Panic During the Night (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 3)

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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Third Chapter in my original series, Tales of Drake and Xello. Looks like the pair get into some nasty trouble that night.

Xello and Drake awoke 3 hours later due to a loud crash. The house was shaking violently; thunder was roaring and lightning was flashing. The power had gone out, leaving them in darkness. Xello whimpered as another crash happened outside. "What's up with this storm?" He said, almost crying.

Drake looked out his window and saw two trees on the ground. Lightning flashed in front of the window, causing him to land on his tail with a loud yip. He stood up, rubbing his tail. "Two of the oak trees fell," Drake said, a single tear rolling down his cheek from the pain. "We should go downstairs."

Xello looked around for his pants. He suddenly had a sharp pain coming up from his tail. "OUCH!" he screamed.

"Sorry," Drake said. "I can't see a thing." Another flash of lightning caused a yip from both of them. "Forget the pants, let's just go downstairs."

Xello whimpered out. He stood up and tried to find Drake. They bumped heads with a soft thud. "Ow," whimpered Xello.

Drake kissed Xello's head, the grabbed his paw to lead him down stairs. He reached for the door, unsure of where it exactly was. "Where is it," he muttered softy.

Drake, swaying his paw around, finally found the door. He opened it quickly, and led Xello out into the darkness. They couldn't see a thing. Both were terrified of the loud thunder.

When they reached the stairs, the descended slowly, trying to avoid falling. Xello grasped Drake's paw even tighter as another loud crash came from outside. "Not another tree," he cried. "Drake, I'm really scared. I've never been in a storm like this."

Drake already had tears going down his face, but was trying to remain calm enough to protect Xello. The wind picked up, howling viciously. The house continued to shake, making their steps unsure. Another crash, and suddenly both were being rained on. "FUCK!" Drake screamed. "We have to get to the basement. It's just beyond the kitchen."

Xello whimpered. He was being dragged down the stairs, his new lover trying to keep him calm. When they finally reached the bottom of the stairs, and stepped into water. It was absolutely freezing to their sensitive paws. Drake began to pick up the pace, still trying to keep calm. He led Xello through the living room, and into the kitchen.

Drake stopped. "Oh no," he said, losing his calm.

"What's wrong, Drake?" Xello asked, barely able to choke it out.

"I don't have the key," he replied. "My mom keeps it in her room, to prevent people from messing around down there. I have to go get it."

Xello was trying to pull himself together now. "I'll wait here," He said, still having trouble talking. "Please hurry Drake."

Drake nodded and ran back towards the stairs. He slipped at the base, fell to the ground, and slid into the wall with a loud crash. He began to black out, everything feeling warm. He heard screaming but couldn't tell where from. He tried to hold on, but quickly became unconscious.

Xello heard the crash and ran into the living room. The cold, wet floor made his fur stand on end. A flash of lightning lit up the room just enough to see Drake on the ground. "DRAKE!" He screamed, terrified that his lover was hurt. He ran to his side, and shook him a bit. "Drake, please wake up. Please stay with me." He cried, knowing that this was very bad.

Xello gulped. He had no choice but to pull himself together and find a safe place to ride out the storm. He shook Drake again, but no luck. Another flash of lightning. Xello whimpered. He tried to pick Drake up with little success. "Fuck, why am I so weak," he cried to himself.

The water in the house was starting to rise. Xello kept trying to wake Drake up, crying non-stop, constantly yelling his name. "Please Drake, please wake up. Please wake up, please wake up Drake."

A slight noise came from Drake, filling Xello with a little bit of ease. "Drake, can you hear me?" he asked.

A slight groan escaped Drake's lips. He slowly opened his eyes, still unable to see in the darkness. "Xello... what..." He trailed off, still not fully conscious.

Xello hugged Drake. "Its ok, I'm here." He whispered. "We need to get someplace safe. Can you stand?"

Drake, now soaked by the rain that was pouring at an alarming rate in the house, tried to stand. He stumbled and fell back to the ground. Everything was spinning. "I... can... barely... move..." He wheezed out.

"You have to get up, I can't carry you," Xello whimpered at another thunderclap. "We need to head back upstairs and get into a closet or something."

Drake tried to stand again, being held up by Xello. He leaned on his lovers shoulder, trying to keep himself stable. "Parents'... room... on... right..." He wheezed out, still struggling to stay awake.

Xello guided Drake to the stairs, and slowly ascended them. It felt like hours just trying to go up the stairs, rain pouring on them both. Once they reached the top, Xello turned slowly to the right, and reached out for the door. He felt the cold metal of the doorknob, and slowly turned in and pushed the door open.

The room was covered in darkness, just like the rest of the house. "Closet straight ahead," Drake said, finally coming fully around. They walked forward until they ran into a door.

Xello reached out again, searching for the doorknob. He felt some rounded wood and pulled open the closest. The smell of new shoes and dirty clothes was the only thing he noticed. They went in, and Xello gently propped Drake against a wall. "Let me go grab the pillows and a blanket from your parents' bed," he said.

Before allowing Drake to answer, Xello walked out of the closet and tried to find the bed. He tripped over a wooden post, and landed on it. The cotton blanket felt slightly cool to his fur and the satin pillows very extremely soft. He grabbed both and quickly went back into the closet, closing the door behind him. The closet was fairly large he noticed. "Drake, you still awake?" He asked.

"Barely," a reply came from the right. It was extremely weak of a reply. Drake was trying to stay awake, but he knew he would black out again soon.

"You have to stay awake," Xello cried. "You might have a concussion, and you could slip into a coma if you fall asleep."

Xello quickly found where he left Drake, and placed a pillow behind his head. He sat next to him, placing the other pillow behind his own head. He then covered both of them with the heavy blanket and got as to Drake as possible. "Just stay awake," he said. "Just listen to my voice, stay focused on that and stay awake."

Throughout the night, Xello kept talking to Drake, making sure he never dozed off. Their wet fur and the storm outside didn't make matters any better. The blanket only did so much for warmth.

After what felt like days in the closet, a small faint glimmer of light shined underneath the closed door. Xello stood up, extremely exhausted. He looked down at Drake, who was still fighting to stay awake. "Don't fall asleep," He said seriously to him. "I'm going to look outside."

Drake nodded, and began muttering "must stay awake" over and over. Xello opened the door, light filled the closet. It was morning, but what time, he had no clue. The room was a massive room. A large bed with nothing but red sheets was along the western wall. Various paintings hung from the white walls, and the blue carpet was slightly damp. Xello turned back to see the closet. The walls were white, and a shoe-rack sat opposite from Drake. And what appeared to be hundreds or suits and dresses hung there.

Xello turned back around, and looked at the window. He pulled back the flowery curtains and stared outside. "Most of the trees have been uprooted," He said. "The water is a good 7 to 8 inches up the side of the house." He looked at the still slightly cloudy sky. His black fur was matted to his naked body, showing how thin he truly was. His eyes were bloodshot as he looked around.

Drake kept fight off sleep. His fur was even worse than Xello's. Blood had mixed it, giving him a sickly look. His strong body was of no use to him. "Are the phones working?" He tried to yell.

Xello looked around the room and saw a cordless phone sitting on his parents table. He walked over and picked it up, praying that they were working. He pushed talk, and sighed. He dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency," came an exhausted female voice from the other end.

"My friend is badly injured, and might have a concussion," Xello said. "The storm blasted a hole in his roof, we need some help here."

"Where are you located at?" The voice replied.

"The last house on Ashwood Road."

"Help is on its way." The voice said. "Make sure to keep your friend awake."

"Thank you." Xello said, relief rushing over him. He hung up. "Help is coming Drake. Just stay awake. I'm going to go get our clothes."

Drake was still forcing himself awake, not wanting anything bad to happen. He knew his life was in danger, and all he could do was sit there. Xello came running back a few moments later, his pants pulled on. He helped Drake up.

"Here, let me help you put these on," Xello whispered.

Drake nodded. Xello lifted his leg, and slid on Drake's pants from the day before. They were still dry. Xello then gently pulled the shirt over Drake's head and arms, trying to cause as little discomfort as possible.

"Yours house is very bad," Xello said to Drake. "A good chunk of the roof has tree limbs coming through."

"At least I was here with you," Drake whispered, trying to smile at Xello.

The roar the sirens could be heard from down the street. The ambulance was on it way, and coming fast. Xello quickly helped Drake up, and had him lean on his shoulder for support. "Let's get you downstairs." Xello said.

Drake nodded. They stumbled their way out of the closet, and onto the second floor landing. They slowly descended the stairs as they saw the flashing light come from outside. There was a knock at the door. Xello yell, "Come in!"

The door opened, and two men with a stretcher came rushing in. One was a white tiger, very tall. His strips and short fur added a nice touch. The other was a panther, his jet black fur was similar to Xello's, but kept much shorter. They both came up the stair case, giving Xello a hand with Drake. "What happened to him?" The tiger asked.

"He slipped and fell, and skidded across the floor, his head hitting the wall." Xello replied. "I've been trying to keep him up all night."

Both of the paramedics laid Drake on the stretcher. The panther turned to Xello. "Do you live here?" he asked.


"You can ride with us to the hospital." The tiger said.

"Thank you," Xello said, heaving a sigh of relief.

They rolled Drake out, Xello running next to him, whispering in his ear, "Its ok. I'm here."

The ride was very short, the hospital being only 8 miles away. Xello rode up front with the tiger, while the panther stayed in the back, watching Drake. The tiger looked at him and said, "When we get there, you need to call your parents. We are going to run a check-up on you as well."

Xello nodded, and then said, "I don't know the number to his parents."

"Don't worry," The tiger said, smiling at Xello. "We'll be able to get in touch with them easily."

Xello nodded. His mind was focused on Drake. The ambulance pulled into the hospital, and the paramedics quickly got out. The careful got Drake out, and rushed him inside, Xello trying to keep up.

The hospital was an older building. The outside was made of brick, with flower beds scattered out. A few small trees dotted the parking lot. There were several cars outside.

Xello stepped through the doors very close behind the stretcher. The smell of the sick quickly overpowered him. The marble floors were well polished, and the white walls shined eerily. There were several people in the waiting room and that a nurse would come to see him in a minute. Some people had serious cut, and a few looked like they could die at any minute.

The tiger told Xello to sit over in the waiting room. Drake was rushed pasted the emergency doors, and was in the back. Drake had passed back out during the trip.

Xello sat on one of the semi-hard chairs. He sat for what felt like hours, even though it had only been a few minutes. A female red dragon came out and said, "Xello, we are ready to see you."

Xello stood up and followed the dragon pasted the same doors they took Drake into. "Is my friend ok?" He asked, extremely worried.

"You mean the fox that came through here just a second ago?" She asked. "If so, he's still getting his x-rays taken."

Xello sighed.

She quickly checked Xello's blood pressure, weight, and height. She then smiled at him, before saying, "You friend should be fine. You look like your ok, but making sure. That house was badly damaged from what I was told."

Xello nodded, before saying, "Can I call my mom?"

The dragon nodded, and went the desk, grabbing a phone. She handed to him and said, "The doctors want to talk to you before she comes to get you."

Xello nodded. He dialed his home number, and waited. The phone rang, and rang, but no answer. He hung up, and tried his mother's cell phone. It rang twice before he heard his mother on the other side say hello.

"Mom," Xello said, "I'm at the hospital with Drake. He has a bad head injury from last night. The doctors want to talk with me before I can go."

"Are you ok?" His mom asked.

"I'm fine. The house we were in was badly damaged, and Drake got injured as a result." He replied.

"Ok, I'll be there in ten minutes." She said. "Love you honey."

"Love you too, mom." Xello said, as he hung up the phone.

The red dragon came back a few moments later, with a large black bear right behind her. "Xello, this is Doctor Trelway. He the one taking care of your friend."

Dr. Trelway raised his paw to shake hands with Xello, to which he accepted. "We just got your friends x-rays." Dr. Trelway said. "He's not seriously injured, but will need a few days of rest. What happened exactly?"

Xello went on and told them about how they were woke up by a loud crash, and how they ran downstairs, trying to get to the basement. He went on about how Drake had to grab a key, and the he had heard a large crash and ran to see Drake on the ground.

Dr. Trelway nodded, writing down everything Xello said. "Ok, your friend has a minor concussion. We've called his parents, and they are their way. Would you like to see him?"

Xello nodded, and followed the doctor into a nearby room. Drake was on the bed, with a nurse sitting next to him. Xello walked over to him, and asked, "How are you feeling?"

Drake just shrugged, before saying, "I'll be fine.'

Xello sat there, talking with Drake about nothing important when suddenly two foxes came into the room. They ran over to Drake, hugging and kissing him. The female fox was a little bit taller than Xello, and was a pure white fox. Her hair was an absolute mess. She had the same color eyes as Drake. The male was the same height as his wife, but with the same coloring pattern as Drake, burnt orange fur with white underneath his muzzle, and on the tip of his tail. This one had grey eyes. He looked exactly like Drake except for the eyes.

Xello stood up to leave Drake with his parents, when his mother turned around to him, asking "Are you Xello?"

Xello looked at her a nodded.

She ran over and gave him a hug, practically screaming in his ear, "You save my son! I can't ever thank you enough."

Xello blushed.

"My name is Carol, and this Drake's father, Richard." She said, letting go of Xello.

He shook hands with Richard, before saying, "I'll leave you three alone. My mother should be here any minute to pick me up."

Both of the foxes nodded, saying thank you again, and turned back to their son. Xello was still blushing slightly as he left the room. He was led back to the waiting area, where his mom was sitting. She looked up at him, and ran over to him, tears filling her eyes. "I was so worried about you," she said, through her tears.

Xello hugged her, and said, "I'm fine, mom. Drake should be okay, but still needs some rest."

His mother nodded, before leading Xello out to her car to drive them home. He stared out the window for the entire trip, noticing all the damaged trees and houses. When they pulled into the driveway, he looked at his mom and said, "I need to tell you something."