Untitled Story (A Praxely Tale) 5

Story by Vyktor on SoFurry

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#5 of Untitled Story Series

After a long long time, the story finally continues. I hope this is the start of many more to come.



It's been a very, VERY long year for me. But right now I need some time to myself, so here is my attempt to unwind and relax a bit. I haven't written anything in a long time, so I feel like it's time for me to get back to it. Sit back and enjoy the read.

Part 1: http://www.sofurry.com/view/227473

Part 2: http://www.sofurry.com/view/227535

Part 3: http://www.sofurry.com/view/227748

Part 4: http://www.sofurry.com/view/231543

A my awoke with a start. Her chest was heaving, and she let out a loud cough with her first deep breath. Her neck was sore, as was her shoulder, and she gently prodded the area with her fingers to inspect it. She felt bandaging, gauze, and medical tape wrapped around her shoulder. Apparently Victor had cleaned the bite while she was unconsious.

Slowly, she sat up in her bed, wincing slightly at the pain in her shoulder. She scanned the room slowly, unable to turn her head all the way to the left due to the bandages.


The reply was quiet, instead of firm, "Here."

Amy swung her legs off the bed and looked for him. He had been sitting off to her left in one of the cheap folding chairs Amy had in her apartment. She couldn't exactly afford anything really nice between the bills. He was sitting, staring at her. His sunglasses were off, and his hair...

"You cut your hair?? Why?"

Indeed he had. His hair wasn't long anymore. Rather, it was shaggy, parts of it coming near to his eyes.

"Not important. I want to know how you're feeling. Any pain, any discomfort."

She gazed at him, at his eyes. Those eyes that she had never seen before today. They weren't red like before, now instead they shone a mixture of green and blue. She drank in his eyes, staring as deeply as possible. She didn't know when she would be able to see them again, they were so beautiful...

"Amy, hello. I asked you a question."

Amy blinked, coming back to herself. She shook her head and winced again as her shoulder tweaked a bit.

"Right, well...just a bit of pain from where you bit. If I move too fast, my shoulder pinches. Otherwise, I'll manage. How long was I asleep for?"

"About 3 hours, give or take. I dressed your wound, and let you rest."

He wrung his hands nervously, his eyes looked sad and worried.

"Were you watching me while I slept?"

He nodded once curtly. Confirmation that Amy was pretty sure she didn't need. She glanced around her room, and saw that nothing obvious was out of place.Nothing looked like it had been moved or taken. She immediately blushed with shame for thinking it. She hadn't known Victor that long, but one thing she knew for certain was that he was no thief, and he had stuck around to make sure she was allright.

Victor stared at her, watching every movement intently, probably trying to gague wether she was hurt more than she let on or not.

"Vick, I'm fine. Honest. I'm a big girl, I can handle a little pain. But what about you? Your...needs? Have they been met?"

He nodded slowly. Very slowly. As if admitting it was a sin in the eyes of any god.

He then slid his sunglasses back on and stood up, striding from the room in a few steps. Amy slid out of the bed, aware of the courtesy Victor had given her. She was in nothing but her undergarments, just a bra and her panties. Victor must have stripped her to put her in bed. Vaguely she wondered if her shirt was soaked with blood, but she decided it didn't matter. She was definitely interested in this man. Vampire or not, he was worth pursuing simply because of his mannerisms. He was kind for the most part, and on top of everything else...

He's a man. A real man, not some boy playing at being grown up. He knows how to handle himself, and he knows how to deal with people around him. Plus, he's not after sex. That's a major bonus to me, though I don't think I would mind it with him...

Mentally, she shook the thought out. She didn't know if he'd even be interested in her like she was with him, and at the moment, she needed to sort alot of things out before she would even entertain the idea. She stood up and wobbled a bit, feeling lightheaded from the blood loss.

She went to her dresser, and pulled clean clothes out before heading to the bathroom to change. While in the bathroom, she checked herself in the mirror. Her fur was still as shiny as yesterday, save for her left shoulder which was covered in gauze.

Great. That's going to hurt taking it off. And it's going to pull hair out, too.

That thought led to another, funnier one, as she imagined Victor picking her fur out from between his teeth while she had been passed out. She giggled softly, her tail flicking around in anticipation for the day. She checked her watch, and was pleased it was only 4 pm. They still had the night to themselves, and Amy definitely wanted to take him out on a date.

She paused at the thought. Perhaps "date" was too strong a word. She simply wanted to hang out with Victor, and learn more about him. Yet...

Yet I can't lie to myself. I know that I wouldn't mind things getting more intimate with him. But I have no idea how he'd take that. He'd probably push me away like he did with Eden and Kat. Oh god! And he probably hates me for doing that to him, anyway!

She sighed, her ears drooping some. No sense in worrying about it at the moment. She'd try and hint to it during their not-date, and play it out from there. She dressed quickly after removing the wrappings. Surprisingly, the bite had already begun to heal, though Amy figured it was something like vampire healing or whatnot. She pulled her top on gently, taking her time to slide her left arm through the sleeve, before pulling it down her midriff. Human girls looked sexy when they showed stomach, but for an anthro, having wild unkempt fur sticking out every which way looked exactly the opposite, so she wore a tight short sleeved T-shirt that accentuated her breasts and curves, hoping that it would give Victor ideas.

She finished dressing and went out to the living area which also doubled as a kitchen. Victor was sitting on the couch, staring at the wall.

"Hey. Let's go do something tonight."

Victor turned to look at her, tilting his head slightly in a questioning manner.

"There's a place I know, serves good food and drink. We could go there and just chat. It's usually quiet, unlike where I work."

Victor stared at her quietly for a few long seconds, before nodding his head and standing up.

"Sounds fine. As long as you feel up to it. You need sustenance and fluids anyway to replace the blood you lost. What kind of food do they serve?"

"Pretty much anything you want, their menu is very wide in taste. Elephant Bar, have you ever heard of it?"

Somehow, Amy figured he had. After all, he was an ageless vampire. She doubted there was much he didn't know.

"Yeah, about that. I'm not rich, you know. I can't afford a place like that."

"Simple, you pay for you, I pay for me. Sound good?"

He sighed, a defeated sound as he nodded his head in agreement. Amy grabbed her coat and locked the door on the way out, resolving to end this night in a special way. They headed down to the car, and she threw her coat into the back seat, telling herself she'd wear it if it got too cold during the night. She pulled out of the lot, and began the drive, Victor sitting quietly in the seat next to her.

You are definitely someone I want to know better, Victor. And I'm going to get you in bed with me. I promise you that.



Untitled Story (A Praxely Tale) 6

A Praxely Tale Authors Note: Part 6 is finally here. Hope you all enjoy. Also, I added all these stories to a folder, just subscribe to the folder to get updates whenever I add a new installment. Also, I know the story is taking a bit longer than...

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Untitled Story (A Praxely Tale) 6

**A Praxely Tale** **Authors Note:** Part 6 is finally here. Hope you all enjoy. Also, I added all these stories to a folder, just subscribe to the folder to get updates whenever I add a new installment. It took them an extra half hour to...

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Love in odd places: a High school tale

(This tale is a farce) Authors Edit: Its come to my attention that my story lacks in many areas, so before you read, I'll make things clear as I can. For one, those of you who think you know what's going to happen in the story, stop thinking that....

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