The Dark

Story by Annoth on SoFurry

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This is a series of poems ive writen over the past year most are based on how i felt at the time and all are from the point of view of Zepher my fursona.

Alone, yet not alone?


Being alone, is what i've knowen,

Being in the dark, is where i've been.

My heart yearns for another,

My heart yearns for warmth.

But cold is what my heart feels,

Silent is what my heart is.

Twice i've fallen into the dark,

Twice i've lost my light.

Twice i've been pulled from the dark,

Twice i've felt the warmth of my heart grow.

And twice i've had my heart stabbed.

Twice i've had the warmth taken,

Twice i've lost my light.

Twice ive been caste into the dark,

Each dark deeper and more cold.

My light is gone, my heart is cold,

Its beats are silent, my blood is cold.

And now i sit, all alone,

In the dark, all a...lone?

Drew: Please....dont leave

me....all alone in the dark.



A light in the dark


As i sit here with my friend, in the dark that never ends

A light is seen in the dark, a light comes to us

Yet the light come's for one, and only one can go

The light went towards my friend, its choise was him alone

A gental nudge i gave him, to send him to the light

"Go on, get out of here." " Go into the light."

And so he went into the light, and off they went into the night.

I sit here all alone, Hopeing my friend wont show again

waiting in the dark, for my light in the dark.



Waiting in the dark


And so i sit here, all alone in the dark

Waiting for my light to show, waiting in the dark

and should another friend come join me, here in the dark

I'll go to him and tell him, "Your are not alone

and untill the time comes, that a light comes for you

I'll sit with you and wait, here in the dark."

While in this dark, its cold as winter

what light i have i share, what warmth i have i'll give

to all my friends who join me, here in the dark.

though little is my light, though low is my warmth

know that i will share it with you, here in the dark.



Waiting in the light.


Though my friend has gone to the light, he looks back to the dark

He feels sadness, he feels guilt for leaving me

He feels hes abandone me, here in the dark

he goes back to the edge, he reaches in the dark

But long have I been here, deep is this dark

I cant see his hand, Im too deep in the dark

he should know he cant, he cant pull me from the dark

And so he waits in the light, to greet me when I join him

Though he cant reach me, this he should know

He has given the greatist gift, I could ever have recived

The knowledge, that my life has meaning



A Question in the Dark


At night I lay sleeping, Here in the dark

Thinking of my friends, Over in the light

Do they have enough light, Do they have enough warmth

Can i give them more light, Can i give them more warmth

And i asked all my friends, from here in the dark

"Do you have enough light, Do you have enough warmth"

"I still have some light left to help you all see, I still have some heat to help keep

you all warm"

And then they turned and asked me, A very simple little question

"What about you?"

"You've been in the dark, For more then a year"

"And dispite the deep dark, And its freezing cold"

"You give away your light, With out a moments thought"

"Please stop doing this, Your sliping away in the dark"

"The dark is freezing cold, And yet you give us all your warmth"

"Please stop doing this, Were loosing our dearest friend"

"Your lost in the dark, Your freezing in it's cold"

"And you let yourself sink deeper, Into its cold dark embrace"

"Why are you doing this, Why are you giving us what little light you have"

"I'm doing it for you, because you are my light"



Death in the dark


As i sit here waiting, in the dark

My friends are waiting, in the light

They want to reach, in the dark

They want to pull me out, of its cold dark embrace.

But into the light, I can not go

For if I go, Who will save them from the dark

If they fall in the dark, I'll be there to stop there fall.

I'll stop there fall, and take there burdens

I'll fall for them, so they can rise

I rise and fall for them, here in the dark.

Somethings happened, somethings wrong.

I droped there burdens, but iam still falling

This dark is different, this dark is strange to me

This dark is dense, This dark is heavy

I've never been here, I've never fallen so far

This dark is thick, I cant breath

I'm still falling, I cant move

This dark is crushing me, I cant feel anything

I'm scared, I'm alone

I'm affraid, someone please

Help me in the dark

I was careless, I was foolish

The dark is always changing, always learning

When you get traped in its embrace, It wont just let you leave.

And now ive fallen deeper, Deeper then ive ever gone

This is the Deeper Dark, A more painful kind of dark

Above the Deeper Dark, is the dark that many know

Below the Deeper Dark, Is the Absolute Dark

Very few enter this dark, even fewer leave it alive

I lay here traped between the dark, And Absolute Dark

Wondering grimly, Will it be life or death?



The Absolute Dark


I lay here traped between the Dark, and Absolute Dark

Wondering grimly, Will it be life or death?

"Death.....","It will be Death"

Tears fall from my eyes, My breathing is rough and ragged

"Who said that?","Whos there?"

"Who?" Its asks with a laugh, Its voice leaving me cold

"How do you not know?","You know me better then anyone"

A black mist appeared at my side, Its shape is familer to me

"I've come for you","Its time to go"


"Where you belong"

"Dont go Zeph!","Dont go with him!"

I look up towards a light, I hear my friends calling me

"Your too late","Hes mine now"

The light is fadding, Were falling!

The light is gone, There voices gone

This place is empty, This place is black

"Where are we!?","What dark is this!?"

The Shadow appeared, Its voice cold and calm

"What dark?","Absolute!"

"Your friends should be in the dark","One or two should be here"

Hes voice went darker, Hes voice got colder

"But there not","There in the light cause of you!"

The Shadow came closer, He grined at me

"But that will change","Cause your here now"

"No one can reach you here","No one will save you from here"

"I've taken my time","I've waited so long"

"And now your here","Now your mine!"

Its so Dark, Its so cold

I want my FRIENDS!, I want OUT!

The Shadow looked me in the eyes, My body started going numb

"Your not going anywhere","There is no way out"

My tears continued to fall, My body continued to grow cold!

I cryed out with fear,"WHO ARE YOU!?"

The Shadow grined, It took on a form

I gasped with shock, My heart pounding in my chest.


It came closer, My heart beat louder

Its voice was quiet, But I heard it all to well

"This is me","For I am YOU!

My heart stoped, My being shatered

My body stoped, My eyes went blank

My mind stoped, My blood turned to ice

My Shadow Grined with cruelty

It Has Won




Is gone



Light in the Absolute Dark?


My Shadow Grined with cruelty

It Has Won




Is gone

My Shadow laughed in the dark, Its laughter echoing in the dark

Before it turned to a scream, A scream of pain

My Shadow screamed, My Shadow howled


Whats happened?!, Whats going on?!

I can feel again, I can feel warmth

A light shot through the dark, bathing me in its radiant light

My Shadows pain turned to anger,"NO ONE'S LIGHT CAN REACH THIS DARK!"

And the light wasnt one, But the light of several

I cryed!, I cryed with happyness!

They came for me!, my friends have come for me!

My friends came down to me, There light surrounded me

My Shadows anger turned to shock, He could not bleave what he saw


My friends turned to him, There eye's full of light

They raised there paws to him, They glowed with power

"Hes our friend","We wont give him up"

There light shot through the dark, The light pireced my Shadows heart

He screamed and roared, Then then he was no more

My friends surround me, There light embraced me

There my friends, My reason for being

My blood thawed, My heart beats again

My eyes turned blue, Theres life in them again

My body moved, I sat up and looked upon my friends

They came for me, Here in this dark

They steped closer, they put a paw on my shoulder

"Lets go back","Back to the light"

I cryed and smiled,"Yeah, lets go"

And so they took me back, Back to a light i never thought i had

The light of friendship, The greatest light of all

Never again will I fall, Into the cold lonely dark



Noctus is my Ice Angle.

Noctus Is my Ice Angle

Noctus is my angle, Noctus is my love

She radiats with a light that is her own, and beams with a smile that warms my heart

Shes as strong as a glacier of ice, yet soft and gentle as the snow from which its made

Her heart is as puer as the snow, and her smile can melt the coldest ice

She is my angle, My angle of the ice

She is my first crush, she is my first love

I gave her my love, I gave her my heart

She is my first love, She has my first kiss


is dead.

I killed her, Its all my fault

If shed never meet me she would live, If ied never been she would be happy

Ive killed her, How did this happen

Her eyes are blank, Yet they perice my heart

Her blood is cold, Yet it burns my paws

Her body is cold, I'll never know her loves warmth again

That thing, That thing in her chest

Polshied metal shaped like a arrow, a single sharp edge on a piece of scrap metal

I know this, I know what it is!

Its mine, Its my shiv!

Its covered in her blood, My paws are covered in her blood

I killed her, I killed my only love!

"You killed her!", "Your a monster, a freak!"

"She showed you kindness","She showed you love"

"You killed her", "After all she did for you"

"If shed never meet you", "She would still be alive"

I cryed out, My heart filled with pain and sarrow

"I never ment for this to happen!", "I never wanted this!"

The voices were so many, and yet they sound familier

"Of course you wanted this too happen", "You left your shiv for her to find"

"And you left a journal", "A journal of your past"

"And now she is dead","She killed herself with your shiv!"

I looked around, Who do these voices belong to?

I look over and see my friends, My friends are here for me

They can help me, There my friends

"You dont belong here", "You dont belong anywhere"

I stop dead, my eyes wide with shock

What was that, What did they just say?

"You are no friend of ours.", "We arent friends with a monster."

I cant bleave it, I cant bleave my ears.

"I didnt want this to happen", "I didnt want Noctus to kill herself"

I heard a voice in front of me, I looked down and saw my brother

"Youve got it wrong Zepher", "Noctus didnt kill herself"

"You killed her", My eyes go wide with shock

"Her blood is on your paws", I look down at my paws

BLOOD! My paws are covered in blood!

"Your a monster.", "And no brother of mine"

With that they all turned, Turned and walked away

Terran stoped and said to me, His words like daggers in my heart.

"I should of let you rot in jail", "How did i ever love a thing like you"

With his words still ringing in my ears he left, They all had left

My eyes were wide with shock, Tears flowing down my cheeks like rivers of sorrow

My heart is in pain, My mind in chaos

Past and preasent became blured

Truth and lies got confused

I did it, I killed her

I raised my paws to my head, griping it as my heart and mind raced

Her life was taken by my paws, There driping with her blood

I took off, My wings beating as hard as my heart

To where i went, I nither new nor cared

I killed Noctus

She loved me and i killed her

A storm was brewing over Warfang

And i flew straight towards it

lightning craked in the sky

Please let it hit me, let the storm take my life!

The heavy rain beating aginst my face as another bolt struck

This ones aim was true, It struck me from the sky

I fell towards the ground, it rushed up to clame me

And tonight i die, The monster knowen as Zepher

Ayara Story

Characters Name: Dianos Hakrenini Age: 21 (Because of the 2 year time lapse from Quarantine 1) Race: Sangheili Sex: Male Sexuality: Hetrosexual Description: Dianos has dark blue skin and midnight black eyes, he is quite well built and stands...

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The End, of a Long and Bloody War.txt

His name, Is Zepher Blackbird Hes a son, Hes a outcast Hes a blacksmith, Hes a friend Hes a husbend, Hes a brother dieing His time is drawing near, His body is growing cold He knows that tonight, Tonight his life will...

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