Chapter four: A magical night with a dragon

Story by poekmon_yiff on SoFurry

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Ever since his loss to Steve, Leon had trained rigorously everyday to make his pokemon stronger for his next encounter. Leon had pushed his pokemon to their limits every chance he got, always getting the results he wanted

He had also picked up a new pokemon while he was training his rapidash. After all the training he had been doing, he caught his new pokemon with ease. Once he obtained his new pokemon he continued to train, pushing his new pokemon to help it evolve.

Leon pitched up his tent, panting heavily after another day of rigorous training. Unloading his supplies, Leon decided to stack the fire wood. Looking at the fireplace, he stood back, admiring the work he had accomplished. Rummaging around in his bag, Leon realised he was out of matches.

"Stuff this, I need a fire," he said to himself, reaching for his pokeball.

Leon released his pokeball, letting out his fire pokemon, rapidash. Rapidash shook his head, flexing his muscles, which had grown dramatically from all the training.

"What can I do for you master," rapidash asked, throwing his main to the side.

Leon moved over to rapidash, rubbing his hand down his muscular back.

"Hey buddy, I know I've been pushing you hard, but do you think you could lite the fire for me," he asked.

Rapidash arched his neck releasing a powerful flamethrower, igniting the fireplace instantly. Rapidash smiled, happy with his work. Leon raised his eyebrows, staring at the newly lit fire.

"Wow, you really have gotten a lot stronger," Leon praised Rapidash, rubbing down his back.

Rapidash smiled, pleased that his master had noticed how much stronger he had become. They both sat around the fire, cooking marshmallows and talking about battle strategies.

Leon wanted to find Steve and make him pay for defeating him easily last time. Staring at the fire, Leon couldn't shift his mind to anything else; all that mattered now was winning. Rapidash looked at his trainer, wanting to help him in any way he could.

"I could find him for you master," he said, nudging his trainer.

Leon snapped out of his private thoughts, smiling at Rapidash.

"I've already pushed you hard enough; you need rest," he answered.

"I'm not tired at all, let me find the bastard for you," Rapidash neighed, ready to gallop off.

Leon's eyes flashed with hope of finding Steve and finally defeating him.

"Go," he ordered Rapidash.

Bursting forward, Rapidash galloped as fast as possible, making himself appear as an orange blur, moving faster to find the bastard for his master.

10,000 miles away

Steve had just set up his tent and was cooking his meal over a roaring fire. Steve's pokemon lay around the fire enjoying the aroma flowing from the pot. Arching her back, ninetails lay on her back enjoying the starlit sky. Not far away, jolteon way lay on her stomach, licking her paw for something to do. Lying next to Steve, meganium used his vines to pick out whatever material Steve needed for his cooking. Lying next to ninetails, dragonite flexed her claws soaring up the flowing breeze brushing against her face.

"Ok guys, who's ready for some dinner?" Steve said, getting out five bowls for the soup.

Eagerly getting up, all the pokemon moved towards their trainer, ready for their meals. Steve filled each bowl to the brim, giving one to each one of his companions. Sitting around the fire they all enjoyed their meals, loving the meaty taste of the soup.

After finishing their meals, they all lay around the fire, soaking in the heat from the fire. Steve snuggled up to ninetails, wrapping her tails around him. Murring in his ear, ninetails enjoyed the presence of her master against her. Ninetails felt the ground moving and pricked up her ears, sensing something moving towards them at a fast pace.

"What's wrong girl?" Steve asked, looking into her eyes.

"Something's coming at a fast pace, and its heading this way," she replied, staring towards the forest.

Flashing past, Steve glimpsed an orange blur soaring past him, disappearing into the darkness.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked, looking at the spot were the blur has disappeared.

Everyone exchanged blank looks, having no idea what had just flown past them. Ninetails continued to stare at the forest, trying to figure out what had just happened.

"Maybe we should get some sleep," Steve suggested, not wanting to think about what just ran past.

Everyone nodded in agreement, except ninetails, who kept staring at the same spot. Everyone huddled together next to the fire, slowly drifting off to sleep. Ninetails was the only one still awake, keeping an eye out incase the thing came back.

Leon's camp site

Not being able to sleep, Leon sat next to the fire, waiting for rapidash to return. Bursting forth from the bushes, rapidash came to a halt next to his trainer, panting heavily.

"I found him master. If we leave now we can reach him by morning," rapidash panted.

"Good work, lets leave immediately," he replied, quickly packing all their belongings.

After twenty minutes of continuous packing, both pokemon and trainer were ready to leave. Leon climbed on Rapidash's back, hauling his pack over his shoulder. Adjusting himself and getting a firm grip around his neck, Leon commanded rapidash to take him to Steve so he could finally have him revenge. Bursting forth, rapidash galloped towards Steve's location, hoping he would be there when they arrived.

Steve's campsite (morning)

Stretching after a long sleep, Steve slowly got up, dousing the fire with water. Steve looked around at his pokemon sleeping soundly, still half awake and half asleep. After an hour everyone was awake and fed, ready to move on. Steve didn't want to take on the elite four, so had decided to travel and find new challenges along the way.

"Ok guys lets get moving," Steve commanded.

Everyone moved except ninetails, who was growling and barring her teeth. With Steve stroking her fur she started to calm down, but was still on her guard.

"What's wrong girl?" he asked, stroking her fur.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's the same thing as last night," she replied.

Dismissing the idea, they both turned around, heading over the other pokemon. Just as they turned around, rapidash burst from the forest, heading towards them at high speed. Stopping behind Steve, Leon jumped from Rapidash's back, landing in front of Steve. Steve jumped back in surprise, in shock from the surprise entrance. Leon smirked at Steve, happy to finally have revenge within his grasp.

"Well hello there, glad to see you again," Leon smirked, moving over to his rapidash.

"What are you doing here and what do you want," Steve asked.

"I want revenge; I've come to challenge you," he replied, glaring at Steve.

"Why should I accept your challenge? I've already beaten you," Steve replied, returning the death stare.

"This time is different; I've been training everyday since you beat me and now I'm ready to crush you," he replied.

"Whatever; I accept your challenge and this time I won't take it easy on you," Steve mocked.

"My advice is to not hold back because if you do you'll live to regret it," Leon growled, cracking his knuckles.

"This coming from the person who lost dramatically. Don't get your hopes up; I will never forgive you for what you did to Michelle," Steve bellowed, taking his place on the other side of the field.

"Ohhh, you mean the rape thing. Yeah that was great, best fuck I've had in a long time," he laughed.

"When I'm through with you, you won't be having sex for a very long time," Steve threatened.

"You talk big, but let's see you try and stop me, and if you lose I may have to rape the little jolteon again," he laughed.

"You'll pay for even thinking about touching her again," Steve bellowed, rage streaming through his body.

"Whatever. Enough talk, battle with me so I can have my revenge, and take her as my prize," he replied.

"With pleasure. Bring it on and don't hold back. Or else," Steve yelled, preparing for battle.

"Go rapidash. Lets show them how much stronger we are," Leon ordered.

Bursting forth, rapidash took to the field releasing a molten hot flamethrower and casting the field in an orange glow.

"Ok Michelle, here's your chance to get your revenge," Steve said, holding jolteon close to him.

Jolteon licked her trainer's cheek, walking calmly onto the field. The air started to crackle with lightning in the air. Sparks flew in all directions coming from jolteon. Glaring at rapidash, Michelle remembered everything the disgusting pokemon had done to her. The sparks intensified as rage slowly took her over, the urge to win growing with each second.

"Ok rapidash, show them what speed is," he ordered.

Dashing around the field, rapidash moved as swiftly as the wind, heading straight for Michelle.

"Jump and use thunderbolt," he commanded.

Jumping as high as possible, Michelle skillfully dodged the attack. The air around them became thick with thunder as Michelle released a thunderbolt, striking rapidash directly on the head. Staggering from the attack, rapidash shock his head, still ready for battle.

"You'll have to do better than that, rapidash flamethrower," he ordered, thrusting his hand in the air.

Arching his neck, rapidash unleashed a blast of molten fire straight at Michelle. Being unable to avoid the attack, Michelle took a direct hit from rapidash. Howling in pain, she collapsed to the ground, smoke billowing off her singed fur. Recovering quickly, Michelle ran at rapidash, head butting him in the stomach. The nearby tree released a sickly snap as rapidash soared through it.

"Get up, fire blast that bitch," Screamed Leon.

Staggering to his feet, rapidash released a powerful fire blast. The blazing inferno headed straight for Michelle, quickly closing the distance between them.

"Run at it, then flip on your back when I tell you to," Steve commanded.

Trusting in her trainer, she charged at the raging inferno. When the inferno was almost upon her Steve commanded her to flip on her back. Quick as lightning she flipped on her back, flying under the inferno and landing under rapidash. Michelle looked up, coming face-to-face with the thing that had caused her so much pain.

"Thunder, now," Steve roared, rage burning in his eyes.

Letting the rage over take her, Michelle fired her most powerful thunder at the horse's crown jewels. Neighing in intense pain, rapidash collapsed to the side, his private parts sizzling from the attack. Groaning in pain, rapidash slowly rose to his hooves, staggering from the incredible pain between his legs. Michelle smirked from the other side of the field, happy with the pain she had caused.

"I hope that hurt you fucking basted," she said, laughing at the injured pokemon.

"You will pay for that, ill make sure I rape you again," rapidash screamed, wincing from the pain.

"Come on rapidash, stomp her," Leon yelled.

Running at his target, rapidash jumped into the air, ready to deal a massive blow to Michelle. Rage took over, clouding his better judgment, leaving him open to an attack. Unaware, rapidash continued the attack.

"Dodge it and use bite," Steve ordered, smirking, knowing victory wasn't far off.

Using her speed, Michelle easily dodged the attack from the enraged rapidash. Seeing her opening, she jumped at the injured pokemon, sinking her teeth into his hind leg. She quickly retreated as rapidash started kicking wildly, limping from the puncher marks in the leg. Rapidash panted heavily, blood running down his leg, but still not willing to give up.

"Michelle, finish this up with a take down," he ordered.

Charging at rapidash, she hit him head on sending him soaring into the air. Looking up Michelle noticed his member swinging in the air and took the opportunity. Jumping into the air, she caught his member in her mouth. Growling deeply she sunk her teeth into his soft flesh, spraying crimson blood over the field. Screaming in pain, rapidash collapsed to the ground, dust rising from the impact. Leon stared in disbelieve, his pokemons member half chewed off.

"Consider the debt repaid," she said, snarling at rapidash.

"You just wait till....".

But his last words were cut off as he passed out from the pain. Leon continued to stare at his pokemon, unable to comprehend what just happened. Snapping to attention, he ran to his pokemons side, removing a max potion from his bag. He quickly applied the potion, returning rapidash to his pokeball.

"You'll pay for what you did to him," he threatened, glaring at Steve.

"He got what he deserved, with any luck he will think twice before raping someone again," he replied.

Walking over to her trainer, Michelle lay down next to him, licking her wounds clean.

"You did great, I hope your ok," Steve asked, rubbing her fur.

Stopping to look in her trainers eyes, she licked his cheek, smiling at him.

"I'm fine, now finish this basted off," she said, returning to lick her wounds.

Steve calmly walked back to the battle field, getting ready for the next battle. Standing on the other side of the field, Leon's face was burning bright red, fuming with anger from what had happened to rapidash.

"You will pay dearly for that, now its time for my ultimate pokemon," he screamed, ripping the ball from his belt.

"Bring it on, you still haven't seen my ultimate pokemon either," Steve replied, holding Dragonite's ball in his hand.

"Lets go buddy, crush this bastard for rapidash," roared Leon, thrusting the ball onto the field.

Steve gasped; standing on the field was a muscular salamence. Most of salamence's body was a light blue, except for his underbelly, which was pure white. Under his tail and beside his legs were crimson red, the same as his powerful wings. Salamence growled, showing two rows of sharp teeth, his claws gleaming in the sun.

"Your not the only one with a powerful dragon, go dragonite show him a real dragon," commanded Steve, throwing the ball in the air.

Emerging from the ball, Steve's dragonite entered the battle field roaring loudly, the sounds echoing through the forest. Spreading her golden wings, dragonite glided on the spot, glaring at salamence. The sun hit Dragonite's golden scales, casting light all around the arena, making her look even more threatening. Both dragons locked eyes, growling deeply at each other.

"Flamethrower salamence".

"You to dragonite," both trainers commanded simultaneously.

Both pokemon launched powerful flamethrowers, contacting in the middle. Hot embers spewed forth from the connected flamethrowers. The ground sizzled and cracked from the heat, making even the dirt start melting. Continuous flames poured from both of their open maws, neither willing to give up.

"Full power dragonite," Steve commanded.

Roaring loudly, dragonite launched more power into her flamethrower, causing it to gain in size. The ground sizzled in protest to the newly intensified heat. Salamence's eyes grew with fear, watching the inferno gaining on him. Before Leon could think of an order, salamence was hit with the raging inferno. Roaring in pain from the attack, salamence shock his head, seaming unaffected from the attack. Snarling deeply from the back of his throat, salamence viciously snapped at dragonite, still feeling a dull pain.

"Let's go salamence, use slash," he commanded.

Jumping into the air, salamence charged at dragonite, claws raised. His claws gleamed in the sun, making them look even more ferocious. Dust billowed up behind salamence as he gained speed, preparing to deliver a vicious strike.

"Catch his hand dragonite, then use thunderbolt," roared Steve.

Just before he made contact, dragonite raised her paws, linking their claws together; stopping salamence in his tracks. Leon stared in disbelief at seeing his pokemon stopped so easily. Grabbing his other paw, dragonite flung him up in the air, slamming him into the ground with her tail. Before he could recover, dragonite charged her thunderbolt attack, shrouding the air with electricity.

Staggering to his feet, salamence looked into Dragonite's eyes just as she released her attack. Intense pain filled his entire body; every nerve and muscle felt like boiling acid was running through them as the attack shock his body. Salamence collapsed to the ground, rising dust into the air from the impact. Salamence groaned in pain, feeling as though he had been stabbed with a thousand knives.

"Fly high girl and wait," Steve issued.

"Get up, show her not to mess with you," Leon spat.

Panting in pain, salamence staggered from the ground, spreading his crimson wings. The forest was splashed with crimson red as the sun hit his wings. Roaring with pure hate, salamence took off into the sky, charging at his golden enemy.

"Dragonite, Ice beam," He ordered.

"Dragon rage, salamence".

Both pokemon arched their necks, ready to fire their attacks. Roaring in unison dragonite released a sparkling blue beam of ice the same time salamence released his orange ball of rage. Colliding together both attacks exploded, shards of dragon ice flying across the field.

Howling in pain, both pokemon took the attack, slowly dropping from the sky. Landing gracefully on her feet, dragonite quickly recovered from the attack. Still exhausted from the last impact, salamence collided into the forest with a dull thud, dead leaves falling from the vibrations.

"Come on salamence, don't give up yet," he yelled.

Breathing hard, salamence forced himself from the ground, staggering out of the forest, sweat pouring down his muzzle. Both pokemon flew high, returning to the positions they were before the collision.

"Salamence, dragon claw".

"Same with you dragonite," they both commanded.

Both pokemon charged their attacks as they flew at one another. Impacting at the same time, dragonite took a hit to the stomach, while salamence took a direct hit to the head. Spinning out of control, salamence collapsed to the ground, sending up shards of rock from the impact.

"Finish this dragonite, ice beam," ordered Steve.

Powering up her final attack, dragonite released the same sparkling blue beam. Unable to evade the attack, salamence took a direct hit, roaring in blistering cold pain. Salamence felt the cold slowly creeping up his body until all that could be felt was extreme coldness. Realisation kicked in and he finally noticed that he was frozen solid.

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT," screamed Leon, not wanting to face another defeat.

"Come here meganium," Steve ordered.

Walking over to his trainer, meganium came to a halt next to Steve. Meganium looked at his master, confused why he had been called upon.

"What is it master," he asked.

"I need you to make me two sticks for a sword fight," Steve stated, not taking his eyes from Leon.

"As you wish," he replied.

Using his razor leaf on some nearby branches, meganium cut them into two strong fighting sticks. Picking them up, Steve admired the work of his pokemon, casting meganium a smile. Walking over to Leon, he threw him one of the sticks. Catching the stick, Leon gave Steve a confused look.

"Its time for you to pay for what you did to Michelle," Steve answered, getting into position.

Both trainers circled each other, ready for battle. Charging forth, Steve raised his stick, striking at Leon. Blocking the hit, Leon barred his teeth from the attack. Before Leon could make a move, Steve spun around, delivering a hard blow to his stomach. Staggering from the hit, Leon charged at Steve in a blind rage. Casually side stepping, Steve dodged the attack, swinging his stick into Leon's back.

Yelling out in pain, Leon collapsed to the ground in pain. Slowly staggering to his feet, Leon charged at Steve again. Both trainers delivered a series of combos, each blocking each other. Noticing a fault in Leon's moves, Steve took the opportunity, striking Leon on the side of the face. Blood sprayed across the field, staining the ground crimson.

Not learning his lesson, Leon charged at Steve trying to hit him. Raising his hand, Steve caught his stick, throwing it to the ground. Quick a lightning Steve swung his stick up, hitting Leon in the groin.

Crying out in pain, Leon collapsed to the ground, but before Leon could cover up, Steve charged in booting him once more between the legs. Coughing up blood, Leon cupped his groin, screaming in pain. Casually walking over to Leon, Steve placed his foot between his legs, grinding his foot to the ground until he heard a loud pop. Leon's screams of pain pierced the air like nails on a chalk board, filling the entire forest.

"That's what you get for raping her," he growled, pushing once more before removing his boot.

Lying on the ground, Leon sobbed in pain, comforting something that was no longer there. Returning to his pokemon, Steve picked up his belongings leaving the defeated Leon.

"You will pay for this when I recover," Leon screamed, blood spitting from his mouth.

Reaching to the ground, Steve picked up a rock throwing it a Leon striking him between the legs again. Leon crumpled to the ground, unable to cry out.

"I didn't say you could speak, you miserable piece of shit," he yelled, turning around.

Ignoring the sobbing cries from Leon, Steve left with his pokemon, jolteon close by his side.

Later back at Steve's new campsite

After his battle, Steve had moved to a new location, setting up camp; wanting nothing more than to relax after his exhausting battle. Once his pokemon were feed, he returned his pokemon to their balls.

"Master, do you think I could stay out of my ball for awhile," dragonite asked.

"Sure thing," he replied, starting to get changed.

Stripping down, dragonite caught sight of Leon's member. She blushed, feeling a strange warmth between her legs. She didn't know what was happening, but it felt good so she didn't complain.

Noticing dragonite was blushing, he quickly turned around to zip up his pants; sitting next to the fire. Dragonite started to get worried as the feeling intensified, the warmth spreading through her body. Steve looked at her with concern, noticing she had been fidgeting a lot since he got changed.

"You ok girl," he asked, stroking her leg.

Dragonite moaned from the touch, looking at her master, lust burning in her eyes. Looking at his pokemon, Steve could tell dragonite wasn't herself.

"I'm not sure what happening, but that felt really good," she panted, blushing.

"I think you're going through your first heat," Steve sighed, happy it wasn't anything serious.

Looking away from her, Steve removed his hand; not wanting to mislead her into thinking he would mate her. Growling in protest, dragonite glared at her trainer. From the look in her eyes, he could tell that the lust was taking over her better judgment.

"I need something inside me, its driving me crazy," she growled, grabbing her master's arm.

"Dragonite I can't, please control yourself," he replied, removing her paw.

Growling deeply, dragonite grabbed her master lifting him up into the air. She could feel the lust taking over making her whole body shaken with anticipation, wanting something inside her depths. Gripping his clothes in her teeth, dragonite ripped down exposing his member.

"No dragonite, stop," he ordered, struggling to get away.

Ignoring her master dragonite opened her muzzle, taking his member into her waiting maw. Panting in pleasure he tried not to enjoy it, struggling to make his escape. Holding him tightly she slowly suckled his member trying to get him hard. Unable to hold it back, Steve's member started to grow in his pokemon's warm mouth.

Moving her head back and forth she sucked his cock harder, wanting it as hard as possible to fill her depths. Finally satisfied with her work, she slowly lowered him to her dripping pussy. Grabbing his ass, dragonite forced Steve's member into her throbbing pussy. Dragonite moaned as each inch buried into her waiting pussy.

"Please stop dragonite, I don't want you to do this," he yelled, unable to make his escape.

Oblivious to her master's voice, dragonite started forcing her master to mate with her. Moaning in pure ecstasy she was unable to control herself, pumping harder and faster. Still unable to move he gave up, going limp, waiting for her to be done.

Wanting more, she placed him on the ground, holding him down. Squatting down, she slowly lowered herself onto his stiff member. Groaning in ecstasy dragonite rode his cock, getting closer to her orgasm. Feeling her body getting warmer, she used her free paw to grope at her exposed nipples.

Not wanting to cum he could feel his body giving in, his orgasm approaching. Feeling her own orgasm approaching she picked up the pace, lust taking over her actions. Letting out a loud roar that echoed across the campsite she had her first explosive orgasm, showering Steve with her love juices. Feeling her pussy clamp down and milk his cock was too much for Steve, forcing him to release his seed inside the panting dragonite.

Basking in the afterglow, dragonite dismounted her trainer collapsing to the ground. Laying on her side a mixture of juices flowed from her pussy, mingling with the soft dirt. Once her orgasm had worn off, she finally realised what she had done. She had forsaken her master's trust and raped him. Unable to hold in her emotions she broke down into tears, not knowing what to do.

Lying on the ground next to her, Steve was still trying to figure out what had happened and if it had really happened. Hearing his pokemon's sobs snapped him out of his private thoughts. Looking to his side he saw dragonite crying, tears flowing down her face.

Lifting himself from the ground he staggered over to her, placing a reassuring hand on her back. Dragonite looked down at her master, tears streaming down her face and onto the ground.

"Master, I'm s_s_so sorry. I d_don't know what c_came over m_m_me," she wept, burring her face into her paws.

"Its ok, I know you didn't mean to," he replied, rubbing his hands along her back.

Dragonite looked at her master not understanding why he had forgiven her, but seeing his smile made her smile as well. Both master and pokemon sat quietly; Steve constantly comforting her.

After awhile Steve started to feel weird; looking down her noticed why. Is member was as stiff as a board and fully exposed to the elements. Quickly covering up he blushed from embarrassment, hoping dragonite hadn't seen. Looking at her trainer, she noticed her master was trying to hide his hard on. Looking into his eyes she winked at Steve, giving him a cheeky smirk.

"Did I get you hard master," she cooed, batting her eyelashes.

"Yeah, kinda," he replied, fiddling with his hands.

Lying on her back dragonite presented herself to Steve, giving her master a clear view of her dripping opening. Steve tried not to stare, but couldn't draw his eyes away from his gorgeous pokemon. He admired his pokemons pussy, juices still trickling down her thigh.

"Would you like to mate with me again master," she giggled, going red in the face.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I should," he panted, rubbing his member.

"Please master, fuck me, fuck me like you mean it," she moaned, opening her legs wider.

Not being able to resist the temptation any longer, he moved closed to his waiting pokemon. Steve rubbed his hand along her glistening pussy, making her murr loudly. Steve slowly inserted two fingers, moving them in and out at a steady pace. Murring louder she could feel her juices flowing, covering her masters fingers.

"How's that feel," he asked, continuing at a steady pace.

"Stop teasing me, do it faster," she begged, bucking her hips into his fingers.

Obeying her request he started to move his fingers faster, trying to get deeper into her opening. Moaning from the touch of her master, she cupped one of her breasts in her paw. Using one of her claws she started rubbing one of her nipples, murring softly. Feeling her orgasm fast approaching, she used her other paw to rub her exposed nipple.

Curling his fingers inside her he found her g-spot, striking it over and over again. Dragonite thrashed on the ground, feeling pleasure she had never felt before.

"Yes, yes, more, faster," she screamed.

Releasing a mighty roar she came, spraying cum over her masters fingers. Feeling her pussy clamp down he rubbed her clit to prolong her orgasm. Panting heavily on the ground she let his fingers slid out, basking in her orgasm glow. Looking at his slick fingers Steve licked them clean, loving the taste of dragon cum.

"That was amazing master," she murred.

"It's not over yet," he replied, opening her legs.

Steve rubbed his fist on her opening, lubing it up nice and slick. Pushing slowly, his fist was slowly engulfed by her warm pussy. Thrashing around she panted, wanting his more of his fist. Sliding his hand further in, he pushed up inside until up to his elbow was buried in her stretched pussy.

"Wow you took the whole thing," he said, moving his fist around inside.

Moaning in bliss, he could tell that she wanted more from him. Moving his arm so only his fist was still inside, he thrust his whole arm back into her waiting cunt. Dragonite released a scream of pleasure, feeling his fist penetrate her hole. Steve continued at a steady pace thrusting in and out, his arm glistening in the moonlight from her sex juices. Steve could feel his member throbbing. Needing release he could feel pre cum dribbling from the head, coating his member.

"More master, more," she moaned, rubbing her nipples.

"You asked for it," he replied, moving faster and harder inside her warm embrace.

Opening up his hand inside, he penetrated her even further coaxing a murr of agreement from his pokemon. He could feel her juices flowing more freely and knew she was approaching another mind blowing orgasm. Wiggling his finger, he tickled her sensitive walls making her thrash about from the tickle treatment.

Moving his head over her opening he flicked her clit with his tongue, loving the taste of her pussy. Steve forced his arm in once more, sinking his arm up to his shoulder in the beautiful pokemon's pussy. Unable to hold it in anymore she roared into the starlit sky, spurting cum all over her master's arm and face.

"Yes, yes, I love you master, I love you!" she moaned, collapsing to the ground from the intense pleasure.

Steve slowly removed his arm, cum dripping to the ground. Grabbing his arm she licked and sucked off all the juices, making him laugh. Murring from the taste of herself, she gave him a seductive growl.

"Enjoy the taste," he asked, with a cheeky grin.

"Maybe a little," she replied, blushing, just realizing what she had done.

"I think it's time to return the favor," he said, winking at the sexy dragon.

Growling lustfully at her master she took his member in her paw, stroking his cock with fluid motions. Steve moaned at the touch of his pokemon, feeling more pre leaking from his head. Dragonite spat on his dick to lube it up, pumping his member faster. Gasping at the increase of speed, he had to concentrate so as not to collapse. Smiling at her master she suddenly stopped, picking him up by his butt.

"What are you doing," he panted, wanting attention paid to his cock.

"You'll see," she cooed, blowing cool breeze on his stiff cock.

Dragonite opened her mouth licking the pre from Steve's head, gulping it down her throat. Moaning in bliss, he hung onto her head to gain balance. Swirling her tongue around his dick she licked up the remaining pre cum, enjoying the taste of Steve's member. Opening her mouth she took his entire member in her maw, sucking him dry. Groaning in pleasure, he thrust his cock further and deeper into her warm maw.

"Yes, more suck it more," he yelled, grabbing her antenna.

She moaned from the touch, her antenna's being her second more sensitive organ. Seeing the reaction he grabbed one of the antennas, suckling the end in his mouth. With the other antenna he grabbed the tip, rubbing back and forth on the sensitive tip. Dragonite let out muffled moans, sending vibrations through his cock. His moans were also muffled through her antenna. Gripping his ass tighter she stared deepthroating his dick, wanting to taste his cum. He let the antenna flop from his mouth, groaning from the treatment.

"Ohhh, dragonite I'm going to cum," he yelled, thrusting faster.

Ignoring her master she sucked harder, moving her head faster and faster trying to make him cum. Steve gripped her antennas, feeling his balls tingle. Stopping her assault on his cock, she started using her long tongue to wank his cock.

Unable to hold it in any longer he thrust his dick as far into her maw as possible, shooting jet after jet of creamy cum into her waiting maw. He grunted in pleasure releasing the last of his seed down her throat. Swishing his load around in her mouth, she savored the taste of his creamy cum. Swallowing his entire load, she licked the remaining cum from his twitching cock.

"Wow...that was....amazing," he panted, catching his breath.

"Thanks, I'm glad you liked it, I haven't done it much," she replied, licking the extra cum from her lips.

"Well, guess its time to see how you taste," he said, licking his lips playfully.

"If you say so," she replied, blushing.

Dragonite opened her legs, revealing her gleaming pussy. She giggled as she watched her master crawl over to her waiting opening. Reaching his prize he opened up her swollen lips, stroking his finger up and down her wet lips. She shivered to the touch of her master. Staring at her cunt he admired the soft, luscious pink of her warm pussy. Inhaling, he was taken to a world of bliss from her musky aroma.

" smell great," he said, lowering his head.

"Thank y....".

But her last words were cut off at the feeling of her master tongue flicking her clit. She moaned, bucking her hips into his face covering him in her love juices. Grabbing her legs he buried his face into her warm pussy, licking up all the juice pouring from his pokemons steaming cunt. Opening her lips wide he thrust his tongue deep into her pussy, swirling against her inner walls.

"Oh my god...more, more," she panted, fondling her breasts.

Using his thumb he rubbed her clit causing her to murr louder. He continued his assault on her pussy, thrashing his tongue inside her tight hole. Feeling his member growing again; he felt even hornier than before, the desire to mate with her taking over. Growling with lust she cupped her breasts, stroking her nipples.

"M_m_master....I'm...close," she groaned, grinding into his face.

Removing his tongue, he began fingering her wet pussy, feeling her walls milking them. Unable to resist her shimmering clit he took it in his mouth, suckling on it. She moaned louder feeling her orgasm coming, her whole body on fire ready to explode. Moving his fingers faster he could tell she was close, nibbling her clit.

"Master, more, I'm going to cum," she roared, grinding his face into her slick pussy.

Releasing a majestic roar, she exploded her cum all over her master's face. Opening up his mouth Steve swallowed all of her creamy cum. Dragonite lay on the ground, panting heavily from her third orgasm. Using his tongue he explored her depths, licking up all the remaining cum inside. She giggled, feeling his tongue lap up the last of her juices. Removing his tongue he used the back of his hand to collect the last drops of cum from his face. Licking the back of his hand he moaned in bliss, letting himself be taken over from the taste of his pokemon.

"Mmmm you taste magnificent," he said, licking his lips.

"Thanks," she replied, giggling.

"Dragonite there's something I need to ask you," he said.

"What that?" she replied, looking into her trainers eyes.

"Do you think...maybe we anal," he asked, shyly.

Dragonite gasped, not expecting that question from her master. She had never done anal sex before, but if she was going to do it with anyone it would be her master. She wanted to do it, but was afraid that it would hurt. Noticing the worried look on her face, he stroked her leg.

"It's ok you don't have to if you don't want to," he said, smiling warmly.

"It's not that, I mean I want to do it, but I'm afraid it will hurt too much," she replied, looking at the ground.

"I'll be really gentle, ok," he reassured, smiling at his stunning pokemon.

Not saying another word, she got on all fours, raising her scaly tail into the air. Admiring both of her holes he lowered his head to her ass, the aroma from her pussy and ass filling his nose. Spreading her cheeks apart, he lowered his mouth to her virgin tailhole. Licking around her scaly tailhole, he was surprised that it tasted so good. Using his tongue he pushed at her tailhole, sinking his tongue into her tight hole. She let out a murr, enjoying the feeling of having his tongue up her tail hole.

"Lye on your back," he told her, mounting her stomach.

Lying on her back, she opened her legs to give her master all the access he needed. Licking his fingers he rubbed his two fingers around her tailhole, lubing her up. Without warning, he used his other hand to start fisting her pussy again. She let out a surprised yelp, feeling his arm stretch her open.

"Ok, this may hurt a little, but It will feel good," he told her, fisting her cunt.

She just panted heavily, unable to reply from the pleasure she was receiving. Using her juices he lubed up his whole hand, lowering it to her tailhole. Using two fingers he slowly penetrated her tailhole, feeling her tighten around his fingers. After a little while she started to feel to pleasure through the pain, loosening up for her master. Moving his fingers in and out, he slowly inserted more fingers. With his other hand he continued fisting her pussy, coaxing moans from his cute dragon.

"Do it master, Cram it in my tailhole," she screamed, wanting to feel more.

Obeying her commands, he thrust his fist up her firm tailhole. Letting out a yelp of pain, she clenched her ass around the new intruder. Squeezing her eyes shut, tears streamed down her face from the new pain she had never experienced. Letting her get use to it he stopped his assault, leaving both fists in his pokemon.

"It's ok... don't stop," she said shakily, feeling a newfound pleasure.

He slowly moved both fists, continuing to ravish both holes. Opening her eyes she saw he masters balls, swaying in front of her. Raising her head she took both balls in her maw, sucking them lightly.

"Mmmm yeah, that feels great," he replied to the treatment, moving his fists faster.

Happy that she was pleasing her master, she started flicking his balls with her tongue. He moaned loving the feeling of her tongue against his balls. Picking up speed he started pumping both holes with his fist, going as deep as possible. Unable to hold it in she roared in pleasure, scaring some sleeping pokemon from the trees.

She panted and moaned heavily, not knowing this kind of pleasure was possible. Her whole body was on fire, sending tingling sensations all over her body. Opening her mouth wide she took his entire package, clamping him securely in her mouth. Using her tongue she swirled around his cock and balls, using sucking motions on his hard rod.

"Holly shits, yeah, yeah keep going, don't you dare stop," he shouted, thrusting deeper in his pokemon.

Dragonite obeyed her master's command, not wanting him to stop either. Both continued there assault on one another, letting the pleasure take over their senses. Dragonite let his equipment fall from her mouth, letting out a satisfied murr.

"M_master, fuck my tailhole, I want you to be my first," she panted.

Obeying her orders he climbed off his pokemon, rising to his full height. Dragonite quickly clambered to her feet raising her tail for her master. Using his hand, he lubed up his cock with her juices. Swaying her tail she wiggled her ass at him, wanting his cock in her tailhole. He grabbed his dick, rubbing his nob against her warm tailhole. He continued rubbing up and down teasing his beautiful dragon.

"Stop teasing me and fuck my tailhole," she wined, swishing her tail.

"Only if you beg for it," he mocked.

"Please master, please, pound my tailhole," she begged, panting with anticipation.

"Since you asked so nicely," he teased, stroking her ass.

Pushing slowly, he forced his cock into her tight embrace. Dragonite moaned with newfound pleasure, feeling his member penetrate her tailhole for the first time. He moved slowly, enjoying the feel of her warm tailhole. Using her paw she reached underneath, mashing her clit. She moaned in ecstasy, feeling herself slowly reaching her orgasm. Slowly picking up the pace he pumped harder, not wanting the pleasure to end, but at the same time not wanting to hurt her.

"Faster master, faster," she murred, rubbing her clit faster.

Thrusting into his pokemon he let the pleasure take over, pumping his cock in her tailhole as fast as he could. Feeling him thrust harder and deeper she growled in bliss, loving her first tailhole experience.

He grabbed her hips forcing his cock deeper, feeling her ass stretch around his cock. Groaning louder she felt her knees buckle, having to concentrate so she didn't collapse. Panting heavily he could feel his balls tingle, slowly reaching his own climax.

"I'm going to cum," he yelled, spanking her ass.

"M_me to, please cum in my tailhole master," she panted, drooling on the ground.

Releasing a lion roar, he shot his load of cum deep into her bowls. Powerless to hold it in anymore she roared in bliss, spurting her cum into the dirt. Groaning in an aftermath of pleasure he slowly pulled out his member, letting the remaining cum drip from his cock to join her love juices.

Lying on her side she lifted her leg, revealing both of her cum soaked holes. Lowering her head she started at her pussy, lapping up her own juice. Switching targets she slowly moved to her tailhole were she licked the remaining cum from inside her depths. She smiles at Steve, licking her lips clean.

"That was incredible master," she said, breathlessly.

"Yeah I know, but there's something else I want to try," he replied.

"What that?" she asked, eagerly.

"Lye down and open your legs," he commanded.

Complying with his command she opened her legs, exposing her swollen, red pussy. Raising his leg he dusted off one of his feet, placing it at her entrance. Growling with yearn; she knew what he had in mind. He moved his foot around grinding her clit and pussy, using the soul of his foot, lubing it up.

Arching his foot, he slowly pushed his toes into her warm embrace. She breathed heavily, wanting further pleasure from her master. Gradually pushing in he forced his leg in her tight hole, until his knee was just on the outside. Pulling out he thrust his leg back in, kicking into her gleaming cunt.

"Yes, yes keep going, don't stop," she wailed, feeling her lips stretch around his leg.

Listening to instructions he kicked harder in his pokemon, feeling her walls massage her leg. He wiggled his toes inside, tickling her sensitive walls. She giggled and moaned in delight, thrashing on the ground from her masters touch. Steve could feel his cock rising from the dead ready for another round. Kicking harder his member flopped around in the air, catching her attention.

"Mate with me master, I want you, take your gorgeous cock and mate me like you mean it," she panted.

"Are you sure," he replied, staring into her eyes.

"I'm sure master, mate with me like the naughty dragon I am," she said seductively.

Slowly removing his leg she lowered her head, sucking the juices from his leg. He giggled as her tongue tickled his foot, his member rigid in the air. Lying on the ground, he got into position for her. Rubbing his cock he coaxed her with his finger.

"Fuck me dragonite," he groaned, wanting to feel her walls around his shaft.

Getting on all fours she crawled over to Steve, resting her steaming hole over his shaft. Lowering her lips she closed her eyes, feeling his cock sink into her vast depths. Moving her hips up and down she worked his dick, wanting to satisfy her master. Groaning in delight he grabbed her breasts, rubbing her thick nipples with his thumb. Throwing back her head, she forced his entire length into her sweltering cunt.

"Take me master, Take me," she squealed, grinding into his cock.

Rising his head he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking hard to please his pokemon. Wanting more she licked one of her claws, making it nice and slick. Rubbing her tailhole she slipped her claw up her hole, wiggling it around. Sighing loudly she worked her master's pole while fingering her tight tailhole.

"Get on your hands and knees," he ordered, rising from the ground.

Obeying her master's orders she got on her hands and knees, lifting her tail. Starring at his dragon he gawked at her glistening hole, dripping with her juices. Steve moved behind his pokemon, gripping her ass in his hands. Releasing a low growl she looked back at her master, want and need burning in her eyes.

"Take me master, I'm burning up, please give it to me," she begged, wanting her master to take her.

Pushing forward he plunged his cock deep into her cunt, feeling her soft velvety walls surround him. Thrusting his hips he mated his sexy dragon as hard as possible, lust taking over. Groaning in pleasure, she swished her scaly tail in the air. Dragonite clenched her walls, striving to please her master. Feeling her walls convulse around his shaft he thrust deeper into her hole, making her growl with desire.

"I love you master, I love you," she cried out, swishing her tail.

"You're so beautiful," he replied, hammering her harder.

"Fuck me harder master, harder," she murred, wanting her master's seed.

"Lie on your back," he ordered, removing his cock.

Obeying his order she lay on her back, spreading her legs wide open. Using her paw she rubbed her pussy, winking at her master. Steve swallowed feeling a knot in his throat, seeing his beautiful dragon play with herself. Groaning with desire, she slipped two of her claws in her hot opening. Reaching down he stroked his member, watching her finger fuck herself.

"Mmmm take me master," she said, sucking on her slick claw.

Unable to resist her lure he slowly walked over to her, placing his dick at her hot opening. Leaning forward he slowly sunk into her depths, coaxing murrs from dragonite. Grinding her hips into her master she forced as much of his cock inside her as possible. He picked up the pace, feeling his balls slap against her tailhole. Panting heavily she cupped her breasts, rubbing her nipples. Using his thumb he massaged her clit, trying to stimulate her more.

"More master, more, please give it to me," she murred, breathing heavily.

He complied pounding his rigid cock into her, moist, tight hole. Wanting more she wrapped her legs around her master, making him fuck her harder. Steve relaxed letting her do all the work, enjoying the pleasure she was giving him.

2 hours later

M_master I'm close, I'm close, please fuck me harder," she panted, drooling.

"Me too, god it feels so good," he yelled, thrusting faster.

Feeling the tingling sensation in his balls he thrust harder and faster, taken over by the pleasure. Dragonite could also feel her orgasm approaching, mashing her clit with her paw. Both pokemon and master cried out to the moonlit sky, reaching their orgasm.

Groaning in delight, he released streams of cum deep into her warm pussy. Releasing a roar that echoed far and wide she climaxed, spraying her masters crouch with her cum. Steve moaned in ecstasy, feeling her walls milk his cock for his remaining seed.

"That was the best night of my life," she said, breathlessly, caressing her master.

"Same here, I love you dragonite," he replied, collapsing on top of her.

"I think we should get some sleep master," she said, rolling to her side.

"Yeah same here, but do me one favor," he asked, lying next to his majestic dragon.

"What's that?" she replied.

"Call me Steve," he said, caressing her stomach.

Dragonite laughed, spreading her wings around her master. Steve snuggled up to her warm belly, drifting slowly off to sleep. Smiling, she was so happy that her master was now her mate. Both drifted off to sleep, the only sound being the birds in the tree and the crackling of the glowing fire.

Chapter Three: The Battle

Steve was bursting with excitement, getting closer to the gym leader. He had been walking since dawn, ready to earn his eighth and final badge. "Hope you guys are ready for battle" he said, looking down at his pokeballs. As Steve approached...


Chapter Two: Loving Embrace

Hey guyes this isthe second story in the series. Sorry it took so long ive been having a hard time, my grandfather is dying. Anyway hope you enjoy, as usual ways of improving my stories are welcome. Also if you have any other ideas that would be...

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This story is about a Jolteton named Michelle. She was abandoned shortly after being evolved by her trainer. Once again we will assume that pokemon speak English. Enjoy. Our story begins with a pokemon trainer names Steve. Steve had been...

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