Spots & Scales

Story by 3aek on SoFurry

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This is the first heterosexual story I've ever done. It was actually really hard to finish, because I couldn't relate to the characters that much. Sorry it took so long for an update watchers! Me and my mate have been really busy. So, even though I finished this weeks and weeks ago, we didn't get the chance to proof read and sync our proof reads together.

Comments and critiques are always welcome, enjoy the story guys!

A small leopard sits on her favorite tree stump, deep in the forest that surrounds her neighborhood. From head to toe this girl is a leopard. Fine yellow and brown spotted fur covers her thin, hourglass body. Her blue eyes pull you into a bright world full of antics and fun. She wears a light purple skirt that is slit on the side, and a matching cloth-like bra, making it easy for her to run after her prey. Her only jewelry is a golden chain around her waist. Looking at her from the back you can just make out a dragonfly tattoo under the purple cloth of her clothes.

Tears are trickling down her soft cheeks as she reads one of the few letters she has received from her mate, while he is at boot camp. He had promised her that he would write, leaving her to expect countless letters. Instead she is left with but a few. She can count them on one hand. Her tears are of joy however, for her mate comes home this wonderful day. She has been waiting on this stump since she finished her breakfast this morning. It's almost dark now. She knows it seems silly to have been waiting this long, but it feels wrong to her to even think of moving from this spot.

"Spots... Stop. This place sucks! Stop. I miss you..." she begins, reading the note aloud to herself, trying to calm the excitement building inside her.

Her mate has been in boot camp the past three months. For some that may not seem like long, but for this leopard it has been at least five eternities. They would spend every day together. Just being close to her mate calmed her intense thoughts, and allowed her to relax. His very scent was enough to allow for a restful night, with pleasant dreams. The slightest touch of his clawed hand set her on fire like a volcano. Talking with him is what she missed most, he could carry on an intelligent conversation one moment and act like a hilarious idiot the next.

The past few months have been torture without him. Restless nights spent avoiding nightmares, strong thoughts of dark themes with no one to stop them, not even the resemblance of warmth from her mate. Once she even went so far as to think she had forgotten him completely... She has changed so much since his passing, from friends and family to the very way she walks. 'How much has he changed?' she wonders with a sigh. She lets her mind wander as she begins to read the second letter. By the time she reaches half way down the page her tears have stopped. She has cried often lately, which is unlike her strong leopard personality.

Her calming thoughts are interrupted as a dark shadow crosses over her stump. Overhead a black dragon with solid green stripes across his biceps, thighs and green diamonds down his tail begins to lower himself down. As he lands a few feet in front of her, she notices his Marine uniform. They size each other up, neither saying a word for a long while. Eyes darting up and down the bodies and faces of the apposing potential victim.

"You look different..." the dragon says, in an effort to destroy the silence.

"I got a tattoo, and let my hair grow longer... You look different too..." the leopard replies.

"I just got muscles, too much fucking training!" he says in a slight rage.

Her ears droop as she feels his rage start to rise. Noticing this, his body slouches, trying in vain to look less deadly.

"I'm glad your out at least."


"Okay, fuck this!" she exclaims as she pounces on her mate from the stump, tackling the unsuspecting dragon to the ground. "I missed you, Scales."

"I missed you too Spots... So much..." he says as he grinds his hips into hers.

A barely audible moan escapes the leopard's muzzle as she grinds back against his hips. He begins to softly lick her neck, slowly moving to her ear. She moans as his tongue touches her ear and his hardening member presses on her slit, through their clothes. The leopard tears off the gold chain from her waist and wraps it around the dragons wrists and the tree behind his head. He struggles for a bit in the restraints, trying half-heartedly to get out of the binding chain. As he struggles the feline stares at her prey, a large smirk revealing a glimpse of her inner thoughts.

She walks to the back of the stump where she hid a few surprises for her dragon. Once she retrieves the items, she pounces back on top of his squirming body, pressing his back into the dirt. Taking a dark green blindfold made of velvet from her back, she firmly ties it over his eyes. She gently drags her hand down his abs and forearms, delighted at the growth in his muscles. Sliding lower down his body she allows the dragon to feel her body on his, making him moan softly as her body presses on his hard cock. She gets up only long enough to put on her new toy; a lovely purple strap on, she has been waiting far too long to use this on her mate.

When she is ready, she slowly lifts the dragon?s legs up and applies lube to his tail hole before pushing the length of her strap-on inside her mate to the hilt with one thrust. He inhales a sharp gasp, almost shrieking as he feels the first thrust enter him. Searing pain fills his ass muscles as she begins to pull out. The dragon growls deeply as she thrusts back in to the hilt, starting a strong, slow pace. After the first few thrusts his growls turn to moans, as if pleading with her to go faster. She is loving the faces he makes as she thrusts, sad at first, then slowly relaxed, now his face is set in pure ecstasy.

Her thrusts become faster and faster, until all her mate can feel is the friction and warmth it creates inside him. Abruptly she stops and pulls out, getting a soft whimper in response from the dragon. The leopard straddles his waist and slowly lowers her wet pussy onto his rock hard cock while pushing her dildo back into his tail hole. When he opens his mouth to moan from both pleasures at once, she kisses him deeply. As their tongues intertwine she pushes the dildo inside him while gently moving up and down on his cock. The kiss gets deeper, more intimate and sensual, as their pace gets rough.

With little warning she begins to pound herself down on his member, squeezing the head with her cunt. Forcing the dildo past the hilt, she buries it deep inside her mate before jerking it out and shoving it back inside. The dragon growls a deep moan as she hits his g-spot again and again. He has to fight hard not to bite on her tongue. With a roar, he breaks the golden chain binding him to the tree and pins the leopard down on the stump. While keeping the pace she made, he tears off the blindfold and stares straight into her eyes.

The leopard opens her mouth to protest but is forced into a deeper kiss. She can see the burning desire in his eyes, like a thunder storm of lust and passion. As her mate forces her into an even quicker rhythm, her wrists are pulled over her head and she feels the golden chain wrap around her wrists . The dragon breaks the kiss to lick her breasts; sucking hard on her nipples then licking them gently. Keeping one hand on the gold chain, he uses his free hand to rub and play with her breasts while he moves to lick and kiss her neck. His tail curls around hers as he continues to pleasure and fuck her, his tail hole still holding the strap deep inside him.

As he gets closer to climax his thrusts become frantic, pounding her harder, deeper, faster. She can sense him about to climax and feels her own fast approaching. He pushes in as deep as he can, gently biting her neck. The leopard push down as he thrusts into her, cumming as she feels his thick cock begin to pulse its own seed into her. As they begin to melt into the afterglow of the long awaited sex, the dragon slowly takes the golden chain off the leopards wrists and wraps his wings around them. As his cock softens and leaves her, they get up and sit on the stump. She offers him his first cigarette in four months and they light up together, watching the starry night sky in silence.

"I really missed you," the leopard hears the dragon whisper after they've smoked half their cigs.

A single tear trickles down her cheek while she stares at the moon. "I missed you too..." she answers in a meek, low voice.

"Oh.. um yeah... I meant you too... I guess..." the dragon answers.

She turns to see him staring at his cigarette, not at care in the world. With the stealth and rage only a woman can summon she yanks the dildo out of her mates ass and kicks him off her stump. 'Stupid dragons, where do they get off.' she mutters inside her head as she walks into her forest, leaving the dragon to clean himself off.

After cleaning up from the fun and stashing the remains safely away, the dragon does his best to clean the mud off his back and face. He smiles to himself as he watches his mate walk off into her forest, the moonlight catching her hourglass figure perfectly. Holding the broken golden chain in his fist, the dragon thrusts his powerful wings and lifts off the ground. He flies over the forest on his way home, only to be pounce threw the doorway when he arrives.

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