Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Furs: Mitch's Story ch 7

Story by Jeramiah Chase on SoFurry

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#7 of Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths - Mitch's Story

Okay, as my editor is going away for the weekend, and isn't going to get to the story; I'm uploading the unedited version for the time being. Hopefully it's not too bad. I'll replace it with the edited copy once they return.

As usual Mitch belongs to Danaume and Downy belongs to RingtailJess of FA

Cameos, All used with permission:

Raccoon: Stumpycoon

Wolf waitress: Isensol's Clairitee

Skunccoon: kyecoonvox

Female Tiger: Drawolftiger

Pink Fox: Nikukyu's Tamanu

White Ferret: nikukyu

Pink haired Bunny: KilalaUsagi

Male Tiger: Hawkrim

(sorry not sure how to make links here)

Chapter 7 - Café Confrontation

Mitchel sits in the back of Miss Nightfang's car, feeling like this ride has lasted for months and has no clue what kind of café this is, but after a long day spent shopping, he definitely wants to eat. Before leaving Vixen's secret he changed back into the same short sky blue baby tee shirt, and long white skirt he's been wearing since leaving the school this morning.

The car pulls up to a very nice modern café, complete with an open-air dining area in front. It's small and rather quant, being personally owned. 'Intersex Cafe' is above the door in bright purple letters. Miss Nightfang opens the door, a small chime jingling as she does so, and leads the two girls inside. The cafe is doing decent business with small lunch time crowd.

Mitchel looks up to Miss Nightfang asks softly, "What does that word mean? Intersex?"

Miss Nightfang smiles softly to him. "Intersex is a term for those that are between genders, neither male nor female." She replies as she leads them over to a table, knowing Michelle will feel better about being indoors rather the outdoors to eat.

Mitchel ohs softly as he sits down, brushing out his skirt as he does so, before looking around for a moment noticing the other people here. Over near the counter was a gray raccoon that seemed to have odd silver bands around his upper arms and thighs, who was being waited on by a feminine wolf. She was dressed in a yellow shirt with the Café's five symbol logo, black crotchless pants that show off an indigo thong. She seems to be rather nervous, but a black and white spotted bunny, dressed similarly but with a maroon colored thong, smiles and urges her on, as it's apparently her first day from what little Mitch can pick up. At another table was what appeared to be a Skunk/Raccoon hybrid, with Gray fur and white markings, eating a sandwich.

At another table is a female tiger sitting across from a pink and white fox, both chatting to each other as a small white ferret watches them a bit nervously, his ears splayed a bit apparently not liking whatever the women's topic is. They are interrupted, to the ferret's relief, by another bunny server, looking more feminine then the spotted bunny. Like the previous two servers, this bunny wore the same uniform but with a light blue thong. The bunny having long candy cotton pink hair and blue finger nails, she? Least Mitch thinks it's a she, though after today one can never really be sure, takes the trio's order with a blush. The only other person was another staff member, a definitely male tiger that remained behind the counter, which made it impossible to tell what color thong he was wearing.

Mitchel shakes his head a bit, trying to keep focused on Miss Nightfang and Sam, despite his curiosity of the odd little café and its apparently color-coded undies..., and starts looking at the menu.

Sam sits down next to Michelle and gives him a soft smile before going over the menu herself; she has really been enjoying the day out so far and is really glad she was invited.

As the teacher and students are seated; the other half of the party arrives as Downy enters, tail in tail and paw in paw, with her android otter lover Jet. The otter holds open the door for as they step in. "Kind of a neat place." The squirrel muses, having never been here before. Miss Nightfang smiles to Downy and waves them over. The pair takes a seat across from the students as they join the trio. "Hi Michelle, Sam; this is Jet. Jet; Shelly and Sam." Downy says as does introductions.

As the rest of the group arrives, the black and white spotted bunny walks over to the group after they all sit down; his ocean blue eyes sparkling in the light as he looks the group over. Anyone observant enough might notice that he has no bulge whatsoever in that indigo thong of his.

Mitchel tries not to look at the exposed thong that the bunny wears, as he orders himself a soda and a club sandwich with extra fries, clearly still ordering food as a guy would.

The bunny grins. "It's okay; you're free to look wherever you want miss." He giggles and wiggles his hips inviting another look and showing off the camel toe formed by the tight thong.

Miss Nightfang smiles to Michelle as she orders; she doesn't seem to have any problem with the order. This was supposed to be special to make him feel better over losing his balls. She seems to pass on ordering, while Sam orders a Caesar salad for herself with some sweet tea.

Mitchel nods greeting to Jet and Downy and very much noticed that the bunny isn't all boy. He frowns and says softly, "It's okay, you don't need to wag it in my face..."

The bunny chuckles and shrugs. "Most people enjoy looking." He grins and shows no offense to it.

Downy, however isn't being shy about looking. She in fact giggles and winks at the bunny. Then squeezes the otter's hand she holds; clearly saying silently 'taken'.

Jet smiles and nods to Michelle. "Hey there Shelly." She says, having a slightly Harlem or Bronx accent. It seem like everyone is more butch then poor Mitch, even another otter looks more masculine compared to him; Though Mitchel lays even odds that the other otter has a dick though, considering his day, and doesn't feel too horrible about it.

The rabbit grins to Downy 'That's fine; I've been taken by most everyone here at one point or another." He giggles bratilly. "Would you lovers like anything?"

Mitchel sits quietly and listens to the banter, not feeling very comfortable in this crowd.

Downy considers. She orders herself just some water to drink right now and light salad with nuts and dried fruit on it. Yeah she eats like a girly girl. Jet however orders like an otter, getting a seafood platter and a Mountain Dew. The bunny nods and leaves once all the orders are taken, placing the orders with the tiger at the counter.

Mitchel remains quiet, as he is used to being the guy in these situations, knowing his place in the pecking order, and not feeling awkward or really even concerned about things. But as it is now, he feels completely lost in this new social pecking order. Girls have always been a mystery to him, and how they determine who is and who isn't and all that... it just leaves him feeling a bit lost. It doesn't help that he finds his confused sexuality leaving him attracted to everyone at the table...

In the short silence as the group waits for their food; the sharp sound of the chair scraping on the floor is heard from Downy scooting closer to Jet, laying her head down on the otter's shoulder. Eyes closed she takes a slow happy breath. Teasing, "Maybe my seafood girl wants a bunnyfish taco for dessert?"

Jet raises an eyebrow "Bunnyfish?" She asks, she knows fish taco, but there is no bunny at the table... Until she remembers the server is lapin... Her mind obviously more focused on her squirrel lover at the moment as Downy lays her head on her.

Noticing Mitch's silence Miss Nightfang smiles softly as she looks to Mitchel. "Just relax and enjoy yourself. There is nothing to be so concerned over." She says and gently strokes the younger otter's cheek.

Mitchel looks to Selene as she says that, then nods slowly, "Yah... okay." Easier said than done though, he has no clue how to relax... This is his first time out in public dressed as a girl, and he is still rather convinced that everyone knows exactly what he is.

Downy giggles at her lover's confusion, kissing the woman's cheek. "Love you too my black beauty." She stays snuggled into the side of the otter and flashes a wink at Miss Nightfang. "Enjoy the shopping Sam? Oh and Michelle; I meant to ask if you and Sam are a couple. I can't blame her... I mean otters are very sexy." She even reaches her leg out to run one foot up of Shelly's legs against the lay of that thick fur, just some harmless teasing or flirting.

Mitchel's ears perk up and his cheeks color in a blush, but to his credit, that's the only outward reaction to having someone's foot stroking up his bare leg. He looks at Sam and his ears lay back a bit, not at all sure how to answer that question, and looking to the mouse for some sort of hint. He is pretty sure they are just friends... friends who fuck... but...

Downy keeps her foot there, teasing at Mitchel's leg some. "Though I've never been with two otters at once, that could be something. All those thick tails, cute round ears, and Agile lean bodies." She let out sharp murring sound, teeth biting her lower lip, as she curls one of her hands into Jet's thigh.

Jet hugs Downy close to her. "Now don't go cheat'n on me with another otter." She teases as she can feel Downy's leg teasing against the other otter's. Jet moans softly as she feels that hand curling between her thighs. "Careful love, I don't think Michelle is ready for a public orgy..." She grins

Sam blinks and blushes softly as she looks to Mitch and shakes her head. "Oh no... We're just close friends. Michelle has a boyfriend already; A kinda foulmouthed punk Hedgehog. They seem to spend a lot of time together."

Mitchel blinks, then mutters, "He's not my boyfriend!" then he blushes deeper at the muttering between Jet and Charly.

Downy pouts. That leg moves over to Sam then to toe at the mousy's thigh for a moment. Sam shivers and churrs deeply as her thigh his teased. "I've never had a public orgy myself either. How many do you need for an orgy? Think I've only had two lovers at most, and even then I'm having a hard time remembering if that was real or just a really good dream." She kisses Jet's ear and licks the inside. "I get some wild ones when you sing to me, Jet." She whispers seductively before Glancing to Shelly, "Just a good guy for a roll in the hay then?"

Miss Nightfang giggles softly "No need to be so modest Michelle. He is your partner in the school, and his father is even paying for such a wonderful graduation gift..." She replies with a slight grin.

"Just more than one, love." Jet replies to Downy and then gives a smirk "Yeah, I know you're a screamer, gal."

Mitchel shakes his head, "We haven't had sex." He replies as he squirms in his seat; all the talk about sex and orgies is making it even harder for the poor otter to relax and worse, part of him is very much at attention under his skirt... Making him keep his paws below the table to keep anyone walking by from getting a neon sign screaming 'cross-dresser'.

Downy's ear twitches. "Michelle are you this boy's graduation gift or something? What's he at the school for?" She asks as her eyes go to the headmistress, though she can't help but giggles at an image of Michelle lifting her tail and skirt up for some guy. In the meanwhile she keeps drawing patterns into Jet's thighs and her foot keeps rubbing and working at Sam's.

Mitchel shakes his head, still blushed deep and not really knowing what to say as the women around him talk about his recent life.

Miss Nightfang looks to Downy as she replies, "Francis is at the school because his parents wanted me to curb some of his more unruly and dangerous behaviors. His father is one of the richest men in the UK. He couldn't have his son embarrassing him with such reckless behavior. When Michelle's mother basically abandoned her, with the simple desire of having no grandchildren; Francis talked to his father to try to make things better for Michelle. And now Mr. Hedge is going to pay for Michelle to finish up at my school as well as for her graduation gift, since he wants his son happy." She explains, giving a super-condensed version of the arrangement to the Squirrel and her lover.

Mitchel frowns a bit at the overly simplified and 'glossed over' version of events. Miss Nightfang smiles over to him. "Do you have something to say about this?" She asks seeing him frown, while the squirrel tries to keep up with the pair.

Mitchel thinks about it for a moment, and then shakes his head, "No... Not important."

Miss Nightfang grins and giggles softly as she nods "Alright, I will remember that you consider it not important, Michelle."

Mitchel blinks, and then says, "Hey, that's not what I meant, and you know it!" He retorts, knowing that if he lets it rest like that it will likely come back to bite him in the ass...

Miss Nightfang replies, "A proper lady should always say what she means, Michelle."

Mitchel sighs, "I meant it wasn't important to explain it to a stranger..."

Downy watches and listens to this. She can understand some of what is trying to be said. "I'm a stranger and I get it. Just was curious was all." She goes back to necking with Jet some and teasing Sam with her foot while this is settled.

Miss Nightfang smiles "But Downy is not a stranger. She's our Music Teacher." She says and smiles to Downy. Mitchel just shrugs some and stares at the table in front of him, silently begging the food to show up.

Sam sighs a bit in pleasure as she finds herself rocking against that foot, not having much to ass as her mind is still adapting to the new sensation of her recently altered body.

Downy knuckles her toes as she pushes her leg forward to spread the mouse's legs and tease against the panties. "Oh yes Jet. I meant to tell you that I got offered a job."

Jet nods softly "Yeah, you told me she made you an offer." She replies, "Though I don't think you said it was as a teacher."

Sam shivers and starts to moan softly with Mitch so close to her, he can start to smell the familiar scent of mousy musk that he smelt earlier that day as Sam grows aroused. And almost as if an answer to his prayers, the food finally arrives, as the Spotted Bunny returns to the table.

Mitchel actually flashes the bunny a winning smile for the food's arrival, and he sets into his meal as any teenage boy would.

Downy watches the young otter go at her food, "Slow down Shelly. You should enjoy the food. It helps us to eat less and keep our weight down, though all that swimming must help too." She gives the bunny boi a pat on the butt in thanks for the food before she starts in.

Miss Nightfang simply observes, She is about to call Mitchel on his manners when Downy speaks up first. It's not the first time Mitchel has been called on his table manners.

Mitchel glances over at Downy and blinks a few times, and then tries to eat his food more delicately. But it is clear the boy has no more table manners than one would expect a real boy to have, as his mom never really cared to teach him beyond 'don't talk with your mouth full'.

Downy nods in approval. She slows her teasing of the mouse so she can eat, Sam is glad to have the teasing slowed so that she can eat. Seems Downy's getting everyone flustered at least a little bit. She gently clears her throat and shows how to lay the napkin in her lap which, she explains, also gives the chance to deal with erections.

The bunny smiles and churrs sweetly at the pat. "Enjoy your meals." He says and goes off to tend to the other Customers.

It is while the group is eating that a rather loud and new arrival comes through the door; it slamming against the wall, as a tall buff red dragon enters dressed in a black trench coat with a flame design at the bottom, which never seems to look the same twice. "Fuck I'm hungry. I guess I got to settle for this faggoty little hole." He says with a deep Russian accent.

For a moment everyone in the small café is disturbed from his or her meals as the dragon enters. Mitchel ignores the newcomer, aside from an ear perking in the direction of the slammed door. Conflict resolution 101; don't make eye contact with assholes.

Downy glances over; her tufted ears twist in a knot at hearing the guy. She's about to get angry and flip her tail around feeling her blood going colder in her veins when a brush of tail reminds her that Jet's there with her. She just flips her hair and tries to shun the dragon as she give attention to more worthwhile people at her table. "I have to say my food is pretty good."

Miss Nightfang narrows her eyes at the newcomer, suddenly seeming disinterested in her group but doesn't do anything yet, as she suddenly gets the strong feeling that this lunch isn't going to end well, regardless of who does what...

Jet is agitated as well, but remains calm with Downy nearby. He's just an asshole; he's not hurt anyone yet. Though Downy can tell the older otter is aching to do something about the Dragon's manners.

Jeramiah, the spotted bunny, of course goes over to greet the new comer; being the head waiter and manager of the establishment. He tries to defuse the situation in the best way he knows how: bratty humor and come-ons, which just infuriate the Dragon. He backhands the rabbit which sends the much lighter male flying over the lunch counter, the tiger barely ducking out of the way in time as the bunny hits the rear wall. "I don't want your queer advances, you uppity bunny. I just want some real food. Maybe you'll be able to fix some from back there." The Dragon sneers.

Mitchel blinks as the dragon hits the rabbit, the 'chivalrous' side of him kicking in, shutting down the rest of his mind for a moment preventing him from fully thinking this through... just like a guy, as he stands up and shouts, "Hey!"

Downy, ever the care-giver drops her fork with a clang and rushes over to see if Jeri is okay and not really hurt. "Jerk! If you wanted food then don't slap the host away." Her tail waves in sharp angry strokes and she churrs under her breath, "asshole."

The Dragon looks over to the boy. "What, the little faggot cross-dresser wants to stand up for his boyfriend?" He asks with dark chuckle, as he walks over to the table thanks to Mitchel's comment.

Jeri groans softly from behind the counter as Downy checks on him. He smashed his head which is bleeding some, but oddly other than being dazed he seems fine.

Downy snatches up a napkin and presses it to the cut. "Stay still Jeri. Can you open your eyes for me? Let me know you're awake? Need you to try for me and be a brave boy okay?" She knows Concussions are a dangerous thing here. "Just lay back but open your eyes please." Her eyes try to catch Jet's and flick to Shelly, wanting the otter to keep the younger one from getting hurt if she can.

Jet's fur bristles, her hand gripping the table to try to remain calm, though with her strength she causes splinters to form in the table from where her fingers rest... Her odd, shutter-like blue eyes focusing on the dragon, as her breath comes more visible as she vents steam from her systems.

Mitchel grits his teeth and balls his fists. He glares at the dragon, not at all aware of how unimposing he looks, "I've had it up to here with everyone assuming everyone else is my boyfriend! Quit being an ass and just get out. If you just want food, go to a McDucks!"

Jeri's usually bright blue eyes seem partially glazed over, as he looks to her. "I'm fine, tis just a flesh wound..." He groans softly.

The dragon laughs. "So the little sissy thinks he can do better than the faggoty rabbit, does he? Maybe I should let you join him!" He growls and grabs Mitchel, but before the dragon can do anything more the boy is pulled from his grip in a blur of motion.

Mitchel is now tumbling with Jet, who launched from her seat and grabbed the boy from the large villain. Mitchel yelps as he is grabbed by the dragon first, then by Jet, not really sure what is going on as suddenly the table turns to a frenzy of activity.

Jet turns to look to the dragon, half hiding Mitch behind her. A mechanical whine can be heard as Jet's arm suddenly splits open, hidden seams separating as her hand folds inwards as it transforms into laser cannon. An electric hum fills the air as it charges up. "I think it's time I make someone my bitch!" Jet says with a sneer.

"Stand down, I will handle this one." Miss Nightfang says as she stands up and looks to the Dragon. "I can handle this lizard on my own." She says and cracks her neck. Her deep purple eyes watching the dragon's every move. Jet nods and slowly stands down as Selene decides to take over, her arm returning to normal.

Downy is the more subtle threat. It's quiet, but it is there. In her blue eyes that are just a touch brighter in their cerulean coloring. She keeps hold of Jeri's head and pets his arm to help him calm down and watches, waiting. Jeri doesn't have much trouble with staying focused and unpanicked, being eerily calm for someone that just had his head busted open.

Sam cowers under the table as The Dragon seems to laugh at the headmistress. "So you think you can beat Viktor D. Redd? I've been able to take guys twice my size, and you think a woman can down me?" He asks.

"Oh I am sure that you can handle such things, but we are not talking about your bedroom habits." She replies simply, her voice remaining calm. Viktor attempts to punch Miss Nightfang, but she dodges fluidly; all his effort smashing the table. She quickly backflips and grabs Sam before any real harm come to her, she darts over to the otters places her next to them, as Viktor grabs a piece of the table and tosses it.

"Look after this one." She says and turns her attention to the Dragon once more, her actions remaining quick and fluid; she spins around and blocks the table with kick. "Such a typical male, ruled by anger, letting rage be you strength. Let's end this quickly before anyone gets hurt." She replies seeing most the patron scatter to the outer walls, not wanting to get hurt but also curious to see how this preverbal train wreck will end.

Mitchel snatches Sam and pulls her into a hug, watching Miss Nightfang as he remains by Jet's side. While Downy keeps pressure on Jeri's head. She's keeping a careful eye out for the situation. She glares hard at the dragon her emotions on her sleeve for all to see.

As Miss Nightfang stares down the dragon, soothing words enter her mind, the voice of her mother: "You are loved and protected daughter." The old vixen always was able to watch out for her no matter where they were. She admits to herself that it helps strengthen her resolve. "Yes, I know." She whispers to herself as she lets out a calm breath.

The Dragon starts to lung toward her with all the strength and power of a bulldozer; but each punch is never able to hit the woman as she ducks and dodges each one. It almost seeming like she can predict each attack before they happen. "Stay still you slippery bitch!" Viktor growls as he presses his attack.

Miss Nightfang doesn't even seem to be angry, just simply annoyed if anything. "You'll never win this way. You telegraph each of your attacks so loudly that even a child could see them coming." She replies as she continues to keeps him away from the other patrons; her moves so graceful and fluid that the bat seems to dance around her opponent using the Dragon's movements against him.

Everyone watches quietly in awe of the spectacle before them. Jet keeps the pair near her safe as she can just in awe of the fight going on. Softly to Mitchel, "Now there's someone that deserves to have their balls cut off."

The dragon seems to grow more enraged as he can't land a single hit on the woman. He doesn't even bother to reply to her taunting, as everything in his mind is focused on winning, the best he ever does is managing to smash more tables or put a few holes in walls.

"Really, I'm not even the LEAST of your worries; you sealed your fate as soon as you smacked the bunny around. It's not going to be pleasant when he recovers..." She muses and edges him on now, seeing him grow winded as his attacks are finally catching up with him. She starts to switch her tactics up now, as she occasionally strikes out with kicks to his side or chops to his shoulders; in the end they aren't powerful attacks, but they are quick and rapid, taking care to whittle down the dragon's resistance further. She remains fluid in her movements taking advantage of every opening as they form, which get bigger and bigger as the dragon gets sloppy in his attacks as the wear starts to take its toll on the dragon's body.

"See, I would have been content to just wait for the bunny to wake up; but then you had to threaten one of my students." She says as for the first time in the fight; she allows emotion to show on her face, being really pissed off. "NO ONE threatens my students!" She says and drives a powerful kick to the Dragon's stomach, making him reel back as the air is forced out of him.

As Miss Nightfang talks, Jeri seems to become more focused and conscious. The wound already healed, but his eyes... they are no longer blue. They are now a deep crimson, but not blood shot. The iris color has changed completely.

Downy gets chills as she watches the fight and glances down at the bunny. Noticing the blood as stopped she folds the napkin and holds it in her hand. Her eyes watching the dragon carefully as this goes on; Getting rather scared too.

Mitchel can't do anything but watch and hold onto Sam at this point. Things are way outside his realm of control. The other patrons seeming to agree, as some of the staff comes over to further check on their boss, since the bat lady seems to have things mostly under control.

Viktor snorts "That bunny won't be doing anything, and when I get my hands on you neither will you." He replies as he starts to catch his second wind and charges at her.

The attacks come faster than before, now just starting to graze her as she struggles a bit at first to keeps this under control. She continues to dodge until she sees the next opening and preforms a backflip that delivers two successive kicks to the man's chin.

Though the moment Miss Nightfang has been waiting for arrives; when a rather unearthly sounding growl is heard. Jeri has recovered and he's not happy. He's not even the same bunny he was before... He looks now to be a hybrid of fox and bunny; his body looking more like a lithe young fox; except for the long ears, the bucked teeth on otherwise normal looking fox's muzzle, and a very fluffy spaded yet elongated tail. His markings have changed as well; now having fox-like gloves and socks, and his fur having a faint orange tint to it. "Oh Viktor... They've been waiting for you down below; been waiting such long, long time." He says as he licks his lips; his voice having a more sadistic edge and deeper tone to it. "Such a naughty dragon, I will definitely be praised for this catch when I drag you below." He laughs demonically, he casually brushes his new sharp black claws though his fur until they glisten.

Miss Nightfang smiles softly as she sees Jeri back up on his feet. "Oh the Bunny will be doing SO much to you now that you've awakened the corruption in him..." She says and the looks to the others. "We might have to get lunch elsewhere..." She replies very casually as Jeri pounces the dragon with savage glee.

Mitchel mutters, "I've lost my appetite."

Downy's eyes go wide. She isn't sure what is going on and looks around more than a little lost and scared suddenly.

Miss Nightfang nods softly and looks to Downy seeing her confusion. "Jeri used to be the pet to a Sex Demon fox." She explains. "Over the years, he became corrupted by hir, and now occasionally that Corruption will take over whenever Jeri's mind gets addled. Usually from over stimulation, but the concussion works as well..." She says, once again giving a super-condensed explanation as she gathers up the group, using her wings to try to hide their eyes as best she can as she escorts them out.

Viktor begins to cry for help as the quasi-demonic Jeri attacks, feeling the dark claws ripping through his scales as if they were wet paper. "Oh you are just going to LOVE being my new bitch! But first we need to take care of something! A perfect suggestion from the otter girl that I really agree with, especially since we had a pair of customers' order it anyway!" Jeri says in a sadistically singsong voice.

The bunny reaches down into the Dragon's pants, shredding them open for all that wish to see. "This is always the fun part." He says with manic glee, lapping his lips. Suddenly the Dragon lets out shriek that could break glass; Feeling the demon claws rip through his flesh as each orb is ripped out with no concern what-so-ever; but the pain doesn't end there as Jeramiah also gives a firm powerful twist at the base of the Dragon's cock and rips it off. The dragon going silent as the pain blinds him to everything.

Jeri licks the blood from his hands as he takes the removed bits. "Maybe now I'll even show you to a real man. That will be so delicious to watch... I am sure I know a certain black tiger that would enjoy teaching a lesson to the Dragon that was smacking his 'boy' around." He says before he walks over to the tiger and pink fox from earlier, some of the few that hadn't fled the moment Jeri recovered; he bows politely to the ladies, apologizing to them for the inconvenience and offers them the chance at the Dragon's bit as their lunch and letting them known that it is on the house.

Mitchel is more than eager to let himself and the group be ushered out of the cafe, not wanting to stick around and watch what is happening to the dragon. He asks Selene, "Can we just go back now?"

Downy has that reaction people do with car wrecks. You want to leave and go on, but your head just won't stop looking. She's sitting there transfixed on what she is seeing. Some color gone from her face making the black fur look ashy, and her tail just lies loose from the shock.

Jet gently tugs Downy. "Come on, no need to watch the senseless violence any further. That dragon is getting what he deserves and then some..." She says as the group exits the cafe and walks over to Selene's car.

Downy always responds to Jet's voice. It breaks the spell as she jerks her head over and blinks. There's a little of that scared young thing that first met Jet back in their early days and she lets the otter walk/carry her out as she tucks face into the otter's shoulder.

Mitchel gets into the car and buckles up, looking to Sam to make sure she is okay. Sam is more the a bit shaken as she curls up into Mitchel's side as she recovers from that. Miss Nightfang looks to the pair. "You want a ride to the school so I can show you around?"

Downy shakes her head slightly. "No thank you. I... I think I just wanna curl up with Jet some. Maybe use the Doctors 'always sunny pool' and remember the world isn't all, um." She shrugs helplessly.

Miss Nightfang nods softly "Well keep in touch, I'll go back and do the paperwork to make you an official teacher. Have fun, and sorry it turned out how it did." She says before driving back to the school so the two students can rest as well.