Outback Heat

Story by Terth on SoFurry

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Yiffstar needs more dingoes :P So, heres my humble contribution. Hope you enjoy!

A fly buzzed around his head slowly, the sound seemingly infinitely louder then it had any right to be, in this massive expanse of nothing. It settled on his ear, but a simple flick sent it back on its way, its tiny wings beating out a pattern as it circled for a new place to land.

The fur next to him waved her hands in the air, however she certainly cared. The flies were obviously bugging her, their incessant buzzing and the tiny pricks of multiple legs crawling over ones fur certainly not being her favourite sensation.

He snickered softly to himself, "Tourists."

Both of their paws crunched softly into the hot earth, the tourist wearing a simple pair of flip-flops, protecting her sensitive footpads from the baked ground. The dingo wore no such protection, the heat either not affecting him, or not worth his attention.

His chest was bare, open to the elements, a soft wind ruffling his golden fur and cooling him slightly. No doubt the lady next to him wished she could remove her top, but that wouldn't be very ladylike.

A simple pair of shorts was what he wore to keep his modesty, flecked with the blood of some unfortunate sheep, multiple knives and other assorted paraphernalia hanging from a belt that had obviously seen better times.

A country boy undoubtedly. His every movement, every facet of his body seemed to exude such a casualness, an air of uncaring that it seemed this dingo had never seen the big lights of the city.

Beside him, the lady was obviously having a harder time of it. He supposed he couldn't blame her. She was a tourist after all, used to the ease of life one found in a city. She wasn't built for the country, even though her species was the same as his. A sneer of distaste curled his lip slightly, and for one brief second he wished to throw her to the ground, grab her neck in his teeth and show her something about real dingoes.

However, that wouldn't be very sporting from a host, so he continued to pad along beside her, both unspeaking; their eyes fixed squarely ahead, at what looked to be a small house.

Behind them lay a car, its bonnet smoking in the heat. In this heat, there was no chance of getting it too cool down, not even with liberal amounts of water. Anyway, water was much more important to the two furs, not to the hunk of junk machinery.

He supposed he should be worried slightly, it was a long walk ahead of them to the safety of the station, but he knew the country well, and he was confident he could make it back in time for the game of footy.

The lady beside him however, he wasn't so sure about. She was trying awfully hard, her head down as she trudged forwards in the heat, but just because you try hard doesn't mean you succeed.

He was angling his course slightly to the left, aiming towards a small dam that existed there; knowing that by the time they got there, his lady-friend would be desperate for a drink.

Toama, her name was Toama the dingo thought to himself. She seemed to get riled when he called her lady, or city-slicker. For what reason he couldn't understand, he just told it like it was.

Well, not completely. If he told everything like it was, he would have told her how he wanted to knock her to the ground right now and mount her like a wild animal, the sun beating down on their bodies, the pure, untouched beauty of the harsh outback surrounding them.

However, he supposed that she would rather a candle-lit room, with soft music playing no doubt, and a glass of fine wine each to drink before the fun began. Not that he would mind that, he would really do anything to get between the bitches legs.

She was built fine; there was no doubt about that. Long legs, a lean body and firm, perky breasts that practically screamed to be nibbled upon. Her muzzle was also very easy too look at, perhaps more cute then beautiful, but he had always preferred cute. She would make a good mate, or at the least, a great fuck.

So lost was he in his thoughts that the dingo didn't even notice when she spoke to him, not until she repeated her words again.

"...about the damn flies?" She had said something about flies. Taking an educated guess that it would be a complaint he shrugged his shoulders, turning his head to give her one of his broad smiles.

"Nothing we can do about them now." He said softly, hoping that was the proper answer to the question. It seemed to be, for she nodded her head curtly and continued walking forwards.

Any other man would have simply asked her to repeat herself, but he certainly wasn't any other man. He liked to be all knowing, all hearing, practically omnipotent. Of course he wasn't, but he certainly could make like he was. Tourists believed any bullshit if you spread it thick enough.

Their trek continued, the car dwindling away to a small speck in the distance, the homestead appearing no closer. Distance could be a tricky thing in the outback; the shimmering heat could do strange things to ones sense of perception, even one such as Crae.

He realized that the walk was going to take longer then he first expected. Shaking his head angrily at the rookie mistake he had made. Toama looked at him questioningly but he simply ignored her, and soon enough she looked back ahead to the distant farmhouse.

Crae thought that the sight of them walking together across the empty plain would look rather poetic for anyone looking from a distance, as if a scene from the histories of his feral brothers.

Of course, his feral brothers didn't walk on all fours, or live in houses, or guzzle down water from bottles like Toama was doing, as if she expected a fresh bottle to spring out of nowhere as soon as she finished the one she was currently working on.

She had no idea, the dingo thought to himself sourly, his lip again curling into a nasty snarl, almost tempted to slap the bottle out of the bitches paw. Instead, he simply asked her to slow down, "That's the last water we have." He said softly, no accusation in his voice.

She offered the bottle to him, an apologetic expression on her face, but Crae waved it away. His body could withstand the temperatures and exercise; he didn't need any water...yet. Eventually he would, and the dingo recognised that, so he picked up his pace slightly, the lady next to him increasing hers to keep in time.

"There's a river only a few hours walk away, we need to get there before we run out of water." He said, only to watch the last drops of the precious fluid drop out of the bottle...and into the bitches' hand, which she then splashed onto her forehead.

He swore he saw red for a second, he knew he certainly let out a growl, and that Toama had heard him, for she instantly took a step away, her face changing from apologetic to scared.

With a great mental effort, the dingo calmed himself, giving a soft smile at her even though he really felt like throttling her gorgeously slim neck, "Well...we better start walking a bit quicker then."

"God, I'm sorry! It's just so hot." She said back, whimpering her apologies, which he waved off with a casual paw, smiling at her as if everything was forgiven, which of course it wasn't.

"No worries, lets just continue on." He said jovially, his legs stretching out, eating up the miles in that particular way that only a true dingo could do. He had to slow himself fairly soon, Toama was falling behind him, and although he cursed her name in his mind, he didn't really feel like leaving her behind.

So, he slowed back down, letting her set the pace, which seemed so slow that the dingo thought they would see the pearly gates of Heaven before they made it to the river.

Crae's mood lifted somewhat though as they suddenly came to a fence, studded with barbed wire and impressively well built. It only came up to his waist, but Toama looked worried beside him, as if it were 10 feet tall.

The dingo smiled encouragingly at her, before placing a paw on the wooden post and vaulting over the wires in one smooth move, landing gracefully on the other side, kicking up a small cloud of dust. Grinning, he looked back, waiting patiently for Toama to climb over.

Slowly, and with as much caution as if the fence were coated in poison, she slowly climbed up over it, her legs and arms sticking everywhere as she ascended it with the greatest difficulty.

If the dingo had a camcorder, he could make a small fortune by filming this travesty of a fence climb and sending it into Australia's Funniest Home Movies. Instead, he simply walked up to her, grabbed her by the waist and bodily threw her over his shoulder, before setting her down on the other side.

Giving a friendly grin, almost mocking in its sincerity, he set off again, his keen nose almost able to smell the water. Toama hurried to follow him, her muzzle flushed with embarrassment.

Time passed slowly as they padded on through the outback, the sun's heat only increasing as the day wore on. No doubt, Crae thought, any other species would be long dead by now. Dingoes were truly the masters of the outback.

With this cheery thought, the dingo walked on, his tail wagging a little as he ran the words through his head, Masters of the Outback. Certainly an attractive title. Even the city-slicker beside him was doing well, struggling on towards the river, her body refusing to succumb to the deadly heat.

Finally, they came upon a small bank of trees, the sound of birds almost deafening in the shade. Only a few metres from where the trees began lay the river, or stream as it were. A small, slow flowing body of water, but enough for their purposes.

With undisguised delight, the two dingoes ran down to the stream, splashing into the middle, which only went to their knees, before falling down and gulping up the water. Generally, drinking stream water wasn't the smartest thing to do, but in this case it was a simple matter of life and death, and the dingoes' far preferred life.

After a few minutes of drinking, where the only sounds from the two exhausted dingoes were the slurping of water, they straightened up, grinning at each other in celebration of their achievement.

Crae didn't feel like telling her there was still many hours of walking ahead of them, so he simply lay down in the water, keeping just his head above. Toama followed his lead, sitting down beside him heavily, the water quickly soaking through her clothes and sticking it to her body in a most attractive way.

After a long few minutes of silence, Crae turned his head to look at her, "We'll have to stay here for the afternoon. Wait until night and head for home."

She nodded her head slowly, her mind obviously recognising the sense behind Crae's words, "Sounds like a good idea."

For a brief second, the dingo wanted to snarl at her, tell her of course it was a good idea, it was his idea and he knew what he was doing! Instead, he simply breathed heavily, which perhaps wasn't the smartest thing to do.

The hours of walking had made them both sweat heavily, and as Crae breathed in, he become very aware of the scent of the female beside him, only amplified by her sweat.

It smelt like a bitch in heat. That was Crae's first realisation, and as he breathed in her scent again, he realised it was true. It wasn't some fantasy of his, or a crazed idea as a result from his tired mind. Toama was, purely and simply, in heat.

The dingo wondered how he could not have smelt if before, he had been walking beside her for hours! But she had stayed down wind and a good few paces away at all times, obviously careful not too let him know. Now however, he had found out, whether she wanted him to know or not.

Crae thought his pants might burst. It only took a few seconds, but as soon as he realised what the delicious scent was, his sheath had thickened and filled out, his prodigious amount of dingo cock straining against the fabric of his shorts.

He was glad that his bottom half lay underwater, but he knew that wasn't his problems solved. His arousal would change his scent, sure as anything, and unless Toama had a very dull nose, it wouldn't take long until she picked up on it.

The dingo tried hard to make his straining erection go down, thinking about anything but the bitch in heat beside him. His thoughts kept drifting back to her however, wondering how she could sit there so calmly even though she was obviously deep in heat, wondering if she knew he could smell it.

Of course she knew! Crae knew that she knew. There was simply no way a female could be unaware of when she was in heat, or what effect it had on males. Especially males of the same species. It was the most potent aphrodisiac in existence, and even siting mostly underwater, the scent still assaulted his senses.

Crae shifted uncomfortably as his rather large amount of dingo meat pushed up hard against his shorts. As inconspicuously as he could, he reached down to adjust himself, giving a soft sigh of relief at the sudden release of pain.

As he moved his paw back up to where it had been before, he looked to his side, to see Toama staring towards his crotch, as if the water was clear and she could see it perfectly. She knew what he had done, and a small smile played over her lips briefly.

Crae almost whimpered in frustration. His instincts were telling him to simply mate the bitch, but when it came to crunch time, he found his body frozen. Finally, he had enough; he could only take so much of the unique brand of torture, and finally, thankfully, his instincts kicked in.

In one swift movement, he rolled across, pushing the smaller bitch underneath him. Lying atop her body, he leaned forward to kiss her strongly, his muzzle mashing against hers, their teeth grinding and clicking together as he kissed her wildly, his tongue lashing out to press against her teeth.

Luckily for Crae, Toama responded in the way a bitch in heat should. Moaning loudly, she kissed him back, their two canine muzzles pressed tightly together. She opened her mouth wider, and the male dingo eagerly took up the invitation, pushing his tongue deep into her mouth, almost down her throat as he licked and rubbed against her own tongue. He was completely dominating her, his heavy body holding her pinned to the ground, his kiss forcing her head backwards.

He grinded his hips strongly, the thick bulge in his pants rubbing against her thighs and leg hard, the heat of it clearly felt through the fabric. Toama moaned back lustily, grinding forward in response, her paws ruffling through the fur of his side, running through to scratch at the skin underneath.

The kiss continued for long minutes, sometimes breaking off for a few seconds as Crae would nibble lustily at her tongue or lips, before plunging back into the kiss, his tongue everywhere in her muzzle, feeling every inch of her mouth.

One of Crae's paws slide down the bitch's body, sliding down until he felt the fur of her leg against his large paw. Immediately he delved under her skirt, running back up her leg until he felt the soft fur of her thigh. Panting in excitement, his hot breath washing into her muzzle, his paw slid across slowly, until it found what it was looking for.

Under his paw was her sex, almost too hot too be believed. Covered only by a thin pair of panties, the dingo rubbed at her sweet cunt eagerly, his paw sliding up and down the cleft of her sex. He could feel the wetness of it, and he knew it wasn't simply because it was submerged in water; she was dripping like a leaky faucet.

Not that Crae wasn't as well; he could clearly feel his dingo hood dripping its pre-cum, running down the underside of his length, welling out of his tip.

Feeling the bitches' sex simply wasn't enough however. He wanted to see it with his own eyes, to taste that glorious mound. With a loud growl he broke out of the kiss, standing up to grab the female by her arms and haul her out of the water.

His erect dingo hood made a clear outline in his water-soaked pants, and he could feel the eyes of the horny bitch upon them. She would have time to look at it later however, for now Crae wanted to see what she had to offer.

Dropping to his knees at her feet, the dingo quickly pushed her skirt up, exposing her white panties that had been rendered see-through by the river. The sight of them so stunningly outlined made the dingoes cock pulse strongly.

With impressive speed, Crae reached up to the panties, pulling them to one side to expose her hungry sex. It looked perfect, the lips tightly together and the heat of it simply astounding as his paw pressed against it.

He slipped a finger into its clenching depths, driving it in hard until it could not go any further, impressed by the tightness of the bitches' sex. She writhed in pleasure, back arching off the ground as her hips bucked for more.

Crae wiggled his finger around in her sex, rubbing at her silken walls, savouring the moist heat that her cunt possessed. Slowly, he withdrew his finger, taking his time with it, until it finally emerged with a soft pop. Grinning, he lifted his body up briefly to push the finger into the bitch's muzzle, which she eagerly accepted, sucking upon it happily, enjoying her own taste.

The male dingo growled lustily at the sight, enjoying watching the submissive female dingo clean his finger. Eventually he pulled it out, drawing his body back down between her legs, where he continued the inspection of her sex.

She wasn't a virgin, for the dingoes finger had slid into her sex without encountering a maiden hood. No, she had certainly been fucked before, but by the feel of her, never by anything as big as Crae.

Leaning in closer, the male dingo let his breath wash over the beautiful sex, his tongue flicking out to lick slowly along the cleft of her entrance. Toama moaned happily at the sensation, her hips writhing, but Crae paid no attention to the bitches' reaction. He wasn't doing this for her pleasure, but instead because he wanted to taste his new conquest, see how she felt upon his tongue.

The male dingo no longer cared about the pleasure that the female might receive, his actions now long lost into instinctual behaviours, thousands of years of feral history powering his thoughts.

His tongue delved deeper inside her, pushing apart the tight folds of her sex to lick eagerly at her insides. Her taste was intoxicating, the taste of a bitch in heat always was. The dingo pushed his muzzle further forward, more of his tongue sliding into her, licking strongly at the inner walls, slurping any juice she had lewdly.

Eventually Crae pulled his tongue out of the tasty sex, giving it one last long lick before lifting his head up. He thought that she might have reached a climax while he was licking at her, but he did not truly care about her pleasure one iota.

Standing up quickly, the male dingo grabbed at his shorts, quickly unbuttoning and unzipping them, before letting them fall to the ground, his rock hard dingo hood slapping upwards against his belly. It was an impressive size, looking to be a rather fearsome 9 inches. Far thicker then ones average doggy cock, the dingo certainly was packing an impressive piece of equipment, the colour a pitch black that contrasted vividly with his golden fur.

Toama obviously thought it was impressive too, as she gasped and groaned out in delight at the sight of it, a paw reaching up to grab it, stroking it eagerly, the softness of her paw feeling indescribable to the lust crazed male dingo.

Crae fell to his knees beside the head of the bitch, his dingo cock pulsating with need as he leaned over her. Grabbing his cock with one paw, he guided it to the muzzle of Toama, pressing it hotly against her lips, grinding hard.

The bitch opened up her muzzle eagerly, like he knew she would, moaning happily as he stuffed his thick cock deep into her wet maw. He wasted no time to let her adjust to his size, instead thrusting strongly, forcing all nine inches of dingo cock into her hot mouth, until the fur of his large sheath pressed against her muzzle.

Toama gagged underneath him, obviously not used to deep throating such a large amount of meat, but Crae did not concern himself with her welfare. Withdrawing his length sloppily, he slammed back in again, face fucking her strongly, his pre pouring into her stomach.

She moaned and gagged, writhing in what was either an attempt to escape or a show of enjoyment. Crae's cock kept pounding into her mouth whatever she was doing however, his knot forming quickly, until it could barely fit in her mouth.

Slowly, and with great trepidation, the male dingo pulled his cock out of her mouth, a thick line of saliva and pre connecting cock to maw. Grinning, Crae rubbed his length aggressively over her cheek and muzzle, covering her fur in pre, making sure she remembered his scent.

He would have loved to have been able to knot into that bitches' sweet muzzle, to tie her mouth and just watch her eyes as he unloaded his balls into her mouth and throat, but he had bigger fish to fry, namely, the dingoes' tight sex.

With a wordless growl, Crae pushed at her with his foot, guiding her over until she was on her hands and knees. Nodding at her, praising her for being such a clever bitch, the dingo stood back, enjoying the sight.

Before him knelt Toama, her face covered in pre and saliva, her breath coming in heavy pants as she looked sideways at him. Her rump was hiked mightily in the air; her tail flagged high, an invitation for him that he could not deny.

Crae quickly fell to his knees behind her, his paws running over her rump, spreading her cheeks to expose her tight little rosebud. Another day the dingo would love to try and fit himself into the bitches' ass, but his mind was really only one thing, getting his knot into her tight sex.

He shuffled closer until the tip of his large length pressed strongly against her sex, nudging the folds apart slightly as it rested there. Crae savoured the heat briefly, closing his eyes and letting out a soft sigh of pleasure, before suddenly plunging into the female until he was hilted.

In one smooth movement, in one thrust of his powerful hips, the male dingo spread Toamas sex apart, his cock slamming deep inside of her, only stopping when his sheath pressed snugly against her sex. Even then Crae grinded forward, as if wanting to put more of his body into her incredible tightness.

The bitch had cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure, her paws digging into the ground, scrabbling for purchase as the strength of the thrust rocked her forward. She grinded back against him now however, her instincts begging for him to fuck her senseless.

So that's what Crae did. With only a brief pause, the male dingo began to hump the bitch before him hard. His hips sliding back and forth, slamming into the incredible tightness. She was hot, hotter then could be imagined, and her walls gripped him like he was meant to be in there, clenching and massaging his large dingo cock.

He knew he wasn't going to last long, but that did not concern him. All he wanted to do was fill the bitch up with his potent seed and the quicker the better. His knot popped in and out of her, growing quickly to a size that would have resembled a tennis ball. With great difficulty, Crae managed to keep thrusting in and out, the bitches' sex parting only with the utmost effort on the male dingoes part. Eventually, he came to a place where he could no longer pull out, his knot widening and inflating until he was securely tied with her, knotted to her body.

As soon as he realized, his thrusts become short and sharp, slamming into her hard, driving the wind out of her lungs as his cock sawed back and forth, his paws gripping at her hips almost painfully, paws pricking the sensitive flesh.

With a speed that would put a striking snake to shame, the male dingo leaned forward over Toama's body, and in one swift movement, grabbed her neck in his sharp teeth. He bit down hard, holding onto her and driving her head into the ground as he dominated her fully, his body caging her.

With a muffled but feral roar to the heavens, Crae unloaded his seed deep inside his willing bitch, spurt after spurt of hot dingo cum flooding into her fertile body, splashing against her tight walls. His balls clenched tightly to his body as he unloaded every drop he had into her incredible body, her inner walls eagerly milking him, draining him for every drop he had.

Eventually, the dingoes' balls were drained dry; his cock spurting the last of it's cum deep within Toama's body. Falling forward onto her, both dingoes collapsed in a sweaty mess of fur. Both panted heavily, chests rising and falling in unison.

After a few long minutes of nothing but heavy breathing and soft, pleasured groans, Toama spoke up, twisting her body to look back at the dingo locked inside of her, "Did you...r-really have to cum in me?" She panted softly, her words coming out slowly.

Crae chuckled softly, grinding his cock forward into the bitch, letting her feel his potent seed slosh around in her belly, "Mmmf, it's what you wanted little bitch."

He growled into her ear, giving it a hard nip, hard enough to elicit a pained whimper.

"It would be a miracle if I didn't carry your pups." She said softly, not accusingly, but certainly not with any joy in her voice. Crae just snickered softly and stayed silent, pushing her into the ground, in an unspoken gesture for her to stay silent.

Many minutes later, the dingoes cock slipped out of his female, a small torrent of cum following it and coating her thighs. Crae murred happily at the sight before standing up, walking across the river and washing himself quickly.

He didn't put his shorts back on, instead submerging them in the water and wrapping them around his neck, allowing water to drip down both his back and chest. He also wanted to walk home with his thick sheath on display, so the bitch wouldn't forget any time soon what had fucked her.

Toama followed him more slowly, taking her time in the river, trying to wash the seed from her body. The male dingo noticed and gave a short, sharp laugh, throwing her her clothes as he waited by the bank, "Can't get rid of it that easy baby. Now, let's start heading home, it's cooled down."

She nodded her head in acceptance, what might have been a small snarl forming at her muzzle, but quickly dying as she looked at the dominant male. He grinned at her as if reading her thoughts before he turned around, heading towards the homestead.

"Well...what am I supposed to do when I get home and I'm carrying your babes?" She yelled after him as she hurriedly put her clothes on.

Crae slowly turned around, grinning widely as he looked at her, his sheath giving a slight stir at the sight of her half dressed, "I don't care, I'm not the bitch." He yelled back, before starting on his way again, 'Just make sure you write and tell me how many pups I managed to get on you."

The End.

Hope you all enjoyed and please throw a comment or vote my way.

The End!