True Treasure

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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True Treasure

By: Jizzal

For: Liam

"You sure this is the place Ryan?"

"Sure I'm sure, keep your fur on Todd, heh, don't tell me that you're scared." Ryan smirked.

"M-Me? No way! Surprised it even exists is all..." Todd said timidly, but he shook his head of all doubts, before taking a step forward and standing next to Ryan, then taking a nervous gulp.

"Heheh....scaredy fox..." Ryan snickered softly.

"Huh? What was that?"

"Oh, nothing."

As the two stood there, Ryan, and Todd, the two adolescent males looked into the ominous looking cave that was in the middle of the forest just past nowhere. Todd's alert ears twitched from time to time, trying to listen for anything or anyone, he couldn't help being nervous; the anthropomorphic fox looked over to his best friend and traveling companion, Ryan. The human looked back and adjusted the backpack he was carrying which was full of supplies and other essentials.

The fact that the two were two completely different species didn't stop them from being around one another. In fact, they haven't been separated since they were infants practically. Their parents lived next door to one another, but never really spoke, both on edge about the "I have anthro neighbors" issue, and also the "I have human neighbors" issue at the same time. Both families were new to the seemingly "open" neighborhood, and both with young boys, Todd was two years old, and Ryan was a few months younger. Their families probably would have been too timid to talk to one another if it hadn't been for one fateful day...

On a sunny summer morning several years back, Ryan's father was working on a new plan pen for his rather rambunctious son, and his mother was helping while Ryan played in the living room, though that quickly bored him. Being able to walk at his age, the young boy made is way to the back door that had been left ajar. Oddly enough, right next door there was a similar scene with an equally rowdy child. The curious kit of a fox had already been outside in his own backyard, his parents didn't worry though, since he would be able to play nice by himself for just a few moments. They didn't notice the break in their wooden fence however...but Todd did, and he scrambled through it and out of sight, his mother peeked outside and almost went into shock before calling her husband. Their son was gone!

The curious little fox sniffed around his neighbor's yard, his ears giving a slight perk and his head a tilt as he notice the other small figure wandering through the soft lush green grass, it was Ryan. The human, just looked at the fox for a while...and the fox just looked right back, both had never seen a creature like what they were looking at before...or well, at least not this close. Standing only about 3 feet away, they both took a step forward, then stopping, only to share a smile.

Meanwhile, as Todd's parents searched every inch of their property, nearly hyperventilating at the thought of their first and only son missing, and in tears at the thought of him being gone from their lives. Ryan's parents however, had finally finished their playpen, now Ryan wouldn't be able to wander around so much they thought, but noticed their son wasn't in the room anymore...and the back door was open! After a terrified gasp, Ryan's parents came bursting out of the back door...needless to say, they were surprised at what they saw.

There Ryan was, giggling happily as can be, safe and sound, though he wasn't alone. Todd was there too; in fact the two of them were tumbling on the ground together happily as can be, obviously playing, luckily Ryan's parents saw that or else his father would have gotten the hose to spray down the "Rabbit Fox" on his son. They both gave a relieved sigh, they knew it was their neighbor's son, the fur was a dead give away. Even if the families didn't talk to one another, they still knew what they looked like at least. Ryan's father gave his wife a nod, and she headed next door while he stepped outside and squatted down to look at his son.

"Well now Ryan...looks like you found your way outside.." he smiled to his son and looked to the fox who looked back with complete innocence as he sat there panting against the human. "..And made a friend."

Ryan's mother made it next door, Todd's parents answered, surprised it was their neighbor, and asked if she had seen their son, the answered surprised them as well. The two families finally got to introduce themselves to one another, and they did it while watching their kids play. Why should something silly like species get in between individuals? Ryan and Todd obviously had the right idea, less caring about who looked like what, and cared more about just playing.

That one afternoon alone gave the two families to get to know each other very well, and of course set up play dates for their sons. When time came for them to get some rest, they both pouted, not wanting to leave each other, but as time went on, the two boys became the best of friends, not surprising their parents one bit. And soon the boys grew up, living next door meant that everyday they could be together, they even went to the same schools from preschool and up, they were so close they were practically family to one another. Some people didn't approve of the friendship, but those people got only a shrug from both Ryan and Todd, separating the two was impossible practically.

Several years later, one day before the two boys stood outside the cave, Ryan stumbled into an odd elderly wolf of a man. His eyes showed wisdom, experience, and his mouth told the lad a tale about a particular cave, which held something very valuable. What did it look like? The old lupine didn't give the human boy that information, he only whispered, "You'll know it when you see it...when you feel it...when you touch it...truly the greatest thing ever..." which caused a surprised reaction from Ryan.

"Well if you already have it...then didn't you take it?"

The wolf just gave a soft chuckle at the young one, "Oh...I did...but there is plenty for all...all you need to do is know it when you see it, and your hands will be filled with the most precious thing on this planet...and that is a promise young followed my instructions...and I'm sure you and your little friend...that fox lad I've seen with you will have the greatest gift ever created...and it's impossible for the journey to be done alone, and be prepared...not everything comes easily..."

And with that, the old mysterious wolf nodded his head and slowly walked off, leaving Ryan's mind filled with excitement and curiosity...treasures.

"What're you starin' at Ryan?" Asked the curious fox who had finally found his friend who wandered off. Todd had gone to get some water from the drinking fountain, and when he returned all he saw was his best friend standing there with a dazed expression on his face.

"...Treasure...Todd...I just heard the greatest thing ever..."

"You heard of a soap that actually works? Cause you reek!" Todd giggled.

"Hey! Do not, come on, let's go home, now...this old guy just told me that..."

And after the explanation of the wolf's tale, Todd was skeptical, but knew he couldn't stop Ryan once he got his mind set on something. After some hiking and some trekking through a crowded forest they found what looked to be like a cave, and it bore a pair of odd-looking figures along the base, just like instructed. And now back to the present.

"So...all set Ryan?" Todd asked as Ryan looked through the supplies once more.

"Oh, yeah, didn't mean to day dream there, come on, lets go." And with that, the two ventured into the cave, and a chill came over them both, causing a slight pause before continuing.

As they delved deeper into the darkness, the harder it became to see, and before long, they had gone so far in, not even a flicker of light existed until Ryan pulled out his flashlight and tossed another one to Todd.

"Good thing we brought these huh?....Whoa...get a look at this place..." Todd said in awe, the walls all had some sort of odd writing on them, written in uniquely vivid colors and in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

"How old do you think this stuff is?..."

"I dunno...but they left this..." Ryan said as he kicked what looked to be a rather large old pot, coated in dust and appearing to be rather ancient, as well as fragile so the kick wasn't helping.

"Hey careful! That could be what we're looking for you know!" Todd nodded, now he wanted to find the treasure too, no longer even worried of what was inside.

"But this can't be it, too big cause it doesn't fit in my hand and also, the guy said I should know it when it and if my blah blah blah blah...I just know that this isn't it."

Ryan nodded and continued to look around at the odd figures written in the rock walls, Todd did the same, neither had seen such signs before, and after a few minuets of gawking, they decided to continue. The deeper they went, the more the dark cave seemed to come to life, it wasn't just a cave, it was some sort of ruins left behind by an untold civilization, one not even bothered to be mentioned in textbooks or television.

"Are we making some sort of discovery Ryan?" Todd finally spoke, breaking the eerie silence.

"I don't think so...that old guy talked as though he had been here too...maybe he just...I don't know, I'm sure that only a few people know about it, or else it wouldn't be so...abandoned." Ryan said as the two came to a halt in their tracks.

The walls formed a fork in their path, the ceiling was lined with two magnificent arches, and both headed down different paths.

"Whoa...hey, I think this is why you need two people for the we can go at the same time..." Ryan nodded as he took a step closer to the left path, shining his flashlight around in it, as Todd did the same with the right path.

"Are you sure we should split up? Something could happen..."

"Don't be such a scaredy fox, come on, I'm sure the road forms again or something a the end, but there's probably something we both have to look for, so keep your eyes open."

"Hey....well...I guess it would be faster this way, two at the same time..." Todd mumbled and took a deep breath before he stepped down one path, and Ryan the other.

"See you on the other side buddy..." Todd's voice became distant suddenly, nearly turning into a whisper as the two lads began their exploring down the arched pathways.

After only a few minuets of separation, the journey felt like hours when in reality only a few minuets had gone by, they couldn't help but worry in the back of their minds about each other...and think about them for some reason, and only each other.

Todd scratched his head, wondering why he couldn't stop thinking about Ryan, sure he was worried about his best friend...but there was something more, it kind of made him sick to his stomach the more he tried to think. The fox rubbed his eyes as continued to follow down his path, searching for anything, and finding nothing. Not even writing on the walls anymore. His nose sniffed for a scent, nothing, but only getting a foul odor of what he was calling, "Old Cave." The fox gave a sigh and took a break against the wall, wiping his forehead as he took a deep breath.

" ok..."

Ryan was in a rather confused state of mind himself, all he could think about was the past, his life, his family, his one true friend. But why? These thoughts weren't completely new, but it felt as if he didn't have control over his own mind, as if someone was playing an old reel of flashbacks in front of his face with clips on his eye-lids to keep them open. So he did all he could, he watched so to speak, remembering all the good times...and even the bad times, but Todd was there for the bad times, always there. And he was always there for the good times too...mostly because the -only- good things in Ryan's mind all featured Todd.

Hours went by, it felt like days in their heads. The two had transgressed down both pathways; both of them came to a halt. There was a wall now, a dead end it seemed, now things looked grim. All of that? For nothing? Just some wild goose chase? And why won't they stop worrying and thinking about each other? There was an odd smell in the air, neither one of them could smell it however, but their bodies felt it. Defeated, they both gave a sigh and slumped down against the walls, almost in unison as they looked up the ceiling.

"I hope Todd didn't find a dead end." "I hope Ryan didn't find a dead end."

At that moment, as they spoke each other's name, the arches that expanded over the walls gave a low chilling glow, and the walls they were resting against...began to move. Things were lookin' up! Ryan quickly rushed through the new opening, now keeping his eyes on the arch overhead as he followed it down a hidden path; Todd of course did the same, following the arch until they both came to a halt.

Both arches were connected, they both ended up in the same spot, and they both stared at each other trying to wonder who was more surprised. The glow intensified before it slowly faded, leaving the two in darkness, but they could still see each other. There was a long silence until the sound of two flashlights dropping could be heard that, then a few footsteps followed by two sighs of relief...and even a soft sob.

The two lads hugged, tightly, not like they had in the past, there was more passion in their warm embrace than ever before. Ryan gave a soft sob as rested his head on Todd's shoulder, his cheek brushing across the warm soft fur.

" ok?"

"I...I'm fine Ryan...w..why're you crying?.."

"I..missed you..."

Those were the last words he spoke, Todd had cut him off from speaking in the form of a passionate kiss, his lips pressed up against his dearest friend's as his tail gave a slight wag. Ryan just blushed and closed his eyes as he was kissed...but he didn't seem to mind. Todd slowly broke the kiss and gave off a soft murmur as he licked across Ryan's cheek so tenderly, he didn't want to let him go.

Ryan slid off his backpack, letting it slump to the ground with a thud as Todd slowly slide off his shirt....things felt much hotter all of the sudden, especially for his companion helped him undress, not even noticing the dim glow of a mysterious wind whisking around them. The gentle breeze gave them a increase in temperature, their foreheads began to sweat, and Todd started to pant, so they got undressed quickly, leaving a pile of their belongings on the ground before hugging again, pressing their warm naked forms against one another...that oddly enough cooled them down.

The human continued to blush as he felt the warm soft fur against his bare skink...almost causing a giggle from him as Todd rubbed a paw down his back, leaning in for another kiss...but Ryan beat him too it. His lips pressed up against Todd's own as he gently leaned in forward, and the fox leaned backwards until the two landed on the ground with a soft thud, and a giggle. Todd kept his arms around Ryan protectively, once again, not wanting to let go as he gazed into the human's eyes, seeing something he hadn't noticed all the years they knew each other, they finally saw just how much they cared for one another. A silent promise was made; words weren't needed anymore, even though something was said.

The low gentle glow of the cave watched over the two as they lay there, clinging to each other nearly, in all the intensity they didn't notice their arousal's had perked, as if hinting for a certain action. Ryan gave a low moan as he kissed Todd's warm wet nose, causing a slight giggle from the fox before his paws slowly traced down, that soft luscious fur rubbing against the bare skin until he reached the supple firm buttocks and gave a tender squeeze, a question was asked. The human wriggled slightly, his breaths matching Todd's before he gave him a kiss on the lips, the question was answered.

With a weight lifted off his shoulders Todd slowly slid Ryan up a little, still holding his rump and causing a nice shiver up his spine as his painfully erect member slide across the fur before he settled that rump against Todd's waist. The fox smiled, still giving a few rubs as he inched his unseen member closer until it nudged against the inner cheeks of his companion, causing a timid surprised moan. Ryan looked into Todd's eyes while he gave a slight wince; Todd had begun to push in, and Ryan pushed himself down, slowly, feeling the cock wedge between his cheeks and spread them nicely as his anus was filled with the pulsing tip of the fox's penis.

There was a pause, the first two inches were easy...but Todd was being careful, he didn't want to rush things...this was special. With a soft grunt, the fox gritted his teeth as he began to feed his member into the tight tunnel of flesh awaiting him as the cheeks gave way. Ryan did his best to relax, but he wanted to push out, the feeling was slightly painful...and a bit disgusting, but he knew he could handle it, and he wanted to show Todd how much the fox really meant to him. Pain was nothing, as the 6th inch slid in, it started to feel...relaxing, almost intoxicating, now the feeling was getting good, Todd could tell, now they were both enjoying it. Feeling bold, Ryan gave a squeeze to the warm pulsing member wedged in his anus, letting the soft warm muscles ripple all over it, causing Todd to spasm and to hump, sliding in the last two inches with a soft growl.

For a moment, they both laid there to catch their breath as Ryan got used to the vulpine penis filling his rump nicely, and Todd started to pull out, only going out half way before sliding it back in. They shared a moan, and a squeeze in their embrace. They repeated the process...slowly...but picking up pace each time, at the same time tickling Ryan's erection as he gave a slight hump in rhythm against Todd's lower stomach. The two sped up, and the gentle thrusting slowly elevated up to several quick humps into the tight anus walls as the fox's cock began to ooze pre cum, lubing the passage nicely, and making the ride all but smoother for both of them. There was a whine, Todd was trying to hold it in, but his scrotum had begun to beg him for release, but he wanted to hold it, not wanting the moment to end just yet, he had one thing he had to say, this time with words. He leaned up and kissed Ryan again, deeply, sliding his tongue into the human's mouth while at the same time whispering him something; Ryan heard it clear as day.

"...I Love you..."

And with that, the fox let out a low growl as his cock erupted into the intimate tunnel of his dear friend, and at the same time, Ryan released his seed onto Todd's furry stomach, and they both went limp. The human kept a nice clench around the draining member, not wanting to miss a drop as he held onto the kiss before removing his tongue and lips with a slow moan.

"I Love you too..."

A few hours later....

"Well...sorry we didn't find anything..."

"Hey it's alright, it was a nice little adventure, don't you think? Wasn't all that bad you know."

"Hehe...that's just like you Todd thinking on the optimistic side as always..." Ryan sighed to himself as him and Todd reached the entrance of the cave, both appearing the same as they entered save for one difference...they were holding each other's hand...

"Besides...who needs treasure?...My hand is already full at the moment..."