Cold as Ice

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#2 of Snuff Stories

Warning this story contains rape, and light snuff. If that's not your thing, then don't read. I wrote this in an hour so I don't know if it's very good.

Feedback is appreciated. Hope you enjoy.

Cold as Ice

I saw her sitting at a table alone looking depressed, and also slightly drunk. The blue eyes of the vixen glazed over. She was drinking what looked to be some kind of hard liquor, though what I couldn't tell you. I wasn't drinking though I can tell you that. I believe in temperance and my entire reason for being at the bar was to look for new merchandise. I need women like her; their bodies, sadness, misguided trust, I'm a predator I thrive off of them. I would like to think I'm handsome, I've certainly been told I am by some of the stock I take to work, but I think I'm just an average snow leopard.


I turned my head to see the sad women through back another shot, and then slam the glass down. Yes she was the one for tonight there was no question in my mind. Reaching into my front right pocket I pulled out a small vile of clear liquid. Opening the lid I dabbed a little of its contents on my claws, then proceeded to run my claws through the fur on my neck and head. While slipping the vile back into my pocket I got up, silently, and crossed the floor over to her table.

"Would you mind if I sat next to someone as beautiful as you"?

"Fuck off, I don't need you, I don't need any man".

So this one was angry, slightly challenging, I liked that it would make the final kill that much better.

"It really does pain me to see such a pretty vixen so sad you know".

"And why should I believe you Mr. Leopard"?

"You shouldn't, but I thought you might at least want company with your drinks, you look like you could use it. My name is Connor by the way, Connor Ieatus". I saw her waver in the mask of Iron she was wearing and knew I had succeeded in getting through her defenses.

"Well drink alone is so sad don't you think Connor"?

"So sad, Ms. ?".


"Such a lovely name". This made her inhale with a blush, making her smell my scent.

"As is yours Connor" She murmured almost seductively to me.

I looked down to find that all she had on the table were empty shot glasses. Perfect I could make my move now.

"How about I get us some drinks Casey after all the night is still young".

"If you would be so kind".

"I'll be right back". Getting up to go to the bar I grabbed my phone from my left pocket and quickly pressed the pound key four times. This would let my employers know to come pick up the merchandise at the usual time.

"What can I get for you sir"? I stared at a friendly looking cheetah in a formal vest.

"A shot of Vodka and a shot of water please".

"Certainly". He poured then handed me the drinks, I paid him in a twenty and told him to keep the difference. While walking back to the table I quickly poured just a little bit of powdered Rohypnol to the Vodka, making sure that if all else failed she wouldn't remember this night. It was just a little bit of a fail-safe I liked to have.

When I got back to the table I noticed that she had scooted her chair a little bit further to mine.

"Here" I said handing her the shot, "To the night, and its possibilities". We clinked the glasses together and gulped down the respective liquids.

I felt her hand travel up my body, her muzzle nuzzling my shoulder. I knew that the scent I was wearing was luring her further into my grasp.

We talked for a while and had one more drink, but the effects of the drug took effect on her fairly quickly. As she started to sway and slur her words even more a brought her out to my car. While driving home I noticed her slump to the side of her seat and I knew she had passed out. When I finally got her home and into my bed was when the fun really began.

I cuffed her to the bed, spread eagle and went to the refrigerator to get something. I returned with a small shot of Epinephrine, enough to wake her up.

I walked over to her, both of us nude at this point through my action. I brought my hand down hard and stabbed her breast plate with the adrenaline shooting it in her heart. The effect was almost immediate. She sat up and started screaming into the ball gag I had placed around her. She struggled against the bonds on her limbs, and still she was screaming.

The scene was making my member erect by itself. Without delay or explanation to her I got on the bed with her, positioning myself over her, lining up our bodies. Then I sank my throbbing, engorged member into her, hilting her in one motion. The folds of her moist lips felt tight around my length. I started my savage assault on her, not easing up for a moment. I made sure she felt the barbs around the head of my dick scrape at her walls. She was screaming and fighting it making it all the more pleasurable to me. I thrust in and out of her, like a feral animal possessed. I was getting close to my limit from her movement. Finally I gave one large push and sprayed her insides with my seed. I pulled out shortly after that my semen forming a glob right under her opening.

I cleaned up and took a shower. A few minutes later two panthers were at my house to take away the used vixen. They paid me handsomely for all the organs I collected that night, then wished me good night.

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