Pride: Animal Desires

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#14 of Pride

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Lathera had come to terms with many things in her changed life. She had no other choice in the matter but to accept that she was no longer able to turn into a human. She had no choice but to accept that others would see her as nothing more than an animal. The days she spent in her kennel were filled with nightmarish thoughts that taunted her. Thoughts of being allowed to walk out of the cage free and unencumbered, thoughts of being returned to her teacher and learning to become human again and even thoughts of being given the freedom of forgetting who she truly was. The men continued to force feed her when she became too weak, she was groomed and given water, but other than that she was mercifully left alone. Only her thoughts kept her company, but they were not comforting. The more she thought on her life, the more she realized she had lost.

The days of an animal are nothing like the days of mankind. Once Lathera had recognized the difference in time passing as that of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. All of the moments of a day were neatly sectioned out within those constraints and divided as night and day, midnight and noontime, morning and evening. The world no longer seemed to follow the pace of the times she once recognized. It was something she realized as she lay in the midst of the hellish kennel and breathing in the rank odors. She tried to recall how many days she had been here and how many months had past since she had been human. The concept of time seemed to slip away from her even as she tried to grasp for it. Objectively she knew time continued, but her mind refused to focus on how time was measured.

Even when she struggled to capture the count of how many seconds would be in a minute and how many hours were in a day she realized she couldn't fathom it. No, it was more than just that, she had no concept of how to count. It was a loss that struck her almost as deeply as the loss of her body. It should have been as easy as an child's counting game, but she couldn't perceive how to make the numbers add up. She had to struggle and strive to recall just enough to count to five. The number of her limbs and her tail. Beyond that, everything seemed to be a mystery. Unknowable and unobtainable. It left her with a gaping feeling of loss. It was a loss of who and what she was, a human. She stifled the urge to keen out her loss as she heaved herself up to all fours and stared down at her claw marks on the stone. She didn't know how many were there.

Despite the fact she couldn't count, her body knew she had been here for longer then she had at first believed. She couldn't see the sun, but her body knew when it was daylight and nighttime. It was an inherent sense of the world around her. Her days had become a series of patterns set by the grooms who came to fetch her or fed her or tended the other dracine she could scent around her. It was pathetic, but she looked forward towards those brief interactions. Her groom was always the same man, Nat. He was swift and almost gentle with her. She almost wished he was as harsh as some of the grooms she had seen moving about. Then she would have felt free to hate him, instead his soothing voice made her react almost like any animal when he calmed her. And his touch was always gentle making it almost pleasurable.

The last grooming session had been just as gentle and thorough. It had been made worse by the faint itch in her belly and the way her body responded to touches on sensitive scales. Her body had wanted and needed to be touched. The scent of the drakes that lingered ever so faintly had been exciting. It still was exciting and it took strength of will not to rub and mark the rocks around her with the scent of her estrus. Her body betrayed her with desires just as perverted as the human's who mated with animals. She'd never been quite so grateful to be separated from other dracine. Could she have refused them she had actually been around them? She wanted to believe so, but the way her body had quickened when certain tender parts had been cleaned made her doubt her own resolve.

She stared at the wall for a long moment and trembled at half formed memories of when males had used her before. Normally when she remembered them she felt only humiliation, outrage and pain. Now her mind swirled with erotic thoughts that left her breathing shallowly. She was almost grateful when noises from above gave her something else to focus her mind on. The sound of foot falls and the strong voices echoed down to her. She forced herself into restless motion rather than standing, but carefully kept her head cocked to one side to pick out the words above her. Anything to make her mind stay away from the itching heat of her loins.

"Bastard got another." One of the voices echoed down to her as the sound of something being dragged scraped against the ground above. "Lady's lost 'er mind lettin' him maul 'em!"

"Only a juvie, not one o' the big ones neither." Another voice sounded scornful, it wasn't a voice recognized as a normal one, but it seemed the grooms cycled often.

"Testin' for the bigger ones the way it looks like." The voice sounded thoughtful as they walked past her own kennel's opening. "Better ta keep with the gryphon, he ain't maulin' 'em like this."

"Nah, ladyship wants ta see that bastard breed true. We're havin' another go in the afternoon ta try again." The groom sounded disgusted as their voices grew a bit fainter. "Not sure whose beast is gettin' the slip though."

"Probably one of the old ones, Lady said they're past layin' age an' haven't produced anythin' so far worth it. Ya see they brought down that new clutch of males to the barracks? Guards are trainin' 'em up personally-" The voices faded away as they continued down the hall.

Lathera settled down on her haunches and stared up at the ceiling of her kennel restlessly. This place was stuffed full of secrets and half known suspicions. She couldn't tell if it was a breeding facility for a new breed of dracine, a place where the nobles indulged in forbidden fetishes or a torture house meant to take sadistic pleasure of abusing dracine. She reared up onto her haunches and set her claws against the side of the stone to sharpen them with one strong pull. The moment she marked the stone with fresh scrapes she rubbed her chin against it. The glands along the scales marred it with her scent before she started to pace again. How long with this continue? How long could she continue? The questions had no answer as she padded back and forth in the darkness.

:Why did you kill her?!: The question was laden with anguish that Sean couldn't stop himself from feeling as he felt the regard of the alien creature turn towards him full force. :She was only a simple animal like-:

:Like me?: Ishtar's voice dripped venom and Sean heard the undertone of anger and humiliation beneath the mental voice. :I gave her the only freedom she will ever know while being held by your kind.:

Time had stopped making sense to Sean. Sometimes he felt himself in his own sleeping body and even moved it. He was aware he had lost weight and the fever was slowly dropping, but the rest of the time he found himself locked in the mind of a creature so much different from himself that he had no way to combat him. Ishtar was more than an animal. How had he ever looked into the drapen's eyes and thought of him as an animal? His mind was filled with a distinct personality and humor that rivaled any other human he had ever met! Their conversations were often wordless as Sean watched through the creature's eyes and felt the thrill of welcome Ishtar felt at being heard. How long had this creature lived in enforced silence because no one else knew how to speak with him? Why hadn't he bitten someone just enough to be heard before this?

The questions outweighed the answers. He had long since stopped believing that his interactions with the creature were more than a fever dream. Whether he was awake or asleep he was aware of the mind against his own. It was often a relief to leave his sleeping body behind to view the day to day life of the drapen. Though the results from earlier in the morning had left him shaken. He'd been present when Ishtar had been led to a bound female dracine in what was obviously an attempt to get them to mate. Instead of mating the creature had launched into an attack that had fought against the muzzle that had been forced over his jaws. His anger and outrage at the human's attempts to treat him like a breeding beast had sent the human reeling as he found another facet of the strange being.

:She didn't deserve death. She wasn't threatening you!: Sean allowed his temper to leak through, even as he forced away the disgust at having been aware of the creature's death. And Ishtar's flash of mating lust before he had managed to rip his muzzle free to kill the dracine female.

:They are animals. You've seen how they are kept, do you truly think a swift death was punishment?: Ishtar's voice was just as sharp, but Sean heard the slight tinge of remorse beneath the mental voice.

He wasn't sure how long he had been sliding between both Ishtar's mind and the real world, but he had come to know more about the drapen then he had ever dreamed possible. The creature was haughty, proud and young. He saw the humans around him as barely more than animals and in many ways worse because they practiced torture on other creatures. He viewed himself as superior and chafed at the restrictions of the cage he was kept in, but was unable to free himself. It had taken Sean a long time to figure out that the creature was relatively young. His memories were entirely of his cage and humans, he had never seen his dam or sire, he had been raised by the creatures with little warmth or attempts to tame him. In fact he had never seen another one of his own kind, though he often asserted that there must be more than just himself.

Sean personally felt that Ishtar was the only one of his kind. The creature had a strong personality, but it was reinforced with any knowledge of how he should act. It viewed the dracine pityingly and when females were dragged into his cage to be bred he did respond to it. The pheromones on the air made him lose some part of himself until he started to respond. In each case Sean felt himself flushed with a similar desire as the mind wrapped around his own pulsed with a rush of lust and desire he himself had never experienced. In each case Ishtar refused to mate with the animal and eventually succeeded in biting the offering to kill it rather than give in. Even now Sean was aware of the creature forcibly calming his own instinctual need to breed.

The creature could understand human's enough to know they discussed a try in the coming afternoon. Ishtar's body seemed to race at the possibility even as his emotions and mind were locked in disgust at the idea of it. Why would the drapen react to an animal in heat that way if they weren't somehow alike? He had never felt desire towards an animal in heat the way Ishtar obviously reacted. He pushed his mind deeper to try and find what linked the drake in with the dracine. It was a move he had learned slowly over the last few days as he tried to understand the beast. A mental claw raked through his mind making him leap back.

:They are animals.: The drapen's mind voice snarled, :I am not an animal to be bred like a prize horse to any mare in heat! Worse, they treat me like a prize stallion and yet offer me sheep!:

:I.. only meant they obviously are enough like you that you react. If they were just animals why would you behave the way you do?: Sean started and felt the anger flare up in the beast briefly. The anger was hot edged and red.

:Then let us see how you would behave, human!: Ishtar's mind was harsh. The talons on his mind suddenly gripped painfully tight and he struggled against them as he felt himself being drawn deeper into the drapen's mind.

Lathera awoke to the sound of her kennel being opened and had barely made it to her feet before Nat's voice came down to her. She was hauled up with all the ceremony they had ever shown her leaving her choking and wheezing by the time she had her legs beneath her. She had just been fed yesterday and groomed! What did they want with her now? Nat's grip on the pole kept her in place as she became aware of far more people surrounding her then she was used to. A half dozen grooms had formed a loose semi circle around her as Nat hooked the normal leading pole against her collar. Her eyes looked around fearfully at those gathered and she felt her stomach roll in fear. Had more nobles arrived? Another perverted orgy with her and the dracine as unwilling participants? She still felt slightly sick from her introduction to the practice.

"Keep her still, Nat." The fair haired man she recognized from before gestured towards two of the grooms watching. "Keep ahead of her and the rest stay behind. We want this to be smooth and fast."

"Sapphire's just come inta..." Nat started and she noticed the man's features were slightly drawn with fear. Sapphire. The name he used for her. He used it the same way she might have named a dog Snowy or Blackie.

"She's the only one and the way she's been eating she's not worth risking one of the better ones coming into season." One of the men in command of the kennel snapped back at her handler as she was forced to walk along the hall way.

Risk the better ones? She felt her stomach tense up with something other than the burning need that had been tormenting her. The conversation she had overheard earlier came back to her and she dug her claws against the ground as she was forced forward. She didn't want this to happen to her! They had spoken of whatever creature they had been using killing more then one, now they wanted to use her? Her mind started to bring up sharp mental visions of exactly what sort of creature they might be using. It wasn't the gryphon she had seen, so what new horror was waiting for her? Her heart beat pounded in her chest as she became aware of the soft sounds of Nat's voice from behind her. They were the same words of comfort she had become used to, but this time she refused to be soothed.

Lathera jerked harder on the collar as they dragged her into a court yard that had obviously been cleared of anything ornamental. The only thing present was an X formed out of two stout logs that held large eye bolts on either end. The center of the X held a small pole and a curved section of wood that had been padded. The scent of fear, arousal, heat, and death were faintly on the air along with an overriding musk that made her nostrils flare in interest. Her body seemed to dismiss the scent of fear and death as it concentrated on the male musk that was like, yet unlike, the musk of any male she knew of. Another pole was clipped onto her collar as she was pulled towards the X and forced over the padded half circle. The wood bit against her stomach as she was raised up enough that she could barely touch the ground with her paws.

"Get her tied down and restrained. Don't forget the neck brace. I'll go get her..suitor." The man's words hesitated on the last word and she saw Nat's expression turned pain as the man turned away from them.

"Easy, girl, easy." The soft soothing voice came closer to her as the pole forced her head up. "I'm sorry, sorry."

Sean found himself disoriented and shaking as his mind was gripped in the drapen's talons and thrust into a body that was not his own. He could feel the weight of wings against his side and the powerful scaled body that he seemed to control. Ishtar's presence was there, but pulled away from his own. Even pulled away he could feel the fury and outrage in them, as well as a strange vindictive amusement. It made him tremble slightly as he opened up the creature's eyes and looked out of the bars of the cage. The ability to reach the drapen's mind seemed to constantly reveal new facets. He'd never dreamed that Ishtar could allow him to have control, even if that control was palpably being controlled by the creature. He could feel the way the being forced him into control and held them there.

:What are you doing?!: He tried to grasp his way back to his own body only to find mental teeth snapping him back.

:If you will not understand my distaste, then I will show it to you.: Ishtar's voice was faint and almost malicious. :Perhaps you are like the rest of the humans and find pleasure in the bodies of dumb animals.:

:Rest of the humans?: Sean tried to puzzle out that phrase as he stood up carefully. :Let me go back to my own body!:

Ishtar's silence was his only answer, but he could feel the presence in the back of his mind. The drapen's personality was volatile at the best of times. Sometimes he would be calm and almost delighted to speak with Sean, other times he seemed to shun the human as something almost like an animal. He craved praise and affection, but rarely offered more than harsh compliments of his own. Above all, their conversations had been dominated by the desire for freedom. What had started out as something like a restful dream had become threats and requests to be set free. Sean shook his, no the drapen's, head back and forth as he walked forward hesitantly. It was obvious the drake wasn't going to let him return to his own body until he had proved a point. Sean sighed and settled down onto his hind quarters. What had he gotten himself into?

"I'll get 'im, jus' get her braced down." The voice came from the opening of the garden making him twist his head towards the figure that was trotting into the courtyard.

:Now we'll see if you damn my actions.: Ishtar's voice hissed out in satisfaction in the back of his mind.

"Tie her down!" The voice of the groom almost hollered in her ear as she twisted violently against the tug against her forepaws.

The hands weren't cruel, but they were hard enough that she was yanked forward against the stand beneath her stomach. Her forelegs were stretched out their full length so that heavy chains were wrapped around the ankles. The links dug into her scales as she let out a cry of protest as her hind legs were treated to a similar ordeal. Her body was stretched out almost as if she had been frozen midstride of a run. Another restraint was pulled up and snugged down right over the curve of her spine. Despite the fact it was padded it was tightened enough that she could barely draw a breath as they tightened it. She snarled out a protest as the grooms paid little heed to her distress. They worked with comments about shifting her and positioning her haunches slightly higher up then her forebody.

Strangely her head was left free rather than attached to a lead or restraint. Normally when she was handled her collar was always affixed to a short ring that left her unable to turn her head away. Her freedom was short lived as Nat lifted up a heavy leather device. Straps ran across it and the leather was still gleaming with newness. The scent of it was sharp in her nose as another of the grooms used the pole to force her head up higher enough for the man to approach her without fear. The supple leather was wrapped around her neck and the buckles fastened. They were tight, but not tight enough to restrict her breathing as her groom murmured softly to her. The words weren't soothing, not when she felt the pole unclick from her collar and realized the leather brace was more then what it seemed.

"Easy, Sapphire, easy." His voice was soft, sad as he stroked over her scales. "Just be still and we'll get you a good feed and scrubbing. Just be a good girl."

"Bring in the teaser!" One of the other men spoke somewhere out of her sight, but she was entirely distracted by the brace.

The leather was wrapped around a series of hard metal poles that kept her head forward. When she tried to turn she couldn't bend them, instead she was forced to turn her head from the shoulder. It was awkward and the hard edge of the leather rubbed against her scales as she pulled away from Nat's strokes. The restraining devices gave limited mobility as she writhed against them. Someone caught the tip of her tail and she felt it unceremoniously pulled away until the tip was bound down next to one of her hind legs. Lathera curled her lips back in outrage and tried to jerk forward with all her weight. Even with straining her muscles and fighting against the bindings she barely made the set up creak beneath her.

She scented him before she saw him. The thick harsh scent of musk that was all too familiar. Her entire neck turned as she heard a soft eager whining as one of the handlers brought out a red scaled dracine male. He pulled and struggled against the pole as he lunged towards her with his jaws parted open wide. To her humiliation her first emotion was that of relief. This wasn't some new creature. Only after that thought and the feeling of her body heating up recalled her to the present state of her body. She opened her mouth and tried to stop drawing in his scent as the handlers moved away from her so that the male could approach her. His eyes seemed glazed as he strained his head out towards her haunches only to be stopped short.

"Keep a good hold on 'im!" Nat's voice was as harsh as she'd ever heard it. "She's still strugglin', might mean she isn't well into heat yet."

She could almost hear the hopeful tone in his voice as she felt the hot wash of breath against her inner thigh. If she behaved as if she wasn't in heat, would they release her? She steeled herself as the panting heat could be felt against her slit. The handler let him come in closer until she felt his muzzle suddenly shove up between her tails. The bridge of the nose ground right up against her slit as the moist heat grew against her stomach making her tense up. She pulled her eyes away from the sight of his body and tried to concentrate on ignoring him. She tried to ignore the way the scales of his muzzle abraded against her more sensitive ones and the way her stomach clenched down in desire. Her body felt flushed with heat and need that made her half sick.

Lathera wasn't this! She wasn't an animal! Her teacher had told her that a shape-shifter could take other forms, but they weren't controlled by their form's instincts. She could master this. After all, she had mastered how to change forms! The muzzle pulled up until she felt a wet slippery tongue dragging and rubbing up against her folds. They probed and worked against them until she felt the tongue tip trying to force its way in her. She snarled out a warning, but the male didn't pay any heed as the flexible tongue tip rubbed against flesh enflamed with her season. The burning ache of her loins lessened as it stroked steadily, only withdrawing to the sound of the beast swallowing her taste before returning with a whine of eagerness.

"Too early on." Nat's voice was rough and she glanced up to find the grooms just watching. Their attention seemed focused entirely on her and her unwelcome suitor.

"Not for him, lookit him go." Someone refuted Nat's words and she felt a fresh stab of shame.

This was worse than the orgy she had been forced to participate in. She wasn't simply a helpless bystander, these people were watching and doing nothing else. She could almost feel their eyes on her scales as the tongue pushed back into her again. This time she heard a wet sound as her own wetness started to be forced out of her enflamed folds. The greedy squelching and slurping noises seemed to be louder than the voices as she squeezed her eyes shut. Try as she might, she couldn't ignore the long tongue that writhed and pushed into her body. The tip penetrated into her aching passage until her hips started to arch up against the restraints and she sucked in the hot rich musk of the male. It didn't matter to her body if her mind didn't want this, it was ready!

She felt the male's scaled muzzle grinding against her folds as the slimy tongue forced its way in deep and a mixture of saliva and her own wetness started to slide out against her scales. Her stomach tensed up until she choked out a noise and jerked backwards trying to get the attention deeper. The aching itch was only growing as the pounding need started to override the horror of her mind. She curled her claws down only to feel the tongue dragging outwards again. The texture of it pulled and scraped against soft tender skin until she let out a rough squeal and bucked against the restraining device again. The tongue slipped out with a lewd wet noise that left her shaking and bracing herself instinctively for him.

"Heh, not too early." Someone spoke above her head, "Hellfire, look at her, she's more 'n ready!"

Her outraged embarrassment was lost as suddenly clawed forelegs snatched at her haunches and she felt weight slamming against her back. The sharp yells and commands were lost as she felt hot breath against her spine and the male snapped at her scales. She felt a hot line of precum spray out against her inner legs before the tip violently jabbed at her exposed slit. Her entire body rocked forward as it slammed up against her enflamed outer lips drooling out copious amounts of wetness against her. The claws on her hips scraped and she felt him rocking backwards as he snarled and hissed before rocking forward again. Each small jab sent tremors running down her spine as the tip started to wedge just into her body. She let out a soft shrill call as she felt it splaying her opening. Her walls contracted down around it tightly.

Her call became a shriek as suddenly the restraining device was rocked and the claws against her sides scored her scales. The male's tip was yanked outwards as he was pulled away from her. The sharp claw tips tore into her skin slightly as she twisted her head back to snarl. The red male had fallen to his side with his head pinned down by the pole. His form writhed and struggled against it. She was presented with his glistening erect member as it rested against his belly, the tip coated in some of her own wet arousal. As he struggled, men grasped more poles to hook onto his collar in an attempt to stop him from getting his legs under him so he could mount her. His eyes were wild as he clawed at the ground and continued to lunge towards her haunches.

"Damnit! Get 'em outta here!" Someone bellowed out angrily and she felt a hand at the base of her tail and fingers suddenly touching her aching folds.

"You're damned lucky, if he'd gotten at 'er Rogeth'd have ye flayed!" She felt a finger probing at her folds until she whimpered just under her breath. "Heh, pretty girl's more 'n ready fer Ishtar judgin' by the reds response. Hell, messy too.."

Lathera felt the finger push just into her body, not even as far as the male had managed to penetrate before it slipped out again. When he walked into sight she watched him wiping his fingers off distastefully onto his pants. That sight didn't rouse embarrassment. It couldn't. She felt locked in place as she trembled from nose to tail. Because all she had felt when the male had been drug off her was a snarling rage that they had dared interfere with them. All she had wanted, with him on her back, was to feel his cock plunging into her body to put out the aching fire that consumed her. Even with that cold realization she couldn't stop watching as the male was pulled out of sight. She couldn't look away from the pulsing erect cock. How could she even call herself a human when all she wanted was to feel the heat of his seed in her belly? Was she even human inside of this body?

The handler came to collect Sean from Ishtar's cage long before he was comfortable with the form he now possessed. Everything felt harder to do in this body. Harder to control and harder to navigate. The wings themselves were so utterly foreign that it was an effort to keep them furled against either side of his body. When he tried to reach towards Ishtar for guidance the creature shoved him away. He couldn't even reach the other beings thoughts. It seemed that the drapen had no intention of reclaiming his body until his point had been made. He didn't even intend to help the human control it. Sean felt a wave of betrayal for being abandoned as he was led out of the court yard with the handler walking backwards to make sure he didn't present a target.

It was humiliating to be led this way, even more humiliating when he felt the tugs that were supposed to guide him. He dimly was aware of Ishtar's savage amusement at his own embarrassment as they padded through a series of court yard doors that seemed all interlocked. The handler was joined by another set as they approached one that was eerily familiar from earlier. The grip on his collar pulled as the handler moved to one side warily, but his attention wasn't on the man. It wasn't even on the men who were talking in low tones while holding the muzzle from before. They gestured towards him as he stood in the darkened shadows that were cast by the short hall that led to the bright opening of the final courtyard.

He couldn't hear them. The only thing Sean could pay attention to was the sudden wave of scent that hit his muzzle. There was an annoying smell of something sharp and musky, but that was dismissed under the heady scent that rode over it. It was almost intoxicatingly sweet as he drew in a deeper breath of it and leaned forward. He felt himself opening his jaws as he tried to suck it in and his heart started to pound faster against his chest. It made his body feel suddenly flushed with energy and arousal as he took a step forward and pulled against the lead. All his life he had been aware of scents as a human, but nothing that moved him like this did. Every breath drew it deeper as he struggled against the lead to stare into the courtyard.

The source of the scent stood bound as the other female had. Her tail forced to one side like a mare being prepped for breeding. His eyes were locked at the glistening puffy folds of her slit and he let out a soft groan deep in his chest. He could see the wetness clinging to them as they seemed to block out every other sight within the courtyard. All that mattered was the fertile scent that clung to that presented body and the pounding of his heart. He had never been prepared to deal with such base emotions, he didn't know how to even stop them. Not even the disgusted snarl of Ishtar in his mind could bring him back to himself. As he struggled another step forward he could feel the edge of his cock tip bulging from the slit beneath his body. What humanity he tried to cling for washed away in a single thought. He must have her!

I accept tips. If you enjoy my stories and would like to show your appreciation feel free to send me a tip. Reference a series or story that it's for and they'll HIGHLY influence what I write in the future!