Shade & Luna Chapter 1: Welcome to the (Concrete) Jungle

Story by JasonTodd on SoFurry

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#1 of Shade and Luna

His past was uneventful and unimportant, so I will give the basic details of him. He was an Absol, 3 years old, and lived in the deep wilderness.

The night before his capture, he fell asleep under the shade of a weeping willow tree, its branches hanging over him like protective arms over a child.

He woke up to the sound of a foreign voice.

"Hey, would you look at that, an Absol!"

He immediately assumed a defensive stance, staring at the intruder.

It was a human, 5 1/2 feet tall and in his twenties, by his estimate. He was wearing a leather jacket, ragged jeans, and sneakers that looked like they had seen many miles.

"Gently now, Luna..."

The human tossed a small black sphere with an orange stripe into the air, releasing a female Umbreon in a flash of red light, who must be who he called Luna.

"Be careful, he looks tough." The human said quietly, but loud enough so that Luna could hear.

"Who are you?" The Absol growled at Luna menacingly.

"U-umm, I'm Luna, and I w-would appreciate if you d-didn't put up a fight, please. I w-wouldn't want to hurt you..." The small Umbreon was shaking slightly from fear; she was clearly rattled by the sight of such a hostile Pokémon, let alone the prospect of battling one.

"You? Hurt me?" the Absol smirked, "I would love to see you try." At this moment he charged towards Luna, ready to pounce on her.

"Hypnosis." The trainer said calmly.

"I-I'm sorry!" The Umbreon took a step back and stared intensely at the Absol.

The second he met her yellow eyes he immediately got sleepy. His run slowed to a trot, then to a walk, until he could barely keep his head up.

The trainer, meanwhile, was searching through his backpack. "Ah! Here's my luxury ball." Pulling out another black sphere, he examined it for a moment. "Only the best for my Pokémon..."

The Absol fell onto his side, and as he fell asleep, he caught a glimpse of the trainer toss the ball towards him.

He woke up in a small plush bed, colored black. It was the softest thing he had ever felt in his entire life, even more so than the moss he frequently liked to use as a bed back in the forest.

The forest... He wasn't in the forest anymore.

Glancing around quickly, he saw he was in a large room. It was colored white on the walls and ceiling, with a blue carpet, and various pieces of furniture, consisting of a couch, a loveseat, various cabinets, and a strange black rectangle. There were also two doors, both of which were closed. The most interesting piece of furniture, however, was another plush bed; identical to his, but this one was occupied by a small, sleeping Umbreon.

He immediately jumped out of bed, and raised a paw to slash the black and yellow cat. He hesitated, though. He had no idea why he was here, and she might be his only source of information for the time being. Unfortunately, the cat heard him jump out of bed, woke up, and yawned. Halfway through the yawn, she saw him. She froze; her mouth was still mid-yawn, but only for a split-second. He lowered his paw back to the carpet, but it was too late. She swiftly jumped away and hid behind the couch.

"P-please don't hurt me!" She barely squeaked out.

Her fear was well justified. He stood a little more than a foot taller than her.

"Calm down, kitten, I won't hurt you-" He paused and thought for a moment. "Unless you don't answer my questions, that is." He paced over to her hiding spot and peered behind the couch. She was quivering from fear.

"I-I'll tell you anything! I-I have n-nothing to hide!" She whimpered.

The Absol sighed. "Stop that, I'm not really going to hurt you."

"O-okay..." She sat up a little bit, but her wide eyes were still staring at him as if he were going to eat her.

"First off; where am I?"

"N-New York City."

"What do you want with me?"

"I-I don't want anything to do with you! My m-master said I needed a companion..."

"Your master?"

"Red. T-The human..."

Coincidentally, Red walked in at that very moment through a door. Luna immediately bolted out from the couch and cowered behind him. He laughed.

"Shade, I would prefer that you wouldn't scare Luna so badly..."

"Shade? Who's Shade?" The Absol took a step forward.

Red laughed again. "I'm sorry Shade; I can't understand a word you're saying. Why don't you talk to Luna?" He moved to the side, revealing the small cat.

"T-That's your new name, Shade..." Luna murmured, as she padded over to her bed.

"I wish I could stay for longer, but I'll be late for work if I do. You two play nice, now." Red interjected. He walked out the door, leaving the two Pokémon alone.

"P-Please d-don't hurt me..." Luna whimpered.

"I thought we already established this, I'm not going to hurt you. Now, how do I get out of here?"

"Why would you want to leave?" Luna curled into a ball on the bed. "It's so nice in here." She seemed to forget her terror for a moment, but then she remembered Shade was still here. "B-But I could show you around the apartment if you want..."

"Sure." Shade was fine with this place so far; he needed a change of scenery anyways.

"O-Okay, follow m-me..." Luna got out of bed and paced over to the door Red came out of. She placed her front paws on it and leaned forward, opening the door. Shade followed quietly, stepping onto a hardwood floor.

"This is where we eat. Red calls it a 'kitchen'. There isn't really much interesting stuff in here." Luna seemed to have forgotten her fear again, and Shade didn't want to remind her, so he wordlessly followed her into the next room.

"This is Red's bedroom. It's where he sleeps. The only window in the apartment besides the living room is here, too." Luna jumped onto the bed and sat down on the small shelf behind the headboard. Shade followed, only to step back as he looked down.

He appeared to be hundreds of feet in the air, surrounded by numerous other towers. The various humans and Pokémon down below were mere specks to him. Judging by the darkness outside, it was roughly eight or nine in the afternoon. If he had any fear, he didn't show it.

"Cool..." He whispered.

"I know, it's-" She glanced over at him and, remembering her fear, backed away a few steps, almost falling off the shelf. "-cool..."

"So when will Red be home?"

"Sometime tomorrow morning, he works at night." Luna yawned. "I think I'll go to sleep now..." She walked back to the living room, and lay down on the small bed. Shade followed suit with his respective bed, lying down on the soft fabric.

But sleep would not come. His entire life changed in just one day. He was relatively sure this was a good thing, but the various thoughts swirling around in his head kept him awake. Half an hour passed like this, until he heard Luna shiver in the bed beside him.

In a moment of thought, he got up, walked over to Luna's bed and curled around her. The bed was big enough by far for both of them. Luna whimpered her disapproval.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." Shade gently licked Luna's ear in affection.

"Well, if you promise..." Luna murmured. A few minutes later, she even snuggled close to him and started purring as she fell asleep. Shade quickly fell asleep too to the sound of her gentle breathing.

This is my first story, please critique it in the comments and don't forget to rate, subscrive, favorite, or anything up to and including worship. Thank you.

Shade & Luna Chapter 2: House in the Skyscraper

Luna woke up surrounded by something large, furry, and warm. Very warm. It was kind of nice. She turned around and saw fur, shining white fur. It all rushed back to her. She instantly jumped out of bed and scampered away to a safe distance. "I-I'm...

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