Trans Lab 004

Story by Lemuel on SoFurry

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#4 of Mekuf Trans Lab

The following story contains adult content that may be offensive to anyone. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to view adult material is wherever you live, please do not continue. I aint planning on getting sued.

Test Subject Analysis Form

Subject 004

Subject Information

Sex: Male

Species: Deer

Name: Gary Spinster

Description: Tall, medium build, light brown coat

Experimentation details

Subject will have the experimental pill administered orally. Results should show slight growth in male sexual organs and the prehensile use of penis.

Subject Log

Well, the name's Gary. Man, I still can't believe all of this happened to me. What happened you ask? Well, here it goes.

I was doing really good in life. I had a good car, a great job, and the woman of my dreams. Oddly enough, she was my best friend's sister. She was rather short for a vixen, but I couldn't complain. Her name was Julia, and growing up she was always the brat from across the street to me. But through high school I watched as she grew to become quite a woman. We got married shortly after college, and things had been going great.

I got a job at the Lanzandro Corporation. I'm not sure exactly what the corporation does, it seem to be just an endless loop of bureaucracy. People and paper come in and leave. But there was something strange about the place that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Strange things always happened to people who worked late there. The stories always start with the lights flickering. Sometimes people claim they see gaseous figures walking through the hallways. Others claim to have heard ghostly screams from every direction, only to find a quiet office. And others still have seen things so horrible that they seem to go into a trance when someone mentions it. Anyway, the place is weird.

My primary job at the place was as a security guard. I occasionally found people lost in disoriented really deep into the building. They always mumble something about 'the gift' then they seem to snap out of it and go back to work. Whatever.

One day I got a call from the managers. They said that they had some property stolen, and they tracked the perp down to a medical testing facility. I asked them why they wanted their security guard to go get him, and not just call the cops. They told me to mind my own business, and that there would be a very gracious pay incentive if I cooperated. I decided to go along with it.

I got to the place, the Mekuf Research Institution. I parked my pinto and went inside. I wasn't fortunate enough to get a company car. When I got inside, I was greeted by a friendly looking, middle-aged cougar woman. She asked if I was interested in medical testing. I declined and told her that I was here to investigate a recent theft. The look on her face switched, instantly going from a friendly grin to a hateful frown.

"Right this way, officer" She said. I could tell she was grinding her teeth. But hey what could I say, she thought I was an officer of the Law. And I was, kinda.


Scene Transfer!!!!!!


In the quiet white cafeteria of the Trans Lab, two figures lay motionless on the floor. One tiger, and one fox, both entangled from their previous love affair. The tiger begins to stir. He opens his eyes to see the fox collapsed on top of him. He grins and runs his tongue up her cheek. She giggles and opens her eyes, playfully licking him back.

"Heh, that was fun" proclaimed the fox, as she lifted herself off of the tiger.

"That it was" the tiger responded, receiving a helping hand up from his new mate.

The fox stretches her arms out and yawns deeply. "Well, I'm gonna go wake Robert up, you commin?"

"Robert? Oh yeah, the wolf you met when you came here. Sure, lets go."

The pair walked back to room 002. Mary opens the door, and is greeted by 2 inches of standing cum flowing free from the room. "Ah, he must've had a wet dream" She explained to the puzzled Tiger.

"Robbberrrrt. Wake up sleepy head"

"Huzzawah?" The dazed wolf manages to get to his feet. Jeff's jaw drops almost out of its socket when he sees the humungous sheath between Robert's legs. That accompanied by the basketball-sized furry testicles perched just below is almost enough to make him lose it right there.

"Robert, this is Jeff, he just got here."

The cum-soaked wolf, still rather groggy, extends his paw to the tiger. "My name's Robert"

"Uh, I'm Jeff" says the tiger, still in awe at the wondrous organ displayed infront of him.

Robert looks Jeff over, seeing that he has breasts, he assumes that Jeff had already been through his 'procedure'.

"Well what're we gonna do now" asks Robert.

Mary picks up the conversation "We need to find a way out of here... somehow"

"What good is that going to do us?" asks Jeff, "Me and Robert probably can't be seen in public. We'd be labeled as freaks."

"First things first Jeff." Mark replies. "We need an escape plan. We'll worry about what we do after it when that time comes. For now, we just need to escape."

"Oh, what if we tried going out the front door the next time they bring someone back here. We could probably take out that lady up at the front no problem." Mary suggested.

"Yeah, that should work." Jeff replied.

The three then set off towards the front room. They stopped in at the showers to wash the various fluids from their fur first, of course. The three wet companions made their way to the door. It was locked.

"Great" Said Mary, "Now we just have to wait."

They waited for about twenty minutes, then they heard some voice from behind the door.

"I think this is it" said Robert.

An audible clicking sound was made, and the door cracked open. Mary and Robert pounced at the opening, failing to see Jeff double over on the floor, holding his head with both hands. Mark shot a first out through the opening, and clocked a deer in a blue shirt, knocking him off of his feet. Before he even realizes who he had hit, Robert realized that he was starring down the barrels of a dark, shiny, sawed off shotgun, held by the kindy old cougar woman.

"You have three seconds to stand down, or you're getting an early funeral."

Robert fell back to the ground, stunned by the threat.

"Good" said the cougar woman, as she hauled the unconscious deer back into the front room. "Now behave, or else." She locked the door behind her.

"Well that was, um... scary." Said Mary, helping Robert back to his feet. He was still shaking from the encounter. Mary spotted Jeff on the ground. "Jeff, you ok?

"Yeah, I just, had the whole "danger sense" thingy go off."

"Yeah, alittle late for that." She sighed, and walked back to her room alone.


Scene Transfer!!!!!!


Do these look like boobs?


I woke up really groggy. I couldn't remember where I was, or what happened. I tired to backtrack what happened... Find the perp... research institution... cougar lady... augh! My head hurt.

I got up and examined my surroundings. I was in a white room. It looked like some sort of futuristic mental asylum. I scratched my head, and cought a glimpse of my arm as I did. I looked down to see that I had no clothes on. "Well great, I guess this place turned out to be more than a stupid research facility." I looked around the room, there were no clothes there. I sighed, and slowly started to ramble over to the door. I half-expected to be locked in, but no such luck. I opened the door to find what seemed like an endless halway in either direction.

I decided to trek off into the vast unknown hallway, not ashamed of my exposure, I'd been in worse situations then this before. Don't ask, cause I won't tell.

After about twenty minutes of wandering around aimlessly, I found what looked to be some sort of cafeteria. There were at least a hundred tables strewn about randomly, accompanied with pristine white chairs. I looked around the room, not a person in sight. The whole eerie type of purity that seemed to encloak this place was far too familiar to me. I had seen this type of thing before in modern day sci-fi movie. The white was supposed to perturb those who spend too much time here so deeply that they are driven insane. I wasn't going to let some drab decoration get to me, I was going to find a way out of this place.

I was getting pretty hungry, after all, I had no idea how long I had been asleep. It could have been a few minutes, or a few days to my knowledge. There was a long row of vending machines towards the end of the room, each of them sporting a different genre of tasty delectables. I was busy pondering over what type of meal to enjoy, so I didn't even notice it when someone else entered the room. I looked up and down the Chinese food machine, I hadn't had any form of Asian food in quite awhile, which was very odd for me.

Then, I heard a voice, shout "Hey" form behind me, and shot around so quick, that I almost lost my balance and fell. "Hey you!" Shouted a lovely female orange tiger, making her way through the tables towards me. If I hadn't noticed her benevolent rack, I would have thought her to be a man from the way her voice sounded. She was rather short, and her whiskers were some of the longest that I had ever seen on a cat. They swayed beautifully as she moved between the tables. Quite the bombshell she was.

As I saw her emerge form the sea of tables, I noticed something very peculiar about her. From between her legs hung a large, orange striped sheath, accompanied by two testicles hanging peacefully inside a furry little ballsac. Needless to say, I was perturbed by this spectacle. Was shi really a she at all?

"Hey, are you ok?" Shi asked when she finally made hir way to my position. Taken aback, I tried to form a few words, "Who, what are you?"

Shi looked puzzled at this comment, and then looked down at hirself and realized what I was talking about. "Oh, yeah... I guess... I really don't know what I am anymore, ever since I came to this place."

"What do you mean, since you came to this place? What the hell is going on here?" I asked, half yelling at the startled Tiger. I didn't mean to be so harsh, but I was scared and confused, and I wanted hir to help me.

"I really don't know what's going on here, but whenever someone come in here, they get transformed. Whatever pervert is responsible for all this is going to pay."

I gave the tiger another look over, guessing from how shi talked, I guessed that shi had been male before shi came here. Shi had quite a body, large supple breasts that nested softly upon hir chest, and that sheath down between her legs. I don't know why, but I took special heed to it. It just seemed so perfect sitting there. I started blushing, fantasies of what kind of luscious cock could come from such a beautiful entrapment. Shi seemed to take notice of this, and started to blush as well.

He crossed his legs, and firmly apologized. He said he was sorry at looking at me like I was some piece of fresh meat. I hadn't even noticed him looking me over. But something told me that he was just as pleased with what he saw as I was.

All this sexual tension was driving me nuts, and was driving my nuts insane. Slowly, I felt myself come to erection in the presence of this feline beauty. I would have been ashamed of myself had I not been so horny. I wanted to take him right there. Those fermions he was giving off were definitely female, yet possessed a kind of masculine quality. His scent was completely unique to me, and strangely erotic.

I took a step towards him as a sheepish grin ran across my face. He knew good and well what my intent was, for he gave me a smirk in return. I enclosed him in my arms, sweeping him off his feet and on to a nearby table. I leapt up on top of him and placed my arms on either side of his head. I bent down to engage a kiss with his oh-so-beautiful muzzle. Our maws locked together in an intense grapple of passion, both of us feeling up and down each other's body like we were searching for contrabands. I gave his left breast a gentle squeeze, and he broke our kiss with a deep moan of passion. I smiled down at him and resumed our lip-lock. His rough feline tongue was so amazingly erotic. He used it better than I could have even imagined, ruffling it up against the roof of my mouth, and entwining it with my own muscular tongue.

I felt down his front side until I finally found my prize. There, sticking out of that wondrous sheath of his, was a fully ribbed kitty-cock. I used both hands to play with the feline member while I continued my kiss up above. I worked his cock into full erection in no time, and began to work one hand around his ballsac, while rubbing up and down the pink shaft with the other. He moaned even louder this time, and began to uncontrollably purr softly at each long stroke. I ended the kiss slowly, trying to ease myself out of the passionate muzzle-lock, and moved my waist up, crawling over the tiger, and planted my rump firmly down on his hard member. He moaned again as he entered my virgin ass. I was driven forward by my own erection, which then presented itself.

I gorged my anus downwards on the spiny textured meat. I got it about halfway in, feeling a great deal of pain and an ever greater amount of passion in the same action. I slowly lifted up, then pushed myself down again. The purrs coming from the helpless tiger now be came a continual ordeal as I worked myself down to almost the full length of his cock. The tiger gripped my antlers tightly, trying to find his grip as he was tossed out into a sea of sexual bliss.I shot up and down the length of the man-meat, over and over again, feeling him come closer to orgasm each and every time. I was tantalizing the poor thing, and I could tell that he loved it. One final push, and there was an explosion deep within my bowels as fresh, salty tiger semen filled me up. I could feel the warmth bestowed upon me by the gentle beast. His purring now becoming much softer, as I bent down to kiss him once more.

The tiger, now exhausted from the wild sex, softly whispered to me. "Thank you, that was the best I've ever had... but..." His gentle grin turned itself into a droopy frown, as he continued. "I think I need you, in another way." He got up off of the table, and turned around to show me what he was talking about. He bent over and revealed to me his moist, beautiful pussy. A stream of female-juices trickled down his left leg and gleamed in the bright light. "Please..." He whispered hoarsely, "Fill me".

I could tell that he was lusting after my own cock, which was still fully erect, leaking a few gobs of translucent pre onto the floor. I stumbled over to him, bewildered as to how he could have two sets of sexual organs that were so lovely. I held my cock firmly in my paw, and for some reason, it seemed longer than normal, much longer. Normally, I was about 9 inches long, which is nothing to be ashamed of. But now I could have guessed that my cock was over a foot long. I didn't care, I was too preoccupied with the beautiful lips offered to me by the tiger. I held him tightly in my arms, and slowly eased my lengthy member into his love slit. I worked my way inside of him, being careful not to go too fast or too hard. I slid my cock as far up as his hot, wet pussy would allow, then I began to slowly remove it. The stimulation was overwhelming my senses. I heard him begin to purr again as I slid myself back up into the confines of his deep hole. I thought it amazing that he was able to take this much of my member, He must've had a really deep slit. I continued to pump my throbbing cock in and out of him. He moaned in intense pleasure and soon came from the back, spewing hot juice onto my crotch and legs. I kept shoving myself in, harder and faster, until finally I, too, came. My seed flowed freely into him.

We both fell to the floor, me cradling the small tiger in my arms, and him dozing off, both of us filled with each other's hot seed. I slowly removed my cock from his opening, and fully realized how long it was. I must have been at least partially flaccid when I had last gazed upon my cock. For now it looked like it was about 3 feet in length, it took me awhile to pull it out of the unconscious tiger, It started to get soft, but still radiated a gentle warmth. The thing was coiled around, laying on the ground. I tried to exhert the muscle that makes it willingly hard, and the whole thing seemed to jump to life. It started to move around, almost like a snake. As the head reared back towards me, I lost my balance and fell backwards. I looked up at the member looming over me, and realized that I had made it do that. I did the same thing again, and found that I could control the cock, almost like a monkey could control it's tail. I stood up, and tried to push the cock forward, it shot almost straight out for three feet, but drooped slightly at the end, due to how heavy it was. I curled it around my waist, and fount that it went around my body a little more than two times. I tied wrapping it around my arm, and found that I could bind my arms or legs together. That might have been useful if I was into BSDM. I looped the cock between my legs and to my backside, and pressed it against my warm tailhole, still covered in the tiger's cum. Then, like the grinch forming an evil plot, my muzzle curled upwards, as an idea formed in my head. I took the head of my cock and gently rubbed it against my opening, and then shoved it in with immeasurable strength. It blasted past my sphincter easily, as I ran almost a foot of my own meat up into myself. I brought it back a little, and forced myself deeper inside, I managed to get about a foot and a half of the big juicy meat into my bowels, and after quite a few more immensely pleasurable self-services, I finally came inside myself, adding to the pool of cum left by the tiger. This left me exhausted in quite the same fashion as my mate. I crouched down to the ground, and wrapped my arm around him tightly. I kissed him on the cheek, and drifted off to sleep.

Final Analysis:

Subject has experienced massive growth in male sexual organ. The prehensile use of the organ has also been successful. The subject has mated with Experiment 003 twice.

Some problems with applicant entry have been resolved, and all new subjects will be placed in the controlled environment automatically until further notice.




Yaaay! It looks like I beta my holiday deadline. (I laugh at you, foolish deadline!) Anyway, I'm getting started on the next installment pretty quickly, so it wont be too long before you get another full dose of porn.

So seeya next time, you filthy capitalists!

(not a communist!)

Feel free to send questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, rants, spam, hate mail, or communist newsletters to [email protected]

Trans Lab 003

The following story contains adult content that may be offensive to anyone. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to view adult material is wherever you live, please do not continue. I aint planning on getting sued. This is part three in...

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Trans Lab 002

The following story contains adult content that may be offensive to anyone. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to view adult material is wherever you live, please do not continue. I aint planning on getting sued. This is part two in an...

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Trans Lab 001

The following story contains adult content that may be offensive to anyone. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age to view adult material is wherever you live, please do not continue. I aint planning on gettting sued. It also contains spelling...

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