Journey to Another world ch101

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#1 of Journey after 100

I can't believe that this story has been going for so long. Chapter 101, it seems like a strange idea. I never thought that a story that I started off as something that I'd turn back to, to read on a rainy day would turn into something such as this. A story that's reached over 100 chapters and still going strong.

Every once in a while I turn back to the start of it all and I can't believe how far I've come. What I guess I should say is, Thanks. Thanks to readers such as yourselves, I've learned a great deal about writing and through that have become the writer that all of you have come to know and enjoy uploads from. Thanks for helping me to get to this point.

Journey to Another World 6

Ch. 101

"You...worthless...bitch! I show you what happens to those that fail me!" A young man's voice shouted through the trees as the sound of something cracking in the air could be heard as well as some kind of yelping from what had to be the recipient. The shouting and cursing could be heard from nearly the forests edge and it surprised me that nobody else could have or didn't hear the shouting. "You know how important this competition was to me. Now, now I have to start all over from scratch and...," The sound of the whip could be heard again and when I heard the yelp again I couldn't help but wince at the mental image of whomever the recipient was of the beating popped into my head. After a while longer I could hear panting coming from the youth and it seemed that the whole ordeal was over until I heard, "You know what to do Articuno. Show her whose boss." The voice turned from one of someone in charge to one of sick glee, as if that of a bully telling his friends to hurt someone while he stood back and watched the fun. The next sound was that of some kind of large bird calling out for a few moments then nothing.

It was like those times that the saying of, 'The calm before the storm or you could've heard a pin drop' come into play. Or if you think about it, it is also one of those times when a scary movie gets into one of those music numbers that gets ready to scare the pants off of you. Just to iterate just that, the sound of some kind of whimpering could be heard as well as something that I didn't recognize. 'Is that the sound of ice forming?' The next moment made me nearly jump right out of my skin as the sound of a women screaming out of pain could be heard.

'Oh, you've got to be kidding me.' I thought as I quickened my pace and took off towards the sound of the commotion. As I'd finally reached the area where the sounds of the screams could be heard, I knelt down by that of a bush and peered through it. Though normally the hero would just go charging into a situation like this, too save the beautiful damsel from whatever it was that was hurting her, the truth would be that whatever was hurting her would turn its rage at being interrupted upon the would-be hero and toast him/her right at the fringe of the clearing. 'You sick fuck' I thought as the first thing I saw was a young trainer sitting on a log right in front of the bush that I was currently hiding behind while beating at his stick with his right hand. Though that sight really would've made me wrinkle my nose and back off in disgust, it was what was just beyond him that really got my stomach to turn in disgust as well as rage.

Before me was that of a Glaceon and some kind of overly large blue feathered bird. The Galcion's fur was like that of an ice burg, bluish white that blended into that of a light blue on the tips of its long floppy bangs, tail, inner part of its ears, and the tips of its feet. Though as I looked down to its feet I noticed that something was off about them and as I leaned a little closer to the bush I noticed that all four of its legs were incased in that of ice. Its forelegs were encased nearly all the way up its legs to pin it to the ground, while its rear ones were encased so that its rear was spread apart and sticking up in that of a submissive pose.

'If its legs are encased like that, then that means...' I then looked a little to the rear of the Glaceon to see that of an Articuno standing posed ready to do something unthinkable. Though before I could do anything it rushed forward and I heard the Glaceon scream out in pain once again. 'What the hell?'

"That is right Articuno; pound that little bitch into submission. Teach her the meaning of failure." The young trainer said with a bit of glee in his voice as he began to beat his meat a little faster.

An overbearing sense of rage began to boil up in me but just as I was about to lash out at the youth, I heard the Articuno cry out. With my attention diverted to that of the legendary, I could see something that really changed the whole thing. 'That bird is as sick as its trainer.' I thought as I could see the look of utter glee spread across that bird's beak as it raped the Glaceon. Though as I looked a little closer my eyes went a bit wider as I could see that not only was it raping her with what appeared to be some kind of ice appendage.

Without realizing what I was doing, I found that I'd walked out from behind my hiding place and was now standing before the raping bird. The bird must not have notice my presence until a tapping sound could be heard and I realized that I was tapping my boots. The bird shook itself for a moment before it cocked its head to the side to look at me, as if asking what the heck I was doing there.

I could feel my left hand reaching down to that of where my sword would normally be, but to my surprise my hand grasped nothing but air. Knowing that I was in quite a bit of trouble without my sword to defend myself, I could only scowl at the bird that towered over the Glaceon by three feet. The bird seemed to smirk at me as it knew that I had nothing to stop it from having its fun with the other ice type, but was kissing dirt the next second as it found its head reeling in that of pain from a punch that'd just connected to the side of its head.

I walked over to the bird that now lay sprawled out on the ground and stood over it for a while. Seeing the shocked look on its face was a bit gratifying to me, but not so much as seeing that the punch had sent the legendary bird of ice to slumber land a moment later, really made me smile at it. 'How...the...mighty...have...fallen.' I thought as I then was brought back to reality as I heard another yell come from behind me and turned to look over my shoulder. The trainer must have come out of his 'private moment and realized that something wrong with his punishment for the smaller Pokémon.

Not allowing him to fully grasp the situation and call out a Pokémon to battle me, as I had no Pokémon or sword to defend myself from another attack, I threw another punch that connected squarely with the trainers nose, and watched as he fell over backwards from the log he'd been previously sitting upon. "You deserve far worse than that." I said down to him as I really debated with myself if I should give him a few good kicks to the groin, but thought the better of it as I had more pressing issues that needed to be dealt with.

What looked to be that of ice crystals leaked out from the Glaceon's eyes that seemed to shatter there on the ground. From behind me I could hear the sound of sobbing and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that I'd just gotten myself into a whole new kind of mess. Looking over the trainer I found that he only had three Pokéballs about his person, two of which were lying by his side while the third looked to still be attached to his belt. If I wasn't so furious I'd find the trainers position, as he lay there on his back with his pants around his ankles and his feet sticking up in the air, quite humorous. With a quick shake of the head and a quick thought I began to go to work in order to try and make right what'd gone wrong here.

Taking up the first Pokéball I pointed the first towards the unconscious bird and called out the return command. The red beam shot out but instead of recalling the bird it only enveloped it for a moment before the light shattered. "Wrong Pokéball. I guess this one's the Glaceon's." I thought about recalling it strait to its ball but I thought that a few words between us would probably be a small comfort.

Before recalling the bird though, I had a moment's hesitation and thought about all this. 'I think it'd be easier to just go ahead and do that.' I thought with a nod as I held up the ball then threw it against a rock. The sound of shattering glass could be heard and I could see that the ball had broken into several different pieces and watched as the red and white colors of the ball turned into that of a deep gray color. With that accomplished I knew that the bird was now released from that ball and was wild once again. As I was about to call an end to that thought another popped up and I knew that this bird, if it was trained to do those types of things to other Pokémon as it'd done to that poor Glaceon, it wouldn't be safe to roam around free. So taking up a Pokéball that I didn't know was still in my side pouch I cocked my arm back and nodded. "This way the nurse will think that you're my Pokémon and I won't have to come up with some strange story." With that I threw the ball at the bird and watched as the capture process began.

The ball didn't even twitch once as it just let out a small ping sound letting me know that the bird was now registered under my own team. With that done I picked up that of the Galceon's ball and walked slowly over to it. The thing was so frightened at the moment that it began to yank desperately at the ice that encased its limbs. In hopes of not scaring it further I knelt down before it and took a long slow breath. 'What can a guy say in a situation like this?' I asked myself mentally as I saw the fear in her eyes and watched her struggle a little more in her trapped state.

"If you want me to, I can free you from your trainer." I presented her with the pieces of the Articuno's ball in my hand that I'd scooped up after I'd shattered it. The sight of he shattered ball seemed to get the ice types attention for a bit, but just like a moment it didn't last before it began to struggle once more against its bods. I could only shake my head at this and could feel an overbearing sense of pity for the poor ice evolution. "I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but I'd at least like to take you on over to that of a Pokémon center to get you..." Words failed me again as the look over horror still remained on that of her face.

I knew that I didn't have any other choice in the matter and knew that I needed help in dealing with this situation. 'Jenavee...can you hear me?' I asked mentally, hoping that she could hear my mental call from all the way out here.

'I can always hear you Donovin.' She said back to my mind as I looked over my shoulder and saw her slowly gliding into that of the clearing. It warmed my heart to know that she was still watching over me, almost like that of my own personal guardian angel. 'And you do not need to ask it of me. I already know the situation.' To which I could only nod. Slowly getting back up to my feet with a reverse step up, I allowed Jenavee to take my place as well as give the two girls a chance to talk in private as I continued to walk away from the area.

Once I stopped walking away from them, I found myself standing over that of the still unconscious youth. As I looked down at him, questions began to jump into my mind and ones that I really wasn't too happy to think about. 'This world is supposed be a G rating, PG-13 at worst. But this...' My mind went off a bit as I shook my head and tried to shake the horrors of the night out of my mind. 'Something is changing, and I really don't like it.'

Looking down at the youth I decided to liberate him of his possessions as well as that of his other Pokémon. If this was to be the treatment that he wanted to give to that of his Pokémon, then I'd probably be doing his last one a favor by releasing it. So as I went through his possessions and the like I found that he really didn't have that much on him, but it was also at that moment that I recognized him. 'It was that trainer from the contest. He was the one that I saw that didn't look too happy with the performance that the Glaceon did.' I looked over my shoulder and smiled when I saw that Jenavee was making finally making a bit of headway with the poor hurt Pokémon. 'Though she may have messed up a little in her performance that still gives him no right to....' But my thoughts were slowly interrupted by a groaning sound coming from him.

"Aw...damn. Why the hell does my nose hurt?" He asked as he quickly clenched his hands over his nose that was still bleeding a bit, only to give off a bit of a yell as he touched the broken cartilage there.

"Because I knocked you out," I said to answer his question. "Though honestly, I'd hoped you'd stay out longer than that."

"Huh?" He asked as he looked up at me in confusion, but that only lasted another moment before my fist found his face again and him in that of dream land again. My fist was starting to smart a bit, but the knowledge of dealing out some righteous justice to not only one thing but also someone else made the pain worth it.

After I'd liberated him over practically everything he owned, including his pants for good measure, I returned to the center of the clearing and knelt down beside Jenavee. 'How are things here?' I asked mentally as I really didn't know what to say to the Glaceon at the moment.

'It is just about as bad as you think it is, maybe even worse. No thanks to that Articuno you freed her from.' She said as the Glaceon was still shivering a bit and was looking up at me with fright in those deep eyes of hers.

'Would it be better to just put her to sleep and then get her to the center?' I thought as the Glaceon was now looking a bit uncomfortable at not being apart to that of our mental conversation. 'I mean, that blood that coating her fur back there could be something serious that a nurse Joy will need to have a close look at.' Jenavee gave me a nod then reached down to lightly stroke the Glaceon behind its head.

'Getting her to a center is without a doubt the right thing, but I worry about your idea.' She paused a bit to let me remember the idea I had about freeing her then capturing her in one of my own Pokéballs to transport her safely to the center. 'I think it would be best to recall her to her original ball, go to the center, and then tell the nurse that you rescued her from that trainer.'

I had to admit to myself that that kind of a story would probably go a lot farther than trying to explain or fend off the nurse Joy's accusations of me abusing the poor ice type. The Pokéball would be registered to the young trainer, the Glaceon would have an identity tag on her somewhere that would label her as one of the young trainers Pokémon, and everything else would put it down in stone that it was the trainer that'd done all this to her.

'Well, it looks like there will be two new members to our group.' I thought as I aimed the Pokéball to the Glaceon and recalled her to it.

Journey to Another world ch102

Journey to Another World 6 Ch. 102 A short time later found me sitting in the cafeteria, rolling around the Articuno's ball on the table. Pushing the thing away from me, only to have it slowly stop at the edge of the table, then watch as it...

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Journey to Another world pt3 ch100 pt4

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