My Human Kuni - Chapter 7

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#6 of My Human Kuni


This is a piece of original furry fiction by me David Bennett. All characters in this story are my creation and are subject to my copyright. If you wish to use one of the characters from my novel, then please notify me before hand.

This story, and not necessarily this chapter, contains some sexual content of an extreme and unusual nature; I.E. watersports, inter-species sex as in human to furry sex, incest, and rape. If any of these topics offend you, then please look away. If you are offended by gay relationships or gay sex, then please turn away. If some bisexual content or heterosexual content offends you, then these stories aren't for you. Otherwise if none of the above bothers you, then by all means continue reading this book.

If you are under the age of 18 or 21 in your given area, please cease reading these chapters. They are for people over the age of 18 and 21. If you are of age, then you may continue.

If you like what you read, then email me at [email protected] .


Chapter 7:


"Take your seats people!" Mr. Nakambla ordered. I quickly took a seat; I didn't want to anger Mr. Nakambla during his history class. I adjusted my neck jewelry: my engagement collar, Alex's dog tags, and Alex's badge of Fenris. I was dressed in all yellow that day. I wore a yellow cutoff sleeveless shirt, and yellow stripper pants. I was naked underneath my pants; I had sexy plans after school. On my geet were some yellow high tipped canvass sneakers that looked a lot like a pair of human shoes that they had bought them. "Converse All Stars" the humans had called them. I just liked the design.

I sat in a class with 15 other seniors, and all of us were sitting down. Mr. Nakambla was looking at us from behind his glasses. Ths sleek and tall history teacher glaring at us. He was a Dachshund type of canine. His fur was dark brown, and his face was narrow and slender, like the rest of him. He was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and a pink tie underneath. He looked nice, but he didn't act it. He was mean from the tips of his ears all the way down to his expensive loafers.

"Today...we review what we have learned in this class over the course of this year, and today we cover the history of humans on our planet." He instructed. "Now Mr. De Long...when did our planet's history start?"

"8,000 years ago sir!" Replied a sheep herder canine named Starchy De Long.

"Good...and what over the course of that time has our glorious nation accomplished Mrs. Angelica?" He asked a ditzy poodle type of lupine. She looked up from her nails and said,

"Um...getting rid of savages?"

"That's correct! We became civilized when we declared ourselves a nation and stamped out the less intelligent tribesman around us." Said Mr. Nakambla with a smile. I raised my hand.

"Yes, soon to be Mrs. De Fenos?" He said sarcastically.

"First off, I'm no one's Mrs.. Second, I think you are wrong about our history" I replied. Everoune in the class turned and looked at me as if I had farted at a wedding or something. They seemed shocked and repulsed that I was questioning something that was almost concrete.

"Oh really? How can you question the first history books that date back to that time? We have proven them to be accurate!"

"Yes, but the lupines didn't start coming out of the caves 8,000 years ago and didn't come together to form the nation. What if we existed as tribes for thousands of years before that?" I asked. Mr. Nakambla narrowed his eyes further and sat down on his desk.

"Why Adrian? Why do you want to disturpt my class this close to graduation? You have done so well in here, I don't want to see you throw it away now." He sighed.

"You didn't answer my question sir."

"Well, I don't know. What do you think happened?"

"I think that what happened was that when the tribes first started coming together all those centuries ago...there were a few that broke away within the last 10,000 years, namely the nation. Perhaps the nation was just a tribe with different rules, a tribe that became swifter and stronger than the other's mind you, but still a tribe."

"Interesting..." Mr. Nakambla groaned. "Is there more?"

"Yes. First off...the nation didn't come to exist 8.000 years ago, it was only 3,000. The rest of the time it was nothing but tribal rule. We had been living as tribes, at least 15,000 years ago!"

"And where did you get these crazy ideas?" Starchy asked in a sardonic tone.

"A Red Claw Tribesman. He told me a lot of our planet's history." I said matter-of-factually. No one was amused.

"Leave it to a Red Claw to lie to you. Adrian trust me, you're better off having nothing to do with those woods dwellers. They are just mad that we kicked their asses for starting that whole 'Freedom Movement' garbage. I lost my friend in the battle of Lupa's Cove, you have no clue how that feels Adrian." He sneered. This time, people were shocked at what Mr. Nakambla had to say, They all knew what had happened to Alex. Why else would I have a badge of Fenris around my neck?

"No Mr. Nakambla, you have no clue how it feels. I lost my brother in that battle." I stood up and pointed at him. "I lost my brother and my lover in that battle. I lost everything that day. A friend is painful to lose, but I've lost much more than you have! I am tired of it sir."

"There was nothing but silence in the room for a solid minute. The room was so quiet that you could probably make our the heart beats and the breathing patterns of every soul in the room. Mr. Nakambla looked at me with the same face, and licked his maw as he tried to find something to say.

"So - you and your brother - were lovers?" He asked softly. Well It was too late now to really keep it a secret any longer, now that I have gone and blabbed.

"Yes. I loved him very much. He was a hero Mr. Nakambla." I said firmly.

"I knew he was a puffer!" Mr. Nakambla shouted. "I knew Alex was a puffer when he came through here. I tried to show some pictures of naked females in class, and all he could do is stare at his notebook. I tried to take the history class to a ceremonial striptease bar...but he stayed home with you! No wonder he was -" He had begun to say before I cut him off.

"Mr. Nakambla! This is sexual harassment! I don't have to take that kind of abuse and neither do the rest of the people here. I don't appreciate your use of that homophobic word." I barked. Starchy stood up and walked over to my side and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down Ade...lets just get through today's class alright? Remember, we're graduating soon, so we'll be outta here in no time." He calmly informed. I nodded and sat back down. Mr. Nakambla let out a sigh and began to speak once more.

" that we're done with that subject, lets move on to our next topic: Humans in Canine history." He calmly started. At least this was a topic I'd enjoy. I sat back down. "Humans are an interesting species. It's thought that they might have been a distant cousin to us at one time...but as you all know that idea is ridiculous." He said with a chuckle that was met with matching laughs.

"The Humans are not native to to this planet as I'm sure you should all know. Over 300 years ago, one of our ships caught an unidentified craft entering our system. Their course, which we have since plotted, has been figured that they never intended to come through here, that perhaps the gravity of our sun pulled them off course and into our system. When they came too close to our planet, we responded aggressively. The human ship crashed and the humans were met by the A.C.O.D. to be looked over, so that we could make sure that there was no threat to us. The humans had a unique tongue when they could speak. It was so...simple. Compared to our tongue, speaking their language was incredibly. Unfortunately, within the first 20 years of human's time on this planet, they devolved into the humans we know today." Droaned Mr. Nakambla. A classmate's hand went up and she was called upon.

"Mr. N, why do we still teach human tongue in school if the humans can't speak?"

"'s much easier for humans to learn their language. The knowledge of this language is pressed down from human generation to human generation, and it's much more prudent to speak to them on their level."

"Well, what about some of the humans that can understand our tongue? Do we have to speak their language to them?" She pried.

"No, it's not required...but it's heavily recommended. Anyway, to continue. The humans at around 100 years of life on this world had increased their population 10 fold. There were only 30 humans on this world when they landed, at a hundred years they had increased to 300. Despite the fact that many were hundred, they kept breeding. If you all remember your human biology class your sophomore year, you remember that human males don't have a knot in their sex organs like we males do, so it is not necessary for them to tie the females to ensure pregnancy. Also, much like us, human males are capable of mating several times a day, and if the same human male mated with a different female each time that is almost a sure fire way to procreate."

"So humans aren't monogamous?" Starchy asked, still with his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him. Starchy was as bass ackwards as you can get. He was in denial of himself and didn't realize he was gay. I knew he was, he ever told me so, yet he denied it up and down to everyone else. Starchy also had a crush on me, just like Coach Simms. Unlike the coach however, he wasn't getting any further than he was right then.

"Yes and no Mr. De Long. It's in their nature to stick to one mate after they become attached to them, however they will have sex with others. Mating to them is almost a recreation, as it is to many of us. Fear not gentlemen, those human males have no clue how to really please their mates."

"Are humans or lesbian humans? You know how like Adrian is gay and Angelica is a lesbian?" Starchy asked, giving my shoulder another squeeze, Angelica turned around in her desk and narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm not a lesbian! Just because I like to sleep with females, that doesn't make me a lesbian. I love males!" She yelled. Starchy laughed and pointed at her.

"Oh and I thought that being lesbian meant you liked to have sex with the same sex, not necessarily build a relationship off of."

"Both of you calm down," Began Mr. Nakambla. "Both of you calm down or I will send you both to PT, understand?" They nodded. "Alright. Now to answer your question, yes there are gay humans like Adrian and lesbian ones like Angelica. Sorry Angelica you're a lesbian...face the facts. Now humans in general are bisexual. In some all-male or all female environments, they develop physical attractions towards the same sex. Sometimes if a male is walking through the woods and he sees a male and female mating, he might walk right up to the male and start screwing him. It's not uncommon. Now predominantly, humans are heterosexual, but there are humans that are bisexual, gay, and trisexual (there was that word again.)

"Does that mean they have sex with us?" Starchy asked again.

"Again, it's not uncommon for a human to try it.. Thanks to our laws however, we make sure that no one performs such an act. Now it's not illegal to kiss a human, and on some continents, including this one, inter-species oral sex is legal -however frowned upon. Only when intercourse is performed does it become a act of vice."

I cringed. This topic was hitting me on the head. I could imagine it if he was saying "It's not uncommon for Kuni to try having sex with Adrian." I felt bad enough revealing my incestuous relationship with Alex, but if I revealed that I was a practicing zoo I'd be ran out of town in a rail. I was about to raise my hand to ask a question, but the bell rang, and we all filed up to leave. I chose to stay and have a talk with Mr. Nakambla. He had his back turned towards me and was busy writing notes on the neon board for his next class. He knew I was still there however.

"Yes?" He asked dryly.

"I don't appreciate what you said earlier about me and about Angelica." I told him. He kept his back to me and shrugged.

"I just told the truth. You and Alex are puffers, and Angelica is a fucking lesbian. See I just told the truth."

"It doesn't matter what she is, it;s the way that you said it that made it wrong sir. I'll see your teaching license for this. " I said as I packed up my duffel bag. Mr. Nakambla dropped his writing pen with a clatter and turned around with the angriest face he had ever made. I stepped back a step, my braided hair moving in tandem with me.

"Are you threatening me?" He growled.

"No. I'm telling you that I'm going to report you for harassment."

Mr. Nakambla then stepped forward a few steps and clenched a fist. I slowly let the bag on my shoulder slip down a bit so I could reach into it. Before I knew it. Before I knew it, Mr. Nakambla had my shirt in his fist and he was staring into my eyes.

"Do so...and I'll kill you puffer. Just to make sure you don't, I'll give you a taste of what's to come." He barked. He pulled his right fist back to punch, when my hand wrapped around what I was looking for. In no time, I dropped the bag and had pulled Klaft's dagger he had given me out of the bag and out of it's sheath and had the blade against Mr. Nakambla's throat. I looked at him with a pure condescension and growled low.

"If you don't let go of me...I'll kill you. Just to make sure you do, I'll give you a taste of what's to come." I mimicked. I gave my wrist a light snap and the blade was traced across his throat in a gentle lick, however it was enough to open a deep gash that bled like a waterfall. He promptly let go and frantically ran about, bleeding everywhere all over himself. I stepped back and put the dagger back into my bag and watched my teacher grab his handkerchief out of his bag and place it to his throat.

"You fucker! Look what you've done!" He shouted.

"Yeah - I finally stopped taking your abuse." I spat as I walked out the door and slammed it shut behind me. I walked into the second story hallway and looked at my sneakers. I sighed and groaned at the realization of what I had done. I had assaulted my teacher. I wondered if he would come out of it, perhaps have me arrested. Then again, if he did I could have had him on the harassment charges. I supposed all would be well.

I looked at my watch. I had lunch and another class to go and then I would be off to my Fiance's cross-country rally.

* * *

"Are you sure he's running today sweetheart?"

"Positive Shane, he's running anchor." I informed. Shane gave me a simple nod.

"Well, he should be coming by any time. The race is almost over." She sighed as he leaned into me. I cuddled him. Shawn and I had a talk, and we discussed what had happened with Coach Simms. He told me that generally he doesn't care if I screw around, but Coach Simms was a bad idea. I figured that the only men I would sleep from then on would be Shawn, Shane and Coby when I met him.

As I sat there in the bleachers, Shane decided to get a little naughty. He adjusted himself so he was sitting in my lap and laying against me, and then took my right hand and slid it down his pants. I smiled at him and gave him a light rub, after all we were in a crowded area and I didn't want to get into trouble. Rather than draw attention to my hand's newfound home, I just kept it there and worked my fingertips, Shane sighing and cooing underneath me. Every once in a while, he would grind his back against my crotch, but it didn't seem like he was trying to please me in that aspect. It was almost as if he was scratching his back. I gave his hilt a squeeze and licked his ear.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"My back itches is all."

"And you wanted to use my groin to scratch it?"

"Well what better than my own personal back scratcher!" He joked. I tilted his head up towards mine and brought us into a kiss. That sweet flavor of Shane's maw was causing me to go into a heat. I knew we would be making love after the rally but I just couldn't wait. All the while we kissed I could sense the people around us watching, gazing, spying. I didn't care anymore. Shane started to suck on my tongue like a cock, bringing me to a moan of delight. Just then we heard the announcer announce that the runners were nearing the finish line where we were sitting. We both equally broke off the kiss and stood. I removed my hand to Shane's pants, plus about a gallon of pre. I brought my precum soaked fingers to my lips and cleaned them just as I saw the runners.

"There were 10 of them. Five from Malamute High and the other 5 were our rival high school of Centennial High School. Shawn was running in the pink tank top and pink running spandex of the running team, the Centennial runners were wearing white and gold colors. Shawn was running neck and neck with another Greyhound canine; their speed was matched perfectly. Shawn had been running for the last five miles and didn't look too tired; the greyhound next to him from Centennial seemed to be having the damndest time keeping up. I started to cheer, just as Shawn came into view. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was wearing his engagement collar during the race. Talk about advertisement.

"Come on Shawn!" Shane shouted. "Win and you get some hot lovin'!"

"Go Shawn!" I yelled. Shawn heard us and picked up the pace. In no time he was almost so close that I could reach out and touch him. The racers neared the finish like, using up the last of their reserves to burst into a sprint. I watched as Shawn and the other Greyhound lupine crossed the finish line at just the same time.

As Shawn crossed, he started to jump around and celebrate, thinking that he had won, while the other greyhound stopped and bent over, coughing and sputtering, but presumibly thinking that he had won too. Shawn walked over to us, panting, and placed gentle kisses on us while the referees checked over the videotape.

"Hey Hun, hey Sweetie! Did you see me?" He asked us. We nodded.

"Yeah Shawn I saw you. You did great! I am so proud."

"Me too. How was the run?" Shane asked.

"It was fine, but I worried about the other guy there. I mean he started caughing and wheezing at around the two or three mile mark. He was damn near puking when he took that last hill Ade. I don't know what's wrong with him but he isn't good." Shawn sighed as he turned around and looked at his opponent. I looked over his shoulder and gazed upon the coughing male. He was lurched over, with his tail wagging like mad. He hacked and clutched his chest and I saw him vomit he began to puke up bile, and blood. He wasn't good.

"My gods!" Shane muttered as he clutched my shoulder with one hand, scratching his lower back with his other. Suddenly the male fell over and rolled onto his back out cold. The refs ran over and checked him out, along with his teammates. Someone called "Medic!", and I sprung into action. I reached into my bag and grabbed my medi-pack. Once I had it. I leaped over the guardrail and ran across the track towards the crowd. I had to shove some of the gawkers out of the way so I could work.

"I am a medic!" I called. The refs looked at me in confusion and held a hand up.

"You're just a student with a kit, we need a medic." One said. I turned to him and yelled.

"Look I have two years military medical training and am licensed by the A.C.O.D, Also I am one of the school's EMT's. If you want to let this boy suffer then by all means hold me up!" I shouted as I folded my arms. They gave me the go ahead as I leaned down and crouched over the fallen body. There was puke all over the ground and in his hair. His mouth was open and his eyes were closed. I opened my medical pack and got out a pair of protective gloves and slipped them on. I then put my ear to his mouth and felt he wasn't breathing, and traced my hand across his chest and for a heartbeat. I found none.

"There's no breathing or heartbeat. I'm beginning chest compressions and artificial respiration!" I informed. I placed my hands on his chest and found the correct spot at the bottom of the ribs just under his sternum. I began to flex my waist and started the chest compressions. It was odd; his chest was so rigid underneath me and hardly had any give at all. When I had compressed five times, I moved over his mouth and tilted his his neck back. I pressed my muzzle over his and blew. Somewhere deep down I hoped that Shawn wasn't jealous that I had my muzzle on another male, but that was just an odd little side thought.

The lungs inflated with my breath, however nothing was working. I did chest compressions and respirations for over 5 minutes before I had to call it. I laughed at the refs and shook my head.

"I'm sorry...he's dead." I sighed.

"Dead? What from?" One of the refs asked as they cleared away the teammates to avoid a public spectacle. Already the entire stands were on their feet trying to see what was happening.

"Well, his heart stopped. As a result of what I'm not sure...give me a moment." I instructed. I reached into the medi-pack and brought out my little penlight. I opened the eyelids of the dead lupine and saw that they were completely glazed over, and as I could only describe it as blood logged. His eyes were almost swimming with blood on the inside. I pulled back his lips and saw that his gums were almost white and in addition to that there were some sores all over the inside of his mouth. His tongue was a very light color, a bright pink. This wasn't right.

"Does he have any family here?" Just then a panicky female voice came from behind and asked what was going on. I didn't look at at her but I just shrugged and told her somberly that this male was dead.

"Jamin! Come on you can't be dead!" She cried. I looked and saw that it was one of the runners from the other team. I wondered what she was still doing there.

"Who are you?" I asked softly.

"I'm Jamin's Girlfriend." She replied as she began to cry.

"Miss, I'm sorry to say, but again he's dead. Did he do anything that might affect his body?"

Through the tears she spoke. "He was a heavy smoker - up to a carton a day I think. I don't know, but he kept poking himself with a pen before a race, could that be something?"

"Poking himself with a pen? Where?" I asked in wonder.

"In the neck."

I reached around the corpse's neck for a while until I found a rather large raised bump. I looked at it and seemed to have come from an injection of some type. "I'll be..." I muttered. I leaned in close and gave the wound a light squeeze, and purplish orange pus oozed out. I cringed in disgust.

"I'll need the coach of Centennial please...and take this lady away please..." I requested. Shawn came over and patted me on the shoulder.

"We'll be in the car waiting. I'm sorry Ade..." He assured. I nodded and started to stroke the body's head, almost out of instinct. The audience began to clear out a little, and the teams left. I was approached by a dalmatian lupine dressed in a windbreaker jacket and matching running pants of Centennials running team.

"Yeah? I'm Coach Holtie. Is Jamin Dead?" He asked in a soft tone.

"Yes, but the thing is coach, it isn't that he's dead, moreover how he died."

"Well then kid, how did he die?"

"I think that he was taking Mercurex. The Mercurex was injected in a hidden syringe, and injected right before the race started. As you may know, Mercurex is a speed enhancer, but extremely damaging to the system. I suppose that going a whole season on Mercurex and smoking almost a carton of cigarettes a day would put him down like he is."

"I don't know what to say." Holtie said as he looked at the corpse. The Dalmatian ran a hand a hand over his head, looking frustrated.

"Well I have to sign for him when the coroner gets here. Just notify his family."

I stood up and threw away the used gloves. I leaned over the garbage can where I threw the gloves and contemplated the idea of vomiting myself. In a roundabout way, I had just had my mouth on the mouth of a corpse...eww! I managed to hold onto my lunch and wandered towards the stands. About fifteen minutes later the hover hearse of the coroner arrived, and Jamin was taken to the morgue. I groaned after signing the papers, saying I was the one who had declared him dead. All I had wanted that afternoon was to watch Shawn win...and have some hot sex. Instead I had to watch someone die.

* * *

I sat in Shane's bedroom on his bed, watching Shane and Shawn play video games. I had to take a while to think about what had happened. These entertainment games were getting really popular, and were state of the art. I looked at the screen of black and saw the two white lines that were bouncing a white square back and forth. The object was to keep the white square from going off your side of the screen. It was addicting. I wasn't really interested in playing however. I looked at Shane. He had stripped down to his silk boxers and had a 2-liter of soda off to his lift. Shawn was in his white cotton bikini briefs, but otherwise naked. I sighed. I was still fully clothed.

It was so troubling to me, to know that love was only a few feet from me and all I need do is lunge for it; the problem was my depression was holding me back. I kept thinking of the moments that I was doing the chest compressions of the artificial respiration I had to do on Jamin. In front of me the electronic beeping of the game reminded me of a heart monitor. BEEP...BEEP...BEEP. Those beeps counting down Jamin's life. Shane then turned around and scratched his back for a moment, and then crawled over to me, setting his controller down.

"Ade hun? Are you ok?" He sighed, He sat down next to me and began to massage my thigh. I looked at him just as my beloved Shawn sat opposite him on my right, also putting a hand on my thigh.

"I don't know guys, I just feel terrible."

"You did what you could." Shawn consoled as he nuzzled the right side of my neck, Shane following suit. It felt so nice to be loved. I sighed and bent my neck backwards and let them nuzzle the front of my neck and throat.

"I know...but I...I..." I began to say, but my arousal was cutting me off.

"Quiet now...take your mind off of that and let us work." Shane ordered. Then began to lick at my neck in tandem, pleasing me at once. I breathed deeply a few times, absorbing their pleasing. Shane and Shawn took their hands that that were closest to me into each other and held hands; the others were placed on my chest. Their tongues began to swirl and mingle, working me over ever so nicely. Slowly they got closer to each other, until they met on my Adam's apple, where the tongues lapped one another and then melted into a deeply tongued kissed. I reached downward and reached into each of their underwear and took hold of their wolfhood, beginning to stroke them while they kissed. I watched them, both had their eyes closed, it seemed perfectly magical. Then with the hands they had on my chest and pushed me down on the bed to lay flat. They broke the kiss they had and turned to go onto all fours on both sides of me. I looked up at them with a grin on my face; they were taking my mind off the painful memories of the previous events. I kept stroking their sheaths greedily, they were mine, quid pro quo I was theirs as well.

"They took their hands and together grabbed hold of my stripper pants' waistband and gave a collective tug. The snaps on the side came undone and I was half naked under my favorite men.

"I'm feeling better..." I purred. They smiled and began to lick together at my muzzle. I opened my mouth as I felt a pair of hands glide over my naked belly and onto my own sheath. We worked out muzzles so we were in a 3-way tongued kiss. I was in heaven...the dead boy was gone from my mind now; after all I had my men to please me. It had been a while since I had been with Shane and Shawn at the same time I couldn't wait to go further.

We kissed for a while...each stroking the other. Finally Shawn broke the kiss and pulled his bikini bottom off. Shane stopped kissing to do the same to his own boxer shorts. Shawn then took the back of my head into his hand and ever so gently aimed his cock at my mouth, With a ravishing hunger I plunged his hot rod down into my gullet and began to suck. I closed my eyes and I began to suck on the six inches of pink meat. I then felt the cock rotate 90 degrees in my mouth counter clockwise; he was laying on his side. Suddenly a mouth was on my cock. I knew the difference between their mouthes, and it could be none other than Shane. I opened my eyes; there we lay in a triangle...sucking the other off. It was a bliss. I felt the moist tugging around my sheath, bringing my knot to swell, Shane was getting better at his oral sex. I closed my eyes and plunged my cock into Shane's mouth, and swallowed hard on Shawn, I wanted to go deep in both cases.

I became oblivious to the world around me; my body seemed to be nothing but my mouth and my dick. I could taste Shawn leaking some pre into me; it was as if he had already been brought to orgasm. I remembered Monday night, when I had tied Shawn's mouth, and thought about doing the same to Shanw. All of a sudden, I felt Shawn's cock slide slowly out of my mouth and felt him move across the bed. I gave a child like whine and made sucking motion with my lips: now I know how Dennis felt when Coach Simms pulled out of him. I opened my eyes and my men were adjusting themselves. Shane kept sucking me, and Shawn moved his head in-between my legs to start eating me out. I hissed: This pleasure was getting to be too much for me.

"Guys this is great..." I panted. They gave me an acknowledging wink and continued with their fun. I decided to get a little rowdy and started to buck my hips a little bit, so that I could tickle Shane's tonsils with the head of my cock. I humped his face nice and hard, while Shawn buried his tongue deep inside of me. I lifted my back up ever so slightly in an incline, so that they could have easy access to me. I pulled Shane's pillows under my head and watched them work me. I was being so pleasured, that orgasm was imminent. Shawn and Shane were stroking each other from what I could seem nice and slow, and probably out of common courtesy. Then Shane and Shawn switched positions, Shane eating out my tailhole while Shawn worked my cock. I caressed my chest under my cutoff shirt and groaned. All this was so good. I felt myself begin to throb; I was having an orgasm.

"Uggnn...I'm cumming!" I screamed. In but a few seconds...I was shooting my load into Shawn, throbbing and pulsating in ecstasy. I panted...and laid myself flat on the bed once more. My men crawled around me like a pair of feral wolves, as if they were looking over their sexual prey. Shawn then lifted me up to a sitting position and removed Alex's things from my neck. He then brought his lips to mine and gave me a deep passionate kiss. I closed my eyes, I could taste my own spunk in his mouth, he was snowballing with me. I licked out the inside of his mouth as he did to me; neither of us missed a spot. Shane took a hold of my still rock hard dick and stroked. I opened my eyes and pulled off of the kiss, holding the greyhound that was my fiance in my arms. Shawn looked at me with a wide grin.

"Who do you want to tie you Hun? Me or Shane?" He asked softly. I then got a kinky idea. I wondered how strong my asshole was now that it had been stretched by Kory and healed by Klaft. Perhaps I could do something really kinky.

"Hun...I want you both in me." I said with a sly grin. The hand on my cock stopped stroking and Shawn looked at me as if I had gone crazy. I must have surprised them as much as I surprised myself.

"Are you sure? Are you sure you can take it? We are both kind of big." Shane asked in a calm voice, almost like a negotiator talking someone out of suicide.

"Yes...lets try it." I begged. Shawn and Shane looked at each other and shrugged. They didn't really know what to think. Shawn then sighed and smiled, and rolled onto his back, his pink pecker standing up for me. I grinned and crawled over, wriggling my toes inside of my shoes. I sat down on his chest to get ready, and Shawn gave my cock a couple of licks as Shane positioned himself in-between Shawn's legs. I looked down at my future husband and whispered an "I love you" to him which he returned. It was time to begin - It was then or never.

I gingerly lifted my tail and ass off of Shawn and scooted back a few inches until I could feel his cock poking at my tailhole. Once I felt that warm and firm rod against me, I lifted myself into a squatting position and slowly let him slide into me. Further and further, like a fireman rushing to a fire, I slid down his pole. Once I was all the way down with the exception of his knot, I spread my legs wide and lay flat on Shawn's chest. I kept my tail lifted and nodded for Shane to proceed. Shane placed his hands on my pectorals and poked his head at my already filled tailhole. He then gave a few grunts, as I could feel myself being stretched to my limit. We all began to groan at once, this was a newfound pleasure that none of us had ever experienced before. The pain was surprisingly minimal, I felt nothing really but pleasure. I grinned and let them both deep into me.

"Gods Shawn, this is unbelievable!" Shane mused.

"Fuck yeah! I like this already - you ready Ade?" Shawn asked with an almost human lust.

"Yes! Drill me boys!" I ordered.

And thus began one of the greatest pleasures I had ever had. Shane started first, his cock rubbing the top half of me and the bottom of Shawn's cock. Shane then picked up a rhythm, working his hips to please me. I let my body go limp; I was kind of like a rag doll getting fucked by two men at that point. Shane and Shawn were like pistons inside of me, one going up and the other down; I suppose I was the love cylinder. I smiled wide at that thought. I was a love machine with a V-1 engine, and right now the engine was running fine.

As he humped, Shane spooned his body to mine from behind and wrapped his arms around me tight. I sighed and let my neck crane back so my head was resting on his right shoulder.

"Gods this is good!" Shawn grunted.

"Yeah, I love it!" Shane agreed. I stayed silent, letting them plow my pleasure field as much as they wanted. Shane then began to lick at my neck to pleasure me even further, and then with one of his free hands he took hold of my cock and stroked. There wasn't a thing I could do, I was completely immobile from the pleasure I was getting. A million word essay couldn't describe what I was feeling at that moment. I didn't think I could top what they were doing for me to them.

I lost track of time, I think they did too. I opened my eyes for a moment to check out the time. 2 hours. I had been fucked like that for two hours! I wanted more - I wanted the whole day. With Shane's hand stroking me and both of them deep core drilling into me, I would surely cum again. I didn't realize it first...but I was begging for them to do something. My words were so soft and so quickly spoken that I didn't know I was saying, "tie me" over and over again. The thrusting slowed, and I suppose they heard me. They both counted to three and rammed their knots into me simultaneously.

Like a lightning bolt, pleasure and pain screamed its way up my spine and forced my eyes open. I felt like I had control of myself again. I placed my hands on Shawn's pecs and felt them increase their combined thrusts into a fury. I looked down at Shawn, his eyes were closed and his teeth were clenched. He looked so powerful it was almost dangerous. I smiled. Then I felt them throb inside of me, and a fire hydrant of cum was deposited into me. The throbbing against me was enough to bring me to my second orgasm, causing me to throughly bathe my future husband. We all slowed down, and then lay down in a pile. Both were tied to me, and both had so filled me. I grinned and hugged Shawn tight.

"Thank you guys..." I whispered.

"You're more than welcome." They both responded.

The three of us drifted off to sleep. We had exhausted ourselves throughly. We slept in each other's warm embrace late into the afternoon. We woke up to the sound of Shane's pet human scratching on the door. Shane groaned, and pulled his cock out of me. I hardly noticed. I simply lay there with my fiance, hugging him tight. I kissed him a few times to wake him up while Shane let his pet human out into the yard to play.

"Rise and shine." I cooed. He smiled with his eyes closed.

"I'm shining, but I won't be rising for a while." He joked. I crawled forward to pull him out of me, and rolled over in the bed. I looked around at the two halves of my stripper pants and put them back together and dressed. After a few moments, Shawn put his running uniform back on and staggered around the room. I held him steady after he came close to falling over.

"You ok?" I asked. He nodded. I sighed and walked out of Shane's bedroom and into his apartment living room. There were all kinds of rock band posters all over the place. The windows had nice black drapes, and the floor was furnished with an old couch and a couple of beanbag chairs. I looked around and one poster grabbed my attention. On the poster was a Catling with long hair tied in almost a thousand little braids, his blond fur reminded me of Klaft's father. He was playing a black flying-V shaped electric guitar and was obviously singing. On the guitar was an inverted pink triangle on the left side. The catling was wearing a black leather trench coat, a black vinyl kilt, and knee high biker boots. I examined the poster further and read the name. It said, "Jynx of the Hellcats."

"The Hellcats?" I wondered aloud. Shane, still naked, walked up to me with a pair of beers and handed me one. I accepted it and gestured to the poster with my head. Shane looked at it while scratching his back.


"Who is that?" I asked while I pointed at the poster. He smiled and pointed at the poster as well.

"That's Jynx. He's from the homeworld of Boridatia. He travels around with a couple of his friends and does concerts. He's a big gay rights activist too." Shane confided. I nodded and popped that top to my beer. I downed it like it was nothing, much to Shane's surprise.

"What are you staring at?" I asked in a polite way.

"I've never seen anyone drink like that before..." He began, and then his own scratching cut him off. I raised an eyebrow; this back itching was getting on my nerves.

"Want me to scratch your back before Shawn and I leave?" I offered. He nodded his head and turned his back to me. He was still naked, and his cute little butt was right in front of me. I moved his hair out of the way and began to scratch his upper back. He then barked and told me to scratch his lower back. I nodded and did so, but when I did I felt something very odd. As I scratched his back I felt his four big bumps in his lower back, they were almost like huge spider bites. I gulped and scratched, but I knew what was going on.

"Shane, have you looked at your back lately?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think I have a few bug bites down there. It's been like this for a week." he replied as he arched his back much like a cat under my scratching.

"Shane...can I make an opinion, as your lover and as a medic?" I asked. He opened his beer and took a light pull off of it and looked at me with a confused stare.

"'re starting to scare me Adrian."

"I know and I'm sorry. I feel that I should tell you that you are exhibiting signs of Glockens' Syndrome." I informed. Shane quickly pulled away from me and looked at me angrily.

"Don't even joke like that way man! There's no way I have GS. No one in my family has the syndrome, so how can I?" He started to shout. Outside I could hear Shane's human yelping and jump the fence. I would have said something but at that moment Shane seemed to be the major issue.

"Whoa calm down. I'm telling you that you seem to have symptoms of it. Those bumps, the itchy back? Those are symptoms. If we take you to the doctor-" I began to say, but was cut off by Shane grabbing onto my shirt and throwing me up against his multi-postered wall aggressively. He held his hands on me like that, balled into fists, gripping me tight. Shawn emerged from Shane's room in a hurry and looked upon us in shock.

"Shut the fuck up! I don't have the gods damn disease! How dare you say that?" He roared.

"Shane calm down! Let Ade go and put some clothes on. Lets just all be cool." Shane tried to mediate in his feminine voice. Shane let go of one of his hands and reached down and picked up his beer from where it had dropped and downed the remainder of the contents before throwing the bottle at Shawn. Shawn saw it coming and ducked the projectile easily before it hit the wall and shattered all over the white carpet.

"No! You guys get out! Get out of here!" He said as he dragged me to the door. He opened it and walked naked with me in tow right out into the parking lot. Shawn came out afterward, looking confused as to what to do. Shane gripped me tight and used his powerful arms to throw me to the concrete next to Shawn's car. I was still in shock. Shawn walked up to the naked husky that was Shane and stood in front of him, trying to make heads or tails out of the situation.

"Shane! Calm yourself, you're making a scene." Shane said as he tried to calm Shane down. Instead Shane just got into his face and streamed off a long string of cuss words and then stormed back into the house, slamming the door shut behind him. I looked at Shawn, and he turned to look at me. Neither of us spoke. I could read Shawn's eyes however, and they asked if I was ok. I hoped I responded with a yes, because I really was ok, just a little unnerved that someone that I thought loved me would turn on me so quickly when I tried to tell him the truth.

"Lets get out of here until he calms down." I suggested. Shawn walked over and helped pick me up off the ground, and he gave me a hard hug.


* * *

Shawn dropped me off at my house sometime around 1800. We stopped to get a bite at a local fast food joint first and then headed home. This whole fight at Shane's house kept is pretty silent most of the time, who knew that he would take my diagnosis so personally. I sighed as I walked up the driveway to my house, Shane did have GS, The fact was undeniable. He was already A complete and any day now he would become B complete. It was a sobering and chilling thought. I pulled my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. When I opened it, I had yet another shock to my system.

My mother was laying naked on the living room couch with my neighbor, and both of the women were making out with one another. I didn't know if I came in on the end or the beginning, with lesbian sex it is always hard to tell where you are in the bout just by watching. I stood in the door and closed it behind me. I looked at them dumbfounded, as they didn't even seem to notice me. I sure as hells noticed them, their breasts pressed against the others, and their arms around one another. The kiss was so deep and so passionate, that it reminded me of the kiss I was making only hours before. I shrugged, at least I wasn't the only one in the family getting pleasured that afternoon.

"Um Mom? We really have to stop meeting like this." I said with a light and labored chuckle. They looked up at me and smiled. They didn't care really.

"Did you have fun at Shane's? You smell like sex..." My mother asked from underneath what I supposed you could call her girlfriend.

"Yeah. Shane, Shawn and I had a threesome." I admitted. My mother smiled and snuggled her girlfriend closer.

"Good! Glad to here that I wasn't the only one today. Well we were just finishing up here, so if you're hungry and you can go upstairs and wait until dinner. I would appreciate it if you would go and wait up there for me at least."

"No problem Mom." I sighed. I walked past them and headed upstairs. I opened the trap door to my room and had expected to get flattened by Kuni, but he wasn't there. Only my sister was there. She was sitting on the foot of my bed, looking at one of my sketchbooks. I yawned and walked over to her.

"Hey Ashley, why are you in my room?" I asked in a kind way. She looked at me and smiled. She jumped up and hugged me tight. I returned it and set her back down.

"Hey Ade. I came up when new mommy came over. Mom said I should come up here and play while they were downstairs. " She said in a happy tone. 'New Mommy'? What does that mean?

"New Mommy?"

"Yeah, Mom and our neighbor are thinking about getting mated like you and Uncle Shawn."

"Really?" I pondered. So my mother had pursued her relationship with our neighbor. It would be odd and hard to deal with, but I suppose that since my mother had supported me this long it would be only fair that I support her. I pushed all thought about my mother out of my head slowly and looked down at Ashley and my sketchbook.

"Which drawings are you looking at?" I asked. She opened the book and showed me a sketch that I had drawn off of an old picture of mine. It was of Alex and me about 6 months before he died. The picture was taken of me and him holding hands with our arms around the other's waist, standing in our bathing Speedos. My Mom had taken the picture the day that we went to the water park. It was my favorite picture of Alex. I drew the sketch about 8 months before this day. I was surprised she had found it. I was also more glad that she hadn't found my more adult notebook, which contained all kinds of fantasy pictures of Alex and I, Shawn and I, and a few furs of my own creation.

"Ade, who is this?" She asked innocently. "Who's this holding you?" She said as she adjusted her grip on the book. It was sad really, because she had never seen a picture of Alex. My mother took all the pictures of him that we did have of him and had given them too me, that way if I felt down and wanted to see him, I would have plenty of pictures of us during happy times. They had been both a help and a bane during my depression. I sat down next to Ashley and put an arm around her. She cuddled up next to me and showed me the book. There we were on the page, soaking wet and holding one another. I was wearing a maroon colored speedo, that was rather skimpy for age 9. Alex was wearing a pair of military green ones that bore the logo of the ARMY on the right hip.

"That;s your older brother Alex." I said calmly.

"Oh! Mommy told me about him. He really loved you didn't he?"

"Yes Ash...he really did." I sighed. Ashley turned the pate to another picture I had done of Alex. This one was just of him. On the page, Alex was in his bedroom standing in front of a full-length mirror posing like an adult film star, clad in some panties. Ashley tilted the picture as if she didn't understand at first, and then she nodded.

"Is it true what Mom told me Ade?"

"Is what true?"

"Is it true that Alex may have been both my brother and my uncle?" She asked without care. I gulped and swallowed hard. I didn't know if she was old enough to know what incest really was, and that to some people the idea was wrong. On the other hand, she did ask a question, and she wouldn't learn otherwise.

"Yes. Alex did want to make me his mate someday when I was old enough."

"That's neat. You're cool Ade, and you have the coolest looking boyfriends." Can I look at the rest of these drawings?"

"Yeah sure, I'm going to-" I began to say before some noise outside cut me off. It sounded like grunting and screaming. Next came the sound of things getting knocked over. I ran to the window and looked outside. There were two humans fighting in the back yard. One was definitely Kuni, and the other short haired one I wasn't sure as to whom it was.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as I told Ashley to wait there as I turned around, bolted, and ran down the stairs. I slid through the kitchen and burst out the back door to see Kuni banging another human's head off the ground. I ran up and grabbed Kuni by the waist and tried to pull him off the other human.

"No Kuni! No! Bad boy!" I growled. Kuni was livid; he was growling and making human anger noises at the other. I took a hold of Kuni's long hair and gave him a sharp pull towards the house. He had no choice but to follow. I pulled him to the door and put him inside and shut the door. I was so shocked by all of this, I turned and saw the human he had fought with laying on his stomach, bleeding from nail scratches and a large gouge in his head. I rushed to his side and slowly turned him over and was surprised to see that it was Shane's human. He must have followed me home when he jumped the fence.

"Lay still boy...don't move..." I commanded the human. I ran back inside and called the mobile bet unit to come and take care of Shane's human. After they had arived, I had a little talking to do with Kuni. I dragged him by the hair up the stairs as he whined in confusion the whole way. Did he not know he had done something wrong?

I told as politely as I could that she had to leave. I let her take my book and watched her walk out the trap door down towards her room. Once alone, I gave Kuni an aggressive shove onto my bed. He hardly had a scratch on his naked body, so I assumed that he had been the aggressor in that fight for the most part. Kuni looked at me as if he was confused as to why he was being roughed-up. I tried to remember my human tngue that I had learned in school for just such an occasion. I remembered how to work my mouth and throat, and remembered the words, and I began to scold.

"Kuni," I began speaking in the human language. "You don't fight like that! Shane's mad at me as it is and now his human is on the way to the vet because of you. What were you thinking?" I asked. Kuni whimpered a response, as if trying to speak, but he simply turned his head to the side and looked at his dirty feet. I had had it. Today was not my day. I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it and searched around for my belt. I found it buried at the bottom. I pulled the 32-inch long strap of leather and doubled it over into a whip, just like my father has shown me on countless ocasions for my own beatings, and I made my way for Kuni. He knew what was coming, and sank into my bed as far as possible. He knew better than to run or his punishment would be worse. I have only had to punish Kuni twice before in my life, and it was a shame that I had to do it then, but it was something that had to be done. Kuni had attacked another human and had sent him to the vet. Punishment was inevitable.

"I'm so sorry to do this to you Kuni, but you need to learn." I said in the lupine tongue as I reared back with the belt. I inhaled deeply and brought it down.

Before I was able to hear the familiar sound of leather on skin, I was met with resistance. Kuni had caught the belt in his left hand, and was looking me in the eyes, I looked down into his, dumbfounded that a human could be smart enough to catch and stop the belt with his hand. He held a tight grip on the leather belt, and opened his mouth, but to what purpose. I leaned in closer as a sound began to emerge from Kuni...he was trying to speak.

"N...No..." Said Kuni in almost perfect lupine. My jaw dropped and eyes went wide. I went from angered to stupefied in about .376 seconds. My human Kuni was talking! No human had been able to utter so much as a word in 300 years, but by gods Kuni had just said no!

"No?" I asked him. I felt so weird, I was asking Kuni for clarification.

"...No." He said in what was quite possibly the kindest and sweetest voice I had ever heard. I let go of the belt and fell flat on my ass, my legs turned to rubber by the sheer weight of what was going on. Kuni then slid our of the bed, and stood up. Kuni stood up on two legs, almost like I would stand. He was only lurched over a tiny bit. He was like the humans of old...he was smart and was doing what no one had seen. He then walked, and I mean walked, over to my side and sat down next to me. I looked over at him and swallowed hard.

"Kuni! You can talk!" I said with a dry voice, suddenly I myself could barely speak. Kuni then took his and then looked into my eyes.

"" Kuni said with a smile. I was beyond shock. I can't tell you what was going on inside of me, this was off the page.

"Well, why did you hurt Shane's human?" I asked.

"Shane...human...wanted...Adrian. Kuni...don't...want...other...human.!" He said as he began to tear up. I then found some strength, and I pulled Kuni to me. I then kissed him with a passion that I had never had before. I...I had fallen in love with Kuni. I stroked his body, and pet his head, all the while kissing him. All this love that I had shown him must have meant something, because Kuni was returning it to me. I knew before that I had loved Kuni, and that I may have had a slight crush on him before, now I had a passion for him that could rival the one I felt for Shawn. I broke the kiss, and stripped out of my clothing and pulled Kuni towards bed with me.

" and I have a lot to talk about." I said with a smile.