Dragonheart Part 52

Story by Rozar on SoFurry

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#24 of Dragonheart Part 29-58

"Over there it is!" Said Rockwell, as he looked up and saw the Naris neck bearing the army of the South in the field of unity. It stretched for several kilometers, consisted mostly of tents and one could hear from quite far to many people. "Good to know, another day in this dragon's back would have done my Hntern ncht well." Said Shiba just easier.

"What do you mean by that?" Said Nari easily angered. Rockwell stroked her head and answered. "It is simply not accustomed to long ride on a dragon." "Come on what you" ride "under understand," Shiba said jokingly. Rockwell turned around, looked at him with a frown and said: ". Even a saying and you can run" Shiba shrank, grinned sheepishly and apologized for the remark. Khad, who sat directly behind Shiba shook his head, waiting to land.

A few meters before the camp began Nari then finally to land on, Rockwell, Shiba Khad and rose from her back and were met by a group of soldiers. "Are you freelance or members of a clan?" Said the first soldier, a Doberman in a silver armor. Rockwell looked at the soldiers a little confused, as Shiba answered as if shot from a pistol: "We are the clan Mitgleider dragon heart and would like to join the armed forces here."

The soldier nodded curtly when another took over the conversation, it was a brown cat who said, "Good to hear that we have still got a few people! You can watch the other clans to join, but your dragon müsstet bring her to the other mounts. "Rockwell nodded, the soldiers came to the camp that was built specifically for Reitiere while Shiba Khad and went to the other clans.

Arriving at the camp of the mounts Rockwell saw a lot of other animals: lizards riding, horses and even a small dragon who looked immediately to Nari. "This is the camp for the animals by clans." Said the soldier. "That means there are two animal camp?" Said Rockwell. The soldier responded to this with a nod and said: "There is the camp for clan animals and an army camp for animals, such as a nearly thirty-member Dragon squadron, specially trained for war."

Rockwell tapped her on the lips interested and asked if he could join them. The cat gave a short laugh and replied: ".. I'm sorry, but those people have been working in this season, and they let just anyone, of at least seven years riding experience with has a dragon," "I understand," Rockwell said, half aloud. He brought Nari camp and looked for a moment.

"Hey, what have you?" She asked. Wanted "Oh, it's nothing, I'm just exhausted some of the long journey, nothing else." Nari that believe not, but wanted to continue to do not ask and read it then to his friends: Rockwell looked at her puzzled, shook his head and answered . go

Rockwell hurried to Khad and Shiba find again, he reached the part of the camp, in which there were many other clans from various parts of the country. Most could recognize the basis of their clothing, from which region they came: for example, were the clans of the rural areas only derive clothes and armor, most of them were armed simple swords and bows.

The clan came from towns were mostly fine suits and dresses, their arms were also significantly gefplegter than the other. And then there were the scattered groups of hunters, their clothes in the colors of the forest were seen. Rockwell looked at them and wondered if his men were also among them. And even if he would go to them? This question led him to ponder a little, until he was again Shiba and Khad.

"Pretty cool here right?" Shiba said joyfully. Rockwell looked at him and nodded soberly. "And what you've seen?" Rockwell told briefly of what he had seen. Shiba nodded saying, Khad looked at them quietly. Suddenly, they heard loud shouts of joy, not far away from them.

They went to the source of jubilation and saw five people: two dragons, two sisters and a cat person. "That's ..." began falling almost Shiba and read his glasses. "Twilight Sword.", Rockwell ended his sentence. One of the dragons had green scales, long hair, a hairstyle that came close to the Shadow. He wore a shirt scharzes, dadrüber a white vest, a long red scarf and white trousers.

Around his neck hung a chain that had a merkwüdges symbol. It was wrapped a white sword with a black heart. "That's the leader of the clan. Zero D. Dragon," presented Shiba Rockwell Zero. The dragon next to him had black scales, wore a blue-green vest, a brown tunic and black boots. On his back a great sword was bound, its blade gleaming red and yellow.

"This is Zero's deputy Axel Wyskowski. As far as I know a rather rough contemporary of "As the sight of the two then fell to his two cats, sisters were amazed not bad about their appearance. Their bodies were human and had no more to hide.However, looked out of their hair, wear a pair each of white and black ears.

At her hips were at the two tails to recognize each in white or black. "The white-haired and black-haired Raudina is Felicia." Said Shiba front of the two. Raudina was a little larger than her sister, Felicia, had violet eyes, wearing a gray top, dadrüber a ruby ??red dress. To her waist hung a sky-blue cloth, and she wore black boots with a white Flauschkragen.

Felicia's hair was in contrast to her sister's hair only shoulder length, but they soon had two braids that hung down to her shoulder. Her eyes were dark, around her neck she wore a small kerchief, dadrunter like her sister a necklace with the symbol of the clan. She was wearing a blue top, jeans, a gray with a blue belt and a pair of red shoes.

Finally, by eye fell on the fifth member of the group: a young man with parted black hair, blue eyes, a charming face. He wore an elegant black suit and had hanging on his shoulder a sword scabbard. "That would be Hylbar Noa." Said Shiba at the end. "But wait, there still is missing one!"

He was right: in this clan still lacked a Member! "If you think our love Pyro, who is with his comrades to fire mages!" Raudina replied, giggling. If this answer immediately frozen Shiba and Rockwell. "Was not the name of Pyro and Hiitas Natsus big brother?" Rockwell said, trembling. Shiba pushed up his glasses and said: "With the family wants it not to forfeit."

According to this idea of ??well-known clans of the country, all went back to their occupations. Meanwhile, Rockwell added, Shiba and Khad to the members of another clan, and came to talk with them.

In the evening, the three went into a tent-positioned for them. Although many people were still awake and remained outside, so it was something Leisser than during the day. Rockwell put his bow, his hat and jacket aside and lay down on the cot. "They were supposed to be here already." He said quietly. "What did you say?" Shiba asked him.

"The army of the North. You should now attack you? "Said Rockwell. "It is always announced by the approaching fine. He always takes a little longer than expected," said Shiba. Nodded approvingly Khad and also lay down on his bed. "But you should still be prepared, which can come at any time that is." Shiba said as he lay on his bed.

The next day there was still no sign of enemy forces to look far and wide. Rockwell whiled away his time with Nari and sat under her wing. "Rockwell, are you okay?" She asked after a while. It took some time before he came out from under her wing and said, "I do not know. Somehow .... somehow already and do not in any way. "

"I can imagine how you feel." Nari said encouragingly. "I've never fought in a war yet, but I have to fight soon." He said anxiously. "Rockwell, you are not alone, I hope you know it," said Nari suddenly. Rockwell looked up at her. Her look was anything but sad, he was strong and full of courage.

Rockwell looked at her smiled with satisfaction and thanked him for those words. Nari read their head then sink to the Rockwell and pressed it gently against his. "Thanks Nari." He said to her and stroked her head. Some looked to the other two and felt literally how close they were so.

Suddenly, loud trumpets sounded throughout the camp. In an uproar, everyone gathered in front of the camp. The sun was already going on as a soldier with a telescope looking towards the north. "Here they come!" He cried. Immediately seized all the weapons, you could hear the pull of swords, the loading of guns and pistols. Rockwell looked around and saw thousands of soldiers were preparing, clan members and Freelance of all races.

After only a few minutes all were ready to fight, but somehow it made a certain nervousness wide. Although they were ready to fight, but given the enemy, who approached them with every passing minute, the fear grew in them every minute. "Let's not bring you out of the rest!" Someone shouted from farther back. They turned around and saw the three judges with guns drawn standing before him.

They walked past them, looking towards the enemy and then turned around again. "We are here because we believe in free will of our freedom! We stand here as one family, divided into clans and armies Freelance but one I tell you: we will never be apart! We will always act in concert ", said one of the judges.

"! Can on what we all survive this day here and tell our children how we fought for our friends and our freedom" At this rate a huge, courageous cheer the judges followed with the following sentence ended: "Courage for our friends!" He raised his sword to the sky, turned back to the enemy and waited with the others.

They stood still for about half an hour, until the army of the North, the largest part was made from Sergalen before them. About two hundred yards separated the two armies from each other than Rockwell took an arrow, docked him and said, "For our clan."

To be continued .....

Dragonheart Part 53

Once in their home went to Alice and Ryu once to her parents, where they took Rieder also. There, they told what they had experienced in recent months and why they are here now. And although Alice's parents were strictly against it, only that their...

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Dragonheart Part 51

"Our paths may be separated while now but I tell you, we will see each other again! We will fight together to laugh, and celebrate! We are a clan;! Which means that each of us must pledge to fight so that we can celebrate the day of our reunion...

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Dragonheart Part 50

Rubino was startled when he saw the column of light, which was only a few meters in front of him. At the same time scared to Aqua. "So finally showed up." He thought to himself. The two looked into the desert to the moon. "The time has come, he has...

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