Adoptive Needs Chapter Three - Instincts

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#2 of adoptive needs

Mitch gets coaxed into taking a swim with his sister, and instincts come to play once more.

Adoptive Needs Chapter 3 - Instincts

Mitch grumbled slightly, perking an ear up as he heard his name being called. From the sounds of it, he was fairly certain it was his sister, Bethany. She was knocking on his door and it was clear she wanted something. He paused his game, tossing the controller on the side of the bed and made his way over to the door. Slowly he opened it.

"Yes? What do you want?" He looked over at his sister; the wolf morph shook his head slightly. He felt out of place most of the time, being a wolf morph in a house full of humans. He was the same age as his sister Bethany, and if it wasn't for her, he'd probably gone insane by this point. He had been adopted into the family and had been raised if he was one of their own children, so it wasn't like he an outsider by any means. Bethany and he were the same age, having celebrated their sixteenth birthdays only a few weeks earlier.

She was wearing her bright red swimsuit, which means that she only wanted to do one thing really, and he wasn't looking forward to it. Most likely she had wanted to go swimming, and since their parents didn't trust them alone in the pool for safety reasons, if one went swimming, the other had to be there as well. "Come on Mitch, I want to go swimming. It's like ninety five degrees outside; it's perfect for a swim. Don't you want to go outside?" She was bouncing on her heels slightly he shook his head a little. Bethany and Mitch had been given a pair of matching swimsuits. As one of the guests decided to put it, that way they could look alike, regardless of being different species.

"Not really Beth. It's fine for you; you aren't wearing a fur coat." He stuck his tongue out in response to her own. "Though since you've already gotten dressed, I don't have much of a choice do I?" Mitch padded over to his bed, saving his game and then turning off the TV and the game system. His sister was staring at him, he tried to shoo her out of the room. "Go on... Out. You don't need to watch me get changed." Mitch felt a little embarrassed when she didn't leave the room, instead closing the door and grinning a little.

Bethany smiled widely at him, still bouncing on her heels. "Well come on, just get changed already. Not like I haven't seen you naked when you were a pup." He knew it wasn't going to be worth the effort to get her out of the room until he had changed. It didn't help the bit of embarrassment that he felt, his eyes sneaking glances at her through the swimsuit. She was fairly slender girl, not being curvy like most of the girls they knew, though it seemed she prefer to be a bit plain. The swimsuit hugged her body rather tightly, and did little to support her breasts, the rocking on her heels causing those b-cup breasts to bounce. He snuck a glance down between her legs, his ears folding back slightly noticing the prominent camel toe in the swimsuit, and he turned and hurried to get changed.

Sometimes he hated being the trophy case for his parents; he knew that they loved him, though they wasted no chance in showing off how they had helped raise him. A little smirk crossed his muzzle, wondering if they'd still love him knowing that most of Anna's pups they had sold off the past few years were his. Or at the thought of Mr. Sandledge, their neighbor down the way was paying him for stud services to his wolves after he babysat them last year. The birthday party felt overwhelming for him, but his sister stayed by his side the whole night and made it bearable. Mitch figured that he couldn't argue too much if his sister decided she wanted to go swimming, it wasn't terribly often she pestered him for it.

Mitch stripped to his fur, tossing his shorts on the floor as he padded over to the pile of clothes in the corner. There was a fairly large selection of stuff, mainly things he was given from the birthday party and figured that the one of the maids would put it away for him if he asked. When he stood up and turned, he noticed that his sister was staring at him, blushing as he realized the little show that he had given his sister. "What? Do I have something in my fur or?" He growled slightly, feeling a little irritated at how intently she stared at him.

"Nothing..." Her cheeks were tinged with blush, and he knew that it wasn't anything. He followed her gaze and noticed where her eyes were focused upon. If it wasn't for the fact that he had thick fur to hide it, he could feel the heat in his cheeks. As a wolf morph, they tended to mature a bit more than humans, and his sexual activities he occasionally indulged in only helped. Being sixteen he was developing fairly well, his build was stocky now, but he just shy of six feet tall. He stood up and looked at the Speedo, it was tiny and he knew all it was going to do was make his package stick out. He felt a little rush, standing here nude in front of his sister, and also the fact she was looking at his penis didn't help. Being a wolf morph, he lacked the sheath of his feral cousins, his penis being a cross between a human and a wolf. It was mostly flaccid, hanging between his legs about four or five inches long, below it was a very heavy pair of testicles covered in a rich coat of fur. He shivered slightly, feeling a bit of heat rushing to his groin a small bead of precum leaking from his cock tip. Mitch hurried and pulled the swimsuit up, using his fingers to adjust it so it fit comfortably. Bethany just stood there as he moved past her, smirking, he gave her rump a smack to get her moving.

"Come on sis, you wanted me to get changed... let's go before I change my mind." Mitch's ears perked up, he could have sworn his sister moaned when his paw hit her rump. He shook his head, and followed Bethany through the house and then outside to the pool. Being a horny young man, he couldn't help but stare as his sister's rump, the bright red material hugged it tightly. Mitch panted a bit, partially from the fact of the heat, and partially cause his sister bent over to lay her towel down on the deck of the pool. He hated the summers here, due to a combination of the heat, and the fact it was always humid. When you had a permanent fur coat, it made the situation fairly unpleasant. The two kids didn't waste any time, jumping into the pool and relaxing in the cool water. They fooled around a bit in the water, splashing and generally acting silly. They were distracted with their splashing; they didn't realize their mother had come over to the pool until the snapping of her fingers got their attention.

"Now children, your father and I will be back in a few hours. Mr. Sandledge is throwing a party this evening and invited us along with a few others. Now, your nanny, Ruth, Should be here around eight pm or so, I'd like you to be out of the pool, homework and such done before she gets here." Both children nodded, staring up at their parent. Mitch didn't care much for the nanny, but his mother was the alpha female here so he didn't want to upset her. "Remember, she's here to serve you two, but also to make sure you stay out of trouble. Please, both of you be careful in the water. We will see you two later."

Mitch watched as his mother left, giving a little growl. The way she commanded everything in the home, and how everyone obeyed her without question was such a turn on for him, she was what every wolf wanted in an alpha female. Sometimes he was jealous of the fact she was with their father. He shook his head to clear those thoughts, noticing that Bethany wasn't paying attention; he swam over quietly to her. "Ha!" He dunked his sister under the water, watching as she came up spitting water.

"Hey! That's not funny Mitch." Bethany pouted, but he could see the corners of her lips curled in a smile. A moment later, they were laughing. Mitch got an idea, and decided to see if he could convince his sister to go along with it.

"Hey... we are alone for a little bit. Wanna misbehave?" He watched as Bethany swam towards him, looking at her brother a bit.

"Misbehave? What do you mean?" He didn't say anything, swimming to the edge of the pool. Mitch reached under the water, slipped his swimsuit off and set it on the desk near the edge.

Bethany's eyes went wide when she realized what he did. "Bet you won't do that..." He swam around the water; it was a much more enjoyable feeling without the swimsuit hugging tightly on him. Ever since he had been with the wolves for those days last year, he found it irritating to wear clothing and tried to go nude whenever he got the chance. He'd done a bit of research on wolf morphs, and it turned out that most of his breed shared that preference, usually only wearing clothes when around other humans. Mitch slowly ran his tongue along his muzzle, staring at his sister. "Is little Bethany chicken?" The wolf morph flapped his arms in the water, making clucking sounds as the water splashed around him.

"Fine... but you better not tell anyone, or I'll..." She bit her lip, it was clear she was trying to think of a way to threaten him. "Or I'll shave your tail!" Bethany swam to the edge of the pool; she turned and bared her back to Mitch, and a few moments later her swimsuit sat next to his on the deck. He felt a little odd, staring at his sister now, feeling his penis stirring under water. Smooth flawless skin covered her entire body, and it was clear that puberty was just beginning to bless her body. Six months ago her chest was flat, but now she had a supple pair of B-cup breasts with a pair of dark stiff nipples jutting out in the cool water. A glance to her groin made him growl slightly, between her legs was a fairly thick patch of jet black pubic hair.

"I won't..." Mitch spoke up after a moment, his thoughts a little unfocused. They swam around the cool water, enjoying the sensation before he dove under the water. The wolf morph's muzzle pressed against his sister's groin as he swam between her legs, he loved the way that thick hair tickled his muzzle for a moment. He surfaced behind his sister, hugging his large paws around her. "Mmm you feel really warm in the water sis..." His tongue slowly ran along the rim of her ear, the sensation making her shiver against him. Being this close, his semi aroused shaft pressed against her rump cheeks, growing stiffer by the moment.

"Mitch?" There was a bit of confusion in Bethany's voice, giving her neck a soft lick this time. His paws made their way around, cupping her breasts under the water. Slowly his fingers ran small circles over her stiff nipples, making her whimper and moan. "T... This is naughty. You... you aren't behaving."

There was no response from the wolf morph, his tongue slowly ran along the back of her neck feeling the goose bumps forming and he brushed his sharp teeth against the skin teasingly. When his sister leaned her head forward, Mitch rolled his hips slowly, grinding himself between her rump cheeks. A soft voice escaped his muzzle, whispering to his sister. "That's a good girl Beth... now spread your legs for me... relax okay?" He couldn't explain it; he felt a maddening urge to keep rocking against her. The fact it was his sister only aroused him even more, his wolf hood was now fully erect, standing a firm nine inches long and as thick as three of his fingers.

Mitch felt his sister spread her legs after a few moments that act of submission making him shiver against her. He kept slowly rolling his hips, changing the angle as his maleness slid between her legs, rubbing against her mound. His sister whimpered softly. "M... Mitch?" When she tried to move away from him, he couldn't help the reaction. Mitch growled at his sister, not the typical playful growl when they wrestled, but a deeper more threatening growl. It was close to the sounds the dogs made around people they didn't like. "Mitch... please... doesn't hurt me." His paw slid down, fingers stroking through that thick patch of pubic hair, his shaft brushing against her folds. Mitch licked his sister's ear, whispering into it, trying to sound as gentle as he could, though every fiber in his being told him otherwise.

"I'm not going to hurt you... I... I need you." He felt her nod slowly; his eyes were closed, panting heavily. Those fingers of his spread her folds, caressing the stiff nub of her clit, coaxing a moan from Bethany's lips. Mitch could feel the heat of her mound against his shaft even with the chill of the water. Mitch moaned into her ear. "I'm going to mount you." The words coming out as a soft growl, as he heeded his instincts. Mitch pushed forward, his cock tip nudging her entrance slowly open as he felt that silken heat, grunting as he thrust fully into her. The wolf morph barely heard his sister cry out in pain and shudder. She felt far different than Anna or the wolves, not as tight, but it was a much better sensation.

"Mitch! What are you doing?" Bethany whimpered squirming against him. He felt her walls clenching slightly around his thick flesh. "We can't do this..." Both of the children had sexual education courses in school and knew the risks involved. Here was Mitch, buried balls deep within his sister, without a condom, or the protection of birth control on his sister's part. Mitch growled softly, rolling his hips as he licked his sister's neck, ignoring her words. He felt that bit of flesh give and tear when he hilted himself inside her, instincts telling him that he was the first male to mount her, it filled the young male with an odd sort of pride.

"Yes we can sis... and we are." He grunted, pushing hips forward slowly over and over, causing his sister to rock slightly in the water. Slowly he moved his sister close to the edge, near their swimsuits and he watched her reach out and gripped the deck. "You're part of my pack now... I'm the alpha male." Even as the words escaped his muzzle, they sounded oddly appropriate, and with his sister under him, she was where she belonged. His hands slowly slid along her smooth flesh, fingers intertwining with her own, giving them a light squeeze. Mitch panted slightly, jerking his hips slowly feeling as Bethany's passage started to gently clench and milk his shaft. She felt wonderful around his length, and he knew that he wouldn't last long. Giving her ear a lick, he whispered. "You feel good... I'm going to tie with you sis... then I'm going to shoot my hot seed into your belly." At this point, both of the teenagers were panting a bit heavily. A deep growl left Mitch's muzzle when he felt his sister start to push back against him, meeting his thrusts. The wolf morph's heavy balls swayed in the water, filled with potent wolf cum, but thankfully infertile human seed. That was a benefit of wolf morphs that only a few people knew. Their human genes didn't become fully fertile until they were closer in age to eighteen or nineteen. Mitch lightly nipped his sister's shoulder, dragging his teeth along her back.

"Oh Mitch..." His ears perked up, he didn't expect his sister to moan his name, considering he basically forced himself onto her. Mitch thrusted firmly into his sister, the water churning and splashing up around them. Their soft moans filled the air, the wolf morph's knot starting to swell. He grinded it against her entrance, listening to her moan for him. "I don't care if you cum in me... just don't stop... feels so good, better than my toys." Her words filled him with a sense of pride, making him growl and nod.

"You won't need those toys anymore..." Grunting softly, she had nodded slowly. "Your alpha is going to take care of you from now on..." He pressed his knot against her entrance, grinding his hips until it slipped inside her. The sensation caused both of the teens to moan out loudly. "Fuck... so tight." Jerking his hips, he panted and a few moments later stiffening against his sister. "G... Going to cum inside you... make you mine." Mitch felt his balls draw tight against his body, his shaft pulsing inside his sister, flooding her belly with his heat. They both moaned at the feeling, Mitch sliding a finger down to stroke Bethany's clit, helping her climax with him. When his sister cried out from her orgasm, Mitch growled one word deeply into her ear. "Mine."

Bethany leaned back against him, and when her orgasm subsided, she nodded and blushed. "Yes... I'm all yours brother. I... I can't wait to do this again with you." Her words caused Mitch to blush slightly, his head clearing up and letting him focus. The entire time they were in the water waiting for his knot to shrink, Mitch's paw stroked his sister's belly.

"Mmm sis..." Bethany turned to look at him. His paw cupped her groin, making her moan softly. "I love your pussy hair... don't shave it. You can trim it... but leave most of it here for your alpha." She nodded, they spent almost fifteen minutes tied together, in which his shaft just drooled more of his hot seed into her. Thankfully he wasn't fertile yet, or that would have caused a number of problems the two weren't quite ready for yet. When they finally separated, Mitch yelped feeling the cold water hitting his rather sensitive shaft. It was a rather intense shock from the hot depths of his sister, to the cold water of the pool.

He watched his sister climb out of the water, kneeling on all fours on the desk as she picked up her swimsuit. Mitch growled watching a bit of pink fluid dribble from his sister. He knew that was from the fact he took her virginity and she didn't seem too mad at him. "L... Let's get changed before the nanny gets here Mitch. I don't want to get in trouble."

"That's a good idea." Mitch pulled himself out of the water effortlessly. The wolf morph was glad that the pool wasn't in direct view of the house. Oddly enough, he felt embarrassed thinking what the maids or such would think, seeing him standing here dripping water. Mitch watched his sister slip her swimsuit back on; he decided to tease her a little. "So sis... Do I look the same as when we used to take baths together when I was little?" He watched those cheeks go rosy with blush, licking his muzzle slightly.

"No... You look a lot better." He dressed in his swimsuit, toweling himself off the best he could. The pair made their way to the house, towels wrapped around their waists. When they passed the dog runs, Anna came over and licked his fingers as they drug along the fence. One of the newer males they had just gotten came over, growling at Bethany and Mitch. His sister ignored it and kept walking, it wasn't unusual, but for some reason it really bothered him this time. He stopped, glancing at his sister making sure she was still heading to the house. Mitch turned and leaned in close to the fence, the dog growled at him baring its teeth. Mitch felt overwhelmed with the urge to challenge this dog, he snarled deeply at the canine, the only thought racing through his head. "How dare this dog challenge me in front of my bitch? All the noises from the dog stopped, it paused and lowering it's ears, backed away whimpering slightly. He gave Anna's muzzle a pat and started towards the house once more. The young wolf morph couldn't help but grin, noticing that Bethany had gone inside already.

Once he had gotten to his bedroom, he dried himself off completely using his blow dryer taking the time to brush his fur out as he sat on the bed. Mitch reached over, grabbing his laptop; he was a bit confused as to why he was acting so odd. Other than the occasion indulgence with Anna when she was in heat, and those few days at Mr. Sandledge's with his wolves, he never had any sort of attraction towards humans. Mitch slowly perused the forums that he joined, a sort of help guide for young morphs growing up. There was a post that caught his attention.

Turns out, without an actual mate ship or pack to spend time with, sexual frustration can mount for wolf morphs. Since he didn't have any wolf morphs close that he could spend time with, he instinctively went for those that would be considered pack mates. He was still a bit lost on those maddening urges for a pack that sometimes plagued his thoughts. It had never been a thought until that week or so he spent with the feral wolves. Another forum posting touched on that, explaining that it was a natural drive, especially for young males on their own, or lone males. It also tended to happen when wolf morphs were isolated from their mates for a long period. There was a small warning on the article, that sometimes lone wolves would use sex as a way to assert themselves as an alpha male of a human family. It wasn't unheard of for families living in far away areas to have a wolf morph with the family, both for protection and also as a provider. A little sigh escaped Mitch's muzzle, hoping he could convince his parents to let him visit one of the wolf clusters, otherwise if his instincts kept asserting themselves could cause a lot of problems.

Mitch blushed, thinking back to the fact that he had sex with his own sister! They both enjoyed it, and that in of itself was a fairly dirty act. If anyone found out, they could get into a lot of trouble as it was still heavily frowned upon in society. He bit his lip, thinking that he didn't use any sort of protection and emptied in his sister. Mitch pushed it out of his mind, turning his attention to his homework, eating dinner in his room, wanting to try and avoid people for the evening.

He was determined to not let it happen again, but as the night dragged on, he found himself thinking about his sister. During the warmth of the summer he usually wore a pair of boxers and a light shirt. This evening he had skipped the shirt, just in a pair of skimpy boxers, relaxing in his computer chair glancing at the screen. His paw reached down and squeezed the bulge softly. The sensation caused him to moan, letting his eyes drift close. "Oh Bethany..." His fingers started to stroke and massage his thickening shaft under the material. The wolf morphs thoughts started to wander, the image of his sister being replaced by that of their nanny.

Ruth was a good woman, in her late forties. Mitch didn't like her terribly much, mostly due to the fact that she wasn't intimidated by him like most of their other caretakers had been. Even though she was an older woman, Mitch often watched as she walked through the home, her rump fairly soft and large looking. She had been the object of his fantasies sometimes, but this time it was different. He pushed his boxers down around his ankles, paw wrapping around his maleness. A soft growl escaped his muzzle, imagining himself taking her on all fours, a collar wrapped around that neck, those big breasts bouncing as he pushed himself up into his paw. "Mmm Ruth... that's right. Nothing but a bitch for the alpha to breed full of puppies..." His muzzle hung open a bit, slowly speeding up his stroking. Lost in his arousal and the fantasy in his head, Mitch didn't notice that his door had open and then closed. He whined slightly, one paw working over his shaft, the other sliding down to caress his growing knot. "That's right you bitch... I'm going to cum in your belly Ruth and breed my pups into you..." The sound of a throat being cleared made him spin around in the chair glancing up. Ruth stood in his room, her arms crossed in front of her, hefting those breasts up slightly with a very upset look on her face.

"And what were you going to do to me young man? I expect an answer." Mitch's ears perked up, growling as a shiver went down his spine.

"You heard me bitch." Growling deeply, Mitch kept stroking himself as his hips jerked slightly. He watched as the nanny's eyes went wide in surprise. His maleness lurched in his grip, thick jets of mostly clear seed shooting onto his belly, soaking the fur. His fingers kept running up and down his shaft, milking it as he soaked his paw and groin with his musky seed. He lifted that paw to his muzzle, licking it clean as Ruth just stood there watching him. "I'm sure you heard me, I'm going to fuck your little pussy until I've gotten you pregnant. I think it's time you learned just who the alpha male is here." Mitch stood up, running that large tongue along of his along his fingers, watching the blush slowly spread on Ruth's face. The wolf made his way towards her, his cock was still hard and aching, dripping his precum onto the floor. Thinking about the forum post from earlier, the wolf morph wasn't sure if he wanted to resist those urges anymore.

-=The end=-

Any donations would help, please direct them over on paypal to SteamPunk Stallion. It helps make my life a bit easier, and I can keep putting out more stories. My Paypal Address is: [email protected] Please don't mention anything bout adult content. Thank you.