Shade & Luna Chapter 2: House in the Skyscraper

Story by JasonTodd on SoFurry

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#2 of Shade and Luna

Luna woke up surrounded by something large, furry, and warm. Very warm. It was kind of nice. She turned around and saw fur, shining white fur. It all rushed back to her. She instantly jumped out of bed and scampered away to a safe distance.

"I-I'm sorry Shade! I was tired! I couldn't think straight Please don't hurt me!" She quickly stammered.

"Wait- What?" Shade picked up his head and yawned.

She was already gone, scurrying through the kitchen into Red's bedroom.

Shade got up, stretched, and walked into the kitchen. Red was there, pouring some strange brown pellets into two bowls on the floor. Luna was already eating some of this strange (what he assumed to be) food. Red finished pouring the food and stood up.

"There's your food. I love you to death Luna, but please, don't wake me up by bolting into my room and vaulting under the covers. I'm very tired, I had a hard day's night yesterday..." Yawning, he reached down and started petting Luna. "I mean, what scared you so much, you looked like you had seen a ghost..." At that moment he looked over and saw Shade observing them. "Oh, right. Um, good morning Shade..."

Shade walked over and looked at the 'food'. Red mumbled something about getting some sleep and walked back into his bedroom.

"What is this?" Shade said with disgust.

"It's delicious, that's what it is. Try it, you'll like it." She smiled, until she realized it was Shade. "T-That is, if you want t-to..."

"I really wish you would stop flip-flopping like that. Either fear me or don't, it's really getting annoying."

"S-Sorry!" She whimpered, obviously deciding to fear him for the moment. Shade went silent, figuring it best not to press the matter further. Instead, he took a meager bite of the pellets.

"Hey, it is pretty good- And your gone." He sighed, and returned to his food.

He finished his food, and walked into the living room to find Luna bathing in the sunlight.

"So what do we do now?" Luna jumped at the sound of his voice.

"U-Umm I usually t-take a nap at this point, until Red w-wakes up..."

"Sounds good to me." Shade was very tired for some reason. It was probably a full stomach, a rarity in the forest due to scarce prey.

Shade paced over to his bed and curled into a ball.

"Maybe this place won't be so bad after all..." Shade murmured as he fell asleep.

He was gently shaken awake by Red several hours later.

"C'mon, you're going to miss House!" Red whispered

"What's House?" The Absol wondered aloud, but then he realized Red couldn't understand him.

Red went over to the couch and pressed a button on a small rectangular object, and suddenly the large black rectange came to life, spewing colors and sound. Shade paced forward sleepily and lay down in front of the couch. A slightly bearded human with a cane was talking to another human in a white coat.

"Do I get bonus points if I care?" The man siad.

"Where are all the Pokemon?" Shade said.

Luna responded, "This show is in a world where there are no Pokemon."

"That sounds awful!"

"No, it's actually a really good show, just give it a chance."

"Hey, come up here, there's plenty of room for you!" Red patted the spot next to himself. The Absol jumped up next to him and snuggled close, and they spent the rest of the evening enjoying the shenanigans of this strange man with the cane, apparently called Dr. House.

Sorry about the short chapter, I'm starting to realize how boring a pet's life can be. Also writer's block doesn't help. The next one will be better, I promise. And does anybody know how to connect two stories into a series? Please comment if you know. Also remember to rate, comment, fave, subscribe, watch, and pretty much anything up to and including worship. Thank You!

EDIT: Is an Absol most like a wolf, a fox, or a cat?

Shade & Luna Chapter 3: Of Rattatas and Men

After two days, Shade was growing restless. He had never been in an enclosed space in his entire life, let alone for 2 days. Luna, on the other hand, seemed quite content to sleep all day. At that particular moment, the two were resting on Red's...

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Shade & Luna Chapter 1: Welcome to the (Concrete) Jungle

His past was uneventful and unimportant, so I will give the basic details of him. He was an Absol, 3 years old, and lived in the deep wilderness. The night before his capture, he fell asleep under the shade of a weeping willow tree, its branches...

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