Only 'cause we're bros

Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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So this was something I was wanting to do and I was talking to my friend JayEm about it and asked his opinion and quickly responded "YOU SHOULD PUT JAY IN IT!" (I maybe being a bit dramatic) so since he's been such a good friend I said all right (plus there's some people you can't say no to) so I'm going to gift this to him since I know he's busy with his comic (go check it out!)

"Damn it" Kevin shouted tossing the controller onto the coffee table in obvious frustration. The Bull Terrier had a lot of pent up sexual aggression that he had hoped the Xbox would alleviate, but it hadn't.

"You okay bro?" Kevin had been playing with his friend Matt, a tiger that was a year younger than him. He was more athletic though then Kevin who only played Basketball.

"It's that bitch Vicky, bro." Vicky was a Collie who wasn't afraid to flaunt the luscious mane her species got.

"Dude, but Vicky is like, the hottest chick on campus." It was true, Vicky also kept her body in great shape, and damn what a body that was.

"Yeah, that's why I jumped at the chance to date her. Like, I spend time with her, buy her shit, she's spending all my money, but she won't put out!"

"That's harsh, man. Just dump her."

"Are you insane man! Vicky is also the most powerful chick on campus, I dump her and I can kiss pussy goodbye. The worst part is her friend Bethany came up to me on that party a couple nights ago and was running hers on my legs. Dude, she wasn't wearing any panties."

"How could you tell?"

"She took my hand and stuck it down there."

"Damn. What happened?"

"Nothing. Before anything could happen Vicky showed up."

"Shit dude, talk about cockblock."

"I know! Why can't bitches be more like bros. Like, I'm not gay or anything bro, but if like, you treated me like I treated Vicky, I would totally let you bust a nut or whatever."

"Thanks bro, I mean, I'm not gay or anything either, but like I'd let you do that too if you treated me like you do Vicky."

"Thanks man, it's nice to know who your true friends are. A bro knows how to treat a bro. It means a lot."

"Yeah, and I sympathize with you, Julia isn't giving me any either."

"What? I thought she was super into you."

"Yeah, but she found some pictures that zebra skank sent me but from when I didn't think she was crazy, and her friend Becky has her on some' you should wait for commitment shit' or something."

"Sorry to hear that bro. Why can't bitches stay out of the their friend's love lives."

"Yeah! I'm so fucking horny right now, I can only image how you must be since you've been with Vicky for like almost a month right."

"Yeah. I wish I could help you out, but like I said, I'm not gay and you're not a chick."

"Me too. I know it sounds gay, but I wish I was a chick so I could help you out. "

"It's cool bro. If you were a chick, then it wouldn't be gay."


"Yeah." That sat there for a minute in silence.

"You want to do me in my butt?"

"No kissing."

"Of course bro" he said getting up and turning around to lean over the couch pulling down his pants showing his rump. Kevin responded by jumping up and going to the door to make sure it was locked before returning to behind his friend undoing his pants and letting them fall to the ground. His Terrier dick was already rock hard and oozing pre. He stuck it in his friend's tiger cheeks, moving it up and down the crack smearing it with his pre.

"Look how pent up she's made me, your man ass already has me this hard."

"Damn, that is hard. I'm so pent up, that the thought of being drilled by you got me all rock hard too. Can you give me like, a courtesy lick bro, I don't really do much on that end."

"Course bro, I'm not going to treat you like some skanky bitch." He knelt down putting his muzzle to his friend's tail hole, getting a whiff of tiger stank. "Don't you ever wash?"

"I didn't get a chance to yet. It's hot out!"

"Whatever." Kevin lashed out his tongue and started to attack the tight tiger pucker, making sure it go good and wet. Feeling that enough saliva had been transferred, he sucked on a couple fingers and proceeded to finger his friend, starting right off with two and then quickly adding a third. Matt tried not make any sounds that would make him look like a bitch even though he was about to get drilled by his friend. "You ready?"

"Go for it."

"Here it comes." With no further warning, Kevin took his canine member and rammed it all the way in. They both grunted as Kevin was surprised at how tight his friend's rear still was and the feeling of that tight heat bearing down upon the entirety of his cock was a little much to take in. Matt on the other hand was surprised at how full his anus felt and the pain of having so much shoved in all at once. He bit down on the couch to keep from screaming. They stayed there in that position for about a minute, each of them adjusting to the sensations.

"Damn" Matt said releasing his hold on the furniture.

"You ready for more?"

"Yeah, that was just a, shock."

"Yeah. Here I go." Kevin pulled out and slammed back in. He started with a quick pace and then moved to slow, long thrusts. They were both grunting and moaning and Matt even made thrusts back against the dog. Picking his pace back up, Kevin leaned forward into a more primal position. Matt knew that his friend probably wouldn't last long and reached down to his aching barbed erection and started to paw off in rhythm with his friend's thrusts, but it was too late and Kevin came hard, which surprised him because his knot didn't have time to form. Matt was going to continue as Kevin sort of fell out of him but then the door swung open.

"Oh my" said the flustered red panda who'd stumble through what was supposed to be a locked door. "I'll um, just go."

"Wait right there Jay" said Matt standing in only his shirt and with his feline dick pointing out, shining in his pre and he ass leaking bull terrier semen. "Get in here, and make sure that door is locked this time."

"I don't know what was going on but..."

"That wasn't a request that can be turned down." The panda could only obey and did as he was told. "The pants, lose them. " This too he obeyed, speechless, dropping his pants to the ground to reveal very tented shorts. "Now get over here." Jay moved over with resistance, stepping out his pants where they had fallen and walked over to where the tiger was standing. The tiger didn't feel like waiting very long and reached over and yanked him the rest of the way, picking up a game control and using the cord to bind him hands.

Matt took the smaller man by the shoulders and pushed him down into the position he had just been in, forcing his head down into the couch he was biting a few minutes earlier. He took the Panda's under shorts by the waistband and basically tore them off, exposing Jay's pink tailhole. Copying what Kevin had done, Matt sucked on his fingers and then started to finger the other male, using his free hand to hold him in place. In this commotion Jay's glasses fell off to which he protested, "I can't see."

"You don't need to" they responded in almost unison which hushed the panda.

Kevin was not going to be ignored and moved around to the other side of the couch where the Panda's face was and presented it his man meat. "Clean it." Jay responded by opening his mouth to utter some sort of resistance but this wasn't fast enough for the terrier who used his hands to force the unsure panda's maw open faster and shaved his meat in, silencing any protest. At the same time Matt was finished with his prep of the Panda's tight tail, he didn't even notice what Kevin was doing as he started to push in, slowly as he wanted to be a little nicer than Kevin had been to him, but only a little.

He held on tight to Jay's hips with both hands and used his knees to spread the panda wider. Once his head was in he pushed all the way in, hilting the smaller male. What was suppose to be a simple dick cleaning was now turning into a blow job as Jay grunted on the meat in his mouth giving the larger male the wrong idea that he was happy to obliged. He placed his hands on the white and red-striped face and started to thrust in. He was getting a similar treatment from Matt only to his tail hole which was well stretched now that it had been rammed repeatedly by the tiger.

"Ugh, he's so tight."

Jay was surprised at how the Tiger's barbs felt, lightly scratching his insides, almost a tickle. The feeling it made on his prostate as the Tiger pulled out and pushed back in with bestial vigor. It was needless to say that his cock was straining and leaking. It was sensory overload as he was assault from both ends, an oozing, salty dog dick was being forced in and out of his mouth, and a raging tiger member from the other end.

The sound of moans, grunts, and ball slapping was all that could be heard. The tiger was keeping a steady pace that was growing harder and faster. Kevin on the other hand, was more sporadic and prone to dirty talk such as "You're liking this aren't you" and "You got a mouth like a woman." Jay could agree to the former but was offended by the latter. He really couldn't voice an opinion though as there was a dick in his mouth, a dick that suddenly erupted without warning spewing dog spunk into his mouth. Some of it went down, but most of it came out, and a little up his nose.

He coughed and wheezed a little as Matt chuckled as Kevin fell the ground. Jay stopped coughing soon and started to moan again as the Tiger stopped his chuckles to the feeling of himself nearing climax. Jay started to clamp down on him as he felt himself near. This sent Matt over the edge and he blew his load into the panda. Those final thrusts were enough for Jay as he exploded, unloading a massive amount of his seed onto the couch beneath him.

"Now you can't squeal Jay" the tiger said panting. He pulled out with a slurp sound and knocked the panda over onto his side. "No way, Kevin, you got to check this out."

"What is it" he said standing up and looking to where his friend was pointing. "Holy shit, how did his balls have that much jizz." It was true, Jay had unloaded a large amount, and it had form long ropey bands that covered the couch that had been under him, hitting back cushion as well as the seat.

"I'm not cleaning it up."

"Who said you'd have to, it's his mess, make him clean it up."