Mother or stud

Story by Doc Hauke on SoFurry

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Jake couldn't sleep. The German shepherd rolled back and forth in bed, trying to get comfortable. He was long past caring if his maneuvers were disturbing his sleeping companion. If Raffe was losing sleep too, tough luck for him! Most of Jake's current discomfort was the fault of that Doberman, so it was tough to be sympathetic.

There had been cramps, there had been his sore back, and there had been nausea. The sleepless nights due to the discomfort of his ever-swelling gut had not helped his mood. But the worst thing was Raffe's attitude about all of this. He was already a cocky and arrogant dog, and had been for as long as Jake had known him. But the pride he was taking in Jake's pregnancy was magnifying all of this tenfold.

"I'm pregnant," Jake thought to himself as he prodded his ever growing gut. Its bizarreness helped him deal with it, in a way; there was such a difficulty in processing it that most rational thought was blocked.

These ways of avoiding the facts were losing their power as the due date came closer--the unreality of it all would change, drastically. When asked about it, all Raffe ever did was look smug and pleased with himself, and he deflected most questions about what was going to happen with "It's a blessed event! Just relax."

This smugness and evasiveness was not only about the pups he was expecting from Jake, but several other canines they both knew from the health club. Raffe had established a veritable harem of young dogs, and even one coyote, and knocked them all up. He was spending time with one, time with another, rotating through the roster to give each expectant "mother-to-be" a little bit of attention before moving on to the next.

"Do you even have a home, yourself?" Jake recalled asking that question earlier that day when Raffe arrived, unannounced but not unexpected. He came for dinner often. Jake felt lucky he had a house and was somewhat well off, because it made dealing with this easier. But it also drew Raffe to his home more often than to the homes of the other members of this exclusive club. "Maybe we should get together sometime and have puppy showers," Jake thought.

He moaned and rolled over again, facing the Doberman. He even smiled in his sleep, Jake noted. The cramps, the nausea, the back pain, the bloating and loss of his figure--these all made him angry. But the smile on Raffe's face when Jake complained about the pups kicking him was what made the shepherd angriest.

As though stirring in response to resentment beamed at him, the Doberman snapped awake with a snort. "Aw, hon--are you having trouble sleeping?" He sat up and rubbed Jake's belly. "My boys aren't treating you right?"

Jake moaned a little, and in spite of himself, felt a little better. The absurdity of the situation he was in came up again, but his normal defenses against confronting it were not up to keeping his bewilderment under wraps. It was especially hard, now that Raffe was here.

"Should I go out for pickles and ice cream, maybe?" He set his head down on top of Jake's belly and gazed up at the Shepherd. There was silence for a while, except for their breathing, and then a slow yawn from Raffe. He continued rubbing Jake's swollen stomach.

"What are you, Raffe," Jake asked as he settled his paw near the Doberman's and lay on his back. "You're not a regular dog, you can't be. Or am I something different than what I thought I always was? How did you do this?"

Raffe was quiet, but continued stroking. Finally, he laid himself back down, on his side near Jake. His snout nudged Jake's ear, and he whispered. "I don't know. I look like a dog, so just take me as one. I had two dads; the one who birthed me, and my real dad. All I can tell you is that it runs in the family." He chuckled and nipped Jake's ear gently.

"There's more to it all," Jake thought to himself. "But maybe he really doesn't know." He reached down and fondled himself as Raffe continued nipping and licking the side of his ear.

This continued for some time, until Jake asked "So, it runs in the family. Does it work both ways? Could I knock you up?"

"No," said Raffe. He chuckled and nosed Jake's snout. "It's been tried."

"I wouldn't mind giving it a try," the shepherd said as he reached across the Doberman's side and scratched his butt.

"Ha!" Raffe sat up again. "That'd be fun, I won't lie to you. I've been wanting something up there for a while. But the question is, my little bitch, can you get it up now? In your condition, I mean?"

Jake growled and rolled over, trying to get on top of Raffe but his big belly made it difficult. Raffe didn't try to stop him, but didn't do much to help him either. "You'll see," Jake said as he nipped Raffe's shoulder. "You'll..." he trailed off. No, this wasn't going to be easy. His cock was flaccid, as it had been over the past few weeks. When was the last time he had been up? He'd been aroused, but had he actually been "ready and able" in the past few weeks? Ever since he'd been impregnated, if his memory served; that roughly marked the beginning of this impotency.

"C'mon, Jake," whispered Raffe as he wiggled his hips. "Nobody else has been able to get to more than half-mast. But you're a bigger stud than most! Show me what you've got." He slid away from Jake, getting some lubricant from the bed stand and hopping back in with some condoms.

"What're those for," Jake asked. "It's a little late, for that, isn't it? I'm pregnant already. And you said you couldn't get knocked up?"

"Nope. But there are worse things than being preggers, lil' pup."

Jake shook his head. "It just seems to be an odd concern, given the circumstances."

"Believe me, I think you'll come to like it," Raffe answered as he straddled the German shepherd after nudging him onto his back. The Doberman's cock was as thick and hard as ever--it seemed to snap to attention at the will of its owner, Jake noticed.

Raffe licked Jake's sheath and balls a few times, then lowered his hindquarters, docked tail just above Jake's nose. "Get busy there while we work on you down here, hot stuff. Just stare at my ass, tease my tight little hole, and imagine it's me who's going to have to feel that stretch from the pups in a few weeks."

Jake's stomach lurched, and he shivered. "Ugh. Don't remind me." But the thought also made him smile. Having to deal with the aches and pains would serve Raffe right--not to mention the labor. That day hovered off in the distance, coming closer and closer, and Jake wasn't looking forward to that.

But that was then, this was now. Raffe began licking his balls again, and Jake reciprocated and daydreamed of Raffe doing squats at the gym, Raffe wandering in and out of the sauna, and Raffe's beautiful ass...Jake opened his eyes, and there it was, right before him.

"Good boy," the Doberman's voice drifted along, and Jake realized he was getting there. Raffe's fingers peeled back his sheath and teased his growing cock. Lubricant dripped all over it, and he felt the condom rolling down.

He shook his head, and thought about how he wished he'd asked Raffe to use a condom. But dwelling on the past was certain to kill the mood, so he focused instead on Raffe's ass again. It stank...most guys' asses did. But there was also the scent of Raffe, a big strong Dobie who was very special--special beyond being able to get other guys pregnant. He could dish it out, but he sometimes wanted to take it...take it hard from behind.

Jake nuzzled Raffe's butt, nosing in further and licking the Doberman's balls as Raffe encouraged the German shepherd's cock to fuller and fuller size. "I think you're ready, stud," he whispered as he slid off to the side, assuming an accommodating position.

With a grunt, Jake righted himself and mounted the larger dog, poking around and finally reaching down and guiding his stiff, latex-covered member into Raffe's hole. It was unbelievably tight. Raffe whined and jerked forward, shivering every time Jake tried to make progress; the thought of causing the Doberman discomfort, achieving some sort of turnabout, served again to strengthen Jake's desire.

He growled and thrust himself further in, causing Raffe to gasp and cry out. "I told you I was ti-i-i-ight," he whimpered. "Please, Jakey! I don't get much action there. I want you inside but be a good--nngaah!"

"Quiet, ya bitch," Jake said as he interrupted Raffe's pleas with a good hard thrust. He nipped Raffe in the shoulder and humped along, listening to the Dobie whimper and sigh. Again and again, the base of his knot slapped against Raffe's tight ring and huge, swinging balls.

Reaching down, he fondled his knot--the condom didn't reach down that far. He made sure there was lube on the swollen lump in his shaft, and started grinding himself against the Dobie.

Together they moaned, Jake in eagerness and Raffe in willing discomfort until the knot passed the ring. Jake kept humping Raffe, growling occasionally, and began a slow, luxurious release of semen that had built up over the course of several weeks drain into the father of his pups.

They gently flopped to their sides, tied together. Raffe drifted off, mumbling something to himself, while Jake stayed up and rubbed the Doberman's shoulders. It felt good to prove somehow he was still a stud.

"Despite the circumstances, I've still got it," Jake said to the back of Raffe's head. He wasn't sure if he was awake enough to hear him. The Shepherd closed his eyes and tried to picture the two of them from above, as if his bedroom was the tacky sort with a mirror on the ceiling. What would he see?

"I wish there was a way to really tie you to me," he mumbled to the Dobie before drifting off himself.

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