Shade & Luna Chapter 3: Of Rattatas and Men

After two days, Shade was growing restless. He had never been in an enclosed space in his entire life, let alone for 2 days. Luna, on the other hand, seemed quite content to sleep all day. At that particular moment, the two were resting on Red's...

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Shade & Luna Chapter 2: House in the Skyscraper

Luna woke up surrounded by something large, furry, and warm. Very warm. It was kind of nice. She turned around and saw fur, shining white fur. It all rushed back to her. She instantly jumped out of bed and scampered away to a safe distance. "I-I'm...

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Shade & Luna Chapter 1: Welcome to the (Concrete) Jungle

His past was uneventful and unimportant, so I will give the basic details of him. He was an Absol, 3 years old, and lived in the deep wilderness. The night before his capture, he fell asleep under the shade of a weeping willow tree, its branches...

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