I'm Fixing to get a new pet

Story by Mace Black on SoFurry

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when you dont ready what you are sighing you can end up in truble

I'm Fixing To Get A New Pet

by tannim

May 22, 2012

"It's just the standard over eighteen declaration. Sign it and you can have my attention." Mace handed the paper to the not exactly tall but certainly not short human man.

The black, mostly black, furred wolf was very obviously aroused standing there and he was looking forward to a very interesting day and his guest. Robert had kept him waiting as the man thought being late would make him more seem important. Really, it just made Mace happier. Hurried paperwork was always skimmed over rather than read and, judging by the human's own erection, Robert was in quite a hurry to get started.

Robert looked down at the rather wordy looking page, shrugged and signed it. He was far too busy thinking about other things than legal crap that didn't have anything to do with anything. After thinking all day about getting some wolf cock at last, the delay was rather annoying.

"What do you need a declaration for, anyway, are you filming it?"

"Of course. I know you'll want a copy and I always keep at least one for myself. Especially for handsome men like you." There wasn't a hint of sarcasm in Mace's voice.

He did like the man's brown black hair and green eyes. Robert body was nice enough too. The man wasn't a body builder and didn't have every muscle visible on his body, but his belly wasn't too round and his face wasn't too fat either. Just a fine combination of in shape and not overdoing it in either direction. His clothes were rather unpleasant with a smart ass sarcastic message on the shirt, which wasn't really a turn on, but they weren't important either as they wouldn't be on long since Rob had signed the paper.

"Yeah, that'll do it." Mace tucked the paper away into a nearby drawer. "Let's get you out of those clothes and get me into something tight and manly."

Robert pursed his lips and followed the wolf into another room. There was a seat with straps on it against one wall. An array of fetish toys, including very attractive equine and canine dildos, lay on shelves along the opposite wall. A thick exercise mat lay on the floor and in general, the room looked just like what he'd expected for a furry brothel sex room. Even the camera with tripod on wheels was about right. He was going to do it. He was going to have his first time with a non-human and the room was about perfect.

"I don't see any lube." Robert sounded a bit breathless as asked. He took his shirt and pants off without waiting for an answer and let his eyes roam Mace's bare body. "You furs are lucky not having to wear clothes all the time... then again, so am I getting to look at it." The man finally noticed the lube on a table near the door. He couldn't resist. "Lift your tail while you get the lubricant, I want to get a good look at your ass," After a moment of thought, Rob smirked and added, "Sir."

Mace rubbed his dick and did indeed lift his tail as asked. He was technically supposed to be the top, but he knew Robert from plenty of online chatting. The man wanted to be in control. A real power bottom. That was fine. It made him rather easy to predict as well as rather careless. Mace swished his tail with it held nice and high. There was no reason not to enjoy showing off for his bossy human sub.

With his tail up, he also showed off his little surprise. Rob's "hey!" was rather cute, he thought. Mace took his time selecting lubricants just to show off the perky canine vulva just behind his scrotum. It was moist and swollen with arousal and he was amused by his sub's sudden discomfort.

"Whoa, you're a fucking tranny?!" There was a bit of disgust in the man's voice

"No, I'm not a tranny. I am a hermaphrodite. I have a cunt, too, it's all good." Mace picked up the bottle and popped the top. "Don't worry, my dick works just as well as any Male's would."

"I'm not interested in bitches... sir." Robert couldn't stop staring at it until the wolf turned. "Fine, whatever. I just want your cock, anyway. I guess it'll be good to expand to herms too, heh."

Mace nodded happily as he walked over. "Yep. Alright, pet, on your hands and knees now. Get that ass up high."

Robert didn't even hesitate. Both knees dropped down to the mat and the man sucked in great gulps of air to try to slow his excitement. It helped a little in that his heart beat slowed just a bit. Between his legs, his rather average seven inch dick swayed in time to that same heartbeat. It was all he could do not to jump at the cool lube being spread around his well cleaned anal ring moments later.

Mace was rather rough smearing it on. He was just as rough stuffing the finger in, too. They both enjoyed that slight ache, whether giving it or receiving. It went on for a little longer than necessary, though, and by the time Mace finished, Robert was getting impatient. Rob did love feeling the wolf's finger fur and pad rubbing the slick stuff in, but he wanted to get started before time ran out.

"Come on, that's enough, I want your cock stuffed in me. Now."

"Just one more thing." The camera was flipped on and aimed, Mace gripped Robert's hips and pressed wedged tip to slick fleshy ass. "I was trying to be NICE."

He punctuated the last word with a sudden jab of his dick. It was fun watching the man arch his back at the ache of sudden sexual servitude. When Robert's felt Mace's dick not as wide as he'd expected, he sagged to the ground in relief. The wolf just slapped his ass for fun.

"I may start off a bit thinner than you humans, but after a few moments pounding your hole, I'll be stretching you right out, just like you want." Mace slid in four inches or so before pulling slowly out again. "How do you want it? Gentle and steady or rockin' fast and deep?"

Rob stiffened with the length sliding ever deeper. His, more or less, master was definitely longer than a man! Stiffer too, with that bone in his dick. He tried to relax his colon to make room for it, but all he did was squeeze some pre out of Mace. The black wolf's member felt like it was skewering him. After a few thrusts, it felt like it was ripping him apart AND skewering him.

He'd never felt a canine's dick swell from stiff to really full and stiff before. Nor had he felt a knot swelling at the base of a dick and bump against his ring each time it was stuffed in. That bump grew rapidly, too, until Mace had to hold his hips with both hands to keep him steady. Robert grunted loudly each time, his ass stretched wider for the dick then wider still for knot.

Thoughts of Mace being thinner than a human were long gone. He was easily as thick and a bit thicker than Rob himself. A stupid grin formed on the man's face. Finally, a non-human was fucking him. Everything was different than with another man and that very exoticism was exactly what he was after. Even when Mace leaned over and lightly pinched his neck between his jaws, it was great.

The knot pounded his ass. The wedged tip spurted pre constantly as though he were endlessly ejaculating inside. The Wolf let go with his jaws and pushed down on Robert's back, forcing his right cheek firmly into the mat. Rob had let go of control, more or less, and took it all. Mace's knot strained his hole to near tearing before popping in and he took every bit of his master's dick. Tears ran down his face from the agony of his first knot. Perfect.

"Shiiiiit!" The man's voice was trembling from pain.

His as felt ready to burst and that near tearing sensation had grown until he was sure it had. That pain wasn't going away, either. It grew with his insides having to make room for a still slightly growing bulge. All the veins on Mace's dick stood out clearly, making for a very rough texture. There was a bit of pleasure, but for the first twenty seconds, it was only waves of terrible ache washing over him with each movement from his first knotting.

"FUCK that hurt! You didn't have to jam it in so hard!"

Mace smiled at the man's obvious discomfort, his sub wouldn't forget that in a hurry! His hands roamed much of Rob's body, for the next few minutes of thrusting, but he never once touched the human's needy erection. The inch or so of space behind his knot slid easily in and out and he ground himself hard against Robert's prostate, enjoying knowing it was probably milking the human a bit in time to his lupine pleasure.

His own pleasure built quickly with his sub's ass struggling to push him out. Rapid clenches stroked along his knot and cock even when he didn't work his hips and quickly pushed him to orgasm. Mace's hips tugged hard at the tie the closer he got and he gave a brutal yank that made Robert yell in agony before he gave in to the pleasure and went still to spill his seed.

As bestial as his constant stream of pre had been, his semen and orgasm were almost the same as a human in texture, if a bit longer in length. Jets of sticky thick semen spattered into Rob's insides to mix with the copious pre until his peak ran out. Ten full spurts of goodness into the man, followed soon by a clear postcum weakly spurting in until a bit of his fluids leaked out around his knot.

Mace ran his claws down his sub's back when his afterglow finally faded. "Mmm... Fast and deep. Good choice." The wolf panted for several seconds, groaning a bit when his sub's ass clenched particularly well a few times. "I have some fun planned for us after we untie, too. You're going to... ung, damn... well, it'll be something to get your rocks off too. Among other things."

Robert's own dick dribbled a thin stream of cum to the mat despite having not been so much as brushed against throughout their sex. Thoughts weren't really flowing too well as he was getting somewhat frustrated. His mind focused on the mention of getting his rocks off and he turned to look back at his master.

"It'd better be. Why didn't you rub me off?"

"You wouldn't appreciate what's coming up as much if I made you come NOW." Mace slapped the human's buttocks and stepped over him before standing, his ass to Rob's. He grunted in discomfort at Robert's weight tugging at the tie too hard. "Up, boy, up. lets get you over to the other room."

Robert had little choice but to awkwardly push himself up and follow his master. "This'd better be good."

It was even more awkward walking with no real idea where he was going as he had to walk backward, but Mace soon had him in the other room. The tile floor had a drain in the middle with a fairly plain gynecology style chair, complete with those stirrups for the feet, near it. In his lust, Rob didn't put up a fight when his master took his arms and pushed them into black shackles he hadn't noticed on the black leather.

"That's all we can do until my knot goes down."

"Why the straps?"

"I prefer to think, why NOT straps? They give you that sweet helpless feeling that makes sex so much more powerful." Mace tightened the straps a bit more, then nodded. "And they keep pesky subs in place so much better during use."

"There'd better be some use... my balls are turning blue. You can't rub me off a little while we wait for... whatever this is?"

The wolf bent to rub between their legs. His balls rubbed against Robert's, but so did his cunt. The soft V-shaped lips pressed into the man's sack and perineum but he didn't even notice with Mace holding their balls cupped together in his hand.

"Yeah... that's better. UNNNG, Hey, stop pulling! It's too big to come, ERRRG, Out!"

Mace grit his teeth as force-ably popping out while still too big was uncomfortable, but he didn't stop tugging. He let go of the human's balls and stepped forward as his knot suddenly popped free with quite a loud wet sucking noise. Robert was no size queen, but his ass could open wide enough when forced, it seemed.

The wolf rubbed it and turned to look at his sub teary eyed sub. "There, Now we can get down to the real fun part. Having my new pet human properly fixed."

Through the tears of pain from his still badly aching anus, Rob felt something was wrong "What?" He didn't fight Mace adjusting the straps to give them some slack. He didn't even fight when he was gently pressed onto the chair. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Adjusting the cuffs back into proper rigid locked positions and binding the man's ankles to the stirrups, Mace didn't answer. The fact that Robert still hadn't put up much of a fight showed how ignorant he was of what the term fixed meant for a sexual situation. Only when Robby was bound tightly in place did his master answer.

"I'm going to cut your testicles off as any responsible pet owner should do. The human population is far out of control, they won't miss one such as yourself." Mace nodded dismissively at the response, predictably against the operation. "Oh don't worry, it's quite legal. You signed the contract AND gave me power of attorney in doing so. Well, close enough to it that you may as well have." He growled softly, almost purring with it's tempo. "Scream for help all you like, it won't help. I plan to make this even more memorable than your knotting, too."

Mace dug a small syringe out of a nearby drawer while Robert struggled against his bonds. Without even a full inch of slack, though, he couldn't do anything other than making his wrists raw. The human's mind raced, trying to find a way out, a few furs came into the room after his yelling. They didn't really respond to his begging for help, having seen the document already signed.

His master brought his attention back to him instead when the sudden stinging feeling blossomed in his right nut. Robert stared in horror at the small needle stabbed into it. It hurt a lot and Mace still didn't tell him what it was or press the plunger. The wolf just frowned and pulled the painful needle out. Any relief was short lived. That painful thin bit of metal was firmly stabbed in in a different spot on the same nut.

"STOP THAT! Get away from me you disgusting ... bitch! Don't just stand there, help me!"

Addressing the last bit to the slowly growing audience didn't help him at all. Others from the whore house just crossed their arms and let the show happen. Tears ran more freely down his face from the agony of the needle again poking in. He could tell that his master was enjoying himself, even through the blur of tears. Why wouldn't they stop it?!

Mace pulled the needle out once again, tapping the testicle roughly as though trying to find the right spot. "So you don't get too bad a shape, I'll give you a hint of anesthetic. If I can find a good place to inject it anyway. I don't want you to pass out without permission after all." The wolf squeezed the man's testicles far too roughly to isolate the narrow end of it where the top of the cord connected and smiled. "Here, I think this is a good spot."

Robert had only grunted at the rough squeeze. He let out a panicked yell when mace pushed the needle through the tough tissue of his spermatic cord's anchor. The yell turned into a frantic STOP! as it kept going deeper into the nut meat itself again. Such a thin bit of metal. Robby had never considered how bad something stabbing his ball could feel.

"You can scream freely you know. You don't have to hold it in for concern about my ears." For fun, Mace pulled the needle fully out and once again re-seated it, just a few millimeters further along and jammed it in once more. The speed made it hurt less, but his pet human's mind supplied that pain for him and his face turned a light shade of red from the strain, even as the wolf tapped the plunger to inject a half drop of the local. "And that's one."

Mace gave it a playful swat, then took the needle out, leaving Rob with an agonized expression on his face. The second nut was treated almost the same. He did play it slightly nicer, with only three random insertions before going through the tough cord like he had with the first one. Rob sobbed at the pain and his master was impressed at the lack of screaming.

"I could have dragged that out a bit more, but a good owner doesn't torture his pets. I'll be good after the surgery, anyway." The wolf pat the nuts and set the needle aside. "It gets more technical from here, but I'll explain what I'm doing as I do it as long as you keep watching. If you don't keep watching, well, I can bring the needle back, though it's empty now." Pulling a scalpel out of the drawer he cupped the pain filled fleshy nuggets. "Are you going to watch?"

Robert could hardly see through the blur of tears and he wasn't too grateful when they were wiped away. Seeing the sharp blade so close to his balls was probably too much to hope that it wasn't really happening. The needle could have been just cruelty and there was still a little chance that his master was bluffing, but that chance was gone when Mace pressed the tip to his scrotum and sliced once through the bottom over his left nut, there was no denying it anymore.

The pain wasn't as terrible as Robert had expected. A dull burning sensation was all there was. Mace hadn't cut into his testicle meat and the scalpel had been quite sharp. The burning grew into a nasty stinging, but hardly worse than a paper cut in its own way. It was only when the blade cut the hole wider and nicked his delicate jewel that the man jerked hard enough to shake the chair.

His eyes were wide with more tears running from them. His fingers dug into his hands to fight the pain. His master just kept working, cutting again, nicking again until the hole was wide enough to pop the testicle through. There was hardly any blood at first. By the time he squeezed the nut out, though, there was a fair amount on the seat and his hand.

Robert wanted to faint at feeling the pads rough on his nut. They stroked the raw flesh with even the slightest movement and felt like rubbing broken glass all over them. He wanted to look away, but his body wouldn't let him. All he could do was stare at Mace using a surgical clamp to crush his spermatic cord and shut off the blood supply. Watch the scalpel descend again. The blade sawing through the tough tissue... the testicle being set in a clean bowl sat on the arm by one of the others watching.

"Good boy, Robby! You did as you were told! Such a good boy!" Mace praised but didn't pat his human.

He simply picked up a caustic stick and held it in place to make sure the bleeding would stop before releasing the clamp so that he could move to the right nut. A quick slit through that one had the man hyperventilating trying to stop the pain. Still no scream, but that wasn't a bad thing. It wasn't really important, fixing his pet, however, was.

The hole formed easily, despite using small cuts and pressing in a bit deeper than needed. Mace popped the nut out and rolled it around in his hand just as he had the first. Rob was going to remember his castration, just like he was going to remember his knotting.

One last cut and the nut squeezed out the slightly too small hole. There was a little tearing, but he ignored it as he clamped and cut. The bowl had a full pair and the wolf had his gelding, after a quick bit of stitching anyway.

It was basically sewing, but the needle went through Robert's scrotal flesh rather than through fabric. Stitching hurt quite a bit less than the actual castration, but it still hurt a lot. The man's face was beet red, his eyes were wide, and he was sweating heavily. It was just as well that the wolf had gotten fairly swift at sewing. Even with the hint of anesthetic, his pet looked ready to pass out.

Mace tugged at the final stitch, then heard the full brown sobbing when the man finally gave up to that pain. It wasn't screaming, but it was still a loud response to the traumatic ordeal. The wolf finished tying off the stitch, then stood and praised his new pet.

"Such a good boy. Who is a good boy?" He didn't mind the stereotypical nonsense. That was part of the fun of making the human his pet. His human was covered in sweat and both legs and arms were shaking while he let out the pain. Mace unbound him and easily lifted him up. "Come on, lets get you to your nice kennel to rest."

The kennel was a nice enough place. Run by anthros, it was occupied almost exclusively by pet humans. There were two non-humans, both canine, as a sort of mascot to keep the new healing pets calmer by example. Not all of the pets were male, seven were female and all were kept naked, even during winter, as the building was heated.

Robert healed steadily over the next week. Every day, Mace came in to see him and every day he had to discipline his new pet to receive proper obedience. The human was quite resentful over the forced castration and virtual enslavement. Rob spoke in harsh tones and tried to get the upper hand in everything, but the spankings and rather thorough whippings worked out most of that aggression.

As his male hormones diminished, Rob's hostility eased too. He grew more submissive and willing to take orders, though he did still fight some things. Mace had to bind his hands a bit when he tugged at too much at the stitches in his empty scrotum. Masturbation was fine, but interrupting the healing process was a bad thing.

By the time those stitches came out. Robert was obeying himself for the most part during public walks. Outside he was even allowed to wear shorts, or pants if it was cold. No shirt, though. His bare chest was there for anybody to see while he walked with his head down.

When it was time to take his still resentful pet home, Mace had a nice home coming planned for him. A tour of the house and yard, a bath, and then some nice private time with his pet. They were going to be good friends... eventually.

When they arrived, the first thing Robert saw was a bowl on the floor with his 'new' name on it. It was just the short version of his old name, but even that reinforced his new position in life. There were fruits in it. Nothing but fruit. There was also a bowl of tea next to it for him to drink from. His master had apparently decided to make him eat healthy, like the good owner he was.

"Well, here's your new home, Rob. We're inside. Shorts off in the house." Mace hung the leash on a hook, with his pet human still hooked to it.

Rob didn't tug at it, he just stood there after stripping his shorts off. His head hung appropriately down. His dick hung down too, completely flaccid. His scrotum looked deflated and quite hard to see against his groin without looking for it. He was almost a perfect pet, and even looked up when his master came back in.

"Now, you had your first knotting the day I had you fixed. Well, now that you're home. Let's get you your second knotting." Mace squirted lubricant onto one hand and took the leash off. "Heel, on all fours, come on. Don't glare at me like that, you know you wanted it before and I'm pretty sure you like the idea now." The wolf squeezed Robert's stiffening dick. "THIS says you want me up your ass again and I'm pleased."

"Yeah... I bet..." Rob muttered but let himself be coaxed into the mounting position anyway.

He really did want to be bred again. It had been a long time since he'd had any sexual attention beyond his own hand. There had been some other pets mounted at the kennel, but not him. They had been oddly embarrassing to watch, even if they did arouse him greatly.

His ass clenched when the wolf stuffed a well slicked finger right in. Mace grunted at the tightness clenched around his finger and scrubbed around harder. Rob had definitely gone too long without any use!

The sudden rough anal servitude left Robert aching badly. He tried to relax his ring better, but his master didn't make that easy. A second digit was pushed in just a few seconds after the first, roughly forcing him open too quickly to adjust. A third pushed in moments later, followed by all three spreading his ring wider still.

His master's fingers strained to hold him wide enough to squirt more cold lubricant in. It made his ass clench hard enough to pop the wolf's fingers out until they shoved right back in for another squirt. There had probably been enough already just from the furred fingers, but apparent his owner didn't think so.

Mace leaned down, enjoying the slightly open hole and, especially, the lack of anything hanging down under it. Humans did look better without a pair of nuts hanging between their legs. He smiled happily and knelt to slip his cock all the way in up to his hips. Mace's still very much full scrotum brushed against Rob's inner thighs and he officially welcomed his pet to their new home with a very firm shafting. So tight. So willing to push back into it. So loud when the knot popped in once more.