Isle of Ikushu Chapter 1

Story by TacSemaj on SoFurry

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This is going to be part a story just for fun, and part a background story for some of my unique characters. What started as a fun little quick and short story as a break from Sakura and the Blob, has now turned into what could turn into a long story. In this first one we learn about Ryuujin, a dragon talking about his first real adventure, as young dragons often seek adventure and wealth. Through misfortune, he winds up on the happiest place in the world, and I'm not talking Disneyland.

This first chapter sounds light hearted, and it is, but once Ryuu gets onto the island, he will have some tough trials and tribulations into which he will form more, both mentally and physically. We learn about one of the main characters, Ryuu himself, and another Character, Sari. In the next chapter, we'll probably only meet one or two characters, but I eventually want to design and build many unique characters to be the isle's supporting cast of inhabitants. Please enjoy, and tell me what you think. I'm fully open to suggestions! Maybe one of your characters can be an inhabitant ;)

Please feel free to add any tags I missed, and leave comments and votes. Thank you!

Ryuujin, Sari, and the Isle of Ikushu are all MY WORK and all ORIGINAL. Any similarities between any furs, humans, or anything in-between either living or dead is purely coincidental. This story is intended for mature audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.

"I'll never forget that fateful trip to Ikushu. You've never heard of it, you say? Well it is a tiny remote island far to the south of here. The only way to get there is to take three planes, two boats, a helicopter, parachute into the ocean in just the right spot, then swim to shore. Why so difficult? Well because the island is so remote, nothing goes very near it. The reason you parachute into the water is there's a vicious reef a hundred feet off shore, and no way to get a boat in or out without destroying it. Plus, the native flora and fauna are very active and dangerous, and anything coming in from above tends to whip every creature into a frenzy. That jungle is so full of peril and danger... I'm sure you're asking by this point, so why go there, am I right? I'll tell you, its the only place in the world where creatures of almost all species get along. No joke. Humans, anthros of every variety, even a few of the elf demeanor live there. The best part... All of the inhabitants are female, and due to their rugged existence, they're all very Amazonian in appearance. Plus, half of them are partially plant. What a wonderful and magical place..."

It all started back when I was a wiley twenty something year old. I was just starving for adventure, so with the few bucks I had saved up, I set out at dawn one morning. It was on that momentous first day... that I learned the bus didn't run by until after 7. So at 7 my grand adventure started. There I am now, that goofy lookin' skinny dragon stepping onto the bus. God, look at that dumb smile I had. I can't believe I used to look like that, with those wiry limbs wrapped in iridescent green scales, the tiny little pair of horns barely swept back on top of my head, the tiny pair of eastern dragon whiskers below my nose, and the thin little chest. I was no horribly ugly kid back then, but damn if I didn't have trouble getting dates at the school because of the bigger, stronger males there. Now don't get me wrong, at that time I had no idea about Ikushu, nor the buxom beauties that lived there. I was out for adventure, treasure, fame, all the good adventuring hero stuff. As I got on, he mostly vacant bus, I sat up near the front on the right side. There was a sleeping old black bear towards the back, and a bright green iguana behind the wheel. He nodded to me when I climbed aboard, and thinking about it now, he had an odd sort of knowing grin... The bus trip was pretty quiet, other than the loud exhaust leak that I'm sure was under my seat. Through the ride I heard various conversations and the like. Two women, an otter and a chicken, were excitedly talking about the otter woman's first pregnancy, others talked about the economy and foreign policy, boring stuff like that. Two old guys caught my young adventuring heart though. They rode to the end of the line down by the docks, just where I was going. "Did ya hear about some new island that they discovered?" Asked the old golden retriever . "No, what's that?" Replied the even older feline sitting next to him. I leaned my head back a bit to hear them better over the loud sound of the exhaust beneath me, as the retriever spoke again, "Somewhere in the south seas, there's an island that is reportedly full of gold, and natives that defend it. The whole jungle is supposed to be full of beasts and the like, and in the center is a huge temple complex, full of traps and such." "Wow I had no idea" the feline replied. At this point my mouth was nearly watering, it was the perfect start! Adventure! Treasure! Natives! Jungles! Danger! I knew then that I was going to get a job on a boat headed for the south sea! The rest of the bus ride took hours, but it felt like days. Finally in the late afternoon we arrived at the docks. I immediately set about finding a boat that was headed for the south sea, and after some searching I found an old troller that was headed for fish near where the old gentlemen had said the island was. I could hardly wait to get on the boat!


I could hardly wait to get off the boat! As I recall, a sudden storm had swept us into a turbulent mixture of wind and waves. I was seasick to say the least, which is funny because my ancestors were sea dragons. The seas rocked the boat like you wouldn't believe, and since it was a small boat, the 'bridge' was up in the weather. Not wanting to be considered a wuss, among other names, I valiantly joined the captain by the wheel. I was a cabin boy after all. I worked hard to help hold the sails of the boat while the burly captain wrestled the wheel like a mariner possessed. Suddenly, a rope broke on the swinging arm of one of the masts, and it swung right for me. I braced one leg against the side of the boat and prepared to stop it with my bare hands, to prove my metal at sea. Little was I aware, that the swing arm weighed about four times as I did. With a sickening smack to my hands then torso, I was lifted right off my feet and thrown twenty feet from the ship. The wind was knocked from me as I flew through the pouring rain, then hit the water with a splash. Thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure that I skipped like a stone, at least three times. I'm only guessing, but I think that by the time I surfaced, there must have been a huge gust of wind that carried the small sailing ship away. As I came up and gasped for air in the driving rain and salty spray, the lights of the boat were gone. I was alone at sea, with not even a life preserver to float with. At that moment, I couldn't comprehend the crushing feel of hopelessness and despair, let alone describe it.

I swam as hard as I could through the storm, thankful that I had webbed toes and fingers, though never knew my fingers would become webbed in a situation like this. I swam until my body felt as though it would give out, and then I swam even longer beyond that. The storm was relentless, as though Poseidon himself was punishing me. well, you wanted adventure I thought as I struggled to keep my limbs moving through the aching burn that tore at my muscles. After what seemed like hours, I finally relented, letting the waves take me. As I sank beneath the surface, I couldn't help but think of how peaceful everything seemed. The deeper I got, the gentler the water became, and the quieter everything was. Despite the pounding pressure making my eardrums ache I just felt so peaceful, and as I saw a shark swim right for me, I appreciated how beautiful she was. Wait, she? Or is it an it? I pondered this for a very brief moment until everything went black and I felt a strong embrace about my middle. 'Funny' I thought, 'I thought a shark bite was supposed to hurt.' and that was my last coherent thought. At least that's what I thought. I came to, feeling lips against mine that were forcing air into my lungs. I was still underwater, and could still hear the distant pounding storm, but it was so dark, I couldn't see anything. All I knew was I was breathing through a pair of soft lips that were pressed to mine. Its funny, as I mused about the odd texture of those lips. Sure they were soft but they had a smooth rubbery feel to them. The other sensations I could feel was a strong grip around my torso, like a tight hug around me by a lover. Though at the time I didn't know what that felt like. I also felt someone pressed up against my stomach and chest, and it almost felt like a pair of legs wrapped around my hips. Whoever it was they had powerful muscles that were powering us through the water at incredible speed. At some point I could tell that we were going through some sort of tunnel under the water. I was so weary from the swimming that I passed out not long after that. I couldn't see the female who had her arms around me, with her lips pressed to mine while the gills in her neck worked hard to supply us both with air. The sunshine was so bright, that I could see it through my eyelids. There was the sound of the wind and surf crashing on the beach, mixed with leaves rustling and seagulls somewhere overhead. I also heard what sounded like footsteps in sand coming closer to me. The footfalls came right next to me, and I opened my eyes slowly. What I saw, I wasn't sure of at first. I thought it was an anthro shark woman standing over me, bent over slightly. Her kind blue eyes were looking intently over my entire body, I supposed looking for wounds. I gazed up at her through half-open eyes, she was fairly tall and slender with an athletic figure with just a slight amount of muscle tone. Her hips were slightly wide for being a slender girl, but that only added to her sexiness. Her body was a gentle shade of grey, but her entire front was a pale white color. She had perky B cup breasts that almost seemed highlighted by the pale skin color of her chest, plus her bright pink nipples shone atop them. I opened my eyes the rest of the way and looked up into her face. Despite the look of concern, my god she was cute! The lower part of her jaw was white, and her face was slightly angular like that of a shark's. Her eyes were a shocking azure blue, and she had ear-length black hair. She smiled as I gazed up at her, I must have had a really confused look on my face. "Oh good! You're finally awake!" Her voice was soft and kind. "Am I dead?" Was the only thing I could think to say. She giggled in a melodious tome, "No, of course not! I rescued you last night!" It was at about this time I realized that she wasn't wearing a scrap of clothing. Then I realized, neither was I, particularly because I felt the cool breeze blow across my cock, which was standing at full hardness partially due to the fact that I was just asleep, but also due to the fact that a very sexy, very naked shark girl was standing over me. I looked down and with a surprised yelp covered myself with my hands. This made her giggle again, and even though her breasts were small, they still jiggled and bounced lightly. Her cute look and bouncing breasts only made my cock throb harder under my hands. "You don't have to be so shy. Its perfectly natural. I'm just glad you like me. When I dragged you onto the beach you were groping my breasts." "I- What?! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I stammered while lying there. She just laughed and tapped one finger on the tip of my snout, "Hahaha, got'cha. You're cute. I might have to keep you." "Um.. Huh?" I was shocked for a moment, and speechless. So shocked my hands went to the sand to push me up into a sitting position, and I forgot all sense of modesty. "You really don't remember? Well, let me explain. I was in my cave under the reef, and I heard what I thought was some sort of flailing fish. I could smell blood in the water and my thought was food. So I went out into the storm in search of what was thrashing weakly and bleeding. Well, as it turns out, I found you. So I quickly wrapped my arms around your head, shoulders and neck, and my legs around your waist. I was able to hold your lips to mine and take you to my cave until this morning, then bring you on shore. I hope you don't mind I took off what was left of your clothes and hanged them up to dry, though the reef cut them up pretty bad." I sat there dumbfounded for a long moment, still forgetting about my hard on which was pretty persistent about staying upright. This only made the shark girl giggle again, "I'm Sari, by the way." My face seemed to be numb, but I finally managed to mumble my name softly, "R...Ryuujin." She stood up fully and looked at me, and put her hands on her wide hips, "Ryuujin, huh? Doesn't that translate into Dragon Lord, or something like the old story of the water god?" When she stood fully, I caught a glimpse of her slit between her legs, behind which, I'm sure, was her sex. Above and to the right of it, almost on her pelvic bone, she had a tattoo of an old world compass symbol. "Y..yeah." I said softly, "I was named after Ryuujin Issuei, the Dragon God of the water torrent. My parents say that I'm the spitting image of him but I don't see it. I certainly didn't earn the name for my swimming prowess." I added with an embarrassed tone. Sari reached down and gently slid one finger along one of my small horns, "Oh Ryuujin, I'm sure you did fine before I showed up. Besides, I think you're pretty good looking, and it seems you think I am too." Sari smiled as my cheeks turned a dark green color in a blush. "S..sorry. How can I thank you for saving me? It must have been a lot of work." Sari just smiled lightly as I looked up at her. I saw her eyes glide down my bare scales slowly, "Ohh... I can think of a way.." I couldn't reply much but raise my eyebrows, because a second later Sari had grabbed my hand and hauled me to my feet. She was much stronger than her lithe frame led on! She was pulling me right to the water by the hand. I finally realized where we seemed to be going and tried to pull back against her, "Wait! I don't have gills!" She paused with her feet in the water, hand still holding mine.

"Ryuu, I can breathe for both of us!" Her shark tail slid over the surface of the water and then she reached up and gently rubbed the tip of my cock with its wet surface. "Besides, I think you'll like it." She didn't let me protest again, and pulled me out into the warm tropical water to where it was deep enough to lap at the bottom of her breasts. She then grabbed me by the head and neck and yanked me under the water. I started to panic, because I hadn't gotten so much as a breath of air before I was submerged. Sari seemed to sense my worry, because she quickly pulled against my neck and the back of my head and pressed her lips to mine. Once again I felt those soft lips and that familiar rush of air into my lungs. I must have been struggling, because she was holding onto me pretty tightly. She stopped holding me so tight as my body relaxed and let the current wash over me and take me. I felt her lips slightly tighten against mine as she forced more air into my lungs while her gills worked to give us both oxygen. I could feel her lips moving slightly, she was kissing me for sure. She deepened the kiss by slowly sliding her tongue into my mouth and wiggling it against mine. Still a bit stunned, I couldn't really return the affection. It was then that Sari wrapped her strong legs around my middle again, her wide hips allowing her to get her legs all the way around my hips. I then felt her stomach muscles working against mine, as her tail propelled us further into the bay and deeper into the water. What I felt next made me squirm lightly against my captor, a pair of soft warm lips pressed against the head of my cock. Since Sari was still kissing me fervently, I could guess as to what lips those were. Her pussy was so soft as she slowly wiggled it against my cock, the water and no doubt her own lubrication making the head slowly slip inside her. I opened my eyes and looked at her face, my eyes letting me see somewhat underwater. To much surprise, I saw that her shocking blue eyes were open, and looking at me. She looked into my eyes for a long moment, then winked at me. I could feel my cheeks becoming warm again as I must have been blushing. Sari wiggled her hips lightly, while pulling my hips closer with her legs, making my cock slowly sink into her pussy inch by inch. I felt and heard Sari moan into my mouth softly, apparently enjoying the feel of my cock slipping into her. Her hips wiggled more strongly as she continued to swim, and before I knew it, my cock was buried deep inside her, until her pussy lips were wiggling in tune with her hips against the area around the base of my cock. I returned the moan softly because the feeling was so good. As her belly muscles worked while she swam, it caused the inside of her pussy to squeeze and undulate along the entire length of my shaft. My hips wiggled lightly from the intense pleasure, and she winked at me once more, this time she started to pull her hips away from mine. Before I knew it, with each powerful thrust of her tail, her hips were thrusting and grinding against mine, making my cock slide in and out of her pussy slowly but strongly. I closed my eyes and groaned against her lips lightly as she swam harder and faster, making our groins slap together rather forcefully. I felt her lips curl into a smile against mine as her tongue continued to wiggle inside my mouth while she still fed me air. I don't know how far we swam while having such heated sex in this fashion, but I thought I was about to cum when she suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes and could see a dim light above us. She was looking right into my eyes, and for a moment I wondered if she could read my mind. We broke the surface of the water inside of a cave that had glowing moss covering the ceiling and walls. "Welcome to my home." She said with a lusty tone as she pulled back from her embrace, but only slightly. "Uh.." I paused, trying not to sound like a complete idiot in this situation, "It's... Nice." She smirked and kissed my lips while pulling her hips off of mine. My cock slipped from her wet pussy and then she quickly dipped under the water. I couldn't see her, so at first I thought she had simply swam away. My cock throbbed strongly under the water as I felt her slip away. Then I felt a hand gently wrap around my it... "Oh!" I cried out slightly before leaning my head back as those soft rubbery lips lightly slid down the head of my cock, bobbing up and down gently while the hand on the base of it worked up and down slightly. I looked down into the water and I could just make out the grey form bobbing up and down in my lap. She started to work her lips a little lower down my cock, slowly going a few inches beyond the head. Sari started a rhythm of bobbing her head from the tip of my cock to an inch below the head of it, slowly bobbing up and down. While her head did this, her hand copied the motion but worked on the rest of my cock. "Sari, I.. Ahh.." I moaned softly as I felt teeth gently grate across the skin of my shaft. I knew she was quietly telling me not to protest. She was sucking and squeezing my cock just right. It felt so good that I started to lightly buck my hips up against her mouth and hand. I had nothing to grip, so I was mostly floating, but using my tail in the water in a manner like she had allowed me to fuck her mouth slightly. Sari apparently approved of me doing so, because the next thing I knew her lips were tighter around my member while her hand started working up and down very quickly. I moaned softly while the shark girl kept sucking the head of my cock and stroking it quickly with her hand. Who knew a shark could give such an amazing blow job? I moaned as she kept working my shaft and as it started to throb and swell within her mouth, she pushed her head down further until the head of my cock was at the back of her throat. She nearly throated my cock, but it seemed a bit too much for her. After a moment more of this wonderful bobbing and stroking, I was panting softly while looking down as she rose up out of the water, her tongue lightly licking her lips. "Mmm.. Your cock tastes just as good as it feels. Did you like it?" her voice was still soft and sultry. She rose out of the water enough that it rolled down her shoulders and over her soft breasts, making them glisten in the odd light. She must have noticed I was looking, "Mmmm... Go ahead Ryuu baby, play with my tits." she said in a most seductive tone. I nodded my head to her question, then again to her instruction. I gulped softly but reached out and cupped her breasts in my hands. Despite their smaller size, they were soft and jiggly in my palms and fingers. I smiled a bit and squeezed her breasts softly, causing a soft moan to come from my shark lover. This only caused me to place my hands under her breasts and bounce them slightly, causing them to shake and jiggle up and down on her chest gently. She giggled lightly and smiled, watching me play with my new toys. I kept squeezing and playing with her breasts, then lightly rubbed her nipples with my fingertips. Sari smiled and slid back into my lap and wrapped her legs around my hips again. "Good.. Ready for some more, Ryuu?" I blinked and looked at her briefly. "I... Y.. Yes please.." She smiled and licked the tip of my nose suddenly, "God you're cute.. I want to fuck you so bad... So, you like my cave then, do you? Hmm?" I thought this was an odd question, after I had said it was nice before, "Uh.. Y. Yeah! The moss is a really nice touch!" Yes. I was that smooth.

She moved her tail suddenly, pushing us through the water where she pinned me against a smooth rock wall and pushed her pussy tight and hard over my cock, forcing it to slide quickly back into her tight body. She grinned up at me with those pointed shark teeth of hers, then licked my neck just above my collar bones. "Shut up and fuck me" she growled before starting to thrash her tail side to side in the water. The powerful motion causing her hips to pin me to the wall, thrusting against me repeatedly. I moaned softly because of the pleasure of it all, and she smiled and opened her mouth wide. I almost panicked, fearing I might lose a chunk of flesh, but all she did was gently nibble at my neck. It was a pleasant and arousing sensation to say the least, especially when she started to moan into the side of my neck while putting those needle-point teeth into my scales. Her soft words masked the power and ferocity with which she was thrusting her hips against mine. "Yes.. That's it. Fuck me hard you dragon stud. Right there.. You're gonna make me cum.." She sounded so passionate yet reserved at the same time. Suddenly her legs clenched around my middle and she pulled me harder into her hips, causing me to start bucking against her so that my cock slid deeper into her pussy with each swish of her tail. "Oh.. Oh.. Yes! Ryuu! Right there! Aaah!" she suddenly lost her quiet composure as my cock drove home. Her body went rigid for a moment and her tail vibrated in the water in some sort of muscular spasm as she suddenly came. Sari's legs locked around my hips as her arms locked around my shoulders. She held me so close and tight while her pussy muscles squeezed and tugged and milked at my cock. I squeezed her breasts lightly again as she continued to have an orgasm, my fingers and thumbs caught her nipples and twisted them lightly, only making her moan louder. "Sari... Sari if you don't..." I bit my lip for a moment, trying to hold back my climax. I didn't want to cum inside a girl I just met. She shuddered for a full moment before her body relaxed. She smiled and started to buck and thrust against me again. "Sari.. Oh god.. You feel too good.. If you don't let go of me.. I'm going to.. I'm going to cum.." "Shh.. That's okay Ryuu.." She smiled with that wicked shark grin of hers... Her legs locked around my hips once again, to be sure that I couldn't pull out, and she kept thrusting and bucking her hips. "I want you to cum inside me. That's how you'll thank me. Cum in me." Her voice was just so seductive sounding. "But.. But you could get pregnant. Oh god I wanna cum so bad.." I closed my eyes and groaned as my cock throbbed deep within her. It swelled slightly holding back my orgasm as more blood rushed to it, making her pussy squeeze a bit tighter on my cock as it stretched. "Cum for me baby.. I wanna make you cum in me. Now cum." "But.." "Cum Ryuu! Cum with me.. I'm going to cum again.. Yes.. Yes.." She felt my apprehension starting to fade with her begging. I was inexperienced but not a loser. "Ahh.. Ahh I'm going to cum again! Cum with me Ryuujin. Aaaah!" she locked into me with her arms and legs again and moaned right into my neck loudly with pleasure. I groaned as I still tried to hold back, but the wonderful sensation of her pussy riding my shaft so hard made my cock throb over and over with thick globs of dragon cum. I moaned her name loudly and quickly slid my hands down her sides and onto her ass cheeks, squeezing them and pulling her closer, to drive every single inch of my cock deep into her pussy as I came. "YES!" she cried out as I did so, causing my warm cum to erupt deeper inside her pussy while my hands pulled her ass and hips closer as I bucked my hips upwards. Our groins were pushed together almost painfully as my cock throbbed within her seemingly without end. "Ahh! I'm cumming!" I moaned loudly as the orgasm was just so powerful and so good. She leaned her head back as she placed her hands on my shoulders, holding me close and making sure my cock stayed deep inside her, even as my orgasm faded away. She panted lightly and released her grip on my hips and I released her ass, though kept my hands resting there lightly. "Mmmm.. Good boy..." she moaned softly as she nearly collapsed against my chest. Her tail was swishing side to side in the water slowly, I suppose out of happiness or pleasure. She laid several kisses on my chest and the base of my throat, before looking up at me, "Thank you. I'm sure you'll give me plenty of babies with an orgasm that strong..." "B... Babies?!" Oh no, what had I done?! I had just cum inside this cute shark girl! She was going to get pregnant, 'what a way to thank someone who saved your life, you idiot!' my inner voice screamed. She looked up at my face, and apparently saw the sheer horror of what I had done. She simply kissed me deep and passionately, lightly forcing my lips open with hers so she could glide her tongue into my mouth and over mine. "Mmmm..." She moaned into my mouth softly. My panic was broken for a moment as I returned this kiss, this time wiggling my tongue over hers as she had done. When she broke the kiss, she leaned back and smiled up at me "Thank you. I've wanted to reproduce for a long time.. But I can't stay on land long enough to copulate. I am really glad I saved you instead of eating you, Ryuu." "I... Copulate? Eat?" I was so confused. Why couldn't she just have had some guy come into the water as I had. Sari apparently saw the look of confusion in my eyes, causing her to giggle lightly. I felt her breasts press into my stomach and chest, and felt them jiggle slightly as she laughed, "Yes eat. Blood in the water makes sharks go into a frenzy, you know. I thought you were cute." "Oh.. I... Well... Uh... Thank you?" What a way to sound like a complete idiot, I know. She smiled and slowly lifted her hips off of mine. My cock was still throbbing just a bit inside her, delivering just a tiny bit more cum. She smiled and gently ran her hands over the back of my head and my long swept back horns. Wait, long swept back horns? I must have gone into a look of confusion again... "I like these too... They grew after you came in me. It must be a sign of coming of age for a young dragon. Or should I say 'cumming' of age?" She smirked and gently stroked my horns again. They were tough and strong, but I could feel her hands gliding on them. "So I figure that I was your first huh? Hehehe." I was dumbstruck. "So, I'm sure you have questions? Mmm?" "Well.. Uh.. Y..Yeah, you were.. Are.... Uh.. First of all, where am I? Second, am I your prisoner or slave now? Um.. What's going to happen to me? Are my clothes-" She put her index finger on my mouth to silence me. "Sh sh shh.. So many questions... You are in the Southern Sea, in a reef cave, just offshore from the Isle of Ikushu. You're still you, and nobody lays claim to you, yet. If you're asking for a wife, I think I could happily accommodate you there, Ryuu baby. So far as in what'll happen to you.. Mmm.. Can you go another round? I could." She smiled at me with that wicked shark grin again and settled herself against my groin, wiggling against me and making my cock slip around inside her a bit. "Uh.. No I don't think I.. Oohh.. Could... Wife? Uh... No... Wait, island in the South Sea? Holy cow I wanted to come here! Oh man I can't wait for some adventure-" I stopped myself this time. I had already had quite some adventure, what with being launched off a boat in a storm, swimming until my limbs felt like concrete, and now sitting in an underwater cave with a sexy shark girl sitting in my lap, with my cock still buried deep inside her, and whom had just fucked my brains out. "Hahaha, oh my, are you in for some surprises... You'll get adventure on the island Ryuu baby but I've gotta tell ya, it might not be what you think." "What do you mean?" I blinked at her as my heart sank, it didn't seem I would get the grand adventure I nearly drowned for... Sari gently pulled her pussy off of my cock, making me groan as the sensitive organ was released into the warm water from her pussy. "Mmm.. I think you'll see. Now why don't you go rest on some seaweed over there, and I'll go catch us some fish for breakfast. Once you're strong enough, I might fuck you again, but then I'll take you to the island where you can get your clothes and explore. I want to warn you though, to be very very careful. Some of the indigenous life here is friendly, and some of it is dangerous. I certainly wouldn't want something to happen to my new hubby." She winked at me as I got a slightly shocked look on my face and without a word dove into the water and vanished.

I sat there a long moment, then climbed onto the rock floor of the cave and over to where a pile of seaweed was. I laid down upon it on my back, with my hands behind my head and stared up at the glowing ceiling. I was there for a long moment while many thoughts drifted through my head. Would I ever get home again? What had she meant by saying 'it might not be what you think'? I didn't have long to ponder on this as my eyes were feeling heavy again.. I slowly drifted off to sleep in the nude, something I would never do naturally, as my new horns lightly pressed against my hands...


Sari was true to her word. After she cooked us a lovely grilled fish breakfast, she picked me up, threw me into the water, dove in, and fucked me hard again. As before she had me cum inside her, but afterward she breathed for both of us and took me back to shore. She had a sad expression on her face as she waved goodbye to me from the waves before she dove back into the water and vanished. I waved back at her from the shore, then found my tattered clothes and put them on. Really all that was left was a tattered and raggy button up t-shirt, and my pants had become so torn from the knees down, I just ripped them off the rest of the way to make shorts. And so I began my exploration of the Isle of Ikushu. Little was I aware of the adventure I was about to partake, though Sari was right.. It wouldn't be the one I expected.