Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 1

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#1 of Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus

Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus

Zerrex Narrius

The city is no longer the same as it once was: it belongs, yet does not belong, to its Master, and it is no longer divided. The Mayor makes his own decisions, yet he too dances like a puppet on a string to the whims of the Master... but the Master only serves the people, and he no longer holds them as mere prey and cattle. To him, they have all become Cindys, Tinmen and Elliots... with a few scatterings of Lones and a few other morons who he won't deign to name.

Baskin's Grove is whole now. The war inside has ended, the evil has been driven out, the goliath powered by the rich and famous has fallen. Three years have passed since what some call the Boss's Judgment and others call the Wrath of Retribution. Some few even have referred to it as justice, but at this even the boss disagrees with the faintest of smiles.

The godlike mansions and rambling estates have fallen into ruin or become far smaller, for the most part: only the mayor's manse remains ridiculously oversized, with more than a hundred rooms to serve one person and his servants... but the mayor himself finds no solace in this place. No matter how often he moves from room to room, no matter how often he changes around the furniture and décor, the ghosts of the past haunt him. The bloodstains that dot the house have sunk deeper than the lacquered hardwood, become part of its history, and this knowledge alone is enough to keep him in line even without the threat of the Boss looming nearby.

"Apple Villa" has become akin to the place it once sought to choke out of existence: homely, comfortably sized, common. And in some places are the slums, or the 'apple core' as people have come to call it. On the other side of the bridge still sits Comfort Town... but now it truly is a town of warm comforts and kindness. There no air of despair left, the slums on this side of the bridge have shrunk, and many of the building materials for the renovations done on the fresh-painted homes have been taken from the dead ruins of the mansions. The construction business boomed in Baskin's Grove... free materials taken from the mansions as they were ripped down room by room, to be used again to shore up and fix the once-dying homes on the other side of the bridge. It is a strange irony... karmic justice in many ways.

There is still an air of unease between the few rich residents that stayed instead of left, refusing to give their ground - but eventually losing their property as they felt the bitter bite of taxes and fines - and there is still crime and poverty: unavoidable evils. For the most part, everything is kept in line by the Boss, however ... the drugs, the booze, the pits, the prison, the apple core and the Comfort slums. Even the single gang that has sprung up does little more than harass unfortunate passers-by with harsh words and intimidation tactics... but they learned long ago to never bite, as the Boss would quickly and harshly punish their actions.

The Boss, too, is different than he was before, yet the same. A gentility has entered his heart from his years spent with his new wife and daughter, surrounded now by true friends... but equally, he is just as cruel, just as able to deal out the harshest of pain and tortures to those who dare break his rules or tread down a path of evil intent. His honor is perhaps more important now than before, but he is still more than willing to make clear that the cost of interfering with his newfound life... is a cost greater than dying.

In short, he still owned the town... and he still loved his work.

Zerrex Narrius stands quietly in the doorway, his eyes roving over his daughter's sleeping body. His home in the same is ever, simple and yet the perfect size for him: Cherry hasn't added much, and nor has Cindy... well, except for her room, of course, which is its own little kingdom. The female Drakkaren had insisted she didn't want to trouble Zerrex by having a whole new section of house built for her... so they had eventually negotiated out this little wonder here.

A small, quaint little one-room cottage now sat in the backyard - which itself had been widened into a fair-sized, grassy field. On the outside, the cottage looked almost like a miniature log-cabin, except for the Japanese-style wooden awning and heavy wood pillars supporting it. There were shuttered windows on every wall, even one on either side of the heavy oak door, and the shutters had been painted a dark green in contrast to the rustic, natural brown and yellow of the logs of the cabin... something the reptile had complained about on more than one occasion. Cindy always rebuked him, however, and was perhaps still the only person that could manage to change his mind on something he thought he'd decided firmly...

The roof was tiled with black shingles, and sloped - again, in oriental style. The effect was a miniature cabin out of a fantasy world... if the windows hadn't been placed so high, Zerrex would have mused on whether it belonged to hobbits or elves or some other race of supernatural being. As it was, he still had plenty of amusement taunting Cindy for it... but he admired his daughter's ability to design. The interior, of course, was nothing like the exterior...

Cindy was neat and tidy, and had made her one room into a kingdom. A black leather couch against one wall, with a plain table in front of it, and then a plain leather chair at the head of the table: near the foot sat a small television on a wooden stand. This was the living room: the other half of the cabin was devoted to being her bedroom, with two bookshelves, her large, fluffy bed that was big enough for even Zerrex to be comfortable in, and countless other knickknacks she had managed to fit in somehow. All of it easily lit by the hanging chandelier lights... these currently off, and his daughter curled tight in her blankets, dressed in a pair of pants and a bikini top. She was starting to take after them...

"In more ways than just clothes, too." Zerrex added quietly to himself, as he admired his daughter's sleeping form, letting out a soft laugh. It's like... by being around us... she's been given some weird boost to be more like her real parents... at least, more like her Daddy. Although she doesn't seem to mind calling Cherry "mom," anyway.

It was true: the once petite - although shapely - Drakkaren had changed much over the last few years: she had sprung up to a surprising seven-two from her once-small five-five, as if her father's genes had lain dormant until she'd found out Zerrex was truly her parent. Her evergreen scales had darkened a bit, making the gold that covered her chest a bit more pronounced: overall, he thought it just made her all the more attractive. Also, with her constant badgering to let her train and exercise with them, she'd developed quite a good bit of muscle as well... not so much as Cherry, but a bit more than would be expected for your usual waitress at a well-to-do bar like Elliot's had become.

And of course the style of clothing she liked had changed, too... now she had a pair of heavy motorcycle boots like Cherry, and she often wore either skintight jeans or a miniskirt cut halfway up her thigh or further. Her once somewhat-conservative blouses had also been traded out for tank tops or simple bikini tops like she wore now, and she had taken to wearing some extra little accessories she'd picked up Gods knew where.

"They do add to her look, though." Zerrex murmured softly to himself, his eyes roving over to these objects-in-question, which currently sat on her dresser. He couldn't help the faint gleam of entertainment in his emerald irises as he eyed the spiked and studded bracelets and the chain weave belt, however. Yet even when she wore those... she still retained her strange innocence. Somehow, she made the pseudo-military, half-punk imitation she did of her parents more cute than anything else... and he thought that Cindy herself even knew this. Which was probably part of the reason she loved to parade herself around in her new style so much.

Then Zerrex's eyes returned to his daughter's sleeping body, feeling the warmth of the sun on his back as he looked at her softly. It was morning, and he'd woken up before Cherry, as usual - she was still snoring in bed, naked and sprawled over the mattress - and decided to check on Cindy, see if she was awake yet. But since it was still so early, he'd somewhat doubted she'd be... so maybe all he really wanted to do was see his sleeping daughter and admire her tranquil beauty while he had the time.

For a moment, the large male tilted his head back and forth, half-wanting to crawl into bed with her and cuddle as they still often did, let her wake up to him... knowing that unlike most other daughters her age, she'd instead smile quietly and curl up all the tighter when she saw him holding her close. But then he decided instead to not risk waking her and instead letting her sleep, gently closing the door of the small, quaint cottage and heading back towards the house. She might have changed in a lot of ways, but she still sleeps as much as she always did.

Zerrex laughed a bit to himself as he shook his head slowly, then he paused in the backyard to slowly stretch, flexing his muscular form and body as he put his hands in the middle of his spine and arched his back slowly, glancing up at the light blue, cloudy sky above and adding softly to himself: "I haven't changed much myself... just a different outlook."

And that was true, perhaps. The Drakkaren looked the same as he did all those years back: standing at an intimidating eight-foot-two, with a good bulk of firm, defined muscle covering his entire body, he was still able to terrify with just a single glance and kill with one hand if he wanted to. His body was powerful - perhaps a bit more well-built now than those years back, since now he had Cherry to train with - and still had the same taunt hide of emerald scales over his entire form, turning to a deep navy blue over his masculine chest. His eyes were a touch lighter than the emerald over most of his body, and this is where, perhaps, there was the most change of all: now they shone with something other than darkness and sadistic intent, something that was almost noble in essence. Maybe it was for this reason that many of those who feared him in the past had come to learn something more than respect out of terror for him... some had even come to almost like him for reasons other than that he could bend a steel girder into a pretzel if he wanted to.

"Or maybe it's my hair." The Drakkaren smiled slightly, reaching up to brush the other physical oddity he possessed: natural white locks that fell from his head to shoulder length, cut in a neat, straight style now instead of the old unkempt version he always did himself. He lightly pushed the pure white locks out of his eyes, then shook his head a bit as he straightened and flexed his arms, making his muscles bulge as he glanced down over his body.

No, he hadn't changed that much at all... a few new scars, a bit more bulk, a bit more dedication. Still the same unhandsome big lizard, though... and now he smiled to himself as he headed inside, pushing through the new back door and into the kitchen as he headed for the room he shared now with Cherry. But to his surprise, the female in question stood in the doorway, one arm resting on the doorframe and the other on her hip, a slight grin on her features as she stood naked, head tilted and eyes entertained. "What, you cheating on me with your daughter, Boss?"

"Not exactly cheating. You encourage it, after all." Zerrex responded, his own smile spreading over his features, unable to stop his eyes from drawing slowly over Cherry's body. She was perhaps his first real love, the first person he'd shown true affection to instead of just used for raw sex and fucking... but then again, they had always understood each other, from the darkest of darks to the brightest lights. It also helped that he found her damned attractive.

She was shorter than Cindy - and she hated to be teased about that - but it wasn't really saying anything negative about her height. At six-eleven, she was still taller than most people around, after all... and she had developed enough muscle to put some female bodybuilders to shame. But her curves were still in all the right places, and the sumptuous, very-large breasts that the reptile currently found his eyes roving over definitely put to rest any fear of her being anything other than female. Everything about her was taunt, well-kept, clean and beautiful... she'd become a bit of a hygiene freak, keeping her body clean, her deep beryl scales lustrous - especially where they faded to a lighter vermillion over her chest and chiselled abdominals.

But it was her eyes that truly called to him... ice-blue eyes that were full of strength, a dominating streak, and what could be only described as a lust for constant self-improvement. She was definitely the perfect match-up for him... especially considering her abilities other than the physical, but right now all Zerrex wanted to do was glory in her physical body as much as he could.

The grin that spread over Cherry's muzzle let the Drakkaren know that she certainly wanted him to enjoy her physical side, too... even though she'd obviously just woken up. But the female Drakkaren probably had just as much - if not more - testosterone running through her system as the powerfully-built male, and she wasn't ashamed of her urges in the slightest... in fact, she had often egged both Zerrex and Cindy on to doing certain sexual things they might not have done without the proper encouragement... and Cherry knew how to pull the strings on both her stepdaughter and her husband.

Now, she stepped forwards, reaching up a hand to gently place against the male's chest as his own moved to grasp her shoulders gently, and her eyes slid up to meet his, the two smiling at each other as she tilted her head and asked in a soft, sensuous voice: "Got time for a quickie, Zerrex? I'd love to... have a little early morning fun with you. See if we can set a new record for 'most fucks' over the course of one day."

"You never cease to amaze me..." The reptile couldn't help but react to the light probing of the female, however, as she slid a hand down into his pants... then he allowed himself to be led slowly into their room and down onto the bed. Slowly, Cherry guided him down onto the bed in a sitting position, then she sat in his lap, her naked body pressing against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, then she leaned up to kiss his throat before moving to meet his muzzle, their eyes closing as Zerrex's arms wrapped tight around her body, holding her close, feeling her warmth as their jaws worked hungrily and passionately together.

Her body rubbed sensuously against his, firm breasts pushing against his masculine, thick chest, tongues slowly twining, dancing, wrestling as they kissed slowly, before Cherry pulled back, rolling her weight in his lap and causing the large male to release a deep but soft sound of pleasure, instinctively grinding his crotch back up against her. Even through the black jeans and boxers he wore, he could feel her heat bearing down on him... it caused his member, buried as it was, to stir and shift against the confines of his clothing, and Cherry smiled slightly as she felt his movements, arching her back a bit and reaching up a hand to brush through her lover's hair as she whispered to him: "Bring that big, thick cock out for me..."

"You do it..." Zerrex responded, his emerald eyes meeting her sapphire ones, his features filled with pleasure, arousal, and a slight grin that held in it both domination and playfulness. For a moment, Cherry huffed, equally playful... but then she nodded as she felt the Drakkaren's hands moving slowly up to squeeze her shoulders, travelling gently over her sides but purposefully avoiding her breasts, toying with her and forcing her to make another move, to serve him first... yet she loved the game, letting him dominate her as only he was permitted to.

She slid down from his lap, getting onto her knees and letting her hands slide over his masculine breast and trace along his firm abdominals before settling lightly at his waistband, fingers playing gently along it before undoing his fly and grasping the edge of his pants and boxers beneath, looking up to meet his eyes as he looked back down at her. They gazed at each other, the erotic tension building between them, then Cherry's eyes slid down, over his powerful body and now looking at his crotch with sexual hunger as she pulled both pants and boxers quickly down, sliding them free as the reptile lifted his legs and tossing them in a pile to the side before she released a light sigh at the sight of his massive malehood.

Slowly, she reached out a hand to gently touch the obsidian member, trailing a finger down the half-erect but already enormous length as she looked at it with what was almost rapture. Zerrex couldn't help but feel a slight grin at Cherry's obvious arousal and interest... she seemed to enjoy the size and great girth of his cock as much as he did. Or rather, from how often she demanded to ride him, possibly more... and then he tilted his head upwards, letting his eyes slip closed, one hand moving to grasp the back of her skull and the other squeezing gently into her shoulder as she moved forwards to nuzzle the bulbous, rounded head of his penis before she traced her tongue slowly along the firm, hard flesh. At the same time, her hand stroked gently from just beneath the thick head to the base of the shaft, her other moving to gently fondle navy-blue scaled testicles that were larger than grapefruit, making the male release a quiet murr as he gently massaged her head with one large hand.

After a few moments, she sat back, her hands still resting on thick, now fully hard cock and the other on his muscular thigh, gazing over his great length with a slight smile as Zerrex opened his eyes and looked down at the female, feeling his huge shaft almost painfully erect. Even after all these years, Cherry still had the same effect on him as she always had... and he couldn't help but smile amusedly at the way she eyed his member: not with apprehension but definite lust. Most others would be terrified... the Drakkaren couldn't help but muse. After all, it is nearly a meter long...

At thirty-two inches of hard, much-thicker-than-a-can flesh, Zerrex was definitely able to kill with his penis if he so desired... and he had many times in the past, when he'd been more interested in his own pleasure than maintaining any sort of honor. Those had been fun times though... the rapes, the power, the pleasure, the lust. Now he was a bit more tempered... yet still he did enjoy the occasional dark night out with Cherry, who had her own deep sadistic and voyeuristic streak in her. And she was also one of the few people who had been stretched enough - or perhaps was just simply tough enough - to take his full length at the hardest the reptile could go without dying... or even being seriously injured anymore. And with the way she was looking at him now, her blue eyes moving to meet his green...

"Let me guess... hard and fast?" Zerrex asked softly, as the female slowly stood, letting her hands trace up his thick length. He grinned a bit as she simply nodded and gave him a seductive smile, then he allowed her to shove him down onto his back, the female crawling up and straddling him. Her firm breasts jiggled a bit, nipples already hard, the lips of her sex trailing a hot, wet kiss along his shaft as she dragged her body gently along his thick member until she reached the head, the male responding with a quiet murr and moving his hands to grip her waist as he shifted to lay back along the bed, watching Cherry with both love and lust as she licked her muzzle slowly.

One hand rested on his masculine breast, keeping her balanced slightly forwards, and the other grasped his shaft gently... unable to wrap all the way around, yet still easily able to guide him as she moved to rest the entrance to her vagina against his thick head. She let out a soft sound of pleasure, her body thrumming a bit, muscles flexing as she licked her muzzle slowly... and Zerrex couldn't help but wonder how she could already manage to be so hot and bothered at this time in the morning before she began to lightly tease him, grinding her sex against the tip of his fleshy obsidian penis, making him grunt quietly in surprise and pleasure as his hands squeezed slowly into her waist.

She tilted her head to look down at him with half-lidded eyes, her sapphire irises burning before she slowly pushed herself down, giving a quiet sound of bliss as the thick Drakkaren meat ground slowly forwards, forcing open her lips to enter the passage beyond... and then suddenly Zerrex's grip tightened on her hips and he jerked her down firmly, thrusting forwards at the same time, and the light gasp turned to a shriek of pleasure as Cherry's body arched, her eyes widening in surprise and ecstasy as she half-fell atop her male counterpart, feeling the reptile's arms wrap tight around her as her breasts pressed against him and her hands sought to tangle in his hair, the female moaning hungrily.

Zerrex grunted in deep pleasure, closing his eyes and arching his back as he tilted his head back, almost half of his great length buried in the female's body, amazed as always by how she could remain so tight after they had done this so roughly, so many times. Her passage was like a hot vise around his shaft, squeezing so hard that it was almost painful, but for him the sensation only added to the pleasure. She was slick, tight and wonderful... and the reptile released another grunt as he squeezed her down against his body while shoving forwards again, feeling Cherry move with him this time, bucking her hips downwards as he pistoned his thick shaft up.

His member sank deep into her, almost hilting... and then Cherry's hands slid from his hair to push against his chest as she sat up, his arms loosening automatically from around her waist as she shifted her weight, dropping it instead of his crotch and taking in his entire length, causing them both to groan in passionate pleasure, the male arching his back before he gazed up at her hungrily. Cherry returned the look, their eyes meeting as she began to rock her hips firmly, moving up and down his long shaft and releasing short cries of pleasure as Zerrex began to move in time with her, pulling back as she did so, thrusting hard up as she dropped down.

Both reptiles began to pant as their bodies worked together with strength and quickening speed, both eager to experience the climax promised. Again and again, the thick member of the male buried up into Cherry to the hilt, his testicles bouncing on the bed with enough force to lightly thwack the female's taunt buttocks with every thrust. His hands gripped tight into her waist, and hers rested on his muscular chest as she leaned forwards, breasts bouncing, eyes closed in ecstasy as sharp breaths and short cries came from her ajar muzzle with every thrust of Zerrex's firm cock into her depths.

He could feel her passage tightening around his penis, gripping and squeezing his thick length, her fluids already dripping down his shaft as his member thudded into her with the meaty, erotic sound of flesh-on-flesh. And he wasn't far off from climax either, from the slow stiffening of his shaft and the deep heat he felt in his testicles, the lizard panting hard as they worked together with an almost furious strength. It was supposed to be a quickie, after all...

Then Cherry arched her back, letting out another loud, almost masculine moan of deep pleasure, one of her hands moving back to press into her waist, the other going out to the side as she began to bounce even harder up and down the gargantuan cock buried inside of her, eyes closed in ecstasy as her passage clenched tight around his penis and then began to contract rhythmatically, squeezing firmly into his hot shaft as her juices flowed down his girthy cock, lubricating it further and bringing his pleasure all the higher as she worked herself up and down his length powerfully.

The male grunted as he rocked hard against her, trying to keep time with her rapid bouncing but finding it impossible, the sounds of Cherry's cries a beautiful, erotic music to him as he pounded into her passage again and again with his massive penis. He groaned hungrily as she slowed slightly, meeting his time but continuing a fast and hard pace as her orgasm came to a halt, tilting her head down to grin at him, eyes burning with that exotic, amazing passion as she bucked her hips firmly against his massive length again and again, sweat shining on her scales and her muscles bulging out as she managed to moan out: "Come on, Boss... give it to me... I know you want to..."

"Then get ready..." Zerrex responded, panting a bit harder, feeling himself stiffening up further inside of her gripping but slick vagina. In response, she began to bounce her weight harder on his body, causing him to hilt with force into her again and again as he pistoned his hot, hard shaft into her again and again... and his body reacted, thrusting with more power, the reptile's hands sliding up to grip her shoulders as she leaned forwards, grasping his muscular arms and moaning as he pounded up into her over and over, and then the reptile felt himself going over the edge as he closed his eyes and let his head fall back, releasing a loud, hungry groan as he began to pummel her with even greater force with his cock, slamming into her again and again, her breast bouncing rapidly as she moaned, eyes widening with erotic delight as she worked herself in time as best she could against the stiff-as-steel penis penetrating deep into her body.

The reptile's fingers squeezed firmly into her shoulders as he arched his back, and then he let out a half-roar of pleasure as he felt himself peak, reaching the edge of ecstasy and then falling over it as his penis stiffened fully inside his beloved, massive member moving with amazing speed and strength in and out as he began to release blast after blast of his seed: it jetted up into her, some of it spilling free from where the lips of her sex embraced his cock, and Cherry could only moan in pleasure, rocking her head from side to side as she felt the hot reptilian load filling her up, burst after burst of seed spilling into her body before the male below her finally began to slow, the last of his reptilian semen dripping up into her as she too slowed her bouncing.

They still moved together, but it was leisurely, gentle, and both of them panted quietly, their energy exhausted from their short but furious lovemaking. A term neither would ever use to describe what had just happened, but it was true, nonetheless... it was hard, it was fast, but there was more than just passion and lust there. Then Zerrex slowly rose his hand as he slid his hands gently from Cherry's shoulders down her forearms, and then locked his hands gently with her, their eyes meeting. Their movements came to a stop, both Drakkaren panting, eyes gazing deep into each other's... and Zerrex mouthed the forbidden words between them, making the female smile quietly, then mouth them back as she slowly revolved her waist, causing the still-hard male to grunt quietly and release a soft sigh of pleasure at the feeling of her toying with his firm length, even buried as it was up inside her tight passage.

Then both of them flushed and looked to the side as they heard someone clear their throat, and the two stared at Cindy, who was looking at them with a tired and somewhat dour expression. The two parents of the younger lizard froze, somewhat embarrassed - not at being caught with their pants down in a far more than proverbial manner, but at Cindy managing to actually sneak up on them as she did - before the daughter of the two said sulkily: "I think you woke up half the neighbourhood. Can't you keep it down?"

"Uh. No?" Cherry rubbed the back of her head, quickly sitting up on Zerrex and letting go of his hands, blushing a deep red: not at the position she was in, but at the fact she had been caught being affectionate. Then she quickly stood and pulled herself free of the reptile's shaft, Zerrex's cock falling back and slapping against his masculine chest with a squelch and splat as a bit of their mixed juices poured down Cherry's thighs, the female reaching out to poke Cindy... who looked unamused at best. "It's no fun quiet, you know, kiddo."

"Right, right..." Cindy rolled her eyes, then glanced over the two... Zerrex, with his still half-erect member, and Cherry, who's lower half was splattered with a mix of juices and a bit of blood from being stretched so quickly and roughly by the large male's enormous length. It was a sight she had seen far too many times now to be embarrassed at all by it... one of the prices of living with the people who her parents were. Yet a faint smile came to her features as she looked at the two, reaching up to scratch her head slowly before turning away and calling over her shoulder: "I'll put breakfast on. Bacon and pancakes sound good?"

"Sounds great." Zerrex called back, then he exchanged a confused look with Cherry before the female walked to the bathroom with wobbly legs: a moment later, she returned with a wet, warm towel, beginning to lightly scrub herself and her husband off. The male relaxed under her touch, letting out a sigh of relief as he put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, then he half-opened one to peer at Cherry. "What does she see in us, anyway?"

The female glanced back as she finished rubbing the firm abdominals of her lizard mate clean, then she paused and frowned musingly before brightening. "Good sex?"

Zerrex snorted and rolled his eyes at this, then he climbed to his feet and stretched slowly... before shoving Cherry playfully. The female laughed, then shoved him back, making him stumble once as he grinned slightly, then he shook his head before beginning to pull on his clothes. Cherry did the same, then the two walked out, the female idly throwing the towel into the bathroom as she passed the open door, heading through the small hallway and decently-designed living room - unchanged from the day Zerrex had furnished it - and into the large kitchen.

Cindy was already busying herself with breakfast preparations, humming a bit and working quickly and efficiently as Zerrex leaned on a counter and Cherry sat herself up on the island. The male couldn't help but glance over the clothing they wore, noting the similarities of today: Cherry and Cindy both in blue jeans, Zerrex in his usual black pants... Cindy and Cherry both in bikini tops that exposed quite a bit of cleavage, Zerrex shirtless. Then he smiled slightly as his eyes roved along Cindy's arms, noting the spiked bracelets she wore on each wrist and the studded ones up higher, around her firm biceps: he wondered if she realized that it also made her look a touch butch.

Then she turned and smiled warmly to him, and he softened as she realized she also wore the one keepsake Cherry had used to... a low-hanging silver necklace, with a small, plain locket at the end. Cherry had passed it on to Cindy less than a year ago, mumbling and awkward, saying that she would probably like it. Inside were pictures of her parents... and Cindy had cried and hugged Cherry and it had been awkard and uncomfortable and yet so wonderful, all at the same time.

But then he paused and smiled slightly tilting his head as he pointed at the other thing she was wearing around her neck. "I thought I told you to get rid of the spiked collar."

Cindy paused, then she reached up to gently touch one of the conical spikes before moving to tap the plain silver clasp gently. "But I like it, Daddy." This was followed up by a pair of puppy eyes that always made Zerrex feel lame... or like he'd just done something really bad that he had to make up for. It was ironic and rather amusing... he could - and sometimes still did - kill anyone he got a contract for ruthlessly, no matter their looks, skills, or what they once did for the world... but his daughter could make him want to do nothing but turn into a big fluffy teddy bear with but a single look.

Cherry turned to look at Zerrex with a slight grin, her own eyes sparkling mischievously. "Yeah, lighten up, Zerrex. You know it looks damn good on her, too... she's quite the piece of ass." Then she paused, coughed, and added lamely as Cindy looked at her with amusement: "I mean, our daughter looks very nice with it on. I think."

Zerrex snorted, shaking his head slightly and tilting his muzzle towards Cherry, who was rubbing the back of her head and looking as lame as he sometimes felt. Well, we're both still sorta new to this... parenting and affection thing. It'll take some time to adjust... "I guess she can keep it, then. She... does make that whole thing look quite good."

"Thank you, Daddy." Cindy said primly, then she tapped the spatula she held in her hand before turning back to the frying pan, smiling warmly to herself as she flipped the bacon. "I hope you two are ready for the picnic today with Elliot, Lone, and Mr. Pettigrew."

"Urgh. I hate Lone." Cherry responded morbidly, peering around the kitchen and then glancing over at Zerrex. "He's always flirting with you... and..." she stopped, seemed to fumble for words, then finally said in a soft voice: "I can't see how you... can stand him after what he did to you, Cindy."

Cindy paused for a moment, then she turned around... and smiled quietly. "What happened between us... the... whole rape and everything else... is all in the past now." She stopped, glancing down, then she looked back up, speaking in an equally quiet voice as Cherry: "He has good intentions. He just has problems getting them through sometimes, I think... he means the best, he's just... weak sometimes."

The male Drakkaren studied his daughter closely, then he nodded slowly at the sincerity in her eyes... and the lack of pain. She was truly a marvel... stronger, perhaps, than he or Cherry ever could be, and able to forgive the darkest of sins, always face the light... and he knew that she meant every word she said. "You're truly a beautiful person, Cindy... you never cease to amaze me with what you can do."

The young female laughed a bit at this, rubbing the back of her head and smiling warmly to her father, then she simply nodded to accept the compliment, turning back to the frying pan... before rolling her eyes at her father's next words. "But you should really call Tinny... well, Tinny. And it'll be nice to see Elliot, but I'm not so sure about seeing Lone myself."

"You know, there's nothing worse than a kept grudge." Cindy said over her shoulder, looking at the two with quiet amusement... and not realizing how true her words were, and how deep a long-held grudge would affect and tear apart their lives in only a matter of hours.

The Dragokkaren is huge, and he walks with purpose as he enters the roadhouse a few miles south of Baskin's Grove. Everyone inside stops talking to stare at the figure as he steps inside, his expensive, polished loafers making little sound as they smoothly press against the sawdust-covered flooring of the smoke-choked bar. His stride carries him quickly to the bar, and he seats himself, his clothes - a suit, in fact - wrinkleless and pristine. He glances at the menu, then speaks in a voice that is softer than one would expect from a creature such as himself. "A single glass of water, if you please."

"Of... of course." The canine behind the counter stutters, then he picks up a glass and heads quickly to the tap, trembling a bit as his eyes return with fear to the creature nearby. People have started murmuring, talking perhaps about their own business or this strange newcomer, as he fills the glass... then he walks back and places it quietly in front of the crimson-scaled entity. "Here... sir." The last word he adds not out of habit, but simply because it seems to be what the very presence of the creature before him demands.

The large male nods silently and picks up the glass: it is tiny in his hand. He glances around the bar, then he rests back on the stool a bit, silent and seemingly contemplative as he takes a slow sip of the water. His suit is a professional gray, made up of a pair of pants, a dress jacket with a V-shaped open breast and three gold buttons in the shape of dragon heads holding the bottom closed, and a white, silk dress shirt beneath that is pressed tight to a chest rippling with muscle. The strange, final addition to his suit is the fact he wears a championship belt around his waist, nicked with many a scarline... each presumably some time he's won a fight. The plaque on the front of the belt is huge and oversized, displaying the golden outlines of two Dragokkaren about to engage in combat, and the initials of some long-ago tournament.

His height is obviously ridiculous... but he knows it off by heart, since constant measurement is part of his training regiment. He stands at no less than twelve feet and three inches, easily topping everyone else in the room: he weighs more than half a ton, and all of that is pure muscle. His body ripples with it, and it keeps his clothes taunt and tight against his powerful frame: if he wanted to, he could likely burst every seam on his suit. But he wouldn't do that... he happens to like this suit.

His eyes are ice-blue... they are cold, but also possess a deep intelligence that is frightening in someone of this size and stature. His scales are lustrous crimson, most likely fading a bit over his chest... his features are somewhat handsome but stony, and he obviously shows no desire to flaunt his form or body. He sips again at his glass of water, then taps on the bar with two neatly-trimmed claws: immediately, the bartender runs over as the goliath places the glass down. "Sir? Can I get you anything, sir?"

"Have you seen this Drakkaren?" he asks in his pleasant voice, then he produces a picture from his breast pocket and places it on the counter. The Drakkaren in it is young and somewhat sullen-looking, his arms crossed, looking at his feet... but it's still obviously none other than Zerrex Narrius. The barkeeper pales at the picture, then he nods silently, and the large Dragokkaren gives the slightest of smiles. "So he's been spreading trouble here, too?"

"He lives in the town ahead... please don't tell him I told you any of this, he... he'll kill us all... burn this place to the ground, sir..." whispers the canine, running a hand through his golden fur and trembling a bit as he steps back, looking down as he picks up a rag and begins to knead it back and forth in his hands. The Dragokkaren sizes him up - dirty clothing, jeans, white shirt - and then decides he's honesty afraid. So before the canine can start up again, he simply raises a hand and nods, then motions for the bartender to go away. The dog gladly does so.

"Looks like I've finally managed to find you, after all these years..." The large reptile says softly, then he stands slowly, reaching into an inside pocket of his jacket to produce his wallet and dropping a twenty on the counter before he heads for the door, glass of water remaining half-full on the top as he moves outside with smooth grace.

A few passing-through wannabes notice the display of wealth, and decide the reptile is more show than strength, from his tastes. They grin to each other, then get up, the two rumpled looking wolves in loose clothing and the sluttily-dressed, dirty-looking vixen quickly following their prey outside and into the parking lot, stalking after the Dragokkaren as he strides idly towards his car.

The wolves - obviously brothers from their identical grey fur, one a bit taller and scruffier than the other, and both dressed as "gangsta" - both produce knives as the vixen takes out a taser - given to her a long time ago by parents who once cared, for self defense, before she ran away from home... and something she's turned into a weapon that's perfect for neutralizing prey - and calls in a screechy voice she thinks is seductive: "Hey, big boy, got a dollar to spare?"

The Dragokkaren pauses, then he turns around, pulling his hands from his pockets and looking over the three with disgust: the dregs of society, marauders who use pack numbers to overtake prey stronger than themselves. "I do. Just not for scum like you."

"Hey, watch your mouth, asshole." snarls one of the wolves, holding up his knife: with a glance, the reptile identifies it as something military, clichéd and common... he's unimpressed as the other wolf circles a bit to the side and the vixen takes up the other, pressing the trigger of her hand taser to make electricity sizzle between the two metal prods on the end. "Now, why don't you just be a good scalebag and hand over your wallet and other valuables, huh? Big as you are, I don't think you can resist gettin' skewered, fuckface."

"Fuck you." The Dragokkaren responds in a bored tone, glancing down at his polished claws and making the others stare, taken aback by his complete lack of fear... and then he glances over them with slight irritation. "I don't have time for this, and I don't want to soil my hands by touching any of you maggots. Either get lost now, or at least make it quick."

The wolf who spoke first snarled, then he rose his knife and ran forwards, yelling furiously: "Sure, I'll make it plenty quick you fucking faggot, here you-"

The reptile's hand shot out, lighting fast, shoving back the hood half-obscuring the lupine's features and seizing his skull, before he simply turns him, diverting all the momentum of his charge and adding his own impressive strength before he smashes his head straight down and into the hood of a nearby truck; the wolf's skull gives a loud, sick thud as the hood dents deep inwards, and blood runs from a deep gouge along his head as he spasms, knife falling from his hand. His bladder too lets go, and piss stains his pants and the reek of it fills the air as he falls to the ground in a broken, unconscious heap, the large lizard's hand still out, his eyes full of contempt and disgust as he looks over the other two.

They step slowly backwards, horrified, then both turn and flee without a word, abandoning their fallen comrade as the Dragokkaren looks after them with distaste. Then he shakes his head slowly and turns, heading to his car and muttering under his breath: "Stupid children... at least soon I should have a real challenge..."

"Hey, it's Zerrex! The Dragon of Baskin's Grove, hero of Comfort Town, vanquisher of the bad apples!" yelled a cheerful voice, and the Drakkaren reached up to touch his temple as if pained as Cindy giggled a bit and Cherry snorted amusedly, unable to resist a slight grin as the group of reptiles climbed the hill towards the scenic lookout that had apparently been chosen as their picnicking spot. Lone was waving ecstatically, apparently bent on proving that he wasn't a worthless slob anymore... and both Tinny and Elliot looked deeply relieved to see the three others approaching. Even Tinman was probably getting sick of Lone's banter...

On the bright side, at least, the wolf-in-question was very different than the one Zerrex had first encountered and dealt with three years ago... now, Lone Wulfe actually seemed concerned with something other than Lone Wulfe... and as to the concerns he did have with himself, he was now actually doing things about. Thankfully, he'd gotten rid of his ridiculous girdle... and with a bit of hard work - and some coaching from Zerrex, of all people - he had lost most of his fat, hence the fact the lupine was currently smiling warmly at the three reptiles in only a pair of baggy shorts, unashamed of the small bit of pudgy belly he did have left but was steadily working off.

Well, a pair of baggy shorts and his other ridiculous accessories... cloth wrappings around his lower legs that he said helped him deal with the continuing pain of having both shins blown out, but everyone knew to be just part of his new "style..." an anklet with a lapis-lazuli stone inset in it... and a golden pocketwatch on a silver chain. Zerrex would never admit to anyone that he was the one who gave Lone the pocketwatch... and even more so, that he thought it was an interesting little accessory to have.

But the real difference was in the wolf's demeanor and the things he had done for Baskin's Grove as mayor: the lengths he had begun to go to for the people instead of for himself. Of course, part of that was because Zerrex was always ready to scare the wolf into cooperation, but he liked to think they were making some progress with the lupine at least... despite the few regressions that had happened over the three years.

There had been times, of course, when Lone had tried to seize certain opportunities and certain controls from the lizard that should have otherwise been left alone... such as the hiring of a mercenary, for instance. Not to kill, as Lone would babble later on, just to humble Zerrex a bit. Or to keep him in shape, perhaps, as a little surprise challenge... but never to kill.

The mercenary, of course, had ended up in a broken pile on Lone's doorstep... and the Drakkaren would merely glare at the wolf until he turned into a puddle of frightened jello in the corner of the room, apologizing again and crying and begging for the big lizard to not hurt him anymore. Then Zerrex had sighed and simply left, deciding the wolf really wasn't worth his time... the mercenary had been a nice little diversion from the usual boring day-in, day-out, too, but he wouldn't admit that either... nor the fact he knew that Lone hadn't hired a killer. The weaponry was too complex, with too little chance of scoring a lethal hit... when you hired a killer, they generally carried one thing: a really big gun.

Of course, there had been other problems, too... getting Lone to apologize to the town and Cindy, for instance. The first he had been too arrogant to do, muttering about how the citizens caused most of the problems - true, to a point - and for the second he had been too humiliated. Zerrex, however, had forced him into a corner with logic: that if Lone hadn't shown up, there would've been no catalyst for the town-wide war, and a strong leader always shouldered the responsibilities for those in his unit. The latter had been one of the few good things the military had taught him... that when you led people, you had to take the blame for their antics as well. It had him very happy the Goth Legion never had to abide by that many rules.

Getting him to apologize to Cindy had been harder... it had taken threats of violence and the reptile breaking several of the wolf's prized possessions before he had agreed. The two had met in Elliot's bar, which was as close to a neutral area as Zerrex could manage to find that would accept him, Cherry, the 'White Tyrant,' and Cindy in one place together... and Elliot had kept his hand below the counter the entire time, glaring at Lone with disgust and distaste. Zerrex was just glad he had never pulled out the shotgun he knew the cat's fingers had been resting on, since it would have caused quite a mess of wolf blubber for them all to clean up at the end of the day.

Cindy had taken it well... even thanked Lone quietly and told him that the past was the past, and best left where it was. She had even been courteous enough to ask if Lone wanted a drink, or anything else... but the wolf had shaken his head with a mixture of humiliation, shame, and resentment. Then Zerrex had led him to the final place he had to make amends to... the wolf hobbling along, both his legs healing now and his broken body on the mend, but still mostly wrapped in bandages and using crutches to stagger around.

Cherry had driven him out past Apple Villa... near the park they were in now, actually. They had pulled into a vacant, peaceful forest lot that Zerrex had bought... and then climbed out of the car and walked along a stone path Zerrex had lain himself, to a single, simple grave that he had also dug and made a crude headstone for... engraved with a strange series of twisting lines. When Cherry had asked what it was, Zerrex had merely smiled in a sad way that surprised her and hurt her to the core, and then he'd said softly it was a picture that she'd once drawn... a self-portrait made from chaos.

For a while, the three had stood silently at Mary's grave... the feline who had been the real catalyst for the changes in Zerrex, with her death. The female who had believed in him more than perhaps Sarah and all the others of the past, and who had inspired him to change... with her death. Then the two reptiles had left, Zerrex pausing for a moment and half-opening his mouth, feeling some strange urge to comfort the lupine who still stood in front of her grave... then he merely sighed softly and walked away. They'd gone back to car and driven back into town, knowing Lone would find his own way back... and they had left him to face what he had done alone. But Zerrex thought it was a good sign that... the last thing he'd seen was the wolf's tears falling on the carefully-kept soil... the last thing he'd heard was the quiet, miserable sobs of the lupine.

And now Lone stood in front of them, his arms wide, smiling cheerfully up at Zerrex, wanting to prove himself... as he always did lately... and show that he was a changed person. Zerrex winced a bit as he thought the wolf was about to hug him, stepping back slightly between Cherry and Cindy... both of whom had the effect of making Lone cough and put his hands behind his back, shrinking a bit from the two females.

Elliot and Tinman, however, both stood to greet them, Tinny almost tripping over himself as he smiled happily at the two, looking back and forth with childlike joy. Tinny had always been the best of them... an innocence that mirrored Cindy's shone bright in the badger's gold-rimmed hazel eyes. As always, he wore loose jeans and a baggy, too-big button-up white shirt, and he kept nervously squeezing an ear as he looked back and forth from one female to the other, before nodding to them both and stuttering: "Miss Cherry, Miss Cindy, it's so good to see you again, really it is!"

"Oh, get lost, Tinny." Cherry rolled her eyes and aimed a kick at him, and the short badger fell over with a squeak, barely avoiding being lashed by the foot of her motorcycle boot. Then the large female rocked to the side with a snort as Cindy shoved her, before the younger of the two smiled down at Tinny and extended a hand down.

"It's good to see you too, Mr. Pettigrew," she said politely, as he brightened considerably and took her hand, then he blinked as she hauled him easily up to his feet, the badger looking somewhat surprised at her display of strength before she blushed a bit and coughed. "I've been working out with my Dad lots."

"Great. Looks like she's taking after you, Zerrex." Elliot Meral said mildly, the cat walking forwards and patting Tinman on the shoulder as he passed, making the badger start a bit in surprise before he smiled again. The feline glanced back and forth along the group, noting the male Drakkaren standing somewhat back, then he snorted amusedly as he turned his attention to his goddaughter. "Your father still seems as unable to cope with social graces as ever."

Zerrex rolled his eyes at this, crossing his arms and half-glaring at the feline, who looked back with mild amusement. Then the Drakakren merely sighed and shook his head, relenting and saying instead in a somewhat-moody voice: "Looks like you've been doing well for yourself, Elliot."

The cat chuckled and nodded; it was certainly true. Once, he had been owner of a broken down bar that just happened to be the Boss's favorite watering hole... the only reason it had never closed down. Now, he was the owner of perhaps the only well-to-do bar in the place that many of the old timers still called Comfort Town, and probably the friendliest tavern in all of Baskin's Grove... the reason he could afford to come to a picnic in dress pants, a plain but expensive red suit vest with large black buttons, and a longsleeve dress shirt beneath. But more then the expensive clothing, it was the very look of the cat that made it seem like he had regained something thought long lost forever... the way his light gold fur shone, his eyes twinkled, maybe even in the slight bulge of his belly.

"You know I have, Boss... ever since you cleaned up the town and put asshole here in line..." A nudge to Lone, who glowered at Elliot. "My business has been booming. Hell, I had to rope off your private table 'cause everyone wants to sit where the legendary Dragon of Baskin's Grove once did." A faint smile quirked at his lips. "We miss you down at the bar, though. Rowdy place could use some help getting quieted down every now and then."

"I'd be glad to help you out with that." Cherry volunteered immediately, as she looked up from where she and Cindy were setting up a blanket, Zerrex setting down the large cooler he'd been carrying under one arm. Then she blinked as Elliot looked at her mildly for a few moments.

"I said quieted down, not made even more chaotic." He said flatly, and Cherry snorted and turned away, raising her muzzle in the air and looking irritable as Cindy laughed a bit behind one hand, sitting down on the blanket and smiling around at them all. Tinny sat down on the nearby picnic table, only a few feet from her, both of them shaded by the large elm tree that grew tall overhead, and they traded a smile as Zerrex yawned and dropped down beside Cherry... then he made a slight face as Lone too sat down, scooting up next to him.

There was an awkward silence between them for a moment as the others chatted and Cherry rested herself against Zerrex's side, lacing her hands together and resting them on her bare stomach as she apparently went to sleep, making her boredom with the whole picnic idea obvious. Then Lone puffed his chest out and sucked in his gut, pointing at himself and boasting: "Look, I lost another ten pounds! Soon I'm gonna be working on getting abs just like you, Zer!"

Cherry snorted at this, and Lone tossed a dark look at her... safely hidden around the larger male as he was. Zerrex merely rolled his eyes, then he looked back down at the wolf mildly, who was staring up at him with a fawning expression. "Do you like abuse, or is it just me?"

"Maybe." Lone gave big eyes, and Zerrex gave another groan and rolled his own emerald ones again, before he shook his head and reached up to brush his hair out of his face. Then he paused and glanced down at the wolf, looking him over as Lone continued to look at him questioningly and adoringly, before finally sighing and nodding.

"Yes, Lone. You are looking better."

"Thanks!" Lone beamed up at him, rubbing the back of his head and looking placated: mentally, Zerrex shrugged. Well, it's not like it really hurts to compliment him every now and then... seems to keep the arrogant bastard in check. He paused mentally, then another voice in his head added in a mutter: He's so going to start hitting on you soon, you do know that, right?

"Sure." The Drakkaren said absently, glancing around at the others. Then Cindy opened the cooler as Tinman began rooting through the basket of food he'd brought, and Cherry opened one eye, looking interested for the first time since Cindy had all but dragged them out of the house and into the car. She sat up a bit as Zerrex pulled out the burgers Cindy had made and packed, then he absentmindedly slapped her wrist as she reached for one, making the muscular femme snort and pout, sitting back.

Tinman was dealing with Lone in a similar way, the usually meek-looking badger now with a stern expression on his face and waggling a spatula threateningly. "Mr. Wulfe, we can't eat until everything's out. We went over this once already."

"Aww, come on, Tinny!" Lone whined, but he packed away with his hands raised in surrender as Tinman rose the spatula. "Fine, fine..."

Elliot snickered a bit at this behavior, unpacking his own small cooler and bringing out several bottles of whisky he'd dug up for the occasion, unable to stop his eyes from glancing at the family of reptiles that was currently setting things out on their little blanket - or, in Cherry's case, sitting on the picnic table and intimidating Lone. He couldn't help his faint amusement as she leaned towards him with what could almost be called a leer, making the wolf's ears flatten back as he leaned away, then he stared as she flexed and showed off muscle far larger than anything the wolf could hope to ever possibly achieve.

"Impressive, ain't it?" Cherry asked silkily, then she laughed and sat back, grinning at the lupine again as he blushed beet-red and glanced down, mumbling something under his breath. She laughed, then reached out and shoved him gently - causing him to rock backwards with enough force to fall off the picnic table and land with a grunt on his back, rolling down the hill a bit.

He came to a stop about ten feet down, sprawled on his back and staring morbidly at the sky... when a shape suddenly blotted out the sun. For a moment, he found himself only staring at this new figure as it glanced down at him with apparent distaste... and then the goliath in the suit slowly stepped over him. As he passed, Lone felt a chill run down his spine, his blood ice in his veins... it was like Death had just calmly walked by, and he could only thank God that Death hadn't been interested in him but distracted by- "Oh no."