R-Evolution: 05:Life

Story by Whedabra on SoFurry

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#5 of R-Evolution


5: Life


Author's Notes:

I'm not sure I was able to give this chapter the undivided attention it deserved. I had specific goals in mind when I began writing it, and unfortunately didn't achieve all of them. One of those goals however was to improve the quality of the yiff scene (which was somewhat disappointing back in Ch.2), and I think I've definitely improved as far as that goes ^.=.^

This could be the final chapter in this series, I have more ideas, but I would like your honest opinion as to weather I should continue the series or move on to other things.


Allen couldn't hear anything except his own heartbeat pounding relentlessly beneath his grey furry chest. The beast's snarls no longer even registering in his mind. His breaths were short and sharp. His mind raced, trying to make sense of everything. What he just saw, it was crazy! Tom was crazy! It was the only way to justify the human's actions. Sane people don't just up and run towards a creature that could scare a hardcore serial killer shitless. At least not willingly!

Surprisingly though, once Tom had dropped behind her, the dark dragoness became very much unamused by the human's actions. She even seemed to ignore him after her initial display of aggression. But after Allen watched more closely for a few more seconds it was obvious the creature had somehow been lulled to a relatively calm state. He wondered if Tom had just done something to the beast or if this was one of the most unusual coincidence of all time. This really hadn't been a day of coincidence though.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity to Allen, Tom finally came back into view. He carefully crawled up the dragoness' back, gripping the base of her wings and pulled himself up to her neck. He leaned over her shoulder and pressed his cheek against the side of her face. The reaction was stunning.

The she-dragons lips began to quiver as she forcefully shut her eyes. She caressed her scales across Tom's skin almost romantically, it definitely seemed to be a gesture of affection. Slowly it dawned on Allen that the dragoness' lips weren't just moving at random. It looked as if they were forming words. And if she were saying something; it would certainly explained why Tom seemed so entranced, he could very well been listening to her.

The anger Tom had displayed so openly on his face earlier quickly vanished, replaced now by something that looked like a mixture of fear and concern. The beast's lips continued to tremble and soon her limbs began to twitch, slowly at first but quickly becoming more violent. The great beast opened her eyes again and stared nervously at the two werewolves. Something was definitely happening between those two, and Allen wasn't sure he really wanted to witness it. He looked over at Jack, who like himself, hadn't moved an inch since first seeing the beast. He wanted to call out to his love, tell him that they should be getting out of here.... but Allen couldn't get his mouth to move. His tongue just slithered around inside his muzzle.

Unable to speak, let alone move, he returned his attention to the she-dragon. It wasn't long before her face was twitching just like the rest of her body, and it dawned on him that she must have been willing her body to stay calm.... and now she was losing. Suddenly her lips became motionless, and she turned her head sideways to look at the human leaning over her shoulder. Her stare was questioning, her face was twisted and full of pain. But the sharp stare in her eye was resolute and focused on Tom's answer. Just looking at her display filled Allen's heart with pity for the great beast, even if it were still beating in his throat.

Tom suddenly looked appalled. "No!" He shouted. Repulsed by what the scaley beast must have suggested. She snapped at his face, thick strands of saliva spattered over his skin. He shut his eyes, but he never flinched. Just after, her lips began moving again as more violent tremors shook her body. Tom nodded, as if her were unwilling to admit something but understood he had no other choice.

Allen suddenly felt a sinking sensation in his gut that put the previous sinking feeling to shame. This wasn't going to end well; somehow he could just tell.

The dragoness heaved a heavy sigh and licked Tom over the face. Her actions were slow and surprisingly controlled considering her condition, and a fleeting hint of passion, almost too quick to see, flickered through her eyes. Despite her tremors, she seemed to try and nuzzle him with her snout as well, but Tom pulled away looking very alarmed. No, Allen thought, this couldn't be.....

The great beast quickly drew Allen's attention back to the situation at hand. With what was clearly the last bit of conscious effort she could muster she screamed: "D-WING SECURITY!" Her voice literally shook the walls and vibrated the cubicles; the sad defeated tone of her voice escalating into a growl as she pronounced the last syllable.

Allen looked over at Jack, as he would be most likely to know where this "D-Wing Security" place was; but Jack didn't look back at him. He just stood there staring, eyes wide, shaking, and frozen in terror, at the she-dragon. His mates reaction deeply disturbed Allen and increased his own fear and panic tenfold.

The moment the creatures voce stopped, the flicker of control she exercised vanished. It was replaced by something so disenchanting, so unbelievably horrible, that Allen couldn't find words to adequately describe it.

The monster's hungry feral eyes flitted from Jack to Allen, and then back to Jack again. At the same time the strong odor of urine filled the air. Allen glanced down, thinking he may have soiled himself, but found he was still dry. He looked over at Jack again, and noticed the lower half of his beautiful black coat was wet and matted; his feet resting in a small puddle of yellow liquid.

The sight made Allen want to throw up, not out of disgust, but from a sickening realization. This creature was out for blood, and that blood was going to be coming from of them. He couldn't let that happen, he couldn't live without Jack, nor Jack without him. They would suffer the same fate as the dragoness. That must have been what was wrong with her, she must have been alone for too long... Her animal mind must have destroyed her human side... and that meant....

The dragoness licked her lips and let out a low rumble, clearly she sensed an easy meal. She spread her wings and lunged, running directly towards the dark, wet wolf standing next to Allen. The look in Jack's eyes terrified Allen more than the feral beast about to take his life did. Jack already knew he was dead, and this was a look that admitted his defeat. But most of all, it was an expression of extreme sadness. He stared weakly at Allen, his bloodshot eyes unable to hold back the tears drenching his face.

How could this be happening? It wasn't fair! He'd just emerged into this new life, they both had. Battled their personal demons, and bonded with each other, all in an unbelievably tiny amount of time. It was the best time of his life. There was nothing he would trade for it.... and nothing he wouldn't give up in order to save it... if only he was given the chance.

As Allen stared at his mate time somehow stopped. The dark wolf stared back at him, caressing his body with his gentle gaze. His beautiful hazel eyes making their way up to his own. Those loving eyes, they were windows into Jack's soul. In a flash he saw their lives, from beginning, to the present, and what could have been the future. He saw them sitting in a dark living room on a soft sofa, cuddling in front of a warm fire. He saw himself cooking dinner in a modest kitchen and feeling Jack's warm arms wrap around him from behind; he had just set the table for them, the smell of candles filling the air. Then they were sleeping, or at least Jack was, under the covers of a big, warm bed. He scooted closer to his lover's body, breathing deeply the light shampoo scent lingering on his fur, before wrapping his arm around him, gently nuzzling his neck and drifting off into a blissful sleep. The next day was bound to be as amazing as the one before....

Allen didn't realize it, but Jack was seeing the same thing from the opposite point of view. He gently licked Allen's maw as they cuddled together on the couch; he blew out the match he'd just used to light the candles on the table and tip-toed up behind his mate; he drifted off to sleep knowing he was loved, and more importantly, the love of his life was there sleeping right next to him. He felt his mate snuggle up against his pelt and caress the nape of his neck with his muzzle. He couldn't wait to wake up next to him, to stare into those deep, emerald eyes, to kiss those lips despite their lingering morning breath.... He knew that the next day was going to be one full of memories just as pleasant as the ones he'd made the day before....

...The moment passed as quickly as it had begun. Allen, still gazing into Jack's eyes, even as his vision blurred as tears welled up and streamed down his short face fur. He wanted to run over there, hold the dark lupine closely, and whisper that everything was going to be ok. That he was going to be ok, that nothing could tear them apart... no matter what... But he couldn't get his body to move. He wanted to scream, to cry, to say the words he'd been holding back since they first met. The words he couldn't bring himself to say.... until now... and now he was unable to say them. So he just cried, it was the only thing his body was able to do, but at least it was something.

Through his blurred vision, he saw Jack's frame shutter. He too had given way to a full-fledged sob as the dark figure approached. The rumbling footsteps shook the ground with each impact. With the last bit of self control he could muster, Allen brought his quivering hand up and wiped the tears from his eyes. And just before more of the sorrowful liquid could well up again, he saw Jack's muzzle move. He wasn't good at reading lips, let alone a lupine muzzle, but the words were as clear as crystal to him. "I love you." Jack had whispered, accepting his fate... and then he was gone... in a blur of dark fur, black scales and a painful yelp, Jack was gone...

Allen's vision blurred again as he felt part of himself die. The scaley beast was still making an awful commotion, but Allen couldn't hear anything again. His heart skipped a few beats, his breathing stopped, and the world began to spin. The wind emanating from the creatures wings threw the weakened Allen off balance and he fell to the floor; his paw landing in the small pool of Jack's still warm urine.

"Jack?" Allen cried weakly, forcing himself to roll over to see what was happening.

The lumbering body of the she-dragon was pressed up against the far wall, holding something against it. Something with a dark furry tail that was just barely visible from behind the equally dark beast. There was blood everywhere; he wondered if it were from Tom...or from.... from... he couldn't bring himself to think the latter. The red liquid covered the dragoness, the wall, the floor, the nearby cubicles, it was spattered on the ceiling..... and it was dripping down Jack's tail.

Allen gasped as he felt his heart stop, and everything began to get dark. He fought off the onslaught of approaching darkness just long enough to hear another yelp, a painful whimper, and the deafening rumble of the she-dragon's voice. Allen welcomed the relief of unconsciousness as it washed over him, he didn't want to witness what he knew would be coming next.

When Allen opened his eyes again, he couldn't remember what had just happened and he didn't know where he was. Everything was blurry, but he could tell he was in a small room. As his eyes patiently adjusted, the weave of the fabric covering the walls slowly came into focus. It was off white and deteriorating in disrepair. He stared down the short wall and on to adjoining one. The second wall was smeared with blood in several places.

Suddenly it all came rushing back; his head ached as the memories unlocked themselves. Had he eaten anything it would have come up, but since he hadn't he only dry-heaved a few times. He jumped to his feet in terror and panic as soon as his stomach realized there was no use in trying to vomit any longer. He heard a surprised yelp from behind him and instantly tears once again claimed his vision. He knew he must have been imagining it.

"Jack?" He whispered.

"Allen," the hauntingly familiar voice said as he felt pressure on his right shoulder. "It's ok Allen."

He felt warm arms wrap around him, and the odor of blood, wet dog, and urine filled his nose. He looked down to see dark, blood-soaked, lupine arms wrapped around his chest. His own grey torso, stomach, and arms were coated in blood as well, though not nearly as thick. The sight should have shocked him, he could be dying... but all thought quickly fled his mind, he no longer cared if this were real or not, and his numbed senses attested to that.

Slowly, very slowly he began to turn, and those familiar arms released him from their grasp. He felt dizzy as he realized where he was. He was standing in one of the cubicles in that horrible room he saw his friend.... his love... killed in. The sight of Jack's blood drenched tail dripping in the grasp of the monstrous beast. But.... if that were true, whose arms had been....

With one more step he came muzzle to muzzle with a familiar face, those beautiful hazel eyes once again staring back at him. There was nothing Allen could say, and his body seemed to act all on its own. He didn't care if it were real or not, though he hoped to the gods that it were. He snatched that gorgeous lupine into his embrace, and kissed him more passionately than anyone had ever kissed before (that's how it felt to Allen anyway). He lost himself in the embrace and let out a heartbreaking whimper. When they finally parted lips Allen just held onto Jack's frame and wept gently.

"I thought I'd lost you." He managed to gasp between gentle sobs of unadulterated joy.

It felt like Jack was going to say something, but he just let out a long sigh instead, and hugged Allen back even harder. They stayed that way for a long while, Allen never wanted to let Jack go again. Slowly Allen felt the life being resurrected within him, the parts of him that felt dead, reawakened by Jack's firm embrace. It was like they were both the same person, two ententes making up one body, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to live again if Jack wasn't with him. He desperately hoped Jack felt the same way.... He had to have felt the same way, his passionate embrace said so.

The sound of faint grunting shook Allen from his spell. He slowly pulled away from Jack. Concern spread across his face when he realized he still didn't know what had happened to the human. "Where's Tom?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

Jack tried to force a smile, but it was a painful, troubled smile. "He's alright..." His voice sounding distant.

"He's alright?" Allen repeated, stepping towards the cubicle's opening. Jack reached out a blood-spattered paw to stop him. It was then, when Allen turned back around, that he realized just how extensive Jacks injuries really were. His handsome mate was covered in dozens of puncture wounds, especially over his left shoulder which was caked with coagulated blood. From the looks of it, the dragoness must have tried to take his arms off.... Allen grimaced at the thought. Jack also had a large gash across his chest, a somewhat smaller cut halfway across his abdomen, and more puncture wounds on his right thigh and knee.

Allen was trying not to overreact, though it didn't take long before Jack caught onto this. "It's not as bad as it looks" Jack said, fidgeting with his arms. She missed the main arteries in my leg... Tom had her mostly subdued by then."

"What happened with Tom?" He asked. He hardly even realized he was speaking he was so distracted by the sight of his abused pack-mate.

Jack sighed. "He asked me to give him some alone time. So I dragged you in here so I could keep an eye on you while he did whatever it is he's doing out there."

"You were here when I woke up..." Whispered Allen as he remembered that warm conversation he'd had with Jack after the first time they made love. A soft grin spread across his lips, his eyes giving way to soft tears again.

Jack smiled a large, heartfelt smile. "It sounded like a good idea." No sooner had the words escaped his lips Jack pulled Allen back into his embrace and kissed him again. Allen of course accepted the gesture and returned the favor. Sure the timing might have been bad, but he needed this, just as much as he knew Jack needed it.

As their long lupine tongues caressed each other's , Allen noticed that Jack was slowly working him back against the wall. It wasn't until he had him completely pinned and Jack's member was pressing against Allen's that he realized just how aroused he was. What they say about surviving life threatening events must be true! At this moment, words couldn't describe how happy he was to be alive, but he thought his actions were doing a decent job of expressing his feeling.

Jack broke their kiss and dropped to his knees. Allen didn't quite feel right about this though, he really should be doting on Jack after everything he'd just went though. He gently tapped him on the head trying to get his attention. Jack either ignored him, or misinterpreted the gesture.

"Jaaaaa....." Allen's words fell short when he felt Jack's tongue slide over his penis. He took a breath trying to contain his growing lust. "I really think that I should be...."

Jack reached up and put a finger on Allen's lips. "Don't worry," He giggled seductively "I've got some special plans for you."

The dark wolf slowly slid his paw from Allen's lips, down his torso and rubbed his padded digits gently across his groin. Allen shut his eyes and soaked in the sensations. Jack caressed his inner thigh, and then moved on to his testicles, giving them a playful tug, carefully so as to not injure his partner. Allen whimpered slightly. This, he thought. must be was bliss feels like! Obviously Jack had been planning this for a while.

As Jack continued to fondle Allen's testicles, Jack began working his tongue around his shaft. He slowly traced the length from it's base just above the sheath, up to the tip where he gently swirled his tongue in a circular pattern. Allen felt himself getting closer, and he fought to keep his body from releasing it's load.... not yet, he didn't want the sensation to end.

Allen hadn't realized it, but in his blissful state of sexual pleasure, he had begun to slouch against the wall, spreading his legs a bit further. Jack wasted no time in seizing the appertained. Allen jumped and looked down as he felt Jack's moist fingers press against his tailhole. Jack just looked up and grinned mischievously before opening widely, completely swallowing Allen's cock. Being completely distracted by the sensations from the front, he relaxed just enough for Jack's finger to penetrate him. His already contented face grew even brighter when he realized what Jack must have in mind for him.

The grey wolf moaned gently while his dark lover worked his magic. Soon Jack was rhythmically bobbing his head, taking all his partner had to offer as deep as he could take it until Allen's knot was too large to safely fit into his muzzle. Allen was panting heavily, his tongue dangling from the corner of his mouth, dripping occasionally onto Jack's matted coat, which only increased Jack's determination. It only took a moment for Allen's lightly furred scrotum to draw itself up tight against his body.

Jack mumbled through a full mouth: "Ya gnow, I sink I've anged muh mind."

Jack's voice sent a full body shuttered though Allen, starting at the tip of his tail, working up his spine and to his ears. Jack grinned, gently grazing Allen with his teeth, realized what was happening. Somehow Jack managed to double his efforts, sucking more firmly and swiveling his tongue from one side of his shaft to the other with expert precision. Allen took a deep breath, wondering how it was possible for just one person to provide so much pleasure. He very gently gripped Jack's shoulders, careful not to squeeze hard enough to hurt him; and with a deep rumbling growl, released wave upon wave of lupine seed into Jack's muzzle. Allen squeezed his eyes shut, enjoyed every ounce of pleasure washing over his body while Jack suckled down every last drop of semen he could coax from Allen.

Allen pulled his penis from Jack's maw, dropped down to his knees and kissed Jack deeply. He took note of the curious flavor of his own semen as he let Allen know just how much he loved and appreciated him. Once again Allen could not put words to the beauty of the situation, and hoped to the gods that his actions were good enough to speak for him.

Allen gently pulled out of the kiss, licking his lips thoughtfully. "You're turn." He whispered into the dark wolf's ear. Jack pulled his head back and stared into Allens eyes. Allen felt butterflies well up inside of him, as if this were their first date. It was within that spellbinding stare that it suddenly dawned on Allen what he was about to do... He tried not to let his nervousness show through. "So how do you want to do this?" Allen asked. "I don't want you hurting yourself."

Jack giggled. "If you're not comfortable with this, we don't have to do it this way." Jack said, looking as if he could be glowing. There was no way Allen was going to back out of this now.

"No," Allen reassured him gently, as he caressed his face with a paw. "I want this more than.... I want this just as much as I want you. I've just never done it before.... and...." Allen's eyes were drawn to Jack's nastily punctured shoulder, "you're injured...."

"Don't worry about me love." Jack sighed as he lay down on the floor and motioned for Allen to squat over his cock. Then with a wink added: "You're going to be doing most of the work anyway! Now I need you to lean forward a bit for a few seconds."

Jack had obviously done this before and knew good and well what he was talking about. So Allen did as he was told and leaned forward. He supported his weight with his arms against the cubicle's wall on either side of Jack's head, his muzzle just inches away from his. Jack adjusted himself, and though he was expecting it, Allen was still surprised when he felt something warm, wet, and slimy pressing into his tail-hole. The sensation, while initially disturbing and nearly painful, began to feel very pleasurable.

"Alright, just try to relax." Jack instructed, pulling himself away from allen rump. "I'm going to try something, and it may feel weird."

Jack's words made Allen chuckle. As if what he was feeling wasn't already weird. Jack pushed up on Jack's backside and scooted himself to where his face was lined up with Allen's ass. He lolled his tongue out and bathed Jack's hole with warm saliva. Once he was satisfied with the bathing, he reached up and pulled on Allen's haunches, applying assertive pressure with his tongue. Allen fought the urge to tighten his rectal muscles while Jack continued his work.

A few brief moments later, Allen felt himself penetrated a second time. It was both awe inspiring and disturbing knowing that it was his mates tongue inside of him instead of his finger this time... Then again they were werewolves, and like dogs which lick their butts all the time, it probably wouldn't matter. He shrugged the thought off realizing it was something he'd probably just have to get used to. In the meantime he was determined to just enjoyed the sensation. He had never realized his insides were so sensitive, and capable of providing so much delectation !

"That should do it." Jack commented, finally removing his long meaty tongue, sounding proud of himself. He gave Allen's tail-hole one last lick for good measure.

"Hm?" Allen said dreamily, barely registering what his mate had just said.

"I said you're ready.... now I want to stare at your beautiful face." Jack scooted back to his original position.

Allen felt himself blush.

"Now put your hands on my shoulders, but be gentle." Jack cooed.

"Are you sure? With me squatting like this I'll be putting more pressure on you than before!"

"Yes," Jack said firmly, but his face still looking warm and inviting. "Now do it."

As carefully as he could, he placed a paw on each of Jack's shoulders. Jack winced slightly, but before Allen could draw his hand away Jack's was on top of his. "Don't even think about it." He hissed playfully.

Allen gave him an annoyed look.

"I told you, don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing and what I'm having you do. If it really begins to hurt to much, I'll tell you so." He paused a moment to stare back into Allen's emerald eyes. "Now sit."

Allen thought he knew what Jack was getting at, but he wanted to make sure. "Sit?" He asked.

Jack nodded. "Go slowly, and if it gets uncomfortable stop until you adjust."

Jack reached up and began gently pulling Allen down onto him, his firm grip a constant source of encouragement to Allen, egging him on. He dropped down to his knees, and felt the tapered end of Jack's lupine member smoothly slide inside of him. The slick saliva covering his hole combined with the lubricating pre-cum on Jack's member made for an exquisite sensation as Jack inched his way within him. About halfway there Allen had to stop and let his body catch up, he breathed heavily and shut his eyes.

Allen pushed himself a little further down, eliciting a deep moan from Jack. Listening to his mate's love calls built in him the desire to go all out. He wanted to prove how far he was willing to go for his love, to show there was nothing he wouldn't do for him. So he drew one last deep breath, exhaled slowly, and then pushed down with considerable force, sliding the second half of Jack's penis through his rectum and into his bowls.

The sensation was amazing. It hurt like hell right at first and he flinch and gasped, but very quickly the pain subsided. He wiggled around a bit just to feel the dark wolves meat move around inside of himself; the pleasure was unbelievable! His sensual movements also pulled another moan from Jack's lips, making Allen grin in satisfaction.

"You ready?" Jack asked, his eyes shut tight, his voice sounding like he was off in some other world.

"I'm ready." Allen said hesitantly. He couldn't help but wonder how being fucked would actually feel.

With a solid upwards thrust with his hips, Jack managed to push further into Allen. Allen whimpered as Jack's swelling knot began putting pressure on his tight tail-hole. He felt Jack ease out of him until only his tip remained inserted and then Jack gently pushed in until Allen could feel his knot again. Jack repeated this process a few more times before beginning to hump him more quickly with greater, uncontrolled passion.

The slow thrusts were wonderful, but the steady, quickening motion was where the true pleasure was. Allen could only hope that Jack was getting just as much out of this as he was. Every time Jack's cock slid over his prostate gland the sensation was almost too much for him to bear. Very soon Allen, as well as Jack, found themselves panting, moaning, and grunting, each reacting seamlessly with the other's movements. As never before they truly were one flesh, two souls bound together in blissful unity.

"Ugh, I'm getting close!" Jack grunted, never ceasing his steady rhythm Allen knew what he was getting at, and he readied himself for what was to come. In fact, he couldn't wait.

"Do it." Allen said, nodding.

Jack didn't need to be told twice. He reached up and put his paws on Allen's shoulders. With a firm and quick thrush upward with his hips and an equally firm push downwards with his paws he forced Allen down upon his shaft. With a slick popping nose Allen felt a slice of sharp pain wrench his body, as Jack's knot forced it's way into his body. He whimpered ever so softly.

"Allen?" Jack asked, his voice permeated with concern.

Allen whined a couple more times before finally opening his eyes. He looked deeply into Jack's hazel eyes, and with a reassuring smile said: "I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting it to hurt so much.

"I'm sorry." Allen quickly explaining himself. "I didn't realize I'd swollen quite so..." This time it was Allen who silenced Jack with a finger over the moth.

He licked Jack broadly across the face and sighed. "I'm a big wuff, I can take it."

Jack sighed, he'd never heard Allen talk like that... and it was really cute. He could get used to calling him "wuff." Jack decided to give Allen a moment longer to recuperate, something which Allen was very thankful fore despite his comment to the contrary, before continuing to thrust.

Allen knew this was what the animal inside his own mind was wanting, and Jack must have been feeling the same sense of satisfaction. They were wired to be mates for life, and now, they were really mating, preforming the act of life! Even if it wasn't exactly in harmony with the natural order of nature, the deed was still pure. The ecstacy he was feeling pushed him over the edge, and for the second time during their mating ritual he felt the sticky white ribbons of semen erupt from himself, this time all over Jack's chest.

The spasms flooding through Allen's body massaged Jack's massively expanded penis and stimulated his knot in ways no amount of humping or grinding ever could. Jack huffed a series of short, sharp breaths before inhaling deeply and growling a long powerful howl from the depths of his lungs. Allen felt several powerful spurts of hot, thick, werewolf cum fill his bowls as well as another painful, yet pleasurable sensation as Jack's knot finally reached full size, tying them together.

Allen quickly became aware of how physically demanding his performance had been. He legs were cramping, his arms felt like lead, and fatigue was plaguing the rest of him. He wasn't about to let himself fall upon Jack's injured body though. He reached his arms beneath Jack's and by quickly shuffling his weight and rolling over on Jack's uninjured arm, they swapped positions. Jack cringed, but never yelped, and once Allen had his legs spread adequately apart for both their comfort, Jack let himself collapse upon his mate.

It was only after their heartbeats slowed and their panting reduced to deep breathing that Allen was able to hear the sound of someone sniffling. They both craned their necks to look at the cubicle's doorway, where the sound seemed to be coming from. Tom was sitting just on the other side, covered in blood and what looked like various other fluids, watching the lupine couple with a sad smile. His head was leaning against the outside wall of the cubicle and in his arms he was cradling something smooth, round, and speckled. In fact, if he didn't know any better he would have thought it was a giant egg.

"You guys... are really loud...." He sniffled, holding the oblong, basketball-sized, object tightly against his torso.

Allen didn't know what to say, or even what to think.... what had this poor man just gone through? Thankfully Jack had an idea of how to direct the conversation.

"Are you cold?" Jack asked, still sounding exhausted.

Tom started to shake his head "no," but then sighed and dropped his head. "A little."

Jack patted at a spot on the ground next to them, gesturing for Tom to join them.

Tom was clearly still uncomfortable with certain aspects of the pack, particularly this situation which he was now faced with. Was he to accept the offer, and lie down with two homosexual werewolves, or was he to sit on his own lost in a jumble of memories and thoughts both good and bad. His face revealed a brief internal conflict before he quickly rose to join them. He didn't want to give himself the chance to change his mind; and all the while he continued to cradle the mysterious object in his embrace.

Tom lay on his back and snuggled in close to Allen's fur. He smelled heavily of the she-dragon, making Allen shutter as all to fresh memories replayed themselves in his mind's eye. As they played, he wished over and over again that they were not memories he would have to carry with him the rest of his life, they were too awful. And yet, he was afraid that soon he would be adding even more awful memories to his collection.

The human reached up over Allen and took hold of Jack's hand. It startled Allen out of his darkening thoughts.

"I'm sorry I didn't act sooner." His voice wavered. "I.... I didn't want...."

Jack gave Tom's hand a squeeze. "It's ok, I understand.

"I've already licked my wounds, so I'll be fine."

Tom held his breath in what seemed to be an attempt to fight back the tears clouding his vision. Allen still wasn't sure what he was talking about, but it was clear that whatever it was, it involved a choice he didn't want to make. He disentangled his arm from Jack's (whom he was still tied to) and wrapped Tom into a strange side-by-side hug. "Are you ok?"

"I..... no," He sobbed, "No I don't think I am." Tom rolled to his side and buried his face into Allen's underarm.

Tom cried relentlessly, comforted only by the company of his pack-mates, for what seemed like hours before he began regaining composure again. The entire time he kept a firm grip on Allen's fur, and even though it was terribly uncomfortable, Allen never once complained. This poor man had battled with a demon, the small amount of discomfort on his part was well worth the support he was providing for his friend.

During Tom's extended time of sobbing, Jack had become detached from Allen and crawled over to the other side of Tom, sandwiching him between their large, warm, furry bodies. As the human cried, he began caressing his hair soothingly, he remembered his mother doing that to him when he was little and it always made him feel better. He hoped it would prove to be comforting to Tom as well.

When Tom finally seemed to have calm down Jack asked: "Wanna talk about it?"

"I understand it now." He said after a very long silence. "The connection you two have.

"I felt her in my mind... ...it was as clear as day. I could feel her thoughts, and I knew who she was...... and.... what she had become...."

After another lingering silence Allen spoke up. "I'm not sure I understand."

"You remember that girl I told you about?..."

Allen and Jack both nodded.

"That was her.... or what was left of her. She tried to apologize, tried to explain what happened, but her mind was too far gone... Her other mind... the mind I also feel within myself... it consumed her. She'd been alone with herself for only a couple of days!"

"Tom, I'm so sorry!" Allen hugged him tightly.

"Before her human side completely died...." Tom cried. "She told me to kill her,.... or else she was going to take the life of one of you! I told her 'NO,' there was no way in hell I could kill someone..... not even her..... after what she'd done...." He was struggling to keep himself together. "...Then, I saw...and felt her die.... Not her body, but her mind, it was already cracked.... and it suddenly shattered..... I felt this cold emptiness.....

"When she lunged for Jack, I knew I had to choose, his life, or her life... and the choice..... it was obvious...."

"But," Allen stammered, trying to choose his words carefully while at the same time wrapping his mind around what he was being told. He could understand it in principle.... but what he was describing didn't sound like anything he was familiar with. "I still don't understand how you... did it."

Tom stared back at him with painful eyes. "I really don't want to talk about it." He then gently began stoking the round object in his arms thoughtfully.

"This," He motioned to the speckled, oblong, sphere; "this was the favor she asked of me."

The wolves both shared looks of confusion.

"She was one of the willing subjects, and also one of the scientists, so she knew that the bodies of the draconic creatures would continue to live for a short time even after the minds were dead... like a snapping turtle I suppose.

"She was one of 3 female draconic subjects selected for an impregnation test and so she had to have a suitable mate...." His voice became hollow, "...and I was her mate.... supposedly.... I had the right combination of chromosomes or something.....

"I don't ever recall having sex with her, so I'm assuming it was done by some artificial means..." Tom's voice trailed off and he pressed his face back into Allen's fur.

Allen was struggling to grasp the meaning of Tom's garbled conversation. It didn't help that he kept wondering how he knew so much from such a short "conversation." He could believe it all, it sounded like the truth, he just didn't understand how it was possible, So did that mean that.... was the object in Tom's arms really the dragoness' egg? And more importantly..."

"Oh my god!" Jack gasped, eyes wide, staring at the....egg?. "So what your saying is that, that thing is your.... and her.... ch - child?"

Tom shut his eyes in disbelief, and then nodded.

"So that means you had to....get it out of her before it died..."

Eyes still shut, Tom nodded again.

"How do you know?"

"I just know, I imagine it's similar to how you two are aware of each other.... But.... you know, I'm really not ready for this! How am I supposed to father the child of beast who I murdered because she was uncontrollably going to kill one of my best friends! How.... How am I going to do it!"

"Wow...." Allen whispered, feeling just as befuddled as the other two. "Come here." Allen grunted as he lifted Tom and his egg up and set them on his chest and belly. He then scooted up next to Jack and, after prying it away from Tom's shaking hands, handed Jack the egg. "It's ok now," He whispered into Tom's ear, his whiskers tickling the human's face. "We're all safe now."

Tom was looking as exhausted as Jack looked, and as tired as he felt. Tom, reluctantly at first, nestled himself into the fur covered muscle of Allen's front-side.

"Allen?" He asked in a whisper.


"Would you mind if...." Tom sighed, not wanting to say what he was about to say. "...can I sleep on you?"

Allen heard Jack giggle at how strange the request sounded, but Allen was actually relieved, and happy he asked. Allen knew he would have little problem falling asleep, as long as he was next to Jack, which he was, and he knew Jack and Tom both could use a rest much more than he could.

"I don't mind." He nuzzled Tom's neck and licked his face clean, then added with a smile. "And when we wake up we'll find somewhere to clean up."

Tom just nodded, and lay his head back down into Allen's chest, and in no more than 15 seconds he was snoring gently. "I wish I could fall asleep that quickly." He said looking over at his mate.

"I bet I can." Jack murmured heavily, taking Allen's hand in his own and closing his eyes.

"I'll be here when you wake up." Allen whispered into Jacks ear, forcing a soft smile across his mate's muzzle.

Before Allen too fell asleep his mind wandered back to what he had seen before the dragoness attacked Jack. Those brief snippets of how their life could be one day. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted it; but not only that, he wanted Tom there too, as well as his child. They could be a family of sorts.... In fact, he glanced at his sleeping mate and the sleeping human, that's what they already were. And when they got out of this place, they would find for themselves a spot in the real world where they could be happy.

It was a stretch, he admitted, who knows what the world out there is like now anyway! Somehow though, it was going to happen; it had to happen. Even if it meant living in a cave for the rest of their lives, he was going to find a way to save this family, and give them a place to come home too. It was to the thoughts of home to which he fell asleep too, and even as he did so, he couldn't wait for the next morning, where he would be able to wake up to Jack's smiling face next to him.