Clone 87

Story by Teebo on SoFurry

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This is a follow up to my story "In the Name of Science." I'm not sure how many other stories I plan to write in the 'undersea facility' setting, but apparently it's rife for some weird stuff.

This story itself is © to me. Rikoshi and Atari belong to their respective players.

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It had taken Rikoshi a few weeks to get used to life in the undersea facility run by Professor Kawahito. The young skunk had been a lab intern back on the surface for a few years, and while the new posting was an unusual one, it was undoubtedly an incredible opportunity. It did, however, require a big adjustment to his social life.

The submarine that had brought Rikoshi to the facility in the first place was still around, but he'd never been back aboard it since. Near as the skunk could tell, fresh supplies and new personnel came in on the sub, but not very many people left. Oh, some of the other lab technicians had transferred away, but nobody took vacations, nobody ever went back to see friends or family--heck, nobody had much contact with the outside world at all.

What it all came down do, in the end, was that the working residents of the facility mostly only had each other to socialize with. It wasn't all bad; after all, one could do worse than to be in the company of other intellectual, scientifically minded individuals. Rikoshi did miss his former coworker Anton, though, the (fairly sexy) dingo who'd also worked for the professor before the undersea facility had gone online, but alas, hadn't transferred over to the new team.

The skunk's other coworkers were very nice, though. The lab techs shared a dorm in one part of the facility, and at least once a month they all threw a party that was reminiscent of the kind one would see in college, only with better alcohol and (usually) less hooking up. That was fun and very helpful for when it came to unwinding, but it was still only an occasional thing, and not a complete replacement for a fully functioning social life. Just because someone lived in their workplace didn't mean that they could get by only working and not living.

Thankfully, Professor Kawahito and the lab's administrative staff understood that, and so in addition to allowing for things like parties and other social gatherings, they also provided a very special service in the form of Melbourne the Happy Inflatable Dingo™.

Rikoshi didn't know where Melbourne came from; the skunk had certainly never encountered anything quite like him back up on the surface world. What Melbourne was, in essence, was an actual inflatable dingo, a being made of some type of rubber, filled with air, that nevertheless walked and talked and acted (mostly) like a real person. Presumably, he was one of the laboratory's unique creations, but like most of the things the technicians were working on, there was probably a big market for the likes of Melbourne back in the rest of the world.

Given that the lab discouraged fraternization amongst the employees (it wasn't outright forbidden, but those caught hooking up at the various parties claimed to have been given something of a talking-to afterward), it was clear to see one of the primary roles Melbourne was meant to fulfill. Again, since traffic to and from the surface was extremely limited--and effectively nonexistent for typical employees--certain needs still needed fulfilling, and it was hard for even the most well-mannered stir-crazy lab tech to look at the inflatable dingo and not see the resemblance to a sex doll.

There was only one Melbourne, though, and time with him was a valuable commodity. Laboratory employees had to submit requests for a block of time with him in advance, much like asking for time off, and like asking for time off, that request had to be approved by a supervisor. More 'traditional' lab workers scoffed at the idea at first, but as the months went on, more and more decided that taking certain matters into their own paws wasn't going to suffice forever.

Rikoshi, being the diligent little lab assistant that he was, tried to focus on his work duties as much as possible. Still, the skunk had always been a frisky sort, and it wasn't long before he, too, had put in for some time with Melbourne. The first two times, however, he'd been refused; the only clear answer he'd been able to get as to why was that his current work cycle couldn't afford that kind of distraction.

The third time he'd submitted a request, however, it had been approved, and today was finally the day where he was scheduled to spend a few hours in the company of the laboratory's inflatable dingo.

Those last sixty minutes on the job felt like twice as long, and the skunk only accomplished half as much. At least one of the other lab techs, a slightly older tabby cat whose name Rikoshi thought started with a T or an an S, flashed him knowing looks and actually gave him a thumbs up when the work shift finally came to a close. This was actually it, Rikoshi thought as he checked out with his electronic time card. This was going to happen.

Since the facility employees lived in shared quarters in the dormitories, time with Melboure was conducted in the euphemistically termed "rec room." Rikoshi stood outside the door, holding his breath, unsure what to expect once he got inside. Lingering for too long, however, would result in other employees walking by and seeing what he was about to do, and he was just shy enough that he didn't want the entire lab staff talking.

The door opened with a smooth, seamless whoosh, and the short-statured skunk stepped inside. When he did, the door closed behind him automatically, and all the lights came on. It was a tad bright at first, but the skunk's vision soon adjusted.

The rec room looked like a high-end hotel suite from some kind of science-fiction setting. On one wall was a giant flat-screen viewing panel, and in the corner was a jacuzzi, currently bubbling on a low standby setting. A fridge and mini-bar occupied one wall, and there was a small table with a set of chairs and an unlit fireplace nearby. Built into the opposite wall was a large aquarium, filled with an assortment of fish not normally seen outside the undersea facilities exterior windows. And, of course, over against the back wall was a large, four-poster bed, adorned with elaborate sheets and draperies of silk.

Leaning back in the dead center of the bed was none other than Melbourne. The inflatable dingo wore no clothes, but his form was nevertheless modest. His "fur" pattern reminded Rikoshi vaguely of his former coworker Anton, though Melbourne had more cartoonish accents, such as the sky-blue tips of his ears and the lime green tip of his tail.

His rubber muzzle curled up into a smile. "Hello, Rikoshi," he said in a bubbly, excited voice, his air-filled tail thumping almost silently against the bed sheets. "Come on in. Don't be shy."

That was easier said than done. The skunk did approach closer, sizing up the artificial dog creature, admiring just how much effort and work must have gone into creating it. "Sorry," he said to Melbourne. "I've just never done anything quite like this."

"Maybe not quite like this," Melbourne replied, and while he couldn't wink, he could still smirk. "But I've got a good suspicion that you'll take to it in pretty short order." He patted a puffy paw at the mattress. "Come on up here. I've been instructed to show you a good time."

Rikoshi withheld a chuckle. He had no doubt that Melbourne had gotten very, very good at his job over the last several months tending to the facility's workers. How much of that came from experience and how much came from mental programming, the skunk couldn't guess, not knowing much at all about how Melbourne had even been created. Still, the way that the dingo rolled forward onto his paws to crawl towards him gave the skunk a pretty good idea of his enthusiasm.

"Let's get rid of these," Melbourne said as Rikoshi stepped up to the bed, those thick-fingered paws undoing the skunk's belt before opening up the front of his pants. For being air-filled digits made of rubber, they were surprisingly dextrous, having no difficulty whatsoever in pulling those pants down. The skunk's underwear came next, his white-furred sheath already full and swollen as it came into view. "Oh, see, you like me already," the inflatable dingo murmured, leaning forward to nuzzle the skunk's groin.

The rubber of the dingo's snout was surprisingly warm. It lacked fur like a real dog's muzzle, but it wasn't the cold, lifeless sensation that Rikoshi had been expecting. The skunk sighed happily, leaning his head back, letting Melbourne push his pants and underwear the rest of the way down off of his legs as he continued to nuzzle and nose and lick--

Lick? Rikoshi's eyes shot wide open, and the skunk looked down to where Melbourne was indeed licking away, a warm, wet, bright purple tongue slipping out from his open mouth to lap at the fur of that stiffening sheath. It glistened in the room's light, and it distorted as it moved, as if it were made out of some kind of liquid or semiliquid latex. The skunk tried to theorize more about what it could be, but his body kept him distracted, the black flesh of his shaft soon emerging into the cool air.

Melbourne opened his muzzle wider, and Rikoshi's shaft was wrapped up in that same extra-warm semiliquid sensation. There was suction, but it wasn't like the suction of any normal muzzle the skunk had ever felt. The surfaces of the insides of the inflatable dingo's mouth rippled and undulated in ways that a flesh-and-bone snout never could, and the vibrations of the effervescing gas behind it all made the skunk rise up onto tiptoe with a whimper. A gaseous chirp escaped the dog's nostrils as his rubber lips curled into a slight smirk.

The unique sensation stopped as Melbourne lifted his head back up. "I should be good," he said in a cheerful tone, one that suggested he found nothing wrong or scandalous about what he was doing. "After all, if I get you off too soon, you might be displeased, and the professor wouldn't like that."

Rikoshi chuckled as he peeled his shirt off. "I'm not sure the professor has a vested personal interest in my sex life," he said as he tossed the garment aside, then clambered up onto the bed, naked, to join the dingo.

Melbourne wrapped his arms around the skunk and nuzzled his cheek. "As I said," he whispered in a voice far too sultry for something that wasn't even a real person, "I've been given specific instructions." One of his puffy paws reached down and wrapped around skunk's black cock, the gas pressure in his fingers increasing to help smooth out his grip. Rikoshi whimpered and tucked himself in closer to his inflated lover.

The blow-up dingo really was incredibly warm, very close to the temperature of a real body. The pressure inside of him kept him solid enough to support most of the little skunk's weight, and his tail wagged with a very realistic set of movements. "You're a very nice skunk," he whispered, his free paw stroking up and down the stripes along Rikoshi's back.

"You're a very nice dingo," Rikoshi replied. Talking with Melbourne liked this helped make him feel more real, made it feel less like he was just having a romp with a blow-up doll.

The tan-colored rubber of the dog's cheeks actually took on a red shade for a few moments. "Oh, thank you," he replied, giving Rikoshi a wet latex lick across the nose. "I'm certainly supposed to be very nice."

Rikoshi daringly slipped a paw around to Melbourne's backside and gave it a squeeze. It was rather pert, but it still distended under his bending fingers. The dingo let out an airy giggle. "Oh, do you like how that feels?" the skunk asked, not sure how much the dingo actually felt it or not. To test his theory, he squeezed again, earning another squeak at a slightly different pitch.

"If it's my backside you're after," Melbourne offered, "you're certainly welcome to it." His tail wagged some more, then hiked itself up, the rubber around the base stretching itself taut. Sensing an unstated invitation, Rikoshi let one of his black-furred fingers slip up underneath that tail to feel around; sure enough, that was a smooth little divot just where he expected one would be. The dingo even tilted his head back and let out a hyper-realistic breathy sigh at the touch.

Rikoshi took it upon himself to roll Melbourne over onto all fours, which was disturbingly easy seeing how he was just rubber and air. The dingo giggled and floated a bit before he settled down onto his paws and knees, the gas pressure inside of his body equalizing again so that he'd stay in place atop the mattress. "For such a little skunk, you're certainly very assertive," he said, swishing his green-tipped tall to and fro.

"And you're quite the accommodating lover," Rikoshi replied, paws gripping the dingo's hips as he got up onto his knees. He let his black cock saw back and forth between those perky cheeks, which gave a new definition to the term 'bubble butt.' Predictably now, Melbourne let out a happy squeak-sigh, the air inside his rubbery body seeming to percolate mildly.

The way the drizzle beaded against the smooth, furless curves of Melbourne's backside made Rikoshi gasp in muted pleasure. He ran the tip of his cock back and forth, marveling at the warmth that emanated from the dingo, unsure of where it was coming from and not actually caring that much under the circumstances. One of his thumbs teased at the divot beneath the inflatable dog's tail, rubbing in some of that natural lube, making that tail curl up, the rubber tightening again.

Melbourne reached out with one of his arms and pulled open the top drawer of the nightstand. Retrieving a bottle of lube from within, he rolled it atop the mattress. It stopped within Rikoshi's easy reach. "Here," the dog said. "It's formulated so that it doesn't, ah, dissolve me."

Faint amusement struck Rikoshi as he thought of the planning that must have gone into creating specific Melbourne-safe lube; truly, this was a unique installation to be working at. The skunk popped the cap of the bottle open, then coated his fingers and his dick liberally. Another nice thing, he reflected as he lined up the tip of his cock beneath the base of the dingo's tail, was that he didn't have to worry about using a condom with something that wasn't alive.

Dual sighs filled the air as Rikoshi sank into Melbourne, the rubbery insides smooth and warm, stretching with far more ease than the skunk had ever felt someone stretch before--but then, that made some amount of sense, given that Melbourne wasn't actually a person and didn't need to exhibit the shortcomings of one. His impressively programed personality made him moan with satisfaction, and his rear passage rippled with unique contractions.

"Oh, that's it," Melbourne murmured, pushing his puffy hips back a bit. "I love it when guys mount me like this."

Rikoshi had to wonder how often Melbourne did get mounted; surely, he either washed up or got cleaned out thoroughly between, er, uses, the skunk rationalized. "Do you actually love it, or is that what you're made to think?"

The inflatable dingo let out a squeaky bark. "How would I know better either way?"

The skunk chuckled. "Huh. Good point." He looked down to where his shaft was mostly buried inside that snug, rubbery hole, then reaffirmed his grip on the dingo's hips and began to thrust. The slick lube got warmer with friction, and something inside it made the flesh of Rikoshi's shaft tingle very nicely.

Squeaking filled the room, a combination of the inflatable dog's vocalizations as well as the sounds his body made as Rikoshi fucked him. It was so close to having sex with a real person, and the ways that weren't quite the same were so unique and special that they were more like added bonuses instead of detractions. He could see, now, why time with Melbourne was so highly praised and talked up.

Melbourne hunkered down onto his forearms and angled his rump higher up. "Feel free to stuff me as hard as you like," he said, his voice showing signs of playful strain. "You can't actually hurt me, you know." After a moment, he added, "Though do be mindful of your claws; if I burst, someone will have to come and fix me and your time with me will be forfeited."

The way that Melbourne had appended his statement with that sort of afterthought intrigued Rikoshi; it was as if the dingo was speaking from more than just a preprogrammed template. Was he actually capable of having independent thoughts and afterthoughts? To test his theory, the skunk did begin to thrust harder, then ran the claws of one paw higher up the dingo's side, tensing them inward between hip and chest. "You want me to be careful?" he teased.

A soft, plaintive whine came from Melbourne. "Yes, please."

The skunk let one of his claws press in even harder, dimpling the rubber. "Yeah? Are you afraid I'll--"

"I'm afraid you'll pop me, yes!" the dingo cried out in interruption. There was very clear panic in his voice. "Please, just stop. I don't want to burst."

The sincerity in Melbourne's voice made Rikoshi stop right away. "Does that actually scare you?" the skunk asked, stopping his thrusts long enough to get some concerned words out. "Getting popped? Can't they just fix you?"

Melbourne's chest rose and fell like he was panting, gasping for air. "Probably, yeah," he said. "But what if one time they can't? Then they'll have to replace me and I'll just be gone." He shook his head and whimpered a little. "Plus, when there's nothing inside me, everything goes black and there's just--there's nothing."

Rikoshi wasn't sure what to say; he certainly hadn't meant to cause an existential crisis in the artificial mind of a walking, talking inflatable dog. Before he could say anything, though, Melbourne spoke up again. "I'm sorry. I'll be a good sex toy for you." He finished those words with another press of his hips backwards.

There were several questions rattling around inside the skunk's head, but the dingo's grinding insistence eventually caused more immediate concerns to take over. Bit by bit, the skunk started to build up his thrusting pace anew, reveling at how it felt to have the rubber around his dick contract and squeeze with such a perfect rhythm. Melbourne probably did have perfect control over his entire body, which went a long way to explaining how he was so good at what he did.

Barely a minute later, Rikoshi had forgotten all about Melbourne's brief panic episode. The skunk gripped the dingo's hips harder, the pads on his palms and fingers getting good traction on the smooth rubber, letting him fuck the yapping, whimpering sex toy good and rough. The harder Rikoshi pounded him, the more Melbourne cried out in ostensible pleasure, which in turn fueled Rikoshi's desire to keep thrusting, which then in turn--

The skunk threw his head back and let out a cry of bliss as he came inside of the inflatable dingo. Melbourne pawed at the mattress with clawless, air-filled fingers, his blown-up tail thwapping against the skunk's hip over and over. There was no musky smell of canine arousal in the air, though Rikoshi assumed that the dingo hadn't been designed like that. Even so, there was little doubt that Melbourne was overcome with deep satisfaction at what had transpired.

"That was very lovely," the dingo muttered. "It feels really nice when a guy gets off inside me."

Rikoshi gave that smooth, shiny rump an appreciative pat. "It feels really nice to get off inside you." Slowly, he pulled out, sighing as the hot grip around his shaft relented, the squeezing of the dingo's rear passage leaving the skunk's length almost completely clean.

"Sorry I didn't last longer," the skunk said as he rolled over onto his back, lying atop the bed. "I know the time block we have is pretty long, though, so maybe I'll bounce back before time's up, you know?"

Melbourne crawled atop the mattress, propping himself up above Rikoshi, smiling down at the skunk. "Actually," he said with a faint smirk, "after getting you off, I have instructions to take you someplace, first, before we continue."

"Take me someplace?" Rikoshi blinked. "But I was told we had to keep things confined to the rec room while we were together."

The dingo touched his firm nub of a nose against the skunk's. "These instructions supersede that," he said. "Trust me, nobody will get in trouble. Do you want me to fetch your clothes for you?"

Melbourne's servile nature as a bed partner was all well and good, but Rikoshi didn't want to treat him as a slave. "No, I can get them," the skunk said, realizing as he did so that he'd somehow started to think of the dingo as less of a thing and more of a person--not a complete person, mind, but something closer to one.

Soon, Rikoshi was dressed, though he still worried he might smell like sex; still, Melbourne had no real musk of his own, and most of the other facility techs would probably just assume that Rikoshi was having a somewhat more 'skunky' day than usual. Melbourne led the way down the hall, his own nudity nothing unusual.

Melbourne took Rikoshi not to the central lift, but to one of the auxiliary access lifts. Once inside, the inflatable dingo raised his muzzle and said, "Authorization Melbourne A-1." Underneath the row of selector buttons, a hidden panel slid open, revealing another set of buttons of levels of the facility Rikoshi hadn't even known existed. Melbourne pushed one of them, the panel slid closed again, and the lift descended.

The doors of the lift opened into a dimly lit corridor. Here, there were no open windows to the sea outside, though Rikoshi suspected little sunlight even reached this depth. The halls were eerily silent, the only sounds being the faint hum of machinery, Rikoshi's own breathing, and the occasional squeak of Melbourne's rubbery feet against smooth patches of floor.

"Now, just be forewarned," Melbourne said as he stopped in front of a door marked 'CL-1.' "What you see here may shock you, so if you need someone to hold your hand, I'm here from you." Despite his dire warning, the dingo sounded as cheerful as ever, and didn't wait for Rikoshi to respond before he opened the door.

The sight did indeed shock the little skunk. Filling the large room were rows and rows of tanks, some empty, most not. The ones that weren't empty were filled with people, in various stages of development, some mere juveniles, others looking like full-grown adults.

The rows of tanks were labeled, too. The nearest row on the left was labeled 'Jovaik,' and in the tank closest to the door floated a ferret with an unusual pattern of tan and cream fur. Floating in the row of tanks to the right--the ones labeled 'Kisaragi'--were identical red foxes, short and smallish like Rikoshi.

Beyond those rows, to either side, were other sets of tanks, and Rikoshi could see otters and wolves and other species harder to make out at a distance. The skunk was dizzy, though, and he wobbled on his feet, turning around and nearly falling over before Melbourne caught him in his arms. "It's all right, Rikoshi," the dingo said soothingly. "We don't need to stay long. Professor Kawahito just wanted me to show you this."

The skunk looked up, not entirely sure what he was seeing, but feeling nauseous because of it all the same. "What is this?"

"This is Cloning Lab One," Melbourne explained. "The professor refers to it as his 'meat locker,' which I think is kind of silly, personally."

Rikoshi found himself staring at one of the foxes. "Meat locker? Why's that?"

"The majority of the clones that professor grows here, he eventually uses as food." Melbourne smiled and spoke matter-of-factly. "He runs experiments on a lot of them, too, but he usually winds up eating them in the end afterwards, still."

The skunk turned and stared at the dingo, his eyes wide and his jaw slack. "He eats them? What does he do, butcher them and--"

"Oh, no, don't be ridiculous; he's not that cruel." Melbourne waved a dismissive paw. "He eats them whole and alive, and usually applies some kind of mental conditioning so that they find it pleasurable. It's actually very fun to watch when I get the chance."

Rikoshi was losing his balance again, but this time Melbourne let the skunk collapse partly against the nearest wall. "How does he eat them whole?"

Melbourne tilted his head in confusion, then giggled. "Oh, that's right!" he said. "I forgot you don't know." His puffy tail wagged to and fro. "Professor Kawahito is actually just over ten feet tall; when you techs see him over the monitors, though, you can't tell because there's no sense of scale.

"And since he's so large, he has very intense dietary requirements. Since it would be very difficult to simply keep importing individuals for consumption from the mainland, he grows them here in his so-called 'meat locker.' Even I have to admit it's a clever solution."

A distressing tightness swelled in Rikoshi's throat, and his stomach churned sickeningly. The tanks full of clones in this here 'meat locker,' all just food to feed the professor? "Why does Professor Kawahito want me to see this?" the skunk stammered. "Does he really expect me to keep quiet about this? I'll expose this whole operation and--"

Melbourne shook his head. "No, you won't," he said simply. "I think the reason the professor wanted you to see this was so that you could see how kind your fate is, this time around."

The dingo stepped up to the nearest tank with a red fox in it. "This is what you used to look like," he said, reaching up and settling a cartoony paw against the glass. "Well, the original you, that is--Rikoshi Kisaragi."

"That's... That's not my name," the skunk said.

"No, but it used to be," Melbourne said. "Well, that was his name; the professor actually ate him a long time ago, now."

Rikoshi couldn't shake one key phrase from his mind: 'the original you.' "So you're saying that I was created here? In the meat locker?"

Melbourne nodded. "Clone Eighty-Seven, to be precise," he said. "A few iterations ago, the professor decided to mix things up by turning you into a skunk, but still programming your mind with memories of your old life up to the point where you decided to join the crew here at the facility."

The skunk looked at the fox in the tank. On some weird level, the resemblance was kind of uncanny: the overall height and shape of the body frame, the curve of the hips, expression on the vulpine face. To think that he was just a modified clone of a fox that had been brought in to use in experiments and then devour--

"So that's it, then?" Rikoshi asked Melbourne. "I'm nothing but food, and the professor wants me to know it?"

Melbourne giggled. "No, silly," he said, waving his paw again. "I mean, okay, sometimes he does tell you that you're food because he likes to see you squirm, but you're not food this time. This time he has something special in store for you." He reached out and tapped the little skunk on the nose. "Don't worry! You're not going to die, I promise." The innocent smile on his face seemed so out-of-place now.

Rikoshi shook his head. "No," he said, standing up as tall as he could in defiance. "No, I'm not going along with this. I'm going back to the dorms and I'm telling the other techs about--"

"Otter chow." As soon as Melbourne said those two simple words, Rikoshi's words died on his tongue, and the skunk went still and docile. The dingo then took hold of the skunk's paw and said, "Come follow me back to the rec room."

And the skunk did. He fell obediently in line with the inflatable dingo, walking out of the cloning lab without a second thought spared for its insidious nature, and padded down the hallway back to the lift. He stood patiently as Melbourne brought them back up to the main residential level, and he said nothing to the coworkers he passed in the corridor on the way back to the rec room.

Once back inside the rec room, Rikoshi shook his head, realizing what had just happened. "Wait, hold on," he protested. "How did you do that?"

"It's just a safety precaution," Melbourne said. "And you're safe now, trust me. Now, take your clothes off and get back on the bed."

Rikoshi hesitated a moment, but then complied, knowing that if he didn't, Melbourne would just use that two-word trigger phrase again and make him do it, and the skunk wanted to retain as much dignity as he could at this point. Supposing the dingo was telling the truth--that he wasn't going to get eaten alive by the professor--then maybe there wasn't any harm in this. After all, Melbourne had taken him back to bed, not to the professor's private quarters, so that lent some credence to those claims.

As the skunk climbed up onto the mattress, Melbourne stepped in behind him. "On your paws and knees," he said, rubbing a soft, smooth paw against the small of the skunk's back in encouragement. "Your entertainment request profile said you liked being topped."

The skunk took slow, deep breaths, nervous and anxious now, knowing that he might be at Melbourne's complete command. "Well, yes, I suppose," he murmured, unsure how the inflatable dingo was even going to be capable of such. "Is this what the professor really had planned?"

"In part," Melbourne replied, stroking both paws along the skunk's stripes, from shoulders to tail. "Besides, isn't it nice to relax, otter chow?"

Rikoshi was willed into relaxing, the effect so subtle that he hadn't even noticed the trigger phrase right away. His fluffy tail lifted up, and a moment later, a firm, warm shaft brushed up along the fur between his rump cheeks. The skunk dipped his head down to look back underneath him, and sure enough, springing forth from between Melbourne's legs, emerging from some hidden sheath in the rubber that had been heretofore invisible, was the unmistakable shape of a hard canine cock, the same deep purple as the dingo's tongue.

"It's mimetic silicone," Melbourne said in an amused tone as Rikoshi took a look. "It hardens out of a liquid reservoir inside my lower body." One of his paws patted the skunk's butt. "I figured you were curious."

So, essentially, the dingo was equipped with a retractable dildo he could control with his mind. Silicone rubber or not, though, it radiated warmth equivalent to body heat, and it even drizzled at the tip as it rubbed and nudged beneath the skunk's tail. It leaked so much, in fact, that Rikoshi soon realized that it was, in effect, generating its own lube.

"That's it, stay relaxed," Melbourne urged as he pushed into the skunk. His silicone length was tapered at the tip, allowing for easy of entrance, then rapidly grew thicker. The thick lube leaking from the tip eased things along as the dingo forced his way deeper, a faint analgesic numbing the skunk's insides just enough to help with the relaxation.

"I, ah, didn't expect that we'd be doing this this afternoon," Rikoshi admitted, murmuring his words as a blush overtook his cheeks and ears. He rocked his hips slowly, pushing back against Melbourne's shaft, moaning in the back of his throat as inch after inch made its way into him. No longer did the skunk even think of it as a dildo; as far as he was concerned, it was just as good as--no, it was better than an actual canine shaft.

Melbourne settled into a series of slow, easy thrusts. He was leaky and smooth enough that he could have gone harder or faster, but he wasn't in any apparent rush. Rikoshi appreciated that, his own spent shaft beginning to stir again thanks to the attention to his prostate and the gentle, tender lovemaking he received from the inflatable dingo. The skunk let out a happy sigh, and in turn, the dingo patted the small of his back again.

"Hold still just a second," Melbourne then said, and he leaned all the way over Rikoshi's body to fish around in the drawer of the nightstand. The skunk didn't see what it was, and the unknown was rather enticing. Perhaps it was a cock ring, he thought, or some kind of additional lubricant, or--

A sudden prick in the side of his neck made Rikoshi squeak. "Shhh," Melbourne urged, and out of the corner of his eye, the skunk could see the dingo depressing the plunger on a syringe. "Just hold still." And a moment later, the needle was pulled free and set back on the nightstand.

"Wh-What was that?" Rikoshi stammered.

Melbourne rubbed at the spot where the needle had entered the skunk's neck. "That was your first injection," he said. "Don't worry. It won't hurt anything. Just relax."

And then, without any special words or phrases, Rikoshi found himself relaxing all on his own. His breathing slowed, and his vision lost focus. He kept himself propped up on all fours, and smiled with stupefied bliss as he let the dingo fuck him some more, good and slow, nice and deep. His black shaft drizzled faintly onto the sheets, its stiffness returning in full force.

"And now," Melbourne said in a tender whisper right into Rikoshi's ear, "here's your second injection." Another syringe slipped painlessly into Rikoshi's neck, and the skunk made no attempt to resist or complain. The dingo injected the contents slowly, taking longer than the shot before, but that may just have been the result of the skunk's relaxed state of mind.

For the next few moments, Melbourne went still, letting his artificial knot press against the base of Rikoshi's tail. The skunk took deep breaths, then felt a strange pain in his chest. No, not pain--just tension and mild discomfort, nothing to panic about. His muscles squeezed, and for a few seconds breathing was impossible, his lungs staying deflated as his ribcage contorted beneath the fur and skin.

There was some soft popping that reached Rikoshi's ears as his shoulders pulled in and grew narrower. At the first signs of anxiety, Melbourne began thrusting again, slowly, making the skunk whimper in distracted pleasure as his arms crackled and reshaped themselves too.

Before Rikoshi's eyes, his own fingers grew shorter, as if being pulled back into his paws. They shrank only a little bit, however, and then they spread further apart as a layer of webbing began to grow between them. There was a vaguely ticklish sensation as the skin rippled and grew into that shape.

The skunk's stubby ears flicked, then got even stubbier and more rounded. His muzzle rounded out, too, and became more blunt as his whiskers fell out, replaced by thicker ones that grew out like magic. The soft black-and-white fur on his face thickened and became bristlier.

"Oh, my, that's working fast, isn't it?" Melbourne mused aloud in mild surprise. He thrust faster and harder, the bulb of his knot stretching out the skunk's entrance more and more with each insistent push. "It's terribly exciting."

Rikoshi tilted his head back, letting out a combined moan of pleasure and whimper of anxiety as the tingling sensation ran all the way down his spine. His big, bushy tail lashed about on its own accord, and the base of it throbbed and pulsed--and not just because of the rubber shaft pumping underneath it. Fur fell out in great clumps, and the skunk's snug rear passage got even tighter as the root of his tail thickened several times over.

The fur all over the skunk's back rippled and stood on end, and Melbourne let out a soft giggle. "Aw, goodbye, stripes. Those were pretty handsome, I have to admit," he said, pausing the motions of his hips as he looked down. The skunk felt his knees buckle as his legs changed shape subtly, and his little toes popped and crackled as they, too, were forcibly spread apart as webbing grew between them as well.

With an earnest howl that didn't sound the least bit staged or artificial, Melbourne locked his solid knot into Rikoshi's backside, then bucked good and hard for several moments longer before collapsing against the skunk's--no, against the river otter's back, his silicone cock spewing thick, warm liquid in long-lasting spurts.

The last thing Rikoshi felt change was his own cock. With his head hanging down between his arms, he watched as the shiny black flesh changed to a nice, soft pink, his white-furred sheath slimming up and changing to a grayish-brown as a ripple of pleasure rolled through it. The warm substance that Melbourne had ejaculated inside of him coated the nub of his prostate, and with a hot pulse, it triggered a forceful climax from the skunk-turned-otter, his brand-new dick jerking with sensitive contractions as it sprayed the sheets underneath him.

Several dizzy moments later, Rikoshi was lying on his side, with Melbourne tucked against his back, tied beneath his rudderlike tail. He shifted his arms and legs atop the sheets, staring at his webbed paws, feeling the way his slinkier frame moved, shivering at the texture of his slick fur against the smooth silk fabric underneath him.

Melbourne stroked the otter's trim belly. "Did you like that?" he asked. Rikoshi just nodded. "Good," the dingo continued. "Because our time's almost up, sadly."

He reached into the drawer again. "But first," he whispered as he licked at one of the otter's cookie-shaped ears with his liquid tongue, "it's time for your third injection." The soft sting of another needle pricked Rikoshi's exposed throat.

"Then, it's off to the engram mapper," the inflatable dingo said, "so that we can give you a nice new personality to go with your nice new look before Clone Eighty-Eight is ready."

A soft, airy squeak of faint protest only made it halfway out of Rikoshi's lips before things went dark.


It had taken Kepparu a few weeks to get used to life in the undersea facility run by Professor Kawahito. The young river otter had been a graduate student back on the surface for a few years, and while getting to work for such an esteemed scientist came as a huge surprise to him, it was undoubtedly an incredible opportunity. It did, however, require a big adjustment to his social life.

Still, he was getting degree credit for his work here at the facility, and given how the lab techs were housed in a common dormitory area, it was kind of like he was able to live undergraduate life all over again--except this time, he got to hang out with cool, like-minded people who cared about science and learning in addition to just getting hammered every week (getting hammered was apparently limited to once a month down here).

Also, although fraternizing was frowned upon by both the professor and the ranking staff, Kepparu had begun something of a clandestine relationship with one of his coworkers, a red fox named Rikoshi who was a tech over in one of the biology labs. They'd hooked up one time after one of the monthly getting-hammered get-togethers, and since then, here and there, when time and privacy allowed, they enjoyed some quality time together.

This morning, Rikoshi was especially bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Kepparu had tried to corner the little fox all morning to see what the deal was, but didn't have a chance to until they both met up in the cafeteria for lunch.

"Okay, foxy, you gotta tell me," the otter said with a big grin as he devoured his plate of fresh fish. "What's got your wagger going this morning?"

The fox grinned ear to ear. "Oh, did I not tell you?" he said, leaning in further over the table to help keep their conversation more secret. "Last week I put in a request for some time with Melbourne, and my direct supervisor finally approved it this time!"

"Aw, man, you're getting some time with Melbourne?" Kepparu said. "Lucky. The last time I put in a request it was denied. They said I was still 'too new.'"

Rikoshi poked his fork at his food absentmindedly as he grinned back at the otter. "Don't worry," he said. "Once we get some more alone time, I promise to tell you all about it," he said with a flirty wink. "According to the response I got, Melbourne's got some special treatment in store for me."

In the Name of Science

"_ **In** _ _ **the** _ _ **Name** _ _ **of** _ _ **Science** __ **"** _ _by Teebo_ This story itself is copyright © to me. Rikoshi and Atari belong to their respective players. It was times like this that reassured Rikoshi Kisaragi...

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Supply and Demand

**"Supply and Demand"** by Teebo _Notes: I wrote this story as part of a trade for my good buddy Kimmerset. I can only hope that this story is half as good as the one he ends up putting out._ * * * Waking up next to Kimmerset...

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The Price of Displeasure

**"The Price of Displeasure"** by Teebo _Notes: This is my first story on Yiffstar, so please let me know what you think! I'd really like to know what people think of my stories and my writing. I hope you enjoy it!_ The silk...

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