Waiting to be Human

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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He admired himself once more, under the clouded sky,

Benath the moonlit skein, which reflected in a sparkling,

Golden eye.

"I embrace this." he whispered, as he wrapped his arms about his companion.

She too, as a fox-woman, tittered,

As they sat together on a big flat rock,

Naked in the night.

She has coarse dark furry hands now,

Which he takes to her face, letting her admire

What they concensually have become--

Simple, and unclean.

Relief spills from her bowels

As she marks her lurid scent,

Enticing him forth for fauna's sensuality.

He joins, though in spirit.

He holds her close and comforts--

Runs smooth nails through her locks

Which she retained by luck alone

Or some trick of the gene.

They both have donned a snout.

To sniff the scents of nighttime:

Pine, waterfalls, deer carcasses--

Sweet carrion, and bugs.

Each pip of a resting bird

And every touch of a leaf's fall--

Against the ground, though light

Meets their tufted fancy ears.

He kisses her with reekish breath

On a pinkened, silky tongue.

Promising her his comforts

Through time and time again.

As they change and embrace a new way.

Shedding old conceits, they rise--

Donned, the visage of old--

The cloaks of fur and hide.

Turgidly his tail wags, together;

They embrace, though breast to back.

Her hair of mousy brown, and his of red

The only signs of people, there.

All else is of the beast.

They breath in tune, in time,

With the rustling winds, and chirping

Of the crickets in the dew.

The poignant scene is incuplable.

The pair, neither immaculate nor concerned

Swear off all artifice of oath or vow,

In one fine scene, they draw a finer union.

In coitus indivisible, irrevocable,

Two souls join, in agreement--

Duly earned in knowing,

Indelible Passion's thrusts.

The rumble in her womb

Is the first sign that perhaps,

Humanity was not--after all--a loss.