The Academy

Story by Millia on SoFurry

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A loud sigh emanated from Millia's lips as she sat at her desk inside of her office at the Silvermoon Academy. This place was a prestigious public academy that the best and brightest students from around the area attended. Millia was the head counselor here. She ruffled through a few papers, writing on the ones that she knew were important before shuffling them together and setting them in her outbox. She leaned back into her chair with another sigh, rubbing at one side of her temple, feeling a migraine coming on. Not that she didn't enjoy working here however. It paid well, the students were nice, and the staff was friendly.

A loud buzz on her phone shook her out of her thoughts as she pushed the intercom on her phone.


"Millia, dear. Would you mind coming to my office for a bit? I need to speak to you."

Millia blinked for a second, then answered back. "Yes, sure. I'll be there right away." She shut off the intercom and pushed back her chair, standing up from it and strolling around her desk to the door and opening it, stepping out and shutting it behind her. She changed the small door hanger on her door to 'not in' before strolling briskly down the hall towards the stairs to the next floor. That's where his office was. She took the stairs upwards, walking with a steady but calm pace, listening to her footsteps echo in the silent stairway. She pushed open the door to the top of the stairs, and walked out eyeing the empty hallway that lead to the dean's office.

"I wonder what he wants with me anyway? God I hope he isn't firing me. I do not need that right now." Millia muttered, stopping at the large oak wooden door, briefly reading the plaque there that said 'Dean Elum'. She raised her furred hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in Millia." His soft voice called out, and Millia obliged, opening the door and walking in, smiling brightly to the tiger that sat behind the desk. His blue eyes winked at her and he motioned to one of the chairs in front of the desk. "Please sit."

"You're not firing me are you?" Millia asked nervously, twisting her paws in her lap. Elum laughed softly and shook his orange furred head, leaning forward a little.

"No, you're not. You're the best head counselor we've got at this Academy. I couldn't bear to loose you." He watched as Millia blushed, breathing in a sigh of relief. "I wanted to ask you if you had any suggestions for the Academy. Anything we could improve upon?"

"Hmm, well I can't think of anything at the moment. I think everything is fine at the moment. The students are behaving for the most part, but I do get the occasional troublemaker. It's nothing I can't handle."

"I know." He smiled and stood up from his desk, clasping his hands behind his back. "I thought about giving you a raise. What do you think?" Millia smiled, perking her ears up.

"Y-yeah, that would be nice, though I don't deserve it really. What I get now is enough, Elum." She watched him walk around his desk, his paws still clasped behind his back. Her eyes widened as she saw the outline of a semi-erection starting within his dress pants. She blushed and quickly averted her eyes as he came around to stand in front of her chair, letting his hands dangle at his sides one hand idly playing with the button.

"Oh but I think you deserve it. Why don't you show me how much you deserve it, hmm?" He grinned down at her and unzipped his dress pants, letting that semi-hard cock pop out through the fly. It was quite impressive in length and thickness, maybe 8 ½ or 9 inches at least. Millia got out of her chair only to slide to her knees, eyeing the thing up close. The pink head dangled there in front of her eyes, almost daring her to taste its salty-ness. She reached her left hand up to handle his big balls, rolling them in her hand as she licked the shaft from head to base and back again, coating it in saliva. She eyed him briefly before wrapping her lips around the head, just under the ridge, sucking on it softly and pushing her tongue against the part in the head on the underside, licking at it fiercely.

"Mmm, yes Millia. That's nice. So warm..." Elum moaned, running his hands through that untamed blood red hair as he watched with interest as she let her mouth slide down part way on the shaft, puckering her furry cheeks around the thickness, sliding it out as she did with a gasp, jerking at it in her furry hand.

"Good you like that. It's nice to hear." She chuckled, diving her mouth back over his warm wet cock, all the way to the base just to hear him growl and moan with pleasure, his furred hands on the back of her head, forcing it all the way down and thrusting his hips against her mouth, his balls slapping against her chin.

"Ungg, god, fuck yes. Suck that big cock into your throat Millia until I tell you to stop." He muttered, growling and licking at his dry lips, keeping his hips at a quick place for a few minutes only enjoying the feel of her mouth wrapped around his cock. He stopped after a while, giving one last thrust before he removed his cock from her mouth. "Now, I want you bend over that desk of mine and lift up your skirt. I want to see your pussy, then fuck you raw."

Millia nodded and got off of her knees to bend over the desk, lifting up her gray skirt past her thighs until it rested just above her ass, wiggling it a little at him giggling.

"Well hurry, I'm aching right now. I want to feel it inside of me."

"Mm, oh really?" Elum muttered slyly, sliding a finger around the outer lips hearing her moan in response. He slid the finger in, probing around inside leaning forward to give a lick too, letting her get wet before he gave her what she wanted and him too. He thrust his finger in and out quickly, her hips pushing against his finger, responding to his motions. Chuckling, his finger pulled itself out of that warm place, only to be brushed at by the head of his cock. "Do you still want my cock hon?"

"Yes, yes I do. Fuck my pussy raw hon."

He nodded to her and slid the head in past those pussy lips, watching as it split them apart nicely, burying himself to the hilt within her tight channel, letting out a short moan when he did. He pulled back out again, rubbing the head against her lips before burying back into that wet snatch, thrusting a bit slow at first before increasing his speed over time his hands on her hips, giving her ass a teasing slap every now and then along with the ones that his hips were doing at the moment, those balls slapping against her clit causing her to cry out and moan at that.

"Mmm, mmm, yes god that feels good. Keep it up, thrusting into my tight pussy nice and hard...ooh yes!" Millia squealed, grasping at the desk tighter as this tiger gave her the fuck of a lifetime. She could hear him panting a little bit behind her, grunting as he went along, hearing it get louder. He ran his pawed hands up and down her back, running them under her arms to grasp those beautiful tits, using them as leverage as he slammed into her pussy, growling and moaning loudly.

"Ohh, godd I'm gonna cum soon here Millia. Mmm, mm, yes so good. Mmm, here it comes...get ready.." Elum trailed off into a series of groans and moans his hips roughly slapping against his until he let out a loud moan, pressing his hips tight to hers shooting his sticky seed deep within, her spasming pussy clenching around him milking it all as she shared in his orgasm. The two juices mixed and slowly dripped down her legs as they began to relax.

"Thank you Millia.."