." Soon, they were joined by the two boys who were harassing him the night before. They had odd smirks on their faces, like they were proud. "You two did well bringing me this one..." He said softly, fingers still curled in the boy's hair, pulling left and right to look him over. "A little skinny, but that's alright." He was a tall man with extremely pale skin, cold blue eyes, and jet black hair. He was wearing a suit, for some reason, with a tie and all. As the boy's hands clutched desperately at the hand atop his head, the man took the time to place his free hand on the boy's crotch, slowly groping his fingers along, across every bit of area down there. His fingers made their way between his legs, feeling softly at the hole behind, then cupping his petit sac. Finally, he put the head of his length between two fingers and pulled, just enough to gauge it's length. "He'll do." A sigh of relief came from the two boys. Clearly they were depending on this answer. "You can all leave now." The man said, his voice loud and clear. It reminded Mark of his father when he was upset. That was all it took, though, as the two boys scrambled down the sides of the shelf, and the others below left, closing the large door behind them. They were alone now...just the man and the boy. The frail thing shook wildly, even as the man let go of his hair. "Calm down, you're fine." He said in a not-so-calming tone. "You act like I'm going to kill you." "You're not, then?" Mark said, his voice sounding a bit snarky, even as his terror was evident in his eyes. "Of course not! I have much bigger plans for you." He grinned then, showing his teeth for the first time, revealing what Mark was afraid of...fangs. He let out a small shriek, but it turned into a squeak because of a large hand covering his mouth. "You're going to be one of us...tonight." Mark shook his head frantically. He had heard about these creatures, stalking people in the night...feeding on them, abducting people. Most of them did not survive. His mind raced...what could he do? Vampires had powers, and he knew it was true. He didn't even believe they existed before, why wouldn't they have powers? "My name is Meesh." The man said, his grin still huge. "And I am going to be your master." With that, he pulled the boy down, to his knees, and looked at him, hand back on his head, firm grasp on his hair. He reached up and unbuttoned his jacket with one hand, sliding it off one arm, switching hands, and then the other. He did the same with his dress shirt. This revealed a muscled body with plenty of tone, but not color. To continue Mark's horror, he then unbuttoned his pants, letting them slide off, then stepped out. He wore no undergarments, leaving the boy face to face with an erect, pulsing member. He whined, voice cracking under his own stress. The man then, without a moment's hesitation, pulled the boy's head toward him. "Open." The boy shook his head, frowning and pursing his lips. The response was a hard tug on his hair, causing another scream of pain, which caused his mouth to open. Seizing the moment, the man pressed forward, forcing his thick, pulsing member into the boys soft, warm mouth. "You bite down, or spit it out, I will make it all the more painful for you. Get used to it now, you have a long night ahead of you."

Jake's morning was off to a good start. He woke up to his captor, Kade, standing at the foot of his bed nude, but with breakfast, and had since worked on eating it. Kade was now seated next to him, under the covers, TV turned on before them. "You don't need to fear me, you know." Kade said to the boy, looking over at him. He just shook his head and continued eating his eggs. "No, really. I'm not going to cause any harm to you." "Then why take me here?" "We've already been through this." Jake shrugged and watch the TV. Kade wasn't so much scaring him at this moment. It was more anger than anything. Why him? Why couldn't they have gone and grabbed some other kid? He was finally on summer vacation, and now he's destined to spend his life hiding. "Look" Kade said, pointing at the TV. It displayed a news anchor, and in the corner, a picture of a familiar building ablaze. "The popular teen hangout, the Golden Dollar, has been burned to the ground. Police say four victims were caught in the blaze, their names have yet to be disclosed." Jake looked stunned. "I' of those victims, aren't I?" "I said I'd take care of it." Jake scowled and bowed his head. A tear made its way down his soft cheeks, followed by another. "I'm never going to see my family again?" "You may see them, but you will never speak to them." "But why? They'd still love me, and take care of me!" "Unfortunately, you would not see them in the same light on nights of the full moon. All wolves know on those nights is lust, the desire to hunt, and running." Jake scowled and looked up at him. "What do you want me for? I'm not good eating, I'm skinny..." He started, his voice shaken and his pattern very fast compared to normal. He was panicking again. "I'm not athletic, I'm not good at math, what do you want?" "Are you finished your breakfast?" Kade said, oddly calm. He didn't comfort the boy, but he wasn't scaring him either. He got a nod in response, and smiled slightly. "Good. Get up, and we'll get you dressed. It's time to meet your new family." Jake sighed. He was comfortable...even if he did have a large, naked man next to him, the sheets were soft against his skin, the comforter was warm, and the TV was a nice bit of familiarity for him. He moved to get out of bed, then stopped, pulling the blanket back up over his groin area. "You're going to have to get used to me seeing you naked." Kade said bluntly. "It's going to happen a lot. Here." He threw a pair of boxer shorts at him, landing softly on his blond hair. The boy pulled them on slowly, one leg at a time. "How'd my clothes get off me anyway?" "I took them off. You sleep sounder when you're not wearing anything, and it's more natural." He shook his head, embarrassed and showing it with a red face. "Fine...what about the rest of my clothes?" To that, he got a pair of oversized shorts thrown at him, as well as a large tee. He put them on to find himself swimming in them, his shirt falling off one arm or the other, revealing his slender shoulders and collar bone. Kade grinned. "I like that look." "Why?" "I don't look good in it." The boy blushed again and headed for the door. He would finally see what the rest of this place looked like when not being rushed to a room. After Kade opened the door, he stepped out onto the carpeted floor of the hallway and looked both ways. One direction was rooms, the other, stairs. Kade moved toward the stairs, and he followed, taking in the scenery. The house was painted an off white color, closer to almond than anything. It was oddly bright for a werewolf's home, he thought. "Here..." Kade interrupted Jake's thoughts, "Is the meeting room." He pointed into a room at the second floor landing. It wasn't even really a second floor...just that room. It looked like an executive's office... the classic long wood table, several large leather chairs, a pull down projector screen at the front. "We use this for meetings with other packs, our own pack, and sometimes just the house." Jake nodded and followed along, listening intently. Whether he liked the idea or not, he figured he better know his way around if he's going to do well here...or escape. "There's the livingroom." Jake followed the finger, looking over the stair rail on the bottom floor. It was huge, with a large TV, surround system, a very long sofa, and a chair to match it all. Everything was in different shades of blue, with the carpet and sofa being darkest, and the walls and ceiling the lightest. On the left side of the stairs, Jake noticed Kade walking into another room, so he followed. It was the kitchen. This one was truly massive. This kitchen contained up to date stainless steel appliances, marble counters, hardwood flooring, the works. There was even a sliding glass door leading out to a deck, overlooking a lake. This was a home fit for a king. "And downstairs, where everyone else is, is the basement, which is a gaming room." "What kind of games?" Jake asked, face lighting up a little bit. "All kinds. Come on, I'll show you." At this point, Jake finally noticed that the man before him was wearing a pair of black sweatpants, but no shirt. He was almost afraid to see the others and how they dressed. "Morning, Kade!" a few voices came from the bottom of the stairs as Jake rounded the bottom landing. He padded his bare feet out onto the carpeted floor and looked around with amazement. There were several couches, TV's, and video game systems all around the room, as well as a pool table, tabletop soccer, ping-pong table, and a bar in the corner, stocked with plenty of drinks. "Morning guys. This here is Jake, he'll be joining us from here on." Kade said as he pulled Jake forward, making him stand next to him. Jake put his arms behind him and folded his hands, rocking uneasily on his heels. There were so many people...six, in all, two women and four men. He also noticed how oddly clean the place was. "Well, Jake, my name is Liam." One man said, standing up and extending a hand. He was dressed in sweatpants as well, though his upper body was a bit more plump than Kade's. "And this is my girl, Kia." Jake nodded slowly, putting his small, tender hand inside the mans and letting him shake it, then nodded again to the woman sitting behind him. "Over there..." Kade said, leaning down and pointing at Jake's eye level. He was pointing at two people sitting on a couch facing the opposite way, playing what appeared to be his favorite game, on a large television. "They're Leon and Kit. The two over at the pool table are John and his wife Maria." Jake took all this in. There was no way he was going to remember them all. They all appeared to be in their mid twenties, making him easily the youngest. He had hoped there'd at least be somebody his age around. "Where's Bones?" Kade asked, looking around. "He went to the store to get some things." Responded Liam, his silver hair glimmering a bit in the rooms currently dim lights. "He should be back soon." Kade nodded and put his large hand upon Jake's shoulder. "Come on." He said, walking toward the bar, and taking a seat atop one of the tall stools. Jake jumped on the one next to him. "So, what kinds of things do you like to do?" He asked, looking at the boy, trying to make small talk amid the soft background noise in the room of games and chatter. Jake only shrugged. "Come on, now. There has to be something you like to do." "I like games..." he said softly, looking around a bit, only half paying attention to Kade's question, hundreds of his own racing through his head. "They're all wolves?" "Every one of them, yup." "There's never any humans here?" "Sometimes, for meetings and whatnot. Sometimes other packs will bring a human or two with them, as well, but usually it's just us." "Oh..." Jake said softly, mind trailing off again. This was all so much for him to handle. He watched as everyone in the room interacted and played games, laughed and joked, had a good time. Maybe it wouldn't be quite so bad here, provided they'd accept him. Liam seemed to like him, at least. "Are you thirsty?" "Yeah..." Jake said hesitantly. The man got up and went behind the bar counter, pulling out a couple bottles, and poured a bit of each into a cup. "Coke." Kade said bluntly. "You like coke, right?" Jake nodded and took a sip. It tasted a little funny, which caused him to cough. "It has a bit of rum in it...don't worry, it'll help put you at ease." He scowled, but took another sip. It didn't taste bad, so he figured it couldn't be too bad. They sat there, the two of them, for what seemed like forever, just watching the group and talking every now and then. After a few hours, the two at the xbox couch stood up. "Hey kid" One of them said, looking over at the boy and Kade. "Come play a round." Jake looked suddenly frightened and looked over at Kade. "You're fine, go on." He said, pushing him off his stool. He stood and stretched, and walked his way over to the couch where the two men were. He sat between them, where they had made room for him, and took a controller off the shelf before him. "What's your game?" The one on his right asked. He had a slim face, and was actually rather handsome...something you don't often expect from a gamer in Jake's mind. "Uh...anything?" Jake said in a confused tone. He received a laugh from the pair, and heard the familiar tones of a match starting up. He focused hard, wanting to play his best, but for some reason, found himself unable to focus entirely. His vision seemed to lag behind his play time, his demeanor far less competitive than normal. He was feeling the effects of his drink, of which he had drank three. "Damn..." he said under his breath as he died. "Having trouble?" "No..." Jake said, trying to concentrate. All the while, Kade watched closely, seeming to be interested in what was going on. This continued for another hour, before Kade finally stepped forward. "Alright Jake, you and I have things to do, come on." "Oh, are you going to claim him?" One of the guys on the couch asked, looking between Jake and Kade. "I am." He said, looking at Jake. He took him by the hand and walked towards the stairs. "We'll be down for dinner in a while." He announced. "Do not interrupt." Jake, suddenly filled with fear again, tugged a bit against the hand that held his, though he wasn't necessarily trying to get away. "Calm down, it's fine." He said, looking down at the boy as they scaled the stairs, headed for that familiar room. "It will hurt a little, and it may be scary at first, but this will make you mine. That's important." "Why?" He asked, wide eyed and shaking. "Because, that way, no other wolf can claim you or take you for their own." Kade returned, opening the bedroom door before them. He walked to the bed, lifting Jake and setting him on it. He closed the door, turned to Jake, and started removing his pants. "What are you doing?" "Stripping. You need to do the same." "No." Kade shook his head, now completely nude, his long, thick member exposed to the boy for the first time while hard. It wasn't there long, though, before he got down on all fours, and something happened. His bones began shifting, small grunts erupting from his mouth. His eyes changed shape, his face lengthened, and he began sprouting hair, everywhere. After only a few moments, a blink of an eye to Jake, he was a fully formed werewolf again, and he was up on his hind feet, baring down on the boy. His body was huge in comparison to the boy's, and his shaft was exposed out of it's sheath, it's red, slick meat standing tall and proud. He made his way forward, toward the bed, and reached out, pulling the boy's giant shirt up and off him. "You can get your pants by yourself, or I can do it. It's up to you." His voice was different now, gruff and rumbly, low and cold, but somehow, not mean. The boy squirmed and groaned, removing his pants slowly, then his boxers, leaving him nude and helpless on the bed. What else was he going to do? This wolf was huge, it was going to do what it wanted anyway. "Oh..." The wolf's voice came, pointing down. The boy looked down at himself and gasped...his shaft was standing up now, pulsing and bobbing up and down a bit. He looked up, flustered, and the wolf was wearing a grin. "And now, I make you mine, Jake."

~End Part 3

The Brotherhood of Teeth Part 4

The Brotherhood of Teeth A parted story by Drake Valdor Involves: age differences, some forced, transformations, Werewolves, Yiff, and fur-non-fur. You have been warned. Part 4 The boy laid in the bed, shaking a bit with nervousness and fear...

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The Brotherhood of Teeth part 2

The Brotherhood of Teeth A parted story by Drake Valdor Involves: age differences, some forcing, transformations, some blood, and fur-non-fur. You have been warned. Part 2 The door finally opened after what seemed like an...

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The Brotherhood of Teeth Part 1

The Brotherhood of Teeth A parted story by Drake Valdor Involves: age differences, some forcing, transformations, some blood, and fur-non-fur. You have been warned. Part 1 The night was still young,...

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