Of Thievery and Aiming - Eviscerator Commission

Story by EgoDominusTuus on SoFurry


Akira confronts Kraig about the wrong plumbing that he obviously did... only to find that she isn't the only one who has been transformed by this mysterious happening.

1318 Word Commission for eviscerator

Second Part of the Akira Series. First can be found here:http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7406618/

Commission Information:

Commissions are .5 cents per word... or 1000 words for $5. Every 2000 words will get you 1000 words for free. If you refer three friends for a commission, you also get a 2-3000 word commission for free.

Interested? More Details on page!

"Kraig, get in here! I think you fixed the wrong fucking plumbing!" Akira couldn't believe that she had to scream about such things at all. There was no telling what could have caused the rather curvaceous wolvpanther to suddenly grow a bulge that was threatening to rip her dark leather shorts... but she knew that it had to have something to do with the shower. Since she had never experienced such difficulties before... she could only imagine that it had something to do with the tinkering that was going on with the pipes. As much as she had the urge to take care of Kraig... at the moment, she couldn't help but to her the slight irk in her voice.

"Kraig busy-covered in pipe goo. Akira come here!" She heard his voice in the distance, and then another loud clank as metal hit metal. Akira's thoughts stopped mid sentence as she heard what he said. Pipe goo?

Pipe goo?

And he was covered in it.

Oh, that couldn't be good at all.

Keeping her cloak wrapped tight around her frame, Akira dashed through her door; it took her only a few seconds to find Kraig, and when she did... he was certainly a sight. She could only guess what had happened-the pipe's above him were disconnected. Water tinged a nearly fluorescent green was still dripping from it. His head was covered in the goo-it streaked down along his face, over his back, and coated the little stump where his tail used to be. He was working in the pipes as though he had never been drenched in some foreign substance-the only spot on his face that was clear was the two patches of fur that had obviously been wiped clear over his eyes. He looked as though he were in some kind of war paint, or a facial spa, perhaps... but whatever it was, Akira had the sinking suspicion that she wasn't the only one who was going to go through some rather odd changes.

"Kraig..." She muttered his name beneath her breath, as though she could warn him now before it was too late. She didn't have the courage to look down and oogle the front of his shorts to see if she detected any change.

A small little hope shot through her mind-maybe it only affected females? Maybe nothing different would happen to Kraig at all?

"Pipes burst-Kraig fixed. Suck up goo from river, clog up!" He gestured to the goo, going so far as to whip the wrench that he was using in her direction-she narrowly dodged a spatter of the substance as it flew from the tip of the tool towards her. Her lips twitched, and she frowned.

"Kraig, did you ever think that it wasn't good to bathe yourself in that stuff. You don't even know what it is..." Now that she was in front of him, she was finding it a little hard to tell him her problem. Knowing Kraig, he would be inquisitive enough to want to see... and at the moment, Akira just couldn't face that. The assassin, who had never felt embarrassment or shame before was suddenly faced with the emotion for the first time, and finding that she truly did not enjoy it. Kraig, however, simply lifted his hands in front of him and looked at his goo covered fingers, and then gave a small shrug.

"Pipes need fixed. Kraig fixes. Can wash goo off later." A shrug, and he turned as though to once more work on the pipes. Akira, however, found her hand shooting out and grabbing his shoulder before he could. A small curse escaped her lips as she felt her fingers slick over the goo again, but she managed to pull Kraig back before any more of the stuff could get on him... not that she thought it could really help him now. He gave a little sway, as though he were slightly off balance, and fell back against her-her own balance, which was usually spot on, seemed to be off... because the weight of the little coyote-fox that fell against her, she went crashing back. She also, to her dismay, felt it as Kraig landed on top of her, wrench falling to one side as his hands flew out as though he meant to catch himself. What happened, instead, was that his palm crushed against her new-found equipment, and Akira felt the same jarring and nearly nauseating pain that she had felt earlier when she'd zipped her cock in her fly.

It was because of this debilitating pain that she wasn't used to that she didn't stop the inquisitive hands that groped atop her package for a moment before grabbing hold of it and tugging. "What Akira have? Squishy weapon?" His tongue stuck out to one side as he gave another tug, as though he meant to detach the cock from her body. She gave another little squirm and pushed him off of her as gently as possible. In doing so, her cloak spilled open, and what he had been tugging on-standing slightly erect from his attentions, even through the pain, became painfully evident.

Kraig looked at her for a moment... and then looked harder at her shorts. Finally, a look dawned on his face. "Kraig have one, why Akira? Akira no more fe-male?"

And then he slowly started to trail off, as though something had just occurred to him. Akira's eyes finally made the trip that they had been too nervous to make before. The front of his shorts, which were covered in the same goo that coated his body... were slick and smooth. Kraig's brows furrowed, and his hand came between his legs-he smoothed it over the front of his shorts and began to rub. She could see the little jerks going through his body, but he continued to rub. Finally, he moved his hand up as though to stick his fingers down his shorts to explore. "Kraig! Don't do that-don't you see that it's missing? Stop... touching yourself." She winced at her own words, but Kraig halted in a perfectly obedient manner and looked up to her.

He looked for a moment from her bulging shorts to his own smooth front... and then tilted his head and said in a small, accusing voice. "Why Akira take Kraig's?" His eyes widened as though she had managed to hurt his feelings, "Could have asked first. Kraig let Akira borrow if needed."

She looked at him for a moment, truly befuddled. This was the reason that she was so protective of Kraig... he was so naive about... well... everything that was truly worldly. As she sat there, he continued to speak, almost under his breath now. "Akira not even let go when Kraig pull, why so important?" And then a few other incoherent things that she couldn't understand. Finally, he looked up at her with a little bit of panic and confusion."Kraig need back soon, Kraig not went bathroom yet and need to aim when goes!" His hands came down and cupped his smooth crotch again in near panic.

In as gentle of a voice as she could manage, Akira spoke as she leaned forward and pulled his hands from his crotch again, "I didn't take it, Kraig. It's the goo... it changed us some how. We need to figure it out so that we can change back."

"Kraig can have his back?"

"Yes, if we figure it out."

"Kraig can use bathroom standing up?"

"Yes, we just have to figure it out."

"Good... Kraig not know how to aim without penis..." A small beat and then he asked in another small voice a question that left Akira a little worried, a little nervous, and a little curious... "Does Akira know how to aim...?"

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