Exam Problems (Adult)

Story by Jake Firetail on SoFurry

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When a fur's best friend might fail his exams, what is he to do? And what comes of his actions?

Disclamer: The story below contains sexual acts between two males. If this offends or disgusts you, then do not read on and exit from this story at once.

The loud ringing sound of bells went through the halls of the building, the local high school of a small town. Students began to come out of the doors of classrooms, many of them exiting the school from the front door as the bell indicated that it was the end of the school day. As many of the students from different grades exited, some of them staying back for after school activities, two of them left together and began to walk down the street together.

The two creatures, both of them foxes, walked down the street towards their homes. At first glance these two were twins, and without a doubt that wouldn't be the first guess that most people would have. Both males had the same shade of light red fur, almost the same height, and shared the same birthday as well. However, they weren't related in the slightest. The few differences that the two had was that Axel had Hazel eyes where as Lee had Blue eyes. The only other real differences were Lee's black tipped tail and slightly muscular build to Axel's pure white tail and slightly chubby build.

Both of them had met when they were in first grade, and they hit it off like none ever had before. After a few years when they entered sixth grade Lee's parents had moved across town into the house that was right beside Axel's, seeing how much their kids went to each other's house and knowing that it would be better for them if they were closer. Nothing had ever been able to come between the two, not even a year ago when Lee had gotten who he thought would be his mate. However she dumped him two months after they had officially gotten together, leaving Lee in a mess for the next couple of weeks. But every day Axel was right by his side and was the main reason Lee eventually got over her and was able to continue his life.

As the two furs walked down the streets, their backpacks hanging off of their shoulders, they spoke about normal things that they usually did when they walked home together. Everything from what they had to do during classes, homework, and what plans they had for the night. As they continued to walk, one thing was on both of their minds that they knew was important.

"So how do you think you're going to do on the finals in a few weeks?" Axel asked Lee, knowing that with them being seniors this would be the last thing they needed to pass before they would be allowed to graduate. Axel could tell something was wrong though as Lee's face looked nervous. "Is something wrong?" Axel asked, hoping that it was nothing serious.

Lee just sighed as he pulled something out of his pocket and handed it over to Axel. Axel knew it had to be bad when he looked at the name on it and saw that it wasn't from just the principal, but from the highest authority of the school board. Axel opened up the note that was addressed to Lee's parents and Lee himself, shocked to see what it said.

"What happened Lee? I thought you were doing well." Axel told him, after reading the letter. The letter stated that in order for Lee to graduate high school with the rest of his classmates, he would need to ace half of the exams he needed to take. The most important one being English where if he failed that he failed the entire year automatically. Lee just looked away for a moment, knowing there was nothing he could really say to explain how far he went downhill.

"I just.. lost focus when football season came around. Since it was my last year I wanted to break a record for the most throwing yards in one season. So all of my focus was on football and not on schoolwork." Lee explained, knowing there was no good reason his grades dropped. The football season for his league lasted from December to March, leaving enough time for his grades to drop just before the classes turned to nothing but studying for the final exam.

"Well, I mean at least you got a record though right?" Axel asked him, getting another negative response from Lee. "Three yards, I missed the record by three yards on the last game. We won the title, but the coach wanted us to run out the clock with only rushes so we could win the last game." Lee explained, knowing that all of his training and all of the time he put into football was completely wasted. His name wasn't in the record books and the only thing that he really accomplished was helping his team win state, but they had done so for the past five years anyway.

Axel could see this was the thing that had been bothering Lee for awhile now, ever since the football season had ended. Axel only pondered in his head what he could do until an idea finally popped into his head. "I know what, I could help you study and make sure you're ready before the exam. I mean we still do have a few weeks and my grades are some of the best in school. So who better?" Axel asked him, offering whatever he could do to help his long time friend graduate school with him.

Lee just looked back to him in surprise, knowing this was big for him to continue his life and go through one of life's biggest milestones. "Alright, how about tonight?" Lee asked, knowing he needed all of the help he could get now as his grades were just that low. "That's sounds good, I'll be over to your house later." Axel said as they finally arrived to their houses, giving each other a wave until later on in the night where many cram sessions would take place in the following weeks.

Weeks went by as almost every night Lee and Axel got together at night. Usually when they would be searching videos on the Internet, gaming, or just joking around they were studying hard for their exams. It all came down to this night, the last chance to help Lee retain as much of the knowledge he could before stepping into those classrooms tomorrow where he would be taking the exams that would spell out if he would have to retake some classes over the summer or graduate with Axel and the other members of his year. Lee knew how important this was, canceling any plans of fun he had just to focus solely on his studies.

As the time ticked on and the night became longer, the alarm on Axel's cell phone went off which indicated the time their study session was done. He picked it out of his pocket and looked at the time, seeing that it had reached ten in the night. "Well, that's it Lee. We've done everything we can and now all we can do is take the exams tomorrow and try our best to pass." Axel told him, positive that everything that he had helped Lee with was enough for him to do what he needed to to pass and graduate.

"Are you sure its enough though? I mean I need to not only pass but get an A on them." Lee asked, nervous that all of this studying still wouldn't be enough for him to the grades he needed on his exams. Axel just gave Lee a pat on his muscular shoulder, having a confident look on his face. "Believe me Lee, I've taught you everything that even I know from this year. If you fail, then I will as well." Axel told him as he began to clean up all of the papers and the books with a yawn.

"Okay.. I'll just try as hard on the test tomorrow as I do on football." Lee told him, knowing that it would help him if he put as much effort into it as he did with his football. Axel just smiled and nodded to him, putting all of his books into his bag. Once he did that, he gave Lee one more nod of approval before heading back to his own house for a good night of sleep. Lee did the same as they both took their respective showers and climbed into their beds, knowing that the most important tests of their lives would be started and done with in less than twenty-four hours.

Three days had passed since Axel and Lee had taken their finals exams. It was an extremely hot Saturday afternoon as they sat in Lee's house, watching random shows on television without their shirts on. The small room had only one window, which was open, and just enough room on the bed for the both of them to relax on the bed with their backs on the wall. Though the window was open, small beads of sweat were still pooling up on their muzzles and chests.

"So why could we not do this at your house? You know my parents are still waiting for the guy to fix the air conditioning." Lee asked him, knowing that it would be so much more comfortable in Axel's house. "I thought I told you that my parents went down to the school to pick up the results to my exams. And then they're going out to get food as well so they'll be gone for quite awhile. I guess they still don't want me home alone." He said with a slightly frustrated tone, knowing he was more responsible than his parents thought he was.

"They're going to pick up your exam results? Do you think they could pick up mine too? My parents are out of town for the weekend and I really don't think I can wait until Monday to go down to the school to pick them it up myself?" Lee asked him, causing Axel to get out his phone with a nod. He used the speed dial on it to call his parents, talking with them for just over a minute before he closed his phone again and placed it on the bed beside him. "They'll pick it up and bring it over with mine." Axel informed him, knowing the school knew how close the two families were so letting his parents pick up Lee's scores were just fine.

Lee just nodded in gratitude as he looked back at the TV, but shut it off when there was nothing good on. Just the sound of the wind passing in and out of the room was the only thing they heard before Axel finally decided to ask. "So.. what are you going to do after this, graduate I mean?" Axel asked, knowing that there were so many options for the both of them once they graduated out of high school. Lee only looked at Axel for a moment, knowing he had something he wanted to do for a long time.

"College, I already have some offers from some of them who saw me play football and they're offering me scholarships. But.. I still need to actually figure out which one I want to go to and how to get there. I know my parents.. well, they really don't have the money to send me off far away on their own and a lot of these colleges are all the way across the country." Lee explained, knowing this was his first thing he had to accomplish on his own as a male wanting to go out into the world on his own.

"Really? That's great Lee, I knew you had a lot more in you than you show to others." Axel said with a smile, knowing there always was that part of Lee that wanted to do great in life. "As for me, well, I want to do the same thing. My grades have been consistent enough that I've gotten scholarships from a lot of colleges as well. But.. I've been kind of afraid of what will happen after all of this." He stated to Lee suddenly, making him give a look of surprise and wondering on his face.

"But why? You've been the smartest fur in all of school for years. What do you have to worry about?" Lee asked him, making Axel just look out the window for a moment. "Well, I'm sure that the colleges we've gotten offers from are far apart. We've been so close to each other for years now its just going to be so different to not have you around." Axel admitted to him, making Lee just chuckle and place his paw on his shoulder.

"Axel, no matter we'll never be too far apart. Sure we might not be able to see each other every day or when we want to like we have been able to for years but we won't be out of contact. With emails, instant messengers, phones, and even vacations we'll never be really apart from each other." Lee told him, knowing the different forms of communication that technology had given furs now no matter how far apart they were.

"Y..You're right, I don't know why I thought like that. I guess just such a large change of whats going to happen in the next few weeks got me worried that there is going to be a big part of my life missing." Axel explained, giving him a reason to why he was so down about them being away from each other. He knew that the chances of them going to the same college was pretty much impossible, but he knew there were other ways for them to keep in contact.

After a few hours, Axel's parents had returned home from getting the exam results and getting food. Axel only went over to help unload the car and pick up both of the results which were incased in folders with their name on them. He returned to Lee's room with both of the results in his paws, quickly handing Lee's over to him. Lee knew this was it, the results he had been waiting for and the answer to the question of did he learn enough over those few weeks to ace his exams.

Lee took a deep breath and he and Axel both began to open their folders, soon picking out the papers that were encased inside of them. Axel looked at his first, reading his results to himself first. "How did you do?" Lee asked him, only getting a happy nod from Axel at first. "I was able to pass all of them with great scores. How about you?" he asked as he looked back to see, seeing the paper in his paw as the fox's eyes trailed down to read the text on the sheet.

Lee took a deep breath as his eyes trailed across the sheet of paper, looking at each of his scores closely. "Axel.. I.. I did it." He said in amazement, seeing the highest grades he had ever gotten in exams in front of his eyes. The grades were good enough that he would be graduating from high school with Axel and the rest of the furs in their year. Lee couldn't think of anything else to do as he placed the sheet down on his bed and launched himself to Axel, giving him a tight hug out of the blue.

Axel and Lee just gave a blush as he realized what was going on. Lee slowly let him go, knowing that that was just a reaction that his emotions had given him. "Thanks Axel, I know I couldn't have passed this without you." Lee told him after a moment of silence between the two, knowing that without the help that Axel gave him night after night for weeks had given him the edge of knowledge and confidence to pass his exams.

An odd silence hung over the two for a couple of moments after the embrace. They didn't want to admit to each other, but they both enjoyed the feelings they shared in that brief moment they shared together. The moment was broken slowly by Lee asking him a familiar question. "So do you want to watch the game?" he asked Axel, it being one of the things they did when they hung out together. "Sure, it does sound like a good one." Axel answered as they watched the game for a couple of hours, Axel having to head back to his house afterwards to prepare for graduation in a few days.

Axel and Lee were looking through college brochures from Colleges that had shown interest in them in Axel's living room. It was the day after graduation and everything had gone smooth, Lee still knowing that Axel was the reason he was able to celebrate the day with his best friend and the rest of his graduates. He checked Axel's along with his own, seeing that most of them were far away from each other. He gave a sigh, knowing that this would happen when they decided to move onto college.

"Well, it looks like our years of being so close to each other is coming to an end." Lee told him, though still remember the talk they had a few days ago about keeping in contact. He knew thought that it wasn't the same as seeing him muzzle to muzzle day after day like they had been able to do for years. Axel just laid down one of the ones he had in his paw and turned to look at Lee. "I know, I know but this will open up so many other options for us. New friends and maybe.. well, even a mate." Axel told him, knowing how many new furs they would be meeting at college.

Lee's eyes looked downward immediately as he heard that Axel was hoping to get a mate. His mind wandered back to the years they had been together, the things they had done, and feelings that have been growing within him for years. "So.. you really want a mate?" Lee asked him, trying to think about what he Axel was thinking.

Axel just looked back to the well-built fox, beginning to think. "Well yeah, I mean we're getting up in age now and its about time to try to find a permanent mate." Axel told Lee, having the want for a mate for the past few years now. He had thought about possible candidates that he would like in a mate, but there was only one fur that seemed to match everything he was looking for. But Axel wasn't worried about if he was gay, he already knew that quite well, he was worried about if the guy he was thinking of was.

As long as they had been together and all they had spoken about the idea of one or the other being homosexual. Something inside of them had wanted to stay away from that subject as long as they could, thus giving the other the idea that they were both completely straight. However now, Lee was beginning to risk everything they had and try what he had wanted to. He know that he needed to do it soon before they went off to college. Finally, he figured that now is the tine that he needed to do it before he lost any chance he had.

Lee took a breath before freeing up his paws, curling them together in a ball as he got himself ready. Sure he was a star on the football team, one of the best looking guys in their town, but he was still shy in situations such as this. He took a few deep breaths before finally doing it. He turned towards Axel and launched his body forward, landing on Axel. He pushed him down onto his back with his paws on Axel's shoulders to keep him down. He was almost muzzle to muzzle with the fox, looking deep into the eyes of his lifelong friend.

"Lee, what in the hell are you doing?" Axel asked him suddenly, wondering why he had tackled him to the couch and was holding him down. Lee didn't answer him with words however. The only answer he had to give was leaning his muzzle down closer and closer until their lips touched in their first kiss. Axel was shocked when he felt and saw what Lee was doing to him. His mind was sparking with thoughts, ideas, and questions regarding the situation that Lee put him in now.

Lee kept Axel in place as he pressed the kiss deeper for a moment before finally breaking their lips apart, though still looking down at the other male. Axel just continued to look in shock and surprise at the kiss, wondering if Lee could possibly be sharing the same ideas, thoughts, and feelings that he has had for awhile now. Lee finally moved his paws off of Axel's shoulders, placing them at his side as he didn't get off of him though.

"Axel.. I can't deny it any more. Over the past few months, hell maybe even a year now, I've only wanted one thing from you. After everything we have been through and all of the things we've shared I've grown to want you more than a family member. Axel, I'm just going to say this now.. I want you to be my mate, I love you." The muscular fox told the chubbier one. Axel didn't say anything as something obvious was happening to Lee. Looking closer to his face he noticed something shiny beginning to slide down Axel's cheek, finally seeing that it was a tear, Axel was crying.

"Lee, you.. don't even know how long I've been wanting you to say that. When I said I wanted a mate I didn't want just any mate. No matter what I thought I wanted in a mate there was only one fur that always met everything I wanted, it was you Lee. And as I thought of it I knew that my feelings were right. Deep inside my heart I've wanted you to be my mate, to be the one that I could wake up to every morning. The only reason I didn't tell you before is well, because I thought you weren't gay. As great as you look and as much as you do I knew you could get as many females as you wanted. This is the greatest gift that you could have ever given me. Just hearing those words from you is what I've wanted to hear for so long now. To answer you.. yes Lee, I will be your mate." He finally answered after his confession to Lee.

Lee didn't know what to say now. He was so nervous and so sure that Axel would say no or possibly many other far worse situations that he had thought up, but this was the farthest thing that he thought would happen. He didn't need words to express what he felt as he just leaned his head back down again and kissed Axel once again, this time the nervousness and worry of the first one replaced with the passion and desire of mates. Axel began to kiss him back now, something he wasn't able to do with the first kiss. He slowly brought his now free arms up and wrapped them around the back of Lee's neck, keeping the Fox's maw pressed against his own. Axel opened his maw just slightly as he wanted more from this kiss. His tongue began to slide forward, sliding over Lee's lips in the hopes that he was grant it entrance.

He soon did as he open his maw up just as much. Axel didn't waste any time in letting his tongue slide free of his own maw and into Lee's beginning to wrap it around his mate's tongue to show him how much he loved him and how long he had waited for this situation to happen. The two kept the passionate kiss going for another minute before slowly breaking apart their lips, letting them part but not before a trail of saliva kept them connection for an extra two seconds before breaking in half. They just looked into each other's eyes until Lee felt something odd pressing against his back when he moved backwards.

Axel's cheeks turned a bright shade of red as he knew that Lee would know what it was immediately, and he did. Lee just gave a small chuckle, slowly removing his weight off of the fox that was under him. "So.. I take it from this that you like what we did." He said as he just pointed down to the obvious tent in Axel's baggy shorts. Axel looked down and saw that the tent in his pants was larger than he had ever seen, making him just stare at it himself. Lee saw what he was doing, leaning down and waving his paw in front of his eyes. "Come on now, I wouldn't get too interested in your own when you have another one now." He said with a chuckle, getting more and more comfortable with his now that he knew Axel felt the same way.

Axel snapped out of his trance, looking back up to the face of Lee. His cheeks were still a bright shade of red under his fur. He only could give Lee a soft nod as he sat up until he could move over and rest his back on the back of the couch. "What.. now though?" Axel asked as he wasn't sure what he should do now. Lee just gave a chuckle as he slowly bent down to the other Fox's level.

"Now, I give you the best day your life has ever had." He said in a soft whisper into Axel's ear. Hearing this just made him grin, wondering how long this side of Lee had been hidden under his tough and sexy exterior. Lee slowly moved his muzzle down to Axel's and gave him a gentle lick on the nose before his paws decided to take a more southern path. His paws slowly strolled down from his neckline down past his chest, past his pudgy belly, and landed as they grasped the bottom of his shirt.

Lee paws had a tight grip on the shirt, slowly beginning to pull it up and exposing what the fox had hidden underneath from him for years. He watched as Axel's pudgy white furred belly came into view of his eyes, followed quickly by his chest, which was accompanied by the same pure white fur. Lee pulled it over his muzzle and tossed it off to the side where it crumpled up onto the floor in a heap. "Come on now, don't tell me I'm going to be the only one to do something here." Lee mentioned as he just kept his eyes on the shirtless Axel.

Axel just nodded his head, seeing Lee's eyes still fixated on his body. He still wasn't used to someone looking at him this closely at his body and especially partially nude. However it being Lee just made everything feel right. Reaching his paws up quickly, quite excited to see Lee without his shirt off, he soon realized that he wouldn't be able to take it off with him still standing up. Instead of asking him to sit down though, he took measures into his own paws. With Lee's shirt still in his paws, he gave a quick yank, which caused Lee to fall over onto the couch with him. They both just gave a quick chuckle before Axel was able to finally remove Lee's shirt from his body and tossed it along with his own.

"Now we're talking." Lee said quickly as he pushed down Axel to his back like he did when he had pounced on him for the kiss. Axel took up most of the small couch, which meant Lee had to once again get off of it, but he didn't mind at all. He quickly bent his body down as he stood beside the couch, reaching out and unbuttoning the pants that were still heavily tented by Axel's raging cock hidden inside. The quiet of the moment was broken up by the sound of a drawn out unzipping of his pants, finishing what he needed to do to make sure the pants would come off quickly. However Lee didn't want this to go quickly. He knew he had the entire day and night together with Axel alone and he damn well knew that he was going to make every second they had now last before they went to college. "You're going to have to help me get these off big boy." Lee told him, referencing the bulge that now stuck out of his open fly. Axel knew what he had to do and lifted the bottom half of his body off of the floor. This allowed Lee to pull down his pants and remove them without a hassle. As with the other articles of clothing, he tossed them off to the side.

Now only in his boxers, Axel decided that Lee had done enough so far. He wanted to show Lee and himself that he could do something like this with confidence. He sat up once again and stood up this time, reaching out and pushing Lee until he was in front of the only recliner in the room. "Don't sit down yet." Axel told him, stopping Lee before he could do so. Axel slowly dropped to his knees, his muzzle now being crotch level with Lee. Axel wasted no time in doing exactly what Lee had just done to him. He unbuttoned and unzipped the pants, however much more quickly, and let the garment drop down to pool up at Lee's ankles. But Axel decided that it was his turn to take things a little farther. He didn't wait for Lee to have a chance to kick away the pants before he reached back up and forcefully pulled down his boxers. Lee was surprised by the sudden change in attitude that Axel was showing as he felt the air temperature around his genitals change suddenly in realization what Axel did. However surprised, Lee was glad that Axel was coming out of his shell slowly.

Axel was given his thank you of the word he had done by what almost slapped him directly in the muzzle due to how fast it was freed from its sanctuary. Lee's hardening cock was right in front of him, soon reaching full mast as it stood proudly at eight inches of fox meat. Axel never knew what Lee was hiding underneath what he had just taken off, almost gasping in shock by how much larger it was than normal. Axel shook off the surprise that filled his mind quickly before standing back up. He kept silent as he placed his paws on Lee's shoulder like Lee did to him before and gently nudged him backwards to sit down finally.

Lee did so without any resistance, plopping down onto the soft cushions that the recliner was made with. Lee was finally able to kick away his boxers and pants, which Axel put into the pile, to be completely nude in front of Axel for the first time since they were young cubs taking baths together when one stayed at the other's house for the night. Axel was about to remove his own boxers normally before a thought crossed his mind, a sexual thought that made his own cock jump slightly from excitement. He really enjoyed this new role that he put himself in, but knew overall that Lee was the dominant one in their relationship. Axel just smirked as he suddenly turned around, facing away from Lee now. Lee was confused about what Axel was doing. Axel's paws went to his own hips, trailing down before gripping his boxers. He didn't let the undergarment go as he pushed it down slowly down his legs. As he reached his knees, he slowly bent his body down and lifted his tail up. This helped him reach all the way down to his paws to remove the final clothing from his body, but the reason he did it wasn't for him. Lee's eyes were fixated in what he was staring at intently. He had a wide-open look of the back of Axel's balls and more importantly the virgin ass that he planned on taking today for his own.

"You're really getting into this aren't you?" Lee asked slowly, watching as Axel returned to a vertical stance and turning around. The view of Axel's balls and tail was replaced by something just as good. Right there in front of his eyes was Axel's six-inch shaft of meat. Axel knew that his cock was practically dwarfed by Lee's, but his cock was wider by just a bit. He returned to the front of the chair, glad that they were both now nude, erect, and filled with the love that only true mates know of. Axel returned to his knees and moved in between Lee's legs, seeing his large shaft in front of his muzzle. He knew what was to come in the near future and wanted to help as much as he could in helping it happen.

Axel reached up and grasped Lee's cock, surprised by how warm and soft it felt in comparison to how it actually looked. He moved the shaft down and his head up, finally being in a good position to do what he did next. He stuck his tongue out of his muzzle, taking a few short licks of the tip of Lee's cock. Lee gave a soft moan of pleasure, never having another fur even touch him down there before. Axel didn't waste too much time just licking it though as he opened his maw and taking the first three inches into it. Lee just sat back and swam in the waves of pleasure that he was given thanks to Axel. Axel knew that it wouldn't be possible for him to take the entire length into his maw, deciding now that just sucking Lee's cock wouldn't get much done. After only a few minutes of being covered by Axel's warm maw, his cock was removed from it but not completely from Axel's grasp. He moved his muzzle back towards it and began to lick at his cock once again. This time was different however. He wanted to completely slather Lee's shaft in his saliva and that is what he planned to do. Each lick was from the bottom of the shaft, sometimes even getting a taste of Lee's sac, and went right up to the tip which was now beginning to have a few beads of pre-cum pooling up at the very top.

Just then Axel realized that he was missing something that was important to tonight. He thought he would just lick at Lee's cock for fun, but now he realized that he did not have a bottle of lube anywhere in the house. The only one of them that even would own a bottle of lube would be Lee and Lee was in no shape to go over to his house even for a moment. Since he didn't want to break the flow that the two of them had now, he knew that the lube could be replaced with what he was already doing now. He didn't waste any time in turning his tongue to Lee's shaft, making sure that he was getting it as moist as it could before reaching the greatest thing that Axel had ever seen in his life.

Once he figured he had enough to help as much as he could, he got off of his knees and stood back up. Lee mistook Axel's intentions for what he wanted him to do. He slowly moved his own muzzle closer to the chubby fox's cock, but Axel's paw stopped his head. "No, I want my first orgasm of us being mates from.. well, you know." He whispered to Lee, who had a question in his mind. "So what do you want me to do then?" Lee asked as he watched Axel walk back over to the couch. Instead of laying down or sitting on it, he placed his paws on a cushion and returned to the position he was in when he removed his boxers. "Take me." He answered as his voice was filled with lust, want, and need for Lee to finally breed him and take him as his mate.

Lee wasted no time in getting out of the chair and moving up behind Axel. But before he did what Axel wanted him to do, he wanted to make sure that Axel would feel as little pain as possible. He dropped to his football stand, his right paw digging into the carpet as he bent his body down as he was ready to go. His body wasn't going anywhere, but his tongue sure was. He leaned his head in closer to Axel's soft rear, finding his own touchdown. His tongue reached forward and made contact with Axel's anus, causing him to giving a soft moan of surprise. He was expecting the only thing to feel back there was the prodding and penetration from the cock, not the rough, moist touches of a tongue. Lee worked over the anus like an expert, licking around the outside edges and even was able to break through the pucker to get access inside of it. Axle's cock was responding to the actions being done to the anus, staying fully erect and beginning to drip small, clear droplets of his own pre-cum.

As much as Lee wanted to continue to please Axel in this way, he knew that with each second he played with the pucker the more saliva on his cock would dry and the saliva from his own tongue wouldn't be enough to compensate for the lost saliva on his cock. The last thing that Lee wanted to do was cause more pain that he knew was going to come to Axel. Lee slowly stood back up, finally deciding it was time to give Axel what he wanted. He moved forward until his erect shaft finally made contact with Axel's anus. "Here it comes Axel, make sure you're ready for this." Lee warned his mate, waiting for confirmation from his mate. Axel nodded his head slowly as he turned his head back, wanting to see as much as he could for the first time that Lee fucks him. Lee took a deep breath before taking a short but sharp thrust with his lower body, quickly spreading Axel' anus and allowing his tip along with an inch of his shaft to slide inside of it.

Axel had an idea of what he was going to be feeling, but it was worse than what he thought. His paws gripped the cushion hard, groaning out as the feeling of his anus stretching to accept the invader gave him more pain than he has experienced in years. He fought back the tears that wanted to fall from his eyes, trying to not show the pain that he was experiencing to Lee. However Lee knew that Axel was trying to hide the pain that he was feeling. Lee reached down and gently stroked Axel's back before doing anything else. "Don't hold anything back Axel. If its hurts, I want to know." Lee told him, seeing the immediate reaction from Axel' He saw the first few drips of tears fall from Axel's eyes, but they weren't just all from the pain. He was so happy that two of his dreams were coming true at once. The first one was that he finally had a mate that loved him and was mating with him. The second one was that he was happy it was Lee and not another male.

Lee continued to wait for as much time as Axel needed to get used to this. Axel hadn't said a word about him pulling out as he felt the tight walls of his ass squeezing his cock. Axel's mind wasn't even close to asking Lee to pull out. Instead, more words formed in his mind and finally came from his maw. "Go ahead Lee, go all the way and don't stop for anything." Axel told him, giving him the go ahead to do as much as he wanted to him now. Lee nodded back to him, immediately beginning to push his hips forward. Unlike his initial thrust, he was going to take his time with this. Slowly his cock sank deeper and deeper inside of Axel's rear, feeling new walls being spread open. Axel felt everything happening in his rear and with that came more pain. However the pain was much less and went away quickly thanks to the pace that Lee was taking with his penetration. Axel was sure that Lee hadn't had sex with another before, but the way he moved and how much he seemed to be experienced at this was beginning to make him second guess this in the farthest reaches of his mind.

After minutes of off and on penetration, Axel finally felt something new give a gentle nudge to his soft rear. Lee finally had reached complete penetration with his cock, the gentle slap that Axel felt being his sac. Axel was amazed that his ass could take everything that Lee had. Lee wasted little time as he slowly pulled a few inches out before thrusting back in harder, but still not risking going too fast. He knew that it would take a while for him to really mate with Axel, but that only excited him more. It meant that he could stay inside of his lover for that much longer and increase in this experience between the two of them.

Lee was in no rush to make his first time with Axel finish. His thrusting kept increase at a steady but slow pace, continuing to give Axel pleasure beyond anything he had ever felt before. Even after minutes of having Lee fully inside of him, Axel was still getting used to this new full feeling that Lee was giving to him. The feeling of something continuing to pound away at him, pressing deeper into and almost reaching his most sensitive spot in his rear.

Suddenly out of nowhere Lee pulled out of Axel but didn't thrust back inward. Axel turned his neck to look backwards at Lee, an obvious quizzical look on his muzzle. "What are you doing?" Axel asked Lee, already missing the feeling of being filled up by his large cock. "I didn't like that position too much." Lee answered him, still not moving from behind Axel. "But why? I thought it felt great." Axel informed him, just getting a smile from Lee. "Its because I couldn't see your handsome face honey." He said in a soft voice, making Axel blush immediately. He had never been called handsome by anyone, and he knew that since it was coming from Lee he meant it.

"So what do you have in mind then?" he asked curiously, wondering what else that Lee could have in mind to get what he wanted. "I'll show you." Lee told him as he finally moved away from Axel's rear. Lee slowly pushed Axel to a standing position with one of his paws, using the extra room to walk in front of him and take a seat in the middle cushion of the couch. "I know what you want me to do." Axel said almost immediately after seeing him sit down right in front of him. Axel moved forward, placing a knee on each side of Lee's well muscled legs. With his somewhat stretched tailhole hovering just above Lee's still fully erect shaft, he wasted little time in shifting his weight just a bit to get comfortable and began to lower himself down.

He slowly felt the head of the shaft sink into his rear once again, still wanting to be slow with it only being the second time something of that caliber had been inside of his rear. He slowly felt his anal ring stretching out once again as he took the shaft inside of him, going down until he felt the bulbous knot of Lee at his ring. He knew that he wasn't going to take that inside of him yet, maybe not even today, but one of these days he knew he was going to love having that ball of flesh locking them together in an intimate passion of love.

Axel wrapped his paws around Lee's neck, giving his nose a small nuzzle with his own before lifting up his body and dropping back down on Lee's hips. It didn't take him as long as it did earlier for him to begin to take Lee's cock as he did before. Lee decided to help out Axel with the thrusting, making small humps when Axel was making his downward motion to return to Lee's hips.

As Axel bounced on the shaft inside of him, he felt himself beginning to get heated up again. Sweat began to form on his head, causing the fur there to shine in the sunlight shining through the open blinds in front of him. His shaft was beginning to leak pre once again, bouncing along with his movements as his pre-cum landed between his paws and on his belly.

It wasn't too much longer before Axel's breathing began to intensify. Being so out of shape was beginning to take its effect on him, making him become worn out even with the bit of work that he was actually doing. Lee took notice of this immediately, moving his paws to Axel's hips and holding him still while impaled on his cock. "Come on Axel, you're worn out already. You don't need to wear yourself out already." Lee told him, seeing a look of disappointment on Axel's face. "I..I'm sorry I'm not fit enough to last." Axel told him as he was on the verge of tears. Lee only leaned forward and gave him a short kiss, not wanting his new mate to cry. "I don't want you to get fit just for me Axel. I love you for being who you are. You're not into fitness like me and that's fine. And frankly, I love you being a little bigger. That just gives me more of you to love." Lee told him, making Axel sniffle and hold himself closer to Lee.

"Now let go of me and I'll take over. All you have to do is lay down on your back and I will take care of everything." Lee told him as Axel was about to pull himself off of Lee, but Lee kept Axel from moving. "We don't need to separate." He told him as he nudged Axel to the left a bit until he knew he had enough room for Axel to lay down. Axel did just that as it took coordination between the two to get this right, but after a few minutes they were finally in their desired position. Lee had his paws above Axel's shoulder with his cock still deep inside of his lover.

"I've got to ask you this now so I can start preparing you Axel, do you want me to tie you?" Lee asked out of the blue. Axel was just thinking about this a few moments ago, going back into the thought of it. He wasn't sure if what he saw Lee's knot was could fit inside of him, but since Lee was asking him now he was sure that he had an idea of how to do it. The more that Axel thought about it, the more he got aroused. The more that he decided to let his sex drive make the decision of the question at hand. "Yes, shove it into me." Axel answered with a nod, wanting to know what it felt like.

Lee was surprised by the forceful tone that Axel had given him, nodding as he gave a quick, sharp thrust. The pause they took to reposition themselves had let enough time pass that only Lee's knot had lost most of its size. He wasn't sure how long it would take for it to re-inflate, but he knew he would have to change his plans now. He had wanted to take it slow, but with the new realization that Axel wanted to be knotted he had to be quick with it.

Axel gave a gasp of surprise when he felt the thrust that Lee had given him. More of Lee's cock had sunken into him now as Lee began to take his pace up a notch, wasting no time in making his hips a blur as he made love with his mate on the family couch. With every thrust that let every inch of Lee's cock into his rear, Axel gave a loud moan of pleasure. Deep inside of his body Lee's cock was his prostate, which was now getting poked and prodded with every thrust that Lee was giving him.

With every thrust now though there was something extra that was beginning to stretch Axel's hole wider. Lee's knot had begun to reform, bulging up slowly and with every thrust continuing to stretch him wider to accept it into his body. Axel was beginning to whimper as the pain was sharp, but the pleasure he was feeling was overpowering most of the pain that the knot was having him experience. His cock was still pulsing with every thrust in his ass, causing his cock to drip his pre to pool up onto his belly below it.

The panting, huffing, and sweating that the two males were doing was a sign of what was to come soon enough. Thanks to the increased pace that Lee had taken with his thrusts, both of them were beginning to feel their orgasms approaching. Lee watched as with every strong thrust that he gave Axel, the chubby fat that was visible on him bounced with his body. He wasn't sure why, but this gave him that little edge he needed.

He continued to pound into Axel until with one hard thrust, he pushed his full knot into Axel. Axel gave a yell of pain from the sudden expansion of his anal ring at once, knowing it was coming but still not expecting just how much even with the stretching from when it was still inflating. Now thought there was little that they could do. Lee could only give short but still sharp thrusts as he was knotted into Axel, every thrust pounding into Axel's prostate. Axel's pants had gotten heavier now that he was knotted, the pain going away quickly to be replacing with the pleasure from his prostate getting abused by every sharp thrust he was given.

Finally Axel had been pushed over his peak. His anal muscles began to contract, his balls tightened up to his body, and his cock throbbed as his seed finally had been freed from his cock. Wave after wave of fertile fox seed was fired into the air, coming down and landing on Axel's own chest and the couch around him. His cock wasn't done quite yet though as the time they had been locked in passionate fucking had pushed him along for quite awhile. He did only last for fifteen seconds of pure climax before his seed finally stopped being ejaculated. What was left was a panting chubby fox with his chest, belly, and the couch around him covered in seed.

Lee wasn't far behind him as the Axel's contracting muscles pushed him over his edge as well. He howled out to the ceiling, arching his back and finding more room inside of Axel's real for his cock. His cum sprayed from its home, finding a new one deep inside of the other male. Lee wasn't as well endowed as Axel was with sperm count however. Even though he had been built up for the same amount of time and just as much pleasure, he only lasted about half as long as Axel did with his orgasm. It was shorter, but there was no shortage of pleasure that he experienced from his first orgasm with his cock buried inside of his long time friend and now new mate.

Both of them were sweaty, smelled of sex, and now very worn out but they wouldn't want to be any other way at this moment. Lee leaned down slowly, once again giving Axel another passionate kiss. The two of them knew that they would be stuck in this position for awhile thanks to Lee's knot. Being in this position the two could only think of one thing to do for now. Lee slowly leaned down, making sure now to tug at his knot as he rested his head beside Axel's, pressing his body against the fox below him. They both gave a soft yawn before closing their eyes and drifting off to nap.

Lee was the first one to wake up an hour later, fluttering his eyes open slowly. His first sight was what he wanted to see every morning when he wakes up now. He saw Axel right beside him sleeping as well. The sun was still shining brightly, giving him the sign that they hadn't been sleeping for too long. "Its time to wake up." He whispered into Axel's ear, giving it a small nibble as well. Axel groaned gently, not able to move his left arm since it was being weighed down by Lee's body. He gave a small giggle as he felt the soft nibbles on his ear, yawning right after.

Lee slowly began to pry himself off of Axel's body, finding that now his chest and stomach had been coated with the Axel's dried sperm. Luckily enough for the both of them that it hadn't gotten them both stuck to each other, knowing that it would be painful to try to pry themselves away from dried, sticky sperm. Both of their cocks had returned to their respective homes in their sheaths during the sleep as well, allowing Lee to finally break away and sit up fully without being inside of Axel. He did sneak a peak though and saw that Axel's anus was still stretched out from the quick fucking he had given him, hoping that it wouldn't stay like that so he could do it once again.

They both sat up together and were about to stand up to go shower when something caught their eyes on the table. The stacks of college brochures they were looking at were still there, and something amazing made them both almost want to tear up. On top of both stacks was the exact same brochure to the same college, Furville College. They didn't need to go through any more, they forgot all about the ones they had looked at before. They had easily made their mind up. They knew that it might not be the greatest college out there, but it was a good college and best of all they could still be together every day and every night. They shared another kiss before getting up and heading to the showers to clean up and continue their night of exciting adventures.

Note: I know this story is long and it is longer than I expected. Alot of it was done during many nights so there are some mistakes. Please give me advice on how to do things like this better and how to shorten up stories like this.

Shippo's Shadow Clones (Gift for kitsuneyoukai)

Based on an unposted pic by kitsuneyoukai. Found here: [http://e621.net/data/48/03/480396ae2997f560775c48df18ea19b0.jpg?1328680733](http://e621.net/data/48/03/480396ae2997f560775c48df18ea19b0.jpg?1328680733) Soft steps could be heard in the distance...

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Teaching Life Lessons: Chapter 5

NOTE: Finally after 8 months of ignoring this story and about 5 months of not writing anything at all, I finally got the writing bug again and decided that this story needed to be my priority to update. Truth is I actually had this story about halfway...

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Lights, Camera, Action! Chapter 2

Another request I got in the comments of the last story by [FurryJFox](http://furryjfox.sofurry.com/). I am once again accepting ideas for human/pokemon or pokemon/pokemon pairings. If you want you can request genders and kinks as well to make it a...

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