Our Little Secret

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Quick little thing that turned out to be a bit better than I'd originally thought. Still, had plenty of fun writing it.

Bernard breathed out a low sigh as he slid into the barn. His breath fogged briefly as the chilly air swirled around him and into the building. With the door shut behind him, it helped to cut the chill. Not much, but enough so that the animals were comfortable. The Clydesdale stallion looked around, holding his lamp. He felt a quick, nervous flutter in his stomach as his light danced across one of the filthy windows. It wasn't as much fear of someone peeking in here, more that the light would attract someone. Everyone was asleep though, this was a working farm. Being just past eleven meant that everyone was in bed, snoring away.

Everyone except him.

He couldn't sleep tonight, not with how it smelled in the house. Nature had decided to be cruel to him, sending most of the female on the farm into estrus about the same time. It was fine for his Pa, since he had a means to blow off steam. And most of his brothers either handled things themselves, or were too young to worry about it. Being the oldest did have some disadvantages.

The stallion moved over to a stall and was greeted by a snort and a sleepy eye. Tarra looked at him from over the door before moving away as he approached. He grabbed a stand from near her stall and carried it in with him, making sure to secure the gate behind him. The feral mare watched him as he turned the lantern to a lower setting, the lights flicking from bright to a duller yellow. Shoving it into a corner, he reached out to stroke the mare's pale flank. She breathed gently as she stood there, letting him pet along her body.

After what seemed like several heart-pounding minutes, really it was only a couple seconds, his hand fell to her rear. The mare's ears perked as her tail lifted a bit. Bernard's mouth went dry as he stepped behind her, hand traveling down across her rump to touch those cream colored lips. Tarra snorted lightly at the touch, but pushed back against his hand as her vulva winked. His family weren't the only mares that had gone into season. Pa was planning on putting Tarra with the Jenkin's Champ again. Until then, well he figured she needed something too. Just like him.

Her head swung around as he fumbled with his belt, the metal clanging softly. She stood still, watching him in the low light as he nudged the step behind her and got up onto it. Down came his pants, slipping to his knees to reveal his boxers. Those came down too, letting his stiffening length flop from the flannel prison. Bernard hadn't done this before, but a quick look online gave him some much-needed information. Keeping a hand on the mare's rump, he cooed and whispered at her as he reached into his jacket and pulled out some lube. He fumbled with the top, trying to keep a hand on the mare while opening it up. Bernard found himself staring at her winking slit as he drizzled the cool, slick stuff over his cock. A couple quick pumps brought him up hard enough that he felt ready to move in for the next part. Tarra stood calmly as he pressed his tip against her.

She was breathing heavier now, watching him with one of those big, soft eyes. The mare grunted softly and nudged back against him, winking again. His eyes widened. She wanted it too! Not wanting to disappoint, or let his cock sit out in the cold air, he pushed forward. Bliss! He had thought she'd be warm inside, but gawddamn, she was down right hot. Smooth, burning walls wrapped around his cock, muscles flexing as she winked around him. Capping the lube, he shoved it into his pocket and grabbed onto her wide hips with both hands. She was too wide for him to get a good hold on, so he just tried to keep his balance.

Bernard shivered as he buried himself in the much larger female, leaning against her. He hesitated with his first thrust, keeping it short. Tarra's pussy grabbed at him, winking around his base and begging him in. Pinning his ears back, the stallion began to give her just what they both wanted. She held still at first as his body tapped against hers. He'd seen Champ before, and knew he couldn't compare to a feral stallion. Just hope Tarra wouldn't hold it against him.

In a few seconds, he had grown bold enough to start really tapping the mare. His body slapped against her rear as his mouth hung open, panting. He'd already lasted longer than Tarra's feral partner would have, and she seemed to be enjoying it. The mare lowered her head and pushed back against him, pawing at the ground and huffing. She clenched and squeezed around him, making her tunnel squelch around his dick. Tarra pushed back hard and squeezed, a gush of fluid rushing out around his cock. "Oh gawd!" he groaned through clenched teeth as he brought the mare to a climax.

He chanted that sentence under his breath as he tried to hold onto the mare. She was bucking lightly against him and shifting around excitedly. His nostrils flared and lip curled as he panted over her. Even though he was an anthro, and she a feral, there was enough there for his body to respond to. Well, more than just the way her twat was grabbing him. She tensed against him and pushed back again, another rush of fluids leaving her body and splashing against the ground. His eyes almost went cross as he pumped against her, fighting the way she was grabbing at him. Tarra's heat soaked into his cock, seeming to focus at a point right behind his tip, on the underside of his cock.

"Ooooh Gawd..."

He got in one more thrust before pressing against her. His balls leapt as he blew his wad inside of the mare. Wasn't the first time he'd been with a woman. Well, first time with a woman that had four legs. Still, lot better than the skanks around here. Wasn't much to do around here, other than sports and screwing, least not without a car. It'd been a couple years since he'd been in sports, not since his knee went out on him. He held tight to the mare as she clenched around him, pulling on his dick as he sprayed into her.

"Weeelllll, Lookit this!"

Bernard jerked at the call and lost his footing. He tumbled back, cock popping out of Tarra, and landed on his ass. His sister, older than him by a couple years, leaned over the stall's railing with a grin. The feral mare looked back at her with a snort before turning her attention away from the siblings, seeming satisfied. "Izzy, it ain't what it looks like!" he tried to get up while pulling his pants back up and just ended up stumbling against the rail. She laughed at him and leaned over to ruffle his hair. "Oh I know what it looks like. Little Berny couldn't get to sleep with all the mares around him randy, so he decided to get some fun." His cheeks flushed and ears pinned back as she looked him over, his cock still dangling from his pants. Seeing where her eyes were, he tried to tuck himself back in and zip up his pants. "Tell you what, little brother." Her ears flicked back for just a second, something she did when embarrassed. "I won't tell Ma and Pa what you were doing. If you do the same to me." She lifted her hand, holding a foil pack up between two fingers.

He looked from the condom to her, boxers half up. Isabel blushed again, but nodded, wiggling the package at him again. "What do you say, our little secret?" Bernard's mouth was dry again as he nodded. "Alright, get that stuff out of Tarra's stall though." He hurried to obey his sister. When he left the stall, lamp and stool in hand, the mare pushed him against the wooden railing. She held an alcohol swab in one hand as she knelt. "Read about this online." Izzy flashed him a quick smile. "What, think you're the only one that reads those sites? Need to clear the browser history." He shivered as she cleaned him quickly, the swab chilling his burning length.

The mare opened her mouth, licking his freshly cleaned tip. Both equines moaned as her soft lips lapped at him before she took him into her mouth slowly. Blunt teeth brushed over his shaft as it surged back up, ready for more action. Izzy pinned her ears back and licked over him steadily, tasting Tarra's heat on her brother's musky cock. He was up and ready for another round in just a couple bobs. She pulled away with a soft gasp and turned her head as she ripped open the condom package. The rubber went between her lips and teeth, held in place as she gripped his cock. Plunging back onto his dick, she let the raincoat slide down his dick. Her need burned in her belly, calling at her to get this over with.

Bernard gasped as his sister went down on him, head spinning as his nostrils flared. Her tongue pressed against his cock as she put the condom on him. Then, she was gone. He watched her move over to a work bench and drop her own pants. Jeans and panties slid down her shapely legs to pool at around her ankles. A shuffle and a kick sent the clothes away, making the longer fur around her ankles whip around. She stepped her legs part and let her tail flick away, revealing her chocolate-colored mound, swollen and dripping. A wink flashed the pink inside of her peach, begging him over.

He didn't remember moving, only that one moment he was against the stall, and the next he was thrusting into his sister. Izzy threw her head back, blond mane whipping around. Her blue eyes, a near match to his, looked over her shoulder at him as she pushed back. Bernard grunted as he jerked at her hips, slamming against his sister. She was tighter than Tarra, obviously, but she also felt hotter. She clenched and rolled and pushed at him. The muscles near her entrance squeezed at him with every heated wink. Lowering her head, she began to chant his name in hoarse whispers as she pushed against him. His nostrils flared, picking out a scent that was fully compatible with him. Grunting, the stallion hammered against her harder, giving into the need they both felt.

Izzy's world was spinning as her brother plowed her. He was a couple years younger than her, and she had several pounds on him, but he was fucking strong! In no time, her ass was starting to ache nicely from the force of his thrusts. And his cock. Good gawd, he was hung! When she had seen him slipping out the barn, she followed quickly. Then to watch him fuck Tarra like that, well it made her ache. Luckily, she had a couple rubbers in her jacket, girl had to be safe after all. She almost hadn't said anything to Berny, but now she was glad she had.

Bernard looked down at his sister, ears pinned back as his lips curled up. Her scent was making his head swim. He moaned and ran his hands over her hips, those wide, delicious hips of hers. Getting a better grip, he really powered into her, driven by lust. She was squirming under him, chanting his name almost continuously. Her ass jiggled with every slam of his hips. "Ooooh gawd that ass." Izzy looked back at him with surprise, then smug satisfaction as she let out a lower moan. Tossing her head again, she slammed that big butt right back into his lap.

The equines pushed against each other, grunting and huffing. Isabel kept a hold on the workbench as she was forced against it with each thrust. Bernard kept a death grip on her hips as she bucked against him. Neither were going to last long at this rate. The mare's ears pinned back against her skull as her head swam with the bliss of it all. Even if he was her brother, her body wanted this.

She felt her body tense suddenly. Bringing an arm around, she bit into her jacket sleeve and squealed as she came hard. Bernard's vision blacked out for a moment as his sister peaked, grabbing at him almost too hard as her juices soaked his crotch. He tossed his head back, his own mane flipping behind him as he barely moved against her. One last shove and he released! This was far more intense than his mating with Tarra. His sister squirmed under him, pushing back as she winked around his base. Every spurt of his cock was met with another squeeze from her body, wanting him to fill her up. The chill air burned their lungs as they panted and wheezed, rocking sweaty bodies against each other.

Bernard pulled out after a second, feeling his length already starting to soften. The condom came out as well, sagging with the load he'd pumped into it. Isabel turned as he stripped if off, taking the rubber away from him. Looking at him coyly, she smiled as she emptied the load into her mouth, drinking down his seed. He watched with an odd satisfaction as she put the used condom on the work bench next to the ripped foil. Leaning in, he kissed her firmly. The mare moaned as she melted into the kiss, her tongue seeking out his to wrestle with it for a moment.

Time seemed to blur again as they kissed, hands roaming over each their bodies, groping, petting, and stripping. Bernard found himself sitting on a bench, his clothes piled on the concrete floor. Isabel, equally naked, straddled his hips and sank down onto his dick with a sigh. They were roughly the same height, but she had several pounds on him. Most of it in her chest. Bernard nuzzled between her ample breasts, lapping at a nipple. He groaned, shivering, as her body wrapped around his bare cock. Isabel gasped, wrapping her arms around his head, "This is so wrong..." she moaned and rode on his bare length. He lipped one of her hard, chocolate nipples; "Just for a minute, Izzy." "Okay." Truth was, she wanted to feel him, bared and throbbing inside of her too.

Isabel was surprised that her brother was still as hard as he was, and ready to go again, after having cum twice. Lifting up, she reached a hand between their bodies to rub his marble sac. "Are you normally this horny?" She wrapped her arms around his head, fingers tangling in his mane as she slid back down his shaft. Bernard gave her ass a little slap, making her jump. "Only when I've got a beautiful, demanding filly in my lap." Both siblings froze, looking into one another's eyes.

She leaned forward and whispered, "Beautiful?" He nodded, ears flushed. "How about naughty?" Her hips rose and fell in a short bounce. The stallion groaned, nodding quickly. Isabel rose and fell again, tossing her head and gasping happily. "Spank me!" His hand crashed against her ass with a crack as she bounced on him. Balls slapped against her with a fleshy thwack as she pulled herself close. Burying her nose against his neck, she breathed in his scent as one hand fell between her thighs to massage her swollen button. He bit at her neck, making her whine as his fingers tightened on her ass. Her heard pounded in her ears as her fingers ran back and forth across her clit, body tensing up.

Bernard groaned, his balls pulling tight as Izzy rode him faster, body clenching at him again. The stallion pulled at her thighs and huffed. "Off. Tits!" His tone of voice sent the mare lurching off his cock. He felt out of her with a wet pop, his tip flared wide enough to drag over her insides. Her knees almost gave out as she came, shivering. She knelt on the ground in front of him as he lunged forward, grabbing her breasts. The wet tower slipped between her tits, matting the fur with the juices that hung to his flesh. He barely got a single thrust in before he came, blasting her bust and throat with his cream. She lowered her head, lips wrapping around his tip after the first couple spurts. Izzy's ears pinned back as she worked her chest against him with each breath, drinking down his cum.

When he'd finished, the mare cleaned him up with a gentle tongue, murring softly. "I need to clean up. We both do." Her eyes sparkled like spring water. Bernard was aching, but grinned as he gathered up their clothes. She wrapped the used condom in a shop towel and tossed it away, hiding the evidence of their incestuous love. Together, they made a quick dash to the house and somehow managed to get up the steps to their rooms. They shared the attic, and a bathroom up there. By the time Bernard got to the small bathroom, she was there already.

She didn't say a word as she dropped to her knees again and licked over his sheath. Bernard leaned against the door, looking at his sister illuminated in the bare light of the nightlight in the room. Izzy squeezed his sheath with her fingers, massaging and working him. For a few seconds, there wasn't much response from his member, but then it began to harden and slide into her grip. "Getting a bit tired?" she whispered, looking up at him. He grinned at her, "Not that tired, not yet." His sister grinned and wrapped her lips around his cock, sucking on him hard as she brought the blood rushing back to his length. She wiggled her tongue against his tip, cupping it as she slid her head down. Pressing her nose against his groin, she swallowed, using her tongue and suction on him.

Bernard curled his fingers into her hair and tugged. "On the counter, now." As she hopped up, he ripped open a drawer and pulled out one of the condoms he had tucked away in there. Shredding the foil he jerked the wrapper onto his length and rolled it down. Her legs spread and wrapped around his waist as he stepped in. Her hooves pressed against his back as he drove in, the mare biting back a moan.

He held tight onto her back as her limbs wrapped around his body. Izzy pressed against her brother as he panted into her mane. The stallion was tired and starting to ache, his body still a bit tender from the demands over the last couple hours. His balls were already starting to churn as he took the mare. "Not going to last long..." She kissed his throat and chin, using her legs to pull herself up against him. "Doesn't matter. Let me go to bed tingling and happy!" Her voice rose higher as she threw her head back. Bernard could see her getting ready to squeal again and pressed his mouth to hers.

They kissed so hard, their lips bruised. She let out a muffled squeal into his mouth. Izzy's tunnel slurped at his cock, milking him firmly as her limbs pulled at him. Bernard gave a couple quick pumps before he finished, giving her whatever he had left for the night. The siblings held tight to one another, tongues dancing in their mouths. Slowly, they parted, panting, as his cock softened and slipped out. With a sigh, she released him from her hold and smiled.

Isabel got a wash cloth from a cabinet and ran it under the water as he stripped off the condom and laid it on the counter. Smiling, she glanced down and cleaned him off with quick, gentle swipes of the cloth. He was worn enough that even those attentions didn't stir his length. When she was done, he took the washcloth and cleaned up her body, running it around her vulva then breasts. The mare moaned, eyes fluttering as he ran the warm cloth around her nipples, pinching one and giving it a tug. His sister gasped, eyes flashing; "Naughty stallion." He smiled, his eyes flashing as well; "Mmhm."

Isabel blushed, ears pinning back briefly. "So, same time tomorrow?" "Oh yeah." Bernard grinned at his sister as she slipped into her room. Grabbing the condom, he lifted it up and looked at it, noticing it wasn't as full as earlier. In fact, it looked like it had sprung a leak. Maybe when he'd been too rough pulling it on. "Aw shit," he hissed, looking at the door. Pa was gonna kill him. Worse, Izzy was gonna castrate him!