The Best Man

Story by ScaleMaster on SoFurry

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The Best Man "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" The alarm clocked screamed through the bedroom. On the bed awoke a startled dragon, dressed in red fiery scales, that would make you think he tasted like cinnamon. He reached his hand over to the clock to shut it up. The sound of it always made him cringe with distaste. Even if he heard a radio commercial or a movie, or a TV show with that blaring alarm clock he would squint his eyes in pain. He was, as you can tell, not a morning dragon. The red dragon rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked at the alarm clock which displayed 12:01pm. He had spent the previous night planning his friend;s bachelor party that was scheduled for today, and didn't go to bed until very late that night. After dressing himself and brushing his teeth, he walked into the kitchen and poured him some juice that was in the fridge. He was around 7' tall and was pretty well built. He was proud of his body, and the way his pecks curved around his chest, which made the ladies turn their heads as well. He head 2 horns that came out of the back of his head and arched in pearl that topped him off. Knock - Knock - Knock came a beating at the door. "Eh man! Open up!" The red dragon recognized the voice immediately and opened the door with a smile, "Hey what's up Cinaed?" "Not a lot Robert, just making sure your awake for my big day" He said striking a supermodel pose and sporting his bright white teeth. Cinaed was a 5' 8" tall tan bunny anthro that got mad when you called him a bunny, but would rather be referred as, "Deh Bunneh" He has blue eyes and shoulder length blond hair, pulled back into a ponytail. He was quite muscular as well, and was a complete, "Stud" with the ladies "What do you take me for Cin? I won't miss that! I just want to spend time with you in your last moments of freedom as a single guy" Robert said chuckling. All of Cinaed's friends called him Cin for short, which didn't bother him. Both of them went inside Robert's house and ate some left over pizza from a couple of nights before. The sun shined its golden rays through the dining room window on the old wobbly table and 2 lawn chairs they were sitting in. "So Rob, what's this thing you got planned for tonight?" Cin said, knowing damn good and well it was a secret, because he had asked countless times before. "If you keep asking me, I will just cancel the whole thing" Cin laughed and replied, "Well who else is coming then?" "Just Jose" Cin nodded and ate more cold pizza. Jose was an anthro fox that was another one of their good friends. Not as well built as Cin or Robert, but not to shabby. He had bright orange-red fur that covered his body and stood a whopping 5' 2" off the ground. All the jokes had been exhausted about his height, now they just made fun of him for being a dancer, but he wasn't gay, he was straight as an arrow, just like Cin. Robert on the other hand was bi sexual, but he had a female preference most of the time. Jose had come later that day and they all hung out watching the game before their big night began. Jose was known to, "Spoil" surprises, so he was not given the privilege of knowing what Robert had in store. As you gathered from above, it was Cinaed's Bachelor party. He was getting married in 4 days and wanted to have one last blast before he said those bonding words that would suck his freedom and life right out of him, "I Do" 8:00pm rolled around and the guys just got done dressing themselves and getting ready to go. Jose wore a Black and Red horizontally striped collar shirt and khaki cargo pants. Cinaed wore his leather pants, that he loves so much, and a white sleeveless shirt covered by a light Leather Jacket. Robert wore a Plane white T-shirt and blue jeans, and sported a black nylon jacket to top it off. They all headed out to the car that closely resembled the "Murf Mobile" from Wayne's World. Cin was nearly out of his seat the entire way as Robert drove them to his party. It was about a 20 min drive, and they just got done listening to some music when they pulled up. "Holy shit! You are kidding me! We are going to the BlackBox?!?" He said as his eyes glowed in amazement. The BlackBox was a VIP Style strip club that not everyone could get in. Robert just happened to know someone, that knew someone else that worked there and would let Robert and some of his friends to have a night out. "Dude you are best, that's why you are going to be my best man!" "Whoa me? A-are you sure?! I mean, thanks!" Robert was astounded by the fact that he would be Cin's best man. They all piled out of the car and made their way to the door where a crowed of people gathered. Robert went up to the bouncer and told him his name and who was in his party. The bouncer nodded his head which signaled the other 2 bouncers to let them pass. They walked foreword and the doors parted open. The bass from the techno music beat inside their chest and flashing purple and blue lights nearly blinded their eyes. "Oh man! I can't believe this!" Jose said as he looked at a couple of table dancers giving other furrs in the room a lap dance. The Black box was known the have the hottest girl dancers in the immediate 100 mile area. People from all over the country would come to see this place in action. All 3 of them walked to a nearby table and tried to fit in with the other people that you could tell were "regulars" there. About a minute or two later, Robert caught site of a furr bartender that worked there. She was a very slim and extremely hot. Robert could tell she was an anthro cat with snow white fur, and noticed her red tank top that supported her perfect breast. He also noticed that her nipples are poking through her shirt and he became a little aroused and kept looking at her. She walked from table to table giving people their orders and she shoved her tips in her tight red short-shorts. Robert became startled when she looked at him, and he reacted by turning his head away like he wasn't looking at her, but she noticed him and just smiled and walked toward them. Her furry feet hit the floor like a feather and she walked over to them and eyed Robert with a smile, "Hey cutie" She said winking, then looked at the other 2 guys, who were staring at her as well, with their jaws dropped. "Can I get you all anything to drink?" "Uh yeah, Give us 3 Coors please" Jose said, noticing that no one else was paying attention to what she said, only her perfect figure. She looked at Jose, "You got it!" She said enthusiastically and smiled and turned. Before she made it all the way around, she winked at Robert again and her long white tail brushed against his face lightly. Robert became transfixed on her perfume and sighed when she walked off to get the beers. It wasn't about 3 minutes later when she came back with 3 ice cold bottles of Coors. "Can I get you anything else?" She said staring at them. They didn't say anything because they didn't want to make a slip and sound dumb, and they all just shook their heads. She smiled again and said, "My name is Kitty, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me over!" and she walked off. Robert just stared at her shorts as it molded to her curves around her ass. "Kitty" Robert said to himself, but loud enough were Cin could hear it. "I think she likes you bro" He said nudging Roberts arm and laughing. "Nah, she is just doing her job" Robert said trying not to get his hopes up. The night passed by quickly for them. Jose and Cin were in a separate part of a club getting their own private show. Most of the people had left and there were only three or four other guys sitting at the tables. It was late, around 1:30am and the place was closing up. Robert had his share of lap dances and was ready to go home and paw himself off, but all the quickly changed when he heard a voice from behind him, "Hey lone-some, need some company?" He turned quickly and it was Kitty standing there smiling" She said smiling and moving over to a vacant chair, but not sitting in it. Robert was stunned by this, mostly from seeing her again and being a little tipsy from his 4th round. "Oh I wouldn't want you to pull you away from your work ma'am" She smiled a cute little grin and sat down, "Nah everyone else is either getting a lap dance or in the bathroom stalls. I am pretty much done for the night, plus we have other bartenders." Robert smiled and nodded his head and took down the last swig of beer. "Well I am Robert, and the other two guys you see over there are Jose, and Cinaed. We are at Cinaed's bachelor party" He said pointing to them as he called out their names She looked at them and smiled, then turned her attention back to Robert, "Well Robert, are you new around here? I have never seen you before." Robert nodded and they continued their conversation on how they both ended up at the club, talking a little about their past and things. Robert couldn't help but looking at her eyes. Oh her beautiful eyes. Her eyes glistened in the club's lights like sapphires and he couldn't help but gaze into them. But she didn't mind, she had made it apparent that she had interest for him as well. The continued their conversation for about an hour when she said, "Well Robert it was nice meeting you, but I better call a cab and be getting home" "No need to take a cab Jacqueline, I can take you home" Jacqueline was her real name, Kitty is just what she used as her Play Name at work. "What about your friends?" She looked at him turn his head and gaze at the two horny furrs getting their lap dances. "They can take a cab, they probably want to stay a bit more. It will be alright, don't worry." Robert said, hoping she would say yes, just so he could spend more time with his new friend. She nodded and went to the bar and got her purse and coat and they walked outside to his car and got in. They drove out of the parking lot and got on the freeway. She guided him to her home which was about 5 miles from the bar and they pulled up in front of her house. The car came to a halt and they looked at each other. "Well Jacqueline, it was nice meeting you" Robert said with a soothing voice. His scales glistened from the street light and made him seem to glow a bit around the face. She nodded and paused for a moment, "Do you want to come inside? I owe you a cup of coffee or something for taking me home? Please, it will make me feel better if I repay you somehow." Robert knew where this was leading, and had no intention of letting it slip by. He nodded to her and they got out of the car and strolled up to the door. She got out her keys and opened it into a nice big open living room with an entertainment center, big leathery sofas and recliners, and a hallway lined with pictures and things that led to the bedrooms and bathrooms. "Wow you have a nice home. If you don't mind me asking, why don't you have a car? You seem to be well off" Robert said laying his car keys on the marble countertops in the kitchen. "They are too much trouble, I would rather take a cab to work or wherever I go each day, it's easier." She said and took of her coat and revealed her red tank top again. She walked over to the coffeemaker and began mixing water and coffee grounds into it and switched it on. About 10 minutes later they were sitting at the dining room table, with only the overhead light on, sipping their coffee and talking and laughing about things. "I have a confession to make Jackie" Robert said and smiled, "You are very beautiful, and I have to admit I like you." Hey eyes glistened and she blushed a bit, "I like you too. You are different from the other guys that come into the club and just look at me as if I am some piece of ass that they want to stick the dick in" "Wow, you are a good kisser" She said smiling, licking her lips "You are good yourself" He said blushing a bit With that comment there was no turning back, and neither of them wanted too. Jackie got up and grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his seat. They walked through the poorly lit house and made their way through the hallway into her bedroom. She turned around and kissed him again, and he kissed back, placing his arms around her and stretching his hands over her furry back. The only light coming in the room was from the outside streetlight peering through the windows. They embraced, lips locked together for a minute or two before she backed slowly the bed and sat down on it, still kissing each other. Robert leaned over her, placing both arms on either side of her thighs for support. She reached behind her back and untied the strap that held on her tank top and let it fall off. Robert broke the kiss and stared at her bare chest and felt himself tightening within his pants, wanting to be released into the open. He took of his shirt, and then his pants and boxers. She did the same with her pants and undergarments. They were about 2 feet apart, both completely naked. She situated her head on the pillows of the bed and spread her legs apart, revealing her tight, wet sex. Upon seeing this, Robert's member tensed up, and then relaxed. He crawled up on the bed and positioned himself over her. She smiled and ran her hands over his lengthy cock which was around 9" in length and was very pink and meaty looking. She massaged up and down his member. His face was above hers and he moved his cock right outside her hole. She moaned a bit as she guided his cock into her open pussy. He pushed into her, all 9" of it and she let out a moan in pleasure. This encouraged him to speed up his thrust. After he was good, yiffy and hard, he laid his scalie body on top of her fur and they kissed again. Little moans and meeps poured out from their mouths and mixed with the sounds of his cock slipping in and out of her sex. They rolled over, where Robert was on bottom and Jackie was on top. She startled him like he was a horse and his cock throbbed in her pussy as she began to go up and down on him, massaging his member with her insides. Her moans broke into, "Uhh's" and "Ooh's" Robert moved his tail to fondle her anus. He tickled her and slowly pushed in, causing her to moan more and more in pleasure. Robert loved the feeling of her warmth around the tip of his tail, and only went in about 2 inches, not enough to hurt her. She took one of her hands and reached around for his testicles that were twitching in rhythm with his member. She massaged them and rubbed them and continued to ride him like there was no tomorrow. Robert took both of his hands and rubbed her chest and tickled her nipples, causing giggles to escape her with the moans. She took one of her hands off his balls and squeezed the base of his cock as she felt her own pussy slam down on her hand and rise back off. Robert closed his eyes and felt his member twitch a load of pre into her. Words like, "Ohh God!" and "Yes! Yes!" escaped their mouths and their climaxes started to build. The pre mixed with her juices and made it seem like his cock was being drenched in a form of sex jelly. The sides of his cock spread her pussy lips apart each time she went down on him. A mixture of both their juices seeped through the tight seal around his pole. Jackie screamed in pleasure and her pussy clenched down on his cock, which caused him to orgasm with her. Robert froze with his hips thrusted upward and his nuts flexed as his member twitched at each salty blow of his dragon cum into her pussy. Jackie rolled her eyes back into her head and she let out a loud squeal of ecstasy. Her juices filled around his cock and dibbled down it. She rode him out for another minute when she pulled off and laid on his chest. Robert felt her boobs press against his chest and he panted, breathing hard with her. The room was still dark and they both laid their, not saying a word, but the little post-sex moans let each other know that they had a really good time. Robert looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, falling asleep. Jackie smiled and cuddled the scalie body in her arms and fell asleep with his arm around hers. Morning came, and the sun beat down on Roberts face and he regained consciousness. He looked around and remembered where he was and how good of a time he had last night with Jackie. But she wasn't in the bed with him. He got up, still naked, but didn't care the slightest. He walked through the partially open doorway and through the hall into the living room. Jackie was cooking breakfast in a long navy blue robe. She giggled at the site of him naked, "Morning love, breakfast?" Robert laughed and nodded, "Smells delicious Jackie" She got done making the breakfast and they both sat down at the table, Robert still butt naked. Jackie had let her robe part down the middle, exposing that she wasn't wearing anything underneath either. They smiled and talked some more and finished their breakfast. Robert helped her clean up the table after they were done they stared at each other again, with that same look they did last night, but one difference, this was out of love. They kissed each other and she ran her hands up and down his bare back and his ass They kissed for a long time and then stopped to catch their breath. "Well hang out for a bit, I have to go take a shower. I usually do it before I go to bed, but well you know." Robert nodded and watched her go down the all into the bathroom. He walked down the hall and stopped at the bathroom door, which was cracked open just enough for him to peer through and see her naked body in the reflection of the mirror. He watched her climb into the shower and saw her through the clear glass doors as water pelted her naked body. He felt his member rise again, and was torn about wanting to invade her privacy. Robert sighed to himself and opened the door.... But that is for another story... * * *

Please take the time to leave comments! They mean alot to me! Thanks! ScaleMaster