Comission: Long journey's end

Story by Magnathaur on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokemon

Comission about pokemon for Nicobay.

To be a master they say, to follow a dream and make it happen. For many looking from the outside it may seem appealing and exciting, the prospect of adventure and game, of glory and fame. But just as many other truths on this earth, there were there is a great opportunity there is also a great risk, a reality behind the true ordeal, a risk that everyone in the path of a Pokémon trainer must face... a downfall everyone fear.

It was a sparkling day in Therono Island, the waterfall making an incredible display of color by reflecting and refracting the sunlight. Crispy water jumping and splashing, began to spray upon these two bodies dragged down with the torrent. Cookey and his faithful Nicobay had been traveling together for the better part a month, but now they found themselves injured and weakened. Trainer and Pokémon curled together trying to kept each other warm, calm... trying to hold back the desperation that brought them to fall the cleft a few yards away.

Nicobay was the first to wake up, slowly at first... each of his overstrained muscles crying in unison, trying to make the Bayleef hybrid stir back into Morpheus' realm, trying to make him find relieve in his sleep.


Memories of the previous night made the Pokémon rise up, eyes open wide in shock and trying to find that person he shared so much with, the only human being he dared to trust.


The blood bathed body laid there beside him, if what happened last night was a nightmare then what word could define what was happening there.

"Please... resist."

Exhausted as he was, Nicobay couldn't muster enough energy to do more than cuddle around his human friend. The one that he chose to follow willingly, the one that could never capture him but still he followed; out of pity, out of mercy, he didn't know... he just followed the little human.

"Come on... don't die."

More than ever Nicobay wished he could speak the human language or at least to be able to mentally connect with this one, to try to sooth him, to try to calm him and make it all better.


But he couldn't help him, he's only desire when first following this human named Cookie was to just lead him out of his parent's territory, he was supposed to just take the lost boy away but he followed. But then it turned into a mission... a self-imposed mission: to protect him.


He's awake.

A first sign of relieve coursed through the plant type Pokémon, the struggling boy embarrassed his wide torso, coating his cream skin with red.

"I'm sorry..." The boy spoke.


But how was here the one that should be sorry, the guardian or the ward? Who was here the one to be blamed?

Cristal tears began to flow out the hybrid's eyes, he wished he could use a portal of sorts to take the boy away, to take him somewhere, to someone that could take him to care but...

"Cough... sorry... sor... rry"

Exhausted and injured the Pokémon was barely staying alive, but it was all the same... no amount of power could take the mistakes he made away, no amount of healing could do much difference now... he just waited... for the inevitable.

"How are you holding up?"

A confident rumble asked.

"Better that you gramps!"

The voices outside the supply room seemed joyful and happy, a match was taking place.

"Watch it!"

Even from where he was, Nicobay could smell the smoke and feel the heat, prove of a fire type battling outside. Silently he wondered who this Pokémon could be, it was rare for someone of that type to come and try his luck during the annual water type gathering.

"Match's over, winner is: Kaiser!"

Cheers and roars almost deafened the hybrid, still he let the joy course his body and make it tingle. He still had to finish his job as a clerk for the prestigious Sunrise training grounds, directed by Pokémon for Pokémon. It was a very respectable place, one that Nico, as much of the staff liked to call him, had the luck to come across.

"And for the next match!"

Nico chuckled at that voice, it belonged to Serge, a larger than life Nidoking and owner of the place... he owed the venom type quite much. Placing the last crate of Pokémon supplies and making his final notes, he rushed out to see the match.

"Mireanor versus!" Nicobay chuckled again, that voice always managed to send chills down his spine. "Kato!"

The crowd outside the place roared again, it sounded closer and closer with each trot the eager hybrid gave. It was always excitement and an almost uncontrollable urge what filled him each time he'd hear the mature Nidoking speak and rumble so loud... so dominating.

"You may..." Here it comes. "BEGIN!"

Nico stopped and cringed upon hearing that. "Buuurrr..." Oh how much that single word filled him with desire, with lust.

He shook his head.

With a deep breath and a sigh he calmed the churning sensation in his belly. It was always like that... only when outside smelling range of the powerful Serge could Nicobay control the impulses, he could stop the shivering and dread. But when near...

He sighed again.

When near the purple beast he could only stare and tremble, and that always made the large male move away from him.

If he only knew...

Indeed, if he only knew... if he only knew what caused those shivering spasm wasn't fear but lust and shyness, if he knew that Nicobay stared at him because it was impossible for him to turn his eyes away of the cerulean orbs of his employer, that the power behind them had an effect stronger than any psychic attack ever had on him. That Serge's voice made his belly flutter, and it turned his legs into whipped cream.

No, that would be diluting the truth, denying it even. There was fear too, fear of losing him, of failing him and that was unbearable... overpowering. Cookie. .

That name...

"Can you believe those idiots?" A deep male voice caught the bayleef hybrid's attention. "Still thinking type has a fuck to say in who wins a fight."

"Hear you, butch."

Just outside the corridor and now turning the corner walked a large charizard and a rhydon, confidently strolling towards the still stalling Nicobay... who instantly grew anxious.

"Hey..." The bass like voice of the Rhydon called out. "Know where's the care center?"

Nicobay looked to either side, thinking he wasn't the one being asked.

"He's talking to you little shitter." Hissed the red Pokémon.


As both males came closer a sudden but much known tremble began to overcome the four legged plant type.


The imposing rhydon, glared down at him, the drilling horn in his nostril slowly began its dangerous motion... Nico's fear began to feel alluring on the large male.

"Just..." Nico tried to clear his mind." Chansey!" He shouted. "Just follow the Chansey's mutter and..."

"Why don't you show us?" Charizard cut in. With fierce reddish eyes that caused Nico to tremble even more, he began to gaze over his whole body, that particular patch of black over his head, down to his long neck. "Maybe show us where we can bath first. I'm a bit dirty."

The large fire type extended his wings and expanded his chest breathing deeply, his taloned paw scratching his dampened chest and a few strands of dirt from it.

He was the one fighting... Nico realized. Kaiser.

Kaiser's display had an even greater effect than expected, the bayleef's scent changed... it wasn't exactly fear now... it was excitement, arousal... that made the large reptile lick his lips.

Without mediating words he took Nico's leafed neck and turned him to walk towards the nearest room.

"The river's not that way."

"River..." The rhydon chuckled.

Nicobay was inside the supply room once more, this time roughly pushed by a male charizard that was starting to heat the air near him and reek of... pre, his intention were as clear as the day. He... no, they were gonna fuck him.

"Dips on the rear." Called out the earth type.

"Hey! I DID win, didn't I?"

Kaiser's words were answered only by the drilling motion of the rhydon's horn, a gesture of dominance accompanied by an obliging glare. The charizard complied moving towards Nico's front.

Up to that very point nothing other than the indulging scent of sex and arousal coming from both the male Pokémon was registered in Nicobay's mind, but now that a wet creamish belly covered his view... the plant type hybrid backed up from the imposing reptile but hit his rump against a rock hard surface, a quick turn of his neck allowed to see the gray mountain behind him.

"What are you looking at?"

Two taloned paws clamped on either side of Nico's head, scared and unable to decide what to do he looked up to the snarling face of Kaiser.

He growled before pushing his head towards his engorging groin.

"Bite and I'll leave you a charred memento for your passing."

Words went unheard in Nico's ears, the very source of the scent he caught so faintly in the air and made him walk into the room was being rubbed against his nose, the intoxicating musk filled his nostril and clouded his mind... his will wavered as an old desire to submit reared up.

Nicobay began to lap at the now protruding meat, inhaling deeply on it and trying to carve a memory in his mind with it. The rhydon meanwhile rubbed himself against the hybrid's hind, breathing heavily and starting grinding and pushing the bayleef further into Kaiser's growing cock.

With an attentive tongue Nico began to lap at the appearing pointy head, slickening and kissing the red member as more of it was exposed. Soon the hungry maw could suck at the thin but still engorging draconic meat with mastery, sucking and circling his tongue, savoring each inch he could. Kaiser for his part showed his appreciation starting to buck up into him, making Nico gag a bit.

The drilling sound began again, and Kaiser let Nico keep going at his own pace. But he was eager now, he forced the cock past his gag point and began to hit the charizard's pelvis with his nostril.

Looking this eagerness Rhydon lifted Nicobay's thick tail and started to finger him. The Pokémon hybrid moaned throatily into the cock buried in his maw, making it quaver and send the charizard to a new level of pleasure, milking more of that delicious pre smearing into Nico's tongue.

Rugged fingers began to play with that hidden crevice, there was no way something as think as Rhydon's finger could fit, much less his cock. Not really a fan of rimming, the earth type descended to puckered ass and gave it a slight lick. He began to wet the anal ring making it relax for what was to come.

"Fuck..." Kaiser fought to keep still, but his leg hurt a bit. Still he impaled the maw with his now fully erected cock, he watched as the slickened red meat disappeared into Nico's cream muzzle.

After few minutes of continued stimulation from both ends, Nico felt himself yowl when the tongue that kept itself dancing around his ring, pushed itself past his defenses and began assaulting his weakest spot. He stopped his oral services to moan in delight and even left the cock to bounce in the air to cry out his excitement.

"Get it back in."

Again those claws picked Nicobay's head and forced him to deepthroat. Nico whimpered when that tongue still worked his prostate over and over with natural expertise, and his own cock throbbed unattended, leaking and waiting as the slithering tongue explored and stretched each muscle, preparing them...

The sudden disappearance of the intruder and a sensation of emptiness made Nico gasp into the charizard's pole. Feeling a little adventurous the rhydon used his horn to stretch him a bit more, with just the tip he began a rocking motion, penetrating him and rotating his horn as slowest as he could, that made Nico push back into his horn... and that did it.

"Hold him down."

The rhydon quickly stood up and placed both paws over the bayleef's lower back and then crawled down to his beffy tights, knowing the sign Kaiser pushed Nicobay's maw down on his shaft and muzzled him there. Powerful hips began to ground themselves into the twitching hole, making the victim cry out in muffled pain, but the rhydon didn't stop. He continued to grind stretching the hole to its limits and beyond, till the head got inside.

The three panted away, regaining their breath before the penetration proceeded. Slower this time, Rhydon humped and humped gaining a tempo and accommodating the strangling hole to his girth.

Nico began to finally find pleasure in that, his tight tunnel stopped to feel burning and accommodated the new inhabitant. Back and forth, back and forth Rhydon continued his effort until his hips finally meet the hybrid's rump.

"Does it feel good?"

Rhydon asked, not really concerned, he just wanted to hear the answer, or see it rather, that little maw was visibly occupied.

Nicobay nodded.

Slowly Rhydon pulled out till only his head was in... and thrust back in. Nico's scream this time could be heard maybe alarming people outside, but nobody cared. The horned male repeated the process till the recipient began to eagerly accept the treatment and even meet the impacts with his own backward pushes.

But even with what all the stimulus Nicobay wanted more, between ragged breaths and rocking motion from both ends, he started to use his vine whips... not managing to completely control them at first with the rhydon's cock pounding away... but slowly he made them crawl down his body, massaging those parts the male behind him neglected, his cock...

He wrapped the thick vines around his shaft and began to rock his body, fighting over Rhydon's thrusting motion. Nicobay grunted and moaned throatily into Kaiser's cock, increasing the sucking motion he had been putting up.

"Now we're talking..." Something that was appreciated by the reptilian.

"No." The horned pokemon said taking the vines with both his paws. "You cum paws free."

Kaiser chuckled.

"But if you want to use this. I have a better purpose." Leaving the green appendage free, he pointed at the red beast in front. "Open him up."

The charisard's chuckle soon turned into a groan when his backdoor clenched at the touch of those ropes. Kaiser looked up to his partner with a surprised face, only to meet a shit eating grin from the rhydon. "Let him..." He said.

Kaiser gasped as the vines began to enter him and directly searched for his g-point. He grunted a contained moan, his pride not letting him acknowledge he was letting someone other than the rhydon inside him.

But it all still felt good... but not as much... and it wasn't rhydon, and that angered Kaiser so much he began to openly fuck the plant Pokémon's mouth, hurting him in the process.

"Stop that!" Again the drilling horn began to move.

Kaiser grew impatient, he started felling the strains of his previous battle aching and began to pant. He didn't care anymore, whatever the rhydon in front could do to him he'd deal with it when it came, taking Nico's haulm and using it as leverage he forced the hybrid to deep-throating him once more. He shoved his meat bucking up each time the pushed the head down.


The drilling motion went ignored, the big winged reptile fucked away, just as unstoppable as Nico's vines ravaged him. Rhydon stopped his horn to move when he realized the slutty this plant type resulted, he could take the pounding without gagging or losing breath.

He chuckled and prepared to continue his own pounding when a new voice roared behind them.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING...!!" But the voice stopped its ragging. "on..."

"Fucking, that's what's going on chief." Answered the rhino.

Kaiser continued to fuck Nico's maw but he pulled away letting him buck away into the air. He wanted to see the arriving Pokémon, he wanted him to join the fray.

"Get back here you..."

"Kaiser I told you to stop that!"

Still bucking up the charizard finally complied.

The smell of rut and sex was strong in the room, and the three males before him... it began to excite Serge, he breathed deeply into the sex filled air and began to pant. Then he met Nicobay's eyes, his brown orbs were different than any other time, they looked directly at him with desire instead of fear, his body did not tremble with dread but with anticipation. He noticed then, he knew it that very moment.

"You want to chief?"

The rhydon asked politely, pulling his cock from the bayleef's stretched hole.

Immediately the purple Pokémon walked and placed his rugged paw over Nico's lower back, eliciting a moan from his part.

Seeing this Rhydon motioned Kaiser to move away. He had plans for the disobedient lizard.

Nico turned to face the venom type with a confidence he didn't know of. "I've wanted you for so long." He began. "I yearned to touch you." Both his vines began to caress Serge's ample torso and arms. "And we're finally here."

Serge watched as Nicobay lapped at his crotch looking for a prize to suck on. The Nidoking couldn't believe this was the same guy he found wandering alone and wounded, the same guy he came to love but still he scared, but that was the past and this was the present, now he had him already eating his sizable meat. He lusted for him... and he wanted to take charge.


With both arms over Nicobays's armpits did Serge raised him to meet his mouth, blue and red tongue battled for entrance into the other's maw, Serge's quickly gaining the upper hand and making Nico moan with delight, this male was really overpowering him.

Slowly and without stopping the kiss, the purple beast rested Nico on his back. They looked tenderly at each other before Serge loose eye contact and went to caress the leaved neck. He kissed and rubbed his horn against the cream colored skin, marking Nico as his.

Soon Nicobay gasped, that blue tongue began to lap and lick at his thin pink prick, and then at the light nibbling over the pointy head.

"You taste great."

Before he could reply, Nico's shaft was engulfed into the warm cavity Serge muzzle provided. Nocobay began to thrust into it, he felt himself nearing cumming after his time with Rhydon and charizard.


But the purple muzzle continued, he worked the pink shaft, rolling his tongue about it and sucking and suckling. As much as he wanted couldn't contain himself anymore, with a guttural growl Nicobay came inside his muzzle, his yellowish white cum bathed Serge's cavity.

"Serg... Serge. I..."

The kidoking's purple muzzle came in contact with Nico's creamy one, sharing a long pationate kiss and his seed, drinking it both of them. Still kissing Serge's hips moved towards Nico's stretched hole, unguided and through trial and error his cock's head finally found its target. The purple male separated their muzzle to look at Nico's eyes, asking for an answer.

And Nico nodded.

Both of them groaned with the initial penetration, the pleasure was just unbearable that Nico shot a few more whitey ropes. Serge's cock felt smaller but still stretched Nicobay's passage well enough, and that made it perfect, the right size to batter all his sensitive sports with each buck, making pleasure growing exponentially and having Nico's cock throb between their bellies.

"Serge... ahh... it feels... so good."

Purple claws began to move along the cream Pokémon's body, squishing and scratching, pinching and pulling Nico closer to his chest. To feel his chest beat against his. He began biting and nibbling and pulling with his teeth, always trying to touch his new mate wherever he could.

Serge then rolled his body over to his back, pulling Nicobay along. In this new position the bayleef began to insitinctively ride on the cock, meeting his NIdoking's thrusts each time he moved. Between his movement and their own grunts and moans Nico noticed that drill like sound and a loud roar.

To their right Rhydon had Kaiser laying with his back on the ground, wings extended to their max, and hugged both the charizard's legs while drilling into him with his lower horn, that red reptilian tail lashing out uncontrollably between his legs until the horned male pinned it with his own.

Rhydon met Nico's stare and winked at him, but he couldn't respond in anyway, a new thrust left breathless, his mate's movements told him it was time for a new position.

Time flew endlessly inside Nicobay's head, now with his front legs bend and head on the floor he enduring a barrage of thrusting, Serge's cock left him empty and went inside again and again at first, but his thrust began to shorten and shorten until half an inch was dragged out.

"Fuck... gonna..."

Without finishing Nicobay came, spraying his seed over the ground as he squished Serge's cock tightly, forcing his already hastening thrusts become frantic and uncontrollable. With bellowing roar he emptied his testes into his mate's innards, his tail smacking the ground with each gush and making his cock throb inside Nico, who moaned again and again with each of them.

Serge continued to pump even through his orgasm slowly coming to a stop after a minute from it.

"Thank you." The nidoking spoke and slowly pulled out, savoring each of his inches as he extracted his cock. Nico clenched, also trying to feel it as much as he could. With tender arms he picked his new lover and hugged him.

Nicobay noticed then rhydon was sat with his back against the wall and had charizard lapping and cleaning his cock absentmindly, cum gushing out of his hole but he didn't care, he just continued to lick at the spent cock.

"Come." Serge said carrying the bayleef hybrid in his arms.

"Where?" The plant type asked.

"To the rest of your life." The Nidoking replied.

After so long, after so long did Nicobay consumed what his heart desired, what his body carved... what his soul needed. After so long he felt ready to let go of he reigns of his past and begin anew, that he could relay in a new someone and that he could relay on him to.

That the past was gone and his journey for peace ended at last.


Nightdream and Daymare

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was like waking up from a nightmare, the German shepherd woke up startled to the sound of ruffling and grunting and...

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Lose a friend, gain a lover.

"David, will you calm down?" It was David's idea to invite me over, "It will suit you well." He said. "Clear up the stress." He said. But this whole trip has been nothing but a fiasco, a fucking rotten fiasco. First he forgets to load the gas, and...

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For better or worse...

The night wasn't really cold, it never was for this wolf. His unfocused eyes glared at the ticket in his paw, his mind rushed trying to decide if he should use it, if he could use it. "Shit..." He was smart but even with all in his mind and...

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