Pigs (Lackadaisy fan/fapfic)

Story by SoIitude on SoFurry

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Rocky gets sent on a rendez-vouz with captain Kehoe. There, this story diverts from the comic...

Disclaimer: Don't read this if you're under 18/21/*insert local age of consent here*, don't copy without permission, blah blah blah.

All characters belong to the webcomic Lackadaisy, as found here: www.lackadaisycats.com

Warning: contains rape and watersports

Let the story begin!

I'm Rocky Rickaby, 23 years old. I work for Mitzi May, the owner of the Little Daisy café. Today, she's sent me to meet with captain Kehoe, a bootlegger who uses his boat to regularly provide shipments of liquor for the Little Daisy's hidden speakeasy: the Lackadaisy.

Seeing the bootlegger's boot approach, I get out of Miss May's car, and walk towards the muddy riverbank.

Me: "Captain Kehoe! How's Old Muddy Miss treating you this fine day?"

Kehoe: "Ducky."

Me: "Glad to hear it. Ah, concerning your cargo - if I could get the where and when..."

Kehoe: "Tomorrow. After midnight. Entrance to the English cave. And whatever quarrel you have, settle it here. I don't want it on my hands."

Wondering what he meant by those last two sentences, I turn around, seeing Avery, Avril and Emery, three local pig farmers that run their own bar with speakeasy. "Oh hell." I quietly mutter to myself.

"You? Again?" Avril, the oldest and biggest of the three bellows, as they start advancing on me.

Me: "C'mon! Just how much liquor do you need to sustain that riverside shanty you call an establishment?"

Avril: "ALL OF IT. Didn't you swallow enough teeth the last time we talked about this?"

Me: "As a matter of fact, I did...but I bet I still have more than y--"

My sentence gets cut short as Avril pulls me forward by my tie, causing my right eye to collide with his fist. The pain, along with the threat of the three of them surrounding me wipe the grin off my face. Avery and Emery each grab one of my arms, as Avril takes hold of my tie once more. They drag me towards their car, an old truck.

As the two younger brothers let go of my arms to open the rear compartment of their truck, I try running away from the trio. I don't get very far, however. After a few steps, a sharp tug at my neck pulls me backwards and causes me to fall down on my back. Desperate to get out of the situation, I'd forgotten about Avril holding onto my tie, which now functioned as a leash. Laying there trying to regain my senses, I hear the doors of the rear compartment swing open.

Still not fully aware of my surroundings, I get dragged to my feet by Avril, and roughly bent over the truck, my head and torso inside of the rear compartment, and my butt sticking out. He easily pins me down with one hand, as he starts fumbling with the buttons holding up his overall.

His two brothers take hold of me from either side once more, freeing his second hand and allowing him to quickly drop his overall to the floor. "W...what are you...doing?" I manage to softly ask. They stay quiet as Avril takes off his belt.

Avril: "Beatin' you didn't seem to get the message through, so we're gonna try sometin' else."

With that, my pants along with my underwear get shoved down, and my tail gets yanked up. Before I can protest, Avril whips my ass fiercely with his belt, causing me to scream out in pain. Tears well up in my eyes as he brings it down a second time. I cry out loud, as Avril repeatedly whips my butt with his broad, leather belt, red marks appearing all over, visible even throughout my fur.

This treatment goes on for about five minutes, which seems like an eternity to me. As the lashes finally stop, I can feel his large hand slam down on my tender ass, making me cry out even louder than before.

Avril: "That was the starter. Now it's time for the main course."

As I look behind me, I see him dropping his pants, revealing his hard cock. In one fierce thrust he lodges his entire length in me, ravaging my virgin asshole and making me scream out in pain once more. "Scream louder, it turns me on." He remarks, as he begins roughly fucking my ass, pumping his large member in and out of me at a rapid pace, eliciting a pained groan from me with every jab.

As quickly as they began, his thrusts abruptly end. Through my tear-filled eyes I see Avery's hand on Avril's chest, halting him. In between my incoherent sobs and snicks, I only catch a little of their conversation.

Avril: "...your turn!"

Avery: "Ya can't let us wait like this.......fun at the same time!"

Avril: "Fine, lift him onto the truck. You're lucky we got rid of that pig this morning."

As Avril told them to, Avery and Emery get in the rear compartment and pull me onto the truck by my arms. Avril gets on as well, stepping over me and taking a seat against the driver's cabin.

Avril: "Change of plans, darlin'. Instead o' me giving your ass a nice long poundin', you're gonna get over here and ride me. Either that, or we can just shoot'cha and go home, but where's the fun in that, eh?"

I look up at Avril, sitting against the driver's cabin with his pants down and his large tool still erect. Swallowing my pride, I crawl over to him, turn around and squat over his cock. "I ain't got all day!" He yells, as he pulls me down by my hips, impaling myself on his dick once more. I let out another weak cry of pain.

Avril: "Start movin' yer hips if you want to live, darling'."

He licks my neck broadly, as I slowly lift myself off his shaft, then force myself back down on it. Suddenly, both my hands are grabbed, and get placed upon two hard members on either side of my head. Avery and Emery had both stripped down, and were expecting to get serviced by me.

Slowly, I start forming a rhythm, bouncing up and down Avril's cock as I pump the other brothers' tools. The scent of the musk, combined with the rough treatment my ass was receiving are enough to make my body betray me, my own dick visibly hardening and my groans of pain quickly turning into moans of pleasure.

Emery: "Hey, look! He's enjoyin' this!"

Avril: "A little too much, if yah ask me."

Avery: "Do you guys need much longer?"

Avril: "Not me."

Emery: "Open your mouth, cum dumpster!"

Too far lost in pleasure, I obediently open my mouth.

Avril: "Take it all, bitch."

With that, all three of them start cumming, Avery and Emery covering my face and filling my mouth, while Avril is pumping my ass full of his jizz. Squirt after squirt hit my face, matting my fur, some of it starting to form a pool on my tongue in my mouth.

As soon as they all finish, Avery holds his hand over my mouth and Emery pinches my nose shut. "Swallow." They both say in unison. My last bit of resistance breaking, I swallow their spunk and start masturbating fervently.

My hands quickly get pulled off my cock by Avril, who holds them behind my back. "I know som'tin better tah do with that." He says, sliding out from underneath me.

Avery and Emery watch as he grabs my ankles with one hand and slides the other under my ass. He lifts up my butt and my legs, forcing me to lean on my neck and shoulders for support. My feet quickly bump against the driver's cabin, giving me another source of support.

In that position, with my cock directly above my face, he roughly shoves two fingers in my abused and cum-covered asshole. His other hand moves to my member, and starts stroking it furiously.

It doesn't take me long to cum from this stimulation, covering my face in large amounts of my own cum, coating any spots the Avery and Emery might have missed. Once my orgasm dies down, Avril drops me down on my ass, the rough landing on my already aching butt making me yelp. He grabs my tie once more, and drags me off of the truck. With a "smack", I fall down onto the ground. Exhausted as I am, I make no effort to move from my position, face down in the mud.

"Let's give him a parting gift." I hear one of the three say, no longer concerned with details as who was talking. All three of them surround me. Pointing their flaccid cocks towards me, they all start pissing on me, covering my suit and my fur in their warm, smelly piss and making the mud I'm laying in even more fluid, causing more of it to get on the bottom of my suit and my face.

One by one, the streams of piss start dying down, the final one continuing to soak my head several seconds after the other two have stopped. As soon as the stream ends, they step away from me and start getting dressed.

Avril: "Next time we meet, it'll be a horse fucking yer' sweet ass instead o' me. And don' forget, we know where that friend of yours, Calvin and his mom live. Wouldn't want anytin' to happen to them, now would ya?"

I weakly shake my head no, causing my chin to get covered in even more mud.

Avril: "Good boy."

With that, they step inside of their truck and drive off, leaving me in a puddle of piss and mud, with an extremely dirty costume, a face full of cum, my ass still slightly gaping, not to mention the black eye.